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COAL V1LL1C TIMES. K tiuu ri'iiuiuua ca H COALVILLE. UTAH UTAH NEWS. BBl A new opera houte litoboconilrocl- BBb M In tllclnnond BBl Oalaareln great demand through- BBV ut the Male, ami consequently prices BBl ire going up BBV The game warden of Halt Lake BBl tnuntt I making It wann for elolalore BBfl f the game lair BjBJ A Halt Lake lily nursery thla uriwn BB dilpprd one lot of 13,M fruit trcee to BBl llloomlngton, Illinois. BBJ The new seminary school building at BBl llnntlngliiii liaa been finished anil la BBb tow occupied by Hie school BBV An addition la to In made to the Klo BBb Irande Western railway aliopa In Halt BEV Lake City at uroslof 810 (wo I The eleventh annual onion of tht BBb Urand I neampmentof Utah (Mil Fel BEB Iowa was held In Halt Lake Clly the BBB pat BBB The Methodist missionary commit BBh Ire, In session at Providence, It I on BBV I lie Mlh Inal appropriated III.S00 for BBB Hie Utah conference BBB Troop hate lieen ecnl fnim For' BBB Duchesne to I.lly ami llnmn Parka, In BBV Colorado, to compel the Ute Indiana BBV to return to their rewrrallon H Work on the Utah and Peclfle rail BBV road la progressing at a satisfactory BBV rate, and will be pushed forward at BBV faat at men and moner candolL BBV The heavy anoir alorma and high BBV wlnda of Sunday, In the northern part BBV of tho atate, had the effect of render BBV Ing a good many of the leleplivnea ute BBV lea. H During the past wrrk twenty alx BBV marriage lleciitea were luued by the BBV county clerk of Hall Lake county, who BBV declare that thla waa rather a Unlit Bfl week for ( lipid BBJ The city council of Pnivo ha decided BBV In erect an rlrctrle light plant for the BBV purpnae of lighting thestrrrtaof I'nllro BBV and furntthlng light to ilwelllng and BBV business houses. BBV Secretary uf Male Hammond, la lie BBV gotlatlug for aultable hallt and coin BBV inltlee room for tho third regular BBV aeaalon of the Irgltlature of the alato BBV of Utah, which will ii.nrme on the Ulh BBV day of January next H Hie Uintah Ute delegation, In Wash VVB Ingtnn for the purpoM) of algnlng the VVB mineral leatra, are having an enjoy BBJ ablo time tight arcing lhcm la no BBJ doubt but that the leasrf will be BBJ signed during the week. BBV The ataln Iward of land commission- BBV era have renulvcd to Invett the aum ol VVH f I &7I In the atate aohool permanent VVH fund hy the purchase of Ihmi (Irand VVH county bonds drawing (I er cent VVH Interest and maturing October I lull HHa One fanner In Juab county hat be- HHa come wealthy through ahe growing of HH lucerne aved alone Harm yrare age HBV all bo rtoreil waa forty acrca of bar V ren, arid laud Thla be ecedrd with HHf luierne. and be baa addeil to lilt hold HBV Inga from time lo time until ln HBV wreke ago bo refuted 817 (KM for Ills VVVJ tioaacasloii. VVH A large tract of land formerly at HVfl tached to the Unrompahgreuaorvatlun HVB and thniwu open (or settlement, ad HVV joining Ashley valley, la to be reclaim J ed by water from the Uintah rlrer J which will txi tspped by cutting a canal J about ten tulle long, aa toon aa per- HVB inlatlon can lie oblalnid from emigre! J toillrert a portion of the walera ill J Inlah rlrer J It la Mild that Japanese are being J linHirted for the Morrlaon coal inlnri J In the Waupete ralto) the owucri J ilalmlng that It In absolutely Impoud J ble lo get white men to do the under VVVl ground work In the mlnea, Ihoiuaiia pj grra atate that allthuAtiierkaiimtnrrt J they could xcure hare been glim H employment. BVfl The fruit tree Intpeitor of Halt I akt J county. In anancr to niiincroua In J ijulrlea, baa Itaueil a circular relating BSH lo fruit tree culture, In which lie aayi j that only pear trrea ahould be planted J on bottom or alkali land Applet J flourlth beat on middle laud, whllt BSH pruntaanilpcaehrathrUeon thowarm, BBS aandy Unchm. lor the nKky bench BHfl laud, graM-lnra aud peach trrea arc BB beat adapted BBE I'rlrate Ueorge II licey haa return H ed lo hl Inline In Manll from Manila flBBi where be went with tho Utah battery jjuS He baa been