Newspaper Page Text
H coalvuZbtiales. H TiMn rum tsiiino co H COALVILLE. UTAH. UTAH NEWS. H The total wheat eropof the seals nlll M exceed lint of last) ear Hj The second crop of lneern has been H cut and It up to ths average H During 1S97-S the Inmateeof Hie elate H penitentiary loads It, 117 It worth of B socks. H The Illaek Hawk veterans will hold m their reunion at the 1'roto lake resort H this week H I he teschrra of Utah county heM H thrlr aumtner Institute at Camilla M Springs last week H I-rank Connor haa Wen formally m charged with the murilcr nf Olllcer m William Strong of Pruvo H Palmer Itlley. a Hnydtr lad. la In a 1 critical ronillllon aa the result of fall M Inir from a runaway horse B llulldlng continue throughout the H atate ami there U not an Mle carenter H or brick mason lo he fouml H The Implement men of the atate re M port the Mle nf harTctln(f machinery M much heavier than last year B rlirre It hut onesentluirntexprrsscd H In all Hncaol business and that latitat 1 the fall trade la a record trraker M Lx Vimtor Arthur llrown has liecome. B almost totally lillud, but hlsph) tlclans fl hope lo eventually rettort hlaeyrslghl H The bank clearing III Halt Lake City M aat week ahoned n gain of Co per cent H over the rorrcsioudlng week of last M ' M A Unit twenty-live of Utah'a veterans H of IhuClvIl war will attend the national H encaiiipinrnt at Philadelphia on Hep- H teiuber 4 to II M A aaleaman representing a eastern H millinery houta taya that lilt aalee In M Utah till year are fully double what M they hare been B lly September I the llocky Mountain H Hell Telephone company aspects to H hare a tine operating from Halt I ake H City tolheroasL H Hie board of rotinly commissioners H of I tali county have let the contract H for bulldlug a county Intlrmary, the H same to be completed by January neiL H The bee men ot Aahley valley are H doing a thriving tmatneaa this season H The yield of honey la aald to be lot H meuse, and la being disposed of at a H fair price H Cleverly eiecutcd counterfeit dollara H .-- danMatkaUtmltWnUUU. H enisled throughout theatute. The ring H . la perfect, but tke coin It light and the H metal feeta greasy to the touch H It may be tomo time before the Iota- H Hon for the alato lltli hatchery la eel H tied Thrretocallonearo under advise- H went, one In Halt Lake county, one In H I tali couuly, aud the third In Morgan M county H Ihouiaa Hunt, a 15 year-old lad of H Monroe, climbed a tree and when ltd If H tence of twenty five feet from the H ground a limb broke and precipitated H hlmelowowarde, Inflicting aevera but H not neceaurily fatal Injiirkt. H 'the Utah batterlea were the uiott H effective artillery In the service ot the j United Htalrt, either voluuteer or reg- H ular, during the war with Spain and M eubsequcntly In the HWIIpplne Inaur- H reollon Utonlana tievtr do anything H by halvra H The preaenl protperlty In Utah la H baaed upon a aolld foundation, and It It H the opinion of oontervatlv butlueaa j men thai them It not the allghtrtt dan H ger of a oolltpte audi aa wat wltneued B In 1J1 The wraith of Utah will In- 1 crease with each aucccedlug day H Thla la the Ural year in twenty that H the mulberry trnt have not proved a. H iinltanie In formiryiara the berrlca H have fallen on the aldewalkt littering H them up aud cautlug luuih trouble H The failure of the iroplhli tear Itgiu- H rrally attributed to the late front. H Poll tai dellmiuenta now with the) H had paid up 1 he tax it ouly S3 but H the court ctnta are If eircullon 00 H ccntt, acrvice of tuinmout II 40 and H aorvlce ot the eiecutlon I&4I), to that It H the delliuiiieiit Jiut I J 40 toxiuare H hlmulf with the ki tax collector M 1 he attorney general hat reudired an H opinion couiernlng k.hinil elritlonaln j which hedeclarealhatthelawmiulrra H that the polla mutt be oien for four VB couarcutlve hour, per da) ataaihool tBt eleotlou, and If they are open for aur H ahortrr time the rlritlou It Invalid B The Provo eltitrlo light plant em- K ploya the hlghett voltage known n tcM voltage of 40 OHO bclug iimhI to Irau.mlt WW power -to Mercur a dlttaure of thirty. "Ml "e nillca. Tlio line la working cr tiEjSi fectly and hat exnerleiued nolntcrfrr- J ne from llghlnlngor electrical atormi. M An eloctrlc Hue betwrru halt I ake M and Ugden It among the probabilities WOl an eatttrn ayndloatepropotlnglo