Newspaper Page Text
I COALVILLE TIMES. I H T1MIVI I'lHILIKIIIMI CO. M COALVILLE, UTAH. 0TA1I NEWS. H Bbeepmen In tlie southern part of R (he stste report the sheep to be In H excellent condition. M A party of Ilrlghatn Young academy B students attended the session of Ilia M legislature Saturday. M I. J. Hansen, a Salt Lake milk man, H ha been fined 110 for telling milk m from cowe lio tiait fed on brewer' H grains. H The people in the vicinity of Deseret M are enjoying Ideal weather, and tlie H farmers are preparing ground for eow M Ins new crop. m A twenty-live foot vein of coal ha M been discovered In Garfield county, and M the owner claim they hate enough H coal to aupply the world. H Architect Klelttng of Halt Lake hat H been engaged to draw a prospective M Tleiv of the proposed aatt palace, which H capitalist of Halt Lake are figuring on erecting H Halt Lake City haa a "Jack the fl Poisoner." He make a specialty of H poisoning doga and during the paat H week haa poisoned more than a dozen M valuable doga, B Agent of the different llneaof rail M roads running Into Utah will organise H and maintain a union among them H selves, for the purpose of promoting H good fellowship among the members. H The Injury to cattle and sheep by H reason of the cold weather of the past H week Is liable to be great In some por B tlonaof the state. Hay Is becoming H scarce, and litre-stuck men are hoping H for an early winter. H The Union I'aclflo Is considering the H purohtso of forty-fife new locomotives, H while the Oregon Short I,lne will add H thirty, necessitating a rash outlay of B 1900,000. This la the largest order for BBV locomotives erer placed. BBV 1'reshlent McKlnley haa announced HBV lit Intention of making .Major Youag, H now In Manila, a breret lieutenant H colonel, In recognition of hla gallant M services In the battle of Manila on the H night of July 31st, lost, H Hlate Treasurer Chlpman'a report for H the month of January shows that the H receipts during the mouth reached a H total of fit), io, 13, while the disburse H mente were J30I.WI3.SJ. The balance Bfo on hand January 31 was (313,171. 30. Hj( i leading citizens of CIrclcvlllo aro H, agitating the erection of a new school H building, and If the proposition to Is- H aue bonds for that purpose la defeated, H a building will bo erected by prlrnta H donations, to the success of the veuture H la assured. L. Ailvln" hare Wen recelred at the . H chun-fi oBlfJhmt J'ra.Mrnt Jowph V. H u r I ir a ,1 pariyrfraeried Honolulu on Mr January 18. They are now at the church plantatloo at Lain. Theywero H glrcn a hearty greeting by the Mormon H residents of the Island. H Counterfeit dollar are afloat In tho Hj aoutliern part of tho stale. They aro H a Tery oor Imitation and are of light M weight, but some liaro been success- H fully passed upon unsuspecting people. H Kfforta aro bclug made to capturo tho K ...i... pii ,,. H Itecent heary anowfalls, followed by ! H thaws, have mailo several of the can I Hj yons near Halt Lake City nbjuxauifsr a. r 'jji Thj" irin'aTa4r""r '" I ' fc the -.aW leTr-vB" caught In tho I ' HktteiattkMHl frozen making B featardous. D r received from Ooorgo HbVbVbVbVBVm major trlgtdo statcs the Utah butteries (cclleat health, IbslrdUclpltue mHiH, tbelr standing among HHataradrs the Idjhest order, BPfe boy are get IHIretary 1111m t,e near ki sign papers do akeand adjoining Itgj, n geTicr jHHty for use a a puMle This r baa been favoraUyctud upon ihe coinmlssluiier general IW olUcc, have neter Vtn signed Htccretary 1111m. '" Huguat was Vllltllj- a train jjBvlurray on the tth ImCj, w aQ Hploye the (lenuanla latter and HHd started across tbe (r$ wt, tt lieelbarrow om the ruare the vugliie Wiyd Jm nnHDktlletiug lujitrlo which riii iu i,i BtjHiEHpeath