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gegegeT BHHmWiHBHBWBWT''J., . A. HRHB gegeHev fHPHBMBWWWv ?w"ew"" r lgegesgei i B I The Coalville Times. p - I I THE PEOPLES ADVERTISER. pavoTmn oro thu pa"arBK,maa?s of BrnwEagrx1 cxatrasmr. I FREE COIK ABE OF SILVER, 1$ TO t fl I Vol. VII. COALVILLE, SUMMIT COUHTY, UTAH, FBIDAY, MAY x8, 1900. Ko. 19. iPl I LETTERS FROM I CORRESPONDENTS. I Aroond the County in Seven I Days. I The Eapftnnlngsof the Put Week I Told Id Detail bj Efficient 1 Correspendents I UAKklT, I Oaiuv, Uufa, Msy IS, ltOO I Fcrroii Tiuii: I E, Morton came ont Irom Salt Lake I Ult week. I 0, Jenien nod N. B. Snapp are ranch. 1 era up Weber canyon thli lummer, 1 Jamei Neel hi returned from off tho 1 deiert with hli ihcep end li located In 1 tbe writ hllli. 1 Mra P. llorton wai oat oo builnen I lait week and returned horn to Salt lakeontbelOlb I 11 would be will lor tbe county eom- ealnloneri to look after tbe readi up I tbt Wiber river Juit above the dogway I above Wm. l btte'e ai the river ii llke- I ly to come Into tbe road A delightful banquet wai tendered the graduating laie ol Oakley Friday evening, tbe reildenee of Mr. and Mri W. II. Bteveni Tbe table wai prepared by Vln Bterem, ai alited by the teacher and puplli. The reception room wae decorated with nice boqueti of floweri, and with Old Glory waving over tbe entrance door. Alter the people had arrived, Mre Bteyene placed two rowe of chain In the center ol the room facing aud forming an l!e The principal, aialittd by the primary teacher, Mlie Tack, marched In, follow ed by alz imlllng yeuog ladlee who bare Juit patted ont of the eighth grade i They were seated facing each other and I commenced tbe exrelie byilnglnga Ittff beautiful OBg Tien tbe principal U( b Mil 1 liw Nmuti an' Id order lo p ahow to thoie prtaent how apt ber f pupils were In map drawing, the called them out one by one to draw a plcturo I ofacaton aome paper prepared and I tacked on the door. Tbe drawing wai well done, conilderlne that the younc ladlee were blindfolded, After tbe drawing wai over the teacher and puplli were marched Into the dining room, followed by the company, where they partook of the bounteoue refreih , menti inch aa Ice cream, dellcloni frnlle and other rifreihmente too num erous to mention. After supper the older ladleiamuied themielvceln the ' cake walk. After becoming a little ex- ft hauiled,tbey thought their boibandt n were a little cold they were marched out on the floor by two of the lergeit I women and told to take tbelr choice sing, recite, Hand on tbelr headi, or dance the cake walk Of coune we could not itand on our beade, 10 we ) tried to walk without the cake The yosng ladlee whograduated ware Mlda Frailer, Laura Blsvens, Elenor retenon, Annie Kvsns and Edna lbltllpa The clan Ii an honor and we ae cltliem are' very proud to know that we hare ilx 1 beautiful young ladiei who will be able to enter college at the next term wlth- ont any fear, and to think we bare had I two of the beit teachen in the county. I We can 1 tore thli by the number ol I etudenta graduating at tbli term, A I report came to yonr correspondent that E the county inperlatendent compllmenti t tbe graduatei very highly. About fifty people ate inpper. Thoie from Kamai II were the Mliiee Lliile lack, Lliale "IB Thomai, I earl Pack and Llllle Mltcholl. , III All eeemed to epjoy the affair and wlih- 1QS 111 ed tbo lame to be repeated at the end III ol every term of echoot in the futurt. IfH Torlurexl