Newspaper Page Text
JH Tlio Arabs show Ihelr friendliness, H when Meeting, by (hiking hands six or eight time. A rah. of distinction go I. "jB yend thk-theyembncreachothersereral 'J9 ,D" Ilia grealcal tligrlmgm to the Holy ' Ijiml an undertaken by the Husslans. It Jicolculntol Ihst ltems(ui.Hfl,y jfl llussbkna tlll Palasll it every year B In Franc the pawnshops are run bjr lbs fl government ijM llordeoux. franco lias onlercd clc trh i rain. H Tcubcsco lias l:i7 varieties of wool I (mm, i 1 Consumption "9 Do not think for a single M moment that consumption will I ever ilrike you a tuJJcn blow. m lldoea not come thstwsy. m It creeps Ita y along. S riral, you think It li a little fl coM; nothing but a Utile hick fl lng cough; then a little lost In I a weight: then a harder cough; I a then the (ever and the night 8 sweats. I The suddenness comes when M you have hemorrhage. I Better stop Ihe disease vhllo H It Is yet creeping. M You can do It with flAycr,s J cuerry j PClIi You first notice that ou cough less. The pressure on thochesl Is lilted. That reeling ot suffocation It removed. A cure Is hastened byplaclngoneof Dr. Aycr's Cherry Pectoral Plaster over tltc Chest. A Book Froo. 1 ll Is on the Diseases of the I Throat and Lungs. H Writ urn rrtmfy. 1 It hit a.i r-ttflslalnt wfcattT.r H asd lb b.t nwlu-.l ..wir jom mi trir v.iurrltaisroniir&i7,a? A v" uilOTiJ. AOJkYawiit, llui. A "Talt lake city directory. THEKEELEY INSTITUTE .K.'ssss! OfIkm lltraltt ritfaioll Rml Tulsaimi btUll Owl? kir fi-Hia mil..... i W linmn, Mfxlimt HiiMMor nil Mihm- lnrh Hi lH Ad1rtll nitrfM" tv-riir Tm KrH? Intutm V lifipt.rtft HrI.NnMh Mil lAtvtUtjr tub. Knitted Garments... Wool tll tmlftbrlhki HUH lotion iCumt-rl rniuni II J6. At KltTllhiK Im-torj, V Ur-t lint Houtli Htrtt. .1. IMirrltirlt. I'ntprlrinr. WAMTrn TtMi of tj ttrftllt. Hut II I TA N ltlmHnft wnJ ru lit lltn (bmlrtl la Mir ufk.M (Imwmim4 UiutMUuHioUU. ninDVCWD,sCOVERYtt. UUrO I quikritrr4.tsifiiis.s,ri iwi lt)tt r .r Itw-fltTi m(.n4 iw Uy' lre..t,uriitrr. in-, M M .mit i.Mika.nui,I.. " WHISKERS DYED A Natural Dlaclt tiy Buckingham's Dye. Iltcs M ccati of st) Jrnf dm or II, I' 11.11 Co Nulms, K II LC UHUN O remedy 1 1 - cti.ngi. ! din. Cur. XWI F.C.SCHRAMM. 1 ' " DHUOOIST, CM D r 1,-Csrthkllal fcr lull 'ill. 111. w I I itif u.fciiir. if... -iPgn CURE YOURSELF! X il!US I t H nil u fur uul.iomI X XI. M..I.X I dlMli.rv., Ina.wui.lluii., I !. lu"wl' of ttiucoo. n.nti.oM. fc33l . " r1".. KiiiUm. J .01 uiila. I bMUritEflllftHieuCa S'Bl or Ikooui, VAO!ICIITI,0.n M.M blrtiaBlt V V 7. rf ' ' ula wf"j'i . fr u llrc.Ur m.i 0. ihS NEW BLfcEI'INO CARS., .1. lx..U, ..d The Itlo nrirnle rsUrMd ScralollMot the World-annoumv new and lmrti.t adJltWMi to thlr alr.J "Hlrrao?fl ilMpOijoartprTl In tba foturr, thli potwlar Una will run through trreklr l'ollunn Totirlit tlrvpor. to Una ba, Chlratxi, New York and Ihxton, alto to St. Loun wltlKrutehaBao. 11iecara will tart from lortland, Or-on, thui gltlnj Uneflt of throuith .trvicn 00 Orfaon Hhort IJne, a. well a from all Utah lolota. Tho rararalms are twreoflalljr ronductrd and fnruUh all the control" nt of rriruUr I'nllnun ilir. at lot. than half the nut TheHt I.111U oar wllllrave O 8 U Ullon orcrr Tliiir-Jiy ami 0 drn via Itlo (irando Srtrn railway, every Friday mornloK lha Oiualia. Clil. axo. New York and Ponton lorr will Irate OKI. atatkm errry WnlBnday utid bait Lake every Tltundar ovMlne, tliu aftunllii tlm ln'ttlmabl. prlvltcKe of a twelve hour lay-over In Salt Uko City, r'orratnnnd all detail., write to II K. Nevlm, Central Aaent.orll M. Cuthlnf, T. 1- A , I) It 0. Hallway, Salt Uka City, or any Oregon bbort Una or Itlo Grand. W.atern ticket agent. i.artr.r nf lh. There