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I The CoalvJlle Times. c. THE PEOPLE'S ADVERTISER. , rmvcJCTXi TO TH3I 13rr I FREE COINAGE OF SILVER; 16 TO r M " ."" ' ' " " ' sasH Vol. VII. COALVILLE, SUMMIT COUHTY, UTAHgg OCTOBER u, i9oo. Ko. 40, H LETTERS FROM j CORRESPONDENTS.; Around the County in Seven Days, The HipieDDlDgs cl tte rat YTeek Told In Detail bj EtDctent CorrtsptDdtnts. MAIIION Mamum, Utah, Oct. 0,1900. EnrtoaTiHit: J. K. Lemon la acting ai one ol the jnrori at Coalville tbliwcek. Mr i. J. A, Woolslenhulrae went to Salt Lake City to attend cootrenee. I'. II. Peterson anil ion, Harry, went to Bait UVb City on the 5th to attend the Slate Fair. Mr. ami Mn. Fred Qualman and danghtrrol Land, ldiho, are visiting frlendi In Marlon thli week. E. Ilortln moved lilt wllo and family out from Bait Lake City tail week. They think Marlon lin't io bad after all. Olirli Knudun and family will leave for Ashley the latttr pvrt of the week, , They will make their home there alter We have aeen the trail Infant when 1 the faint itruggle for cxliloneoieemed almoit ended, resascltated and made strong by the u.e of WHITE'S OKBAM VERMIFUGE. Price, 2 cents. John JJoydeu A Son. Dentil or Dnnlel Wllilmns, Died, at the l'ark City Hoipllal, kept. I 29lh, 1000, of typhoid fever, Daniel I Ollntnn, beloved eon ot W. A. and 8. J. 1 Wllllami, aged 24 yeari.B monlbiand I Threa week! before till death be went I te l'ark City accompanied by hli brother Will to coniult with a pbyalelan In re- I (aril to hit condition The doctor'! ad- jH vice was for him to remain at the hoi- !i9 ld& 'iUsMUiTeTTiew dyi lor treatment, which . jB Wntf iy hV. i ,,V- 1. a ' tonilt ,Un wai too serious to permit of ' him being removed, and hi I brother Will remained with him to the lait, bit death being very indden. He wai one of the bright young men ol Karon and a great favorite among thejouug peoplo, li la mnny nulla acd merry volco making Mm a welcome ad dition In every circle. 'Ho wai a kind and devoted ion and brother aDd Mi Ion will bo deeply isourmd by hli fam ily and frlenli. The funeral took place from Cart. tsr'e ball Tuesday, Oct. 2nd, and wjs ' largely attended. Floral olTerlngi from many Irlendi were In proloilon, and the ) large cortage that followed the remalm to the cemetery ihowed (he great eiteem . In which the young man was held, ' i Danle, aihe wai familiarly called, will t i , be greatly mined and long remembered, bat Lili suffering li over. May hli reit j be sweet. . XI. L. When ycu linvo no appetite, do not reliih your food and feel dull after eat ing you may know that you need a dose of Cbamberlaln'a Btooiacb and Llvor Tablcti. l'rice, 25 cent! per box. Sam ple! free at John Hoyden A Son'i drug itore. 1 WAIISATCII Waiisatcii, Utah, Oct. 0, 1900. I, , KurroR Tikis: David lleei waa a Bait Lake vliltor during the week. Mra. (leorge Wright left here on a ' trip to Coalville Sunday. , Mid Lotlle Ilowman ol Uintah wai hero on a villi to Mn. Win. Stoddjrd I during the week. I' several of the young folki from hue, V Including the icbool teacher, attended ' the dance at Echo lait Friday night. ' The beautllul autumn coloring ol the mountain lideili pairing away for the eaion, ilnre the recent cold nlgbti. David Mooro of thli place and Free. mauMallnof Iloytivllle lilt here lait i week with cattle for the Omaha market. Ur. Malln bad been hire several days i while '.lev were awaiting can In which toihlpthecattle. The Jones and Cleverly herdi were lu thli vicinity on Sunday. They had had a mix up and werebuiy separating. Night Operator T. Wllien hai Juit re turned from bait Lake, where he hai been spending a abort recuperative ve cailon. OnThurtday of lait week a young man at Mmi llroi.' law mill had the rnlilurtune to loie all the too but one from one loot. The company ol Burlington surveyors wholeflhere lome time ago to do work eliewhere, bate now returned to thli point and are completing the lurvey. The V. 1 work Iraln, which hai been located at Caitle Itock for lome time, hai now moved to Wabiatch, where the necessary repair! on the read are being attended to. Corn-huiken' ipralnid wrliti, barbed wire cute, burni, brulsei, icvare lacera tion! and external injurlei ol any kind are promptly and happily