un the alik II. t alucv Utl KsM J,,1y utul wk honurabl) dUchargcd on IkfU thla account. Ho aa) a ho la content t BBBJ remain lo Utah In nceforth B Thelattof the Chrlttmaa Unei foi DBH our braro boya at Manila m re ahlppcc BH to Han IranclvHi mi tho lath Intt BBS lliey aiiiuuuteil Inall to enteral aeon 9H and wade a good wagon load Tin BBBI package came from all parte of tin BBBJ atate and routalneil all aorlanfarlli lea BBBj 'I he ilrnt auwrrlaor of Hall I aki BBHj City baa commeneeil ault ugainl I o BHH ilelln'iucnt poll taapnjera. the In BBHJ created Kliulll kniekablg hut In -BBpj hc oll taxpayera an I ufu BBJ ludgroeut laobtalunl aHaintl tlir i BBl llnnuanla nolliliiic la ixeiupt fuiui i. J uitlon to tatltfy lb CirANGE OF J)YNASTir. UUEEN nlOBNT OP SPAIN WILL AUDICATE lion CarliM, the Irtlrnlrr, Will tonn lonlrnl nt Hralu't fTlrTI. (J" Ittlrnl Will llralila In taalrla London Nor II A etirlout report In regard to Hpaln a future gnternmenl la current In illplomatle elrele, whleh, from Ita aourro, la cntltlel to el lit Ilia that there will be a change of dynatty tut a peaceful change The queen regent it aald lo be rnlneei of the hopeleianeM of hrrxin erer reign Ing, and haa upon the adfloaof tho emperor of uetrbi deeldeil amii after the peace treaty la algned at Carle land erery one now regard thla aaonly a queatlnn of clitrt) to quit Hpaln with her family ami Donlarlm will le pro claimed king Hrerythlng la reported lo lie already arranged and the army and clergy are alleged to be agreeable lo the change According to the pro gram, lion Carlo aa aoou aa tlitugt are running amoothly, will abdicate lo faror of lilt aon, Don Jaime MUST ACCEPT OH FIOHT. tarl Nam Tlrn nf llLt .! Wllllnm H apala to C nine In Term. Wathlnglon, Nor 31 It la bellered that Hie pearo negotiation are rear ing an end, and It la conaldcred nut Improbable Hint by Hie end of the prraent month all of the main feature! of a trraty will hare to be formally agreed til or the effort to reach an amicable Mttleinent mutt be nhan doned In order to bring niattera to a apeedy conclusion, our cominitalonera, by dl rrctlon of the president, will at an early date, lay before the Mpaiitarda Ihellnaland Inclinable ilriuaiidt of Jllils country, allowing a apiclfled time In which our conditions may be ao icpteil or njertwl Thla ultlmatuin ll It iindoratood, Inrolrea all that hat thus far Uhii contrndeil for, Including lho aurrendcr to the Unllcit Htatea of fhe entire Philippine group and alto iiamra tho amount of cash which this government will pay to Hpaln In eon alderatlon of her expenditures on ao rount of paellle linpnireinenta an I bet terment of the distant laliml of Luton Tho auiniint of thla cath paymrnt la jint known, but there Is a hauls for the belief that It Is approximately 110,. INDEPENDENCE OH DEATH Afulnallo Will llM for ltennllo ul Hie rilllnu IUt.ul.tle. lAindon, .Nor Jl It Is learned thai on Wednesday last, Aguncllla, the representative of gulnablu, vrholiaa been In Varla watching tlio proceed toga of tho peaco coiiiiiilsalonera, calleil meeting of the V lllptnoa In Varla and Iiondou to meet blm In Paris, when a committee waa fonnril with the object of doing erirytlilng possible to Induce franco to recognlie lho ao-callol Till ptno republic A Ulrgrain waa aent to Agutnatdo asking for lnstructloua,anil the following reply la said to hare been recclrrd "Insist upon absolute Independence Otherwise tight to the death We are all milted and the gorernment la pro gressing smoothly All the ludopend tut IrlWa of tho mountain are sub mitting to Agulnaldo and the chiefs are bringing pri tents of gold " The statements made by lleneral Wesley Merrltt, In reply to the npptal of tho 1 lllplno Junta uf Hongkong to tho American people haro tnuacil In dignation among tho rlllplnoe. They are specially Incensed at the sugges tion the' tliu n..uld loot and at the Idea of In-.tig goreruiil aa a lolony. oold ron HPANiAnuB. HUnra llreelirs SI (lull mm Will, width lu Par NMnl.h TriNitM. Havana, Nor 91 -InpUln (luicral lllam-o hat rrretveil from Paris a table authorising litm to draw on Parla for