Newspaper Page Text
The CoalviiJle Times. - . I iL fr r , H rf PEOPLES ADVERTISER. I dbvoteid to : iijra'innaiST0 -nemit coxfl-iTr. Ik'Ofl W6W NEATLY EXECUTED, H Vol. VIII. COALVILLE, SUMMIT COUNTY, UTAH, FRl5JAMARY t8, 1901. No. 3. Hj LETTERS FROM CORRESPONDENTS. Around the County in Seven Days. The HepreoDlDgs cl the Tut Week Told In Detail by Efficient Correspondents. m nun UV - M "'. UtAii, Jan. IS, 1901. I IHT 11 linn J ti, l.mtri, our merchant, went 10 1 rtrk Cily .vettctday on Imtinw. K Sorn.nii and I.. C. barton made lilpt" l'uiK ( itr yesterday oil bullion. Ail II " who ma In need of coal ate lejui. oc iu think Ihejr mi net It near it Wamdiip. Mill Si IIU' fcottcnien tpent Sunday an I Mit hv In tbe laik vltltlngwtth Mr. Lucy Wicalo. Mr and Mr. J. K. Lemon cnt to rruoun 1 In- 12th 10 Ill thulrtlauzfater llvtln Thev returned on the 1 lib. Our cuiiilnblohai Win auctioning off ettray lniir.a today. They mail beval liable milinalt, ni two of them told for III 00. Tlie l uluntt ha bean quite cowl tins putt f. w.ia, bill If the mil IU) I out another d.i) or 10 ibviovtlllb too tlelgh lug ut nil. Mr 11ml Mil l 0. Unuii entertained a number ol their d m.J. on the even- j llijoitbe fith. lhnnir wi tervod at Oo'oto.k, after which all Indulged in ploying; card, gimei t'f various kind and varum other aiuuttiucntii. At 12 o'clock rc'reihiuenu wore tervrtl, anil then all bid tint butt and hotton u kind goo! Highland went honie, fcwllnif tlwl tff. jKSy bad tpwit a u-fyiU,"Jjil.OVojfl'y neglected ..old. T.U, tllli'rf ItOIlK T I1UI MlhYUl I'll the icnai euro fir1 cou;li, coldiJiunlnll puimoiiaiyniliiKmi. 1, ,1'rlcr, 23 and 50 mill. John l!u)diiii 5e K ton. j l'LII,l, M l'uu, Utah, Jan. 17, 1001. J? Eimon riiihai JF llithop Walker wim.Uliil to Coalville K on buiine tbu Ural o( theweik. X I'rank Mile, w bo broke lilt let; a iliort f lime ago, will tuonlw uhle to bu around ' again. The tudden chuiigee III thowiMtber Inra tevern on old mid young alike; coldt aru Incoming fuiMonably. Attn rt Jentou and Dorothy Jorjtenwn went to hall loiae oil the 15th and limy 1 V two will bu nude onu today. May llivlr I future 11 ot 1m tbu mot happy. ,' It. It. i:. Van. Tho piopeitlw ol IIALLAIID'S sNOW ' LlMMK.SrpotM-nii rwigeufiitefiilneee greater ilit-u nuv ulber teuuMly. A day y icldoiu p.iteot In every houtehuuld, e- -v clull) where tbvruatt cbtldrmi, that 1 It l not inild. l'rlc, MandoOtculi. , John llu) Jen A Swn, IUA.MIIIir. Wamhiiii', Utah, Jan. 10, 1901. mi Kiiiinu Tiiiki. S l'uler M llxongaenedilllisdant Wt on tbu 7ih, uhh'li wai Hull attended. 9P' (Juittta liuuilwr lniv Bono In Ifom 4& lure tbu week to nINMtl iholnolUKk MB, convuiiioii ut halt UiVe. lK Mm. 11. High) ami Jln.'l). Ktkulaon Hl 1iuo been quite li'k for uek liaal but K aru eomu butler lion. Dr. 1'rrncli liti H been up atlending them. P 1 riiUllu l'elemon, ub caino bomu i)HL fium halt l.uke to tpend theholljA), Um bin bien quite tlok uter Iuce and doe. H not ecem muili bettor at thli time. H Tim Carter and M0010 Hour mill lim H Ucn cloned for louiii tlmo