cured by ap plying IIAI.LAHD'SS.VOW LINIMENT. Price, 25 and 10 centi. John Doyden A Bon. KCIIO. , Echo, Utah, Oct. 9,1900. Editor Ti ma: The dance here lait Friday night wai well pataonlird, and all report having had a good time. Win. Itlake and family moved toOgden tbli week where tl.ey will make their tuture home. Tho llurllngton lurteyori have gone batk to Caitle Hock to run tho permanent line far tho road. It li reported that Union Tactile graderi will Ui In Echo canyon the flrit of next month. Mr. nnd Mn. A. II. Bailey and Mlu Sophie Cbauise returned from a trip to Onaha and Bt. Louil tail Irldey The following went to conference lait week, Mra. (Jeo. Gllchrlit, Mr, and Mrs Joseph Btorer, Mr. and Mn. Dlake, Mr. and Mre. Wiu. Weaver and family, MlMLolallflifl,)Mr,fwlllH.1llclr O.r.Karand Pert Ollchriit. When you cannot ileep for coughing. It li hardly necenary tkatanyone ihould tell you that you need few doiei of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to allay the Irritation of the throat, and make sleep ponlble. It li good. Try It. For ale by John Doyden A Eton. neicren Hxxirix, Utah, Oct, 11, 1900. Editor Tiuxir Born, to the wife ol W. T. Stephens, on the 3rd, a daughter. Mother and child doing nicely, A large representative of our people attended conference and the fair. Moit of them have returned. There li lome proipeit ot a ipur be ing put In at Henefer shortly. Thli will be a great help to the people here In the way ol ihlpping. Henry W. Ilatcbelor, who hai been laboring In Indiana for the pait twenty even month i ai a mlulonary, rcturaed homo on the 0th, looking hearty and well. A number ot our cltlieni, who own land above the preeenl water ditch, held a meeting on the 10th to conilderthe feasibility of making a now ditch from the Weber rlyer. Favorable progren wai made In the matter, and no doubt work will loon bo commenced on the project. TO THE DEAI'. A rich lady cured ot her Deatnen and Noises In the Head by I), Mcholvon's Arlldclal Ear Drnmr, gave if 10,000 to hli Imtltute; io that deaf people unable to 'procure the Ear Drnrai may have them free, Addren No, 13153, Tho Nlcholion Imtltute, 760, Eight Avenue, Mew York, U. 8. A, A new medicine lor bllloumeii li now on sale at John Hoyden A Bon'i drag tore. It li called Chamberlain's Stom ach and Liver Tableti. It glvei quick relief and will prevent the attack If given ai eoon aa the first indication ol t,be diieaie appeart. l'rice, 25 centi per box, Sample! free. (irovTlne or M Inter Client. Dairying and genera) Hock latinlng ihould and will gradually replace ipeclal wheat farming In Utah Wheat, how ever, li one ol our principal crop, and ilnce the rotation and ferlllliatlon c fieldiwbiib come with the keeplrjfi ol itock, provide the belt loll condition! fo. wheat, thli crop li likely to continue tobe an Important one on motto! oai fanni The average yield of wheat in Utah lor the pait icven yean li 21.4 buiheli per acre. With the opportunities we have lor a t roper crop rotation and fertilltatlon, and with the natural fertil ity ol our 10II1 and a proper selection of varlettee, thli yield ihould be very much Increased. rmranATion or eiau sen, i To icenre Ideal condition! thesurlaci soil should be mide line and loose, and the iub-iurface soil fine and fairly com pact. For winter wheat tho grouni ihould be plowed aicarlyintheieaionaj possible. It should lie Immediately hai rowcd.rollcd and harrowed again. Uclo4 aeeding It should be tilled again with implement best suited to the partleulli toll. This frequent tillage tends to col pact the ub surlace roll, form a tm iced bed, consene moisture and set iff1 plant food. I itUcTiov or rtnitTisi. ; I The choice ot leed li Import Experiment! conducted here Aim the pait twoyean, 18and 1000,lil cite that we haven large nurubefl varieties which are good yielders, ft milling wheal!, and teaionslly ctfol to go throngh the winter wlthvotliiMj The past winter, though not anci M rlgoroui, wai rathir levere es & wheat cropi ai thero wis veryi m now protection and considerably Ing weather. The alternate frtejc U thawing wai especially Injarloavt ft lown wheat. The wheati bereln ti mended, however, went Into U Mr In vlgevoui condition and came JJW without Injury. The (oIIowImJJU