build H e line providing local i apitallatt will aubtcrlbe to one half of the atork It BH I thought the amount dmlrrd, 1100,000, HJ;' cn clly be raited HJ A four-ycar-ohl tluunlton boy tickled HH the heel, of a 'gentle" horae with a J twitch and wat kicked In the head, cruthlng hltakull ao that a traapoontul of hralnt ooted out Detplte hit tor- Hl ribla injurlet he It recovering and will J aoon bo nady to try It again FUSION IN NEBRASKA. THREB CONVENTIONS AOilEE UPON ONE CANDIDATE. lVllll.m Jrnnlef . Ilrj.n lllrMIM lite I" tr.lle I l.irxrm, n.l llr,Ket Tru.lfc It !. tha ran-oaal !" Uraaha, Neb , Aug J4 -Nebra.kt DemocraU, PopalltlaandHllver Repuu llcana met In thla city Tncday and fuaed on nomination, for judge of the tupreinu court and two metnbtraof tha boanl of rtgrntaot theatatr unlveralty former (lovrrnor HHat A lloleoml wat nominated for aupreme Juttlce hi the and endortttl be the other two eunvrntlont though not without a fight In the lltmocralle gathering where there wat ttrong op potltlon tohltn emanating from Doug laa county ThU opposition (entered on former I nltrd Hlatet Hcnator V V Allen, whoiould have had a major Ity of the ballota In the invention, but he puthed Ida friend Ilolcoinb Allen wat chairman of the resolution committee In the Populist convention and William J llryan wat it delegate to the Democratic gathering Mr llr)an dictated the platform of the Democratic contention Ihladocu uient declared uncompromisingly for free coinage of silver at the ratio of 10 to I, and rndorscil IxHllly the Chicago platform ot 1M-0 (he platform of the Populist convention indorsed tlio plat form of the Populist national lonriu tlon of IbvAaud In addition contained plaukt denouncing the policy of the administration In the Philippine.. The platform of Hie Hllvrr Hi publkaiia wat much the same and contained In addi tion a ttrong plank declaring against the use of railroad asset by public ofllclala. thla pust resolution ttae adopted by the Populist convention without dlsaenl but stirred up tt great commotion amdiig the Democrats, many of whom fought It tooth aud nail Mr llryan addressed all three con Tintlonaand wateiuphatlo In lilt de nunclatlon of the administration a polity In the Philippines. Ho also apoke vigorously In support of the free coinage of allvtr, declaring It to be the main Issue now before the public He denounced trusta In strong terms and criticised tlio administration for doing nothing to rrgulute them He was received with great inthustasm COLLIDU WITH POLICE. Ilrunkva Hltllars (raala rt UltlullMiire In lluuiilulu h'an trauclsco, Aug 34 Theateauer Doric brluga the following newa from llonolului 'the leansunrt Indiana arrlvcdruin Man 1 rauclsco August 10, and sailed for Manila August II Soldiers were ullowrd to laud and they came In con flict with the Honolulu police A drunken soldier aa arrested by tha police and other soldiers attempted to escne III in There waa a lively fight, In which some heads were broken, but the man waa finally lauded In Jail He waa given to hit commanding olllcer on condition that he be taken from the streets. I he ship 'lacoma arrived August V, bound for MtnlUwItlilooliortet. Two of tlio anlmalt died during tha voyage Hie hortta were unloaded to be turned out to pasture until Augutt 10, when the Tacoma will resume her voyage APTEI1 THE UTOIIM. list llanilrtxl Ihuuaaml llangr In I'urlo llle... Washington, Aug 31 A cable ills patch has been received at the war de partment front lleneral Davla, giving additional details of the conditions In Porto lllcu. He placed the number of killed at 1,000, aud reiterates hit esti mate ot lliOOUO destitute tleneral Davit saya "In a few limited areas the cofTru Is half safes remaining area of the n la almost totally ruined, and tliti trie are so Injured that next jeurs tup will not exited Super cent avenue lluiiauaa furnished iiur-half tha food and sweet potatoes beans, rice, corn mid )ums, allot tthitli are grnsn here, supplied tlio other halt to V) per cent of Oik luhul Hants. All the bananas beans rleo and corn nre de stroyed and half thu potatoes I now estimate ovtr I ikhi dead and loo MO Hungry one-half this uuiuhcr Icing homrlesa. Hiiugtr will Inirrasc- rather thou diminish for several ttteka." Imllsit Mali a laws Chihuahua Max , Aug J I 1 he mil itary authorities have rrtilred tele graphic advln-a of an attack on the tonii of Cuniuripit bt n bund ot 3m ao,ul Imlluus. 