OCR Interpretation

The Coalville times. [volume] (Coalville, Utah) 1894-1923, October 30, 1896, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058217/1896-10-30/ed-1/seq-5/

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Wanted I
Your tea trade from now
on Schillings Best wants it
your money back if you
dont like it
A fetiUllnji ft Cora n
Sin Ffioclic no
The summer was Intcnicli hot li +
pie In the tenement houien ol the
crowded city dltJ We Iliei Into my
small room In in up town Ait the heat
teemed to be fllleteil I o > il I not sleep
at night and the long > aye In a great
newspaper office wa iit calculated to
Improve my health i tl 1 iplilti I h1
begun to ask myiell II life were worth
the 1II g when I received a letter Irom
a friend lately limited Inviting me to
visit her In her new home I went to
the managing editor and aiming hint
nothing less than a month rest would
sore me Irom an early grave eucted hit
What delight I eipcrlenced at I lilt r i
mytell being whirled through the li veil II
sweet country air My friend nut o
at the station She wan radiant with
health and happlnm uch a contrail
to my pair miserable looking tell
50 It charming country town
a new town you know and IU pretty
collages arc all ol modern ttylc Iluton
a clin frowning down on the village
stands a tombre house of alone moil
roofed and Ivcy clad Grand old tree
over whale head ccntuilct hive postal
aland tenllnclt around IL A winding
drlre Iud vp to It and when my friend
turned her horse In at the Iron gateway
t etclatmcdi
Whatl It that jour houtcfforl
knew they were far from being rlcli
Yet It II not lovely We got a
bargain They almotl gave the place
away And It was furnlthed tool
I IoU not the only guest my f rlendt
aunt a most delightful old maid was I
c alto Ulllng there At I eapect 10 bc
a t an old maid ionic day I hvYI make
y i love to them at a little friend once ex
A pressed It The room assigned to me
J was a front one Opening on to It was
a another one somewhat tmallcr but
filled up In the tame style and I conic
s to the conclusion thlt had one been
t tome early nititreitapartment In the
4 miler room the old maid or Mill Sue
l I ai shall call her slept Now observe
r v J the only way of entering her room was
f < 4 by patting through mine When we
f bode each other good night I with true
r hc ln
41 feminine caution locked and billed the
> door opening to the hall but the one
I separating roots I tell open There
was a little table In the center of the
room holding the lamp I drew up a
chair and tiled to read nut I could not
° fix niv attend mi mv eves would wan
= o der from the pigct to the things around
me shall not attempt to analyse the
peculiar feeling that began to take pot
colon of me I thai only soy the i
1 general Imprettlon left on me niter a
careful survey no AI that the pcnonallty
of tome other woman than my friend
lingered In the room licit that per
tonallly like a living breathing thing
It was a creepy sensation to I un
dressed and went to bed and being
b I tired I soon fell asleep
1erhapi I slept an hour perhaps not
ten minutes but gradually over my
= leeplng tenses came a power subtle