a few hour later wHHfflH The Hhort Line ha purchiy a new raAGJrdjluiprovcd wrecking trKni) n JDwgwSftB' ntwalTaun pile driver, enttrS differ TmSjSm ut 'rom B"y ,ervtu'or alo the mKM&BR west Kach piece I conttrai,i n n. tW&kwK r 07 ltMf- ''"' ori,tr " W laced IHSaW "I"' Milwaukee house, awim bo yESBBEHI ready for March delivery, a" iMaWeWaf Milton Tuttle, aon of Bi,lt.ttt. plHB arm Tuttle of the houseofrtgtnta. I8EB tlves, wa shot through the fm on JBH the Snd Inst by the acclaax dia tjaMy charge of a gun which ho waicswn(r, SNV v Although tho wound 1 a P(icoa, HT amputation will not be neceutt rp CM.J. Kccly, amiulngman t(j HP . anlclde near Vroro on the lr'iff b Kj it icattlng hi throat, after wlifo e' HK4' hla cabin on tire and alt'rapWt .,, Hfi mate himself, lie was dttV& In V time to prevent the ezecuiT . . K' plant and will 'probably reec aB eHr eaHelBBac. PJJUOUIOUS FJLII'JXOS UTAH OFFIOBIt MCBTS A HOn lllULt. DEATH. Ilr. Ilarrr . 1 " aln1xl anil ('plnlM bf I he. I. Attrr hkh Ha Mvnlrre.1 nail Ills IImI JlallUlril. Manila, Feb . I.sto Hunday (len eral llale'a brigade advaneol and took the waterworka at Hlngalon. Pour companlea of the Nebraska regiment and a part of the Utah battery, with two Held gnna and two llotehklss guns, met the enemy on the hill, a half mile out, and a sharp engagement Uk place In which the Nehraskans lost one dead and three wounded Dr. Young, formerly quartermaster sergeant In the Ihlnl artillery was wounded, captured and brutally mur dered nnd hi body, when nwvrrrd wa found to have been Iwirrlbly mut ilated. The Filipino were drlren lack re. tiring In bad order, and carrying with them the valve and heads of tho steam chest and cylinder of the pumping machinery. DEAD AND WOUNDED. His U In III I Ish, Idaho, Color! nnl Muntana Trwiw. Washington. Feb. The following tosses have been rejiorlrd among the Utah, Idaho, Montana and Colorado troop at Manila! Utah Dr. Harry A. Young, who on January 1 wa appointed by (lovernor Wells as assistant surgeon of the Utah irtlllery battalion. Idaho Major IMward McConvllle, who wat In command of the Second battalion, Idaho volunteers; Corporal Frank Caldwell, company II, Jljeurs old, born In Chicago, enlisted at Har rison, Ida.i 1'rlvate lleorge Hall, com. pany II, aged St, Hweet. Ida.; I'rlvate Krnrst Hcott, company II, aged 31, born at Ashland, VI. Private. James lien sen, company II, 33 yeara old, liorn at Overton, Tenn.) I'rlvate James II. l'raaer, company II, aged 33, born In Tucson, Ariz. Montana I'rlvate Reynolds, com pany II, alight wound In carl I'rlvate Charles lluinmels, llesh wound In tho leg, alight) Corporal llayra, company 1C, missing, probably kllllcd 1'rlvate John Horenson, company I., wounded In the head, probably deadi I'rlvate Mayeralck, company C, lunga pene trated, s'-lous; Corporal I. Hklnner, company I, alight thigh wound. Colorado I'rlvate Arton Twever, company II, wounded, left thigh) Pri vate Charles II, Morrison, company II, wounded, n tho left hand, alight) Pri vate Maurice I'arkhurst, company II, wounded In pubca; Private C. I). White, company II, missing, supposedly drowned) Private K,lmee.I1DuTau. company t,'woundir,e(vebeet,anil arm! Private CharlcsTarlson, company I, ahol in head, killed; Prlrato Charles D. Doyev, company I.,, flesh wound In left knee) First Lieutenant Haugh. wout, llesh wound, left ktiev. LOSS TO FILIPINOS. Jf- ,000 Killed, 3,000 rroumlsd ami fl.uuo rrl.nutii Takru. Washington, Feb. 8. From the re ports received from Manila It would nppear that the Filipino lost heavily In the battle at Manila. Careful esti mates received up to date show that n!ilw"ittail'jiiiliil r' r i t ment, 3,500 were wounded and 5,000 are nun- prisoners of war vrrlhlu nunlshiiieut which the Amcrl' n ana Intllcted upon