Newspaper Page Text
H V VdlYMilty of Utah fj ' In 1 I . The OoALWLLii: - Times. . I gH .' ,,.... . , - . .fai , flH B ' ,'!,-?, ! .u..i..7im . mn, ftH PinOHIZE HOVE INDUSTRY. Provcygsro TO THTO ZJrr3PSTai OF STjaucaarr OOPM'TV. FREE COIIIAOE OF SILVER, 10 70 1 'BsR H COALVILLE, SUMMIT COONTY, OTAH, PRIDAT, JAXUAitY $, ihft No(tf 'Sffl$P I THE COUNTY NEWS HH UAJCL.BT. H OiXixiiTiMh. Jan. 101MW H X ditch Tbm H tanlelLaintrl bit returned otk H ttilimUtonthe Smith end Morhoaie , H "fork el tbt rlrtr. H ThinVi to the new Editor ol the H Tlmei It Piprulii nt lorin. Mm ggfl Ulonr,cnnlliiiielHlililiollhe tllrr. iff! Hj H I'toi.Uub. Jnvll, IMU H tO-TO TtMI H Th grlprebaf (lbt H'IPulnn H bleW r( or 'rem. H Tnc TiMre "III un. don. Aliei i H ibn-i reit den lit erdi-u lelorl It H turnout reireiLed and will tegtrned H vlth ffl'ricvi ry lif 'liny r"tn' gffl Juccm tj th new mane geiueot. H n. K. E.Vir, Hj K4KKluii'r H HfAK-ui, Ouh, Jen 10, IH-ifl H Kprroei Tixiii B Tbeietimofb ilekeeia Id Kotkpert H rtt'ftct. HJ Mm llainlt Ulbbota hit returned M heme alter Inlet at Honiete' ranch 1st H icrme tima pitt. H illi"Bew Worth, th icbool teacher. H tBdDen'liienieoieltendedtblieli- H eri'ltmltu'eetCoalvlllecn Slurd. H Jlu SetaliOlUocile lilting !' M Itr.di in lark City. D c H H W AXkiur, Clb, Jan. U, ir-M H tononTmu' H Itieetsilbet Wailhip bai to bae H rutin tbe rreTeilloititcUeH. H- A.Batet bu teen out Irons Etll La H bojlctnl. ndi(" buccbtn fin H the H weiegUd to hear that TniTiati H Till afaln oak apr"'"! rtJ B wiU It mctti. ugdr jtat g'j'lis: B "' """'" 'Hjpeoir'' " H'' Bibtrt X.? Uixaon rao bo H to ifLd the bolidaf. 11 i H atticdtrs the B. Y. CoUfif. H Mna Blanch Yeung cam (torn fall Hj UVt for her icbool Tacotloo tod r- iH turcid oo thfStb H Mlu Madia William la around again Hj alter an lllnna ol a nnmbcr of dayr. i H tb Lliu Kiln Club haa rtiumtd Iti maelipsi in tbalitll room no Ibo corutr ' M Tb old ofltora " rnoitatcd (or an- M otbtr jtar. The 22 Qaorum ol avntla ulll bold H their Qoartttlr conlran(0 btra Sunai)- tht S2od at 12 U. All nifmb it ait M raquaited to ba praitnt. H J.rcndUton loida city lotto 0!r B nimunn about a tekago. H Car trarbu.MIti Cora Alrximlrr H tpotbr Ifbool acatlca at btr hooi, B mrroTodiy. The icbool oraccdaln H on the 3rd, 1 TiielloUdi)atntb7rrrirooQtt)ly-! m Vtt hare icn ibatlme tharanai nor I H axtltemaot, but rr one iemd latll-' M flad, Ihechilnnna tri iuc.i. , B Thr ai a danrt lor both joun; sail ggB 1 bae In my prxifiiioa ibo loli' ggH duKriUd pioprt. One libt n ggB1 ter, about tome jear.o.J, uaU lH' rjNrombloei wltU a btr acioinu-1, gggf niilholrlt bll crop otf th Iru -m gggS and llll inlbrluntar. il nut aim- gggggggf ed oo ci" tlor Jannai 21ii,iliii t ggggggS loid to tbe blih.ti a,h bidder at I fou, gffffffl Sgmmttctrunty, Uiaii Bi;U;iui:. B Foaud i.i-t ggggggB, ihaetn DiJ poiieiilcn onp rfl Mur ggggH, ,is atr, towoded A7 " '' ,uu gffffga 03ft.aliu0poillli "" lW"r t"- ggffffffl r.