ooo In gold, to be applied In tho payment of HieHpaultlitroopt In Cuba Thla amount lain addition to the pro ceeda of the draft for KM 000 sterling by the .Madrid government on Londou, which waa sold here latt wttk The Hpn ul tli authorities are making strenuous efforts lo complete tlio uvaej uatlon by tho end of tho year Tin transports Montevideo and Covadonga are expeclcdouhorrinberl thollelna Christina ou tho SHIi and tho Caud Autltla, Juan I'orgas and Han Ignailc Loyata lietween Norember 30 and I) comber 4 'lliese will lie followett by the ltlco, (lallart, Montaerrat, Colon Chrrlbon, Notre Dame, Du Haluta Cludad do ladli, Han Auguitln, Chateao la I'lttp, Han I'rancltco, Alfonso XU, Iam Andes, Pauell and (Iraud Alicante Teu other ateamire have recently beeu chartered to sill from (lenoa, Mar tollies and llsrcelona to complete the eracuallou DANNQCK8 KILLINO OAMK. Altaaelllug Mrs lu the ruretls al Wja lulnr Cheyenne, Wyo,, Nor 31 Indian Agent Nlckeraon of the Shoshone ret erratlon haa reeelrod a telegram from the commissioner of ludlan affaire no tifying him that tlio Indians am ille gally killing game aud setting lire to forests In tho leton inountalut of Wyoming Captain MrkerMin left fur Port Washakie Immediately to Invest!- Sate The lultchUf It probably being one br the llanuovk Indiana. ) MAS8ACMED DV INDIANS" Is.iniirr.nn Iht aiemr ..! atM It list llren llotrhrr.4. l"ort Townsend, Waah , ,0T -j II the story of II Molokoff, win arrived her today from Nunlrak Island AU ha, la true, the potacngera and crew of the steamer Jcasle, nuinlmrlng fllteen, wero not drowned at tho mouth of the Kntkowlm rlrer, aa reported several weeks ago but were munlirded by In dians. Molokoff aaya that Justliefore be Ic't Nunlrak Island, tho Indian wife of a hunter and trader named Martten re turned to Nunlrak from Kutkowlra where ahe bad been rtsitlng relatives and reported that when the ateamer JeMlennd Wgo Minerva went ahore In the breakers a large number of In liana were on the beach and ren lered asalttanee In getting tho whiten athore and aavlug supplies from the btrgi After lielng comfortably rampel the Indians demanded it large portion of the supplies aa payment for acrvleea which, according to the Indian no innn'a atory, waa refuted, A few nlghla later, while nil wero asleep the Indiana made a rush on tho camp killing the entire party, Includ Ing Missionary ttebbcr, his wife and child After the massacre tho bodies were strlpiH-d of clothing nnd raluablra. Ther were then taken In conoen a cun ahlcrable dlstnnco from ahore and thrown In the tea MolokofTa atory Is partially corrob orated by a tetter from Marattn re cclrrd by llarnraon A. Chllcoot, who nwnrd an Interest lu the Jestle Mara ten atka for an Investigation, an 1 tayi that tho Indiana on the ICuskowIm are becoming rery Insolent They claim that section aa their hunting and fith Ing gruundt, and do not want the whlUa In trrspasa, and threaten tu make trouble for all pronpectora. SHARKEY DEPCAT8 CORUETT. TNsKsl or II..I II.. Ill,, ,pr IroinlheMsrl, Nework Nor 23 Tho Hharkey Corlwtl light, which wanwltnetwl br the largrst nnd moat representative gathering of sportsmen that erer ron grrgateil to are ring contest, ended In a most disgraceful fiasco. Corbrtl bad all the worst of tho encounter, when In the ninth round, one of hi seconds, Connie" MoVcy, Jumped Into lho ring, appealing to tho referee thus violating tho rule, and the ret erce, Honest' John Kelley, had no alternative but to disqualify Corbett and award the bout lo Hharkey. lc Yey'e Interference waa absolutely In excusable, and lho referee, believing that there was a Job In MoVey'ssc lion, look It upon himself to declare all beta off Hharkey had the bett of the fltht from the atari, and would undoubtedly bare landed his man Miarlm.s rushes wero successful IprarlablA til Jlm'a leg work was tested le Its utmost In trying to arada tho aggressive sailor pugilist 1 hat Hharkey lias Improved wonderfully goea without saying, and on the other hand, that Cornell la tint tho Corbett of New Orleans Is beyond iiucatlon At no time bad the Call, furnlan