OCR Interpretation

The Garland globe. [volume] (Garland, Utah) 1906-191?, November 14, 1908, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058179/1908-11-14/ed-1/seq-7/

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Nothing I Ate
Agreed With Me.
ff fig 7 fmji :: KsBSLW
Mrs. Lwofl Itmlrnlinmrr, ft, F. I). It
Box I'll. Krinrrsvillo, S. ('., writes:
"I MilTVrt'd with stomach trouble ;nnl
Indigestion foreoms timi', iinil imtliiiitf
that I nlc SgjieStl with inn. whs wry
nervous imil experienced n continual
feeling cf uneasiness and tear. 1 t(),,
medicine from the doctor, but It did OSS
HO food.
"1 found in om of your I'eruna hooks
a di'M-riptiiui of my kv inptoniH. I then
wrote to Dr. Hurt mini for advice. He
.-.I ! I had catarrh of the stomach,
took IVriiiia and Manalin and followed
his ilirect inns and can now say that I
feel us well as I ever did.
. "I hope that all whoare afflicted with
Or the Mime symptoms will take I'eruna,
as it has certainly cured me."
The alinvo is onlv one of hundreds
who have written similar letters to Dr.
1 1 :itt in a n. Just one such case us this
entitles l'i runa to the candid consider
ation of everyone similarly afflicted. If
this he tru of t lie testimony of one per
son what ouirht to he the testimony of
hundreds, yes thousands, of honest, sin
cere people. We have in our flies a
print many other testimonials.
Tune Kermit Whistled.
Mr. WW. Miller, a well-known law
yer, tells an anecdote of Kermit Roose
velt, the president's son.
"I was nctitiK as steward," suys Mr
Miller, "In some nyntkliana rnces at
Oyster Day a few weeks aso, and one
of the events was a race In which the
i nntistaiits hail la ride a Riven dis
tance to a certain spot where an eipial
nurnhor of young ladles stood with
pencil, paper and envelope. Kach
rider had lo dismount here and whis
tle a tune, the lady writing Its name
down on the paper. She then had to
seal it up In the envelope and hand
It to the rider, who remounted and
finished the race, delivering the en
velti e to the judges' stand The first
one In with a correct answer won the
"As steward, I was deputized before
the nice to write down the name of
- the tune each entrant would whistle.
What are you going to whistle?" 1
asked young Kermit.
"I'm going to whistle 'Kvryumly
Works bat Father,' " said the presi
dent's sou.
Dertha Ilertle, you are simply im
possible. Iiei tie Nothing la Impossible.
Hi rtha That's what I said.
Public Credulity.
After muklng full allowance for the
Increased spending power of the
masses, figures prove conclusively that
C. nniultliMiiiitling the wide diffusion of
knowledge, the spread of education
and Hie raising of the standard of In
telllgence among the people, the an
DM of the quack and the charlatan
to the credulity of the public meets
with a readier response than ever.
London Hospital.
"WeSs.".-; Thompion'i Eye Water
. I Beware of the Cough I '
H tlMt hangs on prrsiMcutly, I
HVI In il.i .p. juur '111' rest it i-d 191
HaM t x ! i nil wnli iulcucc tpfsfl
ESi t'li1''! n A few doses IfH
'SM f 1 "' Cure will relieve won- Rflfl
B9 'I Dully any Louph, no nutter W
fJ li iw far advanced or ru-ri u. gj
I It , luMiesanilltu.iUtlieirritatcd NIB
mfil ai'ti h t, ilrar the ilojtfir 1 ajr pajfl
B pat. igca and the cough duao
A majority of the Austrian newspi
pers welcome the election of Mr. Taft
as a promise of a cautious and pto
grcsslve administration.
At Tuesday's election. Ohio polled a
vuti that surpasses the 1.(100,000 bill
lots denoslted four years ago, making
a new hlgH record for Ohio voters
The bodies of seventy eight victims"
cf the wreck of the small steamer
which OOBttfrtd near Ttingtin on No
' ember t, have been taken to Amov.
T'ne state bank commissioner last
week took control of the Central
Trust COmpftny of Providence, R. I.,
and applied for appointment of a re
( elver.
Two motormen were killed aud
' .only passengers Injured In a col
llslon of two ears In the Inti-mi'luiu
'en ire bet ween Vancouver and Wes:
minster, U. C.
