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I fir 'AJITT ftj ' V ' V Sfc' HewMnntH -WagVan l-In Xlie "BMiLi.jT1"lTT"""r .1 "f ' - nr. 'if. Ttj ""trfT,M,VtVIlt1'VVl&"' tHHal of : Hflfl 1'VW llnlrcrs.ty of C, "-" - f?Wejjic'W,th;Qi'ciippuitciianccs ''UleWnTWlJfiu tf&ptaiue by the ' WM jntoy'W'WiinriyjsSe tract of land If' ysi3fK,WilW,il fur llio in. ' jy-7 "KoTOf, iqablc,"tin.Udug '" '' 'jft I' ZZ " W0 JC UC JtWTcWI tlierawrlif WZiZi mMK'U.WMaHillkUUAU com wW(m n( rtliaijlnulfiif of' ilIHs vuro Introduced and referred to the pnii kjAiiiiiiIKm., prohibiting innrrlago xt'cnu persons nf illlfffcnl races, defining the bouojiirJis of" ' Wayne County; rotating to taxe and yum !--.. ,-lliil.lciuuiU relating tu .UxsUou -of rnllroail Innds, prohibiting the cxlsl-i'iiciyi(-iriitt mml niniiopnHoS In ithc w-x n ,Iro'V rV',3"Jlo,J,rjJdJugJ"ortho JS 2l'yWiit 5f tlvA-Riilay AifU totillngrul ma -expines of (hi? TlJIffl legislator"?) to m gaprmldo for tho. formation, of railroad "Ttnfl ffitporntluns furUho jjurpono-of rTur chaidngand ripcratluf rallroadM etc., rfjl"ffl'flniloni'Wthe idijslenl examination aB?M;Tof salaried teachers. . - Hfi?'; Suit IMtt tlty, Jan.'ls. IliaCral, wmIc f fbo third leghi)n'ilve session of ? SSI V'J""1' "f lnh ca""" n c,o0 wl'u' ''""Vo'utniiv thing special" to dlitliigiiMi It from preceding iittcmhllcs. Ah was iB J ' "' two yours ago, both hoMM-spf the legislature jmt In the llrst week or Vau'ilnif. Joriiiulutlng rules, molring ,l,,. t'OTiTtior'n message, npwlntlug C .fanilfnf comlnlllccs nml preparing for the rual work of law making; that ?H JtW J v ,Uf '"'" Al tha former session, In i $!! (lis senate, during tho ITiH.wuuk, linil Introduced In t uovcn un,, n oiralntt alx for tho bcKlmilnir week of JL1& L- i'l V,0,, '" l',0f l'o of npro W) &ntiilte lAt'fktw'inty.thno bills , 4Jf "'""V1" "', '"troiluciil, coiiipaml ' II IJth !(f''ln forilhe proecillny lutl ny jJL bly. '1 ho houso'n irnln oITmiIh tho ken- S nto'aloaaln numbcrof lillUlntrwluccd. W 1'or tho next week aul until thoieff- lllature elects n I'nlted Male keimtor W Ur- llio fimnnir pnivliletf If law, vom M parallTely little U cxpi-otiil UjMkj donol Zj " ll'-tlio ayof rciille(jli.latloii,'3 . '- ira -- V"o t"cIurliiTiiemlny nftrrnootr g.,f., al,n lwll(t-wi JL'wi h-fflff'W" ,or cnator,io. anooij uj ' Vni bo repeatr.1 At fcaxt one ballot 3 hi. takrit tfnlly at hoon Vi'n'tll:oira lW:dJ.t(tuoHB.It.!to for 'hil"feoeRVa ! tblrtyitT'O? wnuijarltyvTor? iafKritHf i " " jtr i"l'',lUf.aJjiioricjtloiW5Ui.-5a(.' n JlWllyI't'"rKlvrl iln.Oioi hr5ti jAV wi!'""clMi"'PVl'lln,s.j'HuI,.S): "' irfiindif 'riiUouhu fritiii'ttSWc " M casatv.-ftrtotai. csr'l,l,s-'tJ " ' ' tPBtatftLlylxSHlrt.flMriiAhilli-KnV-feM? ,U r til 4euiaUA .JjitloHWi fl iftrif r,'t. . Mr 1 IirJoiVblgbo'iJiiioni,Jo;iilJ3nifit: " l'I T(lr!iAboKonhriorA.jintjLBntii P S -of & '"'rttWrtj mfcfrsftO- 1 V h'ftf."flNS!WjIfJf'yry 'iferf'irtijf.rH- Ji a. A4u.rwwi,(A'iiiii;weeu'c!