Newspaper Page Text
I mwv the i.'kub AWlEATH OVHRTAKF.8 THE LAST F PAltTICII'ANT IN VENOETTA. se Llrely Vntk with Sll-tlioottn an.l ftbnt l" In l(tn. Jilt tu.if till- lnuihna tha tmm-lllllrlota. n,l III.kkI II. Ik tbo Affair. , V lly the death nf Chartca Vaughn, fifteen miles touth of Crdarvnle, Knu , In tho Osnge resertntlon, tlto hit sur ' vlror of a feud hlch wan fought along tho border with all the flerrvneM cf a Corilcnn tendetta far months was , wiped out. The participants ncre on the one hand Jim and Charles Vnuglui, cowboys who ere (ouslns and Tom Wlllier and Dennis Alum, who ran a "Joint" In Cnnejr. Kan, In 1579 mid 18S0, and the feud began In thin Joint In August, 1SS0, when Tom Amos In a tamo of poker brat Jim Vaughn out of J70. Vnuglin was by ucildcnt un armed at the time, but left swcnrlnr; that he would return In threa ita)n nnd hill alt tho Anioses Accordingly Vaughn returneil to tho ranch on which ho was working In tho territory, procured a brnrn of slx-hootern, nnd on tho npiolntel day went back to Co ney, The Amines, barricaded In their Joint, nnd armed with three double barreled shotguns, wcrn waiting for him. Vaughn hitched his liorao and pulling his six shooters began firing nnd walking toward the Amos Joint Tho Amost-h replied with a broadside H from their Rhotguus, nnd when the rmoko had cleared nway Vaughn Iny In I tho street with his body full of btick- idiot nnd Tom Amos lay on tho Hour I with his Jaw shattered by n bullet. I Illood poison set In nnd four weeks later Amos was burled. On tho other H hnnd, Vaughn, who was thought to Bj lmro been mortally wounded, rccoer B rd, and In two months was nblo to gn B to work again. Vaughn was a crack H shot nnd tho Amoves lived In constant B terror of him, nnd utter they found B that bo bad gotten well they swore out B a warrant for his arrest which was B an unusual proceeding In thoso days B A deputy sheriff, who was n warm friend of the Jolnl keepers nrrretrs Vaughn and put the an I ono ol i their friends on the Mm t gturd him tho night after the arr Pur lng the night while the d nu'y s p' the Araosea. shut and killed Vaughn They claimed thai ho had trie! to ei rape However three nf the five shots which had pierced the itead man s bddV , were fired after he had fallen so the. direction of the bullets r nusis Ind ented. The it that time did ' not know of the existence of Charles Vaughn who was cmplnycd on n ranch In Tcjns nnd, after tho had killed Jim. settled down to quiet life Wllber remained In Cane) nnd Dcjnli . Amos, with his young wife and child located on farm Jtwt east of CcJnr vltle. A friend of Jim Vaughn In the meantime notified Charlea Vaughn of Ihe manner In which his cousin hid been killed, ami Charles theicupLii boarded the next train and went to Caney He remained quiet a day nnd by Inqulr) learned of tho whorcifeouts I of tho Anioee On the second diy af ter hlk nrrltnl he met Wllber Amos In n drug store, nnd, walking up to him I Informed him that ho was there fcr I the purpose of killing him Amos reached for his gun. but Vaughn was , too quick for him and sent a 5-caIlbcr bullet through his brain The dead ' man had hardly struck tho lb or beforo j Vnughii wna on his horse riding nl