on account of H tbu mill race Udrnc froeen up. They ex H pect to bo oble to ttart up again next HL I'eter ltank and Charlet fckldmorc, i two meuibera of the Dewey band that JB played in the county two wlnttnago, name out from Salt Uk tblt nn-k and , , ar making a vittt hh nt. Thn maaqneraite ball on Tavlay !rnliigwatquitatooeetnudwH well I attended. The prise mkr that lor 'tbeoeat rake walk ilanti was oatrietl off ba Mm Katie le and Claud Wil liam. The other I wo prlaen net lij MIm Mlnulfl Young and Chtrlee SniiUi, (or tbe to bet cliaraelirt. The Imelle babennilthegruiilnitihlld are ftriigthii.l by W II ITU's CltKAM VKinill'UUK. It dMlr)aworm,get ilittinal Morhtaml to rebulklf tbe body. Priet, J eeuU. John HoyUon A Son. irtiH.iTiu Wji'u.atcm, Utb,, 1901. RdhokTmcii A fen Incbet of mow fell on the nlglit of the 14th and llelybt eau now be owl Kaln. Natban ami AlU-tt, the Salt Uke peildlart, vlelterl our rethlenti ou the Uth. It It iciorl(il that tbe Gallic Hock atation nlll be'elweU upbefoie the nevk 1 1 out. 1) lltee iuni I. Uwre lelt here Oil the Uth to attend t ho dock convention In Salt Ijikc. It It underwood that the U. 1'. will elnrt toon to mrnlghten the toad fiyin Kinory itatlon to Oden. Nine earl of hortea aero lilpil from here, oil the I till, billed to Ofden, by Brownell and Toponee from lllgl'ltuy, Wyo llr.M.HMl j ir-sitrtR, Utah, Jan. 17, 1WI. EniToR TiUkK . A pby hi tiling go' tun up by the Home lMMiuatif Compiiiir i'arucolara I nlll be gUrnlator, I Anruilxrol tki Htnefer people are In Halt I.ikeatUmllug the itock conttn I tlon. 1 he iheep men w III b1k bo repiu itrnted alllielr oonvejilloii on Saturday. (i age and uiuved heiefioin Aluiy, Vo. bliu nniu .munch I.tlUr-da) hsintand died iu full fnlili of a glnrloiit tourrec tluu. The funtra' uni held ou Wvdnef day. The 0I1I time given hero but l'mlny night uaa fairly well attended, hut nut by tbe old time iltnoen, many of whom lmtn patted an ay during the latl tivnty-IIe yuan. The Jouug peo ple enjoyeil tliuiuwhe mid the uulvtreal verdict nat that Henry Walker, the vlollnlit, It nlll a lively chap, The people of lleneftr are till) lied up for the Hum of (aoUIiIi-h for loading and unloading hero. Wu lim-e a grade for n tpur and that It all. It.would reeat that auoiher rond through here would be ntilcuniMl by thu peoptoiilong IhlarluT, who hao beenditiigrdrl in every re ect by thu preteut rnllroad eouip.iuy. Ilenoftr thottld not only have n loading tpur, but It thould have nn agtut. Y hae ople tmwllng to andfrooery day and the butlneat of Henvfer would to greatly incrrated with proper faellU tlet. The money ntilirli.ulliOM of Hen oferwaioer tSoOO, nn.t tlilt It u tinnll amount ooinparid willi the clieekt that nro uted. Ileueter it a protperoui town mid If the wai only ghen the faellltlea Hint tbe biialueif of the loirn dtninmli, and of tight, the would not belong In making a grand liolng, A It la, we uaii but wall and tee what comet next. OlMedfr u1eeee.11 lt cleaned by gently wiping them with a fine cotton cloth illiwdln aweet' oil. In