1 mytlerlouf drawing them back to the
4 real again I can never dctcrllie that
awakening To think of It even now
sends an unaccountable chill Into my
A heart
3 < The moon was thlnlng and the room
il teat full of light I uncljied my eyes
and leaning upon one elbow glanced to
ward the land and there on the chair I
n had recently occiplcd tat a young girl
She was dressed In while and had short
curly hair I tat up In the bed and
never tuppoilng my nIsltur was other I
than flesh and blooJand thinking I was
b at my boarding house a
Have you no bcd > Hut the occu
pant of the chair did not move Then
like a flash remembrance of where I
Vu was came over me
l Mill Sue I called hue It I a girl I
Hat the no place to deep
fl t A snore from Iln Sue vu my an
saver and till the girl lid not more I
get out ol bed On the land
ware the
nuteliei but to reach them I ohuuld
hare to put 1 my arm wound the liens
figure Th < action of course brought
me near her and I lOa curiclout of
only one Ucllngto
avoid ptrional con
tact with her I had my eyes on her un
til I reached lOt the match and they
were remved only for a second but
when I looked 1 Kn the girl wa gone
For A moment I was too urnrlied to
think Then I lighted the lamp and
glanced around the room It was de
lerted I went to the door and found II
bolted I ai I hAd kit It I Hole Into Mln
Suea room but the wa > leeplng mund
ly I had keen s ghosts enalure of
the other uorld It ronipletrlv urnet
me and I deltrmlned to leave the neat
diy The heat of in uplo on tonrrlrg l I
home was prcferible to the company of
With ilayllfltt I thought I might I have
been mlitaken and concluded lo stay
another day Hut I entered my room the
following night wilt many mliglvlng
I hegulled Mil Sue Into eonrrtutlnn
but the lOon grew sleepy 1 and left me I
would not allow my mind to dwell on
the tubject but read until I could no
longer keep my eye open Then I
wept to bed and soon war deep Allei
a time the strange magnetic force Organ
to sisal over me I had left the lamp
burning I opened my eyes and there
by the stand In the ec7t tame pot lion
tat the girl Tin tight us too much
for me I covered mjr Head and called
fur lIn hut nnd as I did a tlgh the
illquit laddeit most heartrending wa
trolled to me frum that llghte > t figure
And then I readied a nt 1 once the
dweller Inn human frame tlandhg In
need of help had appealed to me mil
oceanic ol mv Illllul mortal weakncii I
could not aid It
The not day I went home About
ilt inonlhiallcrHard 11 heard my friend
had sold her home anti from thai I
Judgd others had teen the gho Iy I ill I
And olten my mind goer back In her
Poor uull Vanderlug nightly among
scenes of former hapineM or woe an
you wilghted with Mime secret atoning
for lonitt crime or It Ill jourpunlih
anent for a life misspent
Hut to my quckllonlng there come no
aniwer Cincinnati 1mt
fIHI Itsoar 5 Clot
Tli render nf Ihli pntrc 1 will IP I phe1 In
Irani lint thern li I nil Irnil nun teetotal IU
rnwi Hint ttlriKii mi luwu nllo ti ear In all
hi ilnim and Ih it li I Lnlnrrh Illli Onlarth
Cum lr l the only uiltlra riira now knuwu In
Ilia medical fralrrlilly Carrhlrolttaau
illlulloiialdliotia 1111 n ennitltiitliHul