(11!oW.: " JM rortmilty to visit their homes. l B 1,,P ot "'ate commltUcs, uhlchDty I m illvhlcil nboiit as eiiallv as possllil? )n t M """"" "liwpnniBil ioVWtyTi'lrTi'uriOTT'nSS' mF K ofMnlce Apportionment, I'ecry, ap. s 1 iSHSia 3 lani public printing. Alder) rail- " S roads, Ncbeker; rules, hmooli salaries, '" J Jtoblsont sjnto nlTAlra. Chainbprss Jlvo 11 w . ' .L L.'iiuliuii's ami iimuraiice, Kle V Si j r . l! Puollo health, Cunnoiu foresU and i S nJ. Tirldires, Tuuiicr, nrlculturo und Irrl- ww j pamo, )ani contlntrcnt expenses S i 52l 1,l'nnlo':oln'y'i'i'llniiUllitililoSfilit ( 'y nllo"i 'Ihomasi tducatlon, Whitney) ' i I lf ajs and means, llcnnlon ' IJf raclllc-bhort Mnoeookolldatlon mets- " jurtsjiere.palby.bolli UqiiMM yu- "V ons unclor 51 years of aue from sinok- j i ln(f tobacco appeareil III botli. JiuUMJt 'w' J '" ' ,1,U1 uml will in all probability become a ' 1 law. Tho scnatu romened at 2 05 and -,'l ' adjourned at 3 15 Senators Wright ' 'it and Tanner wero absent, Keuator Tnni 4s4i ner bclnjr confliuinC) (ift iJom 5f Iff I attack of lagrlpiH-, " wfillo Senator ,T BY AQ M-it'SO r' vuitsarCUy.lvlo., Jan 18 Tho first 'i.!! W'iI-1 ,.SVM"'ff'")iri,,'l)tpr6lnathUt " stathividcair wlh thoiilgpiMS ojj " J gamulriiir m'tlio' operation of slot mi- " ohtricSliarctMaiiU!el5iJioTtpsXi " "" tly cAirtaM appCtallTlhIcirhTl.rtlia" " i r, ,, a slot machlnu lyherc a chance of wlj ' rt '' Wnp; o'r losing Is taken by tho orator ( Is a eambllnir dolco pure and simple. j ThodrcUton was mado In the case of ; C O. llrown of Lamar, who was con- Tlcted in that county for having slot , machines lo his place of business, jyxUthl-!W-allc4 Uamalo lnspestaa, addition to his family. The f.rst TOto lor a mnator to fMirvmi frnator Chn lion tlli be tnkrli nt todaj's somIoii Salt Luke City Jan I I.lttle bnsl-tu-ii naTJmsaclcd io i liner branch of the 1 tl.f)4jlMJfcp ulenlny, exempt the UrbaqjfJlMgsonnlor to sueeeed VnnturjyaaHHtiinon Polluttlug pimnoii Mlitduiubllean t.Hl bscnt . " Totnl (JM 1)n rote In ijatall Is as follows! Jr Vor Kinp Senators llcnnlon, Itobb son. Thomas 1. 1'or NcCunq Chambers, llraus, moyt, Whllney, VrMi ,. l'or l'oivers -Aipjlla Nebcin r, W, (1, 2CuU.kkr nideoul3 1 or Neln'kcr I'ecry I. 1'or.rjutherlsiiil Alder, Howell 9. i;oTfohuyt(&2(liirtlllT-3. . AbtCnimon, Tmincr X. t' S ' J1"'!"' lr' KlnBn!eprcM!UjntlvM Hells, KUhur, t'uliuur( ,(recnvoKl, Hansen, Home, I.ariMMiAMtJmirrlc, Jtansdold, !)'lell, I'arry, Iledir llobertsou, Slow urt, WbceW.T-lS.ll U , Vor MclXtno" llennton, lly water, Ciyde, CunilaIn((s,'Tarr, rJhepnnl 0. 't'l'or rowerJ-jj'o6k ruriuan, Jack ton, Luplsb, Uojlanlc. 6 . l'or Sutherland tillllster, Christian son, Crosby, C .. Harris, HolniKrcli, ,l,nv, Murdock, JlDtdnsoii, .Soronson, Taylor. Wckli.-U. l'or Cannon llramnell, X. J. Harris, Ivcrs. Johnson, ijmlth. 5. Absent l.lojfd, Miller. Ulchards. 3. 'Adjournment xtns taken Immcdjatcly after tho liilloiliik'i liij.'boju liouii'. ' ' IL' -t CENSUS or TMC ISLANDS. .IIINUrjr tutlKirllln .M.i.l lounltlis lli.-s Itle WftHhtncton, Jan. It) In addition to Uh added ilulleSj'li nowscenu probablu. Hint the war department will hno to supervise tho next census Inking" I ft tho recently heiulrcd inMlou,(if ho" ITnlted Slates. The canlns'blll'liii 'reported to tliolion.e, makeVufl Hyc-1 clhl provisions fofthls brnuMi Of' tho narlcbpt It tba Tcorral terjdsnf tho i(ie.anro jirn no( .roushlered sulllclent alcover this work an nmcndiniut will pcojioddy be draflid It Isjcontcm pfiirjl tl.ttt hUband of fuhu only, tlio teiisus of the principal J-llles will IriiiaVJni 'urttl i(i '(wpulatloft of tlio' Isto'iMfcliraUiruvipoWlthosj&otiinuk : With I'tiarto-'IlleojfJuntn, Hawaii ami, llta:Ul)liiplnc(vh(cli are considered ,AurlotijorrJlptrnn elTort wlll'lx? oiiJ.0 toot , jjxnyj(;nres on (xipula ,tjjm. Iuuiunteajs, ;uort(fn(fi s, cta4 H; '&?