them from the very lUtseL I The number of American troops en gaged waa I3.1KH), while tho Fitlpluoi I forcva numbered !0,0X, PEACE TnBATV HATIFIED. Isnata Airteslo tholhKuinvlit by a Volt of ST loHt., Washington, Feb, ".The treaty ol peace negotiated by the commissioner! of United Htates and Spulu at Pari, wagjettcrday rut I lied by tho senate, In executive session, the vute being J7 to ST, or three vote mora than the two-thirds mujorlty necessary. Follow lug la tho vote: Yeaa-Aldrlch, Allen. Allison, llaker, llurrowa, llutler. Carter, Chandler, Clark. Clay, I'ullom, Davla, Debne, I.lklns, Fnlrbunk, Faulkner. Foruker, I', Ualllnger. (leur, (Iruy, Hanna, Hausbroiigli, Harris, llawley, Jones, (Ner i: Kenny, Kyle, Lindsay, Lodge, Mcllrldc. Mcllnery, McLnurln, Mc Mlllln. Mantle Mnsnn, Morgan, Nel son, Penn.e. Perkins, Pettus, Piatt (Con . Piatt N Y ). Prlleliard, quay, lloss. Howell, Mioup. Million, hpooncr, Htowart. Sullivan, Teller, Thiirsiou, Warren. Wellington. Wolcott 17. Nay-llaeou. Itatc. Iterry, Caffery, Chilton. Cockrell. Daulel, llorman, Halo, lleltfcld. Hoar, Jones, (Ark.), Mallory. Martin, Mills, Mitchell, Money, Murphy, Pasco, Pettlgrew, Itnwllns. ltoach, Smith, Tillman, Tur ley, turner, Vrat '.'T. Absent and paired Messrs. Cannon and Wilson for with Mr. White against and Messcra. Proctor and Wet luoro for with Mr. Turplo ngulnsL Ths (luljr Itrgular Arm linirrr Killed. Washington, Feb. 8 Flrt Lleuten ant James Mitchell. Fourteenth Infan try, Is tho only o Ulcer of the regular army killed In the engagement of fiat urday night, so far as the ofllclal re ports show up to date. He waa a native of Irejand, and has been In the nnuy since December, 1817. Huenllated as r prlrato lit the Seventh cavalry, and after seven year of service In the Igpal corpa, a appointed a second lieutenant In the signal corps In Aug ust, Uii. sbVBN utaTien SHOT. " I mre lllllf.1 and rojr """a"! larum, , MinlU. Sslt Lake l lt Sb O.-The Aew ho reached this eltfithat three ,.,. her or Ihe 1 tah UtWrlra . Mnlla were killed, while tWwere wonilKl The kllleil are Dr lurryA. Youngt Crportil John Urfl? oung.'tnd Private Wlllielinth-gman, all of Halt Mki- City. The wiiandel aro (leorge II tlanllaw. balleryW, Ogden; l',ter nderson, liatlery ifjjtlehflcld) I.. KusmII. battery A aqil, llenjaroln A. Harbour, halt Lakff Mr. Harbour rrve.1 during Ihe hl teaslon of the legislature a a stale Jlnator. A a all the force atjjtiilla were en. ziizmI detail of I tnl?Wt are hsnl K"K' '" y "an4 to obtain. Tho I tali arttllerymea killed ami woumled rveefved their In. Jnrlea Monday night nhen they wer, thrown forward anil captured a reset, voir nnd silenced a Filipino batter; i It I understood thai thjbaUallon wit under eommaiid of MaKlllchard V.i Young, with K. A. WedWooil of bstj tery A and F A. Ilrantwf battery l at hi captain. t j HETIHCD Fun SITEARS. Thlalttli hrntenro ( ommlMar lltatrl Mian llwl.T ' Washington, Feb, . The presUtej has caused to be promulgated the se.. truce In the ease of UentraT, Charles M llagan. The court-martial sentet j waa dismissal from tho army, anjU, president commuted tills to' alx ym' tusjienslon from duty, which coventi remainder of the time prior to (Jetn! Kagan'a retirement In Januaryfkv It was stated by the iuTjutantjia' eral that (leiieral Kagan'auspi! carries him to within aUew dariol hi retirement tnd to thojago Jit, He will bo reinstated In time tonir, with tho regular rank ami pajro vlded In audi casca. Tho aenteraol ausienslon, according to 'gl ri of the department doe noti filvj (leneral Kagan of any port gf bftji, but a ..the sentence rradoVvntuC rank and dutytC he lose hi llowrcaS which Include Y)lnuutatlun'fefjtaB ters, rations anufuel, andmiAi allowances. Thla "Is"iltrtrfa frje" financial Item. BaTll WHAT