la u courtray of the heart. It la akin to love. Out of It arlaea the, purest courtesy In the uutard beha vior. There la no outward alxn ot courteiy that doea not reat on a deep, moral foundation. The proper educa tion wiiuld be that which communi cated the elgn and Ihe foundation of It at the aame lime (loelhe. CoiwnbagFii'. round loner, built In tho eleventh rrntury. ami l. fret high. I. to bo morn) Uxllly adlatanrnot lVI fivt, In order to "Men a bn.lni'o atrret Lady'a Iiritnflte with rolled gold chain free hy amlnx Diamond "C" Soap wrapp.ra. Ask your grocer. 'Iln-ro la Imiro eirrtloii In niiinlnir ail yanla than In riding a blcjclo four mil,-. TIIC PEOPLE'S TAVOniTC. Thntirrat Overland Houto tho Union l'a Ilk rnt'rund. I. a strictly up to-dnto trunr.irtatlii line, and offpr. to patrons iiniialll Mrrlo l'leo-o iHtar In mliKl tho followliiit nn.lia piitol fuel. Iliat b ii.Iiik the t'hloii Pa elite you Mill a-ivoinaiiv liours timo In all ra.totii flints, thrrofnrd the lima you snvo U iml to money Mirnwl llieonly line rait from Utah with din ing rar service. The only lino riiiinl with UilTrt siiMik lng and library rnrn. 'llirough Pullman vestlbuloil ialaroniHl tourUl sleeping min. Ktvo rexllng ilinlr ran, with no t hauge to MLsourl river nnd Chlrago and only una ilmngn tc New York. As the lowest rate. In alt point apply via the Union 1'jcllU'. why not lite It In prrfrrenra to any other Hue! DrtalleU In formation of every kind rel.itlii- to rail road and steamship tranirUtlon "111 li pmniptlyntidthrerfully furnUheJon 11 1 plirdllouto II M Clay, general agent, 'Jill Main street, Salt take City Utah I I Itratlh of Ilrlnkrr. All.lnrr The Iteglstrar-Uentral of Ureal Urlt aln la authority for the statement that the highest rate of mortality among any data of men engaged In ny regu lar branch ot Induatry It found among persona engaged In the liquor trade. A labia containing the comparative deatn rates of tnatea engaged In one hundred oceupatlona In Rnilind and Wales give, very convincing arguments. Men I enguged as Inn or hotel tervanta have lh. highest rate nf mortality; clergy men, mlnlttera nnd prints the lowest. ' Of perrons engaged In the retail li quor trade the death rale la four timet 1 that nf the clergy between the agta of 1 !S and 40. FA8T TIMB TO CHICAOO l. Ill llrsiKl. Ytrrlrrn It.ltn.r. tVMometM'Ing Uehruary Ihe new time rani of the Itlo Orande Wettern goes Into effect The Atlantic i:es lcv Salt ljkaCUyalVa m . arriving at Denver at V W a. m tho following morning and Chicago at 5 la m the third day. mak ing connection, with limited trains from Chicago to New York The evening train leaveaal?Dp m , arrives atDenv.ral V Up. in the following night and Chicago atna in ht hlrd dvy, nuking clore con neitlontuitiillieratt morning trains for New York ant llo.lon Doth ot the.a thningh train, are tidendldly wiulppexl with all lale.t appliance, and conveniences I and ratrv Pullman Palace and Pullman I mirlrt sleeping curt as well as frea lie ellnlngCli.lrCtr. Tliktt ofnee .No HO Ve.l Secon.1 South strati. (Poatonlce corner ) Tho Crand iwnyon of ArlNna, tho great est knoa n, Is nUiiit Visl mile. Innit. upward of I, ll feci deep nnd nt some alnlt, from rim to rim, incaiurv. ten to tnrlre mile, to length Ulan chtinh Ml. am annotincnl nmong Ihn reci nl Inventions. St ah or nmo, riTT or Toisno, t,. t.rrts fnUNTV, I" . .. Kr.nk J Ll.m-i luukr. cslh Ihtt h. Is tilt srnluri'tiineroftbeninioft' 3 ttiener . dnllK U.llir.t In lha lllf rt TolrOo, inl sud hist. ale..M. and lint "Id nrril will ( th. sum ot HS. 1KII.I.AILS for rsrh and rtrrf ra. ot -unh ibst csnnot be cured by lb. tu ol Hall .i.ttrrh !;. I'llAMt J I'llr.Nr.V. Ptorn to lirfora ma .ad .titM.eilt'e.t lu my ttcrnre, ibliethdsy ot Ih-rcnibrr. A IV Ish4 Not. r Public, llallsr.t.rrtiruro It ttk.n iBirrn.lli tvl srl.dlrrellronlbenlotNl.Ml mams sarfsrea ot the .J.trm Mend Iw liH.llliM.nUH.frjw. f-oM bv llMYtl.l.. Tf ll.ii I'.uiilr 11 1 1 .1. ik. Ihi. Ill Wot Africa thn native, his. uhea they scounjthluK l.millful Hie llusutos applaud n pulir orator In their astem bllwt by hlwlng at lilm I lielleva noa Cure mtdlclnt Ibat will cure fumnnipllon. Ann. M Hum, 1'a , Sor. VJ, 10. An KllmWIh .cal top silver .n, nrlirhhignnoounonnnd a half, was lAitd In loiidon rctvntly for flll an nunca This It u nx-ord prlco for old sliver It's Just as easy to buy Diamond "C" Soap as Inferior kinds. Your grocer aells It. Ilio rinn'nir of China hat to fast altty four days lu each ymrforthn sake of re I Iglon 4.tttt.t.ttt4ttttttttStt .... IHMMIHtIMMIIMMIMHt 1 It la the easiest thing In the woild to have I LUMBAGO OR LAME BACK. ,".?!& " '"' 1 No remedy hat made sorer CT OAlPrfRQ all I and quicker cures than Ol t JlwDj VILi I it neuxes the STirrtNtD musclcb. ttttttMtttttttttt tt.ttt... tttt.t "A HAND 8AW IS A GOOD THINO, OUT NOT TO SHAVE WITH." SAPOLIO IS THE PHOPEn THINO FOR HOUSE-CLEANINQ. yT A GOOD BUSINESS J IS THE KEYSTONE TO SUCCESS. Wrlta ut tali wrrk for our OolWe Journsl nJ brautlful ticlmf n nf penman -tilp. l-rlval KKKl!?- SALT LAKE BUSIHESS COLLEGE, ,,fflt1iatSSh4 Western HewspaDBr Union iFlsf SSS sua tuih Ckirp Proitcotlll Cltlmi ilttl 1 17 1 DI1LI.I III Ik TYPB . . . BlllJM.ifep.lll,J.i.l.Bi 7P PRESSES... ygMty i papkr cutters ici'nra1Tifwyi . . and . . W N. U., Salt Lakn-No. 4B, IBOO, Drlnioro QnnnllPC nvmr vhu o-x-rino Aditniscnctts tiiamy niUlulu OUyUIlUU DBSCUU-HOrl. Meatloo This raper. tkW " f lb. ..I... A Omboiim i.iople called the Pnongt are dewril d by Adberaard Ie clere, n-iirh retbtent at Krallt, aa of the type of the North American In diana, well formed and of good appear ance, hut with oadlv shaped mouths. The women are not to handsome, ttrung r intelligent as the men The I'nonga readl Irarn to read and write. Their co-lume rontlttt of a long shawl, which to da elegantly around the body. The children are never left alone for an liwtant, but are ronslsntly attended by their father or mother They recog nlie a god whom they call llrah, but their faith wnn to resolve Itself Into a doctrine of gho-ta They eat every thing. Incluillna grasshoppers, anakea, frogs. I'or a 1 hole, drink they make a kind of sp nt nf rice They amoks In wooden pipe, a mild tobacco, which they dry and 1 tat very fine, and chew various eubcum n They have a high ly developed sruae of smell and protest to be able to dl-tlngulih different In dividual! and animals, metals and other auhitsnr.-. with their ryea thuL Thoy hae no dances or miulc, but on certain iwlemn ocraelone beat gongs, and they have no funeral ceremonies. They have an art of carving small statues. They kep their promlie and have no patterns with a man who breaks hit word I jfyi't " ""' "lv wintry In tho world where tin iv are more men than women. TO CI HI' A I (II II IN UNI". HAT Tskn 1141.-. lr.,m jllne Tablets. All ilruivUl. iftusil.i.. monrr If It l.ll. 10 cure. toe TttOReoulnehst I ll g. en r.cb tablet According to the best autlmrllles, there has never been a mcenf men who were Ignorant of the use ot fire. Tho Duke ol Wellington, sl month a after the latlleaf Waterloo, was creator' marshal of r'rams. . .Mr.. Mln.loa'a ..milling N-rap ' tHrrhllnrrn Iwihlw Mn.a4th. a.ia. r.