1 hit plait naa without jillltary protection hut the Mexican eltliena Ixirrlcuded themsehea In their adobe home's and rrslslid the attack for ten hours nhtii thu Indiana with drew N-veral housta ttiru burned h) the Indiana and llvu men aud women wero killed It Is thought that a num ber of I ndluns were killed Nt. Ktuirr III llaeb llo-in Capctowu, Vug il -In thelupe As aembly, Ctcll UIksIcxs referring to the Transvaal iuestlun suldi .So there will lie no bloodshed President Kru ger, like a sensible man will climb lown lho lew the Cape Colony It coueerned It theiuarrtl the better' Continuing Mr llhodta said It was certain the Transvaal would become an Kngllsh speaking community, aud the Ultlandcra. being In a vatt majority, would form a government In kceplug with their views. KHUEOBn REFUSES TO 8UDMIT It Is Nt II.ILtM TImI Kotbla( C.o l-ravant War la tit TransvaaL London, Aug 11 There it nolongef any doubt that Prealdent Krneger hat refuted to submit to the demand tA Mr Chamlerlaln for the apolntmenl ot a court of Iniiulry He ma; hare dooe to diplomatically or hedg Ingly, but that his answer la regarded by the llrltlah government aa tanta mount lo positive refusal la now aa established fact 1 1m colonial office It non committal, but there are other evldrncea which amply Juttlfy thU slalrmenL All the oDIclala will say In regard to the matter 1st "The reply Is not a complete acceptance of the proposal of Mr Chamberlain, secretary of the colonlca." lhereHrt that Prtaldent Krurger has proposed new terms la aomewhat verified by the guarded comment of the colonial olllco ofllclala aud the Irri tability displayed there 1 here la not the slight! st doubt that they now br ieve war la the only way to aettle the controversy They would far rather have had a curt, delimit answer thau the temporising answer which the lloer president has sellL With the former Ureal llritalii would have had plain grounds for a iilck c-immeiiiemeot of lifMlllltlea. I nder the tcrint which now exltt. aggressive action needs con siderable explanation to Justify It In the eyea of the world, and the Hngllsh minority who still declare war would be an outrage However, If Mr Chamlierlaln hat his way, It la believed Prtstdent Kru geraoounter projiosale will meet with aeatil attention and, unless the Iloert completely bark down which la not likely, the urlalt will quickly develop Into war PACIFICATION OF ISLANDS. Admiral tlrw.r xavs flll tnoa are capable ot Ntlf UuverniiiaMt. New ork, Aug 5J The London correspondent of the World, In an In tervlew with Admiral Dewey, asked him If the Phlllpplnca were likely to lie pacllled soon 1 he admiral replied: "I have the question of the Philippines more at heart than has any other American, hecauso I know the till plnoa Intimately and they know I am tkelr frlund 1 he recent Insurrection la the fruit ot the anarchy which baa long relgurd In the Islands, but the In sargenla will have to auhiiilt theui aelvea tt the law after being aoena toiaod to ins law a,t alt "I bvlleve aud afllrui, neverthelrM, that the I'bHlppIno iiieatlon will be very shortly aolvcd The rlllplnoaare eapablo at governing themselves; they bava all qualltloatlona for It It Is a quaalloa f liaia, but tba .miIjt way to settle the lusurreotlonaudosturt proa ptrlty to the arohlpelago Itto coute.lo is If govarnmenl U the luhabltaata That would be a aolullun of many quettlona and would aatltfy all, espe cially tha Filipinos, who believe tlem ttlvat worthy of It and are ao "I have never been lu favor of vio lence toward the 1 lllplnoa lhalaltnda are at title moment blockaded by a fret and wtr reign. In tha Interior. Thlt abnormal etata of thlnga should cesss I should Ilka tu ace autouomy flratcoo ceded and then annexation might be talked about Thla la my opinion t should like to ace violence at ouoe put a atop to. According to my view, tha concession of aelf goverumentoughtto be tha most Jual anil most logical so lutloa H VICTOII IN nUINS. llaslaM. I itftlun nf Cnlnrailo Mlalag I aea tVIl Oat ot I ilttenca. Cripple Creek, Colo , Aug ! Fire has utterly destroyed the business portion of the city of Victor cautlug a loss estimated at 11,000,000 llcglnnlojr shortly after noon the lire raged until ereuluic, ouuiuiulng everything In lu way It had Ita origin, It la thought, In the