Irratmeiil HnllilViUrrli Cure Ii I taken In
Irninlly aetliurdlrrrtly larnlnllotwl uiul 1
luneoit inrfamol Iliniyitrin llirrliy dr 1
itroilnatlinfoiinilntloi uf the dliraia ami
Blllnellirpillccil treiiBlh liy hull llnz up
She eonitltullrii and aulitlnir iiulurci In I
dolt In nurk Tlia ir prli ton luvn 11
much fallh In III curotlin lwers Hut lUy
offer Oi alliindrM IhItsrfrop l rout lIonl
U falll la cura HrnJ fur llt ol Tntlinviiloli
Bold by 1rglststsa l
Hull rmllr IMli sre the lrat l
Every nativeburn cltlicn of the
Unlted States 35 ear of I oge of sound
mind ant not dliquallfled by rrlme U I
eligible to the prcildercy provided he
hat been 14 years a reiMent lthtn
thtt country
The mllllont ol Ameilcini imwetlng
thcie rcqulilic atlrlbule and qiullflea
lion will be Interested In the following
curious licit regarding the preilJenllal
To begin at the beginning that It
wllh VaihlnglonthB Father ol lilt
Counry hud lO tenors In hit iiunamr
and mi one ol lilt successors hit used up
to much nl the alphabet ai he did In
tpellng lilt Imo U nhat inlght be
called a ten tltlke and he land not
only first In war flat In peace and tlrt
In the heart ol his country tie It but firs
alto In alphabetical dlittncilon
Next to Wellington In I lids respect
stand Jillcnoti and Cleveland nametol 1
nine letters racy and bj a ilngular in
Incidence mach had twolcrmi Another
Iolnl tlmllarlt loth cauicd talk of a
third term
There havu been ill president each
with eight letters In 1 ula name Mere
they arc Van Itiren Ilarrlion Ill
snore lluclianin Garfield and then
again Ilarrlion The president with
even leper In ihelr credit was were
High Uriulu
Tho 1tioat aiul Host MutCo
Throe Crown Spices
Are Unit
+ Ilicili 17 I its gucstd ml Hindi
ii A TlllllmCnoWx
Ar D lloloui
ter 1
L Our Coeds of thla tua hot f unrnitood oauul to Ufo boit
trio 4
f lotUo luurhot or MflBoy oniuaorti
Midlion Jackson Lincoln inl Johnnon
The tit letter eaecutlre wen the elder
and yoiynger Adam Tyler Grant and
I layThere 1
There hat been only one proldent
with lour 11111101
An anilyil of the preceding lit dls
close he bet that the eight Idler men
MerevhHlmiof mltfortun In one way
or another Van Hares for Instance
failed of a reelection Th first liar
MR who defeated hln died In Alec s
few week alter hli Inauguration
rillmor when he ran for the prel
deney In 856 on th Know nothing
ticket I carried only one italr
llucliinan ha i been blamed whether
Justly or not Inr daring brought on the
civil war Poor Uirfleld was aiuitln
led and Ilarrlion was beaten by Clere
lend four yours sgo
Jtniei Monroe one ollhe four ill tel
ler preilJenli wn lucky while In ollie
but the elmlng yeses of hi Hie were
clouded by mlifortun When he died
In 81 1oult re wa practically a dr
prudent for hli support on a relative
Taylor the second of Ih ililettered
UMlJeurt dleil In iilllee 1leree may
M ft down nta allure and Arthur
failed to gl the nomination e cov
The presidents that had floe letters In
Ihelr name were the two Adimeboth
of 1 whom failed lor reelection Tyler
who betrayed the parly which ejected
hlmi General iran and llajei
1 hit bring the record dew to four
letter roll Nu man with ruly thre
