OCR Interpretation

The Coalville times. [volume] (Coalville, Utah) 1894-1923, October 15, 1897, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058217/1897-10-15/ed-1/seq-7/

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seem Kaatrllnn to Many Walton
That Are ttllrtnl In Sitting Ml
ilonarln and lirlnklitf Ilurut Jne r
scene In London
don n firm of auc
tloneers sold at
A high price various
It spoils that had
If y been 1 captured when
1J Ilrltlsh troops over
j threw tho capital
1 ttJ and kingdom of lte
OJ nln There la I a fas
OO cination about
these relics of an
almost unknown country that will add
greatly to their Intrinsic value Leop
ards In metal with curious work sug
gestive of primitive Damascene manip
ulation one or two Idols l also In metal
a bell used to warn tbe common herd
that the king was In the neighborhood
and It behooved all men to abase them
Selves and In addition thereto three
or four roomsfull of enormous tusk
carve all over with skill and uniform
Ity such were the relics
Some of these Ivory treasure weigh
as much as UO pounds and rejoice In
a vicious curve and tapering point
highly suggestive ot danger to those
who meet one of the native wearer In
aggressive mood However the wily
men of llenln have been too much for
the guileless elephants Great Britain
has been too much for Benin and now
the trophies that delighted the un
taught African mind have been par
celed off and sold In n brokers olllrn
This Into has led a Ilrltlsh philoso
pher to express himself as follows
Why do the foreign nations strive I
1 4 I
together In faroff lands and risk life
and limb In securing the spoils of war
or chase Sooner or later on some
pretest or other comes tho missionary
with his Illbla and the trader with his
rum and though the merry native re
ject the Illble eat th l trader and the
roiilonnry and wash thorn down with
L fTL Jhe y laUi red line Is never far
9 PfIS wnff r fftil that the natives I
stronghold was raptured after a short
khsrp fight rind that civilization Is I In
full progress let the native lake
heed even In Ibo part of the world re
mote and let them desist from the ac
quisition of goodly things For as the
JMlmlst remarked riches acquire
l logs and when all Is I said and done
Itbe ultimate path of the trophy lead
Itut to auctlonroom The king
lovn treasure his bell his Idols the
Ivory of his successful and richest ad
venture some Ilarnato or licit of lie
laall are fallen from their high cr
ate and must pas Into private col
reliving until great Ilrltaln falls like
ome Into the hands of Vandal Goth
kind Hun and l the curiosities take a
fresh tease of life In other quarters
Nunlnc car Inilrilon 1
Noble In the renic Is tho pro
vision of nursing In fact of all the
l > rofesslon that have been chosen by
latelllgcnt women of late years that
it a trained nurse seems to be ono of
lie most useful as well ns successful
In no way perhaps Is I a woman seen
Ii I such an advantage as when she mia
ten to the need of others As a
ellknown physician has said The
Irofesslon of a trained nurse demand l
1111 courage extreme trnnqulllt llm
less patience faithfulness 10 all a
Imed obligations and as much self
Ticemcnt us Is I consistent with her
To safety and health The law that
I acts such lunlinrutlonu should be
Isldly applied to every nurse by the
lirslclnn who commits his patients to
CM Ownership of a Paper
Dresden the capital of Saxony owns
Insular piece of property morn
c newspaper the Dresdcncr AnzelGer
I I ils I dally upon the death of Its last
oprletor was bequeathed to the city
j on the condition that all profits arts
t therefrom should be spent upon the
bile parks ns has been steadily done
