Newspaper Page Text
I COALVILLE TIMES. H ' H lMVU IVeeV ruBiT. T Till H TIMES PUBLISHING COMPAHT. H COALVHI.E. UTAH, OCT. 6. 1000 L AlllrAt AB UfMIUH Of wmt L iitiiisirii,lu' H icMwuitciir !!?' H M. ." . Mia.. H iaaifgiiiDDiriKrMieno. H Kt.J.Ve.1 Li H Ho I Witt. Areata flrthta . 5ip" H el,6e,tiathr'Mi..a ,i"rJ B KM f't ep,. I LOCAL MID OTHER NEWS. J m A. A. Terry ttai In town thoflrilnf H the week. Not reat many people have gone to H conference from litre. B II. n Wiltht of l'eea li l" ! 1 Itor In town tlilt wrtk. H The town liu Uen lull ol vliltort llilt L week to the convr niton -ml court. H An announcement It made tlili ttecV 1 by elllo Tthandet. Head her ml. H KvCdierlffJ.M.IIarrlnBtonttaidown from tlio r'k Tueiday n liuilneit. M The Ttepnblleana hove opened up H l,re,lnnrUTii lu thebultdlr. Joliilnc Die H . Caih Ilartaln Store 1 MIm r.UI llhead retnrne.1 lioioe from B Evanitnn Sunday, whero 'lie had Lean H working for a month m O F. Ivnntol l'eoa n downtbli H' eekon IwilnrM, ami a pteawnt M tiller it tlili efllce L' Several partlea have paiietl through M townthli week on tliolr way totlie M jj mountain! to hunt deer, ll J M lockhart, V. I Snydtr ami f teveral oilier nltorne)! Iroin tlio l'ark a wcrehereon oMirl luilneii tlili week M) l'rearhlng acrvlce at :.ew WtilBun- H dav evening at 7-30. Subject, "A Llfe'e 1 TregeJy." A cordial Invitation toat- 1 lend. HlM -,wWW!Blft5frle5;li'ionlJloiiily. "iitoW!lhTrnJ. Kelloy,eged32,and H , Katie M. lloyle, aged 20, both ol Tark H City. H I V II llrancli and family relumed H I ' home )eiterday from their trip to Et. I George The had aneatellenltliuoon H J their trip H A dance wai given at the Operv llouie H t Wednesday night A good crowd wat H preaanl and nil w Uo attended had an ex M callent lime. I A new uian'a ihoe No. 0, wai found Monday on noutli Main itreet. Tlio owner can liavo aauie by calling nnd peylog for thil notice ) Mr, A. Wilkin, ol l'io)o returned to her home Monday, ultor ependlng two weekt vltltlng with her daughter, Mm. Trauk Uewlng at. Upton. Thoiihooli tveritalleloiedon Wtdnea day In tiuiior of the burial ol Or. John l'ark, Stato iitpirlntnident of public In- j itructloii, hodled Saturda). K C lhamlxri, Thomna Ktnrnf, i' Daylcl Keith, I). O. McUughlln nnd - aevcral olhtr prtimlneiit men fiom l'ark f City Hero hero thli week attending touit. i In aiiicmta and moil woinen't all- f menta the dlgeitlon l wek, the making . of color, Ileal) and atrength out of foul, I ll Imperfect o that tlio patient la eak, nerounndUyipeptlo. Tlili conjltlun ran be correWl by taking acourwof 1IKKIUMK. Vrlce, W ceiita. John i Hoyden A Son, . Utv Tl,e SallnR l'rM U now run by V W. H Wallace, Hie on ner o( the plant, V Wi' i:, Howard, kb fmuier idttwr, will be R greutly lUtuaMl from the I re.a, at he U ! one ol the but iiepaper men In tho SMv ' blato. Bf' I ll la not often Itiat one air ol ahoea Wk willdotwu men, but lu Mlddleilwro, H Ky , Ihereare i men who wear the H iioeplral ike aiu lime One hat j hit right fool or. while tho other la mi ll una hli left. They wear the lame alio H ahoe and make it a point tobuy together H tidonlyliaeto get one pair. By thli H tnethod