& ;wc,sKaW"wi,rJ?,,f,a Bc iimipllshod" wfin nirreat deal of necu- racy, ti'ifdniiio'iTiuinerators who Ttrbl tfllJhVf Ifi lYiilfu' and tho Hutu Kroup tni i1otrveMSniM lively mid Interest- lftfttofillhu)i1'atficm Id axa-xtif-sdf- ' . ;,"wiBeHjjr(TjnEn sujcirfTJuQ f AtUVtaVallJllUES IJI"II lo I'sraiM ficVsnuWiiiPiT jj(chai!l.,i;iiiiji.l lrWJTi((;ivlnsrTu,'l-i'oUjii IludTi. who rtrWM.'IW.I??,W toSith ami (IW SA'rTfrlto tli4-!TJ nflSluAiM, to cotH, the crlm(Miaaltfted mk I'K'Wiin tliBj last nlRht by htranKlliShlnisPTiTlIP a IhmI eonl taken from Si Wl in tho been fixed. Hlnco his cojiiaUnnri hi rjn'Wfntiyaisscrtcd that he woull AviJli.tiL'J l'revlous tit his, njfj! jRP Kll1 l!x4j'y d'01' tmilef bus ilejjlu clrcumstanceh, nnd ho was nuucd A klllluff It, but tho authorities were un able to II x tho crime ikju hhu. lFinHlRkl wafSrcll educalid, nui, dressed In. falmlesa attlroanujiCuMldC utlW.nlH.s.v .1,.,....-,-.. royuiJaiulljr.rr UC.J Xf. KIUED IN V I'ECULIAn WAV. ICuuols lI..iii..1.IIi l.jr llrolorfLltvAn . aprjlaod, 4K Jnn. H). WlillJsMiVl. ag safety fronTtho flame whTeh wero i"U-vriOf tHitjf homo al No 77 Uoucli. avenue, MrsVW V TIsilaJj.'Br-l stantly klllc'Slhnd her husaniUsIs4 l5J'i3,MX0','1lfJ1flc. from Wlifcft -Tie. may die Mrljtlsdel Is chief cleric In Utaudltlw iwpartment of tnruliJ jjliorjti rplratjii Tho conplirwrere slceplntf on tho second lloor nuiljihw,, aroused It was too late for thehitiMt! out by way of the stairs. Tfp'McM forced lo make their way tofaTfcalToluT tn(r on a new house which was being erected noxtdogr. Tho scaffoldlnc A)Q'4'vlVl'ClHrim!r precipitated lo the ground. Tho olllclals of tho forelffu olllco say they have heard notlilntFof tUllc8ra;dftfent.1oif l)eceflb?r!i ! U!$jAkIjs-Egyptian; fp( WladDlua. Nile by tho Dervishes under Kralr TeJirTfinjl the total destructlom)f-thr Tcnlfi boudaneso battalIon.j- 8iintl(fo Murphy h leen arreted! in New Orleans, charged with "tiavujjf obtained 970,000 from tho Mexican Na tional bank on forged securities and drafts In April, 1994 He had been chief cleric In the bank for a number of ycar "1 TEMPLE ntJIJ TABERNnGtE-rf " rf v WWU VtVtWSA v vsvs-vvvvg rl be state uf 'evada lias ban ibB lSl'i! Qlifo.rhii Silssioir of Tin church On January 1, there nrro 11)1 "1,M slonarle laliorlug In llio Northern states mission, and 1 10 In tho Kaslern stales, I'unornl setviees over tho remains ol Dr. Charles M. Cannon were licld In the tabernaelo on tho )5tli Inst., th place of metlnir having been cliangnl irom tho I'ourteculh ward meeting house In order tn aeeominodnto tha many friends of the deceased .rJWf U1V IVtinw, lllihop (leorgo II. Tn' lor nnd ltUliop. Ionarvl Haply, jwbl worthy tribute to the decc'ssifd nnd offered consoling remarks to the nMlctcl family, l)rCoiinii''was,on of tho mont promising yourijr tn'h of thlsclty. lie Is a, son. of. "''tPS lleorgo I) Cannon, and graduateil n short time ago irom on eastern Vlcrjtal college, going Into biUlncss hlte upon; his return. Iln was JO years of'nge. Ilcgardlng the condition of inljloU nry matters In bamoa, l'nsldent H. J, Wool, on Deivmlier SI, 1B, jvrllcal "The work Is making steady progriM and our record of baptisms will n,oady reach tho 300 mark for this ycit;.f'0ur meeting houses nro going up on all sides ami the schools ah) annulling many n stranger's attention, foilr bamoan govirnmeiit Is In n very un tcllled condition nnd Impiilt-H 'olir spiritual progress verj much Nearly overy brunch lompluliis of all the malo ' mcmliers' Itclng away. They aro lilost ly congregated In nnd around Apia, "wailing for the elite Justice to pass upon t)io king mictllon, when they wljl rclnriLtiithUrvIllapcsttiidresumo Oielr'lisual labors." On hTs way hoilfs r.tjkr yuod .I1L tJIt New Zaaid, ToirgsKIJl and 'Unwell, probably rcaciilni Utah hUint tho, time of April conference. , J'lm f iniaral of tho la to Killer Ororgs lOoddardl lAiuductcd Sunitiv.Uaiuiiry' l.'