0 paper continue to hold the reo
vet of the citizen for the trust has
en carried out In its broadest spirit
d the power has never been em
fed to foster any school of opinion
octal political or religious
Inland IKltuii Saint
f Inclnnatl Enquirer Quescn the prl
te of Poland sea Is I celebrating the
I th century of Its patron St del
I t who was put to death by the
then Prussian he wan trying to
Inert In 037 Ills body lie In a loUd
er shrine In I Battlers cathedral
t linden Me manufactures more
pa i anchors than any other place In
Starter of the Votes from chlesea to
te lilnnil of HaglKlln
The MUlne of a HiiMlan convict shly
from Odessa for the Island of Saghalln
In the JAyatl Ben is nlwus an Impress
Ire eight The motley civKd Indlge
none to fell countries II of course pres
ent but them are In addition many
government oOlelals full of Importunes
In their emblazoned uniforms and
more numerous members of the clergy
attending to perform the ceremony of
sprinkling the ship with holy water
and to give the Inmate a parting hIre
Ing and a godspeed Nothing Is I dono
In lliiHlfi without the help of prints
and n Ituulan Is I bathed In holy water
from the cradle to the grave
The religious ceremony over It Is
with a cargo of heavy henrls that the
convict ahlp usually built at Glasgow
by the wiy weighs nnchqr and do
parts for even a hardened convict
would prefer serving his sentence on
his natlvo loll to dragging out his ex
istence In u foreign land Hut how
ever that may be the arcommadatlon
for the tlioiimnd or morn convict on
board le I ample and the arrangement
for their wellbeing complete The
food provided Is I good and wholesome
and It Is I not an Infrequent thing for
people In tho saloon the convict ship
carries ordinary passenger as well as
state prisoners to ask for convict soup
and rye dread
All the convicts are In fetters wrist
and ankle bracelets with a connecting
chain These and their halfshut
beads present n most hideous appear
ance The dally routine on board Is I un
varying therefore to change the mo
notony the prisoners have resort to all
kinds of device to make the time pass
Away as pleasantly aji the circum
stance will allow
Most lower class IliiMlan are horn
card player so the convicts collect All
the odd scraps of paper they can lay
their hands on Clubs and spades are
roughly scribbled on these slips with
the Ink supplied for letter writing pur
poses while to provide heart and dia
monds at the requisite color one or
more of the company consents to have
a vein opened This delicate operation
Is performed with the aid of the tin
pout of a lea can ground to n sharp
edge on the Iron deck This Impro
vised llnnt also does duty as a razor
sen Ing to remove the remaining hair
from the bend of some devout follower
of Islam The slakes of the card play
ers are knobs of sugar saved by rigor
ous economy at the tea table When
these tall bones and odds and ends are
On thn fifteenth day at men the fetters
are removed This Is I Indeed a da of
rejoicing and the most hardened crim
inal I gives vent to a sigh of relief at
being released from these hateful em
blems of bondage
The coveted freedom Is I not however
of long duration A poor Inoffensive
Crleman Tartar accidentally treads on
the foot ot n regular cut throat villain
to be solicit Immediately by tho throat
The cr Is I Instantly raised l that the
Iobamnle < lana are killing the Chris
tians A general melee ensues In
which racial hatred Is I given full play
The guard Is I called out and turning
on the but water hose pipes which are
kept retily for any emergency soon
cows the combatants The ringleader la I
placed In Irons and put on dry bread
and water for fourteen days Tho Tar
