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I COALVILLE TIMES. H COATAtU.K. FRIDAY, A( 81. IBM. H riuMTrvvM- mnrou. "" 'tllBU,mirtMWiM.MHKn H (IX, l laaa Mil '(' PVj I'artlia of Mutiaorlpllcin H PaaUt in JsVuncs B aYat I'M j tl Manilla 'I Urt Moulin H DlCo.l. M H Aitvarllalnu Hole II mall nn 4 m ll f 1 1 iriiTm'i i l m aMI i inriirs I "1 a ar; is ooi 30 w j I tolamn I II mI M mi Hi ml 13) M H trt'alnotlfM.iarrntl .f Una r Btil jnwf 1 lloni t rtoH -.i !! (or th iul"fi:l '""' Hj g)r-TliraalatallllltHcllra')l'IPto H Tiim irctptlnn In the lira Itatltrjr H Ixjys In Coalville waa a tnarVnl incceii H luemy iititlrulr. Krrrjrone ent'rpl H Into it mIIIi lm that waa truly com H inemUWr, Tim I1071 ciTfiitil lliom- H atlvraaa snritlicl and lilKliljgrallfloil H at tlitlr reception. Tha erent lnnon- H slrattM llit we I tie not only wide H awake, ntd pulillo sjilrllcd ellliens Iml H that llio oplo are titelirtoljr alnotlc. H It la by no iirarm rritatn that lliejlus H will lie m.uHU-i! because Hie court H martial imi I11 bo prejudiced a&alnsl H Mm. Tlin evidence, la iniuftlrlant ami H the prosecution liai ailed 10 tar lo H bring forth the facts iiecusaarr to secure H conviction II the caae wsre being; tried LH Imlure a lull tribunal. II Isunforlunato H (or the end ol juitlco that the can could H not have liesn rsmoved to the civil H court of France where Ihepiraumpllon H la that mania Innocent until he be H proven xulltjr, Dievluila preiuintd to fl lieKulllr by tho court 11 artlal and the B burden ol prool la on him to prove hla H Innocence. were H belief than audi 11 Itepublle. Hj FROM SOIMIFIl TOCIVlUMt. M Alter year ol military service In a fl foreign land the Uuh boyi are ready to H throw olT Uncle Sam's unlforma and take H up tho dullea ol civil life at home. B , TbclreiptrlenceigltkoMI,'i'rl11 H form a chapter In their Uvea which will H leave ll Impress on all the pagca ol H their future career (end eurely no event H connected with their brief and patrlotlo H atrvlce will leave upon them a deeper B Impreialon than Ihu culminating event, H llialr reception home I Fiout'the ino- LH mant the bova croaaed the border lines H ot the Htale 011 their retarli, they were H met with one continuoua round of en- H Ihualaatln demontrallnn. The Htate'a H leceptlon In Ball ljtav City waa ono of H aurpaaalng inainlflceiicel that given In H l'ara City to the Hummll and Waileh H countlct' volunteer! waa leaa In propof H tlons hut fully eiual In eatnealnrii and H enthualaaiiiiand laatly the hearty wcl Hj leuie given by the piuple of Coalville to H her boyi waa nover equalled by any cel- H ebrallon In the Malory ol the town. H Thaaethlnga are what luakut a young H wan love hla cuuntty, hla Hlatr and tha H town ol hla nativity. That community M la atrongi at which Irarna to uae itnd ap- H prrclalo lla home product andtoex- H tend the handolvncouragruieat and p- H proval to her aoiiawhe have made them- H aelvoa worthy the rrcognllluii ol ilraug- H ere, and verily, It haa Uan ahown In H thl a young Htale that the old adage haa M 1 U'en revoracd and a irophet hat inucA H r honor In lit own country, M UK LIEF ASO OVINIOX. BH It haa Uu a.iU thalthoae belief that H are held by tint inaaaee of the people aro H light. Thla ll not alwaye true. The 9B tnaaan once bollovod that the raitli wai Hj flat. Thoy once belloved their ihadowi 9B and lelloctloni to be a ercond aelf. They Jb once believed that alouda coma from M rotliluganddlaappear Intu nothing 9H : KttiylHxly agreea that certain Indlv L rnala who have tho light to vote and ex- fjM 1. erclaea other prerogativea of thecltlton puj tbould be denlod the one right of ex BM pteiilng poilttvely his oplnlona on oll- B : tlca and rtllglon. l'hyilclana have loat H I practice through oplnlona too daily