.rby liU-eo-lH)H)rer- nnd friends, l tho tnlxjrnaclc, was iuiljiiul notable aveniYti iliu.bltorj-oL the church ol,Clirlstof Latter-day faints, -for the uja'u wAsviilt(rsn', dndthe work ho had devoted inostof his life to development of the hunday schools will -follow him. Long brf6re tho hour set for the funeral ceremonies, the tnbcrnaclo was filled to tho doors. 1'romptiy -at 5 o'clock' the corlFge rrached (he tabernsolr.when tha csuket ns rcumrul1fym.thufLcjiri, altar, witli the great organ pouring 'out n 1161x1 ol solemn Mnuklo in'cf Wi'i vnit congriL-iraUon. -Tho pnll-Voarcra jwcrujh'cni ,11, Mocker, , lloorgojtcy-, nobis, '.f. W. uminerhays, C It. Hav 'age, .f.timpov, IlIlnui'Naylorand' William Ij. Hinder, all of whoinVn-crd' nqru uXjuU', uwaujutcd. Juuniiay, school worlc with the deceased, l'ol lowing tho casket were the uioarntn who occupied tlm first three scats on each shlo of thu center aisle On cither cfTIOllrccraiKflilnBaejhoit UtityQt) YrftWs tbrtihlfloyAiiXl WltfWrcV and their families, nnd tho old folks committee were seated, while at tho hack-, toward tho rear of the nudlto rliim, were llio old folks In a body, The Sunday c4u) teachers and clJW' ren occuplcdjpc- gallery, and 'Pat s ace thutKutlnUtlttrcd by lvr .gnnuntiuislnKimciUAu quickly lmWl by iidmlrlng friends ami thu general pijMIc. ,Tho decnralloiisieresiiipU', tpiffoillW lOrna.JilfeTJllcli.Ghrf great organ nnd tho pulpits wero all alrajieiUn dore-whltucrapiv TLeu(ac. iipwi VMilcli tho raskct lay.&aiJadprrWd r'n nrnl ,r,'rlri5w1"clu'J1oJ l- flfpnH'fP from Welier cifuiCjjfcnd; n Jllji f njlilem fronj bait l;Jkc Wsl. dent (leorgo Q. Cannon amiounccdtho first hymn, "Hod Mouh.Ul.0, Mysteri ous Way, Ills Wonders to rerform, "tho congregation standing during the. 1 ' ! .11 '.rrJ ii.umu uttered u forvont prayer, euloglstlo of 'llio dc' ceased f r hie ssirny mf faithful ncss.."In Our Lovely ihfs-'ret,"JU)rlmo favojlfi of thoidi HUv.Uriitifi ncsk- mi by i HiMnUciffi di 5109, who i, fKt)iJll,,pll nfS.1 iodair) liitr,tVjlillJ,!,U1IJrr UtUV equaled A teleifram was read, an- qauncjjii; llmt htJJy'W0tJ would. thtf Tttiftccfnii Hruty hAi unit' SivVge KfclMUtgWcynoliu'of the I HnnrtnyiichtioHioai'il.-AinatlirlleiieT'J.H flraiU, "I'teUJWtJIcimiir and g-reSldent liij,y 4fcM,jffiMlresM , h;o fcongreislW'1'fl Wrathori wacTsung afrdTmiCTlclfoiiwasoffcrsS by l'atrlarch John Smith. Tho Hsr monjUileeelnltfiiyiiOuKl musljat tho groreg lafte f'WfolUnngtuP reialn&tailicldiaa Astlcagrfilaau. it . Tho missionaries In the California Slfff'iiflifl'll'' Annlo Laurie, In San Krauclsco Zi--ami nwriToMncnTmrawTrtiirti & irar ,mV-,J-T.,VIV,T',"lWr""0'"l 'yar- old; sod hu doei) not look a day WTorlfiO. lit? Kir ,tt6j Wa?J 5irq as white as carJed wool, and his shrewd, kindly block eyes twlnklu from under a penthouse of shaggy black brows that glvo character to Ida gentlo face," ,$ -S ; - - "J - 1 "Shell k' j;;; Wilden.