tar Is I carried more dead than alive to
the hospital and the rest guilty and
Innocent alike are kept In chain and
shackles Ocr the rest of the voyage
Prom the london Mall
Tho court circles of Sweden received
a severe shock several years ago when
It was announced that Prince Oscar
a nephew of the present king was
about to orry Miss Kbba I Monk a
young lady ot patrician birth but far
below the prince In station The king
protested u > 4 refused to permit the
marriage whereupon Prince Oscar de
clared that ho would yield his title
and resign all rights of succession but
that marry Miss Monk ho certainly
would The marriage was celebrated
In due time and Prince Oscar has never I
been seen In tho royal circles since
The king and queen have maintained
friendly jut dUtant relations with their
democratic nephew who Is I known Im
ply ns Prince Oscar and who Is I Im
mensely popular with the people be I
cause of his philanthropy
Prince Oscar and h1s wife have been
devoted to causes of charity and benev I
olence but recently have created a sec
ond sensation by Joining the ranks of
the Salvation army The prince and
his wife hold regular openair meet
Ings according to the methods of the
army The prlnco exhorts and he and
his wife lead In the street singing
Ilsleuary Work
In one Kansas town u cttlicn la
campaigning against Sunday evening
church service on the ground that the
heat and bugs will damn more souls I
than the religious exercise will save
onII1I Ilhn kM
Crumbling blink men to be plenty
everywhere Stumbling bliirkr fir the
I children stumbling Mix us for the
young people stumbling blocks for Ibo
I old people It Is I bard for us some
i times to tee where we are stumbling
1 others and It Is hard for wine others
i to see bow and where the church of
j nod II inch A stumbling block Ia It Is
today In the face of temperance The
I church Is doing a grand and noble
work and yet 1 as It has never Mood
together on the great queatlon of tern
I peranc the special topic for today
It Is I well worth while for us to face
this fact It seems strange that all of
nods people should nor bi ready and
Clad and determined to stand ns one
1 man galas the glgintle evil of Intem
perance that has been preached about
talked about for these years and years I
MlnliUn la Do r Imd
Only let us love nod and then nature
will compass us about like a clojd of
divine witnesses and all Influences
from the earth and things on the earth
will be the ministers ot Rat l to do us
good The breezes will whisper our
roots Into peace and purity and delight
In beautiful scenery will pees Into sym
pathy with that Indftelllng though un
ven Spirit of whose presence beauty
Is I everywhere he munlfostallon faint
Indeed because unearthly Then not
only will the stars shed upon us light
but from on high they will rain down
thought to make us noble Rod dwells
In all things and felt In a mans heart
be Is I then to be felt In everything else
Only let there be lod within us and >
then everything outside us will be
come a godlike help Bulhaimsy
Ibh o Halo
Hxperleucc has Indicated un extreme I
fatality from sunstroke In persons us
ing alcohol tu excess The iieitlo
and vaso motor paralysis common In
all Inebriates art boll disposing
and excltlnr cause for the coma from
the suns rays The breaking up the
heat regulating center of the brain by
alcohol leaves the body ywerlcas to
resist the runs ray Yet this fact Is I
not very widely recognized and every
summer the record of m1 cases be
come more prominent Dr Norton
In the New York Hedlew < nurnat re
ports CO case of sunstroke brought In
to the Presbyterian Hospital with the
following comment The use ot alco
hol seemed to hove a direct unfavorable