they are able to git their foot- wear al hall price, ai Ihey dlrldelhe coat. E. rorepralni, iwelllngi and lamenen there la nothing 10 good at Chamber latn'a I'aln Ilalm. Try IU tor rate by John lleyden A Son, MIm Julia M. lhirlln, mauager ol the ltoeky Mountain IteJl Telerhone O at Park Olty, wai a pleasant rleltor In Coalrllle lor threo or four daja thli wtek, Wt itt by the laal lean of th Monl peller E.amlner that l'rof. J. II. Mllei ha been omlriale.l for"iity wparin lendant of eohooli for 11 r Lake eoniy on lb Detnocratie ticket Tho MImm Thiirxa and Iie Pack of KamaaeUlMd Hatleea at HlherClir, Hprlngvllle and other aoolhern tna and are now ipendlig a week or two here Tilling. nouiilllol Cllpir. The placet lo rcgliler for Ihn threo Coalvllli dlitrlctl are aa followi No 19, the City Hall, 10, Mrs Ira Kid redge'a reildencei 21. Spring Hollow meellng homo. You can net ote for llryan or McKlnley nnlen you aro rcgli ler ed. There are thouiindi of people tuffer Init untold tortnro from pller becauie of thopular ImprMilon that Ihey cannot I cured.'8 IIUCKEYI'.ril.R CINT.MIWT will wre them and Hie a tlenl will remain eurrd. l'rlce, 60 centa In bottlc-i. Tula,T5centi. John Hoy den A Don. ome farmeri complain whenever the grocery bill or the bill for other home hold neeetelllee, nr iiecweeary clothing Will forth family, ll a bit oertho average, tho wife la generally blamed. Now-theM Mine farmer! inlghtMven treat deal In the way nf taking care of their farm machinery and itock, thereby making up for Iholltllo extra cipenai uied to make the family ami home mnro enmfortnblfl. Kx The Improvement lira for October It al hand an I contain! come good articles, iremlncnt among them being ihe follow ing: "TholloneirMonumcnt," "Learn ing tn Sing," "Helen Keller." "The Salmon Hirer Million," "Ii ll tho Dawn of thu Millenium 7," "The l'oint of View," a poem, "Thou Ehaltllavono Olher Oodi lleforo Me," Conilderable devoted to article by tho eill Ion, and the number la an Interesting one. Thli li tho In it number ol Vol. III. "Tor three day and nlghli I lulTcred agon) untold from an attack olcholtra morbui brought on by eating cucum beri,"iayeM K. Lo wilier, clerk of Ihe dlitrlce court, ('cntcrville, Iowa. "I thought I ihould itirely die, and tried a down dltlcrent uiedlclnei but all to no purpose 1 tent for n bottlo of Cham laln a lolle, Cholern nnd IMarrhixa lleniely and Hue ilwet relieve.) mo entirely." Thli remody li for mle by John Hoyden & Son. KU'ry lino In a ncwipaper coiti 10 much Mill, ami eviry lino printed fur the benefit of an Individual ihould be paid lor. If a grocer waa aikeil to do nate groicrlei to any penon iibundanlly ahlelopa) for them ho would reluie The proprietor of a now ( cr mint pj forthofrcn ndveitlilng if tho man ho ailvertlied iloci not, and yet tlili ll one ol tlio Imrdetl thtngi to learn with many, that u newiptiper haa ijuice lu Iti col uir lit to rent, aid renting at anything leu than living rntct would bennr tnlnly fatal hi for a landlord to furnlih homo rent free. Kx The play "Mouto Ctlilo," preiented by J. Undiay and company at theOieru llouie lait Tiiday night, waa good hlgerowd wm out to