Merchants' cafe, adjoining the lluuk of lotor on the corner of Third street and Mctor atcliue A strong wind from Uie south fauiudthellaines, and In a few minutes ull the surround ing houses were atlre Help nus summoned from Cripple Creek but the tuwn hud been built in theiarly da) a of theiaiupand waa of CI no timber for the most part aa I urned like paper I ITorta were made to slop the pre gress of the flames by blowing up buildings In their path by means uf dynamite, and all alleruoou thu hills roared with the eiplosloat, but the effort was In rain Mna kolllrrs tl. llr.mul Manila Aug 3J - While a reionnolt erlngpurly of the lit euty fourth In fautry under lapt I rune, teat aa. lug the MiiriUlnit river on a raft the hansira broke 1 he current very swift at that polul, ciused Hie raft tu cuipaUi' drowning nine rullstrl men I he I'nlted Slntoa transport Tartar fnm Smi l muulsco lul) - with ntl, cral Joseph W heeler and his daughter truiipa ot the MncltHiilh infantry and more Ihau II Jon Ooo In eolu has ti nt ed ll.wej hall, lor Mra leghorn, Aug sa l,e flajthlp Olympla salleM from here Monljy ctenliv with dmlral Den.j hwn fur Mce. Prance llur. he i. rt main a wrek, according to hit promise, to let his olllcera see the charms of the far famed Urlern 1 he udmlrai hat hud here the quietest wei k speiil st auy port yet, and hits entirely rtlX), end from the liulltpoaitlon tthuh , thu penalty paid for hit rood nature lu accepting su much linipualit ,. Naplea WELCOMEVOLUHTEERS HOME Utah Extends a Royal Greeting to Her Soldier Heroes. Thoulins't of Ptopli Alttmbla tl tht Capital City lo it Honor lo Ida Officers and Men cl tha World Rinowntd Btlltrtti Halt Lake City, Utah. Aug 30 The gallant Utah volunteers have returned home to enjoy a season of rest and peace after many weary months of campaigning In the I hlllpplnes On the day that they marched down Main street to lake their departure for the far away Islands, they Were raw re cruits, fresh from the Held, and forge their trades aud peace ful profi sslont, but they come baelt valllant veterana of a hundred battle fields, lovid by all the sons and daughters of this great republic, and their names striking ter ror lo the followers of Agulnaldu The Utah batterlea were the most effective artillery volunteer or-rrgu lar. In the United Stale a service and every man comes back a hcroi If there were ofllcea enough to go round there would nut be, n private In the rnnhs Tha Utah batterlea parllclpntid In 101 engagements, cllhcrbatter) A or II taking part In every battle or skirmish that occurred during their stay In tlio lMllpplma and not n tingle man ever deserted his post or rebelled ugalnst the continuous action, for, aa n sturdy old regular remarked! 'Those, Utah chapt simply eat tight." And when ever the Utnh batterlea participated In an engagement, that portion of the Held was aoon won Klght of the nieml ot tha two batterlea were killed In action, five died from disease, and six teen were wounded History does not record so light a casualty list for m great a number of eugagementa, and the people of Utah are truly thunkful that the loaa waa no greater For wrcka preparations have been going ou In this city for aiming recep tion when the boyashnuld come inarch ing home, and. nniv that It la all over, It seems to bo thu universal opinion that the reception waa moat autlsfac tory, a grand and titling tribute to Utah'a vulluiil sous. At 8 30 a in the special train carrj Ing the happy soldier Iwya pulled Into Ogdcu, whero preparations bad been made to furnish breakfast for them Fully 10,000 people were at the depot wheu the train arrived After inarch lag through the streets an 1 tnjotlugii tubttanllal break fust prepand by I In patriotic people of the .luiictlou ill) the journey tvua resumed for the cup tal, where they arrived at II 35 Here they were met by the largest crowd ever before asacmblid together In bait Lake City, and thoeiithualaatlc, greeting Hint was git en tha boys at that moment ulone mutt hare compen sated them for iimny wear) months of active dul) At 13:30 the ordi r to inarch was given and then commenced a triumphal enlrj to the loved capital city of the Utah boys. 1 lie Una of in u nil from the atatlon to Liberty park waa one pro longed ovation The boy a walked through a solid wall of cheering, laugh ing people, all eager to grasp the hand or catch a