Newspaper Page Text
BBBBBBMMBpati H Hj COAI.VIt I.F, FRIDAY, Frill ,10 I8W H fkimc f.vim xiiitor H K. It nilLAI) i H nUfilMMS MVMOrK BBB T.rrnn or Sutmerlptlnn B Paail la Attranct H , OaaYMr II J ILiloiKBl J t TbrttUosthl BBB iiiliOH" HBVJ F Aj-vartlntr iim HBSJ mmaaammmammmmamadtlm i uir-ur- BBB IIMaJi too J I Jt J ro blgui JEmmi Mi --n H Local aotKti I0H ll.",',"',!2r H fyltm rm til U lrfU Ihend I" H ( ii if rjjfl' ei & "a ' BBBI ih u cii H ulli.rl.l Cmr.. n Irnla e I H for Tl Tim.. H , Mil CtfeMU.l BBBi U.VuV " "ll J "iV" (i r irM Sn. "SfflJSVp BBBI iiojutiiu. j, hn ,,,, BBBi fck.l m.rnllrrw,i BBBal tijlil A-Chlll J rnd lllf mm H OFFICIAL -DIRECTORY. 1 0 . Microti 'w o .''J" J Trrt.ui niMHiB.1 RIBS' "B&i'SBBi H Alioroy Oeaeral A r lllikap H jimV ivrncvr rot r H R. N Hull . ' "I BBBB H Jltxttf TltntPJVPiruLPmKieT fl Oldalllllt h ' BBB rhrr? iu,l , """" " H kKordtr "' BBBB Ahmiw, , " Ml11" H Miic ". " uihiMrJi BBBI Trwium r NUuiMa BBBM Ramtor . , J- '. BBBI Ailuratx c A l,IM BBBI Hurl Couotjf "ehooU rriik Kftn L. 'itatar TboMit U AlWu f HmxMw J II " B tftrtttl JiJohnlou H mtmuiil I Jutiivin H Juitic. c( Ui r( E. II IthnJ H Utoirtlicr I Jodnwu H .UtyltrilcUa Ci J T llUati H "faxbu . Joi tooti B Pmcb J.lori ltkl o H ;ou m"'tlTri i- r,"JHhl inifnlBUo rclcl wa preitntid (tie othej diy it the mcetli . Hj of Ilia Woman t llr ubllrun f'lub ol H Bait Luke City, whonn tcululion at rad bufor Dial illMlnguttliiiil (tmnle H Katberlng, coniltmiilnj; Bnnaloc Cunnoit H and deiuumlli lili rvil; nation from tlm H United Elalca Ernilr Thtto er mo- H then ilttlng in iudgimiut upon t man H whoao daughter t modeli ol H and wln poblloly denouncli.r " Uand ol nooian who I'j can- H beat ol tUvp.- niJiaafMi .HiBfffW!f( runnluif down aW1"1 ''" ll"D ""f'1' lu "10 MHHHkaaWl frotcu Into lc, makta? HB liatartluuv RpRBjjlVr rtUJ from Pr Ocorgo WwIHBBBB major and Irlf tJo aurceon at fflHlHHiUtri l)l tbe Utah lutttcrlei MKflBVVVzccll(atlitanii,VhclrdlaclpUuo H VWWf jiurndra the hl(lieit order, jjHHHa boja gfi homo. BHHtetary 1111m I, the near HHQVaVaVai ,fa P'rera Main if aildo VSVialiaainlBiljoliilDi'Ur,!, n MHf1 ue " puMle. Hrlt IHBr ha bceu taroraU; upon VWSJBSSWilio commlMiuner HHB1 ofllee, hare netrka algued BBBBBBBrcUry UUu. i VAHHugutt naa IdlleHj a train HVBBBBIurruy the intt, waI Bn Bploye the (ienuiiula, iSltcr and mj atarted acrtiM the trv( wt a HBBBBBBrnace win the tnitlna CRBBBJBBBlllcliDi.' Injurtr whlchmg.! n m, HBBBBBBJeath n few hour latir W ?BJBBJBJBBV xiia Short l.luo hm purchuj tlle1, ItfiRBPBB BWtadluiiiruvtd wrecktuir trttni) tt jHpUfijH new aiuu pllo drifcr, "tltu,l(Tor. SsgB nt from any boretolore iiia ti0 liitVv923BBBV "c,u ch r,ec ' ntriK i ou u ': z'twSStLm ear by It"! ' 1 he order lu. l. i..,,, u 4'SWBBBf with a Milwaukee liouae, at?i,uu MSbbW "ady for March dollrcry '" u0 I VWHJBB Milton Tuttle aon of li 1 aaBTAW arm Tuttle of the houw of rfe,enta 'BB tlTe,wa aiiot through the l.mon Ur-HSrLW the Snd lnt. by the accMcj jh jf2fe3Bl charge of n gun which he naitvlnir ysJJStVVW Although tho wounl la a PUDe IrjHSDnST amputatloo will not be ncctui. ' $BBEP Af 3 Keely a mining iuaniiplci, OHHp .'' aulclde near l'rovo on the !rj$ i,. BVaVaVJ " attlng hla throat alter watt ,et BbVAVA . jhla cabin on tiro and attem&j Hb mute blmaelf lie wa dliccj )Q flHHf time to prcrcnt the executions 1,1. BB plana and will probably rceorgl ffhhh o1m4Iiw roajM In berl to and he vould ht 'Let Ihora Ojey ho linow not lm i ruii- " limrHti I t i 'kn if many parxw, emiiinei ling i-m the Mialonal iltiutlen lame tl ll nt Hie ronlril tlill itnniilil or bui prel the ho that an rlnllon k mil I hrrOVrlrH early In the Htk, ami liny hare eonlin tml toMnimnt an I ii pe an I -pft an I lore it and prttl t until all lallli It lot! awl patienir vhaD(d I-l the legllillllre meet an I ritohe l4t I" a Ijur n until a aenator hat lirrn flwliil ! ObilanaeyHilghtfoonrr r laiirgliexa) to bnngiT. Hie inanneM ef Ihell C I'rainalic (,ouiHint hate lull) decMnl lo lien I ll elr HIihii temanl tl e ciniIIaii I y Ihr INfOpieul n heat Utile vperii Hihim at I lanrv hall minliinml for llrighaiu Ii Ihe inmiiillini tin v Mill ut Iherrtnl Uardhallf r tl tutte Hreiiea having alrfaly rtcnrrd It xihllr liall run in the Inlerrd of tliu cilltFlia ll lm lly lirvdrd I vli'.uml Mould be n ayii g liittlliitinu from the da) It la flnMinl tnehgatit Uilldlng i-uul I henn ilrurlid atil niil il lr Irom fS.tVM lofll iKiO -llilul am llutlrr ll that Itiwl I in till oil pli g an In the nu ol a public hall can be ap licit with dnul It in hatlaln olr own town, eilfnlfd coml li rahli arctolhla qnntlon lot vreV. ant .lull tale rd vanlageulreifihanrelofnr ar I lh msremenl. Oalrlllfl need a city hall; It n-l clllo) loonn. It necdi an ofrra (ionic, an) nine alicndy Iten fall, all thnfl n uM 1 placiil under one rof. raillllol direction imc dtorderaol thellirr, and iliia whole tintiin be coiura di rangi I llraiisE p ft the proem ol dlgnltQii ami aininitallon, aid ll ii m.ktf ur,ii I mod I rice 60 cfnU J-ur lalely Jul n Uoy enA Pon ArojoiiriitUlant hlgl t, a d liaiaai ed.l) a lal cough T Die HUUau'a uoKiiiMiMi avail ll HI i euro )ou lound ileep m d eirrct a pi in t nnd raliral euro lrm In ren and ISO n iil 1 or by John 11 u A, n TIMES from the a j acre mo- I -1 ,.