Newspaper Page Text
COALVILLE TIMES. H tim" rtnuaiuno co. M COALVILLE. UTAH. UTAH STATU NEWS. H Th heavy eiinwfall hat generally Bh alrlven eheep In from Ilia summer BBJ ranges In the mountains H Lehllsnow enjoying it brisk build. BBJ lag boin,it number nfiubttinllal bus- BBJ jlntaa block being under construction. H Leoo Mayhue of Hall Lake, ft mem- BHj jbcrof troop I Seventh cavalry, who BBJ hat been lu the Philippines, returned BJ ko lilt home Ittl week H Tin body of John H llemi the Pay- BBJ eon theepman who perished In Ilia BBJ -mountains near Payson last week dur- BBJ lor th storm n found the 37th Slate Auditor Richards laat week Is- BBj eord warrant for Ilia aalsrlea of the BBM etale ofllelala for the past thrra BBJj month, the turn aggregating over H 117,000 M A Joint debate between candidate! BBl for roogrrta, King and Hutherland, BH will be held In Halt Lake tlia last week BBM of the campaign, probably ou tha eveo- BBM tng of Nov ember 5 BBM In the atorm laat week seven BMB Inches of anow fell at Park City, BBM breaking down treee and electrlo light BBM and telephone wlrea Hie storm wai BBM general over the BBM Professor XI. 11 Jonea liaa verified BBM lila teat In which lie found tha water NkfJ at the lake 50 per cent Mlhla lie will HBBj make another teal later to av If thla HBBJ percentage liaa Increased H Tha conaolldatlon of tha two big HMBJ alcotrlo companies of I.ogau liaa at last HBBJ been effected The nw ctinpny,cp HMBJ ItalltcA at .WO.UiO, will be known at H the Heicute power company, and wilt HHBJ have office In Iogn H e'or the accord week of September H illo Oranda Western grot rtrnlngs H were 1100 700, an Intrras of 150,300 H for the period of the fiscal year from B Jul Itt to September ISth tha gross HBfl reached IWl,:tW, an lucres of II3,- H The honecrop of Utah for tlila jrear HHBJ It not mora than oue-flflh of what II HHHV baa been In recent yenre Ihlt Is due HkBJ to the drought an I consequent lack of H flonera. The comba are uot well tilled H either, and tha quality It not nearly uji HHBJJ (o the usual alauilard HHBM i The Rocky Mountain Hell Telephone HHBH company has decided to push Ite new H Una aoutli from Nephl through the BBBJ Sanpete and Sevier valleys with all BBBJ possible dlaalch, and before tnow BBBJ diet that aeollou will be able to com BBBJL .nunlctle with the outilde world by BBBJ7 raeoced catting bcett on the 37th, lilt, BBB and will continue for two or three BBB month. One liundrtd and fort; men BBB ar at work and the new machinery la BBB running amoothiy. The capacity of th H plant haa been trebled tinea latt tea- H aon'a run H Laat week two lot of about 15 000 H natlre trout from the atat flth hatch- H ary were planted In lllg aud Little Cot- tonwood creeka under th direction of Rlate Warden Hharp. In a few daya another plant will be made In Aiacrl- 1 can Fork can) on creek and In th H ttreamt of Datl co nty, John Ucmpiey, aJlonuon intttlonary H of Kugene, Wet Virginia, waa ehot and killed September 17 by 'llioiua dark, a Cauibelllte mlnltterof Kugeue. B Th niluttter took to th wood after H the murder and at laat account had H not beeu apprehended, although tougbt H for by Indlguaut cltltena. B Jamra Lynch aud 1- L. King, th H two men who made an attempt to hold H vp a gambling houa In Ualt Lake City, H and ehot Colonel (liorge Troutte, hare H been held to the dlttrlct court without H ball on a charge of murder. The H jirltoncr attempted to prore au alabl H t the preliminary hearing, but failed. H Jaiuca llurke, who thot Harreu H. H IlarrUou, foreman of tha Itocky Muun- H tain Hell Telephone company at llrlg H ham City, appear to ba Intaue, and H hit attorney will doubtltk attempt to H accura an aonlltal upon the ground of H 'lnianlly B Mil Margartt McCreery, a Salt H Laker, employed at a nurte lu ft Salt H Lake hoapltal, went to Iowa leu than BbVH a mouth line to ba married, but died BbVB from heart trouble the :7th, rnly a few HR