tho upper hand of hit yeungci and mora sturdy rival PUERTO RICO QUILT Heneral Itionhn Takes Mesisrti In lop lrs thn UUonlrrt. Washington, Nor. S3 He war do. pertinent haa received a illipitch from Dencrsl II rook o about the reported dis orders In the Island of Puerto ltlco The report were of inch a character aa to giro tho department some con cern aa It was alleged that I nlled Htatea troop were making serious trouble for the Inhabitant of tlio Maud (lenrrut Ilrooke was cabled for a statement of the case and re quested to make an Inviatlgutlun Ills reply la as follows lleports received dally from ban Hcbattlan and oilier troublesomo re gions, Disorders were re polled from that part of the island but 1 hare It thoroughly patrolled and nui still patrolling L Hverythlng quiet for three or four weeks, Hcvcral bandits have been killed or wounded by patrols Iteports rery much exarer ytrd Krery point ha been heard from today nnd quiet ami good order prevail " vimmI rer the (ubsns, Washington, Nor. S3. The commie tarydeparliiicntdlipatchfd the steam er llratten from Savannah with 00 tone of provltlona for the starving peo ple of Cuba. The llratten will let ft portion of tho cargo at Havana and then will tall for Malantas and other points. farmers VreisH In lleslh Hprlngfleld. Mo., Nor 3 (leorgo and IM Cotter, married farmers, were found froien to death near Ashgrovo to.laj Yesterday the went to tli. grove nnd drank contldrraWj Thty atartrd to their farina and were caught In the billiard It it supposed ther fell from their horses. Alkantns Whlleespirs Hhol Utile Hook, Ark,, Nov " Uhllo 4 (and of Whttecappcra at lilac k Hap bad Henry Whits, a negro In custody accused of hog dealing they wero fired upon by tho negro a friends. Henry Halo waa shot and killed t hubbj Spadea waa mortally Mounded and (leorgo Warner daugeroutly lujured All are while Tho causaltlea on th, negro aide are not kiioiru l)tt h leged thief etcaped A corner a Jurj charge-" him with murder and be It being hunted by a mob. DEWEY HEAT. I) FKOM. REPORTS 191 AND OP PANAY IN POSSESSION OF INSURGENTS. Ths Itlnn.l nt Nero list lleflsrr.1 lain- I vmlenen nnil IIMlrvs tlnsrlenti rro- terlorsln-llolla est I It In I at- trs.lon of Rpsnlarilt. Washington, N'or 10 - New baa been received nt tho nary department from Admiral Dewey touching the sit uation in the I'lilllpplnia Thendmlral sent two of his warships, the Charles ton and the Loneord, aonin time ago lo the south want from Manila, lo ascer tain whether then was truth In reports that Insurgent hail expended their activities In that direction Ho btu cabled the deportment aa follows Charleston nnd Concord arrived to" day from Hollo (lias rcporta that the entire Island of Pa 11 ay la In possession of IntiirgenL except Hollo, which la defended by 800 Hpanltli troops. All foreign cltlrcns there beg for American protection The Island of .Negro haa declared Independenco and dctlres American protectorate (lias la the commander of the Char leston Ho far, nothing baa been dona I by the administration toward curbing I tho Insurgrnta III their operation, tavo j verbal representations from tho Amerl j can commander to Agulnaldo, in which It lias been pointed out to him that It would be good pollc). In view of tho probability of tho annexation of the Island by tho United Htatea, to purauo it course that would not be obnoxious lothe United Htatea Hut the situation It iiow readied to bo critical Ho far as the Hpanlnrda are concerned, per I hapt they can be left to take care of I themtelrea but tho foreign rettdenta at Hollo are differently regarded lliodlMculty In Iheaituallon la that. j with thu belt Intentions to Intervene to protect the l.uroieau and other foreigners an 1 to tare lho city of Hollo, the second In Imjiortanca In the group, from loot, tho United Htatea forces ap pear to be stopped under tho rule of war from moving from their position! fiuch la tho construction placed upon tho clause In the protocol relating to a suspension of hostilities. 