n breakneck speed toward town. Dennis i Amos was. entlng dinner when Vaughn reached his house, nnd without Intro ducing himself tho Texan opened flro i nnd sent ono bullet through Dennis" breast nnd another through his head Tho Infuriated cowboy then picked up tho child nnd dashed Its bralnh out I against the Moor lie nlao II red n shot nt the worn in, but sho escaped Into tho bedroom, nnd Vaughn, thlnklni: his pursuers were close upon lilm, mounted his horse and rodo nway. Al- j though n pefsso pursued him for two da)s ho was not ocr taken and his wherenbouta had ncer been known from that day to tho day of his death. Yesterday, when, after n six weeks' struggle with tho fover, ho found that ho had to die, ho told his attendants that ha was Charles Vaughn and nar rated the above story, which tho older residents of this town know to b true. Kansaa City Times. 1 I Irr.jae of : t be erected on g I B t A.1 SALVATOR SQUARE I I An Immenso nnd most artistic mon- nj iimcnt ot Christ Is to bo erected on B Mount Vesuvius, tho exact place te ll Icctcd being tho Sahator square, on B tho Calderonl Hill, this being tho Bj placo where a chapel stood In old days. BL Pending the erection ot tho monument, which will bo or marble, a wooden BL cross will bo placed on this lofty peak, ,Vr" lJ " Ulmcnilona will bo so great that jiStifml" 'low ' " can l"3 obtained from "Naples, Tho monument will bo con structed by soma famous sculptor, and "by tho orders of I'opo Ix-o tho follow ing Inscription will be engraved on It: "Jcsu Chrlito Deo Hcstltutao per lp sum Salutus. Anno M. C. M. Leo I. P. "XIII." Tor generations those persons -whoso home hnvo "been near Mount Vesuvius hao piously believed that the fury of an eruption could bo much mitigated by tho prayers to tho Al mighty, and that thoso would bo In the least danger -who could congregato In soma consecrated spot When tho terrible eruption began In 1C31 Car dinal Iluonlcampagno went In stato to tho chapel near tho .mountain and of fered up prayers, In the hope of ap peasing Clod's wrath, A, great religious procession was held nt the samn time, and when It was over thousand gath ered In all tho chapels within lov ot tho mountain, declaring their deter mination to dlo there If death wero Inevitable. Tho governor of tho dis trict and COO persons bail fled for safe ty to a, large building opposlto tho Franciscan chapel. In tho llttla town of Torro del flreco, whllo others had poured Into tho chapel until It was packed to tho very door. Hardly had they entered when burning lata pour-1 ed down tho street nnd awept to de struction tho governor and his com panions. A terrible tlmo It wns, but tho fact remains that those who sought shelter In tho Franciscan chap el wero saved, whllo hundreds of oth ers lost their lives; nnd this fact has mada a deep Impression on thoso who dwell near Mount Vcsutlus, and hss convinced them of tho necessity ot placing their trust In nod durlrig ev ery such awful emergency. It Is the exlstcnco of this deep faith which Is tho reason why n splendid Imago ot Christ Is now to bo erected on the Cat dcronl Hill CAlaLskan Words. J Tho most common word Is "mush," which means go on, march, travel. It Is a corruption from the