the lutnmer, when fli mo troubtetonie, uaih the framra iu wuter In which tnoorlhreu ouloiit have been bolleil. iict nut ut mi ii.n... i.r iii r.inuin. A Mexlrau war veteinn uiul proinln out ull'orwrllon "Seeing the ndver tlteinrntoll!hainlurlaiu'Oolia, Cholera and Dinirhoea ltemedy, I urn reminded that at a toldler in Mexico in '47 and MS I lontraclid Mexican diarrhoea und thli remedy linn kept me from getting an increateln my petition for ou every renewal n dote of it rrtlotii me." It it unequalled at a quick euro torjllarrhooa and it pluitant and mfe to ttke. For tale by Jobu Bo) Jen A Son. 11. v. 1. riini. j "Keep off, lhal't myvrclntidarm," It all the ruge In achoot now, IVett. lltlmhall reportt the largett elaaa In tcbuol oopeivlalon ever held In tb B. Y. A. l'rof. Hickman goee to ltlrhdeld next Friday toloettirebefttiwlbeSeUer Coun ty Teach r id' Iiiflltnle. A few tudrntt wbotv patent would not allow them to be vaccinated have illtcoirlnuwt tchool. It It ettlmaied Hint the number (aired to quit will not exceed ttu, ttirplteof the regntatlun lint every one mutt be viMclnateU before rumineni lugnhool, ISO ncA ttndentt ba Wen enrolled thlt eemetter. The laigo Co! lege Hall I filled to uverflnwlng at iteentlotial cxerritrii. an I Ihrre I aoino talk of having tbo atudenti. nuet in two roaui for general imemhly. The tratt in the High S. bool buildinx ham been thoroughly overhauled. Tnp pretenl arrnngeuient in more eomuio.1 lout niid nrtletir, and eatt ate prutliUd forSUI itmltiil. Should lhudiiiaud of tlietchoel rrqiilto It, tbo teatlng ca jmclty of tlilt room can to tncrfiitel to 400. , Domtttle telenre It ripcetally popular (bit reinotter. It bat been lieortmry to refute n number of itudentt III pilvb 1egof Inking Ihlt oourte, on nccounl W tbe abnormal dtinaml for thatllnlt work. One of the moat Interring rlatte In Ihl drpartnieiit la the I'OB rlaat iu "cookery." The Academy may (iirnltli the head cook 1 fur liotule and reeiaurautt Ijefote maHy year, pf Illoivn To Atoiu. M Tne old Idea that the body some time iimmU a poweifut, draillc, purga Ihepill ha In-cii explored; for)r. Klng'a New HblMlla, which areTner fectly harmltt, tenth itimuUtuiKvir ami loel to expel pjltnnuu tiwter. rleante thoayitcui and nloolutelyMcuie goutllptUoii and Blfk Headache JEjUr Wlig&i J ofnitiio'rSeii jtattid rgglttpti 'j Co'iituu County UicrRoril"o r'f ticlivo ' fur further Infotiunihn, IS Till: M8TWCT fOl'llT. I'llO-i batodlrltion,lnniid (orSuiuinltcouuty, Stalo of Vtah. In the matter of the eetatftof Uobert Salmon, deeeaied. No tice. The petition of William llo-lton, adinliiUtratorot the ottnlo of Itobort Hnlmou, daceMil, praying for the eettle mvnt of (lull account of ld Wllllmn llotlton,adiiilultirnior, mid foi lliodlt tributlou of the reehluc of aald ottalo to the potton entltleil, l.aa born eel for heating on Tuetday, the 5th day of Feb ruary, A. 1. 1(101, at 2 o'clock p. 111. nt the County Oourl Home, In theuonrt loom of hM oeurt, In Ooalvllle City, Summit county, Utah, WITNKSS, thu cleik oftald (Hkjil. court with llio teal thereof alllxeilthla lnth ilayofJnu. uary, A. 1). Wl. 1. 