dayt before the ceremony wai to bate PHt taken place flBj Harden Hplcer, who roldet near HH Vernal, and Mark .McUnlre, a hired HCDj man, while digging u Lcllar, were n RajHK gulfed by a caie lu aud both may lot KTCU tbelr Urea, 'lhey were up to their HKIm seek In dirt furaercral hour before EsgB 'being discovered BBrfl tY. U Tattman, a Halt Lake travel- BHsS lag man, waa fouud uncontclou on Uu&ai l''0 ,lrtcl''' "' Victor, Colorado, recent- HVH y, and It ttlll unable to Klie au ao- EH aount of how the mUfortuue crertook IRH him Clrcumttuncc Indliate that he JESaVjI waa aluggled uud robbed H The auece of the tlrt year a work HjVMn of the atata flth hatchery I very gratl- VB (flog lu all, about 1,300 000 young BBj flth of the eattcrn brook, uatlre brook, H rainbow and lake trout earletlet haee H beeu hatched and plauted In th earl- H pot ttreamt of tho Hate WHAT nCPUDLICAN", CLAIM. .lll t.m...lll H.J. lUtttnt. Will llxettu fieri. nlUH In a itateuirnt lue.l from ltrpubll can hea I'luarlera, the ciinmltteeclalm JM Tolet from Iheeleito al college for McKlnlcy, III for Ilrynn and M doubt ful The tlatet concrdrd to llrytn are, Alabama, Arkania rlorlda, (lenrgla, IxiuUlana. Mlttlatlppl. the Carolina, leniietwe. Text an I Vir ginia lu the dnublful column are put Co'orado, Idaho Kentucky. lloutl Montana. J.eada. Nel.ra.kaaiid Utah KferythlngrUe la put down for Mc Klnlcy but Indiana, which, with It dfleen eotct It admitted to ! doubt ful When thown till Itrpubllcan claim, Congreman lllchardaon, for the Dem ocrat charailrrlrrd It a only ' much boallng " lie added that the Democrata had a poll which wat eery dlrferenl from the llepulillcan one, but that It would not be made public. NATIONAL DbllT. I3S Iterlet lh tlonlll ef h-il.nib.r. The monthly italenient of the public debt hoa that at the ilmeof butlneu September I), 11HX), the debt, lett cath In the Irvatury, amounted to II, HW. 130,071, which It ft dccretie for the month of M,1I3.(JJ Thl drcretio It accounted for by the lncreae In the cnh on hand aud the redemption of tha 3 percent iHindt. 1 ha debt I recapit ulated aa follow: InUret-bearlng debt 11,001,1J.JCO l)ebliin whlchlntrrratliat crated tinea maturity U,I07 3t0 Ibtbearlugnoluleret 4S7.3m.tHlJ Total ., . tl.ttfl.30l SIJ MONSTBn MINBIIU' I'AIIADE. Mrlktne lenn)ltanU tllner ll loa lr llenion.lralloa At Wltketbarre, I'a , luetday, the atrlklng miner paraded the ttreett and were accorded a demonetratlun I- ully 10,000 wire In line, marching lx, fire and four ahrratt, and ri'iulrlng one hour and twenty minute to pat a glren polnL I'orty brut batult were In tlio parade A tail crowd from the aurrouudlng country wlltirMed thu ptrado and cheered the men In line, encouraging them to perlt In their flghL 'lh demonstration waa entirety peaceful MILLIONAII1E IN TIIOUDLE, r.mog. Klon.tlh-r W(i At for llltore and Alliuonr. Kale Carmack, wife of George Car mack, the Klondlko lullllunalrc, haa filed a tult In California for divorce, alleging dctcrllou and Infidelity bho demand half of the community prop erty, which contlitt of valuable Klon dike mint, rent cttate In Seattle and dW(iltt!o-bnka. -lliepropefly It" appralted at Jl, 600,000 Carraack pro potea to contrtt the tult, aud a tenia llonat trial la anticipated lei.enArHn(onllilaa. favorable newa hat reached Well ington from the European chancel larlct Indicating that a complete agree ment at to China It within tlghL The agreement will Leon the batla of the propolllon laid down by Secretary Hay In hit note nf July 3 and the tub toiuent uolet treating on that aubjuct The accord of lluula with the United Slate It more complete, than wat an ticipated at Urt, and the report! thotv that all of the European natlont prob ably are placing thrratclvet In potlllon to take advantage of the opening mmla by the United Statrt. and oou will be nady to begin urgollattona for a let tlement with the Lhlnete government. I I orblil Hon la 1'Ur t oottxll The