French "marchon." Tho Canadian Frenchman thus addressed hts'dogs when he wish k rd them to move. When sn Alaskan wants his dog to movo bo says "mushi" he never sa)s "get out." If ho Is driving a dog team he says "mus.h" when he wants them to start. If ho has been on the trail he tay hs lias been "mushing" or that ho "mush ed" In from the mines. "Chcocbaco" Is the Chinook Indian word for now- M riromer or greenhorn. It Is the equlva- iniVEn OF DEATH. IlorrlM Kceoaa In Norlh Chin Do acilboil by I'yowltosaoa. A traveler In Northern China, In n letter to tho London Qlobe describes what ho saw In tho Amur river In North China In tho wake of the Rus sian army recently. He says: "Two thousand were deliberately drowned nt Moraxo, 2,000 at Ilabe, and 8,000 around Dlagovctchenskl, a total of 1!, 000 corpses encumbering tho river, among which "cere thousands of wom en nnd children. Navigation was nil tiut Impossible Last week a boat had to plow her way through n tangled mass of corpses lashed together by their long hair. Tho banks wero lit erally covered with bodies. In tho curves of tho stream wero dark, putrid, odorous masses of human flosh and "bono, surging and swaying In tho steamer's wake and wash. Tho cap fain, vainly ordered full speed ahead Tho eights and odor will be ever with us. lVora lilagovetchenskl to Algun numerous village etudded tho bank, with a thriving, industrious population ot over 100,000, That of Algun bad 20,000. No ono will ever knnwr the number of those who perlined by shot, lent of the early California word "ten derfoot." "Pcluck" Is an Ksklmn word and means all gone. "Tllacotn" Is a strong Indian word and means both friend and partner, It la some one )ou have camped with and shared dan gers with, for whom you would suffer nnd who would suffer for you "Shook urn" Is an Indian word In general use meaning good. These words ore In common uso throughout northwest Alaska, There nro other nntlvo and provincial expressions, but they have not been dignified by common use to the extent of the foregoing. Nome News. sword and stream. Not a village Is left. Tho silence of death was around us, tho smoking ruins ot Algun on tho right, with broken down, crumb ling walls and shattered, roofless houses." Victoria and Her Ilojal cl. When Queen Victoria arrived at Windsor tho other day sho was ac companied by a vanload of cam, Tho Queen Is a great lover of cats, and so are some of tho other mombers of tbo royal family, so when tho Court moves It Is accompanied by a cat cannon. Tno cnta go to Balmoral, to Osborne, to Windsor and to Ducklnghnm Pal nco as regularly as tho Queen doe, Thoro aro Persian cats, Manx cat. Angora cato, Maltcso cats, tabby cata and torn eats, and they all travel In stato They aro placed In woodeu boxes with an open wire front and havo plenty of clean straw to lis on, Ono Persian cat, of which the Queen, Is especially fond, wenrs nround 1U nock nn elabomto collar on which ap peara In silver letters, "I belong to tho Queen" Princess Deatrlco'a es pecial favorite, Is n white cat of tho ordinary ba k-fenro breed This pfcturo telifl Itfl own Ktory of sisterly nffoctlon. Tho ! older rrjrl, jtint budding into womanhood, lm mifforod grcaU ly with thoso