a Wltncai. . I Intenie Buffering waa endured by wlt- II neilT. L. Martin, of Dixie, Ky , before tC IH h.e gave thli evidence "I coughed ' lit verr night nntll my throat wai nearly . W J then tried Dr. Klng'e New DIi 10 U tovery which gave Initant relief I H uted It in my family for four yeare and II eecommecd It ai tbe grealcel remedy . H lor Oouhi, Coldi, and all Throat, Chut H etadLung ttoublei, It will Hop tho worit ceugh and not only prevent!, but abaolutely curei Comainptlon. Trice 75 cents and t 00 (Jusranteed. Trial Kg bottle free at John Doyden and Bon'e SM diog ttore I ah tier H H 1 rcoA, I'ioa, Utah, May 16, 1S00. Editor Timssi Blihop B Walker went to lilt Lake to-day, MI11 Lemon of Marlon wai a vliltor In l'eoa the firit of the week. Good tor B. H. Roberts. That $2,000 will come toblmln good time, Mre Hannah Eldredge and Mre Joieph FUher were here on Sunday. Eldera Fliher and Croft of Coalville were theipeakireat the meeting here on Bunday, Almoit every man and boy hae a 22 gun and li lsughtering equlrrele to "beat the Dattb," Tbe weather for the paat week hae been good enough to give one "all the pleainreiotabome." A number of our young people went to Kamae on Bunday evening to attend the meeting held there. E. M Maker hae been appointed poetraaiter at Ilockport In place of Joshua Coney, reilgned, and waa up thli way on Monday perfeotlng hie bondi, Robl. Allen, Jr , bai lold hie home and lot In Teoa to W. W. Hotton of Oakley. Mr. Allen contimplatei mov ing to the Dig Horn country In tbe near (utnre CyruiNeff came out from Bait Lake county the flril of tbe week to look after hli property here In l'eoa. "Cy" got a map when be bought the Newman property here. Jnit now Xnglandnima to here the belt of tbe fight In tbe war with tbe Boeri. But It lea long road that haa no turning America eheuld itep in and itop tbe meleia alaughter ef human llvei If not, why not? B It.E Vita A Keen Clear Ilraln Yonr beat feellngi, yonr loelal poll Hon or financial incceea depend largely on the porfeat anion of yonr atotnarh aiid liver. Dr. Una Haw Uli TI1U give lncreaied atrsngtbra keen, clear brain, bigh ambition. A 26 cent box will make you ftel like a new being Bold by John Boyden h boa. IIOTTKVII.I.K novTavou, UUh, May 17, 1D00. EnrroaTiuia: Mri Win. Quo, Mri LouliJudd and on, and Mri, Suian Uobaon left Wed neaday for a ten daji trip to Ijiketown vliltlng relative! It took five teami to haul the monu mental work from the bummlt County Marble World Ult week to thel'ark, and ai many tbli week to Evaniton and Randolph, All who have bad imalt pox are now now releared from quarantine, except ing the fatal)! ti olW'ra Brown and Geo Danleli Mr, Daaleli, nntortucitfly, hai the typhoid feyer, Albert Stewart, who Ii new in the Park, wai taken inddenly lick with ap peodldtle Wedneiday, Hie mother and brother! wero telephoned for the eame day, and left for tbo Park, BICK HJCADAOUIB, Tbe curse of overworked womanhood, are quickly and eurely cured by Karl'i Cloyer Root Tea, the great blood puri fier and tluue builder. Money refund ed If not lattifactory. Trice 15 and 50 centi John Boyden it Bon. KCIIO. Ecuo, Utah May 17, 100 Editor Tixia School will cloeanext Friday. 