-esla. rawm.UMi r.i...lmlrwll. . bulll Tlie Kavoy theater In tandon hat been drlllvralely reviving tho charming operat nf Olllicrl an.) Sullivan, and finds It re wind Itatgrrata popularity as attruded their first I roanitallon A Prrslau carpel has ben In use for 200 years In the main hall of tlio shah's paUco In Teheran Jaan has seventy five cotton mills Tor n complete Hit of prise, useful nnd orn-mrntol, given free to purchas ers of Diamond "C" Soap wrllo to lha Cudaby Packing Co., Ho. Omaha, Neb. th. I'..l. t 11. 1 1.1. Thoy hats furnished the bridal hymns, the battle songs, the pilgrim marches, the penitential prayers, and the public praltra of etery nation In Christendom since Christendom waa born. These ptalma have rolled through the din ot tvery European battle; they have pealed through the scream of tbe storm In every ocean highway of the earth. They crossed the ocean with tho Mayflower pilgrims; they were sung around Cromwell's ramp fires, and his Ironsides charged lo their mutlc, while Ihey havs filled the peacetulJiomes ot our land and ot Christendom with Ihe voles of suppli cation and Ihs breath of pralte. In ptlsre liallt, by happy hearths. In squalid rooms. In pauper wards, In prison cells, in crowded sanctuaries. In lonely wilderness, everywhere thete pttlmt have uttered our moan of con trition and our song of triumph, our parfnl complaints and our wrestling, conquering prayer "il rVecf Tfpt c7ff7if OrJirof Cmlltnn In Manulaclun." . j WallEiBatoMs K Breakfast IJCOa': n V'lA ' bsoIutcly Ture, . t J I idm iidiciouH, ', faPJyjJ Xutrltlous, I ..Costs less Tfian DXE CENT a cup.. .' l aura that jroaitMliaCniifMAltUlf, ' 1 1 , nu4. 11 DORCIICSTI.H, MASS, by , j I WALTER MAKER & CO. Ltd. f ( lITUtHO Ijfck I Stop drinking - colored tea0 Try Schillings Best. X iNORTIIWEST'SOTES. IMnard 1L Hltneral of limn, lias been appointed storel(eier nt the Shoshone, Wyn.. Iiullaii ngeney. Inn wreck on the Mlaaotirl l'aelflo near Culanulo Sirlng. Ihe englucer and fireman were Iwdly Injured. The dead btnly found In ISnvenn Park, Seattle, has been Identified a. that of I'reil Miller, a civil engineer of H.111 Dlcgt). Mis. Syil a line of Ihnlirn, Ncli.. lint been appointed teacher In the Sho shone Indian school lu Wyoming nl (duo per niiiium Tnl'Tolt-Sec, the Arapahoe Indian who last summer kllltsl hit wife, has licen sentenced to ten ) ran In tlie Wyoming- rienltentinry. .lodge Itlner nf Lnrninle m-11 ten nil I'reil Iltiiii1it, n Jiirjttian, to sixty dnjs In Jnll for npH-orinif In lh court room while Inliislcaleil. llrlRndler'Hciieral llnlc nf Di liver, now mi duty In Manila. I. reported falling In hcnltli. nnd will he compelled to return homo nt once. All the Iron land owned by Ihe Cen tral Parlclllc near tavclock. Ner., hat been purchased by Mr. Hitchcock, and the enterprise will go ahead. M. K. Parson., of Wlhncmncca, re ceived another tralnloailnf rattle from William Stock nod llvnns .t Curlncr recently and the same will I ahlppcd cast. The Oregon Sugar company closed their factory at I.n (Irnnde for the ea son 1111 the Hth Inst. Ihe output of sugar for this senson Is a Utile more than one anil one-half million tioiiiids. Work on tho foundation walla of the new public building nt Cheveuno la progressing rapidly. Aa anon a. the cellar It excavated few feet deeer, a grillage foundation will tie put In. Cheyenne I. ciprrlrnclng n house famine. The opulallon has Increased thero mi rapidly on account ot Ihe fill ing up of Ihe Union I'uelllo shop, at that point. Hint there Is not a vacant house to lie had In the city. Zera Snow of Portland. Ore., repre senting llrcclvcrs Mink and Wilson of the Union Parllle, at Spokane, bid In the I'nlou depot properly there for 811.1,000, being tlio minimum bid pro vided by the order of sale Thero It a SUJ.uoo lionded debt agalusl the properly Dr William Iloyd, n cousin of lis (lovernor lloyd nf Nebraska, ha. been adjudged