greet the famoui Utah actor, and eur)body ruoyid the performance. There win no muilc pret ent and the wnlta betweon actiitiuml long nnd tedloua. On Saturda) night Mr. l.lndfay and hli tompauy gavtia dramatic and inuilcal entertaluiuent. Not a very largo crowd wai prciont, but the wtifurinance wa euwl Mlta Uio'li Itujh, the leading Inly of tho comiauy, tttint mora at homo In elocutionary work than the doetlu a play. Theeoui pauy vveul from hvro to l'ark City, where they played Mon ley iilghl. Ilopplneei depeodi very much on the condition of the liver an I kldnevt The lilt of life ins Vo but little Impretilon on thote wboto dlgetllim It goo.l. uu can regulttle) ur liver und kldneya with linitlUNBiind unju) lienllh and buo) uuoy nf tpirlti. l'rlee, 60 lenti, John llovilen & Son Subscribe for Tim TIMHS. No othc I so great to the housewife, no othc: ent so useful and certain in making cious, pure and wholesome foods, h. cr been devised. fifSl VJElYPpt re are Imitation baking pow tiers, told cheap, by iyj,roci:r. Tliey are made from alum, n noMon drug, which renders Uic food Injurious to hcalllu i ROYAL BA W0CK CO., tCO WIlltAH ST., MEW YORK. ! IMrlrlit C'i Judge Norrell convened i Court on Monday and Ihe folio mineii wai iramaiied Kitale of Caroline Xn lated, order amending dtcreu ol ilnl u tlon made Katato of Llljili t lea' vae I order of ralo nf pertonal mad. and final account allowed inlnli tratord'icharged The rate of tho wm I Neil charged with carnal knil dale male under the age of cot jjged I tho attention of the lodrylefyfor nearly tlireo daji 'jHTi dlW' eulty waa met in itcuricg a Jlul finally the following menwerfS.d totrythocaie J rtlM-.ljc-Cloud, W h thappell.J lepliAII, J. 11. fitaplei, 1) loun(6ee I'arkln'on and John t.Salmiel wai defended by Mtorneri JlLqck hartandll 8 Towmtnd ajomily Attorney Callli pmceail ler.the argiuiionli ol the ilelniH imMiu llon, the court .l.livurtj Ita argo lo the Jury A venhct il pcIwSi re tnrncd alter forty mlnntti diMion On motion of the pro'ccailng torney, the court let Monday, (kt, JtJecl to receive liia itnteape H Tliunext iaie called ni'jly WeilMlningCo M tinAicjMlnlng Co. On motion the namitf (TTCallli waa entered ai militant cwcifor the Author ctiHipanv mlthiMiWi I Snyder m militant coutl Iithftlly VYeit company The JurjufH'cd an I counirl ma le tlirir cpiSSiate menti to that rxxly .U uHSl go ing to prcn wltnuici tilnlciugex amlnr.1 for the p'aintlff, B lllla.nir.i !), H "Oneday Ian xiultr i latTCMne to my drug iture anJ aike4 InrTbtand of cough meditlne tint I ftj fRein itock," imi Jlr 0 K. liSalii, the rwilrdriigglu()nt,rf, frjl"fa"' waidliiiiointtl aid wintjwjknoiv what cough preparation I LyJe-om-mend Chanilwilalm ftpJlTciiitdy and that li, could ukii tfflSol'he remedy an I after gltn, , JJTOlr trial il ihe did not (Id I it wfttjfrno"cy to bring kick the Uill,i,,iuld re fund the price paid In al0rie ol a day or tw o lh lad, na, $pti com pany with a frlvmi D u.lTOooiigh mediclmail ahiiaj kvtjabot lleoffhaniiwrnii,., jjy, I iiMd.riim uttq ..Mrowda- V' " ' r " " Ij " Jti, ffltwl )f Johnlloj.lfn iS,, Hjb Onfcaturlavlait, bl(itoffi'ellll aadCoalvllle.uJHji, f, fflVH turn to Mn H, !