irrogtilnritica nnil menstrual diilicultics which sap tho lifo of no many young women. Lydlii K, riiiKliniu'H Vogotnblo Compound can J always bo relied upon to testoro health to women who thua I suiTer. It is ft Bovotoign euro for tho wprtt forms of femalo I complaints, that bearing-down feeling, weak back, falling J and displacement of tho womb, inflammation of tho ovnrien, I and all trouble! of tbo uterus or womb. It dissolves and I oxpcls tumors from tbo titoruo in tbo early etngo of develop ment nnd checks nny tendency to cancerous humors. It subduos oxcitabillty, nervous prostration, and tones up tho ontiro fomalo system. Gould anything provo more dearly tho of i flolonoy of Mra. PlnUhnm's MotUolno than tho following strong statement of Cisco Stanahury? I' " DEAn Mns. risailAM t I w ai a sufferer from female wesknrvi for about n year nnd n half. I havo tried doctors snd patent medicines, 1)11" nothing helped mc. I underwent tho horrors (.1 local treatment, but re ceived no benefit. My ailment rtns pronounced ulceration of tho nomU . -. 1 suffered from IntciiKl pains in the womb ami -n ovaries, nnd tbo bachnon was dreadful. I hail yPV'3?lis. lcuenrrhcea In ila worst llnrm. Finally, I irrew so &Byfydl$L wi al I had to keep mtW. Tho nalns wero so W' '" ''''TfarA hard ns to almost cnmnptunn. When I could tt VsFin endure tho pains no lonmr, 1 was given morphlno. S3T ""T" Tastl 'T memory gnvr short aid I gavo up all liono of IJViS 3Sf MP ccttinu will. Thus I dnnml along;. Topleno t Cv vrai5 niy sUterlwroto to Mrs. riukham for advice. Her Er answer came, but meant!? 1 was taken worse, 5j' mr and was nndertlnTSteR'TTrarfl Torn whllo.' " -j" "After reading Mrs, Ilaliliam's letter, I con- JjJflpfvJpl-- eluded to try her medicine. After taking; two dlz$PVQ&? bottles I felt much lirtterl but nfter uslnv six 3sWrTvtiVVl's bottlisl waaeured. All of my friends think isr mP.'fJ.'b'' ' euro almokt miraculous. I thank im very inuclt en Act a sianduhv for your tlnioly odviio and wish jou prosperity 1 in your noble work, for surely It is n blessing to M-okan-dorra women, I lmro full and canplcto faith in tho I.tlla I!. Pliiltliriin Voircttiblo CoiupuuiiU." Uuacb II. BTAssuunr, llcrlnglou, Kausas. a BH flffi n B SlMwfflMsri rrini'ii'ii'iiiqM,d I Bssv I 1 H (S f I HE WB Hill S'J'.i-ltb.i...i.ull.n.I. I H 1 H H M H IS JS"lIAl'Nsilos4tiir ik, ol I rsa, Mau liooo, I SO rlRUUrltJii h"l "'" " I1' '" "Tf" lll ihnw Ihtl Iki aba,! I & U U Ivi Urtlrfiool It not rmiet,Ht bll)i4 Ultir lrflnlnr lt I V t t -X 1illtllcUDC,DlliWa-l,TPUlllKSIIAUUSIICIKSCO. I ISaiholic Agentsl OUTFIT FREE 1 WAlrTFI-In er Wimian, Town or Owntrr, I 1 SOMUIIINU NLW, Wnta one. Adama I C. P. t- CO . Cum tU., CMca. lit g PATENTSscsfi U SIIUI II. "Tl VIINM A ( o., Ill, li IHv.ifi w'"t. vahiiiSotii,s. Ii.r. Ilratt Un (Iburft. (1tHdiI ani lrtrull. ir.WIJifA0,? PENSION I f IHlKllllllJ, Wa.hli.fli.n. II. ( Ihei II lllmfllk replica II tthN IIAola Bun anacurfa. heucallsi Clilau tlocc IS78 I Kol Cardial ron.lllnant A young radical candidate for ondl t tho county eonstltuenciei In Keg-1 ind had an mbirratslnt; experience rh le eanvaMlnc IJe found n farmer IlKElne In his carden, and, leaning jver tho rslllnt, said "flood morn