The strike at the mill of the Inter
nalional I'aper company at Palmer
Kails. N. Y.. has been settled. The
employees voted to accept the terms
of the company.
lluslness was suspended at Santi
ago, Cuba, on November 6. and the
en' Ire populace participated In the
funeral of Tomas Kstrada Raima, for
mer president of Cuba.
The town of Pembroke. Ont.. was
devastated by Are lust week. Sixty
buildings were destroyed Loss estl
mated at $.100,000. Pembroke Is a
town of 5,500 Inhabitants.
President Charles W. Kllot, for forty
years the head of Harvard university.
t niiered his resignation October M,
to take effect May 19, 1909. The res
ignatlon has been accepted.
Judge Frank H. Dunne, who has
tried many of the bribery and graft
cases in San Francisco, wus re elect
id. Judge Cook, against whom the
giaft prosecution niade a tight, wan
Three persons were asphyxiated by
gas fumes from a kitchen stove In
Washington. The dead are Mrs Hebe
Cutts Dremetman. Mrs. Hremerman.
her mother-in-law, and Cults Hremer
man, aged 18 months.
Phil Short, one of the best known
newspaper men In South Dakota, wus
shot and killed by Clayton Yeaklns
while they were limiting deer In Mo
Ken.le county. Short was taken for
v deer by his companion.
While speeding with his automobile.
.1. .1. Hadel. an undertaker of Cincin
nati, caused the diatb of Albert Alt
leldt, a butcher, and the probuble fa
nil Injury of Radel and William Re
ran, the latter a chauffeur.
As the result of a fuedal war ai
C.inipon Junction. Ky., lslow Allen,
i.ged 20. was killed, Alvln Grover serl
i iisly Injured, and Clarence Sherman,
Who did the shooting, was shot In the
I'ead. but managed to escape to the
It Is reported that the resignation
of the Austria cabinet is Imminent
as the outcome of the dissension
among I he German and Czech minis
lers arising from the recent racial
conflicts in Prague and other Bohe
mian towns.
Herman Realise and William Wa
dene, pioneer farmers, were run
down by a passenger tral nat Rut
lalo. Minn., while on their way to the
polls and killed Kmll Krause, a s m
of one of the dead men, was probably
l.ilally Injured.
In his annual report for the last fls
i.il year Commissioner Knil Hennelt
of the general land olllce recommends
ihe withdrawal from entry of all pub
lie lands which may be Irrigated
which me not now capable of being
rilli.ed for bOW s.
The election of Taft has produced
general satisfaction in Italy. Tin
general opinion is Ihat Mr. Taft's
election will mean a continuance of
stability and a revival of business. In
view of this belief many thousand
Italian laborers expiei to emigrate to
Pensions for retired missionaries
were proyided for In the closing ses
Ion of the Woman's Foreign Mission
, ry MOiety of the Methodist Hplsco
pal church at Cincinnati This Is In
the shape of a retirement fund for the
benefit of superannuated and invalid
Edwin Vandyck, former Ink expert
l the bureau ol engraving and print
ing, indicated in January last, charged
with conspiracy to defraud the United
Stales in connection with ink con
tracts, last week withdrew a plea of
not guilty and entered a plea of guiliv
lo two counts.
D. B. Cool, a constable from Mai
key, and J, A Slmes. a farmer of
Provence, were shot and killed on
.iast Main street in Ardniore. Okla
homa, by John Braalel, I local char
actor, and James Hillings, farmer and
B companion of the dead men, was se
riousiy wounded.
Four acres of wood laud on Harber
bill, itosiyn, l. i., the mninlfleenl
estate of Clarence atackay, head ol
Ihe Postal Telegraph company, were
swepl by fire on October 6, In spile
ef the heroic efforts of. Mr MaeK.iy
and I volunteer corps of BgOtsri in
(heck the flames.
The in ws of the election of Wil
liam H Taft to the presidency ol the
United States was received witb the
greateal enthusiasm by many classes
throughout the Philippines li boa
been announeed hat Judge Tuit will
go to the Philippines on visit while
ln is pH sldent.