death of Lawrence I'lerton of the Lake (orett, III , unlvertlty foot ball eleven from Injurle received In a game a week ago hatretulted lu action by parenlt of otiur pltj era. hlx play era, Cartten, Captain Howell, Itoo veil aud three other have been for bidden to play the great collcgegeme Ihegamn with Ul.conln, tcheduled for next balunlay, at well at the other heavy garnet down forlheteiton, have tube cancelled Mtiouln ha been notified of tblinccetilty Ucauteof the lott of men and uot on any ruling of the faculty NBQHO DURNED AT STAKE. Am.uIIM WMI. ., Wai IJ.nin..t ami (antrwnl. Ulnflcld Towntend, all I loyd, a negro, wat burned at the ttake In the lltlln town of hlectrlc, fifteen mllet from Wcluinpka, Ala , a half hour after midnight Wednesday morning 1 ha negroet crime wat an attempted auault on Mr. Lonuel Harrington, nhoto huthand tot fire to the fuel which reduced Towntend t body to athtt Ihe negro con felted the crime when caught and w-t fully Identified DBLMONT I1EFU8EB TO RUN. New ork lUnker llerllnr la Make th Itara far tunire. A (.omuitttea called on Mr llelmont at hit New orli rrtldenc luetday to notify him of hit nomination for cou gre by the I Irtt dlttrlct Democrat. He potltlvely dicllned to run Mr llolmont told the committee thtt he waa gitllng to be n man nf nearly 30, and had no with to return to cougre lie would da anything foi tho party exicpl run for coiigrvia. IDAHO MAN MUHDEni.J 1 ?JUJ TT.II.e. T.Urwn M.rrliaat foott f III tkull tru.had, II Matthew Malley, a cigar dettV Wallace, wat murdered In tilt ij Monday morning and the oOlcen (jirt found no clue to the murderer Jul before 9 o clock In th niornij. I patter by taw hit body lying neiAil retr of lilt cigar atore, aud uotlBjiii ofllcert I llolh door were locked, and hti the Uooretuied the belief thall Li committed tulclde When IheMcer wat forced open It wat found IhuUU throat wa cut and lilt ikull crueillt three placet An Iron bar, eljUrti locliet long, lay between IhcJoJ;, which wa covered with blotjj 1 towel had been lied around tlitUtJ, evidently for a gag ,' An itmlntllon of th prmjMi thowrd that the afe wa lockr'tii money diawerundltturbed tmlaTnti en on th eorpe The boJi.v,u yet wtrm butdetihhtdoccurrtta time befur Nothing wat rautif from the ttore except the key dour, the inurdrrrr evidently taVajrh with hlin aud locking tha door, f I On wltortt taw Ihe iterctttcinur the ttore with a tall, tllin man tlojtl o clock Malley had lived In theiir d'Alenea about flfleeu year, maj ii nokuowurnemlet, I, UnlTISM TAKK I'OSBESSIOrfl" OF ALASKAN TBHI1I70I Y, n 1 vrtlna af I Ill.lrlrl, AUla,N-a John Hall. KJ A dltpalcli received at Vartra rr Saturday evening dated from tltll . Itli commlttloneri camp near ft r f plne City, Alaska, tayt that Ik It Martin, jutllce of the aupreme oar ol Columbia and head of tliei mltilonrrt, ralmd the llrlllsh (Jl ot September 17 lie took pottettTn f that portion of the Porcupine 7tfkt recently deilared to be lu llrlllR&r-' rllory, at least for the time bcl ty the International boundary cSn lt tlon He theu declared IhlJ b American, who own all the clta la that dlttrlct, should at once app" la have their lltlrtcoaOrtnedby tlilio a lultitou I POMTO niCAN POLITIC,! AdtKr.nt. af llolh I aille Oritn. ,r ' II.. rr.j. I , The federal party at Itt conritt a I at Caguat, l'orto Itlco, Monday, lu i reolutlon alUllatlng Itself wlfft t deraiKratto pnrty In fie United ttl . I Cablegram from William J.IJJ a andJametK Joint, urglug litrwn r, were read Nuuri lltvera ait t tpreck Id which he opposed tho fiil i tttratlon on the ground that tliJoA ker bill It untttltfactory and tin fur to Itlcant demand a more ludtpietlt ioriu uL.upTrawu- - . ., His FBftjrvv''eaiiiaaM'laair0g aVMef Jnan hatendorted tha adralobiln f and named candldatea for the hot ul delegatea. j COEUIt D' ALENE MINERJ I IILLUABED. 