CAUSED THE OUTBRIK J Mkn Ailmlrsl I).r ld all trtuUd Ullli Anus and AminunHloa1 )j Washington, Feb. 0. It myllis It wa Admiral Dewey's act mlstaj a vrasct loaded with arms nndanwik tion Intended for them. that liieHf-ai Philippine Inturgf Ay ?4J' American aotdlerrrMTjiy rjli'01 It It understood one S .rUbltttim their grievance wa what h)j clarcd to be unnarranfablo llwert" anee with their shipping. It la Met at the navy department tliatfaVTi ,wtaU ro the admiral caused tsM ure of ' - '1JM-fr-y''" aupply ofarmTrTnTiurgeRg j ndmlral'a repillscloaea the ficttan an American uliol a (lerman';J the veasel lhn-JIg ns.ld Ui nrmlll Insurgents ngiij Oils' (roopa. K.j FILII-lral ROUTED. W rulljr Oue-lhlnl rtTh'lr Aruij (UlsvL Uoumllr rrtonar. K Manila, Icb. Ujfrhc AmcrransUre In complete ciijfcl of the ItuaUoa within a radlull nine mlletif Ma nila. Their llnlBxtendlng toMsTt bon, on the uortjind lyMM' fia l'i. i ill, hi- MKasZILaaaaaak'T! l0"U JKk& a (B'fif Mfl.-rj- 'To wlB''"' !' Jin body It In lu..?Llrcat and utterly luted. (If tho honle of troop originally ' drawn up In battle array against the Americans fully uue-thlnl arc already , lacapacltated and tho rest are scatttr i td In overy direction. NO MORE SOLDIERS OOINQ. llitTrnniHirl (Irani Ulll Tata Ilia Iji,t ol Iha to Manila. Ntw Y'ork, Feb, 0. Deputy quarter mailer General Kimball snld In an In tervlew In hi otllcu In the army build ing, that the Tn elfth Infantry and tho remainder of the Seventh Infantry, part of which sailed In the transport (Irant on January 10, woutd sail for Manila on February II. Ho added that ho did not know of any other reg iment thut were at present destined for tho Philippines. DYNAMITE ON A STOVE. farmer rnilerlakes to Thaw the l'iilotli -taut ItMull rotlimrd. Coffejrllle, Knn,, Feb. ".Charles lloberts, n fanner, living In a house. bclonglPf to A. C. Harrow, about tiro mile west of Coffey vllle, Kamaa, placed some dyuamlte on tho stove to thaw l't out. It exploded, killing Mr. ltoWrt nnd hi wife nnd child nnd a negro whoso name I unknown. A. l Harrow and a negro were badly Injured. Thu bouse wa utterly destroyed. KUInl In HklniiUli. Manila, r"11. 8. Lieutenant A. 0. Alfortl, company I, Twcntluth Kansas Infontry.amla prlvatoof thateompuny, no killed and six other member of tho regiment were wounded, near Co loocau last evening while rccounltcr Ing. Tho parllr was In a Jungle when It waa attacker bv the enemy. Two companlea of the Kansas regiment w ero sent to the rejle' "' their comrade a'ul drove the Filipino Into Col.w oe.u ctratlng to tho verv heart ,ir kown. . Tho guuboat thel'ed the suburbs. ' iillil Fhilippino Army Mnkos an Assault Upon tho American Linos, HOrirntl Tera tlrlvrn llsek nl l;,tj 1'i.lnl and T lion,, nil. Killed .( mrrlraii I., 103, Mllh hot law tatallll,,. Msnlla, Feb. 7. The long expected rapture between the Americans and the Filipino has come at last. The former tre now ngagr-il In solving tho Philip pine problem with the utmost expedi tion possible. I The clash came at 8:10 Saturday I (vrnlng, when three daring Filipino darted past the Nebraska regiment at Santa Mesa, but retired when chal lenged. They repeated the experi ment without drawing the sentries' I Ire. but at the third time Corporal Oreely challenged the Filipino and then fired, killing one of them and noundlng another. Almost Immcdl ittely afterward the Filipinos' lino 'front Caloocan to Santa Mesa coin tntneed a fuslladc, which nu In Icffeclusl I The Nebraska, Montana and North Dakota outposts replied vigorously and held their ground until reinforcements arrived. Tbe Filipino In the meantime con eeotrated at three points, Calooncan, (lagslangin and Santa Met. At about loclock the Filipinos opened a hot Are from all three places simultaneous ly This was supplemented by the fire of two siege guns at llallk-llalik and br advancing their tklrtntihera from l'seoand Pandacan The American! responded with a terrific firo. but owing to the darkness OHNKIIAL AOUINALDO 1 W were unable to determlno Itt ef it, he Utah lr,t artillery flnnlly tuc cried In allenelni. the -,.!