Mrs. Hill Pride and other alleged
iiighti id rs are being held a Union
City, Tonn., under heavy giiaul until
ihe babeal corpus petition now pend-
ini- can bs beard Mrs Pride, it is
! raid, wan secretary of the olghtrld-
ers' association, bUl Is now very bit
ter again sl the band.
Afver Years of Backache, Dizziness
snd Kidney Disorders.
Mrs. R. C. Richmond, of Northwood.
Iowa, says: "For years I was a
t trouble, backache,
dizzy spells, head
aches and a ter
rible bearing-down
aln. I used one
remedy after an- '
other wlthoui bene
fit. Finally I used
a box of Donna
Kidney Pills and the backache BMeed,
Bnoonragad, i kept on. ami by the
time I had used three boxes not a
sign of the trouble remained. My
health Is perfect."
Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box.
Foster-Mllbuin Co., Iluffulo, N. Y.
Statement Might Be True, But Cer
tainly Was Unhappily Expressed.
"I regret to say," remarked Deacon
French, at the last meeting of the
Squashville Political Debate club,
"Ihat this club has been degenerating
ever since I became I member of It."
The deacon paused and Hushed as
he saw a slight smile on the faces of
his fellow members.
"What I mean to say Is," he con
tinued, with some haste, "that ever
since I joined this club I've noticed a
gradual but decided change for the
worse." i
The smile on the faces of the other
members deepened, and the deacon's
face turned almost scarlet.
"You all know what I mean." he
added, desperately. "What 1 mean is
that from the very minute I became a
member of the Squashville Political
Debate club, I could see that it was
beginning to lose Its value as an or
ganization, and the longer I have
stayed In It. the more steadily have 1
seen It running down hill!" Llppin-cott's.
Robbie Rabbit Never in all my life,
has such shocking language been used
In my presence as that boy has used ,
In the last three minutes. Oooh!
All the Fault of the Cow.
A South side woman went to a
butcher shop the other day to get a
ronst of beef. The butcher Is a little
old man, inclined to be cranky. He
began to cut the roast. She thought
he was sawing off too much bone.
"That roast will have too much
bone in It, I fear," she said.
The butcher stopped and sighed.
"Madam." he said, "that's the cow's
fault. These cows would be in awful
shape If they had to run around with
out bones."
The woman said no more. Denver
The Difficulty.
"Did you have a char conscience
when you had concluded that horse
"I should hope not."
"Why not?"
"I've noticed that when I come ont
of a horse trade with a clear con
science I come uiii with the poorest
horse." Houston Post.
Learning makes the young temper
nle, is the comfort of age; Standing
for Wealth With poverty, and serv
ing as an ornament to riches. Cicero.
Health Regained by Right Food.
The average healthy man or woman
Is usually eager to be busy at sunn
useful task or employment.
Hut let dyspepsia or Indigestion get
hold of one, and all endeavor become
a burden.
"A year ngo, after recovering from
an ope-atlon," writes a Mich, lady, "my
stoinucii and nerves began to give me
much trouble.
"At times my appetite wbb vora-!
clous, but when Indulged. Indigestion
followed. Other limes i had no appetite
whatever. The food I took did not
nourish me, und I grew weaker than
"I lost Interest In everything, and
wanted to be alone. I had always had
good nerves, but now the merest trifle
would upset me and bring on a vio
lent headache. Walking across the
room wns an effort and prescribed ex
erclsa was out of the question.
"I had seen Grape-Nuts advertised,
but did not believe what I read, ai
the time. At last when it seemed a
If I were literally starving, I began in
eat Grape Nuts.
"I hud not been able to work for
a year, but now after two months on
Grapo Nuts 1 am eager lo be at work
again. My stomach gives me no trou
ble now, my nerves are Steady as
ever, and liileresl In life and ambition
Iiuc came back with tho return to
health "
"There's g Reason."
Nome given by Poatuin Co. Bat i
Croak, Midi. Road "The Read to Well.
villc," ill pkgs.
Krr r-ml n.. ubi.tr Irtter f A ... ,,
une ii,.-:n i, .',,, li,,,. i.i to.,,- ti..
irr u'iiuliii, uiii-, anil full of huiuuu
The I
General Demand
of the Wcll-Informe.1 of the World hns
always been for a simple, pleasant and
efficient liquid laxative remedy of known
value; a laxative which phjrshnaai could
sanction for family use because its com
ponent parts arc known to them to be
wholesome and truly lu-ncficiai in effect,
acceptable to the system and gentle, yet
prompt, in action.