11. Nkxiy, Clerk. ,illr(i Tnr 1'iililli'iUluii. No. 4709. Department n( the interior, 1 Uml Uftlee nt Salt Ukofltv, VlahS December 30, 1000. ) Notice It hereby Uen that the M lowing 'named tetMcr hat fllwl notlco of hit Intention to mnko final ptoof in tu Krt of hit clr.lm, and that tatd proof will be mndo bcfitte the County Olerk ol Huoiinlt co.inly, Utah, nt Coaltlllo, Utah, on IVlimnry Oth, 1001, vi. Neltlol May Wnrdell, widoa ol Jamet Wardell, II V. No. UtiOT, dated Oct. 28, I8U0, for the W1 of N WJ4 and VJ ol Ui Sec. S8, Tp. 1, Ml K. 8. I M , Utah. Utah. Ilo naiuet the following wit-' uuetet to prove lilt continuous retldenoo upon und cultivation ot taid land, viz ' Tliomaa Wilde, Jr., and George Y.'ilde of Oakley, hiiiiimlt county, I'mh, Johua Coney, ol IlocLioit, Suiiiinit county, Utah, (ienrge Wardell of IVoh, Punimit uuiinty, Utuh. Fiumc 1). 1 IcjiiiiH, Ilrgieter. 11. E. Hum, utturney, n52i6 Slop thu rough uml vorU uir llio Colli. Laxatlvo Ilrowo-Quinlne Tablcticure a cold In one day, No Cute, no l'ay, lMie 25 centi. -jjjffilct tourl. I Jmlce M2B'"B,' niiiled by Klein gifuH,flk- "" out (r im Hall Ijikii Tiiet"'' ,lrlVa bm ( NNion n( , dlttrict of'ijJB" feOowiiicriiMt were en her ptjll Ul" lMket or dlepoeeil "UteoTjlv J- W- Netl.K-tfor I el'tumj-tMj .' niai ftlMitfw. J W. Niel.tetfor I fl. " lB' V 1 SUte aijuejipi Joterli llnghi't. On motion atlEEyilJ .Attorney Calli the ileftM lUntflliargHl Saftr notion. U, f lUHlSMt. A. Jonet, Feb. 5th. M. S iVKtHSLffM"'. Oo, V. Oointto. L Mln'ng CjJ?S.M. Iiiitteldutl. Nullcm nt JjHMMle ami tet amde the l$wt" ntBHJBtwlt ordered. Vain .Knwfcn vt. IM. ttltouinete, Feb. r, tiSHt i,,lap b .vTuntilStt al ami M. Watteman fa Jon n nfflMhiI. Notice of motion to vm i'liaM'Jl'l'' Judgment at d de fault nrdffSTfM' liatljuTihl n Jjlill FlUgcrahl, Fib. 'bB9f t'lirniloTlJrTlittr va John Hay and Mary Il-lSTlf, 1'ob" 6,''' J r. tWflt l Wtlllai" l'etlgo. Feb MbJttK ' MlLliftjfSf5ld Vt K. II. llughet, FebVli.lpaV,- K.te jo1u75lgn'Tfc Mr. ''ib-M din i MjCBlJr 1ft l, Tt Daly-Weat Mining OvjUfMJu I liriull wft V g W. I. llirhardu, reb.0thlB ' rT "" John.ffiBnnttoi v JatneiM. Oatcy, e' a' , eMitedJpr Hie letin. MnuiiffltaU V May I'lirjcralJ, p it'ojJn , a WllllKjjSk va llotiry filileldi, lltickeiWJchltUilur. Ttitnigfuxlgtreii vt Allchne) File g(nMJilyed. - Mimmumi' iifi!llk Ktwklf' Wo1., ?tJVPmTv3i?'u'' " W. ijilley vftltk.K. Dtomlcy, ct al., Feb lti 1 I.1IH0 K. WTnterlon va John Winter ton, ttrlrkcii from ca'radar. Mary lwitrv t Duulel Iwlt, leltled. MtrtluMcdrath ot nl. vt 1). D. llrwln, ot nl., continued for lerm. Domlnkk DJguan ct nl, vt I'.IIm Nol ton.otnl., Fuji. 11th. II. O. Wilton v 1 1 rod It. Davit, Feb. 12. IvlMJonnta l'hllllpi vt Ann Clutf, Feb. mil. MatthlaiJorgtiiten vt Alfred Tbouip Hti, Feb. Ill John J. Wood VI ltlohartlirquirer, con tinued fertcrm. MarMjel l,liidcn Vi Anchor Mining Oo.. ! , ' inotiAir. Dr. V.VIt!ck,u native of Knglaud, vvnt ndmlttal tocltlmillilp. Mra. K. Condon, executrix