. Ss5jj "-7". ! "MJI -i--'iVllJKii2li,,,,'l!SLS!K,lw UI-Whjji J' iiiwwmiwiiiuiiiiiiMiiB,mwgBmmuiiiiiiwiii lljliusn mill . flH
i -
. .Va ViWMAa,aAWW'sWrt
cblior, illJ you ib t llw 1 1 lie Co-op I
l. I
' "Will Chiir was making tha rotrndi
hero jfMleriWy.
Miss Miml Walatr lias rsturnwl
homo from Halt Lakf.
Theftasli lUrnHln tjtori, lilt more
bargain to offer I lift nk,
Tim Summit Implement Co. till nes
In tUclf ad thli week.
MI11 Klltli Cumuli went up to Park
City Muixlujr oil n villi.
Mill M. II. Minion mtt traucactins
business in ball I.ak tbll k.
lieorgo Until went ilnstu to Salt
Ljke Wednesday on a business trip.
' A iiang ol men are Imiy stringing new
telephone wlrti from tiers to l'ark City.
U, Y. Bullock' new addition to hla
teildcnco It rapidly nearlng completion.
A govrrmrtit Internal ro enue collector
valuers thli eekou ofllcial builneu.
, l'arcnli ihould not forget to attend
' tho f-uoJny school conlereucs Sunday
Not n flako ol mow or ilropol rain (ell
In thli county during the month ol
Ttiouisi llrlgiia.an old acquaintance
ol lbs lato Jin. Williams, came up from
Bountiful toattn-d the luneral,
Din Wilde, wile and children came
down from the l'ark Monday morning to
attend the funeral of Mra. Wllde'i
When you want a pleaianl laiallvo
tao Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tableti. For tale by John Uoyden A
It. II. Welib ol Morgan wai ber thli
week looking up builneu for the Con
'" :. sMIdaUd Wagon and Machlns com-
Money to Loan on Real Estate. Termi
1 eaty. Optional, payably yearly or at
maturity of note. Apply to It. II.
Welsh, Morgan.
The editor has been buiy thli week
making out blllt for subiirlplion to thli
patxr, which will be presented In a
short tips, and ewouM like those who
are owing us to be ready with tho money.
We pay our debti became it li right,
and In order to do thli we muit have
money, lobe prepared.
Tho entertainment glxcn by the dis
trict ichool children at the Opera Home
lait Saturday night irai a grand lucreM.
All the little tola who took part did '
exceedingly well, and the ttachori are
deserving of much credit for tho hard
work they performeJ In innklngthe en
tertalnmented the grand success that It
wai.Bomethlug otrr ISO wai rtalltcd
from theproceedi alter alt expenses hai
been paid, which will bo uied to pur
cluie bouki for the icbool library.
Tho John S. Llndtay company wai
grrete I by a lirge audience at the Opera
Home Wednesday night, when they
played "TlieTno Orphans " Notwith
standing the piece li an old one, anil
had been presented here many timet), it
took wrll. Mr. Lin diiy li supported
by a good strong company and eteryone
of them took their parti well, bringing
forth much applause. Last nliiht the
company preiented "Haiel Klrko" to a
lar,!eaudlence,and gave good ratlsfnr-tion.
'I wai much aflllcted with iclatlca,"
writes IMO.Xud, Iowallle, fcedgwlck
Co , Kan., 'going about on crutches and
suffering a deal of pain. I was induced
ti try Ilallard's Snow Liniment, which
I relieved me, I used three 60a bottles,
H It is tho greatest liniment I over used;
have recommended it to a number of
persons; all exprets themseltesaa being
H bsneflted by It. I now walk without
H crutches, able to prform a great ileal ol
H light labor on the farm." 2oc, Ws.llW.
Hj bold by John Bodeo A Son,
Cur'l Paralysis
W. fa. Daily. I'.O.True.Tsxai, write
H "My wife bad been suffering the years
with paralyils In her arm, when I was
persuaded to use PalUrd's Snow Llnl-
mem, which cured her all right. I have
H also used it for old sore frortultes an I
H skin eruption. Itdoes the work." 36.