- I.,i.,,.. XiiMiinl artljlPrv also dUaclworkl (isRSljUBhaengagement ,jffW over an vourft0ffKIK 1 Th United State cruiser Charles i ton soil the uunboat Concord, off Malsbona. opened (Ira from their secondtry batteries on tho Flllplnoa' po'Ulon tt Calooncan and kept It up vlgoromlj, I At 3 1 thero waa another futllado along the votire Une, and the United States setjolng doublo turrcted monl tor Monadoock, opened Ore on the enemy from off Malate. With dayl,i the Americans nd vaneed, Th. California and Washing ton regiments made a splendid chargo and drove the Filipino from tho workt atPaeoand8tntMo, Tho, regiment alto dlstln gulshed Itself, ctpturlug several prlt onera and one howitzer and a very strong poltl0n tn reservoir, which la connected with U, waterworka The Kansas and Dakota regiments compelled , h, ,,., ,, t flllnlc , retire to Caloocan. There at n,nltut , t nfVtmr11:. Thelos... of the 1 Ulplno, cannox bo ..llmatcd .t present, but he, b considerable Tho American Ion.. . .i . .rtSrZrhbowtand i ,., ; , .'' alrta ned ttand In the face of a hot. in, fl Bnd left many dead on th, .t, ' A leedooUTjj London, Feb. 7. Turk.. ' , to .pedal dispatch,. hS,ii"f I. maklne military "" view of .polbl.M.H-n rt. Ing, and they hate bee 'H I"1 llulgarla with feverish ' It Is added . ihtTf..k ., neltaro. rt(i . , ,Jntl. log the Ionian .otji ,'''' Th . .erlal sn , , v . , eejnal' ...I. , ae,Al '' 0NERAL OTIS' ltEPORTr" Am.,1-.. ,M, us ., intt,n, tMt II'. 7. Washington, Feb. 7.-The following Ulspateh from General Otis been made public: "Manila, Feb. j. Adjutant Oenerel: Insurgent ojieu-,! attaek on our outer line at 8;tJ, repeated attack several timet durnlg night) at t o'clock thl morning entire force engage.1) nil at. tack repulse!) at daybreak advanced against Insurgents and have driven them beyond lines they formerly occu pled, capturing several village and their defense work; Insurgents' los In dead and wounded large; our own casu alties thus far estimated at 173) very few fatal Troop enthusiastic and Dlfhtlng fearletaly. Navy did tplendld execution on llankt of enemy) city held In check and absolute quiet prevails; Insurgents have secured good many Mauser rifles, a few field pieces and cUl(.k-flrlng guns with ammunition dutlng last month. On." The following cablegram from (len oral Otla haa been received at the war department: "Manila, Feb. S. To Adjutant Gen eral, Washington: Have established our permanent lines well out and have driven off tho Insurgents. The troofit have conducted themselvct with grelit heroism. The country about Manllajli peaceful and city perfec"v tiulcL Lilt of catualtle tomorrow On." Washington, Feb. 7. Tho followtilg dispatch was received nt 1:13 this monl. Ingi ) "Manila, Feb. 3. To Adjutant Deli erali Situation moat satisfactory) iVo apprehension need bo fell. Pcrfi ct quiet prevails In tho city nnd vlclnl y. List of casualties being prepared a id will be forwarded a toon as posslb !e. Troop In excellent health and aplrljl. "Ona f ' Washington, Feb 7. Tho follow Ing message has been received from Ad miral Dewey: J "Manila, Feb. . To the aecrctftry of war, Washington; Insurgcnta IiIto Inaugurated general engagementtat urday night, which has continued to day, Tho American army nnd navy Is I generally successful. Insurgents have ' T. T-n.