letter In hla name hat ever become
pre ldcnl although at leait two recelied
vole In the electoral college Among
them uas the ureal John Jay Ilinry
Iec I ua n candldile for the despee >
dency I In it < JJ but hit ticket only got U
An extraordinary Utility hsa attended
Iho man wlthl four letter
In their s
who hive been candldilei tar the I pretl
dcncj and vice pretldcnty Iolk It the
only crpllon nnd cvrn he was beaten 1
more thin once before he lucccedid I
First ol all come the Ud hut brilliant
Hurr In 1801 Iliirr tied Jelfermn for
Ih pritld nay In the electural 1 college
The 1clln we thrown Into lh home
III repreaentallvi and llurr era 1eiten
Inning only Iho vice preildeney fur
which he did tint care Hefore that
burr had 1I been Iwaten for the see
and oilier
llului King n a beat n by George
Clinton for the t uo I pretllency lu I 1804
and again In 1808 In 1816 he ran for
tin prthlctt and was whipped by
Monroe I Daniel I llinmpkln de
tented James lion In site Mine election
old Iu years taller Kuth received only
1C vote In the ilccloral college
Henry Clay career In record ol ci
Until He wat first beaten for the
preildcne In iSii and again In l8j
and a third II ne In I 184
Vlrl was another prj > llentUI Utlur
Ihen rime Cati who tus ilaugliiircl 1
by Tayloi In ISIS Ullllam U King
fur n wonder wn elected rice preildrnt
on the Pierce ticket In 1851 John tall
wat beaten for the presidency In iV
and so was Jowl Lest who ran with
Ilreeklnrldge fur the nice prcildrncr
To ills Hit mutt be added the nanu of
Wblclaw Held
Tn MnlO dour 10 the four letter prtl 1
denltal candidate nf I the pretent tune
this li an III omened record fur Thomn
Ilrack It Reed of Maine l > ivl HennrM
Illllnl New York and laltlra s > a
ley Quay ol IVnntylvnnU wl h I I In
the hind of lilt frlendt
What will be their
forluiiethe n
ceptlonil Rood luck uf Polk nr the III
luck ol llurr and of 1 ill the ollur with
ono syllablc lurnimcil
Another ana tli of these pntldenllil
and lceprMldenllal nimci show thm
the candidatehating nfinil nln their
namei line been lucky Among them
may be nimcd Waihlnxton Jeffcrwn
Clintin Midlian Jacktoit Collioun
Van liurcn Richard M Johnson the
lave llarrlioni lluchanan Lincoln
lUmlln Andrew Jolmion Vlknn and
Logan McCIHlin hoHcter WM out t
ol ItNew York Journal +
rlI3 I uIlentutwwllnothe Iarar tlu
lu Ltoh I ovine 1 rtuhlturl I
oarw talus ton beau of wtly t ul e thrro nook eual fi iI Slue atv sat the opnrrlu nront trtn1
Ile nulhleutn artwnal I ton lyh pulll h
lfoe 1051 I It tots to toutlena I n marl tlln
o III nl out frlrlid lu I
the future N n
toy 3 1roeut lot unnuot InterM I tau
surlu f srol ivmwm Alta odd ldrrrt
ttlarnrly IVo rrinrle ts Iron out
enh I theelidetatlltnb I 1 from nil 1
Arot tat orI1l erwry rule II le V iuu I n
wII InI auntrles II leliw trh I
tl II nnl tnltn uuy tlutulot frn Ii
Writs rue born uln to s 15 onJ 3 Mslu I
d rot fah Ik to p 11 n
11llfurdVdrult rndrut
H torso iJJ Vito I reeut
al hauls nbi r
Joseph HIIIIh Tn Wblr
JuuaoJnok I tutu Cuuuuu
1 tl brwun I rnuu Hnuw I
tither t lttyldda trout I m Nltoh
Prof Cublas Electro Vitalizer i i
Improvement on the Electric Hell
Save doctor bllli and ute Eetrlcly