of tin will ofDanltl T. Condon, iltoreewl, mkeil for ml'verdcr of tle of real ettale. (liAiitcliJ Mn. JulLvvllo of O. J. I' rcaied, m fur letter of adtiilnlttra Hon. t 't fr Fob. 6th. t 10 o'clock. In ih jiTnto ol Jamet (Jlunn an order win lt .fthatthoadmlnltlrntoriipiiojr and tin Quio why he thould not bo remove I , Anui fSlinenllnlliepetllloiifordli- tnbutli ol proiwrty ol llargatel Ueei wnaon eil, Alio ? Wat Ittutd thatalltiof 2ft Juror ' drawn fur tbe 1 obruary term ofcout I A I'n ifiirulC'liUnifi Human Hpieln. I'nf I6x Tyler, of Chicago, Vlc. I'rethl illllnoil Woman' Alliance, ill! wki ,f I Chanibeilaln'i Cough Item-, edy, n . "Iiniretod with a aevete 1 eoh ti klnterwhlclithtcatenedloruu llntirpi dmonla. 1 Hied dliretent rcra- edle I 1 1 aocmtd to grow worte and the 1111 fclno uptet my ttonincli. A friend jrlicd nu to try Cliamberlnln't Cougti Uimcdyand I found It wt ,'lea rant to ike and It relieved me at once. Inmn entirely recovered, taved a doctor Mil, time and auirerlng, and I will ur jr bo without thlt tplendld med icine in." For ale by Jolin Hoyden & Eon. I f ;'; Til Huiiltiriii Tlnr. Hen Thmnti F. Walth, elected preti dent, at Chicago, of the National litiga tion Congre, eloeed hii remit kt ol ac ceptance at follow 1 : "I am In favor of the propeeed work ol thlt corrvenllon from a bnxd humani tarian lUndpmnl. The work upon which yoo. ere engaged It not one of the pairing hoar, Cnrtird to n laeceufnl nine, iu good rnlt will roeehdowii to anliorn iget. It lhnve you 10 enter npon It 10 llie liroodeet and motl paliiiilie tpltll. Ste to it the tel lUlmetiol a locality or of Imlivtdiiale hall not nullify lit rttullt. ttegln at the vert limodat'on l tuewiirk to make itacuiiplei inc. en, i, "l-irtl Take Hep tn u,p the itettruc 1 . Hon nl our mouiitnlli (ort, the great w i'er tetvoli" ul nature, anil iK'gln rtl"ringlliedi'Mtn)ed loreitt by iilanl ing vuu-'g net Kiiiupe, gr.wn wle with ex'ueai(., 1 tav place lorbldt llieuitnngiila tree, even III a nian't i un titiit-r-r. ii'il it ne one i planted In it iten.t. I'Aglla'e nml Inidit lip a )lemo( roivdt that w ill U a Jm and a luxury In all the ientue. I lle that ill the j building nn, b. ainilylng and making at tract ne ilietmal hniue of onr Onuiilry lleiheliet ij'ulion of that ct) lug evil ol lliediy the couge.tid condition of Ollr lltge rillrl "Wi lue ot an n;e i,l benevolence. Nevir In in' '- lii'tun thedenlr to I idueniu iliinir liTllii ,p thing and bet tering ut lijnutii grrattrlhan lotlay. I "If ou curry your laliort U a tuoce (ul end, you will be working in Kilt ill recilnn hyibenging the dtterlwattee Into fertile hirin the happy home of a 'to.iroU", citilenied iople." AIi'(i.11lvrj. li It amyttery wby womaaemlar Hack nclie. Headache, NeivouaneM, Sleepletf neM, Metiiuholy, Fainting and l)y SjKUiwhen thouMudl have proved that JlltctiUjIlltter will quickly cte tucli ttublttthu mlltriil for yen it wllliklJ-l g.agtlilJlrail-haUftliMleV.I M IcfCnJJrT," lmflw,Artltiiiei mmiihwi lialueil nit k) 1 could nov ifrre irtolTelf. butl.loclnc Uliteri