ex- HK piaaaed, Mlnlatara have called down HB the wrath el their congregations upon HE their limda by llltlo too muih Imlul- UHH gonce In pollllci. rrofoiion In colleges H and teachers In the public ichoola liavo 9K learned to remain baimUaity Jliucvt nn all mslteie l chufli and Mill, I'iiMleHnian l 1 nunl'm t'fant ai 1 theieitre hla victim', In tlii pulpit the 1 fleet eboi! I ! a prlaatatiliiot a p.llllemn. O it ff the pulpit ha aho ilil hue the rlgh lo h ra Ileal a part ran M other clllien I n the ichool room the rnfeiior or teacher alnuld he non-pafllfan and lion-iec-larlan, Out of Hit icliwl room he shoiitd lai as free lotiprnal I v ei i It political boaf Ofcouraeheiniiit keep nut of llir dlfly nlfe of jvnoHnal jmll tiri. And an ahoul 1 every loll reip'Cl-Inglnllvldiial. About onn month egomy child, which iaflfltrnmonthe old, had an attack of diarrhoea ccotnpanFd by votnltlnK. I gam It audi reiuHlie aa are uiually given In aurli caiea, hut ai tiothlng gave relief, we lent for a phralcian and It waa under hie care for a wrik. At thla lime the child hud been alck for about ton daya and waa halng almut Iwenly-flto operation! of the liowrla every twelve houre, and we were louvlnred thai tui Ira, it 10011 uht itiidl rrllef it would not live. Uhaiiibcilan'a Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Itiinedy waa recommended, and I ilnhletl tu try It, I auon noticed a change for tho belter, by Its continued uiea roinpleteruio waa brought about an I it la now ifectly heatthy.-O. I. Itotiua, Bturoplnwii, (lllmrr Co , W. Va For eitle by John itoyden & Hon The Turk lly Itrrrplliin I'ark City nertr falls to meet an emergency with that vigor which char acterizes a really uplodate town. There la no half-war bualnen In the way that ramp farra a contlnency alia does thing up In n whole-hearted fulilon, and her rrreplinn to thefunimlt county volunteers only addi luitre torepnta- It required only a few weeks loralio 11200 by private subscription In that town, (COO ol width wai dislrbuted among the boys about (20 each the , remainder being mod to pay the ex penaei ol the great reception Tbtday's exercliei conalslsd of a well ordered and spectacular parade; an ei cellant nrojram which waa riven at the pnVlle square and a ball at the theatre In the evening, During the day I'ark City had about as many vliltorsas she coullwell lake care ef but everybody Is heard sounding her praise and (Sum mit county will remember with grate tul rscullocllou the glorious welcome given vy I'ark. City tu her voluutrara. I DO YOU KNOW Consumption la prevontabtuT Science 1 has proven that and ulo that neglect I la aiilrldal, The worat cold or cough i can be currd with bhlloh's Cough and Comuiapllon Cure. Hoi I nn puillle guarantrw lor uer Ally yrara, tur il 1 by John Hoyden A. Hon. UNIVERSITY OP UTAH, Salt Lake City. The University of Utah comprint! Collfxa of Arts, Literature aud Bclaiico; the Pchw I of Mines, ottering courses In electrical and milling ongluoe nig, the Utato Normal Hcliool In cenneitiun with which art wall equlppsd training School and kindergarten; preparatory courses in law aud msdlcliie, nnd pruparnlory cotiraea leading to the college courava of tho University, Bond for Annual, nJ3-M I). It. Allkn, Secretary. Miiic'i: von iiuil.iua'i ion, HO. 4IN7. I,nOriitKAT8uT I,AxuCitvUru,( July It, IBW. Notice Is heruby given that the follow Ing-uamt'd settler has lllid iiotlco of his Imoulloii lo uiako final pruvf In suniiort ol his claim, and that said proof will be in ado beforo tho County Cleik ol Hum mil County, Utah, at CoalvilV, Utah, 011 Auguit M. 1SK), vis William llon- Inaou II. 1., no. iuuju lor ine fiorui jj ol H. W, H bee, 31, Tp. 8 N. It, 0 K., B. U M Utah. lie nemos the following wltnenaua to prove hla continuous rosldence