1 ladlclmeul on At lileh Th. WtraConimi Wa I. ul IT. Through n decision rendered li Saf I Kramlsco Monday, by the Uiltejj States circuit court of appeals Unto Idaho ttrlkera who were convloltd it conspiracy to obstruct a train car Ing the mails, will secure their rebti from the San Quentln pcnltentliry 1 The cae It one growing out of III big ttrike In Idaho In 1909, and till destruction of the mill at Hunker UIP of the Sullivan mining company I In their dtclalon Judge tlllbtrf Host and Morrow call attention 10111 fact that tl e Indictment doet ncf charge that the couiplracy htd fori? purpoto knonlugly to oUlruct IhT inallt g Waihlnilan Slnr.l.r.d b, Itrtb W. W. Scott of Klona, WathlnetoiJ wat ahnt and killed about 1 oelocf 1uedy morning at Prcuier by t02 known man, tuppoied to be the robhif who hell up a traveler ou a frrlgkt train a few hour earlier Another liltu wa shot and perhaps f,t,iJ -vounded biotlt munlerer eitifet rcott, armed wllh a thotgun tn4 a? coinpanied by the man whoclsluiid I? have beeu held up, went to a bo,Ci7 on it siding nt l' 1 he men loildt were ordered to come out nhlcbtlit? did Hcotla companion ldtllJtJ tworoeuatthembWri A.hepoloicJ thoiu out, four tliott wer tlrtd by on of them, and Volt fell dead, tbot 1 the head and heart. ( H.r.1... t,, lMi I Colonel II A, ,,, of th llalaklova charge, died a 1 retno, Cal , Saturday of pntomotlaJ lie wa. a cormt in the hlev.nth IUP aara, llu wa 07 yeart of sj, ttf leavet two daughter lu I og,0j Iroa Worker Arr.ut !. I vt.M-1 lli.TOO employee of th. Ite.,n9 Iron rompany of Deanvllle, U u" ciiled Mon lav to accept th 81 p,r'e.nV reduction In their wg,t0 take .Beff October 10, and agalnt which tbeV truck .Votltea were potted Mono night In the varlou tleptrtmtnU .' th rftn Iron A, Steel works st nurJ ham, Miniln county, of a reductloa of 3 per cent In wage. Tl,.r, , .,j dlttatltfactlon among tht J 000 lm, ployeet and a ttrike Is tartat'tntd br th rutn ' b-bbbbbbbbJ FILIPINO KNVOV AI1MIVE9. I Ratta Ixp lo..n to I .11 Amrrlraa Te. Piatt llal flllilnmUinldl4ke. Bexto Lopex, formerly tecrelary and eonfidanl of (leneral Agulnaldo hat arrived at New York Lopex la tald to have come here at the Invitation of Mtk Warren, and he expecla to explain to the people the I illplnot' tide of their fight with Ihlt country I upet It a amall man with a yellow complexion and straight black hair Ilia tecrelary, who tiyt that he liaa known Locx fur eight veara. It n colonial from (Jnrenitown, and lie acrlbea himself at a Uilllther from head to fooL At the docks there waa only one man to meet him, ft aandr hatred man, who waa add rested aa Mr lleorge, but refuted to give hit name to reporter. Ileaaluted th l'lllplno, and together they began ft hunt of tha doik for Htk Warren, who finally made hit appearance, and together they went to tha Imperial hotel. While coming up from quarantine, Lopex gate out the following signed atatemenL "My object lu vl.ltlog the United Blatea la not to Interfere In American politic, but simply to tell the people what th Illplnot desire In reference to the future government of our coun try It It aald that ray coming to America la In tha Inlerealt of certain person and partlet We. a MllpUo. know no purtlea lu the United Slate. We have only one desire, namely to aee justice for our country " MINEttB OFFEIIED INCREASED WAOBB, Op.ratera llfl.r li.rr.a.a or 10 1 r laat la HI, p IVH.)l,.nl. Nlrlka. An otTrr of an Increase of 10 per cent In miner' wage liaa been made by the Philadelphia .t Heading Coal A. Iron company, and Ihlt move, It It ttated, will be followed by almllar notlcea at every colliery In th,e anthra cite region It It exacted by th operator that Ihlt Increate lu wagta wilt be aalltfac tory to th men, and they believe many ttrlkera will take advantage of the offer and return to work Mining op erations will In tlila event be given an Impetua, and the operator expect there will then be n gradual resump tion until the collieries will ngaln have their full complement of employer Ihe Philadelphia X Heading com