(il)igfend be rewarded mW riioiewboexrcct, JgibeOlh liWwW M))eM the.od.t,, OctU,jgp3l. Mini Prcdnto lnricr. Hovtmiiip. t uh ii i, leoo. ' I MTnaTiwita: ill ton pl.MK. aiiawtr the following queilion lu your next inue'' "Doe ever) imiinullted oitlieu of Ihu Unileil , Smie have m prndu-e ililr iiuluraliii ll'iii pup. r i . iIk regltirnilon ofllcer I wlmi mi It ii t; lie regl-iereJ, pre vlntia lo l lie r. .inlng election "' I C. T. M.iui I "eel Ion 807 of the Kevlied btatutea of ' I in rei li a ImII m, which amwcri the above o,uoitlom "H hon n natural ized citlien appllei for registration, his certificate of nalurallzttlou, or a certifl'd xopr thereof, mini Lo produced. "r-Ku.J ffffit' CocvniOHTS Ac AnrtmtfPAl (aikHehiin4derrlrtl'nmiT VimJl n !. n I i ' '" " W'iuS I m. "i i m t .ii l ,t t r.clrl tptrulnvtke I ultl iro. mln Scientific JUnericatu A htndwrmrlf tllvttrtlM wwklr I riMl rtr nii.uun t t -' ntldn 1 urn.l 'I cm till fair f grim Mti L tkMtlbjftll f)wdwlra, MUNN&Co.30'1""'' New York nr.uoli eai aVH. vvubiuiw, l u Special Rates. The Union I'aelflc Itallroad Co will m.11 round trip livkeiafor the Utah Suite frnlr nnd the L. I). S. conferenee at eno fare for Ihe round trip, btittu Pair, Oct. 1 2nd to Sill. Conference, Oct, Sth to Tth, TUkeliouialoOct. lat toClh.wlth Dual return limit Oct. l!th. C. 1. V headon, I.ooal Agent. O. W. FRENCH, M. D., l'lijf Iclau and Surgeon, UF1URAT UEIIUESCK. Coalville oniiehnnrt from 1' ti -Ip m. All wliofiinilinulilolwervotheiehoart ai near a pol.l. Coalville Lodge No. 28 1. (UF. M e en J f "d") evonlngat" 30 at Cnurt Home, bojournlng brctheru luxltetl. Samuel Clark, 3. G. Edward aw ley, Secy. Dr. W VISICK RHS.DENT Dentist. Coalvillo, Utah E"OlTicc at residence, comer Mntti and Second North streets. ajL People's Mer. Co. K gjn, T??'n8P ''"-''J'''" '''" ti.Marit-jjii, at S tnjjyi A Radical Chango In Marketing Methods i ? in V$ as Applied to Sewing Machines. S tfiWl J S?! An original plan under Ton can olitaln Q K i h UfciY M eaalcf lerma and be'tter valualn the jmrcliaae of 5 5 '8jBrJ-2SlJl the world lainoua White tewing Machine than V 5 t4 ever beforo offered. f J Write for our elcgnnt II T catalogue and detailed particular!. How S we can aave you nionoy In the purchaie of a high grade tewing machine S w and the caay tcrma ol' payment we can offer, cither direct from S I factory or through our regular authorized ngenta. Thla Ii an oppor- p r tunily you cannot alTord to jiaas. Von know the "Willie." yr a hnovv P I K lt manufacturer. Tberefore, n tlctailed ttcacripiion of Lie niaihiue bihI j ? ila conuruciion ia uiincccmry. If joil liavo aa old machine to exchange ? I J wo can olfcr most liberal terms. Write to-day. Addrets In full, 5 I viiite sewing maciiim: company, (Dop't a ) Cleveland, onio. I I'or sale by I K. Hall. I GRASS CREEK J eyteJwA Ul I AT km Greek Mines. Stove Coal vell screened - - $1.25 Lump Coal ' " w - $2.00 Domestic (Lump and Sloye Mixed) $1.50 Speeial Chute for Loading Teams. No Shoveling. No Waiting. Stable and Bunk Room at Mine and Mouth of Canyon FREE. Grass Creek Coal Co. J Get Your J MERCHANDISE AT THE 1 CftSH BftRGftIN STORe COALVILLE, UTAH