Newspaper Page Text
COALVILLE TIMES. COALVII.l.F, FRIDAY, Oct. 5, 1900. O R JONKi Kdllorand Iltieiiieai Manager r.M. m it, hiw i. bmmim. t V4, ;, Itll, tiltn'1 ! '. Tarnta of Sutiaorlptiott Pnjahlt In Airanct lo.Tei' IICO 1 IIMIM . 71 -Ttie Uonthl . 14 liarlet'or.1,1 Ot Advorlimng nmw 1 1 1 1 Main It mo 6 mo I jr t inch-. 1 1 oa'i i mi wmtw S Iiwbm i m l 10 i ro m eotnnn .. H IKniau) WW U tvlomn to II 0 II 00 71 M lYilnmn I oJ om "ol IMM total notlm, 10 (nu t-r llii for nntloxr elou. rent, per lino for each labafjucat Inaer car-ThtMnlMwIlltoitrlcltrxllioroiIlo , October 9th, iOtb, 16th, 30th and 31st i are ttii diteson vblcb to register. i October 9tb, 10th, 16th, 30th end 31st are thi diteson which to register. October 9tb. iCIh, 16th, 30th end 31st are the diteson which to register. t'onjelat Hceilon, A very Inlereittnf conjoint eeiilon of ahaY, M.and Y. L. M. I.Aieoelatlona ai beM t tk( Tabernacle bunday wtenlni Following le lha program ae rendered Iljran Choir end Congregation Invocation T. L Ileecb Double Duet Mliiei Stella Allgood, Utile Atnotd, Hannah Rhead and Mary Wllllarae. Kemarke .. 0. R Jonee Initallallon of odlori of V, U. A (or th coming leaeon and reraarki by Blehop T, II. Wrlflil Betnarka J. M.Caldelwood clo Mti. Lena Fliber Taper, "The Clinging Vine" . . . Elba DtrUr JIecnrki O. A.Callle Hymn Cbolr Benediction. Amanda Oarn The ofllceri who wire. Installed (or lb Y. !. A. (or the coming aeeeon are ai Vllowi, J, M. Calderaood, preetdont ; J. 1. Carruth, flrtt coumellorjW G f JTItber, lecond eouniellor and clan leader, George T. Jutld, eecrelary and lUeaiurer,!, M, Shaw, cholreler The taaeotlnge will be held In the Academy L Ibulldlng every Tueiday evening, com & imtnelng October Ulh, 3,HST- .-mp. " CHItKA CHI la IN llMltllA V J-ll 4rtigulite relund lha runnev II It falli to core. K. W. Gtovc'e elgnaturo lion -teach box, !8c. .. Aollc Tor I'ulilltatluii, f No. MM Department o( lha Interior, ) X.nd Cilice at Knit I akn Oily, liiah, V October 2 I WW ) Notice li hereby given that llie (olio named aelller ha filed noilce ol lite in tention to make II ml proof In lupportol dile claim, and that aali proof will be made before the .County Clork olPum eltouulr, Utah, at Coalville Utah, on '; .November 10, 1900, vlti Kuill l'auly, i Ol. K. No 11037, ae auonded, (ortbeS I W Jf of Shii.HK If of n W ii and W li of B W . See, 20, Tp, 3 S It. 10 K, 8 I X. M. Ulati, lie namea the following L orllii.aiei to ptote bla contlnuoai rel- ' denco upon and cultivation of eald land, tli George A Rrdinan, Henry Homer, i Xrneet Welter, and i: Hare, all of r Uvamtou, Wyoming. 1'rink D, Uobdi, Regliter. XL, K, Hon, attorney for clalmnmt, INollrc Tur I'ubllreallon, No. 4014 Department of the Interior, ) JLaod Office at Bait Lake City. Utah, I October 2, 1000. ) 'i Tfotkele hereby given that tbetfoN i tewing named eettter hai filed notice of Sill Intention to make final proof In eup- (tort of bla claim, and that laid proof s -will be made before the Regleterand ; aecelvnrol the U. 8, UndOfllce, at Salt Lake City, Utsh.onNov 2Kb, 1000, i nli: Victor Bahm, I I'd 11012, for the B IT M ol Bee. JH.Tp, 2 N, It 3 K, S L. M !t lie namee the following wltnenee lo t Vrore tile continuous reildence upon t nd cultivation of eald