glimpse of the returning heroes The parade waaovera mile In length, and It wat compact, each sec tion following closely upon the heels of the other Major Urapt rode at the head of the volunteers, and by lilt aide rode Major toung who la home for a thort visit liefore resuming hit duties aa chief Justice in the Philippines Troop C, Ninth cavalry, from tort Douglas, Captain t nine acayalry, mem bcrs of lorrey'a troops, the Utah Na. tlonal (lusnl mid the (I A It veterans were In line, as were all the fraternal societies nnd civil dlgnltarlea Arriving at Liberty park the troops were reviewed by the governor after which they broke ranks to listen to the orators of the day, and to greet their relatives nnd friends. Many a touching atcuu waa witnessed when fond mothers and alslera onte moru clased their lorrd mica to their breasts and fathers and brothers un successfully stove to beep the teara from their e)ca aa they clasped the hands of the stalwart hrrore The ext re Ise at the parte commenced by President l-orcno Suow Invoking the Dlvlue hlcalng, alter which tlov ernor Wells delivered the address of welcome to the lo)a Major F A tlranl ttnt then Introduced as ' the Dewey of thu Armyf" and the bnlle rlct jollied with the multitude In doing lilm honor at he arose to tender to the statu the glorified colors ot the bat talion i An addrrta b) Senator Itawllns fol lotted thu presentation ot the Hags while Colonel M M Kulgn delivered an address of welcome, on behalf of the II A It teterans. Speaker lloylance, of the home of tiBf"' MAJOR F. A. OIIAN l thai eft liter Menial.. Salt Lako City, I tali. Aug 33 Chairman lavage of the medal commit tee, has the residue of the medula and will turn them over to (Jovertior Wells today. The governor will then make every effort to get them to the volun tcera who were not at rutturdav'a core tnony ur weroover ooked In theahutlltf The hitch In the original program and aivlxlngof the men at the banquet table caused a few to miss the medal presentation, but those so ueglcctcd were not near ao numerous at stated representatlvea, presented the medals In a neat speech, and Major Richard V Young, on behalfof thovolunteera, mado the speech uf acceptance Immediate!) after the exercises In thu speakers' stand at Liberty park, the .arlous voluuteer organizations lormed and proceeded to the banquet ing tables. A space about 300 feet square was fenced off, and within It covers for about l,.'uo persona were lakl The tables were arranged lu rec tangular form lho outer row was rcterved for the attending bands and the committed Within thla row In the eustern end of the lucloauro were three tablet for batter) II, aud In a similar position In thu wrttern end wero three tables for butte ry A Hat tery 0 was located In tha northwest comer Iroop of the cavalry and the rough riders were placed In the northeastern corner The banquet closed the exercises of the da), and thoi.ei who participated did hearty Justice to the magnlllcent apread WILL HE-HIFLE OUNS. Nuiokelrss I'ow Irr llarnr.t Out Ilia (ham. bars ut lha VteaHus Salt I ake City, Ltuh. Vug -The buttery bote say that thu famous old gunt, which In ltuh hands did tuch Mh servlio for thu eountr), will have lo he, re rilled U fore they will bo In good condition I hi) were chambered for ordinary pottdir, und when the smaller chargta of smoki less powder were uacd the gnt cut the chambera of the iruus lo such an extent that their etllclency Is greatly Impaired tuf Ilia trili halt Lake lit), Utah ug S3 Tho triumphal arch on Main street hat been the subject for general pralac Thu credit for the attractive roncap Hon Is due to Aruhltect K A Hale, who designed It Architect II L. A Culiucr, who had charge of the decora tions and Chairman Iluinea of the committee In charge lho cott of the , arch In actual cash flguret It ludefl nlte, but It rrpretiuttan expenditure of 13.