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GENERAL' 'SPOKTING. '' . CUnnENT tVENTS IN VAMIOUB FIELDS. krlaK Track flatcavea tor ths Slat '' ( Kw York root tip a lilt Ham lo v Jla Pipaadail la Ihe Improvaraaat f 4, , ---.. Harlot Track ll.jmae. Ttia report of the New York Stat Commissioners August llelnmnt, Bd ln I) Morgan and John Bantord t which wai presented to the legislature n Friday April 6, In n document ot mure than ordinary Interest to the larlne unci breeding world In the In rreaecd revenue which havo comn to Iho agricultural aoclctle which nro Uie beneficiaries of the stale tax of 5 per cent Heed upon tho gross ru relpta of racing association the com tnlislon belli ves la shown the marvel on stride which hne been mule lu the apart The report aayii In part In the five year over which tho term of tho commission oxtend there has been paid In to the statu controller tor distribution among the agricultu ral soclotlc the um of $111 13001 A nvlcw of this lax by yours will Illus trate tho progress of rating In this state In 11J& the tax was $35 220 71 Six associations held license that rear. In 18W the lax was $50 003 10 and In that year only Ave associations Ik lit liloctltin V license had been Is " sued to the Saratoga association, but because of local reaxiua It did not take advuntago of II iillhouKh It hua con ducteil meotlngs annually since In 1&7 the tax was (61 Ml 71 This rep resents an nveriko annual total gross receipts ol II ZU 550 1C The commissi in appends a table showing tho stoto tax for agricultural societies paid In by the Westchester llaclng Association was $57 913 03. by the Cone) Island Jockey Club $87. 043 33, by the Ilrookln Jockey Club, $15,031 87, by the llrlghton Ilench llac lng Association 153 030 IG, by the Saratoga Association for tho Improve ment of the llrced of Horses $17, J70SG and by tho queens County Jockejr Club $20 300 2 This tax has been paid In promptly, and goe In gross Into tho hands of the controller The commissioners net without com pensation Iho only expense being the rotary of sccretar nnd fees for touu-eel No lltlitlnr In "Die trail la." A dlspitch from Illcbmond Vn , dat ed recently suys The newly rqvltod and widely ptibllslud stall ment that the lust Virginia legislature lrgallzcd , prlio flghtlng Is an error The hill passed by Ilia legislature chartering a fair association which It I- Mli by (omo, legalise prize flgh In the iataWs; Judgment of all lawyers w been ilmP Interviewed on tha suujoc u,x- not M0gt , do so dipt W I) CHrdwe 'f Han- -" ' "i our, who Is ono of the lending Incor- n porntora, sajs such a thing aa having prlio flRhls was never mentioned or 'I " contemplated ihe purpose of the as- ' saclatlou Is to revile the old state , fairs Among tho pre lilons of the act la one authorizing exhibitions of strength and spied ot men or beast and , all sports allawtd by law l'rlxo light ing Is strictly prohibited tinder the laws ot the state ' Tli Vi alter-Yteltlit tl.ainiilnn. For many years tho nnmo ot My lerlous Hilly Smith tins been familiar to all lovers of the flitlc art, but his features are not as well known to newspaper readers lis those of noma c; . fighters of lessor caliber Smith was ' " ,- to hate met Joe Walcott the black demon," In New ork a week ugo, but J' Illness prevented It nnd Andy Walsh V took the place ot tho mysturlous one 'i' Walsh surprlsid Iho talent by his lino f showing against the wonderful little j-' negro1 Walrott and Smith hato been , '' matched again for a 2. round bout bo- ; fore the llroadnny Athletic club on Monday, May 4 Hilly ' has mot tho negro on three different occasions, In nlng from him once and drawing with Mm twice Smith a real name U Amos Euilth, and he halls from llastpurt M" ' MYSTEHIOUS HILLY' SMITH lie la 28 joars old The Oloboa en graving was reproduced from a copy righted plcturo by Illchard K Fox front In rslilblllous. Somo of the big athletic clubs la the metropolis have made immense profits In holding boxing exhibitions under tho llorton law Tho Ilroadway Ath letlo Club la credited with an Im mense Income tho past year Tho re rolpta at aome of the big fights burn doubled and tripled the amounts tak en In at contests held outside of New .York Tho JeSrles-rttzslramons fight drew a $73 000 house and the receipts of the Jeffries Sharkey go were $70, 000 exclusive at the return from the pictures whlrh have brought In some where In the neighborhood of $10 000 a week ever since the light took place The receipts from other rights have compared very favsrab!) with the above The battle between McUovern and Dixon drew $35000 Into the box office and the one between McUovern and Gardiner IJSIKHI The recent go between Gail and Krne drew one of the smallest crowds that a