-SiZ- Hi.g'li.V't1' """?. gggggggS u LO. ClilLlrU witninllJ lrn)ilr.v gfffffgfl Uiu, 2S(b, 1W. it !;!. bold to i. ifffffV bunr.t nn.Did'lraioiulp, U.. H Aituib live":' H . H Thoie libiog ti pnrchate tbni: H tba Holy land cm irocut' IH o.o Vloyda a & froi-'i $'' e0"' H Tutb K Waaieaii'borixedturuirantea r H ti,-olOhiojl3erltlu'CuiS -.'1' Hj to M ai rK',eu""' r ' '"' gH ,Uory (i.r tvo thirdi of lh f H ma t,er, ui,il'luuil 'tr ai B to i..u purcbater. Tbere ti bo l'- H aecitemadelorla grippe. ieia auJ H wbooping couiia. VrU-e, 35' a.d 6jc B pcrbotila. For lalabyoUu Do)J,,i . i KOTTimLLB ( Ilornrtilx. Unh. Jan 11 1S99 Errrt Tii I Mil Wm fiMdmin el Wait Jordan , ctn'ont Tuflday tovirit hrdtohter , Mn Ucniimto Bron fjl) rrrry boW bare If barking1 ollli cougba, amlirifralaredoirn t lb la snppe 0. II. Wf it returned Irero Salt Ilka StluriUy, bio to baa bitn doin; buitnrta lir th Mirbl Work'a. Thrr naa a ilanrr liatr Ur.irii nljlit lor tba tvntfll 'I lh uil.ilenanri tbai ir in lh UfM 1 Uriatinhr iraitrr with th rlojta il. Cimrii). h iiot ibove Jt to cbiapiriion lilllb luuiiriar wait Ins lor nuirgt llf-l.r ijci n bn tiai tltuonthr .i.. i lull aiotir. He mill I It a lit.. ui a .ll. I il ,)! i min Thk Tiiitl "r idiuiIi. S r under the l IUiJi.' r."-ii it ojij oiottno J tiiijiUi Ittva .it i(.eraud lull ill pan.ti iuU i, ii hii,u pan to kp ib i llCl-IMl II,' 1 11 A. I I 111. ill' K , I t: utt i i., '4ii ji, if 'i. I I tlll. L tujp. nu.i.iui mouimI! Iu Il-nc li. ii aii i.i ii tii)l br arc tu- .iii.iu I- V l M 1 A. Mil tin on I ..! i m,i 4i ; j, m II llonrtet uatno; faouitjp it. c lion leuka vmy utii sol cln. Mi. u KotM-rn, ii viiiiln; iu tQo inal.i'lilll Wrnaiiur Hunt, took Hon indutot Hitef-;. bi no' Salt IV. ie !vj1usi berdnrlnf tb vrek. hr.alr aa tliMy (aercd en Eue- Jar latt, tbt nccailinttlri; tbftoo , )"lrt mioliLt ol luiio and lltnolei mull 1'rtiipint Uluff and otbtra Ii' u Cwuiilo atd Up'on c.e dn- ioi in during itf da and in the )e.-itn.' altera iu-s tiuoly itmaiki by C A Callti, llr J. E. T.lmigool Silt , Ucu uelitied an.cioqutnt icimou. e-ayali ervell Uaffd It putting it Mildly. AdWtgatton from Morgra aaijup a li 0i igoloiklrj ovr ilm propoiad ic-J tbpjati,iKcc.jiom,ial I imlr flTrtaVielo'ateiably'rmprettedr It 11 io ba hoped tbatJDavli, WeNr.and I SimiaaJt, i. join Ibtmlo a petition to the It.Mltluie tat (a approprUiioa , to make toll much .atedud road, It ( mould make difference ol fire, uillei cIiiimI lor-tiy load cicea!.aauld , W.S. vrtt Uliox.-TJuh, Jaa.