In supplying that demand with its ex
cellent combination of Syrup of 1 igs anil
Llixir of Senna, the California Fig Syrup
Co. proceeds along ethical lines and relies
on the merits of the hixutive for its remark
able succcon.
1 hat is one of many reasons why
Syrup of Figs and Klixir of Senna is given
the preference by the Well-informed.
To get its beneficial effects always buy
the genuine manufactured by the Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co., only, and for sale
by all leading druggists. Price fifty ceDtl
per bottle.
Expressman I don't know whether
this comes here. The address Is In
distinct. Housemaid I guess It's all right.
It's either a new tire for the auto, or
a new hat for the missus!
Eczema Lasted 7 Years Face Was All
Raw Skin Specialists Fsiled, But
Cuticura Effected Cure.
"When my little boy was six weeks
old an eruption broke out on his face
I took him to a doctor, but his face
kept on getting worse until it got SO
had that no one could look at him.
Ills whole face was one crust and
must have been very painful He
scratched day and night until be face
was raw. Then I took him to all the
best specialists In skin diseases hut
they could not do much for him The
eczema got on his arms and legs and
wc could not get a night's Bleep in
months. I got a set of Cuticura Reme
dies aud he felt relieved the first time
1 used them. I gave the Cuticuru
Remedial a good irlal and gradaallj
the eczema healed all up. He is now
seven years old and I think the trou
ble will never return. Mrs John Q.
Klumpp. SO Niagara St., Newark, N.
J., Oct. 17 and 2 1907."
The Little Girl and the Donkey.
The four-year-old daughter of a
Washington man not long ago saw a
donkey for the first time She talked
to her father a good deal touching the
unusual sight It was a "dear donkey."
II was a "lovely donkey," etc.. etc.
Soon the child exhausted hei stock of
"And so you liked the donkey, did
you?" asked the fond parent.
"Oh, bo much, daddy!" returned the
voungster. "That Is. I liked him pret
ty well. But I didn't like to hear him
donk." Llppincott's.
His Epitaph.
"I have Just one request," said the
dying mnn to his relatives.
"What is It?" they asked him earn
estly. "We will grant you anything ."
"Well," replied the man, feebly, "I
want you to have carved upon my
monument tbeoc words: 'Here lies a
man who winked for his living '
Realising that he had forestalled
any attempt on ihe part of his rich re
lations to brag too much about their
family coimi ctlons, he sunk Into a
sweet sleep.
vjDOd Thing to Know.
Thus- who truvi rse ihe alkali plains
oi he WOO! aud Iuhubll the sand blown
regions of Tesoo, Bad dally need for a
reliable eye BOWe They novel drug the
eye, but simply appl. exlernally. the
Staple, Dr. Mltch'dl's Kye Salve It Is
wi II to know that Mitchell's Kye Salvo
I on sale hen- olOO. Price 25 cents.
Nothing in It.
Seott- Yes. the eye Is a sure Indi
cation of temperament The t-touy-
eyed BUM has a hard, cold nature, and
so on.
Molt Ilosh! The Jolllcst girl I
know has hi yes, the gentlest has
snappy eyes and my most amiable
friend Is cross-eyed.
The way to buy tea is in
packages; somebody is
responsible for it.
Y.mi groofr returns your moaey if you n I
lins't Best . W9 pay hun.
Help! Murder!
"Why did you knock Jones down?"
"We were talking gbOUl the fre
quency of Brown's Jag."
"Well, great leottl be referred to
Brown'l present drunk as 'the current
bun.' " Boston Transcript.
English Munchausen Had Shade the
Better of Fellow Romsncor.
The Ope Cod man and the Lon
doner were traveling on the same
trnin together from Liverpool to the
"Yes." said the Yankee, "we do
have con.-ld lable fog out our way.
I've sen It so thick tli.it the land
ladies of our summer boardln' houses j
could ladle it mil and use It instead
o whipped egg for the heavy part of
ihe Boutin' Island."