head tle list of our winter '"'' the past two ecaioni and are jjVu order ot greauivyleld , 6osotajbt d'ffCanaSliWaiT, Wjj Early RelClawion,MedtierraiAiTn, i Zealand, Taimanlan Bed, Martin's . bcr, Winter La Salle or Loltbouse, Odessa. All of theso wheats aieclasft ai "hard" wheat nnd the milling quslf Ity li about equal to the belt iprinrV wheat. We are prepared to furnish I llraltod quantity ol the seed ot these var-i letiei to farmer! making application.! iiatx or siiuuio, The Experiment Station has conduated! tests during the past twoseaionion "Timoofsowlng wlnternheat." Weekly lecdlngihave been made front September 7th to November l'tn, the same varieties ol wheat being used. The experiment conducted along thlillmi all points to the conclusion that in dlitrlcti where the land can be Irrigated before ieedlug,there Is practically no difference between early and late lowing. Where Irrigation Is not practicable oarly seeding Iirecoincnded, mxtiiou or aixniNO, It has been demomtrated by repeated experiment! that wheat drilled In the tall ol the year yieldi better than that broadcasted. With a drill the seed can be planted aenly in depth, Insuring the germination otall leedi together. We have found a difference In lavor.ot drill ing of 74 buiheli for eery one hundred acre! planted. The depth at which wheat ihould be p'anted will depend largely upon tho amount of moisture In the eoll. Where tho ground la compnet and nit quite as good result! will doubtlen come from planting only an inch deep. The young wheat plant! can come up throu gh three Inches ol very loose earth, nnd it the aoll li very dry It may be neceisary to iced at that depth In' order to get moisture enough to start germination and that tho roots may at once enter Into moist toil whero they can secure food as soon as the leaves hsve expanded sufficiently to ma It. iHRKOwno irriu It IT nltcn beneficial to barrow the ground Immediately alter the grain is sown, io ai to tnako the seed bed more compact below and fine and msllow st the surface. Borne of the experiment I I 111 Uuyur wu ""- - nlT.0aa that hr.owlne lb. Sll hu come up Is dangeroni SlP'ned the ,tM ,,r0IK)r. tgftiotml and latenenotthe SWU At Udi station w, foiow "ll..r,owlngth. wheat In Bf j "for eedi and to break JJgill,lehh.. formed, belore Jft? ff'tV hll( tnoogh (o shade the aKlAikw.taf eiUUhh iine <b St, ,,,, ,htb J'M'Wr.portlon.aud we be ,"','li,i,rl1 "B'on thlipraellco Wrt w I wt Si""" OTATie'. r 5? r MlrIj ,wjr wh,tl 'rm '; r u' bt,n ,"ati 'or ,rum y " W.ty yean li similar In that Xle Wl,,M ' ""t have been r1TJHri1 ihedecllne in yield and oejlltyWUgnn. There are numeroui ttlldeellne. principal among lito$IUl In railing wheat alter ihe JijJ Uta M n poo(. mhfiUeonillilon, the store of avail- ' ' life1 bM bt,n K",lr roducf a Mte become io numeroui ai ,oculiewnil plant! In many IniljincegVrti 'JI(mn tiM ,hi)ula 'orlu5!,l,,",1""llc ni proDl' 'WtTrol, Th, avsnte otmlma calliT,eJPlo prepare tlt land lor "'',i1"lu most c'arly demon itrated Ljjoith Dakota experiment ,U"f- K" Wl0lnl5 one year the rleldaorbeatwere Increased four to six LilthiW K fur ttsa two succeed log jfarljJEj giowing a crop of corn or potatpei, blowing clover or timothy the yle!dl!ri Increised ilx to eight buiheli, nrTedy, the experiment ihowed anJtem ol wheat ot thirty toll'r I'JI; alternating the wheat with other topi. Thoio who have the most live stMcan produce the largest and moit pMtabls crops ol wheat, and tny bavlojso abundance ot manure, can belt afcrd to grow those crops vklchexbaitthe fertility o the fields, tl'o'.L. Merrill, Utah Experlmenl lon,toato ' " HMrTai tkJSeglnning ol a cold will J ajVoa inauy.wesry houri and evea rafaMf dlstrtselngaiidharraiilng cough. K,M and cent!. John Doyden A M. iseribeforTHETIMKS. , ft .Notice. liUnlted BUtci Land Office, MBaltUke City, Utah, M August 0, 1U00. ) chom it nay concern nfrtls hereby given that the Stat UlThis filed In this ofilce lists Is selected by suld State under Eec-Ul.