wholly cuiol me, iid.altliongli73feniinlil, 1 now am able to do all my liouiowjrk." llovcr comei L'onttltlun, Improve Appillte, glveH'rfect IimIiIi. OnlyMcenti at John Hoyden fe tmn.idtug ttore. IMrtiy otlrc. fiTAte or tlyali, 1 In Coalville City Coinn or SfwMtT.V of mid county. Cm or Coalville ) 1 liuve In my etlon the follow ing described etlrayanlma which If not rlalmrd and taken a) , will be old at public auction to the blghet ch.Ii Wil der at the c'ty eetrar pound. In Coalville city, on Ueilneaday, tbe 23rd day el January, 1001, at the hour of S p. in. I On ilttk ehettniit Mitral mate, itar Iu foriheeil, or 7 yeartnlJ, illegible brand on left tboulder, weight about 1000 Kund One two vear old bay gelding ! branded to on right tboulder. Ono torral white fed hone, two white lugi. Hjeart old. Illegible brand on tight thigh, weight about 8MorlH pound. bald ettvii were take-up by me In twlit rlty on the IJthdayof January, 1U01, from u public tttet iu wld Oily of Coalville. Hi "I" Wiikcu, l'oniidkeer (or Coalville City. It would not hurt any )oung tnin to cut out the (olloa lug tulei of Ituitel Fnge, miilll-iulllloiialre, nrd pailu thtinlu III hat. They are guaranteed to bring both happln and Micneti "wave 26 eetit out of every dollar mad. Alwuri rite ' at the tame hour and work uiUll your tatk I completed. II bonett and brav e unough to loll the troth under 'all clr I cumttance. leien.l un yourtell and 'cultivate tho feeling of lodtpaiideuce. wAWTKn-iaiwi1. tellrtt f'"i"-t eoiiiilr ietprwiit tr ti.iiiy at olM liua ital "MilalC.ui w Mlr ,1-" JW. jajfJU liahkJWaiJ." llol'UK. ill INwrkera Hi . CWM io thu in:r. A rich tidy cutid ol her Uti. and Noliet In thu He.! by J). Mcholton'l AillllcUl l!r Iliiimi, gave 10,000 to hit Itiitltnte, to lint deal people unible toprocuio the Bar Drumi may have them free. Addtett No, 13103, The Nlcholton Inttltule, 760, Xlgbt Avenue. New Y'ork, U. B. A, frnt.i i:iri.. BrR l'arenl' hablloal eoinlnct haa more SBaV' Inflaenco upon their children than their 9Si moil pwltlw prei epli. If parer.U ne- j fKB lect In govern their Own tongue, elilld- j gi ten will neglei-t t, govern thclra. It j ffi' pirenti in glut to govern their own J Baffl temper, the ih l.lren will neglect tn JOb' govern their. II parent neglect (o -I Wag treat tlielriuneiiort.liiferluriandeqiiali ! StaV with topetreiec .rtiiklion will follow I wSfli thrlr ill example. If parenti dlxreganl i BfiJ and violate the Hat.hnth, children will Wtt& do the tame. If patent! trample on the BeS lawtofthe land, tho e'llMreti nlll bo BS jioor member of foclety. If patrntt IBfl aieglveii to vanity, rhlldren nlll heenmo laBi ftlll more vnln In their freliag and np- 9k pearance. In thott, rhlldten will bo qBR tote Inlluineeil by the example of their QB pirenti than by all their inilructlone H and raetraluti. Illitlie want nlgool jH example mote tlnn anything elo that H to often itetefltt parental inttructioni. H 1 It ClrilU'iTliit Ihirlli. H The fame ot Iluaklen'i Arnlrn Phc, jH a the beat Intthe vroild, extend lound H tho