pany operate thlrly-nin colllcrlra, nd of these, twenty-seven hive been shut down owing to Insufficient work ing force. CHINA IS HEDOINO. Wtlllac la Ut grade High ofdcl.t. lu Molllff 1 owtre. Important newt cam from China Saturday which tends to advance ma-. la.rla.lly Ihe efforts for ft final tattle-' .as... liaaimnr.. .tuna-awa-tiugireaf tlous for the United Stttet contained In the answer to the (lermati pro,totl tlon, and hat begun voluntarily tht punlshmnnt of th reactionary Chines leader Who were responsible for tbt I'ekln outrage. The department nt stat I Informed br Consul fleneral (loodnow at Hhtng htl that Sheug, Chinese director o1 rallwayt and telegraphs, has handed him n decree of the emperor and cm prctt, dated atTalgntn, September S3, blaming their mintstert for encourag ing the lloxera. The edict order Ihe degradation of four prince and de prive Prince Tuan of hit talary and official aerrant. He la to be brought for trial before the Imperial courL OriEATBTOnM ATNOME. rally BOO l.rm Mala lluui.l... aud Havrral Killed. The steamer Itoauoke brings newa of ft disastrous atorm at Nome It raged with uuuiual violence for uearlr two dtys, up to the eveulng of September 3th, and was the severest that ever visited northwestern Alaska A number uf barges and lighters were driveil ashore and totally wrecked All along the beach for miles, both tttt nd well of Noun the wind and water have created havoa with tenia and mining machinery A number of lives are believed to have been lotL Several captain and tetmeii on malt tug are uilitlng and It It thought they are lost, 1'ully 300 person ar homeless, while the lots to property and supplies I over 1300,000. FEAtlS DftBACH OP NEUTRALITY aretllrlUlMrlentUNota la IIMrh lo- rauiant Great llrllnln haa tenia note to the Dutch government, according to a dis patch from Amsterdam, which con ttlnt a warning that If Mr Kruger It allowed to larry bullion or ttata archive on board the Dutch warthlp, which It to bring him to Purope, It will le regarded at a breach of neutral ity ou the part of the Netherlands. FIVE PILLION PO3TA0E STAMPS. Nnrubrr luaad lor l.ail rtwal ear V teams Thl.. The annual report of ThlrdAsslst ant Poalmtstor-Oeneral Madden for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1000, shows that the total number of potlag stomp of all kind Ittued Including ordloarr stamp, Mtoge due tittup, tamped envelope and Ottal card, reached the cnormout total uf five and out-third billion, valued at 13.1 000,000 an Increateof over OU,000,000 stamp ovr th preceding wr PROTESTS AOAINST TUAN. Cnll. I m.lnT.II. t'M... t.poliilu.alll ft tll.l.k. It It believed that the stale depart ment ha taken step through Mlnhler I Wu to Imprest upon the Lhlnete gov ernment the tindeslrablllty of the ap- polntmenl of Prluce Tuan at grand tecrelary, and the painful Imprettloa thl appointment hu crrat d throilgh out thla country The kffrcl of hit appointment. If persisted n, II Is said, might I to retard seriously the final . negotiations or, In ftct any negotia tions at all If the appolntmentof Tuan promises 'to ol struct the performance of Ihlt pltdge In any manner, then It would be clearly violative of the guarantee laid down, end would warrant the Im mediate withdrawal of Mr Conger from further relatione with the Ihlucsa envoys. JOHN M. PALMER DEAD. ftoldlar, atateamaa, Janrnallit Son. lot la Heart Troable John McAuley 1' candidate for pritldent on tha Hold Democratle I ticket In leS, ex-United Slates sena tor, soldier and journalist succumbed to heart failure at Springfield, 111 , Wednesday morning Lest than a week before he wat an honorary pall- . bearer at tleneral McCternard a funeral, Ttittday he complained of feeling I badly and Tuesday night a physician waa called, who pronounced him In no Immediate danger Al 4 octock Wed nesday morning he fell Into a genii slumber from which he never awoke. lie was burled In the rain Ihursday it Larllnvllle