land, vlt YU- t Ham Rrlilgee, llruco Stafford, Mahlon n.ISullli, Stewart Hill, all of I'orter- ' Trllle, Utah. :' Fatna D. llonii, Regliter, Hlopa the CoiibIi nuditorkt uir llio Cold. Laxallvi Ilroiuo (Julnlne Tableti cure a cole' in one day. No Cure, no l'ay. l'.Ite r 35 centi. ' Send ui your orders for all IcindsofJobWojk "i KlirrirTe Ulllc IN TIIK DISTRICT COURT Ol- Tllfi Third Judicial Diitrlct of the State of Uuli and County of Summit V V Qulnn.l'lalntiir, ve John Ileckwllh, truatee of the eitate of Atahel C llrck wlib,dNiel,John II. Ilrckwl'b, and ble ifo Lillian Ileckwllh, I rank t. Heck with and hie wife Mary llkwlth, Frod V Ileckwllh, Dora Merttiieiuier and her huiband Angualui Merltheiiner, Defen lanti To be told at BherilTa eate on the Olb day of October, 1000, at Coal ville, in Summit county, Utah, the fol lowing deecrlbcd tract of land eltnate an I being In tho countlee of Rich and hummlt, State of Ulab All of Secllnne o Thirteen (13) and Twenty-five (2i) In Towmlilp .No. Six (0) north of Range No, Seven (7) eait, allot 8eelion No even(7),lole .Vol. One (l)Two(I)Tbree(.) and l-our(4)and the weet half of thuwral half (W ', of V',)ol Section No, Nine (9), all of Sectlona Noa, Seventeen (17) and Nine. teen (I0)i lote Noe. One (1) Two (2) Three (1) and Four (4) and the weat halfnf the weet half V , of W 1) of Section No. Twenty-one (21); all ol Sectlona Noe Twenty-nine (29) a ad Thirty one (31) and Lote Not. One (1) Two (21 Three (3) and Four (4) and lha weet calf ol the wait half (V , ol W 1) of Section No Thirty three ill. In Town hip .No Slx'OJnorthof Range No Hint 18) eait of Silt Lake Meridian, co italn Ing according lo ths United Statee Sur vey thereof, five thouiand two hundred and twenty-five 5,i:S) and 82 acrei, mora or leu Uioana Lmnitr, Ja , Sherlir of Summit county. Utah. A "etltcli In tlrre aavee nlno," and a doe of SUALLARD'S HORKHOUNI) HtRUl'althe beginning of a coll will eave you many weary houra and even dayaof dlilreeilngandharraiiingcough. Trice, 26 and tt centi, John Hoyden A Bon A FREE PATTERN MtMflok) U rr MkerrlUr Nnfl r4 UUfi.l)txl iftd ll(uititltft Uftfttil, Uui, tvtutw i-.itUiu in if utir nHiu im ibt MAGAZINEW I rMNi4ttlf M m ffal U f woik.t utib ilh I, wUf (ojMrli tdir(tUftbU4 tU IffiUrnai. for I .li, n, rtrii wl litil tMllmi Tktt rr Ull.1T tl hlfff ID leIUl elirlbCt. aj I ft f 9damns& 1 ' i l (tlir (llrlliMIInllNli n n i r 4 U i e.tlrrrr ir. dl I r "" tell JflU.m ta Ilrel7lal(t l-t iUI tIM tut Mti i i cniiA iiftiftture U ou t rtry Lot ut lb iquId Laxalhc BromoQuInInc Tbut the rni4H)T ttitl mrrn n rold lu n cly THE QUICK TRAINS AUEVIVTUr UNION PACIFIC, Only DlriHJt Lino to DENVER, OMAHA, KRNSAS.CITK, ST-PAUL, CHICAGO. And nil l'rlnclpal K;iatcnil'olnts. I liroiiglt Triiliia In tlila I.lnu Solidly Voatlbuled and Klc-itantly Equipped with UOUIII.K DHAWINO ROOM l'AHOi: SIiKlUT.RS, HUiTCT 8MUKUNO AND IIRRARY OARS, I'llLK RLCI.1NINO 'JIIA1R OARS. DIMM) CARS, Meals n la Carte ASK ABOUT EXCURSION RATES, lor full Information call on 0,1 Iir.ADOV, ARont, CoMvllle, Utah ILavean,lndTri(!Mirk,otta. tt. anJ all Pal ent buunaucoouctrvllur MooraaTK rcte Oua ornce to oeeocivc to. Patint ornct ana w I ran larar. ratlot la leu Uu. Uta tboH icmoletrom Watblngtoa, bfoJtnuJtl ditwiiig or photo wllqdtKltp. tloa. o adtlM, II raltnlabl. or Dot let of U.iM- Our lie tut due till rUnl I, aeruttd. a r-,ieT, "llo" loOWaio latu. wlta coat ol uci. In the U S. aoJ fomco cououlii MM lit. Addtlta. O.AartJlOWtS.CO. i - - o jj. - .