-I "-' rr-rwXY-finr.Yli -A T , qSethtfollm i, aiernlniA'as tih' ll U MicMtJfti, Iji tissue paper il Vfrtul5nHpjih brought Inlo use on tki prmci, evening, Unby oni o nwr IK'WL In , her eolllurtp ' . l7Vl'lJtoihliorr ono of Med drrssra at t UI lr jj i think thll Biorlnn m&i to nutkeup prcuily," . she ? VfoMlng'it patcel which she , rarrjes. at dUrlaylng: with aooie trlurftrh.xffrjjiootrt)a frock nyd a , piece of otu IJkUIoD1o imatcrlal. ' B)ip11 jviotn iTiu-'lct-of ruhblnn al liniloarjT rMlwrtftinr'of he aiwons nnd stanss' ((To .article prodyot ullh -womJirifV C1C., w-;( . , ' "What HiVjfcj lilljOtW iboutt" aho assa, WltnJ.slWcred'ilrosl on the '-"Why, I'lfa'prtrm to'makqji'elrf' forlor lhlVMeg,'' ciploJuaJWl'' hi, ;a. rither! IbmHim nnJ,lnlure,d..tpm. Voli 'must Urt noiicM tiow badly- lno poor, ch.lld'1 thi,, nt licr?" ).8licll turtiMrfe-ctly crlnnorC "Youi;caot moan what y6ifay, flnbVh &,( m jqice of horror. "ou haveirtiy not tictn offcritco makn clotbu.far jtobcrt ObamtHtf' chlldrenT" , "Why notrtomandi'Iluby, with faint flush. coailder If pnly a com mon aci of rtitlty to help thcypoor man when U U In audi dlro need of htlpr A ' I'Ohi IhenAs uVod you to co about It?" queries SMI, looking, rollevcd. "Welt, nobrurtry We wtre talk ing" nbotiX thilnlMrcn, nnd I fematk otLthaUtho aarso aeesied to.havo no Idea bow to drtm Uicm properly. Of courso ha obketed to my taking any "trouble ifTtramsller, but I could serf tnit'lio was JlitreMed by what 1 told tllm; 'Bo thlTpornlnB I cM over and caught thiUrw Just about to cut opt another menitroslty, -o I Jut umrched off htmitr( nnd, ono of Meg's dresses If or aJpUJrjjt' "Wasn't tht'iurie n tflfl?, XV pnscdr' asks Shell. In dry airccistlc lone. . . "Sho ,dld ,ai ijllttle put outt",ad mlt Hiihy, Kllka quick .JJusb. "I (ibp.ll norn. Jtotwt Champlcy ag'alnsl 'tridl o'nian, t tblnk ho mult tie irt'1 taken iln,borwbe has most shocVlns jnaniicr.js--i.- !, l "l5o yoaicTup as being olualto W nlannersT'iixi Shell, still sneering. ,"It-Wjfor .knowing when-people nry rude mil disagreeable," answers 'Itflby slertlr -! rK ; Sbelh liHe carefully dl894; qf, hSrlftMPP, Is turnlnglyiUPtl frorn' llii'f&im, v,hen IlubpUa her baola til W. "When are you tolnBt'"r'-IIH "ftiWi " " "I aa colng to lock tip tho-'slWon"-reptlci Etell, without rrtraclng Ut (steps. s4v u "U'htn you have dono tUaA -K )ou wookl help me to cut .01)1 i''il drcss-yM aro so much mrjjliciyj I that klsJ of thing than I ainT a) -lrnbyiiriag-tlwpoadtntry ohe IlUle drcn, sbkh llio has been turning la "tti out to seajtrfiw lojs filIcmVd A tm rcalry very kry." fttniwtrt' B'P coMly, Cbut I raioflmyilrlll U I tevcr rtralMr3lillirV'arMW fit my life." 1 "n "KcJiieiuie don't bo o cfrbiMyon WijSWA' '" rle Hubrttbt Kttinlnj to look alarmed, 'KM ioVrn I quite reckoned on you, br-il ekuuld, 1eYWluiTrtMYulhut ImK,;, " 40? Hryfft.-icatfthcll,.ln a ItirB, un'Kdni vlfrU "but I $nT In iti 1cltfSfcditiid chlljrenV thlsiVLahiuli alvlji oif to'seW far psllerns or put It out jBn WlUM no help from me." And then s,be hurriee from tho room, neHn tipsel ) ting VlolctjmrVmr ehn nisnis in, t" I 'Wouli )TOjiilIeTf)plt,fclVl?ltliat1 Iwreteh of khluHiAturnjd'1 1 grutublts Duby, aa her cqusln enters RS,Set IfWiiJrVealla of uer ,Jjltiato((jljtij,wll dir'db Jf IllltUwlfv U&Uin'iUairo it'ymlrsHf," . lamlMi Vlolet-lnstcad of fcynipathti'' Tde ihp eems only amused at 'Wr PbJoLy&J MiilctA X'oTtrtP 7.kk Ituliy hopelessly, ,uji . Violet turni tha llttlo drefllfrinh jslKiut. then holds it odt at arm's I length by oolli'llWrcTT" . ! 