n' ' 'Mornln'." aniCly responded tho 'armer "flsrden looks well," ven ured the would-be M I. "Mlcht bo viim," said the farmer, who was In B9 iiood for KOMlp. "I am the pnxrea. dve candidate for th's eonilltueney." onllnurd the r. date, "And I sin lust taking a look nround " "Oh' that's all right." snipped ths farmer, an tout as you don't Like anyUttnc lse " I' llatil.onTrla. lilf. When Irilnard link, editor of The 1 sdlca' Home Journal, lirnrd that rx I'rcaldrnt lUrrlaon was priict'aliiirffolf on links near Imllanspolla, lie took n new ball mil of Ids koIMkii; and ex nrraaed It to the tlcneral, with the uirds, "llrlTelbli" In a few dsys came back a illapntcb "1 hanks. I have. Hut doesn't a bottle of liniment pn with each ball? ItLNJAMt llAMIIailX, Orders bate lern rerelvrd at the military department of California head I quarter, tonriranltea aernnd provision nl batlsllon at the I'realdlo. llralnr.a Cannnt 11a Cored bylorslsppllesllona astneyranaoi r-srh lbs dlaeaied lutlloa nt tta ear Tbers U ontv pns war torumilealneM, nnd that la by tonatl lullonal rMaeillra. Ikwlneaa l rsuteit lr as lnnamlrolMllllinertli niwua lliilnj fit Ita f .ualftt btsn Tula M hen 1 hla litb la Innamitt yiiu liave n rumiillnji anunil or linia-rfei i In sr Ins, and when III- entirely rloaed ilralnraa ll the result, and imlwt th lnnammattnn ran bt taken nnt sod Ibis tut raaiornt in Ha normnl romlltlon h'-irlnir illl to dealmietl rotevrr nine raM-annl of ten are eauaeit lr enlarrli. wbieliiaitoiiiins Imtsn Inarmed eollilon of lite mueila aurfaees. . . .. U e will elte I nw Miindreil Ooll rs fftrsnv ro et lmlaa leauard I'T citlarrhl Hut rann il t rurnl lit llalla Calarth Ouro. KfoJ tur "'""-'Tjr.mvnvACO.Toieda.a Knl.l tiv Drunlau, Do. . Hall ramify 1'llla an tbe beak Illie first ilcclrlo trolley rnllway In l'orto Itleo bei;nn operations. lanuar) S. I Mltllnnat'.eOArler-alnk 1 wblrblaaurapruofotllassrAlltal naalllr. Is uadvcaraUailraecurata. Tbra(ore tbo beau llamburir'a slilplni( bualnras last ' vesr allowed fewer vetelasrrlvlnr and I aalllinr, butniusrler of a million in. i create In tonnage. 1 Itftpptneaa raunot te boucbt. tmt otta ol Ilia snrat blodranrea to lla ollatnwtnl ran b ra . uwtrd by Adama' linla TulU k'rutU. Oregon's lumber output fur 1050 was o' feel. Tba favnrlia fa, ,.iarln Ufa aad tolor to Ina balr l,l' IUI..U lllaoaat.vaaa lhbfilraraf,rarai llcli Cuba's custom receipts for eleven mouths Is tM.M9,ll7. VeMtr el a a TVeeV I las tpraaa u mas wlih rtra 14 lalrMaro oar luu.jar,lM'wiiwJAia,iail-4,. Iaa.l raaot,lfaaMS Two hundred Iloers have rccroucd the Orange river, goInK north. to runt! a tm ii is iini: Toko I,iati ihioho uuixiiTini.sTS. All dmrrl-la rfrmxl tho monty If tl foils to euro. U W. Uiove a aWbOturo la vD lbs Uu. 30. flenator linker nt Kaniss has with dravii from the contest for re-election, 1'lao's Cura caunot bo too blfbly iroVen of as aroiuhctit -J W Ollslis, MTblM Al&, N., mawsy.lla.Hloa.Jau. 0, IMt (ieuersl llatcbelder, former quarter-tnastrr-urneral of tho aruiy, died In Washington last week. Booh Statlonem-Pcrlodlcalo. DttUU tor ildrl is.ll thool ls4 tifl Oookl Uhltl cttre) inttirllfs)4M'lHiulnpttls frUIsi sv4 f if fitr. bit4 M olir wr1 (uilrrkf rirMJirroMA.ILl)rcsiACo