Influence The habit was marked In 32
per cent moderate In 46 per cent de
nied In 10 per cent ot the reuialnng 12
per rent no history could be obtained
Fight persons were markedly I alcohol
ic on admission and of there four died
rroMtftor hp or mat
The Paucninr Department of the life
Grande railway hu just tinned an upto
date map showing all mlnlnt district of
rcctml together with an outline ski tch of
the older districts and calling spcxrinl at
tention to serer urtlnllv devcloim re
lion which recently have shown Import
ant uncovering of cold and copper now
atlrnetlng notice of pnnpvelors Inventors
and others
Ior 101lea of this valuable map address
P A Wuimou U P A Halt 1 Intro City
Cherta hascrawled upJ it nts and but
ter Is strong says the market report
livery ono who has wutchrd the throw
and taped the butter know that Furgo
State 01 Ohio ClIr 01 Toledo
Lucas County
Frank J Cheney makes calls that he to I
the renter parinr at the Ann of Y J
Cheney a J o doing bullrea lnn the ell l
of Toledo county and balr
and rh t Bald rl arm will pay the sum o1
ONi lllMmlM IHIIIAIIH for each
and every case or Catarrh that cannot be
cured by the use of Haifa Catarrh Cure
before ee and caul rlbedv
worn 10 lotIo m aM ubrlbN i In
my urernce this Clh day ut December
A law
Haifa Catarrh Cure II I taken Intrriiatlr
I and acts directly on the blow and mu
cous surfaces or the system bvnd for
laallmpiilala ties
KctlJlNKV A CO Toledo O
Hold by Druell nc
Hall jnmlly Vllli are the best
lore cluck ciiilonnl J It Tamp
Ulni wholi I Tompkins a man or a fro
mart A woman of course Why of course
Its indoraoil at file wronir end Uleve
laud Plain Dealer
Zion haeings 1 lank and Trust VOIIpn
of Nos1 Bands Main street Halt inks
City Utah now have nn defxiilt more than
a million slid a bolt dollars They lay 5
Per cent Intercut IHT annum und compound
tho Interest four times a year IKimlts
are sent from aU farts of the Uultwi
States have you an account If not
itart an account NOW Women and chi >
den have file right to < deposit their own
name subject to their own order Wrlto
for say Information uouhxl II und up
ward received
A great commotion seems to have taken
place among railway circle owing to a
contemplated tliroujrh car servlco Intwoan
the Iactfla coast and Chicago which to
operate one day lab week This la not s
now departure by any mouns as the Den
I ver It lllo Grande Railroad company and
Us connections have been operating a
through car service between the Iuctna
fo ha
and Atlantic roasts vln Knit take Pueblo
Denver Houses City and Chicago for
years and three days each weak via
every Wnlniwday Thursday 1 and Friday
evening The cars for this through ser
vice sro of the latest Pullman design soil
are supplied with now clean llnnn und bud
ding throughout A Pullman Porter Is as
signed to each car Those cam aro under
the personal supervision of a Special oxcur
lion agent whose duty It I Is to see thai
passengers am given every comfort and
Fur further Information apply to an
Ion or to 11 V Norlni general agent
or to II M Gushing traveling passenger
spent D 8t It O railroad K West Buuond
South street Bait Lake City Utah
li oIrts3
TO mroitvi UIInlrs little TO
Severn month ago the Japanese
Tea Guild sent to this country a special
commission tampon or Sir 8 Mil
suhashl president of Shliuoka Irdeo
total Assembly and Mr J Ohararnetn
her of Japanese parliament to Invent
gate the condition of the Japanese tea
trade In the United mates and Canada
and to cooperate with Mr T Iuruja
and Mr T Mlsutauy the American
representatives of the Japanese Tea
lulld In giving publicity to the merit
of Japanese teal nod the method of
preparing them for drinking which
would Insure the but rcsuUa