'Kttif hanslpB-jwefp lhq3flerna i Ut'W lWI Vat'li qullSlharond :ne."lr VnlfF ll&:jr J litit'Wr IluoyMtTir rWlauKiniCiU ler-lean of mortincatloh ajjr&fa tlon 2Jfo Ihemaelvoa Into fitSffU WTDon't take it to hcSrt " krrIerf,lM lightly "wo'Jl send for wme patterns, and then braXHixtl 'trtv lentatlous show of cutttm; it mil lu Shall i presence SltwwGuil taOlJlS "jtndM'lJicn-Jflfif prSvM auccessful' For whfp, n tevt days later, having .1i!?2 iome patterns froni-JW"i W ffcTrMfixJIT1)ttis tp arfapge thsm the. roni way ,of tha'W. 8n'" 'wpatlently mes'to the rescue, ind, having once taken possesion of he iclssora, wields- them f tho end. I avlng cut out the dreaa, she soon de nies to make It. she It a good work woman, and never beforo baa such a "nUily. enticing bit of work come' In ' h. r way. , Hhe freu perfectly oafo la hfr.iifldcricjjiimt Ityby u scarcely llkety lo fJUirfilv forth, hey own incom PelrjllJfX J i On aflffnfinl h t 'sits at tho "Pen wrridoWWnlling- over her work, HoMrt niMllr rohifli aaiinterlng ttikngMfiillyMirMHile shflrt aveuuo of Dlft JVIUIemdw. ,Huddenly 8hcll, all ' iMfwnMgoui ut na ,,,4 proilmlty, I"' Into. eodg. It Is n brlghf, rk'r little dllly that burst frppi bet: .lips nnd her unseen listener painea amidst the VHruln and -valu for tlii tnd. Lonnlngldly agalnstl'-n stromr ivuig alloc, he not onJrHetcina to thV words wlth,n aniiivU iiqlii,' bilf wsiolvts .fie ivtJ 'nwjia flaahing' In And.oiil of hcj work,h rWakes a' !T4.plrtorD,nIbeiWn'TiiJ break 'o( ,Rripntii7, wrth"her' brilliant hair, ,iowvvhllo akin, nnd -tho patch of bluo on her lap, This Is thj, second tlmo-hiriras como upon Rhell unikti-nrcs, ahd somehow hotak'l kWn delliht In so enrlrlslfig her her quick clwvngo of manned when she IftdlscovcreJ, Al though he eannor nhderatahd It, amnses'hlni. . f1 ,, "A-very good song, aid v.cryJvJell ung! llravo, Miss BholpVnndfpleaso forglvo mo. for: listening.''!!. aay, stepping up-' o the window ha,t In hand, when the last noto hat died away. , -. , , r - ' "Ohl" crlfvi Shell, becoming tnrioui ly red: and then she Ihrtiwa lifr-e-pV upon the floor and conceals It wlih her drem. 'Tho sudden disappearance! of Athe? patch of bluo attracts this nUonllon far moro Jhan, If she, had, lat It on her knee, and a tomewhat contemptuous look steals lno,hls ejres ai he comes to the concliwlon' (hat fiticll U ashamed of being caught dressriuklng. It sets him Into a'teaslng' mood. "MIbh Shell, It ybu ever get an otfor of Jewelry, I advise you to choota'ol'i"-! he eajs fvjtk.hta keen eyes .fixed teady,upon(lho girl's burning checks. . . , , i . "Xurquolswjix?, not going to EC) n,nX evclryl," ftamenera Shell, too confused and surprise to find a ready answer. is YcTtTOir'aKswc'rii Mr t'ffampley wltn "nMJeUilrfiJ'ii'Ali'hnd tJikn,' Intensely' amused at her bewildered 'look, the JlfBrieeds ton" hl'waj-.J ' "Conkl lie' have en my work!" irmist kihell.-sl ho jwlUxh-Swe ll fran lUshldlng.iilarerand rrftillV"s!iakes qjitjlJiojlcJrtVftil'V'W,?ln. 'hlch WIW0111? 4.lWLVy,-M' "" 1")f, summary trratmenL "l uoa'tjniiijjne. llo'uW'qmd'jc'fwbarttademtalV;' '1lWfftran)nllll,'',, " " ""i ' tfn flit-ai(alliifOIc1JO!ihppWrhi. VfJl nwsdlss tbrJiaUtjpp&n.'l, ibeulvishamw brtsthit titn ' housemaid itBi lhTooljWl ankry jj at g-Motrrf ltJi'WIVJfl' lav! VJosJtWlW J.r ,thejl?pth, ctg. low mi. chair and ''TcOTr.fcUa.P, ley Is bete iT.VtlyAt.mftmilsls, VifUU'tliti tVoJA'lior ihnir and 'flrHerTti1tfivrV wMinVufHfi fcTc'iTr,',,Mi'rt ' tr l ' iy dif tronia'lrtH,UMM4 nHtrtfs'lsMfsn hf- sly-. "Yrfri IkoVcM1 o,itinlrjloty M$JJ w ''nfnie'l