br the local (I A It. and Masonla orders Among the honorary pallbearers were Seualor Culloni, Gov ernor 'lanner, former tlovernor 1 1 fir, former Congressman Connelly, lieni rai John 0 lllack and Supreme Judge JeasaJ Philips. DREYFUS WRITES LETTER. Ilteelar.a Tliat Jaallre Ha .Not ll.ta Ooee I III la... The Prcsse of Parlt puhllshet the text of an alltged letter from Alfred Dreyfus to M, Trelcux, the former minister of justice, dated Ueneva, Bwllterland, September 13, In which the writer says' "The moral effects of th iniquity ttlll exist, and the mental torture It at grist at ever Since Justice has not I been don to me, the aim I pursue re nialus the sain until attained) th legal revision of my trial " ) 1 he I rese cite this letter at "prov ing that the Ureyfutarda are sill! agi tating and persist In their lutentluu to keep alive the hatred aud dlsiord of recent J tare " IMMIORANTS ARE 400 402. Tolal Naraher Whn Arrived Uarlig latt M.eal laar. Thomaa Pitch Ic, comroltttoner of lm tnlgvatloa of New-York, hat sir' '" '. ...MlniM.. .rfth wwrlr-dafte at the New ork oflke for the fiscal J ear ending June 30, 1000 The total number of aliens arriving at the port of New ork for the year waa 100,483 The Portuguest and Hal laut rank about In the time order in Illiteracy 'Ihe Lugllth, rreuch and (Jermau people brought close to the same amount per year, namely, about 130 each AMERICANS NOT TO DLAME. Cams Writ a L.ll.r aa Affair la Gen Maximo Oomex ha written ft letter, In which he tayt "Many per ton are mortified at the prolongation of the American Intervention. Many also view the altuallon in a pettlmlttle light, Ilul the Americana ar not to blame for the delay, as the Cubans have placed obttaclet In their path bo good man tan doubt thai tho pro misee of the Uulled States' secretary of war and the Atnerlcao people will b faithfully kept " WILL DLOCKAOE CHINA llaatla 1 roo Itlgoroat M,atur Against lurt.. The lluttlsn naval staff aunounccs that It Is proposed to blocks I all Chi uese naval ports lu cousrquence of th hostile attitude of tho Chinese fleet at Shanghai, and to send fast cruisers from the allied squadruus to protect their transports. The general staff announces that Itutslan troops ar massing around Klrln. In Mauchurla, whore there ar S,(W0 Uiluise. Ilol.r. Again WU... The American Presbyterian and Catholic missions at Shell Luug, on the Kaal river, have been destroyed The priest In charge of the Catholic mis sion escaped aud was protected by it mandarin Numerous tntl Christian disturb ances are taking plate In tht provinces ofKwangSI aud Kwaug lung. Tha authorities are employing active meas ures to suppress th outbreaks and there have Lien several executions. Native Christiana are Hocking to Canton STRIKERS MAKE 0AIN3 Tho lllg Colli. !.. Ar. I awu.lled to Thursday's developments in tha atrlke situation In Pennsylvania show ed Important gain uu the part of the inlue workcra. lwo big colllcrle In the Ashland district, controlled by the Philadelphia S. Heading Coal aud Irou company and employing 3000 men and boy, were compelled to close aud a third worked with ft crippled force Not a ton of coal wat minU la Shan andoalt during tho day I KKWS SUMMAHyT I i. massacre of thirteen Swedish ei- B Injuries In Ihe northern irl otitis province of Shou SI Is reported B Hmperur Kwang Su hat Issued an fl edict thinking llmperor Mcholts for Ej his decision to withdraw th Iluulaa W troop from I'ekln flj Th United States Immigration ofil cert are aiding to prevent aud H delect Japanese naliiralltaltoa frauds In llritlsh Columbia H It It rumor xl that Lord Wolteley K will be made an 1 arl ami be appointed I viceroy of Ireland to aurcred Pari Co. dogsn, whote resignation ee-it lm pending The ruth to the gol I fields of llritlsh flutana aud Veneturla, which eras ex peeled In follow the settlement of the Veneiuela boundary dispute, failed to materialize At Octave, Arllona Thursday nlgb. John