Mr Iuruya and Mr Mitutanjr tie
planning to open tea tutuii in many 01
the principal cities In the United
States and Canada where ladles ran
enjoy a cup of fine Japanese lea made
by experts and at the name time re
ceive Instructions whit Ii will enable
them to make It equally welt at ham
More than half the tea consumed In
the United Slates and Canada la I of
Japanese growth ret the majority of
Americana apparently do not under
Und how to prepare It ao ai to de
velop the delicious qtislllles which It
contains It la I believed by these gen
tlemen that when Amerliana arc In
possession of bo secret of making coed
teo the consumption In this country
will fully equal that of Europe In pro
portion The Japanese government
baa appropriated a large fund to aid
the Japanese Ira growers and tea mer
chants In prosecuting this educational
work and It la I hoped that American
ladies will be apt Indent The main
bureau of the Japanese Ten Clulld baa
Issued an official recipe for ru klnn Jap
anee tea the truncation of which la I
aa follows
Klrat Uaa a amalldry and thorough
ly I clean porcelain teapot
Second Put In one teaspoonful of
tea lUlu for each cup of tea desired
Third When using Japanese team
pour on the required quantity of fresh
boiled water and let stand with closed
lid from 2 to 3 minute Never boll
the leaves In order to retain the nat
ural flavor Japanese tea leaves should
be kept In tight can or jar free from
NoleTo thoroughly enjoy the nat
ural delicate and sweet flavor of Jap
antes teas neither sugar nor cream
should be used
Theroa ono thing puts inn out of 114
Hence What ls lhatt HICTO fat Inv
dh lsClilcato llenml
Head the A4lrrllrnienl
You will enjoy this publlcutlon
ranch better If yon will get Into the
habit of rendlni the itdvertlnemenla
they will afford n afoot Il1treIIl1
study and will put you In tile way ot
getting came excellent bargain Our
advertisers are reliable they send
what they advertise
Any spicy features In Ibo new > lay I
Well Silo Ia4y + anwered Jolin liad hits
mouth full of cloirs lndkiiia > olU Jour
To men plain envelope low after ten
years fruitless doctoring ties fully n
stored to full vlxor und robutt manhood
No a O I fraud No money aarptld
No connection with medical rtnrenis
Ont al oluteljr tree Addreos lack tlox
IIS i Chlrair Ill Bald cent stamp II
I 200022
Any baking powder will
lighten your cake if thats all
you want Some arc strong
than others some more whole
SfMlitirs nest is both and
more too
000 AotlK tool
It cures In
I vlcorour rulig <
Elias Morris
Sons Gompany
and Granite
jyiautles I
G razes etc
Salt Lake Cll SIOT Tlls
010 JoI CflVr JA 011N0INNIMI IL a ItUMIlrtn
I rettdent letItnlilenl nd Tessa nedretary
Geo M Scott Co
Iinportorrs find Hardweir
Donlert In
Bar and Sheet Iron Steel Pipe
lluffalo Scale Company Detroit Stove Co
Atlas Inlrln Works John Van > l Home Steel Ranges
KodgHWiMxlcnluIlrys I ColrV Air TIttt Heater
l i1 r
Cal I r orrlhl Powder forks Worthington Men in Pumps
Celebrated Anchor llrmul Cylinder And Itrvero Itublwr Co
Unglue till Dodun Injectors I
llowe prow nk Co Drill C Tool Hleel Leviathan Ileltinl
Miners Tools Stoves Tinware etc
And a General Assortment of Mill Findings
SlUt 168 AIR > > st WAREIIOUSE 125 w non uu IIKE ciir oin
5r NtlnVrrjr heap
Serond hand Itrmlntton Denimon Yint
CIIIRtph I and Kmlth Preralir lytwwriters
Send us your repair work Ve keep
an eiierlenird factory man thorxuhlr
ompeliiit to repilr ill makes of type
writersP J COd WAV k co
15 WI Hand 1 Hnllu Hal lake City
Hounding the Depth of Knowledge lie
known IIIIIth that knows enough to know
that he kiious nothing True but he
knuws more that Irounr enough to look as
It lie knew ovcolMup llnoHjn Life