69i.. 11.00. feold by John Boyden A feon
I Your return card printed on
H too envelopes for 75 cents at
The Clwlilmtvs Delineator
The December delineator, with Its
m swgc of good cheer and helpfulness,
will lie welcomed In every home The
f ithion pane are unusually attractive,
illustrating and deocrlblng the very lat
est modes In a way to malo their con
Sir jctlon during the bus festive season
a plMiuro Instead of n task, and the
1 terary awl plclor'al features are of rare
oxrellenee. A selection of I-ove Sons!
f-um the Wagner Opi-ras, rendered into
Gnulish by Uichaid de Ualllenne nod
beautifully llluitrated In colors by J. C.
Lej CDd ecker, occupies n prominent placi ,
and a chapter In the Composers Srlef ,
relating the Homance of Wanner and
Cusima, Is all lulerestinz supplement to
the lyric. A very clever paper entitled
"The Court Circles ol the llepubllc,"
describes some niilouo phases of Wash
ington social lifts Is from nn unnamed
contributor, who li said to write from
the Inner circles of society. There are
abort stories from the pens of F llopkin
ion Smith, llobert Orant, Alice Drown,
Mary felewart Cutting and Klinore
Klliott I'eake, and such Interest writers
as Julia Magrndcr, I.. Frank llaum, and
Urace MacOowan Cooke hold the atten
tion of tho children, Many Chiiitmas
suggestions are given In needlework
and the Cookery pages are redolent of
the Christmas feast. In addition, there
aro the regular departments of the maga
zine, with many special articles on topics
relating to woman' interest! within and
without tho home.
right Will llo Hitler.
Tboie who will persist In closing theli
ears against the continual recommeda
tlonofDr. King's New Dlicotery for
Consumption, will have a long and hit
ter fight with their troubles, if not end
ed earlier by fatal termination. Read
whatT. It. neall of Ileall, Mill, has to
ay 1 "Lait fall my wife had every symp
tom of coururoplloo. Phe took Dr.
King's New Discovery nfter everything
else bad failed. Improvement came at
once and four bottles entirely cured her.
Guaranteed by Jebn Borden A Son
Druggists. Price 60c, and 11.00. Trial
bottles free.
The Christmas number of the New
Idea Woman's Magtilno bass table of
content! both practical andfeillve.'An
article on "Winter House Growm"
shows two new itylei, embodying the
shirred and tucked skirt, the drooping
shoulders and fall ilesvei. The mag
azine's London correspondent sends an
lllastratlonotan English outdoor coi
tnme which has some suggestive acces
sories ; tho facts about the winter hats
for practical or ornamental use are set
lorlh, and neckwear for men has a pass
to Itself. The cooking columns aro ar
ranged with a view to the gastronomic
aspectof the holiday season, "Season
able Sweets for'Chrlltmai Dny," for In
stance. Is n title that will appeal to most
girls. An article on "Chrlsmas at the
Legations" Is llluitrated with photograhs
ol the little people who will keep Clirlit
mas In the homes of the foregln am
bmaloriat Washington, and "The Mad
onnas of the I'aliiters" sLowi sorao ol
the conceptions of womanhood of the
great masters. "The I'oppy Lady" Is a
story n( two voting happy though marri
ed; "Hark, the Herald Angels" tolls of
three Uhrlitmaiea In a iilrl 1 life; and
The Fairy's Chiiiimss Joke." "ltobby'a
Christinas Im Old Mexico" "Tho Spider's
Strike" and "The Shadow lloby" will
'help the little people to enjoy the
I Cuuihlnr S.IICu,r,l Ilcatli.
"Harry Duckwell, aged25yeara,chok
I de to death early yeiterday morning at
his home, in the pretence of his wife
an i child. Ho contracted u slight cold
a few da) s ago and paid but little alien
, tlon tu it. Yesterday morning ho was
I seized with a lit ol coughing which con
tinued (or some time. His wife tent for
I a physician but before he cnuld arrive,
another coughing spell came on and
Duckwell, died from suffocation. St.
, Louis Globe-Democrat' Dec. I, 1P03."
I Mallard's Ilorehound byrutt would have
saved him. Mc, W, and 11.00. boldly
Jobu lloiden A Son.