0 Hendrlckion Ii moving hli family to Emory tbli week, Sevoral of our townioeople attended the dog and pony ihow Tuuday. Joieph llopkln haa moved hie family up to the ranch on Huff Creek. A dance will be ghen next Friday evening nnder tbe auiplcee of the icbool YOUNO. MOTHFUS Croup la a terror of thouaandof young mothera became Hi outbreak li 10 agontxlng and frequency fatal. Bhlloh'a Cough and Coniumptlon Core acta like magic In caaea of croup. Ithai never been known to fail. The worat caica relieved immediately. Frlce 26o. 60c and (1 CO, John Doyden & Son,v onAae ckkkk Qrais Creek, May 17, 1M0 Enrroa Tmii' On Irlday, baturday and Bunday Ult we were favored with rain, ball an DOW, Tbe cltlieni of thli place were well repreientedattbedogandhorae ihow In Coalvlhe Toeeday, The auperlntendency, teachen acj membereof tbe Bunday ecbool wen much dliappolnled lait Sunday ae mil- ilonartu ware expected to be preient Tbe Miieei Lovina Copley, Aanli Walton, May Welih and Ellia J Barber were ihown through the Cran Creel mine by 8upt. Hanien on 1-riday lait, Tbe advanced grade of the religion dan wai In iciilen at tbe uiual tlmi In tbe icbootbouie on Saturday evening nndir Initrnctore W. L. Hanien, Elijah Turner and tllra J. iiarber. Bcildei the tnitruetori and regular memberi there were leven viillori preient Between the honn ollO and 12 tail Monday morning, W. 11. Branch and tbe Mlnea Cornelia and Ellia J, Branch, Joiepblne Srooki, Belle and Jennie Calderwood, were vliltori and ahown through tkeUran Creek mine by Fore man W. 8. Wilde YOU TOY IT. If Sblloh'i Cough and Comumptlon Cure, which li aold for the imaU price of 25 centa, 0 cente, and $1 00, doee not cure take tbe bottle back and we will re fund your money. Bold for over fifty yean on thli guarantee. Trice 2i cente and 50 cent! John Boyden A Bon, IIENEfKn Hatixraa, Utah, May 17, 1W0. EuToaTuxat Froita have prevailed for eeveral night! A number of onr cltlteni have been more or lemlck of late C. Hunt ol Bait Lake 0 ty baa been a I vliltor her during the week. MfMre Bummer haya and LlvlRlUe I ot B.ll lke werw belipTT!jl,J alleinoon aervlcee here Sunday lait. V. IK Llvingitone and C. M. Wood, repreientlng tbe New York Life lnior ance, have been here doing builnnl fcr everal dayi. Word wai received here to load tbe wool that had been 10H, nn tbi litb I nndentand there Ii about two car load! yet unsold. Meim. John Doyden and J, W, Bam merbayi Tlilted our Bunday ecbool on the 15th. Mr. 8ummerhaya ! a men ber of the B. S. Union Board, anJIIr Boyden Ii oar Stake Superintendent MI11 Laura Datchelor took hir elui the. Sunday icheol primary, for an out ing on the 17tfa, at 10 a. m They re paired to Taikett'e grove, and amntedl thamielvei with gamei nntll picnic time. It Ii needlen to lay all wen ready to eat. The mountain air III fine appetlier. Tbli ! a good itep, and ihould be tbe meant of bringing tcach era and puplli nearer together. A Werann'e AieTuI I'erll ' There li only one chance for you to lave your life and that la through an operation'1 were the atartllng wordi beard by Mri. I. B Hunt, of Llml Ridge, Wli , from ber doctor alter be had vainly tried to cure her Of a fright lul can ol itomach trouble and yellow Jaundice Gall itonei bad formed and ahe conitantly grew worie Then abi began to uio i-lectrlc Dlttere which wholly cured her. lti a wonderful Btoatacb, Liver and Kidney remedy Curea Dyipeptla, Lou of Appetite Try It Only 50 ccnti Guaranteed, For laleby John Boyden & Bon, druggliti Notice. An examination for publlo ecbool taacbere of Summit county will be held on Monday and Tueiday, June 4th and 6th, at Park City, and on Wednerday andThuriday, June Oth and 7th, at Coalville. Aitheie will probably be the enlv reffular ftiamlnallona held be fore school openi next fall, all teachen