-ll, M'E. lououTuixa. Bslacd Clark, it In Coalville jeiter- da co boilau llmar Evrni, ear icbcol teacher, 'itea.Tfr) ciedliablt enterUlnifitai I abd ilatto to tbe children to tbe evuei lJall All vera driUblel villi the f je itnn. Mid) b al, lli turned "Itii diuuit Iros J a.hir vilto lob. gill wlili au fcUinihe brtalli, Karrithtcr ll'iotTea purl i 1)1 the trratti ti, lu action ou Hie ' voll eti. , ii nothing elie "111. bolo lor;arioualiioiult guiriutaa. 1'rlce ilic -i.rt iMa tto.d uj Jobn bo;dn 6t Bull. HAIUArCU UauIaicm, L iau. Jan 10, If I1?. Kwtuh lum. cclioil opened lilt Moa'a) nba lullaiieudauue i'i-u i(. tulA ii lue urder ol the day. lbeei.i k rt k-oktug tieuy wftll t'O' Ii luuiig i u inverr ncainer bsv ,al uiu gib fiti " Kt-CMUlUg llotnul I OlltOr l l.a icn, ' , aitoUUNlunlUuri' na u i l ! iuiw men. fWferal t)Ht i i i-r mil 1m Im u lakan iiiu nu I ..!. an.iuKUi bald Lcie i il" iJi i bini iterboJ, Our im',r Mil, Ar. i.i.-il I. i) jwat '-""" .!..' ... jfi'i In p"?a'u""u J leranyJu. g'-r.ii' .; -j'.l-i.'fa li.i u allaCk o( I Jin., ml piuirlv It II (aucb ' il,a .iiu.- aa a tier tuld and rea'liiei m i I. ilia mum rtmui. heuitln Hui ', at Lon)anliakv.ha3-lrlAlu'i . ' " -'' ' "' ' " ..tauda ptoapt acd lo-jletn it- erj if lir in lnlw. Vr itle by irthu Bo- 4 i i Son !Caaa,aaHaia.Mikaoia. .ioJIl Wi cjttuuntiicor4oaillt Moocairc nia. t "S,"l E3rtS!SEr!ir . iT Jtloo W iart.. K ilibl or aoi. Jt alt i i Kyiff."Howl0jila ftu.a oo iMoa H Iba U. 6. a4 fcraija eouauUit Jiici Iim. Aiaiin- . . , .. I, c'?iay?7TiT!"i"TT'"r ? V . Jl w.0iwPp7fl 'iiUijia VaJll.Bp'ieiKaJ7i, 1 "" lity "'! t,'JS2f.L",V,,'wr,ai,"aalaaJlMiW i A BOON TO MANKiNDI ' fmrrvmnrmmr "I" iiiiee-uafimuaajarpgaaMraf D" TABLIR'S BUCKEYE lMusW qure A. New Discovery for the C'.rt?in Cure o INTERNAL and EXTERNAL PILES' WITHOUT PAIN. CURES WHERE AU OTHERS HAVE FAILED. TUOfS, 5Y Mill, TO ClflTpJ aOTYirO, 60 CCNT8. ijMES F. EH l aR3, Sflrj Fi(f flslti. ) 310 M Mi Street. ST, LOUIS. HO. , GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Zm BftRGftIN STORe COALVILLEt UTAH ! ii. ItttMitiiMMJiMttatt Xl WwPI lfwrif'FWf'IW A WELL DRESSED BOY. S IS An old merchant of Kew Vorkiay "After a long H business career my deliberate judgment i this: It M pays to wear good clothes fa aWawably made I remenv p Dtr when, as a boy, I began .my business career at J6 JJ a weet. I was sent on errand to tbe swell clothing H I establishxient of the city. After I bad done my errind ' the proprietor looked rae over,' and noting my clothes, slid thnt I ought to have a ue uit.. I" explalnejd to' , business inveitmcntoucouldmake. With a fashionably cut garment on, your own confidence and self-esteem -will be inhensed and other people will think better cf.yon." And he generously offered to furnish a a suit and let me payior it whenever I conld or not at all. He was tight. It wa& as good an investment as I could have made; for I believe the