(100. Much of tho work wat do uatcd In one ivaj or another TO USE FOUR ARMIES- viaonous campaion planned FOR PHILIPPINES. Arte Offleers llavaHoxae.telit Oeheme ta Ilia Head of lha War llepartment to tlUlraet and lleatray la. sargent Forvas. Washington, Aug 33 Tha maps of the Phlllpplnca. and especially of that portion of the Island of I.uioo north and aouth of Manila, which have been prepared for the use of Secretary Hoot, may assume a more Important part In the coming campaign than haa been given II heretofore Vet tary Uoot has not only ascertained where the United States Iroopa nre located and has them nicely n arked off on tho map, hut he liar also taken Into consideration such Info.mnllon aaiun bcnblatncd relative to lha imputation of the adjacent coun trr.thc klod of people and their dlsposl- I lion toward the United (stales. The aecietary has been studying the lines of transportation nnd learning what he ' can of II o geography of the country I II It believed that more than one army ran operate to advantage In tho Philippines, and the suggestion has j been wade by some army nfllccra that an nrmy should start from different points and operate In such a manner as to distract and destroy the 1 lllplno forces. At present tho United Stales fonta do not occupy the line of rail way half way to Llnga)rn,un the gulf of the tamo name It haa been auggeatcd that If ono force viere lo start from Llngayen and move foulh at tho same lima that an other were moving north, there would be a vi ry great probability of soon ae curing the entire railway for tho use of the army, and the Inaurgenla would ' be separated Into divisions east and west by tlio railroad, aa they are now j divided Into northern and southern I bands. Ilelwecn Aligclraand Llngayen ' IsTarlsc, a town of considerable sire and situated In a province where the natives ore told not to be unfriendly to the Uulted Htiitia If this province abould be occupied It might be of gnat, advantage to lha gotrruiuf oL While these, are merely suggestion.. it ssay lie that when Hie army In the Philippines consist of to.000 men, In I stead uf about VO.Ooo ur 33,000, It will I bapoMlble to have four ormorearmlcs I operating instead of two, aa during the i last campaign. , HtOTINO IN PARIS. J Aaaretilal Mob anil tha I oll.a 1 ngata In. I a lllooeljr 11.111. I Parlt, Aug St Paris ou Sunday ' waa the tcrne of serlout dlaturbaucca, J recalling In soma respects the coin A mune. In the rlola of tha afternoon and evening 380 pcrsont ware Injured, T of whom 300 were taken lo thebotpl- t tela, ritty-nlne police aganta were 1 wounded Ono hundred and fifty per- sons were arrialed, of whom eighty have been detained In custody. In response to an appeal of the Jour nals Dn Peupla and La Petite Kenub Hqur, groups of Anarchltlaand Social ists gathered about 3 o'elook In the afternoon In the Place da la Itepub llque The police had taken prccail tlona and there seemed ho danger of disorders Sebastian llaure and raberot, well known revolt tlonary aaarchhvts, were the ringleaders l-aurr, ttandlng on tha pedettal of tha atatue, which rise. Id the center of the Place da la llepuh llque, addressed tho crowd Among other thluga he aald that tho anarch Itta should tie matters of the atreeta Tha police then Interfered and dis lodged Fauru and raberot, making three arretta. The crowd at thlt point dispersed, but a columa ot demon strators headed by Faure aud Henri d'llorr, made for Uie Place da la Na tion The police broke through the col umn und a atruggle for the master) followed. Shot. ntr. Ured and M Uoulllcr, commltaary of police, was twice stabbed with a kulfo Itlotlng continued for some time and much damagu was done lo properly, besldca mauy people being lujnred FLEE FROM THCrJCHES. laiari-enlsXortb af Aiiaele. tauiuat ail to II anilon Ttialr I valllon Manila. Aug S3 -Ono lleutenint of thoT nclfth Infantry was killed and an other was serious!) wounded while re. connolterlng north of Angeles Tha Americans encountered a large force of Insurgents and drove them from their position Lieutenant Cole of the Sixth Infant, ry, with eighty men, encountered loo loturgeutt liitrcnchrd lu the inoiin talntof the Islandaf .Negro, and routed Hum after an hour and a half of se vere, lighting lhe Americans had three men sllghtl) hurt Nineteen lead I u surge nl were counted la the trenches, six rlllee and a quantity of raserve ammunition wero captured PRINCE HENRY COMING. Oaniuiandar raelOe Herman squadron lo foiled Hl.1.. London, Aug 33 Prince Henry ot Prussia, who commands the German squadron In the Patltlc, will visit Ban rranclsco, according to the Iterlln cor respondent of the Dally Mall, onboard hit flagship, after he leaves China. It la possible, according to the tame au thority, thot ho will alto go to Wash ington to sea President MoKlnley.who has sent him aa Invitation