fight of Its class has drawn In .Sew York recent ly and et the receipts amounted to $lOtio What the Income from the numerous smaller lights was Is hard to estimate but It would amount lo quite n pile when od led together limiu trlckalar Hermarlut O II 8 Trott the once famous Aus tralian cricketer who has for nearly two years been an Inmate of a private, asylum at Melbourne, Is said to be showing signs of mental Improvement lie recently played with tho asylum cloven against an amateur tram an I In forty minutes scored 98 runs, which Im luded n 6 and no (ewer than twenty 4 s lie had n subs'ltulo run for him In batting Trott enly bowled ono ball with which so took a wicket, lie captained the Australian trams that played here In 1893 and lt3( distin guishing himself In the former year by bowling eighteen wickets for only 25 (1 HS TItOTT. "" runs In the two Innings ot n game played Oct 11 and 12 at Ilostnn, Mass , against eighteen of Massachusetts Hint Men Alt ll.i.r. Now that the llorton law Is dead In New ork statu and there will be no more lighting after 1, managers of pugilists are as busy as brcs laying plans to make hay while the sun shines It Is expected that a number of big contests will be pulled oft be tween now and the date on which, Iho repeal of the law goes Into effect; A well, known sporting iJan suggests that If the following matches could bo arranged they would create deep In terest, besides enabling club managers lo reap n rich hart est Corbctt vs hltzslmmons, Sharke) vs Jeffrie Mc Coy vs Choynskl, Muhcr vs Uuhlln, Ityan ts Walcott and Hrnc vsOJIrlen Kama TIiii llmnrda James J Jeffrie tho champion lieov) -weight has been lighting about three car Tom Sharkey about six years Hub Htzslmmons has been righting over eleven yeeira Corbet t has been In the ring since 18SC which means fourteen years lo his crodlt, I'o ler Mahcr. tho Irish heaty-wclght champion has linen lit tho ring ttvclvo years Diia Uuhlln has been In th'e ring seven years, 'Kid McCoy began the fighting business ten years ago, Joo Choynskl has been lighting over six teen years Hjracuno Tommy Itynn hat seruovir twelve )ears of fighting life lliluainau la III poil Arraa. And now a Chinaman has broken Into the price ring! Ah Wing a full blooded Celestial who lives nt Auburn Cal has det eloped const lernblo clev erness ns a boxer und has defeated all the men near hi weight who have tltlted that town He Is 22 )enrs old and tips tho scales at nbout 130 pounds An enterprising western man ager It Is said will bring him east this summer nnd givo him n try-out Olli-r (imrlla( Matter Tho greatest rowing contest of Kit rope that betwetn tho Oxford and Cambridge crews was won by the lat ter this year In hollow style, a quarter of a mile separating the contestants ot the finish Slowly but surely the Jockey 1 passing out In the whirl und the flurry of events ot the turf the most of us hat u not noticed It hut it Is a fact that the colored boys once so potent i factor lu turf affairs are losing their grip and wo hate not had a really Kreat colored rider slnca Willie Hlmms went Into tho ranks ot the has hcens," laments a turf writer hdward Hinlan the tx champion sculler of the world who Is now li Ilotton says ot the aquatic sport Tho coming of the Kngllsh champions will create a stir on this side nnd particu larly In Canada, where much Interest Is still shown In professional racing Aa regards the championship It will dlo a natural death unless somebody gets It away from fjaudaur who Is up In the northern part of Canada and will not come out I don t blame Oau daur, who I In business there, but It would be better for rowing It the champion would come out and meet the ambitious men as I used to do ' Tho best crop of wild oats usually grows on the poorest soil BrsaaiaarBrv9sasas)ajraaK'iii -V"i'JP,!mCZJTBBnBM SOCIETY IN THE NATION'S CAPITAL I Mrs, Dewey's Ambition to Become the First Lady in the Land. (Washington le ter ) On account of the announcement ot kdmlral Dewey that he Is a candidate lor 'the prosldoncy the namo ot Mrs Dewey has becum- talked ot through out the world kus Dewey Is no or dlnary woman Kver since she cams to Washington as a girl ot 18 she hat Impressed herself upon the social lift ot tho capital Oho has a strong per sonsllty, and an Intelligence which fosters ambition She Is one of those Mrs Dewey there are few Mme lie Staela to a century, but many persons In Washington have enjoyed the hus pltallty of the wife of the admiral Since the widow of (ten listen wai married to the admiral she has held most of her ru options In the house of her mother Mrs Washington Mclean It Is a large house and much better filled for social functions than the house which tha people of tho United Slates gave to the