-jr'. rr ,t,i.f ,.i, I ... .,;; ., ; ,., i IngNocasuaHlestoih-lK "" aaxsaWaxsHlatMlWIKBlWET.'' "TOFOLLOW UP VICTORY. (Ientrl Oil, l)lr.rle.l in Crash Afnlnsl.tuit 1'onvr, Washington, Feb. 7. Inttructlon havo been sent to Major-General Otlt directing him to follow up hit victory over tho Insurgcnta and to crush the power of Agulnaldo In tho Philippines. This wat tho decision reached at an Important cabinet meetlug held In tho White House, attended ' v iho presi dent, Secretaries liny no i g,.r and Gcnoral (Irlgg and Adjutant-Ocnernl Corbln, COLONEL SEXTON DEAD. Corouinder-ln-Clilt' of llisll. A. It. Din at Ih .National Capll.t W'oshlngton, Feb. 0. Colonel James A. Sexton, commandcr-ln-chlcf of the Grand Army of the Ilepubllo, died at JilS yestenlay mornlug, at Oarllcld hospital, In this city, Colonel Sexton wat an actlvo worker ? ,l'.,,,iur''ai!A,l'm'ro' tlle 1-tpublle, tho Military Order of the Loyal Le gion, and many other army societies. Ha was past commander of the depart ment of Illllnols, G. A. It., and had been a presidential elector, park com inlsstoner, and colonel In the Illinois national guard At the lust meeting of the Grand Army of the Ilepubllo he was elected commander-in-chief, nnd held thla position at the lime of his death, as well as that of a member of tho board of commissioners appointed by the president tolnvestlgate thu con duct of tho Spanish war. NEW COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF. Senior steCommantler Johnson Bocceeds Colonel Saston, incli nil, 0., Feb. 7. Captalu W.O. i Ha i i if this city, aenlor vice-corn-iisn.'c, lu-chlof of tho G. A. It , under .lis conttltut jii. becomes the noting cimmander-ln-ohlef at once upon tho death of hit superior and contlnuet the Ficincy It tilled by the na tlontl council of admlnlttratlon. Tho Ohio department will urge upon the council that Captalu Johnson be eltcted commander-in-chief. ,A UTAH LKOlSTiATUHE. Salt Uke City, t'tnh. Feb. J. Tho Wf senate )wd two bill ywlenlay, No. WA S, providing for service of summon from Jostle-court; and No. 13, trans ferrlng Summit rotinty from theThlnl to the First Judicial dlstrlcL A bill was Introduced providing for the ex termination or capture of the outlawa In eastern Utah, and appropriating 5,000 for that purMe. House bill No 7 wa passed by the house. The bill provide that nllonse 4 appealed to the siiireii.o court must lie j tried on the transcript tiled, and no ' abstract, printed or otherwise, of the I ' transcript or record shall bo rciulrwl j r by the aupreme court. Typeurltrn l. brief may be submitted In lieu of ' j printed one Four bill were Intro . duecd and referred to committee. - Salt Lake tlty. I'tah. Feb. 3 Tho San Juan memorial was passed In tho 1 senate jestcrdny, and one new bill wa 'K Introiloceil. to change the law so that ii county commissioner shall be elected I for a term of four years, nnd arranging ,1L their retirement so that nn election ajE I may be held every two yeara. A num I ber of bill were reported from com 43 mlttco and will bu acted upon later. Sp in the house a local option Honor St bill na Introiliictd and referred to V committee, and n number of other IE bills of minor Importance mado their & appearance. No bills were passed, It however. g. Three ballots forsenatorwrro taken, . each ballot resulting ns follows: Mc If Cune, 37; King, 13; Cannon, 7 Suther- U land It; Powers, 1. d Salt Lake Cltv, Utah, Fob. 4. The senate finished Its business yesterday In lesa than fifteen minute. The bill granting Justice of the peace Jurisdic tion In ncltnns for damage to personal property wa passed without opposl j ' Hon. Two bills were Introduced, ono creating the otllce of district attorney and providing for the election every j J . four years of a district attorney for " ' each one of the seven Judicial districts; and one concerning warehouse receipts and the sale of good, ware and mer- ' chandlsc stored In public or private warehouses In other states, Five bill were Introduced In tho house, and two bill the one prohibit ing the formation of trusts, nnd the one prohibiting marriage between mou- golian and negroes were killed. The J charge wa made by ltepresentatlvo J Smith, of Weber, that an exorbitant J charge waa being made for the leglsln tlve printing, nnd n committee waa ap- pointed to Investigate the tunttcr. M Threo ballots were taken for senator, B each ono resulting at follows: MeCune, S3; King, 13; Sutherland, It; Cannon, B 7) Power. 