Insane at Cheyenno and placed lu tho stale Insane asylum, lloyd, who was n colonel of volunteers III the war of tho rebellion, Imagined that he had killed two Cheyenne cltltcna. Colonel Jay U Torrey on the Hill InsL presenlcd the stale ot Wyoming Willi tho regimental flag of Ihe Second United States volunteer ravnlry and the guidons of the seven troop, nf the regiment hlcli was organised In that alate. The regimental Hag waa a present from the patriotic woiuru ol the state. J. A. llranilreth, who claimed to 1st n nephew of the millionaire plll-makri of that name, was found dead In lilt cell in the county Jail at I'resno, Cal., having been arrested on n charge ol vngrancy. Alcoholism lsauppd tc have caused lilt death, lie graduate of Yale college and had traveled nil aver tho world. D. II Clutc and III. noil. I.awrenc Clute, nrll'lodoaaKiiilll men of Lend vlllr. are In Jnll chargtd wllli th( murder of John I". Ilargcr. Tho mur dered man nud the Clute. got Into t light nt tho sanmlllorernluinberdral and Ilargcr wn bc-ntcn In death by tin tno men. 1 he accused men claim thai Ilargcr had a gun and attempted t shoot llin elder Chute before the twt men uttatked him. The poatnllktt authorltlca 'have dl covered that thedynamltesentthrougl the mall, to the Turkish consul, (leo ll Hall, at Sail I'ranclsco, a short tlmi since, was mailed nt Untie by a yuiiui miner named John Dwycr, a man will considerable local reputation aa 1 rabid anarchist. Dwycr receiver warning from frlrnda and left tows before he could be arrested, The grand Jury hat refused to re turn aa indictment against II. (J lenders, prominent Cheyenne mer chant, who had been hound over by the United Statet lummjtkloncr for II legally fencing Unit belonging to Ibi government. According (o the reports recolvod It Denver, the Utes Intend making I stand against the gams wardens I' they attempt to drive them out o' Iloutt county. Mauy people ars ex pectlng serious trouble between tin Indiana and the game wardens. In the United fitutea our at Chey enne, John O.. tlllbert was indicted bj the grand Jury for robbing the post oHlceatOlllelte, Wyo. (llllicrt pleadct guilty and waa sentenced to one yesi and one day In the penitentiary and ti pay a fine of 3300. Charlie White Owl, an Arapahoe In dlan, pleaded guilty lo the charge tt cattle stealing on the Shoshone reser vntlon, and was given a Jail oenlenci of ten months lu Cheyenne. OthcJ arrests may follow for similar charge, among the tribe. NEWS SUMMAJtY. H The Job irriutera of Columbus, O., H nro 00 a strike forn nlno nnd a half kB hour day with ten hour. pay. IB It la still unknown In Paris whether jH Dreyfus will be brought back, and the IH most conflicting alatementnreeurrrnt asasH Ji-mo I, (tales, of the Second United HLv State, artillery, has been awarded tho fuEt first pension on neeoiint of the paulsh EtHR war. FaTssf Three llmusnud oc rotors In the utta cotton mills nt Augusta, tla . have PATli struck on nfVnutit of U ml net ion In HBH wages. HR All the Job printing cstnlillshments MH nt MlnncnH)tU elostril owing loa strlko IHB nf tlio proa, feeder fur shorter hours. Mtul Tno hiindrnl men are Involvetl. ttSI Tho hurrying of work on warship. hHl continue nt the Norfolk navy yard iaxesfl nud the probability I. that the night laWas.1 work will proceed for some lime nLfl The Alabama house nf reprcscuta- H tlvca has passed a bill providing for a H test of tho constitutionality of the IH federal 10 icr cent Inx on stale bauk H lssuca. Mouslgnor Vnldes, the Spanish H btahop of Porto Illeo, has resigned the H tlloccae, alleging that It Is Impossible H fur hlin to serve any other country H than Spain. H The French lino steamer l.a Nor- H