"We nve 'em. too. In Ixindon," said i
his traveling companion, "but our;
climate is ton dirty to permit of our
Satin' it. We burn so much soft coal,
you SOe, the log gets packed full of
soot. The only thlu w h ally can do
with It is lo cut It up Into blocks ami
' It Instead of peat when we want
g qllh k lire '
And the Ynnkee took out the little
American Hag he won- In his button I
hole and put It away in his wallet. '
A Linguist.
The charm of Mrs. Ituth McKnery
Stuart's negro dialect stories was
greatlv enhanced when she read them
herself, as she used frequently to do
In the early days of her fame, for I
charity and church entertainments. I
Her Imitation of the negro dialect was
i xccilent. and her small son. who was
very fond of her accomplishment In
this line, frequently bousted of It
among the oilier children. Once, when
some of his schoolmates were vaunt
ing tho accomplishments of their sev .
eral mothers, he was overheard to de
clare: "Well, my mother Is smarter than
any of yours. She can speak two Ian
"What are they?" demanded his
"White and colored.'.'
The big stray dog loomed up from
behind an ash barrel.
"Look here." he growled savagely
"I have a bone to pick with you."
The nuiltl millionaire's bull pup
looked up with wounded dignity.
"What!" he responded. In the'dog!
language, "pick a bOBSl Why, I never
ate anything but boneless chicken and
ham In my life. On your way, you
And leaping Into hla master's $20.
OOt) automobile lie was whisked off to
the park.
How's This?
W offer Onr IMiiilnil Dniiim Itrwanl for any
iw or catarrh tliat cannot I.,- . ,1 r. ,l by Hull '
Catarrh rurr.
I .1 I MINI V 00 . Iiinslii. I).
W. the imhI' TK-li. ,1 have known F. J. 1 In In y
for tho laat Hi yrara. anil brUt-vc him perfectly hon
orable In all biialncw triuiMictloni, anil financially
able to carry out any otlllyntlotiM made by hal firm.
WaiiiIm.. Kisvas A Mahvin.
WlinlcAnlr I bi-i-. Toledo. O.
Hall'i Catarrh Cure la taken inn-maiiv. acting
directly upon the blood nnd luucoua aurfacca of the
pyMcm '1,-mlnioiimiN e, nt fm- I'rlce T5 cenuj j-,-
tmoi' Solo hi nil Dfyssj
laVkS lla.lt laiull) I'IIin tor conatluatloii.
Poor Old Bird.
Pop (looking up from the paper)
I see there's a new baby hippopotamus
at the soo. What are you laughing
at, Johnnie?
Johnnie (who Is almost as bright
as he looks l I was Jus' laughln' to
think of the stork carryln' a hlpperpot
uiuub! Exchange.
Important to Mothers.
Examine carefully every bottle of
CASTOHIA a Bufe aud sure remedy for
infanta and children, and see that it
Pears the n(? yi
Signature UrMU
In Vse For Over JIO Yearn.
The Kind You Huve Always nought.
Cost of Royalty.
The annuities paid by the Hrltlsh
people to the king nnd queen amount
to J2.350.000; IfiOO.ooo Is paid In an
nuitleg to other members of the royal
Strong Winds and Sand Storms
I .hi-, giiiiiul.iii i1 1 1. eyelids I'K ITIT'S
IYK BALYE soot hi snd quickh relieve
All druggists or Howard Bros., Buffalo, N. .
Advocates of corporal punishment
evidintly believe that an occasional
spanking makes children smart.
Mr. V Inalxw n Soothing- Myruit.
Forct' 'inn ii-ithliiii mImu Ho- soi' -. usuen In
QamuikL.ob.aJluya ualu.iurti uluil ooUu '' uiioulo.
Marriage 1b a contract, but there
a.-e lots of contract Jumpers,
'11,..-, Tired, v. 1. 1 1... 1',.,-t of Vonra
need aiji n s rVot-KuMi Jbv ill your liniKiiitt'
Write A g.Olmatfg' 1- Hoy N V . I,.r Niini I.
When a man Is short he usually has
a long face.