admiral alrd a social uproar t tnklng prece dente of other women of higher rank at the presidents reteptlon She had a reteptlon on hind herself, and, see ing an o portunlty paid her respects to the prrsldinl nut of order taking Iho pas of several of her social riv als Thru alio wei I lo her house and received her own guests The (lermsn I smbsrsnilur was n trifle lato Just a l minute beyond the time which was announced on her cards Tho result sure In rooks, says Our PellowCre- E tures. The supporting guys of this gl- IjsssB gsntlo net, which In all rue Is si- koRB most strong enough for n hammock, BMJEi are from five to twenty ftit In length, I'aBI mad ot a series ot twIsPM mtbn, th nsB whole being of th diameter of a lead DR pencil As might be Imagined, this QRI gigantic silken trap Is not set for mo. sasHE qilltoe files and pestiferous gnals but H3i for birds gaudy moth and elegantly meII painted butterflies some of tiei latter rJBli having a spread of wing eqiml to that iffsssl of a robin or a blitejay nVH5 ,8NAI' SHOT l'ICTUItllH OK NOTAHLi: I'UtHONH OF WASIIIM1TON H women of whom Washington soclttr I beforo now has fait the power, Vtt-1 lngflicr gupcrlorlly to the maorfrV th women who ' 'pe In soclil Ftskt, she. has not t d to show btr con tempt for mi a f "ns nor tor the weak and faltenuj, onea The result luu been that Mrs Dewey has mado many encmlea In the social rlrdu ot Washington, but that goes without saying Wuthlngton society li ' itrnngo thing anyway and the Amcrl can of ' the provinces has rtthtr hard work to comprehend It hot lmttnce tho other day n hostess who wti not well versed In nil tho ins and outa placed sldo by sldo ut dinner lbs lfo of tho Austrian minister and the Hex lean ambnsttaitor This good lady bad forgotten entirely that since the Arch duko Maximilian was shot at ijocrq taro, Mexico thero had been a tend between tho Austrlana and tin Mexi cans, nnd officially these two nations had never exchanged lntcrnllnnl courtesies Bo thero was a row, and that most sevcra kind of one lh kind In which tho women lire the principal movers Mra Dewey Is too well tersed la the society methods ot tho capital to nwko a ' break ' like this but In u lunf ' clal career In Washington It Is Impos sible thnt she should not o angered tome persons ami made friends of others No woman with her strength of character could do othcrwlie Aa tho first lady of the land Mrs Dew ey would havo au opportunity to pay off many old score Mrs Deey la not without power wu'iout wealth, without brains without ambItlon-ho has ihem all and with them a pleas ing personality and a retention ot good looks which also Is pleasing As ' W'nah' McLean daughter Miss Mil dred Mellon may hate recclted tome 'snubs from the sot of people In tho capital who aro known aa Iho Vest clcnta " Hut her father and mother were 'residents of a later growth nnd Mrs Washington Mrletn has one ot the finest nnd most hospitable houses In Washington As the wife of flcn Hnten, Mildred McLean was able to repay twofold all the snubs that the Mcl-eans had received when they first ventured on tho stormy tea of Wash Ington society And tho general was a quiet body out of uniform When tha general camo to New York and re porters wero sunt to Interview him, Mrs Ilaien sometimes was present and then the general gave a talk which was of Interest to et cry body and harmed nobody Oen Hnzen always trusted In the ability ot his wits When It was announced that the Widow listen was lo marry the ad miral Ned McLean the young nephew of Mrs listen said to n reporter, "I toll you that Dewey It In great luck (Dewey Just at this time was fresh from th victory ot Manila ) Her household will be a social and Intel lectual csnter and a salon auch as has not existed since the days ot Mm Da Btael " Tho enthusiasm of her ntphtw as not borna out by th "salon" ol W ben th victorious Dawey rm I back from tneJ.nUI,Jot.Mntlie ihera .were many sTifmlnes ai to wib wimlil 'tie his bride It was not long beforo tho fact wus decided Mildred McLean Hazcn was the chimin one, and the wholo country wished her good luck The admiral had conquered Montljo and Mrs Hazcn wns tho victor of the admiral Mrs Dewey speak French Herman and Italian Sho Is a sister of thnt well known politician John It McLean, who not long nJ,o was pro prletor of n New ork newspaper Tho Mcleans ninny have been ambitious politically and socially and Mrs Dew ey's brother mado a flnumlal success out or a piper In Cincinnati His fath er waa proprietor of tile paper beforo John It but did not seem In havo Iho financial ability of his sou John It still owns tho Cincinnati paper but tho paper he botikht In New York Is I nin by other persons Mrs Dowey has large gray eyes and Iz of stout build Her ago Is