inandle, which arrltrd at New York H from llarve, Indetalnnl atiiiinrantlne, H owing to sniallpox among her alcerage H Iiassengers H Comle Kslrrhaiy's "lAITnlro Drey H fus," I. believed In Paris lo be an nt- M tempt to throw mystery ou the K.tcr- H bnsy rase rather than rnllghlen tilts H Dreyfus affair. H Lieutenant Luctcn Young of tho H Illst, reMrlalt I. practicable to raise M the fanner Spanish cruiser Itclna Mer- M redes, sunk on June 0 near the en- H trance of Santiago harbor. H Wont ha been rnelved from tol. M Wood of lha evacuation coiniiilssloii of M llolgulu. lie has taken possession of H the city and apjiolnled Col. ltodrlguei, H n well-known Cuban, at acalda. M Assistant Secretary Vamlerllp lias H aalleil for Puerto Itlco, to famlllarlto M himself with the llnanctal coudltloiia H of the Island, lit pMlblllttra nf reve- H inns, and Ita requirements nf cxendl- M lure. fl Mr. Kcuiicr, United State, postal H agent fur the military department nf H Santiago, lias arrived nllh uiaUrlal. H for rslalitshlng Hittolllci-a at nil point H In the Island txiupted by Untli-I SUle. M Irooji.. 1 T. A. Ilaiixhunt, ngcntuf the Pan- H American Kxprra company nf llrnok- H lyn, attempted aulrlde ycttcnlay morn- H lng In Havana, by rutting hi. thnuit H In the lloletlnglatcrro, Itl.condlUon H la M-rlous. H The Itoynl (leogrnphlcal society ha. H Issued a formal for funds lo III H out an Antartlo csKillllou. Alfred jl llnriiisnurlh, proprietor of tho Irfindnii H Dally Mall and the livening Newt, hat H orfcrcd JiiUHK). M Havana I oicrrun with Atiierhant H who havu arrived there iullo without H melius of auptNirt, but In hope of gel H ting lucrative rmploynirul. There It H no Indiiceinenl whatever for outsider. H In !3 ;aua at present. H At Shanghai, Prlnco Henry of T'rus- H tla unveiled the monument to Ihe odl- H I'crsnnd aalloraof thulleriuan third- H class cruiser litis, which wn lott In 11 H typhoon mi July 9J, 1W, north nf the H Shun Tung promotory. ' H Dispatches from I'crplgnau. eupltnl H of I'yrcnev.-Orlciilnl, on Ihu right bank H of the rlicr Tel, reiott that the region H hat biun vlsllcd by sevvru storiiit, M Many vllage linvc been llmwlcl and H Iralllc has U-ru Inlerrupted. H ltt'iio llublet, former premier nnd M member nf the I'rencli Chamber nl 1 DeputlM for the First Arrundlsaeiurut tt of thu Dcpurtmriit uf the Seine, nn- M liouuce. that ha will soon dclliiltrty H wlthdiaw from thu Killtlral arena H TI e town uf Macomb, Mo., reported H Ihreateneil by forest lire., hat not M been reached by the llames. which H hare undoubtedly lerii iucnt.hed, a. u M heavy rainstorm Is said to have pre- M vailed In that section of the (lurks. (Irorge Ferguson, a Portimouth, H Ohio, iuaryman, and two of his chll. M dred are dead, Ida wife and another M child dlallgured for life, aa the result H of an accidental explosion. Ferguson H poured the content of a can uf blast- jH lng powder Into the stove, thlnklug It H wsaeoaL The United Slates Supreme court M lis. afllrmcd the Judgement of the M Uuprema court of Washington, enjoin- H lng the city of Walla Walla from build- H lng water works, mi the gmuud that B this violated a stipulation hy ",lllJJ1B-1gK the water frauchlte was given to aMJB private company. 8H The Identity of the train robber H killed by Kxprets (Inard Illakrley In the holdup at Daggett, Colo., on Fri day night, hat been fully eatnblishcd. The dead man Is Ignatius Filler. There were only two men In the hold up. Knimett LoucUo, aged 17, waa fatally Injured by being run uver by a Union I'aclflo train near Chejenne. He was stealing a rldo, when he fell under the wheels, losing one leg, and lay ont In the cold all night before being dlsoov tred.