u;kii and cultivation of, said laud, via: John H. 8axton, (leorgo Ilandall, Thomas Fewkes. of Upton, Summit county. Utah, and William llulTiiianof Coalville, Summit county, Utah. 1'aAriic 1). Hones, reg liter. T. O. llalley, attorney, nt-ta NOIICR 10U I'UIIUC'ITIO.1. NO. USD. I,nd Orncic at Halt I.axkCitv. Uiaii,! July 18, 18J. J Notlcoia hereby glton that the follow, llig-uamed settlor has flleet notice olhls intention lo luako final proof In lupport of his ilalm, and that said proof will be made before thu County Clerk ol Hum lull County. Utah, at Coalville, Utah, on August 20, 18D9, via: Francis II. Wright, II. K. WU for the N H W f,b)Bf N W if and N KJfHW tf Bc.a,Tp.2N It 6K,S.CM. lie names the following witnesses to provo his continuous residence upon and cultivation ol said laud, vis I Ueorgo Heard, Grant Y. Ilnllock, John II. Hob son and Kdmund Ileis, all ot Coalville, Utah. rmMC 1. IIoiids, register. U U. OrT, attorney. nM-lO QUAKER S BATH CABINET. Latest, Best, Cheapest, Prolongs liife, Saves Medicine and Doctor Bills. A Pcrfict Stuitar ItatfattiR ppli mce, tclf-iiipportcil by a folilitif,' steel frame ccverinc of Antiseptic, Hygienic Cloth, KUHHKK-MNItl). HAS A DOOR. Not a Cloak or Sick to pull on ot off over your head, or icit on oitr thotiltlri Over 326,000 sold and in use. Cuafautccd superior in cotislrticttoti and more convenient than any oilier Cabinet, even those costing 17.50, or f iB. Needed in every Home, Doctor's Office, iltrbcr Shop or Hotel. FBIOB, - - $5.QO. For Ladies, Gentlemen or Children. You can have at home in your own room Turkish. Rtiiiiin, Hot. Air, Steam, Vapor, Medicated, Perfumed, Mineral, Sail, Quinine, Hop or Sulphur Ilaths, at a cost of about 3 cents per Hath. For Sale by Miss F. E. Baker, Sole Agent for Utah. GOALVILLE TIMB8. Reduced To i en PER YEAR. W Coalville Coop. S - H W S S O Coalville Coop. COAL Always On Hand at the WASATCH v MINE Lump, " $2.25 Stove, - 1.50 Tebhis LpaflEd Promptly. Na Delay. PUROIUE HOME INDUSTRY Weber Coal Co The Cloths Selected for this 1 Fall and Winter arc exceptionally neat in design and attractive inst)lc. Wc know that you will be interested in them, if you care to get the best and fittest that is going and for the least money. Vou cau choose from the Ready-to. Wear lines (possibly the complete.! in the United States) orjou cm 1 , pick the pitltrn from the Made, to-Measure line. "tW Iij-f -Name the style, let your meatirc be taUcn and 'mifR" rcceve r01" "' promptly n suit ("l which wc believe will be uumilchcd in cccllcnce aud p-icc anywhere in Auarica. Wc give special care to this Made-to-Mcaittrc wort., see ing to it that the fashion, fit aud finish are ex. actly right. Wannamaker & Brown. W. J. Wrigiit, Sales Agent BY THE KODAK SYSTEM of Film Photography tho Inairumont Loads and Unloads in Broad Day-Light. Liglit-Slrack Negatives, IMPOSSIBLE. Film Cartridges aro Non-Broakable. and "Weigh Ounces, Whero Plat03 Weigh Pounds. The Kodak Season has now Opened. WORMS! VERMIFUGE! Fer 20 Years Has Led all WormReliiWsTiml; boii9 ur axix, snvcvoxBra. par Iroquois Bicycles $1C.75 jfCW VCV IROQUOIS CYCLE WORKS FAILED SSTS (b2&Ikm SfjK iiss tkw ci rrti""" "u'ii,Vs",'ife" llLjfYKJw wE&KJ(v!f i"oouoi4Bcy'ctu,auii"""iritT,Mii IMS sfl Arf B XUirvttVrNXYM aiMtMllf,to4af.aMn.,MkM.rMMtfrM4gM4.BaUITf Wisrlvvf '""KfilWfL nr?nRiDTnn,,'''',J,1,"k""-"w'"" JKyy vr ..sjbs wUUVrTL.ucauniriuii ,ui4M,wn,tai auiv, m la. nui LVUjj; l'i" i. ' r.? J1. "liUM4a, 1h(B 4fb a.M,al.l.lMi4MMiltwl.n, !kSnnu!&&;,'74.''.'Ai " S5T!mm U.rliTh'i.1 OaVll iaaTaarlalanamr ,," WE HAVE B ICYCLE8 Xttln&V.X&&&&&'ZiliS!: ' n.-.n. .f MEAD OYOIE OO.. OMcago. IB. Received Direct From the East the latest in Street Hats. 4J WMWsftJ&Pfl c A Large and Complete Line of WINTER MUFFLERS: M. R. Salmon, t