Ik-c a deputy sheriff shot an killed Charles 1 hnnipson at Ihe latter a taiooi The crime was the result of ft poker gsinr On the night of September 19th thieves broke through the floor of the Alaska loinmercial rompnny'a ware house at Nome, tecurlug gold dust worth 110 '.00 Lord Kitchrcer, It It stld, If he re mains in bi.ulh Africa, will be given the local rank of a full general, so that he can be second In command to Gen eral Duller after Lord Roberta leaves Hon Charles A lolller former ' mayor of Atlanta, (la, and I nlted Utates commissioner to the I'aila ex position la dead from a pistol 'round He shot himself whllo chasing 't burg tar. The Irish-Americans lately serving with the Doers have been removed from their barracks at Luurtjncu Mar que to the Portuguese transport In dia, It Is said, to prevent disturbances In the town On the opening day of the fall fes tival of the lallforuUSchueUen club, A. II Pape smashed the American rllle records on point shooting, off-hand, al SIX) yards lie hit the bull s eye 10 timet out of '.00 I.srnrst, reliable miners now re turned to Dawson from the Timnna ills trlct, slate thai after thoroughly pros I letting and puniilngonull the different ' developed creeks. Ilia conclustuu Is thai thu diggings nro no good In Galveston li!0 men are employed clearing the street of debris and ills- , posing of dead bodies from the wreck age ThlrtJ-one bodies were found Baturday, making a total of 3311 to far known to have been recovered l'ottmatter Dlsmuke of Iona, I T was thot nqllniUnlly killed by "'-. .mniri mukeiioarhedoMhihT"fallieTaTMS V"" alttance and waa also shot Ua dlod liter Athlon It under arreiL Ilussla It holding alt the fort and ttratrgical poluta from Taku to I'ekln Itussla'a possession of the railway j shows by the permanent arrnncemenl ' which her officer are making llial ah " Intends to tivallow the north of Chloa i Victor II Olmsted, special agent oi the Census department, Washington, It lu SL Joseph, Mo , and hat begun aa investigation of thu alleged fraudt la , ttklug the censut In that city Thi ' flguret turned lu by tha enumerator! show the population of the city to hav. considerably more than doubled durlns, the last decade. Lord ltobrrlt It certain to be the re ', ctplent of many honors In Natal and In Capo Colony, and pro I ably at least alt , weeks will elapse bctwei n the lime ha , quits the Doer up-country and the day ; I on which lie nguln seta foot In Kug land James llurchflcld hat been sentenced tohangal I'ligeravllle, 1 1 nil . Nor cm berlilh for the murder of hit wife on - August .sth llurchfleld had juttcome i home from a) ear a term In the atata I peullentlary when he committed lb 1 crime Application hat been made far the appointment of it guardian for hetb i Abbott, fall er of the late Htnma At bote. Mr Abbott wat adjudged Intant In the Chicago courts recently, and hit commitment ordered to a sanitarium ' at Wamvolsa Tho ltustltn naval alnff announce thai It It proposed to blockade all Chi nese naval porta III consequence of the hostile attitude of the Chinese fleet at I Shanghai, and to tend fail cruisers 'I from tha allied squadrons to protect I their transports I The Hank of the Ilepubllc, Itlo Jan- , elro, which, at announced Siptember 13th, wat obliged, owing to a run on i the Institution, to Issue checks at sixty j days' alghl on deposits, hat passed tin- der government control, the creditors j acceptlug 3 per ccut bonds. J INDIQNITY OFFERED OUR FLAO. j Mob Tear Howie Ihill.d Male lolor from I ' United Mate foaiulala J United States Consul W W Mill at , Chihuahua, Mexico, hat tent a letter , I to the authorities at Washington do- 1 tailing an Insult to the American flag ' over his consulate on September 10th, the anniversary of Mexican Indepcnd- ' ence, by a mob of Mexicans. He bad hoisted the United State and Mexican flsge la honor of the day, and the mob torn down lb United Statct color. i i HHHHHHHbWHHbbIi