Mrs tInlews l1ILIe srse
et a1Nellalattllkrue nAew Naar
IsIN Ilytel sans tlN 1 w14 ttsar Wllle
uauk 1t Ilia u Ir somoora
dlbaae IaeMale
Irnlaw or uw tl
ape Y WeOe Y
s iICIYIUtCa a alr plwnow
ekarrtro held by nrwtrslYu
e s A or let to train t
er NI fti
trrYlr asst e a tMw1
Write lot tau
11111 111 l i
utua k Wllttlutt butt ONE PROM
u cuc C4119 a IM
P11111all SHOE CO
tea grw 5k
tl upr ll
Live Stock Commission
I JIM Mim IMp posted
write for Information
1rempt llvpllM
Uulrk llrlnrni
UeCornlrk slack NIl IAIH CITT
CA1T Iran lI1r ITAU
Rnte end lrrlediel I prfeala to drlaalla al
fr 1
puldleer port e1 + 1ss out o r lama tale on
1tt4wurr ullJ act I LYrhn lid aowest sup
puler ee4 w your w4tr
I r Midi Per It II VVn lee 111 they
lllr frlrnulfkrti 11 ilnll V1
SUfflXUCotj i ProiKullntCUIniltlnCf lUi
t w4rr Lwe or LnsLL 1 In der
lmrnt rMr Yr 11114Yea aY We 1YNr
OPIUM Yneslf 11a MORPHINE Y 1LII LwtNr and n + winiKr k yllraaglW Illy g eY M DIII I f
W N U Salt Lnko No 4318O7
Whoa Anarln AjlarlUtmnta Kindly
eo IMr
110 lion Thim
Mo Oldl Ipfelnllil the West
DI o W 81011I111 always seeklnt
to help mankind always Iryins
to oonvlnce I props that be sloes value I rr
rI4 l t or every dull paid him has
vowed to give wckrry fraud and lm I
= r II blew and protect Hi
classes from the deyhaalde
UIhto of Quacks and chakln anr
suanr frolic
Seminal Wnknetn Vsrlcoolt ItrdrocelsY
MrphDte UonorrtMf Htrlolure anal
or shrunken organs premature old sae
and oil other private dleasee whether
eauiwj by Icnuruw excess or snare
iron nr matter how severe you na
ejntult lIi u I W HIIOIIKH I the olwt
clan Mho has given hi lfI7i to rurlna
chronic disease and ha riamloed a4
v1W irratx and cured wlttwul raylntl
litai ono dollar until the cur If t tirc iZ
Th doilcr reserves the right however
10 itruiu any Incurable I cacaoit ha rent
cur you ha dont fcalrt your louy
Buch an otter wan never berate maJa br
a rfMonill phlrlan one Dr O W
morn Is only aLl Id yaks U U < aui
waste another lint ton Uliesies 1 Dont
iiunrlsl Ado
anlhr nal on aiionaitl l dan
tore but consult the Oid Doctor and
Salt Lake City Utah
a r ai ra a I + JMJIJ rdaaadddaad d d 11r e a add d r t + l
qv TO C1TB MORE this Ii promised has always been its practice of
V Tic Compute Tb two htmlibnii tare been itucbtd for r
llnctlTi Matter sot its totems 1 for iM si < roatrltaton for the year
include 1 sot only ropiUr wiltui ol action but some of tbs molt eoUstst d
BUUimis BcKslliti K4iutoii Kitloiiii sal until ot ladsitry
pp Nri Tllc u thts
y rer ar BITIMCII A
y Companion y
The following partial Hit of contributors 1lut the suits Ana r
1111101ItaUI of peat years volume 1 I e
Distinguished Writers
I Rllbl lion W e OIldllooo Man Thomas B Kttt
t The Duke oUrjII lIe Oecric P Hoar
lloo lleory Cabot Lodge Ulllsa Nordic
u 1 t Ilea Jmila McCarthy M P Prof N S Staler
Rndyard Klpllnr W D llewtlls
e Octets Tttsod Frank R Stockton
Hr OIdll h i coalrlbultJ Impartial trtlcti tor tbi 1 1i I ar Wllklaa Mrs llurlea Mirrlies
Mary E William llsdca Carroll
Years volume ot The Cfftaht la bt publltkrt tin
In hi ftw tttfl Number and more than one bandied olutrs ti
nw smseatstsshewm I our this UIof 4 n I 1 see with tea IT rwa UM U n
4 ART CA eemwlttdtwa the ww awwryrwl mates awdYhr v4luuuj s lltlM4 W W
Tab a N1e rte ntsisomxa caiuruis us axes 11111 poms XQKSISS H <
e In Twelve Colors eM w ontaotoa AST OILKKDAS Itt Illl w cwleallsol Uri t4 MtoM U fUi II via =
L Zf N l Sn > = 16 owmil is is a lot b
MV Ul sTulrttTl
w W sew u o out rtes vi Now swow l
vs FREE TO NEW 11lrrMe1 prucywIar le lit l aumr for M4 ad 8wy7 byrr y IA Yyrr tress
F1 t nUlnnnnUUnlnnnllunUtIUI t t P r unU 1 un a t

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