1 he Immedi ate effect uf till atate of affair may be to hasten action In the Parla con frrenre, for It la only by the termina tion of that tribunal that the United Htatea can come to the relief of tho beleaguered Hpanlarda In Hollo and other polnte. RIOTINQ IN PORTO RICO. A Slats ol Anarrhr Rail lo KiUl on lbs land. ! Washington, Nor. IV At ft session of the cabinet much time waa devoted to tho consideration of complaints that hare reached tho war department l legtng that ft atate of practical an arcliy,prevalle In Puerto ltlco. These complaints aeicrlrd that lho lawless elemenla are committing depredatlooa of the gravest character, and that tho I seriousness of lliesltuatluu Is Increased I by tho fact thut United Htatea troops likewise hare been guilty of groan mis conduct Hecretary Alger, nt the Inttnnco of tho prrtldcnt, cabled General llrooko, Inquiring aa to the accuracy of the complaints Tho most aerlona allegations are against brigands and lawless element! In tho smaller towna away from the coast It la said that, taking ad van tage of tho unsettled atate of tho coull. try, duo to the transfer of tho govern ment from Hpaln to the United Htatea. banda of men hare organtted for rob bery and rapine, burning houses and plantations, aud levj Ing tribute upon tho people wherever possible In one case, It li aald, they made a raid on n, email town of about 1,000 Inhabitants, fifteen mllee from the nearest troops, nnd burned and destroyed property to a. considerable ml no SICKBNINQ SPECTACLE. I invest Trslii I lows Inlnn Mstlnl Walk n..n. Kllllnl I New Yurie, Nor 10 in tho gloom of amoke, atorm and fog that darkened theralloot lho l'ennsylianla railroad between Jersey City aud Harrison, belated suburban train dashed Into ft gang of workmen, killing eleven and wounding four, while Ave others had remarkablo escapes. All the victims lived lu Jersey Cltr The accident happened two mllea from Jersey City At that point there are four tracks, two devoted to passen ger and two to freight traffic. Tho men were working on ft freight track when ft train approached. They all itepped from tho freight track onto tho paaaenger track, when, without warning, the belated train dashed Into them The scene was oue of sickening horror. Ilodlee were thrown hundred! of fret, HiuIm wero scattered In every direction, and the ground looked like it battle-Hold. REOULARS FOR PHILIPPINES. rrenlcal Italians I'ruvldMl for the Twsn ll.lli lufanlrT. Leavenworth, Kan , Nor 10 Lieu tenant Colonel McCaakey, commanding the Iwentlctli regiment at Fort Leav enworth, Waucd ordera yeeterday to tlio quartermaster, to provide rations tufllcleut for lho regiment In a tropical climate Tho ordtra are that fur ought now will not bo granted for more than ten days. It la believed that tho Twentieth will be ordered lo tho Philippines. OCCUPATION OF CUDA American Trr-ips trill Itenrli Havana Abnnl Tl.aukialtlni New York, Nor 10 The American and Hpanlsh commission, in agreeing upon January 1 aa the dale of hpantah evacuation of Cuba took a precedent from the treaty of peace, entered Into fifty j ears ago between Mexico and the United fllatca, when on agreement was made aa to tho date of tlio Ameri can occupation to cease Then aa now It waa known that all the troops could not be embtrked hj the date agreed upon Theoretically, the Hpanlsh oc cupation will cease by January 1, though It la believed that 33.000 Span ish troops will still remain In Cuba. The men will continue lo oceupy their barrack until they leave for the peninsula It un agreed thatallarrai, tavo thoao In poltlon, slioll 1ms re turned to Hpaln There yet remain to be settled the right of Hpaln to aell the bronre cannon and to hnro pay for the public building within the lalnnda. (leneral (Ireen etpecta lho first troop! to reach Havana about Norem berS3 Colonel decker, who hat here tofore counseled delay now thinks the tlmo haa arrived for vigorous action Tho weather lielng settled, ho would bring the troop here at once Btorlet are current hero In Hpanlsh clrclea that the Cubans nt.Marlanoa, lu Plnar Del Klo and at other camps, are burying arm and ammunition for tho purpose of provldlog for possible dif ference! with the