babit it gave me of always wear ir E good clothes helped m immensly in business. Now we all know that the slovenly dressed lad never secured the respect and consideration the well dressed ouug man gets. Te secret of drissiug well lies in the telectton of the right place to buy. Xnt f place :s Wright's We can show ye-u the finest line of Boys' nd Young Mens' Clotbtag samples ever brought to-0-, etber. When you have sees Wanamtker & Brown's g inethere is nothing mete to look for. The material js g what you want; tbe style and fit are correct, and the IK price less than ycu. ire paying for cotton and shoddy JS goods. Don't dtei vour boys like scarecrows, send SIS them to g W. J, Wright, Agent. Xmas Morning Santa Clause Would you make the little folks happy? Just come down to my store and sellect for them a beaut.fsl 4 useful present. With every dollar's worth purchased you receive a ticket for the big doll to be given to the lucky one New Year's eve 1 have a full stock of Ladies' and Children' Union Saitf. facist:s, a beautiful line ot Waists, Wrappers, Sots aau Dressitig Saques. Coats, Cps isd Wats at reduced prices Maggje R. Salmon. HOLIDAYS ARE . . . KODAK DAYS i The holiday season is a cV.ightful one for amateur photo grapay, making the KODAK an especially welcome CHRISTMAS GIF1 Flash-lightpieturesasi d.vliuat pictures Te easy th XODAK. I A fall line of Kcdaks a i implies at l Write or sead for bcok'.et j Joiin Boydeij k Sons ' ' ' Wow. Grass Creek S Ooal from the Old'Ohuroh ( iflH Voin is now sold at the fHi mouth of Grass Greek Can yon, near Coalville. aSI 'al CeoTLi A Mine Prloeo. Big wolghts i , H and eaBy loading. " A largo H supply alwayo on hand W M Stable and Bunk Room Free. 1 h M " ' " '- - - l. !?? 'tS, M k's1 i H CIOTHING DEPARTiMET.! iiiC -v just received one of the bjt lines of Boysf, M H V Clothirg aver brought to thi city. p M Correctjtylts for winter use Correct Quality Cor- 83 H rect prices prices that cannot be beat, qinntym f5 H consideration They tre bought direc; . c:u one- l H of the Jatgtstaauufactories in the United Sutei, H This enables us to giva the ben goods for your gggggj money. Remember they ate DOUBLE SEAT. . gH Ages from to : 9 years old Alio a fine Unci of M "'"' Uttlc fellow icefers ffjiiia XMU. jT VB We 'can save you mosey. ' L, f ' gggg COALVILLECOOP I I I ' , u HI ! H C O J X, I Always On Hand at. the I WASATCH -:- MINE I Lump, - $2.25 I Stove, - - 1.50 ftflis LoadEd Promptly. I Drt). J PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY fl Weber Coal Co I a3j-jtKtaewaerea'a;aanLiiiii in j.houikii. i:.iuvTr.n,micrr H 16EO, W. & ROBERT mm, I I WANSH1F. . I iDeatos in General Msrchandise 1 ' W ORMS I VSRMIPUGEK 1 For 20 Years HeaUd all Worw i.mimms. ffiStffBS3 lT,n - JAMEO F. B ALLARP StLoutaj