-lTllT n man r I I J.I -ireful . ,.Wrtip to date ahuw that 1 V'nrre killed during the engage 1 uient 3 500 were wniind, I ml I ooo I .uittiiniiMf.f'i'wiiiiiiiiiij'tt x, I aire and wholly lint rrpared for the terrible punUhiiicut which the Auurl cana Inlllcte 1 ukiii Until from the Tery outlet. Iho uumlerof Amirkan troop en t.agid naa UtKM) while tho 1 lllpluoi forota iiuiulnrtd -U mxi I'CACE TnEATY RATIFIBD. ttiiala ir... I" ll 11 I j a lolt i.I alloKt , AVaihlngton lib 7 Ihetnaty ol peace nrgotlntwl lij the ctmiiiiUidoucri of United Statca nnd ripulii nt 1 aria, waayiatirday rutllk I by tho tinate, In rjncutlre elcn the rote being ft? to .7, or time voter, morn than the Iwo-thlrdamujnrlty mirarj I ollow lng la the vote eaa Mdrlch Mini Allium linker, llurroiva lluthr tarter, Lhandler, Clark I tn lullom Uarla Delxie, I tlcliia I alrbiinka InulUner lorukir, rrye tlalllnger (liur (Iruj llauna Ilauabrough llurrl llawUy, Jonra (So hum) hjlc Ilndtny IaxIiic, Meltrldo Mtlnirj Mel nurln, Mc Mlllln Mantle Mnum Morgan, Nrl on ltnrme lVrkln I etlm, l'latt (Ion I 1 Intt (S l'rllchnrd, (juay, llot Smell hlmup Hlinon, Hpooncr, Hlewnrt Sullivan lelUr Ihunton, Nnrren Uellluglon Wolcotl 47 Sy-llncon Itati Herry, Cnlfery, Chilton lockrell Daniel (lorman Halo lleltfcll Hoar Ji ue (Ark), JUllorj Martin Mill Mitchell, Money Mnrhy 1 asco l'ettlgrew ltawllnt ltoach Smith rillinau, lur lev lurncr tt J" Abkenl and paired Meaara. Cannon and WIImmi fur with Mr White agalnkt and Mrowr. I rixtor and Wet more for with Mr luri In ngulnaU Tl Only Itrgular rn J limrrr Utile 1 Wnthlugton 1 oh 81 lrt Mcuteu nnt Jnmca Mltibill luurtcenth lnfan try I tho only nlllnr of the regular army hlllel In tho engagement of bat urdny night eo far aa the otllclal re port ahow up to date He waa e. natlro of Ireland nndhualecntn the a rip J aliicoI)eumber,ltii)7 Iloenllated as a prlrato lu the btrinth catnlry, and afttr aeren year of .ervlco In the algpul porp waa nppolntetl a, aecond lieutenant In tin. signal corpa In Aug utt. 18HJ rTPJBBJ""a""fe""l VVmJj CRBBK. Excellent Coal can behad at the mouth of Grass Creek canyon, near Coalville, I Through recent cle- i velopments we are prepared to keep a good supply con- I stantly -"on hand. Extra large stove 4)1.50, big weights. Stable and Bunk " house in connection r-- ' GENBRAL MER6HANDISE. CftSH-BftRQftlN STQ.Re COjALVlhLE, - UTAH " - J r ' J o,j3ttrtwfliitRiujjarrta(iBiaialt CLOTIIING )EPARrOIENTa U,e hivcjjiist rcceijctl one oftht bist lines of Ilos' fll Clotlingccr brought to this ntj. Jj CorrtcttylcsforvitiUr ti9 Corvcjjualit. Cor- fie rcciLjinccs fjw lint cnnnol lie beat, 'qiiiHi In Sj aSlcorrSctSttoMlp'llc5,tcIC boiight Illcot fldlll Olltf Sr of tlicjlhrgest intiniifictortes in the United States This etmbk hi 1oric Hn. lcgfr(! fcr joi inoiitj Km in let t1n me I CI I I L MAT. Ages from 3 to io cnisold Ahoi fine Jiltc ol ' , ' "'"" S ' '""""if iBJFcf' pitock before bujjtiR cliclqrc. . Manila, Kb. l5rho Amcr-la. j j In complete lll of th-J -far?,"1 lll0y. within a radluifl nlnenflS , , , nlla. lhilrlliiSitendtng5' iH.n.onthenorandJ COALVILLE COhOP the aouth, era flttfS. ' t,., jJBBjll nr .... While k fjBBJk