I -
I UnltlHUtiUnJOmct,
, MtUkeCllr.uub, UeliitrrllUl, IMM.
I To whom It may eouceru
".oil.-, u lureby then thai the Bute ol I'tan
hllfllwlllllliUulllcv a lltl No 310 ol Uu.ll.-
I ImwI uy llic Ml I rule lor lb MnUliliinent ol
;rnnm waiw rnvrvutra lor Irrtnllni pur
Iom.1 uudvr isrcilon it ol the Aet ol Conrrt
, nil furml July Is, Imn The lollowlox trteti em
bretdlaMUllilareln a toanihlpeouulnlug
wlnctiil lUliaa ul rreonl, via.
KuMVt.awlEH SWl, etc 71 T IN, 11.8
I E. 7 I. ,
eoiif ol mI4 Hit, to lar aa 11 rrlatea In uld
tritofi hi deicrlptlre uuilrltlon. ha Iwen ca
pluloulr wt(t In iiilauinveiorluertoiibr
ur inou lntrwll, anil ly the jmMJc (mi
I W llhln tli DSlt inly ilafi lollowlnj the dale
oltbu notlee. unJer drpanineuuliuttruciloai
ul N.rTtmWt J7, IWS. (A I 11, itik pruiwuor
Minictu ftsint Ihw eUlui ol tb fuw to an ol
I Hit uatieortubtlvukwa bluWlordMrlMd,
ul the irounJ Umi lb roe ! more Tilnabl
lor miiwial llian Im srtenllunl purpowa, w 111
be rreh4 aud ootol lor nwtn ioum lientral
U.irtOaioeit Uatbliuloo, u I rallareaoje
, MoieM or aoatMt wlibln the tine auMifaal will
W eoaMart iui1llti,l eeldeM ol lbs non-
I alural ebarMwr el lb tatd tneu, o.t toe
, eleeUou thereof WU otlwrwu lie Iron ot-
1 tser.i,nK teafiSL,,
iOsmuic A. Smith. Keeit 10-Jl IMS
Mrs Chtnlillo Wllllma Svimmontg
Her rinal Kelt Simdivv 3H
This cemiminlty received a sgjj
shock Sundar alternoou whn the news
was spread that Mrs ChutlMte Williams
wajda.nl. llutvery few knt-w that thni
was sick and her sudden death was "?E
great surprlae. Last Thursday she was
at the and her daughter, Mrs Cecejn
Lusty, walling on that lady, who wai
sick with an attack of pneumonia, .jjn
going home that night she was 111 amU
went to bd. The same dlsetso hM
attacked lior and In three days M
had taken her life. ''
Mrs. Williams wn well known TO
Coalville, having lived hire (or overt
twenty-five years. She was a very quiet?
unaestiming lady, and all who had ti3
privilege of knowing her loved her. She,
was a devoted mother, nnd always wIlN
Ing to help her children anl friends
While she has net been promlnont in a
public way she will be greatly missed.
The ajmpalhy of tho community Is
extended to thebereaved.
The funeral was held from the Slake
Tabernacle Tuesday afternoon, and the
building was well Ailed with friends who
had assembled to pay their respects to
one whom they had learned to love.
The stands and organ wero nMtly decor
ated with white crc;e and potted plants.
The speakers were KlJers George Heard,
F. II. Wright, nishop Frank Croft, and
El ler Thomas llrlggs of Bountiful, all nf
whom paid a fitting tribute to the char
acter of the deceased.
BirKiaArincAL skitcii,
Susannah Charlotte Williams was
born In Liverpool, England, February 17,
1810. At the time of her death she was
sixty foar years of age, Bhe emigrated
to Utah November, 1S78, reaching Salt
Lake on the 20th 0! that month. She
resided In Dountlful and Csntervllle,
Davis County, for about Ave years, then
mjteJ to Coalville, where she had lived
for the lait twentyQvo years. She was
the rnolhsrof thirteen, chlllren six of
whom survive ber, as follows 1 County
Attorney O. A. Callli, John Oallli, Mrs.