Americana. It la atated that these anna are being stored In secret hiding places until a deflnlto declaration of policy I made by tho American government The Cubans atrongly deny the truth of the rumora and of course they cannot bo confirmed. MOVC ON HAVANA. Amerlean Troops l Orcnpr MpanWti HlronihoM Mill In Trn Pars Washington, Nor 10 The move ment of United Ktalcstroop to Havana will begin within ten daja The ex act date of their nrrlral will be deter mined by tho representative of Major tlcneral (Irecne. who command rt di vision of the Seventh corps nnd la now In Havana oil business connected with garrisoning that province, and of (len eral Charles I' Humphrey and Colonel decker of tho quartermaster's depart ment. 1 heso nfllccra are nuthoritcd to complete arrangements for the re ception of the troopi, tho quarter master a office r being engaged In tho supervision in tho construction of wharves and depots to bo uted by tlio army, Tho occupation of Clonfuegos It alto receiving attention, (leneral Hnyder will command the lint brigade which land In that province lie will bo fol lowed aoon afterwards by (leneral W II sou and tho Hrslcorp Nothing has been heard of the dctatchniente of the Klghth cavalry which sailed for Neu rltaa and Puerto Principe, bnt aa there la no telegraph communication with that pari uf the Maud, no aurprlso ll manifested nt the war department A MONBTER WARSHIP. England Launrhr tt.n lrstl Mchtlni' In the ttorlit. Portsmouth, l'ngland, Nor 10 Ihousanda of people wllneaaed the launching of the ram b-ittlcshlp For midable nt tho dockyard here. Kho la aald to lie the largest warship In tho world, being of 10,000 tons displace ment She la (00 feel Iol-, liaa 73 feet beam and draw a SO feet 0 Inches of water She coat orer 11,000,000, and la estimated to ate am eighteen knot. The chancellor of tho exchequer, Mr Michael llicka-lleach, tho first lord of the ndmtralty, Mr (loschcn, and Ad mlral .Sir Michael Culinu Seymour, were among those prcsc nt A notable feature of tho launch of the battleship waa tho entwining of tho llrlttth and American Haga 011 tho official aland Tho arrangement of the Formidable contltta of four twclro Inch guni, twclvo six Inch quick firing gun, eighteen twclvo poundera, twelve three pounder! and eight Maxim gun She carrlei POO torn of coal In her bunkeri, and will have a complement of 730 men Her twelve Inch guni are In hooded barbettes. She la to be drlren by twn propellers and will hare 13,000 Indicated horse power. Troops far tuba. Washington, Nor 10 Tho Impress Ion now prevails that not nearly so many troops will bo needed lu Cuba aa waa dealgnated in a general order Is ued some time ago. Then tlireo corpa were named and their itatlona deter mined upon Three reglminta were to be sent to the province of Clenfuegoi, but not more than one regiment will bo aent there. Other points where large garrisons wero expected will not hire the quota assigned them, and not more than half the troop first selected will go lo Cuba No llrailog- on lloasrvatlaaa. Washington, Nor 10 Tho right of lho government to prosecute crimin ally persona grating sheep In all forest reservations, except In the states of Oregon and Washington, wax aus talned In a decision rendered recently by tlio attorney geueral bocrctary Illls recently asked a to whether ucli prosecution would lie under ono of the icrles of regulations re cently Issued for the preservation of the forests, and tbe decision hold that they will SPAIN RECEIVES ULTIMATUM. ' Mn.l Arerpt Titrntr Millions for In- I lilllpplne Irian ! Pari, Nor tt The American com missioner presented their ultimatum at the Joint session of tho commit I lonera hrl I yrstenlay nf lernoou The Americans declared they mutt harv the entire Philippine archipelago and for a treaty cession of the Island the Americana tendered lo Spain 8(0 000 000 It la further drclarcd that It I Iht purpoM of tho I nlled Htatea to main tain the Philippine Island a an "open door" to the world a commerce On the terms named tho United Htatea propotea mutual relinquishment of nil claim for Indemnity, national or personal