3) absent. 3, I Salt Laku City, Utah, Feb. 8. Tho M barber bill was killed In tho scuato V yesterday, while the anti-smoking bill V waa reiwrtcd favorably. House bill , No, i, 3, 4, fl, 7 and 31 wcro sent back WT to be nrinted Proldeut Nebeker I signed the memorial asking congress for relief for the citizen of San Juan jV county from the depredations of Uto Wf and Navajo Indian, and the bill for K. tho exemption of Irrigation reservoir kTkil from taxation was paused. A bill was XI I Intnxluced providing for tho rates to UI be psld for publishing legal notices, 1.1 1 and In what papers nnd how often they Ell shall appear. The session of the houso was brief and prolltless, na business whatever Wing transacted. Fourteen JSiU ballots for senator weru taken. Thl IsVYl make n total of elghtyfour bnllotn (Ur1 taken nil lo date. Tho last ballot re- 4V l.ultcdi McCunc. SS) King. 11 Suther- 3sKf land, 11; Cannon. 8; Powers, 3. Threo 1 luembcr were nbsenL ty I Halt LnkoClty, Utah, Feb. ?. llust liess wa very slack In the sennto yes Icrday Nothing nn done nt tho fnornlng session, but In the afternoon benntorW U, Nebeker banking bill C," !l,,l'n "P ttn,i passed unanimously, Dlie bill amend section 378 of the re- i ajlsed stntutea to n to jwrmlt bank to t Been bond of thu United State as part I m their available reserve fund 'Pi, Mtl-smoklngmensure passed It second i Willlig,niid the senate then ndjourned. f HMthe house three new bill Mere In i WK uced, via H. J), Nl), -., prodlng 1 ytnat personal trir el T"'t -,, .-Ytsiuiuiit!aii value and land and Improvement must bo separately K assessed at full cash value let tho amount of any reeorded lien, mortgage V or No. 7. to cii I: eourago the destruction of coyote., 1 wolve anil inountalii lions; to provide W Tent fraud n obtiifnlng Mlcl, bounty, M and o provide for the . lolatlon therel oetr,;A,rS"iTn' n,vl'l'nif ? Sn,.P ? ,'l-:U,"""10 " "'cure bond or M mavc e,1""""f .ll' r,rntlon may cover the personal aswol a tho , C Jh..,,"'pcr y "' ,",,,, -""Pny. and K the iKirsonal property then owned or I nfterwaril acquired bo deemed fixture. and a part of tho real property . Flvo 1 ballot, re taken for' senator In tho I 8 Sutherland, 10; Power., ; K. W S oung, 3. ' ft Halt Lake Cty, Feb. s. Jtolt call. B o th..' ,"' I''0 ".I'ro of ,l" ." f ae.mte'yl.slerdlly ." ,,, mvMoa "f "10 .m nli0n,,Jer,,.l'on of ' Wll tr tho i, establishment of the university on ho IB government sto occupied thu rrenl., " HI ,n f, f'10 t,'u bonVTl tJf V n. .,.'mt)1.0 ".'""'"t and tho pre U aenlatloi, of a number of amendment. M UMtedSt3it1!!! "M!,,0.n flT0 1'a,lol ' .S i l,!ate wnator were taken. I'rnsslan I'rlnr. IUi,,. f llerlln. Feb. 7.-llan Von Kroecher, , , ntlrrtl oil cer of the guard., and a ,. . ' I nephew of the president of the Pru. i ? a an diet, haa been arrested OI, n10 t .' charge that, being a director of the .' club I erllarlosen, ho Inveigled a num ' ber of wealthy .ounff 0l,,ci,r, nto rj. gambling. Frco Henry XVIII, com luandlng the Fourteenth division of tho Seventh army corps at DuMeldorff. ha been retired and ordered to leavo tho '" bene fl IhU1" ".'i ,'n0,"' '" U ueiievid this action Is due ton recent I mysterious gambling IncldenL I 1:L1