-'of the Act of Congress approved 110, fl94. The following tracli,tm Id in laid llitl, aro In townships cinla ; mineral clalmi ol record, vl: lit ' 00, for tho establishment ol pinti water reservoir! i SC1,' E61 'i 8 W if and the lot num tn, See. 30, In Township 3, north anllli iget, eait. lit, 31, for tho establishment o pen t water reservoirs i NWW ,N o bectlon 14, In Township I norni ol Range 0, east, Bait Laki BasiMfeildlan, Cmi said lists, as far as they re late til tracts, by descriptive aub dhlijy have been conspicuously poitSthti office, for InspeUlon by any ffii Interested, and by tho public geneffl DcStbo sixty dayi next following the A f thli notice under depart menUnitructloni ot November 27, 1800 j. D. 459), proteiti or conteiti sgalij e claim of the State to any of tbet'l or subdivisions herelnhelore deicri . on the ground that tho same Is tan. sluable for mineral then sgrl cultuf mrpossr, will be receded and noted; ' report to the (leneral Land Offlcn Washington, D. 0. Failure so to put or conteit within the time specif will be considered evidence ol the nr nlneral character el said tracts, and tl election thereof being other wise I from objection, will be recom mendl or approval, Faxc D. Hoani, Register, Ota i A. Uuitii, Receiver, n32t9 " iyweTer,-wortny ot noto tnat .. Mjt. ja . a onniNANCi:. AN ORDINANCE aitANTlNOTOTHE KOOKY MOUNTAIN BELL TELE PHONE COMPANY, 1TB SUCCES SORS AND A881GNS, A FRAN CHISE OVER AM) UPON THE STREETS AND ALLEYS OF COAL VILLE CITY, SUMMIT COUNTY, UTAH. Beitordsined by the City Council ol Coalville City, State el Utih Bectlon I. That therelsherehy grant ed to the Roeky Mountain Hell Tele phone Company, a corporation, Its sne cestori aud asilgnei, the right to place and maintain polei and wirri, with the armi, bracei and other fixture! necei lary thereunto, over and upon the ilreeti, alleyi and public wayicl said city, for the purpose ot supplying to the public commnnlcalion by telephone or other Improved elcctilcal device, under the following terms and conditions Flrit. That the said Rocky Mountain Hell Telephone Company, Its successor! or anient, when io requested by the Mayor and City Council, shall permit said polei and fixtures to be used free ol charge(by the said city for the purpose ol suspending and maintaining lhareon nch flxturei'and wlrts as may be re quired by the police and fire depart ment! ot laid city. And ,sW company iito l-rnliti for city business, Ins of charge, anil with exchange service, ro long as a'n'excbango is maintained here under, one telephone at a place desig nated by the Mayor and City Council. Second That all polei erected under thli franchise ihall be placed inbject to the approval ol the Mayor and City Council, and no wires ihall be suspended at a ln height than twelve feet above the sidewalks, nor at a less height than twenty feetfabove the streets where wires crosi-sucu sidewalks or such street!. f , TblrdjjTbat work ihall be com ' 1 meoeeSln good faith within ninety dayi koeu aud alter the passego ot this ordln-1 ".ftaetfc-Ttttt the said Roeky Moon. cesion or assigns, ahall saro add keep said Coalville City harmless from any md all damages wblcb may result from the negligence or misconduct of any of It! or their agents, servsntaoreuployeee In the construction or operation el ssld telephone line system. Section. No electric light or other wirejuied (or carrying heavy current! ot electricity, ihall approach to or cross the line ot any telephone, police or fire alarm wire at a distance of less than tour leet either above or below said tele phone, police or fire alarm wire, and shall be lucunly fastened oniupports placed ai near ai practicable to laid telephone, police or fire alarm or other wire. Whenever any such wire Is mala Italntdin violation of the urovlilsni hereof, the owneri or person! in charge ol nld wire shall remove isme upon re ceiving a written notice to do so and In csss they fall te do io, the rame may be removed by order ol tho Mayor and City Council, at the expense ol the mid own eri or perions in cbsrge ol said wlrs, EoctlonS. All rights hereby granted shall be subject to such future reason able terms, conditions and cbauges as the City Council may from time to time prescribe, Bectlon 4. The provisions' ot this or dinance shall be void unless an uncondi tional acceptance Ibereol In writing Is placed on file In the office ol the city recorder by ssld Rocky Mountain Hell Telepheue Company within thirty days alter the pamge ol this ordinance. Bectlon 