fhut -Kstoalif lisofrjro rilMiirti'rm,'Vlarrit,i'ltr'ii iui i tit am- hlatsy ai kapw X WA o iluachlivj," apsjs,rs,citrnttlvi)ly, ..Wi,W.wWhcrfl fo'4riKlKfjilly Wrvajjug, ihat ,9 .jpcj la tho house ,hw, a spart oi ecnnr'Ie(t'6iaet'tfn't fta hreindrMlolfi.4fTiTtMyrrflfil wefe rcadlng,"ia)a"MV,''Ciiampley po lllelyi tr, ; .) S-tr V Y" '' . ' '."' ' Sl'i Wl tN .biice JuidA f'.iJv-w J'Jii ,!jra mo.. WWdvtiJf .. '"I ,1"lT, Wfl. i'WvjHAft U0Il holiirngup,,a. DOoki'ifi ,n n dcrfuniterarjr inaljinneT Jvlilth ono Jois S adv. Hlscd,r Ungh' Itbfcrt' CtTampley inrnWg'lbVrtvtJJubjvwlVi nas flirt AitM'i'd' the' rddm. .t.nyrje ever1 MMs Wlfcttn'triilrvllly' to'h!an4' Vott tlmi im Urotln'Jt'tb-ray 'rtfll dren," ho begins In a formaUtnneaa 10 rsieats Mmself.- r , .. ,, ... - "h.iiikviVo dia'lniunti?n ftl ari vworft Jtuhr, xsnKslowri"''eel, 'j'jJi,''fft.-,K:,f ,S9Tt"B1's C,0''OJ qu ntly has Jesn.aignial Tlcaeuro q Wffotff' to ..,, DfilMUA Kabert; jit; lOneJ whle b does cieicoivoy any creiu.aiaounVor-ia'lul mtui Htm llWaiiiuisHoinornjWl DrWlnj Jto4eirt:twai,' -.., ri - "4 gnurs.i fielitbuke(l,Jn)or1t55n enough already.' murmufa RuBy. H "liaftfl .5-'Urtunot IhbUght id reeiirn Vi r cptnfultablo rdcVralr5 'i 5WSJji!Sj f('6akraoor',' pursue Tjbbert OhknifUey, wfth hla flxfd 'prrtiifuy".ttpgA 1 i arpat. i"Thn l,r 'refn9,'pnt'anJVbIPB. wM YfV ihat Ji eouplo of ffojilhs pent , thero mttTensJHltftOi jvonderfHlly.1; CHAlTEIt VIII "Are you going with tbemT" asks rtuby sweetly. "Ves oh, yeat" assents the gentle man with gusto. He cannot conceal hi! feeling of delight at the coining chango, Indoed, of late Iluby'i Inter ference raapccttig hit children has be- H come almost unbearable and change H which ttses'hlm fremHer Immediate H neighborhood cannot fall to bo greeted H with enthusiasm jH 'It loemi mch a,nlly to leave "jH Champley House just when the flow- lsaaaaaal era are so bMUtlftif," sljWJtub scntl- esH mentally '- , t CB "1 wlll-teU tho gircifci; toscjid orcrji HR ri basketful twko aT-vreck," rciurni A Vm HohelvQUlckly. ffijaK -. TJinrrkfr: you' nretoo Wp kind," IffXl gushes Iliiby; widjit Vi; leaning back IM '1 horcaalr, smiles lazily at tho little fasaU fornedr 'being enacted beforo her. HH 'Oaitnoor." mules Itiiby aloud, ntt'r HH a short pmse "It soundman Vurnl arid B nice, only Just a. llltloV(roei Whit H part of OaVmr are iron going to!" H "Our fir In, homo 's uli.out n quarter H of a mile from ttxiyllUKfof Oakford." f IH "OaUforiIrOktor4nrppati Hnby. ( ' jH "I supposo It is a viryjJHhsnStT ' ".I sbouliV,t,tqlj-' gajlifor'd' standi H Jira,rjjr cUbl JUipidfed feet above the , . H sen, nnd there la. remarkably goodflih M lng In the neighborhood"" H "Ob, how I wish I could Induce M rnatama" fb' gli tiirVe;'fSr' il tlmoj-'lJiurt !M tnro tlfe'rihhrjga mould d6 her goodl" , H sighs Ilnby ..d H "I am really afraldt$yM$votffdil,t1lko r H It." erica ltobert,'- looting alarmed, 'H "There Is only the'in9trlmHlTc,e JM ronimodntlons to e .hufl, ' khd and H .