main Unlyla luur'Ttreat nnI routtd HRei Of tho horde of tronpaforig drawn up In battle array afc "w A "KV Amerkana fully one third nfe"a AT WJ, 'il iDcupacltatid and thereat area BJ W Z3Bx UU V Ulnercrjdlnctlon Jr ifj JULatf NO MODE SOLDIERS OOINC Ti.T-an.i-uii.. w.iiT.ii..idys On Hdnd at the til. H. I II lu Manila. fJ ""U ,-,lv-' .Newark leb 9 Deputy (Jul master (leiicrnl Kimball anil In T nTOT T K T "R T T ' tentowlnhUoflUolnlliearigl 1 I I J I fl V , lug that thoTiMlftli InfantrflJ I I Kl - lf remainder of tho boveuth ,1 f 1 I I J I I I V I port of which aalled lu the t A v I IT J 1 1 lw tlrnnt on January 1. would ,T Manila on lebruarj 11 11 that ho did not know of nnyj rtOOK ImuiU that were nt preatut ypi&.O fur the l'lilllpplii"- I r n DYNAMITE ON A 8 " l.OU llinrrnlrlalifiliiTIwli iifilLiiiPiiiam. plaicd oine dynamite n? SSJONIZE HOME 1HDDSTRK Injund jJlai, 11nU . dcttroycdl qffe Weber Coal Co Manila lb Hf m.k & ROBERT YOUNG, loocan laat ere Olng ESI WANSHip. acnt to tho relu'' HHliers in General Merchandise MPffjaaj LiaklMIII s A BOON TO MANKIND? MBJBlffMniOT tfzTWTJWI.ilJ II H "T L " ,TffTg1twat'1tMltltt'tta,altM Dr?-TAELER'S BUCKEYE F'a IBSrae' s" Bg PILE tv& .(A) a Kffis r n tnW BiRE A New Discovery for the Certain Cure of INTERNAL and EXTERNAL PILES. WITHOUT PAIN. CURES VIHERE ALL OTHERS HAVE FAILED. TUBEB, BY MAIL, 7S CCNTC1 DOTTLEO, 00 CENTS IWESF.FMUBQ.S Prater, 310 Hirih Mali Slreet. ST. LOUIS, HO. TO OUF(. PATROLS Cltftlllne. acrctocMiresaoitrthnnksio GlOCdleS. ,, , vott for faotlun tti with n libtml Mens , . A llardweai. rre of )our'imtroiinKe diirniB tl c year ijild hojte we sue FHIJlISiliUgS cmM ki our effort to Rive vcu blUY(!S natiafacton er ice. Tor the n- . ;. , , , and Jjry VjOQQS year we oxtend jou our grctlingb, hoping it will tn inji to )on itul ,. onrs ltannineu and proMuit KflllKcS I Notions I hope to do an iticrriKrl Flnur ltflflte u11111?4.'1 50U nd.irc prcpr- 4iiii 1 to give pu prompt suruc. MP(1 ' ' Wc ihall endeavor, n in tlit pa) (1 to gieon the lnglicst (titilit) uf Siine? 800d, "l lh ,owc, lM'c vlKt" m stuffs W.J.WRIGJHT. : ' CLEARANCE SALE, .f Mtltcs tiid childrcns' llat, Coi' and fft 1 4. j Cnpci will bt sold off at te ttlj nduced S prices ; Ladies' and cluldrcx' Untie wear, sk 1 i v l it Hobttr , Pnscnntors, Hoi-da, Mittous and S j i Caps, In f ict all wmtti goods ill be S: jit closed out at cost forCASiI. J Maggie R. Salmon, ' lf - . .ax - " ji,f ; W ? ; Jr ai ! tj- frjrV WOKMS I FU G E ! i: For 20 Years Has Led ill'WtSlsmsdiesllrm HOLIDAYS ARE KODAK DAYS 'l he hollda easou is a delightful one for mntcur photo, graph), m-iV-iiiR the KODAK an espcci welcome CHRISTMAS GIFT. Flash-light pictures and da light pictures are cas with the KODAK. A full hue f Kcdaks ni d supplies at Write o. send fo booklet Jonn Boyden Sc Sons,