-.a '1 '1 ? I BUY THE i Ch) j SUITS j'; 1 1 .LLj for Boys and Children. ! 12 i FrerjioliiajJ, from the eliolfoal iToaleui,,teamibrnnk p t Li r-1 anlreleta)r.(elwllhrlnel,nkaBdllai tliread tbrooih. a i rn I I oat. reatiU,ableoeataniliIoublo kurra. A I 0 I OorKAKTWinltrThanrTmooodonUialiaManreolUf ) & J ul o(er,r7arBiaii Tbr coat bo mora lljaa lb. ordloarr kltvd. & li fl j PAtlOE. CBrtllACO., Manufocturnra.OHICACO. J i ( rorsALn dv lgadino dealers. t MISS NEL1IE RHOADES, MIliLINER, Has receivedfa consignment of NEW FILL GOODS. Prices Lorn Quality good. ! Always Oh Hand at the WASflTJHj- MINE L mpJ "y " $2.25' Stove, - I - 1.50 Tgpiiis Lnalellil ft Dfti. PATRONIZE IOME INDUSTRY I Weber Coal Co Coalville Coop Ladies, you want a new Cape. Cloak or Coat to keep you warm and im- i prove your looks this f. winter. Go to Coalville Co-op andjsee the Latest Styles atffowest prices, eoAuviiiiE eo-op. . iaSilll.MMl. Xnli..t..M..aaaaaaaliaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai I New Fall Line of Street Hats, Collerettes, Skirts, i Waists and Wrappers. : All the Latest Styles. PRICES LOW. M. R. Salmon, Watch this Space. W.J.WRIGHT. NEW nm.,, new "K? YflUK XIDil, " " T1WKSDAV. ,un" ll tmciLU YORK Korocr fifty-eight jearia TRI-WEEKLY A DAILY, wcckiy n11""11 ,n,r 'Pr 'or TRIRIINF "" T"L "CtrtLI frmcnndvlllscr,whoi iniUUnC. uturuT kwy TRIBUNE. "J" ' ropreiented tbo very beet element ol our A new and remarkably attractive pulf country population, llcatlon, nrnfuiely illuitrateil with oi- , ,. , . . , ., tralta and half-tonee, contalue alt the U K" a" '"npo'tant noai of the na- itrlklni new featurta of The Dully Trlb- tlon and world, the moat reliable market uno. Hpcclal ttar Ue.patehca, Iloinci- ., ,. ., . . , , tloaiid iorelitn Correipondeiiie, Short rc',or"- clnatlng ehort atorlee, an frraflVdolmron.i'ieir'No'lc.:: Un"ro"M AJ"cullu"" department, rlcultural inatttra cauliilly treale.1, and 8clentlflo and mechanical Information, Reliable financial and Market Reiwrta It li mailed at lame hour aa the dally 1-aihion Article for tho Woman, Uu. edition, reachea a laree proiwrtlon of lubacrlbera on data of liane, and each merui Illuitratlona for old and voung. edition li a thoroughly up to dato dally ?,i. iri,. i..i... ,.. . .. family newepaper lor ifuey people. "Thelcople'a Paper" for the en-. tire United Statee. Regular eubecriptlon price, ltkA Regular lubicrlptlon price, $1.50 per year, $1.00 per year. We fumliti It with THE TIMES for We will furnleb It with tho TIMES fo $2.00 per year. $1.50 per year. Sond all orders to THE TIMES, Coalville, Utah. BICYC1VBS, To Those who are Interested in Bicycles: If you will cill ou i:. M. Staker of Rockport, who is ex clusi e ageut for the celebrated J. L, Mead Cycle Company you wi:i find you can Ret a No. i, guaranteed wheel, at a cry modcrnte price. Secral of this company's wheeli have been in use in the county over a year and have given satisfaction. Am satisfied I can make it profitable for you to buy from me, E. M. Stakes Rookport, Utah.