aubse-quent to tho out break of the Inst Cub ill Insurrection November 3 is fixed n tlio date on which thu I lilted Mate commission desired n ill Unite rrtpontc lo yester-day- proportions and nil other sub Jecta In luo here It is alto declared (hat the Untied States desire to treat oil the religious freedom of tho Caroline islands aa agreed upon between thet lilted Stale and Hpaln in 1844 and also In tho acquisition of one of the Inrolluo Is lands for an American naval atatlon, and ofcabto Ian Hug rights at other place In Hpanltli jurisdiction and the revival nf certain Hpanltli-Ainerlcan . treaties, as heretofore In force Die Americans also refuse to arbi trate article MI of the peace protocol, ' bearing upon the future disposition end control of the Philippine Islands j QUEEN LIL'S CLAIM. Ilolnt lu Untlilnflon In tlenvnn I Hawaiian ( rnnu Han Francisco, Sor 22. Kv. (jiieen 1 Lllluukalanl of Hawaii haa arrived I from Honolulu, accompanied by Col onel 0 W Macfarlane and Hon Paul Nooican Tho ex queen excused her- I self from newspaper men, but It wan learned that t.llloukalanl will leave for Washington In u few day. Tlio t object of lit r rlsll I lo try and Influ ence congress, to allow her to retain powsilon of the crown lauds, call- ' mate 1 at 8J,ooy00 ", Lllliiokalnul maintain that despite the annexation of the Hawaiian Is- 't land to the United Male, the crow 11 lands aru her abvilule private property j and this country ha 110 more right to assume ownership of lho lands than it J ha to lake the properly of any prl- rate 3 lho contention of President Dole, ) the cabinet and the Hawaiian com- ' million that the crown land became I part nf the ('nlled Htatea upon the an nexation of tho land, the take ex ception to, and I hopeful that her trip jjl to Washington will result dually lu r tho crown landa against becoming her f private potaiulon it TEN THOUSAND 8TARVIN0 j Ureal lll.lrsu tiunna the tlihrruien nT Of I Imp I.Un.l Ll Tacotna, Wnth , Nor S3 Lata ad- B rlcca from Japan stale that 10 000 J more llthennen living on Klrup Island r Northern Japan, are mi tho verge of :.' starvation homo have nothing to eat. .' while other are existing on rata nnd J putrlflcd licrrlnga. During thla winter f all mrnii of transportation between 1 Htmp Ittand nnd Hokkaido province jl are auipcndcd, Inconsrquencoof which f the Island a Inhabitants are subjected to Innumerable hardship In tho event t of n bad Halting season ' A big catch having Ken expected ' thla year, n.OOU lUhermen wero Import- j ed from Hakodate nnd Ncmurn Con- t trary tnexKctatlona, this jrar' llth- Ing proved worse than erer One bank I has sustained a lot of CO 000 jen and lj Individuals have lost from 3 000 to 30, 000 yen each Many dealer have fail ed and famine prevails amoug tho ! people J cuda ron CUQANS, 1 llravrnl llarel Pais All CuUant rarur f Absolute IniWpenurnro. h New York, Nor 33 (leneral Callxto. llarcla and the other Cuban commit- J loners from tho Cuban military assem- fl bly, are In thla city, enroute for Wash- Jj Ington, for tho purpose of laying lie- f fore President McKinley ft resolution In recently adopted by tho assembly an H to the future of the Island of Cuba. H In an Interview, (leneral Uarcla aald. Ej "I will go to Washington In a day or K two to seo the president, and after my K work lo the United Htatea la aceom- W pllshed, I will return to Cuba. Tbe Cubana hare no other feeling for the H Americana than those of friendship S and gratitude Aa for myself, I believe K In tho United States having Cuba, but IE not forever I am for free Cuba, and If so are all other Cuban. There Isnoten- W ttmeat un the island for annexation " 1" FED HIM ARSENIC. E I'annailvauU Woiusn Aeentrd of I'oltoa In liar llu.banil. Allentown, Pa., Nor 33 James Blchcrof Mlncslte haa died from tho effeeta of arsenical poisoning do be camo sick September 13, and from robust roan of 180 pounds wasted ftway to a mere skeleton of HO pound Ho had hi wife and a boarder, named Thomaa Ilcllder, arreated, charged with administering poison to him In apple dumpllnga. Thry are stilt In jail, awaiting trial