between l (0 and CO, A woman Is only nt old as sho look Hecently Mr Dewey cre ws ttlSt. wharuha tlltelluria,ilratt.l was" HriTnfofftiol TOluiraiimPoriti? diplomatic corps over the matter, but nuthlug camo nf II The ambassadors could not pre Ihe case after Mr Me Klnley hail explained the matter Mr Dewi Is the best known woman In Washington und hir family lonnrc Hon ran supply many of the details ot politics with h Ihealmlrnl will have to learn Mr Dewey was a convert lo the Catholic faith nnd now It Is an nounced that she has been rrconvi rt eil In the fsllh nf the Hplscopal church in RlUr VWb. Ceylon Is the home of the largest specie nf spider that has )it In en made the subject of entomological In vestigation this web spinning mon ster lite In the most mountainous districts of that rugged Island and places his tiap nut u kussamer snare ot airy llgblness but a huge net of yellow silk from f.(e to ten feet In dt anicter across Hie chasm and lis- OX-HIDE TO88IN0 UY HOIilt SOLDIPIIS. Hero Is a picture which shows the Doers having fun In camp beforo Lady mlth at the tlmo when tho siege was going pretty woll their way As an English correspondent lias pointed nut "" popular tendency to ropresent tin Doer as a "soldier saint' 'Is somewhat without foundation In actual fact, for the rough and rugged young burgher ol the veldt Is about as boisterous and uncouth an Individual as one could come across The plcturo shows ono of (bo Hot ra favorll uiuthods ot passing the time while In laager This game Is knpwn as ox hide tossing To carry out the game a fresh hide Is taken and held tight by a number ot men, while one of their number Is captured and placed on It Th victim Is then toss ed up In tho air, ss In th schoolboy fashion of blankot tossing" Some times, It I true, a serious accident occurs YOUNG MEN'S CHANCES HM rvr 1 rulMilaaal Vfurk la MUaras, (SelS Ar Nllau HMbW lu answer to Inquiries by a lfew EElfi York correspondent as lo Iho field fur IBk American skill and labor afforded In UK Nicaragua, Uunaitli "at Aim Lnt i u -ti nilT" lCUTHU.SB rKil3!allVauttinsMtntorna,4HBFTHl 'HcTriWAf lfl(liernind vrotcWr lf -i-f goternment and other schools In Nle- H arngut, there la really no opening for H our young grnduale Salaries bora H ar IniluiMcant and custom so illf- lercnt that Americans hire never M proved successful The salary ot a H here I 30 peso or nbout H J17 per month merlean physicians. H and surgeons nro sucrsHsful here but M mi part of the worl I Is more crowilixt H with them than the large town nt H Mrnntgua Hundred of the natlvrt H young men stud) medicine In the Unit- M eel States and return bete In practice Jt They understan I belter their own ills- IH cotes customs nnd people than a for- M elgurr could ami the majority of tha H peopl prefer Hum Dentists however, M ore scarce and wheniver nil Mnerlesn H dentist mine he ilo-s a mwi.1 business H and ran charge remunerative prlic H l.'nitlnecr of all kind are the must M ktirccHful of any profcslon il men In H thtaie tropical rcuiiitrus Very few mi- H lite follow that vocation and most H (if the engineers employed by the got- U krnment are toritlgiiers An engineer H alar) at the start Is ftom !iU lo 300 H peons 1310 to 1 100 In United Hlutm H gold) per month M OOI.P WAS A KINO S OAMC. H Jam4 I ur Inslanl IvniiiUI lha ylrtt H ClaU H Iho Itoj-al HUekhealh Oolf litis la H the olilt golf club In Hngland and It H also claims to be (lie oldest extsilnK H golf club In lb world It wa founded H by James 1 In IMf Fur Iwu oi thrcu H renliirle before that time gulf had H been a popular gunia lu ek-otlaiid jut H there la iin r. cord or any iluli linvlng H been establlnhiil pi I r tu ttia lllark- H healh rlub In ltr.7 tin n nttlsli par M llamrnt i !. I un m t Joining that M fule ball anil gulfi b uiisrly crylt iluwne nml tine lit loll A similar act B was pisstil In May lib I The Hoyal fM and Ancient (lolf dull at St Andrews assfl Is ono of Ihe most famous In the king- BBC Aim It was Instliuteit In 1761 a all- oBm vrr cup having been plM)eil fur In tha BS?S May ot that year In 1831 William IV f$ became patron of Iho club and up- ilsK proved nt Its being In future styled jjfcj ' tho Hoyal nnd Ancient 'Jolt club of KtlTl St Andrew and presented a gold ffiWfl medal In U played fur annually, rf?W Collier Weekly VfSS Sat as II hliuull IK. Kjt Chicago New The 1'arson Iarn iWl to be content my good man The llttlo JEWS moutlis are never sent without food to tSmft feed then The Laborer (father .t hRj ten) Ar, parson but tho isoulhs ara llvS tent In ray home und the food to yours MM fatlleuUr. Ilaalrad. H Treetop "A dollar for pulling ono H tooth f Duntlst "Yos, you took H gs" Tree Lop How much a thou- H sand do you charge for that?' liar- H tern Life H