Restored to I leal Hi by Lyriin K.
lMnkliatn'ftVcffetableCorripcitml. H
arJ What Ty Say. H
tm MlMLilllmiHivm.lcU)
jdflHOaiW East IMth H
JjKuSiJ York, writes:
aHyftaW-jlT1 e0V IB' "iinlrregu ', pe- bb
w W Mm' '"''''' suffering, mid bb
B a. i j Bh'tv ons in HH
Ilk IvJ H. iltnr everything etun HHfl
SU JtfSQmfLw '' failed to HH
JtWvVVjXa'Bk Ktliarlno('rai,'J3B6
AT J, ISsnYCBt ,f lyelte SI., H
B le- la? '" '' rink levin's B
B Jf m '' ;;elidilel'euii, mild I 'HH
ft jljfJ'ljB'O'ivvi Haitei sullrring afHB
W4 tmTmStiM f" from tier H
povriiri4EcwAiGgr vous prostration." H
MJjky dfcB VBS '" fegBBOS
gW Vol SF n 'gB "
Bf X4 3y (hiwiiroiMiitionsiiiiHiif HH
H y -J, j Hfi'iivlfromniipiiros'doii, HH
yM Mjayk-Mi1 '" gH
viTTi3r"W rinkhftiti's V' luble
mawii j ; . f-v. Oonpoand ausis mo H
ifcdJKJkeMvtaV. , Wl" gggggggl
1 t? f Hwnnmv,
K JSl j HdinE .Flnkhasa'sVsgei
TA s-wi Bt-v1'!" ' i'iohI
Vk y 5f' aaw u gogafl
TT ar ,',i". -'licit aBsgggl
JLoohW y ,rrl,, ,lf, hs 0H
H gs gaHsl
tailed to help uie." HB
For thirty yearn Lydin E. Pink- H
ham's 'ci;eiui..' ('(iiiik,iiii,, i,,. ni,) H
from roots nnd herbs, has bona tho HB
standard remedy for femalo ills. H
and has jsisil i vt-ly cured tlionsantlsof H
women who havo I " -c 1 1 troubled with H
il is pl;i i i 1 1 ii i it m, i 1 1 1 1. 1 1 1 1 n i.il ii in. 1 1 1, -i iM- H
tion, ilbroid tumors, irrug-ulaiilics, HH
pcriodio pains, bnckaihe, that bear- H
ing-down filling, flatulency,indigcs- H
t imi, 1 1 i.i t irs'v 1 1 1 a r vi ms prostration. H
Why don't you try t ? H
Mrs. PlnLhnm invlten all sick H
women to write her for advice. H
She has srnlded thousands to gH
health. Address, Lynn, Mass.
I j , iia "j"lPlitvl-.ir...l ty 1
ARTERS ':::;."::";'::':;,
gill C lr, li.n, In . ! , i. lo- B
litf rn "'' gaH
Wi I l fT R l ,. i h ,- A !! I. i rem-
H ni i "' " H
MM r I LLP. o. DruwalDeHN, Hud H
iJbh i ...i. i.i ii,. M,, on, 1 1. .,1- B
fBa i-.,,,, ii,., J
Isi.i. i i pfB
Tin j rcgulat tin- Boweli. Purely v . . , '
PADTCDCl Genuine Must Bear H
LArticno Fac-SimileSignatu.e gffflfj
iTTlE " -M
Men who cannot slop , . , j gVAVJ
for a rainy day.- will A JL. f PaV
lind Ihe greateil kvuv LVsVal
comforl andfreectoraReP'-V "j
of bodily movement Pv r. ' vjr pH
,n fSSSi qs v I
Every 9ormenl bearing ? J
rhe sign ot the fih' ' f 7 s 1
guaranteed waterproof J iv. 1 H
Catalog free i giigH
j iowis co boston us Wr yllH
7 II 1 oflliiapapri Jr- II
Keaaers "tb, u h
I anything dvt i U IIH
I tifcd in it columns should intift uptn I"
V having what thry ask (oi, refusing all 1
I j fulif-lilutt CM uiiilauiini. -j
'jkHlMtiisrH itd bfouitlftc Uio hr. H
Lm l'i"iin t-s m luturUDl (rrxwih H
sjlNvor Ftilrn to Hrb'oro Ormy
-oH lUir to Its Yoi.thhil roL.r. ILggggfl
iaPBPJCuti atalp Hisrsiaeg hair fuIliusL SPI
Hpeeltucii irl( o Hold. Hllvei l.,-n,t 1 l;,, 1,1. Nil- H
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