Cecelia Lustr, Mrs. Dan Wilde, George
and Mary Williams, fche wai left wldow
whlle her family was,fbuDg"aniUwurMij'
hard ioppSrnfls-iTOiah'eT'wMiTolJ
enough to assist In providing for them
selves. When only little girl she
made donations to the bulldlog of the
Salt I ako Temple and continued those
donations until it was completed. Bhe
was present at the dedication ol the
Temple. She was baptized Into the
Church by tho late President John
Taylor whin she was eight yean of age.
Her father and mother kept the Confer
ence House for the Saints In Liverpool
for many years and In those early days
of the Church Elders Orson l'ratt,
Franklin I). Richards, George Q Cannoi,
John Taylor, and other elJors were fre
quent visitors at her parent's home and
were entertained tbeie. I'realdent
George Q. Cannon preached her mother's
funeral sermon. Although nearly all
her life In straightened circumstance!,
financially, anil unable to lend ber
cblldreojlo icbool, yet, she bought them
good books, and taught them all she
could nt home when they returned work,
Sho wai n devoted mother, and ho
woroout her life In caring fur her child
ren, noiacriflce being considered by ber
too great for ber to make for them. She
died, as she had lived, Arm lu the faith
of the Gospel, nnd a member of the
church ol Jeius Christ of Latter day
A 1'rlglitciinl llursc.
Itunnlngliko mad down the street
dumping the occupants, or a hundred
other accidents, are every day occur
rences. It behoovesevtrybody tohavea
reliable Salv e handy and there's none 01
Uurklen'e Arnica Salve. Hums, Cuts,
Sores, Eczema and I'lles, dlsappesr
quickly undsr Its sootblag effect. 2fc at
John Hoyden A Son Drug Store.
VVanlad-Oulekly, lew iwrtoaa to ri kkd! loot
eitaMlth.1 wholesale hume among retail roerch
aniaatiuaienli Local urrttorr ol lw eoua
ilea tleuUrranlcipenweanil lalit weekly,
KipeuMmeuey a4rauc4. Comialttlon eiua
lennantulelucftKemeut Iluilntta vuvcenluL
I reeloui aMMic nut tiKMIal EnrlOM ll
altre meetm Adlreu, vrsaiKTas
i(xt TamtusT, xfc pfarbura L, tolc0.
ItVlllllltlllll Illlllllliclll,
A sure sign of approaching revolt ami
serious trouble in your s) item Is ner
vousness sleeplessness, or stomach up
sets Electric Hitlers will qulikly dli
menber the troubleiome (.auses. It
never falls lo tone the stomach, regulaie
the Kidneys and Howele, stlumlate the
Liver, and clarify tho blood. Hun down
systems benefit particularly and all the
uiual attending ache vanish aud under
It searching and thorough effect Ivsnets.
Electric Hitters Is only 50c, and that is
returned If It don't give perfect satis
faction. Uuaranteed by John Hoyden A
Son Druggist.
Subscribe ior THE TIMES.
Better than has Been 1
Is what we can say about our Line of -s
I d)Wt,4t4lmiWImtWIWKtH9ltasfttl8ttt1iHil!sWc' jHi
uu8t roceived a now lino of 99
Combination Book Cases, Buffets, 9
j China Closets & Side Boards. , I
; It is natural for us to lead because we have I
i W. L. HANSEN, Manager.