earth. It'tlhoono i-erfect healer H ol Cula, Conn, Hum, lltiilnee, Horn, H Scaldi, llollt. Ulcer. Felon. Ache. eaH I'alui and all Skin Urupllottt. Only H Inftlllhle l'ileeurn. Sean box at John H llajden.v: f-on't. jH A dlrartcrnui tnk rcenred near HII- H llnnl, Wjo, W.dnnday in which Ihlr- H lien people wne Injured, The train U wa running atahlgh raloolepeed when H a truck limke, preelpitatlng a dining; H utvl cluilr car down the iMiibiiikmenl M All the ear were derailed. It It corlilil- H rred by trainmen a miracle that many i H wcte not killed outright. I jH ''Thebetttlinttodogiioil, I wlienorcr I H vie have n chance to do It." I low lew H .of uithrrenrawbodotuU. How many IH cliiicMo(dOleggoodwopiaicarlciJyby- B H eatlidnyofourllvOt.IIowutletlycetlliUi i )H I wo bio. Wo afo to wrapped up ill oar IaH nl vet that we fill to teolhe weary, heart- tXJbfl Aii')uJ;&iff iti?;ife'rL.'ijJ;Vi..i.iipiltje couraglngwordf" JMltfii'Su)l"'doci5notrSl r contltt nltpgcther In giving of money, or fll lot thote Ihlngt which etn bo ohtatnoil H I with It. A kindly word, n cheerful imllo rfjSB lornheetlv hind-ihake often doe untoht iH gil. I think our onrcleainoii In thrto H tliliigr.tiinybiiowtngtolliefacltliittlioy apjiear, lout, uehitin pie thing, thilwo' undr-value their crTict. Yet we know that the greatest good that I complitli cl In (Me world, it not hv thoto K)I teered of the grrntotl rh lie or tho molt learning Tliere It Im much of the de lielnour heatl for theaiproblionot tbe world. We ate too anxlnu that other ilimild know of the good wo have done. Thu thould not bom. We thould. I do goul, hrcauifl ol tbe lave Iu our heart t toward our fellowmen, beoantn of our f deelte to miiku their IWei brighter and L . better. In doing thlt we add tin fold to our enjoyment. Title life It too hott lo be iponlonlltily on toll. Wo ihnuld re member tho life to eoftie, and the day It which woilmll berallml upon to miiwer fnr the doeilt done In the body, whether they be good or evil. If wo would glvo mora thought to theae tiling, nicldlnki ; our time would be dlffeiently eniplnyixl. -Kx. The Hoard of oducittlon ol fet. I)ttl bit a rule requiring the teacher! In tho public eeboolt to play with the children, " atrecet. In nn older day no inch rule. waiteqtilreil. Tho teacher who would i have refuted to Join In the aportt of tho puplli thirty yenn ago wonld have falloil ' Igltomlnlouily. He would have been , : eonildctwl ttuck up and would have lott , M lila ludtience. In menyenteaafew tuln VI utvl tpeut by thu toucher In the open air jy, and In rompi with iliechlldreu would be JM beneficial not only to the puplli but Io- . Tn the teacher. Molt proftiilunal people , E outtlda tin tiiihlng prjfeeaion, bourn 9 to their detki for hour at a tlretcli, fl would gladly avail theiiifclvei of tucli TO prlvlUgo, A brleloullngof afemlnu- Bnj tot would tavumiu) n hard mental work- SW er from nervout projtratlon. At any nn rite the 6t. 1-oult rule It a gooil one and Sflj ulgbt le followed eltew here with benefit, 19 1 Io tbe tcliooli. Hx. a 1 i