aiod and Idb men tf malllne ls tell
enltoeureyuumq eto1teuNeennltreud I
Itlh wutdrrful twit l teorestll trublra
awbllean bey rrauUluKIron If yo yonwllllwp rout nh liter w IIIIeu I tunnebrto4hkf tit stud rltol Ivor
Itheumatlun and qld ry froullw It I a
horn lir d tloll ifi t 2
tw t a loll a To lb
hers you twu fur t 111 Iwo meet nkr
thorn for half nHf
n lJi ltliirl 1 < iiii liafpr ew thosh > 1
UfoeVlll liiffoil of townOil nil hi
sculls roe a u 0 Ur Hinrw
Tl he NeWD1SC0 ely
A aRR w I tarsal nil over lbw wrk1
and bale rn tlrlyr wit 110 father handle
tyNge wArcfI
whtat Is ITtiwrrd 1 from
root heels an 1
dI sest 1 trio lliihllMMrrlMlla Wit I
rWMstkm tad llh tte > l ehemtle l iHlXiM
U kit thnnnnd aiM tots Uof
i tml
180 First Smith ttrwt
Vjir rlLiiiMium 1 I drlnn out rf > ear
syst1 In sirs wnetrrtnt bolts mnhlr
P05 a trwr tOrs I
Tin dlmnrw of this wowleeful cur li I
att 011I1111 Mil 1
Rowe Morris
Summerhays Co
n00t5e IK
Hides Wool Sheepskins Deerskin
Till ITtll TANMMJ cu
Vht > ou Hp 1 to u you gel full mar
Mt prke it tick return We sullen
your tride
= = = = = = =
lDNii r I V
i iYIK
1rll You
ti fIiT
y i hniild hurlhp hot the
nor ikel afford
Robinson Bros
Tin Shoe Dullder
Manufacture Thoni
or sand direct to ui
IB It Kiml MoMth Hull I akr Ill
HAir j vjciBg crrv 1
llnuUi std IVrloriloal R1W In rfMH 1
Sits at l > nill > h nl > rlM 4 > l on of tut
MMrHMiikMMiv OfWWhnl TaM >
n4 < M lmnnr
TtvyCrap1 Uito Ulliv AlmMt Anrthlnf
p s ibi
Ptnple are not lamllUr wllli he Idea I
of itorlng up toundfiir future me lothal 1
a mans voice can he heard lov alter he
Udiad I II hm IM i ml > bon ullllell1
that oincuhen Injthe 1 storehouse til 1
future Ihs I < lil all the I at liken
plaeu Is I forel u j and thnt Motn gel
hli account of the i creation Iron a kind
o1 l Mn tiucipL which was disclosed to
dm ai he itcnd In I the ilell of l the rwk
and saw the picture ni ihr proceiilon ol
nti pin byps lr ihnnn sill
ne Lnvt I cell n much that avr are re
oed to hrllerc more Wdmi people In
Se w York city cat hear tdc roar of NI
afar when machinery can be driven ly
a water wheel Sro mile dlitint when 1
we can etc through board and lake pho
tograpln 01 a fat nun bone and the
inoney In i his packet when we cn talk
with our friend it nrlis away and l
rccognli the In I trs ol their voice
wdai ma can war It baby milk al
nl ill1 by touch I > 11nituo we mutt lie 1
ilniliitte Indud I I ac refute Iwltcvv
There In ii rl + nt In tie Arabian
tilgl < i an rert I lo ihlnu uteri al
the cJIrICilI I hlo In New York
And I n ih llnilmoii > uii If I WII
pjdy Ihe liijl I I f Dull J IIUllla In I hli
ii4iyiiin Ui mrn li i ti their tiling
we thoul I reu in t h Ihve that a pLo
toitrtph f n I In j tunI skeleton stay
ba taken lu n olttrd 11 cr dl the
miracle tirciue they arc contrary lu all
human r pcrliii c It h a miller of
curlouiitrculittli nluvi we reached the
sot II oVno lriU of uVclrlcli or ire
we upon the Ihrch > ld uf iciunUflc revc
ljl inF Vill we in lime dUcovvr tint
apartment of naluri Murnhuu wheio
she keep the tlglt and ounIn of patt
Tlro MoiiiJlio1 tub
Thr nn iulti > itlny ipparntlil con
slits of a lanil Incloied In a head