expecting to teach In thli county, and not holding endonabla ceitlficatei, or normal ceitlficatei or diplomat, are ex pected to appear for examination on two ol tbe datea above named, FniNK Evaxi Ohm Board of Lxam Dlitrlct Court. Judge Norrel came ont Irom lait Lake thli morning and let the calendar! ae follow 1 caiimLcitmDa State of Utah ve J. W. heel, felony ; June i State of Utah vi J. . heel, rape, continued for term lark City vi W. W Olntlj Junit Law ami Morton oalxirar W.O. Bailey vi Mri. K M Bromley et al June 4 Is 0. Pate, et al. vi W illlam Olnri, Bamuel Glnee, et al , June 4 ) Lovlia J, Tbllllpive Ann Clou", June I II. P. Railroad Co va R. A. Jonei; iune4 I n.A.Bmllri.etai.viU. P. Railroad to, Jnne4 I CIVIL caLINOAR, 1 Margaret Linden vi Anchor Mining Co, Jnne 0. 1 W. I. Pace and Mary J. I ace vi Crye Ul Creamery Co; eontlnned for term Wm J. Itoblmon, ai Maiter vork ao, W, II. Colbath, (telon Splroand T. McPhearioni continued lor term. ,M. 0. Johnevn yi John llopkln, etal ; lane 6th. ( Itoialle Morrli vi 1) 0. McLaughlin; rntlnned for term Llllle WinteitoDM J. E. Wlnterton, aaied, HDaly Weit Mining Co vi Anchor IlllnlngCo: June 7 J Mary Lewie vi Daniel Lewli; June 6 jllartman A M, Wanarman, partner!, Joieph llopkln, etaljpaned i Martin McGratb, et al, ve D D. Er in, etal; continued for term. D I'.DIgmanand J L, Dlgman, etal, Ellta Nelion, Llla Nelion, et al , con fnued for term. fian Lambert and Ephralm Lambert, lJamoe Welib. Qeorge Beard, etal. eatlnned far term ItJwInCoativiU. P, R R; June 6 Uanett Savage viM. F. Savage. To be led at Bait Lake June 16th. QOicarE. Lawrence, et al ve M. F. (ark, Wro. Perlgo, et al , paiaed. Florence Emma WDHimi vi John U. JUllami; JnneCth. U. S.Aichbetm Mer. Co, vi Comtock lolng Co , etal, continued for term, Jamei ErUion vi Ed Btromnaeti t X rleaiara ul a 1 conilder It not only a pleaaure but a duty I owe to my neighbor! to tell about the wonderful cure effected In my caie by tbe timely me of Chamlierlaln'i Colic, Cholera end Diarrhoea Remedy. I wai taken very badly with flux and procured bottle of thli remedy. A fw done ot It effected a permanent cure, I tike pleaiureln recommending it to others mffrring with the dreadful dlieaie, J. W. Ltmcii, Dorr, W. Va. Thli remedy lnold by John Boyden A Son Jury Llit. Following tithe lilt of Jurors drawn from the Jury box Wcdneeday by Clerk Tack, Attorney Callli and Juitlre W. II. Smith: J. E. Falrbalrne, F, Lambert, Bam uel Mitchell, Richard Barret, J, P Al good, Wm, Fron, Arthur Drown, J. 0. Lamlert, F. J. Lubeck, J. J. Dowen, George A, Cronmin, B M. Walker, Alfred Blondqueit, George Mortln, J. It. WUUami, Leroy Hojt, Albert Nilei, George Warning, John Tatrlck, 0.11. R Blevene, Jamei Evaai, Stephen Beard, Wm Ferry, Wm Kearni, It li economy to uie Baltatr Extracti. Carda or TliunUi. Tbe following letter will explain It itlfi Bcoriiu, Utah, May 10, 100. EniTOaTiiiKai Pleaie Insert In yenr paper a card of tlianki to the people ot Coalville for tbe llndnen and romldiratlon ibown to earda uiin our trouble snd sorrow, n ordi cannot utter my gratitude to ward them. Mar. JoiiM Jamxi Meun Walter and Wm. Clark wlih toexpren, through Tux Tmxs their heartfelt thanks to thoie who to kindly mlited them In their recent trouble -NEWS fROU WASUWaTON. (From Oui IUulr Cmir""lotl Waiuixoton, May 11, 1800, Another wonderful dlicoyery li to be credited to American Ingenuity. In ex perimenting at tbe U. S proving ground! at Indian Head, a few mtlee below Washington, on the