'CASH BARGAIN STORE, Coalville, Utah. I
I !t not indisputably TRUE, that premature grey hair, worry, anxiety, privation nnd
ACTUAL LOSS is suiTcreil and endured in a greater or less degree by those who RUN IN DEBT H
hi part or wholly for their necessities? With many the "Worm I the bud" lies in their conceit,
Oh my credit is good, and with honorable intent, that neatly always magnifies the actual value of H
the work yet to be done to satisfy this credit obligation, they sail in and buy liberally what they H
need as well as what they want and don't particularly need. Going their way with a light heart H
often facetting that HOPE and GOOD RESOLUTION falas how often these are but CASTU13 m H
thb air, instead of sdvance guards to worthy achievement) are but the initiative and stimuli-. to H
toe actual work to be done. H
i1ysfc"' """ t of this mlasmal condition into the SUN BATHED CLEARING IS SHOWN l
" J&t lrT?f M
SHOES Genls B,ack F,eeCd lM WiDtcr 0?firs!l,r(St I
Ton woold eoDildiMhea t kirili it to cli. 77 onL
That suit in Style, Quality and Price. Just Onr price . iUCGCH H
received from the makers the following specials Otnts Plain Blut Flannel Ortrshirts -ji 1 i
in LADIES' FINE SHOES: at a special low price ''C Mil
Lot 1, A Ladiet Fine Dongola Patent Tip Shoe, G.DtS HeilT BlDt FltDQCl OiersblrtS fJCn P CI nnfi fl
jSmSVshof"."6" $1 Colored corded front oDU OL Ql BbH
T nt 1 T n.lU. Pino Tinner nit, Pnt.nt Tin. fair MotlS HnilVV firtl Wlll tnen Oln ft n- Bi
a ?SCS 2S-. .,,..$140 i, -jgjg JJ.5-, R g 25a pr I
Lot 3, Elderly Ladies, aud those who desire a 55 -rnn pinnn1if -,, nn H
plain toe, will find comfort or A S3 ns J PSJlJS18 Pfifi ft PRll flT H
In this fine Dongola. Only P'-JO pr g more and Lamb's Wool, CU, tt GllU JJI
a& ' -- h
Lot 4, Ladies Box Calf Street Shoe, sightly and J3 Infants All Wool HoSO, 10 Cts pair. H
servicablc. $2.00 value. c)1 en A H , ) r h
o F ht)U p I UxtaUllzQorii' I $c pr
Lot 5, Ladies Fine Dongola, soft k d top, very 53 1?"".t" J?.'nc,,c, CnBhmoro, SUIc ,nr nr
dressy. Same quality sells cj or A g lluoXi l ' "- quHty.only OC pr H
elsewhere for $3,50. Our price P'O-' pr J mt BD,t0DJ( ,2 d0l fQf fl H
Good Yilot In Child's Don.ola Shoes, S While Pearl Agate Ballons, !2doz. for 10 els. -
Patent Tip, sizes .j to 8, only. . . 70 cts a pr Shelf OH Cloth. I
"8ji touji, only. Qsctsapr w" Vi' V1WlU'
A Bl urU"tj air Shoes In SliuU for Win, t Am Per yard, 7',o,
Woiurii umi llillilrcn, Jtj By iHo piece, 24 yds, pr yd, GSo M
just received four lots in Iflldel TIlllB IP) 8 R 9
LADIES CORSETS, 0uflrS) 15c; naf gaf 25c; gal, 50c M
Great Value iu a Corded Corset, Satin Finish, if H
sizes 2i to aS, only 35 cts a pair g Only ten pieces left of our special offering ' 9
Sath;5GSeiniue.hiGoa"adt!1,UC: 50C PP 0ullDO QuHtS. It Will Still gO 3t ffl
Dr. Nassen's Corsets Will not break at sides. 18 yds for the $1.00 Hi
Genuine Bouc. Sizes aa to 26 Cp -.y, Ji . $f
0ny J PI g Wc have jst rcccj.VC(i. n nice Jot of W
Model Porm, Satin Finish. Genuine Bone. Bl Ta...1- r ii. ir-i.'j SK
Drab. Sizes, aa to ,8, only SO cts a pair g JeWelPy I0F 1116 HOllCiayS. jEl
Yomlll be iiirprlHd when jou iti the qualllj it tbe nrr V -cio- -n-n--i-- on 1 UAH
Uv price we sk. Elogant Bracelets, 20 conts a pair. J&IM?
- , 0 i Shirt Waist Sets in Pearl and Cold Hale, 5c lo 2jc scl. m
uvei sinrt bpecial. M lm wih cann &m on, M tfSk
saSScIlSA CirPins andtal., Ktnitfa stone, 5t, 10c, ioc and 2ac li
resulsr 75 cent value. Will sell the same fallls Initial JUld SfOne Set Scarf llllS, 5c, 10c, IDC, 20o jH
Shirt for 45c; 2 for 85c; 3 for $1.25 toby's Coll" Pins and Rings, 2c, 6c, lOc, 26c H
Cash Bargain Store, Coalville. ji
.-.- . ' um. .... iimiinniii i iIhii.imiiI-B