(nillos aro not uteifto. ftAithlng It." r I H "That la Just like you always .anr H t'mughttul," sura Kirblfln rather an H VyCnfl6h) "but 1 don't think, we tM nhoiitd mind 'roughing .It a little, itnce H tliq-.alr lnvgora1il,M." M "I .know 1 should mind!" Interposes ff'fH Vlotct-qiitcVlx "iMtafe'InvtnorajIng H nlr--"lt nvm ea no. excuse for being M lai)ij,. n.fot out,-iif,()if;wny places, I H nbornlnnlo them- no roclety, no II- M brarJVtpe'rbaps'cvcU'rio pTanot" , M "Ii'iloit't-Imagine UuiUthero Is any H hnpe-iK-o'T-going." says Ruby, look- H lng blankly at her cousin. H "There lis no need to regret v lhat H fact J-oujrftuy by, tlrql of tho place H in less than a neck," laVgha ltobert HJH i-onfldentlhliyi "n"foi"TeM nnd me. It M la otherwise we aballtbnto our flh- 'jjjH ,lng.", . ' L m H "Yes, of course. Well. I am suro t 9 Vrtah you may1 chJoV it' says Ruby, H trying to look -tniiearneat; and then, M MMA (httrTKUtor has taken his do- H rarture, she fall Into, a meditative H 'inooJ,' frotn' which Vl'4 bantering re- M mirks are powerlmi loreiuo her H , On lbs foilpw;ng.n)Qnlng Hob and H Meg arrive wjth (he nurse In tbelr H illtlo 'dobkeV-trlp', lJililrls very Ira- H portanti sndTtrvIl pleaiwli with them- H scIvm. . . aaaafl "Please. Mlis wildcn, we have come H to wish yt),:uUir please take M ' trrls-wHIrouHove," saya Bob, striding i H OrfLlnto the roun;idrepeatlDg the .H words tbM. liava tn drtlleOMctto btm H 3rllftC-stVlrAI'n,; " H "(Iovr liartilTo-4'lHlwlorelyl Oh, i I -H i oqitl VedV'. l.f rJKutJrn. unfolding .ii 'H a small scrap of paper contained In V B tim ri. she. readlJ'1tu'S s,inowhat jH - '"Dtttr'lftslfden -M-leaso accept ' ' ' H the Tratch from'Itob and Meg a a H -IffjUHoWelrefafa'and gratl- a M tudc, Yours trUy. . H iM'-nMCTtt'tMt'AMl'LKY" ' B VMllstMrinsVAUdouiiad' Violet sre"1 , 7 H CHVrWPR.Wa, TLulV -lT .H perusing tho noto Willi ,Al'llng of "ffjajB dMlilMrilftf nolVniTAandlng tho ' B i-ecitlllnraH Dfsrutrflnnb Ifi'g maknfi H 1&M& WS5SW jiulMvfCi(ur1)il'aiave madq a H iWMiieiija)jM)Ww)lr thsuMvg H tory to u cry, "fajsaaaaaj "TMJifT'e1r'fr'ttWTjf stoutly. Dat H .wfeu::cenr?o rtWrf 1(tl,rTSI-tuff(lfl-,Tldi,,a handsoiner H .bo'fA,fMoI?lcVon', p0""1 ' lies ci poled to view.1- fM ifi'cJ (jlio 6ooiUd.) H !JU fH . -firfllB, N,qT,Ti,.C MOTIVE. H isa's'.vi0 eJlli,.'l.','" ' i H rr.M.1.. n wlJj.,.,.,n . ., ., , TH Tdero hTcTfal'lacy-conllnod. though, H to'We'lifV.cullht) 1AM W society-dad B Umtils that womctudrcauMfor men. Of HH ffiVW WwOTeB,,knRrfvJ,uJr thn that and laugh at It In their sleeves as lt1i'iribst'rlar(ul6ul2rrtn.a. Most ot "H thorn iwuuIJiJllioj thouslt to let men, H ffi W.,V'lnkln"'l(!?l,.bI,ron' c""' lm golhg to tell, sayi a woman In the "((( 8fMuUflIdHMDcrnocralf I think any M iitlkuiw who iieloasjs to.such a stupid H vMWftiflom'jh' fiftyptA-U there H Is any way ot eullghtenlng blra to go H "on tblnttfng1 ttat- aSy 'floman would M 4lm)WiUtfairitnieiuul tfinterlal to dreu H foi blm, Jt ;nu;j'gy, pleoso, what H I Ijenrd ,cince, It waa this; A woman H of my acqualnfan'ce',w,uv clothed In a H now and taott beautiful dinner suit, H hlch had cost hundreds ot dollars, H Bhii'worcvmferithe'flrat time with an H pltsof AiflVensrabmcwbo couldn't m h,W "W IVJ,8rTPi1Iool'e1 she had Juet if tepped donn out of the H Jattft I'arislan UAilofTAheet. A man, H look'ed n't hcr-o; WarfWtio had reached JM bh asawhen'fio ought ifl( have had dl- BB .crctlon-anilrwho was U11 not In hla 1 dbugoT-looked at , i-ih nd ,a,J: M VTpat'a your lost .mHr'i suit. Is It H jiotj" I dorj't thlntj f need to tell yoo H more, but rwlfl. A flomdr human adult ) pf tho aame sox'tdltl W once that my M gown wu vor'beaifdrul, It was a H ten-rent Iawn'that'1'lulVelf had made. H So. ot course), till tfomen aavo up their H best clothia (on tMoplnrwho can ap- M predate th,em, and ihoaj people aro not M men. u a I iuo'sa bbbbb! Why Isn't a wedding In tho drawing- M room a yu'or matcbt H