l < > lIIeht on the principle of the Inlrii
stunt seed by phylclan Connected l
with title there It I an Injector for throw
Ing Into mho wound a subtle potion
which thins the blond alter which the
fluid It I drawn up by a pump and IK al
lowed by the oulullo Altogether the
mandible of the moiqulto Is a ilngulirly
complicated nuchu Ion sod well pys
inlcroico Ic study
H t lr r I
nkd IL Ll JL ei Y es1 6J
II CURDS Uliease ndThlt U I the All
inJJInt Imparlint Fact to Ono Who It
Sick flan Wo nun and Children All Ui to D > ctor Shorn
To lie Cured
Ths geetlnn Is I often ssked of Doolsr O W Shore Oon you loll what
dleas a child eunere ft eheo the hays tof yet rrlrA at n prams s w
Id ihnt they eon dewrIe nlnnlOlI 70 em To Shut Inqulry Doctor me cots deeire
air an unquallned ahSwrr in nme no out or In tits ml to
url lISIf < < 0 mop la n1 wlthouoklu a Mp gts t gnellon tho db s an
M ti tae the teetunn I nt a bile and lb skilled phyOICMD I read 1 Ilks ht
t mecbr Crest look Asoln It I f I of Lt rlhron dl as 1 rA drn art
0 tres Intent Inn Dnrtor nhorw dwslrna 10 ner In Ih rOmllve
Alm1 11 of the honl dtsoase or hlldr yield err rMdll 10 lb POH
tour of lretnrnt 1 eirlklnt rwmpnr of how even dr pooled ch = otn r
DItltl dtarsr ylt1J to Ire Imenl I hon In Ih followiwe trttnotsoJu wllkJl
Ie elren 10 lJoolor O W Hb for publlcatlos
Alii Uutrr rip w J Itemm I m li 1 al Nn Ml Wt mi South South strut
Ixkw tIip sunrd m acmpuatben of kidney I sntl bladder troublM 1r7t
meet rwniliiuili duo mnl nliht he wnn in r m i in MI prrnti raallilni the
ii i
wrtou nilidllliii li wunln iwii i a small i rI in eeklnn rate Doctor attar
dower wi runnult nntl no uf n hhI 1 oeemat to unilMiiiiJ 11a raa DIRcront
mnllelnM worn trlv1 without OPt rntnc Iho illilitMt t nent ihnllr at lh a in
Million of miinv frh mil ihy loni Pnde 1 nj a lut n > iort to o and M Ioior
r hart anit tr we n happy Any for built pnllni > nl wrwiti for Iho HtU fi t
gun la Improve from ilir W ilnmnir Tim > ry nm does of mnllrln M took
5rm l in Ixncilt him mill H onljr twit n very shun court of treatment to alforo1
him conulot teller
Aches nd PAns art the nnfetSlit CATAttlllt OF 1ILf tln4
stela I that You Are sIck anti Need 10 rruu to wo wy Gldlly hr to I tae and
UY ornnro IIInK Ihs II tpart < E
Trulntenl from the Lloal the cat rh wk
Vufe r r PJ I
all l
assn our w
1 tad Ihs ol1onlnlf symptom eerrs M Il11nttlit toll lp Pro Shotw famous lass
tub rtamark those You fretle I In r x ee mI
w nr brunt Item le Ur o1or
Do bend and fool
se I ho will sll You whether f at asst t rao Ihss y our notlctrl m ar t nLhtT
fl1 ro char if11I1 t flea tom In of backt
l U IlroAD ANI > 1 1 the IMpl a bad oAort
rh + a form J TIIItUAT ttMtwrlt mat autamon 1U o there n hvs punlnea oup unAer flan lhi tl caws nlahlf
rou Ilnt from rolfs qukklY Sf ere a depofi in urtne If loft tnd
snot with IIl r t oa LY Ur Hhoreti fl Pf
mmta t rewlmnt n n Let Ina a atlk
terthe I I theowmrw I + dlreT rd I I 7 now I Ittj t dress It IIlInlf you un It
1 15thr nt r srr and rtAN
w thr w dwpmt lnl r throuf rATAnnll Olr TIfn ttVJft
I w Your you lhrraa trop wit r In 1 your the mouth1 open Th Ilver I 01f anrolwd by mIT ptI
Ye 0 1I tom th t Ihs
Y to rural