Potomlo river, our Naval officiri have dlicover d acoopoiltlonfor ihelll which will penetrate the hcavleit armor plate made aieailly ai though It wero made of wood Thli dlicovery, which our government li trying te keep ircnt, will revelutionlie naval warfare, ai no warihlpi afloat'rould itand before an enemy iupp1ld with thoie khelli; they could be riddled and mnk aieailly ai tbe old wood ships The news ot the discovery wss made public throsgh a rerolutlon offered by Benator Tillman, asking the Navy Department for Infor mation concernlngeiperlmenti In test ing armor plates which hsd developed nnexpected reiulte, Tbe Secretary of tbe Navy Informed Mr. Tillman that It would not be wlie to of&clally aoiwir hli resolution, at the lame time mak ing him acquainted with the reeult ol tbe experlmenti Thli Information Mr, Tillman gave to the Beoate In executive union, while the Naval appropriation bill wai under dlicunlon Tbe new shell li the Invention ot a naval officer, and, If lti component parte can be kept Merit, It will give thle government a power that will be even ttore feared by other natloni than tbe fighting qusllllti olAmsrlcass. Col. Barton of the army, who discov ered tbe alleged defalcation In the ac count! olC. W. F. Neiley, financial agent ol the Cuban postal service, In tbe regular course of his duties as an officer of the Inipector General's De partment, le now In Washington for tke purpose ot giving Secretary Root all tbe Information In hie poaieislon Whlls tbe Poit Office department exercliee a certain amoustoliupeivlslon over the Cuban postal eyilem, tbe lyitcm le actually under Uie War department. Tbe matter waa considered at a cabinet meeting, tbe general sentiment being that t should be probed lo the bottom and the guilty punished 1 also that any sbertsge over what can be collected from Neeley'a bondimsn should be mane good by this government The latter womU pwAUy HamnluUJtta ' AllSl7-w Jorltyot the Ways and Means com mute the Uoniesdopted a resolution calling on the Secretary of the Treas ury for Information as to tbe amount and oharacter of materials uied by tbe manufacturers of oleomargarine. This Is regsrded a victory for tbe dairy In tereiti Tke committee on labor haa favorably reported to the Home tbe bill making eight honti a daji work on all contract! with the government, and will endeavor to get a vote on It before adjournment, 1 and will probably succeed, Aa Aaeltnt Belief The anclenti believed that rhenroa tlira wai tbe work ol a demon within a man. Any one who hai had an at tack ot icletlcor Inflan mllory rheuma tlim will agree that tbo Indication le demoniac enough to warrant the be lief. It bai never been claimed that Chamberlaln'e Tain Balm would cait out demoni, but It will euro rheuma tlira, and hundredi bear teitlntony to to tin truth ot this ststement. One ap plication relieves the pain, and this quick relief which it affords Is alone worth many times It coil For isle by John Boydsn A Son, A tsihlcn note rsys tbst belts, glovee and neckties of rattleinake ikln will be worn by women thle iprlcg We kniw the poor raltlemakii would have to come to It sooner or later It waa about the only varmint left that tbe women didn't wear. Think of a woman being arrayed In a illkaorm dron, lealikln lacqui.oitrlcb feather bat, goat ikln iboes, whalebone itayi, kid akin glovei, honehlde bell, tortolie ibell comb, flih icale trimming, stuffed csnary birds, clam shell bultoni, Spits dog muff, mink tale collantte, allgatorhlde