6. The lights hereby granted shall not be excluelrsibnt the Mayor and City Council reserve the power to grant to others the use of said streets, allejs and public ways ol said city under proper authority, either for any pur pose elrnlUr to thst for which thslr use li herein granted, or tor any other purpose. Section 0, All costs arlslog from Ike passing and publication ol thla ordin ance ihall be paid by the laid Bocky Mountain Bell Telephone Company, Bectlon 7, The rights and nrlrllf.tP herein granted are grant iss ; tno I unuercstiuiato tne uamuxe ' - HP ol twenty. five years (rem and alter the BP granting ol Ihe same, ( Bectlon 8. Upon any laolt olcom. iK pllaacewllh the foregoing named con- Hj dlllom, the option Sfj ol the said .Mayer and City Council, be 8SjK forfeited nr9 FetlonO. Thla ordinance, shall lake SUE effect (mm and after twenty days after $n Its publication. iWkV Passed and approved by the Mayor taPft and City Council ol Coalville City, Oc- mWL lober 1st, 1000 o It. Joxts, City Recorder. HK Approved Ihlslstdayot October, 1900. jSfl PaiNK Caorr, Mayor. Vfl ptatx or Utjii, ) M tirr or Coalvillr,, si, H tororr or tumuiT.) I, C. It. Jones, City Rerorder of Coal- H ville City, State ol Utah, do hereby cer- H Illy that the above and foregoing Is a H lull, trui and correct copy of an ordln- iVB atice entitled "An ordinance granting to Vfl the Rocky Moumaln Bell Telephone H Oompsny, Id mccessors and assigns, a H Iranchlso over and on the ilteeti and Bfl alleyi ol Coalvlllo City, Summit county, H Utah," Bald ordinance waipaiieilby KH the City Council of laid city, October H lit, 1900, ai appears of record In my office. MM IN WITNESS WIIEltKOr, I .have hfrennto set my Hfl (SxiuJ hand and affixed Ihe corpor- H ale teat i.l said city this 1st H day ot October, A. D, 190. Vfl 0. U. Join, city Recorder. Vfl ((imclhlnc; cu H Head SIb.7 wliii Tear It.plr, M Here Is something new, an original conteit. Read very carefully. Yon may gel ,100 Win Oaib.a P,lot Organ, Oold Watch or Rllk Dreii, Who can M arrangolheie nine groups ofjainblid H letten Into the namei ot nlneBlatoi, H "Oyekwrn," .'htaa." "weldre, BJ l"awro," "hool," "llnollsl," "Joh." H ealm,' 'monywlg." .IV a.!. HJ YMk asMl -ft-M ih ! m t ' 'Mi lti!Sr4i a hard study, bet ll'you slick to It you H may get five, or even Hyen, or perhaps H all of Die words correctly. The proprte- H tors of Ward's Root Beer, that delicious, HJ healthful temperance beverage, ofler the HJ following grand prltesr To Ihe pereen M whosendsacompletecorrrctllit will be M paid 1100 In money , Io the person send- H Ing the next largest correct Hit will be M given a 75 Bicycle (lady's or gent's); BJ for tho next largest correct list will be iH glvea a'beautitul 05 Parlor Organ for the fourth largest list will be given a HJ finefiO Gold Watch; for the fifth a HJ handsome Bilk Dress Pattern, Imore H than one person succeeds In making a H complete list the 100 each and Ue H equivalent In money of the other prltea HJ will bo divided among those whoasnd correct hit ot nine States. We want you H to try and make out the entire nine H butts, (or who knowi but what you may H be the lucky winner? Conteit closes H Oct, 30lb. The object ot giving away HI these prltes Is simply an advertisement HI ol Ward's Root Heer, HJ Bend no money with your reply but J be sure to send us thl nm tr aai idJress H ot your nearest druggist sua tell ui H whether he kcepi Ward's Root Beer or HJ H This Is simply one ol our plana ot sdver- jH tiling and we hope our giving Ihese H costly prltea will be the means ot having H Ward's Root Heer talked about In many HJ new homes. Bond your answers today H II possible. Everyone hai an equal op- HJ portnnlty. Honest and fair treatment HJ Is guaranteed. No one In our employ HJ will lie allowed to enter conteit. Con- B teitants who enclose a iclf addressed H stamped euvolope will receive an lm- H mediate reply All that Is required 1 M successful Is your assistance In Introduc- M logWnrd'a Root Beer or Hitters the J purest and best. Address early as pos- slble, Ward Drug Co , Dept. C, :0 32 E. jH I4tb8t., New York. HJ Frail Peddlers, HJ i tody Choice prunes, all yeu ' M viaut, at jreuard, csnt a pound. I, T, l-ntvt ' V.w, WeUrConnty, Utah. Hj I - Hi