ou en rrllY nowdont
n Lt
It 1 lr Aurt of S t Ivor Vulrki eurd wtlh
lATlIII run r p ItttONC11IAi mii C llt Ir l Chores famous treat
I TIIIe I I ii
Whn rnlnrrh of tit 0 bend And I roatas J tyou tro fHY d nor T r
ah1 ro a
Ynu xyrotd ett T i +
lwaleolal tar wrontlY Ireat1 t run tr
r 17 tt to You fart ml rrabltt °
n tow I Ins I 111 t
loonen and flr soh Ih bySn r Is sou 1
Veke n6 yy avr hO nh07
ulrkl r rural ell t Ilyw rust by r te low
I re hmu Iralrnenl M our plnlt I nw at toast
hf cos lure rutnblln nth boal
you n ro
rota i Thew art lh eurn t I
Its S k walrT
r omhllI
You Ida Otallnq Alrns of the Ilver If you I hre
Wr0 17 h atrtdT 1 and f ell of them tan lit Hor Stow
ru e
Its lso 0 Yo You souI1h t rpl up nllm mornlntT alweeY cowl In Imm wraaert T Cxtq ATAIt1lU r 1 of 8 TIIC stomach HTp11ACIl I sally I
a u try
You yopw sare wal 5waltowln mucus whlob dtoD
Ilontbe dlia i littora Illronth Snihir sine f lit hest h ht
1 lust M Yiorw tV romural with an l altNa Dr
lATAltlln OM TII AIIK IFirlH tfrcttmenS
fe It your your hoerlre enro Lcharget Ito re you nnua fII up I cc
w Ibe wan dy In our cant 1 you ronilpstaff
Ito henryems 011 OnIlU r 04
hr Ia hellor Ihn to
YIOU > ems Y o lio blonl
ou lip fter list t
other rOIl tlllnr
ot Ju w rmr tnnl Lad l ute test mouth
I hrtlf WON wn OU hove
a eosit our war you Inw I the lime to t cured perms
Dent ueRla I l this nnlll yar hNllnlll Ir
Irrraloll dlro d II Niter 1n Shore I Ii
lire tO IIOW 11 e Calallfuadrrd Every Reek
Ionic I Treatment Curcs It dnles Treatmenttt It you cannot
bA1e to the offe end temp for
ETI ngMnl Drln s Scores fu Letters odor Shores now sytnptom t
TsI of f1 Cure Et pd hove your ene dlaIaod and
fatted by Dr 0 W Shorea I Perfect t expert advice FIIEEI 1
t4 rt
Iomo Treattaent It Cure Others
and will Cur You Snd Stamp
or Dr Shore New Symptom Lltt IR I G I W SHORES
AU diseases of the Eye Ear Nose CONSULTINO rUYSIClU
Throat Lull Siomlleh Liver Dor liONS MEDICAL
011 Kldne7 nnd DIdel nit Cbroll INSTITUTE
lePrlvllt and Nervous dleasss of Ii East Second Doutb Suet Salt
both sazes and dlaau of womlll Lots City Utah
MEDICINES t1Ul1NISlIED FRET p as JvenlnCI TuOidaYI and Frl
Doctor Shores lIIottO 11 dl lpnly 7 to 8 p m
A Low Fee Quick OUr Mild and elope 11 II m to 1 p m
CALVIN HOOD Irnhleut 1 to iWririiv 7 f l1 llN
A1LLStt lluIITOOUHY I allleHalrmou JIV liarr rIlu Psl 1 1 iuiiu
TJ Kuuw UISrr IV f llallkak kwe 1 r
The Kansas Citywve Stock
Commission Comany
Hum urrAHIC mill lIu l < IICxuliiniui
Iennras City S ck Yards
cuuuanfli i ois ollwliNiu why + w TP4 lfA lonlll2 II sllwrAUri I
Do You Know that tlio JJ
Live Stock ConimssionCo
U I the uuly Kuu a Llttillortw ILat llfitr n l Bull Ih
Danvcr and 1 Iurij B
The y ore IteLlil sod will Ely your 1fF Ihllua
ttniTi TIIK J
FRANK SIEGEL CtaI HiBajer flubs City A DfDALL Branch House Sill Lets
Look Out for Counterfeit Dills
wn nnii w t n N nn i fond
r UUUUand 1
I bland
a urnllure I stoves ant
Carpets to be old at once We mint
tell lo get money
tiprclal talc during Conlerenco
II X L SecondHand Store
Tel 3 48 E Second South
floe Cnjsotloony ana
llolJau Ndualfle
f g cola tail Cfr

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