pune, sndaratllernakenecktlel Solomon in 1 all his glory wss not such a msnsgnlo aioneoftheoe-sndyet v. e love them, no matter what they wear -Fx. Don't dupalr became you have a weak conttltutlon. The vltllliing prin cipal of HEBBINE will anuredly strengthen It In every drop of HEB BINE there Is life There li a et'mu lsUng, rsgenerstlag power, unequskd In tbe whole range of medical prepara tions I' John Boyden A Son's COnlrllle'a Donation. fflfefctyi'' Following ii the Hit ol luUcrlplloni iPpV' lo the Bcofleld Relief fund from deal Bjvf,J Rev A 0 Warner . , $ 2 60 BwiV' ' John Ifor'on j 53 Sat&J George Beard ... jjo (BRSieri WGJohniton . . 250 22aHB' Robert Walker 2W SBBfiVi Mrs Robert Steele .100 IstlMBH J W Huffman ....... 2 60 !ESjg9 Mrs Robert Itlppen (a BSgti Irank Crofi. JOO lgflBE J W Mamtord 10 00 sgtH Mrs M A Roberts ... 100 H Mri Amanda Itoblmon 100 ggfl Mrs B Clark 25 H Mrs r. L. Bescb 15 B MrsJsmee Welsh to H Hri.JoeHiher.Jr .... ,25 H MriJohn Roblnion ,25 H T L. Beach HriMEngland 29 aaB Mri 0. Collender ,J6 gtKwl MI11X Hodion 50 H Mri Mary Wilde M geH Mri J. II. Wllll.m. 1 00 H Mri Cora Wbeadon .200 Robert Calderwood 100 (H Wm Hodson ,50 J. W. Lamb 10O gtsH J L Mllcbsll goo H John Boyden 100 jf Walter Boyden 100 J Elijah Ewalnitoa ... 5 00 jH Mri. J btones K) H A Isrker ., ,. 1 so H Mrs.r. Nlshol 210 M MrsJsnst Msnsles 100 H Mrs Agnss laddie 100 H MrsE Wycherley 15 H MlisVlnnle Copley . . . ,26 H MliiXllen Copley 25 H Mill Msggle Salmon . . 1 60 Ira Eldredge ,,,, 0 H J A Smith 3(0 H Bamuel Gentry lot H Jos Kimball ., 250 L Kd Deaublen 2 00 H J. 8. Salmon 3M H CM. Johaneeo 0 H George Lindsay 2J4 MrsCListy 1,00 JWk Conrsd Elsley M M Boloaaon Baxton ..... UP Mtw w 9 i ejerirrl7TJBjntYT'CTiyBVea HggggbwRBiBVBigfl M.A. Wright 10O I; H Axcll Rlondqueit 6 00 J H O.R. Jones 100 Coalville Opera Home 23 66 IMBhaw 100 Jamee Ball . 2 60 . 8 England 50 H MlaeM, Drnndage ...... .76 H HeUr illrcb IS J E Roblnion 100 H Mri J K Itoblmon 10 H Wm RoUmon 1 OS H Mri, Alma Roblnion 60 H Mri Xd Wilde ... . M H Mri. JameiNeel , 69 H OA Callli 3 00 WI Pack . ... 3 00 MlisM.Carrath 60 Mill Agnss Farnswortb . ...... ,60 John Sperman 104 M LlroyWilklns .50 L'E Eldredge 1,00 Edmond Eldredge 300 Alma Eldredge 6 00 Edwerd Blehln 100 Frank Rlppen 100 George Edglngtoa ... . 100 David Reee .... 600 G. Y. Bullock , , . 100 Coalville Olty . 100 00 Total to date 1210 66 AaHpldamla or Wliooploi CS Last winter during an epldimlo ot whooping cough my children contracted the dlieaie, having levere coughing poll! We had uied Chamberlain's Cough Remedy very luoconfully for ., croup and naturally to It at that time 1 u and found that It relieved the cough j and effected a complete cure JeiiH E. J Curroao, Proprietor Norwood Itouie, t 4 Norwood, N. Y. Tbli remedy li for ' j ale by John Boyden A Son. t J9 H.B.I.. j The club met at tbe home of Mri, El- IE dredge May 101b Repertot committee! 1 s$ and other builncre wai tramacled, after ) 3ft which Hiitorlan Mil Callli followed, "Jf) giving a continuation of Alexander the ) SS' Oreat. i Wi Some beautiful mmlc on tho piano igf wai rendered by Mri Callli, and meet- f :'t Ing was adjourned to meet with Mrs. 1 f Northcott, Msy 23rd, for the evening ) h meeting, which had been poitponed on , "''W'j account of tbe Scofield calamity. j Juj Tbe ladlee were Invited to the dining I Sn room, where the moit delicious re- JrKJ freshmente were served to the gusits, , Ufa and esch one was presented with pretty j ifi ' boquets. L. U. ! W