tail Laka. liW i4MairMU.Hiuutod. nDADCVtW DIICOVCRYi ttofi UltUrO I ikkrufiiMirttwort cav.ft. lioolt ft iim(1s.:i uS It ! Irittintai IUI. PU. U. M. UI Wis, M- . U U. . ABSOLUTE I SEOUBSIii 9 Ccnulno mm Carters H Little Liver Pills. H Must Boer Glgnnturo of Bjlfl if Poc-Slvills Wtfir" Dalair. iHasU Tof y a aaall and as esar lUrBll to lako bj sscsr. HINt rprrTiroRHUDACHr. B IbAKl tlo tor DiniNcss. K Kittle ron ciliouskws. H IttTlVFR FOR T0RPI3 UVtB. H rfl PI I L? FOR COIISTIPATIOK. jH I HJ W rORSAUOYSalH. H BJiHBiEH lron7iiEcoMPimoii H ,. . ournuto ,-., lauwL- BBI CURE OICK HEADACHE. H uLslTja.u n.u atAiikB ilUJ.aCnEf BBB fSALZER'S SEEDS F H i,,, - -VILt KAKC YOU IIICH7P BB Orfr. - -tra .-ular It aalaitiyUax. f HHB 5jg u..l-r.l..U fejio t B BSMtr" .Una Bin cm .. l-n' V Al !' SSSSSsS nJi!n'-i.4., no,.. ZkBRtjlllfL BBI niw. Vj'-r' ji"." ua,aia,uriauv f H H John A. Salicr Heed Oo. It Cnitt, Bit. f i trti-n-w-n w -w m w srn-w 'iri ts IN 3 On 4 YEARS H AN INDEPENDENCE ASSURED G$2om fm"bj:iir!o.'reJi "ffMiMBr iucii. ft, Vn.i tun H biuiuu.tbii loicjaottl rT)7 n.tran U H iil on Ktipi.ratlon to ti Bu,k rlnlrLtltTii ot H ImrolirBtiun, l,prini,i.t o( lnirtor i)i(w, (itnK.!ri. or to W V lloonctt, Ml K Y. IM H UMn . Oaiahi, NcU H FREE ELECTRIC BELT OFFER lsiMMhfiMnUf, VJlrtTUIMiri.lWIUiri H WKituirtii-uiMso.J H FS5-?tT?5o,,1 i--"auniiicMiti H WSMMrJMplMBaMsM, 9&BftHIRJ9Util&B&,&&t&&,ml jrtOl Wflsil 1 lbr trtiMoiT7Mo fcii'aI Mkt H MnUuMUmU. OtLf fttRltlStVoUirMl tflMoaoo, wNkMWN fad UswirtsTi, 1 0t nnlH JBBBBBB MlvlinMntllMuWtl,(ih.4tHalaki.UM. ftBHBBB QEAn3, HOEQUOK&CO,, ChlCOBO M "SURE CUREOR.TilESi H ThT. turM, m ) ltltotj, Ultlac r lrtHnidia J iiMrcsirt4krpr.poankofVlRamtitr H jiidragMtrMV'rfUTr,u'r "I11 bbbbbVI UftWuliyrfM ilLtlUftlNkU,ltUlftitv,Vft. H W. H.U.Ualt LaksrNo.3.IOoiT M I LBilious--6ot a Cold? I I You're bilious, got a cold, you have a throbbing sensation In your head, a bad taste In your mouth, your H eyes burn, your skin Is yellow with dark rlng3 under your eyc3, your lips are parched and you feel ugly and H mean, as If you vanted to kick a lame Infant or kill a canary bird. Your system Is full of bile not properly Q JM v passed off, and what you need Is a cleaning up Inside. Don't continue being a bilious nuisance to yourself 0 H and those vho love you, but send out at once for a box of CASCARETS and work off the cold while you sleep. H a Be sure you get CASCARETS 1 Don't let tlicm sell you a fake substitute. 5 BIB V Bss .son cers Decemner anu. 0 BBB 9 tmm II ' TaB " " Ijoto nird yoar Talnabl. CAS- . 0 H jfr yotsOaMsW lifl ,r CAIHSTSJ and nnd pirfect. Couldn't '' ask Ussr tsssBssssssssss 'IssssV aiat do wllhoul thtm havo u,d thftn for canU MB osbbbbbbsVbssIHI B somo lima for IndlKfillon snd blllouinaaa wnvn g H f kKr ssw H " and smnonrcomptttelreurtd lUcomrainil "" 10 H A aBRB BB W' BBB JT" ,h,n1 " 'Vary ont One. younwlll liar M "11 BEST FOR BOWELS AND LIVER. &T IK T? 1JMM NEVER SOLD W BULK. G iSSl I THE TABLET mm DRUGGISTS y? I'lllno.Uk. tjn.llpllai. Clll.orai.Uelr ,kah.u.1..:;JI,;.h,V. r.,flad aur..r .rr rrilail.d, lio buy "'ft.'"" .fl'i !" ; fH ..r..lo.l...r..rH...,r.r..U.S. . u...r . .....!,. Hajlrkl.-. g jH OOOGOOQOOGOOOGGOe)OOQOOOOO0OG)OGOOOOO0OOOOOO0Q M