Newspaper Page Text
One Man Routed Troop An Interesting story at the advn tejroe o( Rimslnn spy named Volkoff appeared In the newspaper, say n St, Petersburg dispatch In the Lon.'nu Obronlrlo The man give tho follow lag account of hla eaperienc i "Altar the battle of Wafangknw 1 1 wm titan near Oun Banuonoff tc it , tad heard him say to the command r tit the regiment- 'Wo mutt send out a Moat to the Japaneac who could ; y at their position and report to ui t offered to go disguised I-. iii Jap ancara position. I waa given c, niliii a ttt bribe Chinamen, If accessary, and alto a revolver I shaved mr hair In front like a Chinaman, tied on a pig iall and put on a Chines dres, wl-h flippers and ant. "At dawn on July 20 1 ramo to the town of flcuiichcn. There wan nobody thdra The Russlao had left It and lb Chinese had all run away Stid deal a cavalry detachment of about twenty men with an officer, ramo lo ward ma. The officer rode nut and akd In Chlnean where the Ruaalana war and what ai Ihelr strength I know a little Chinese and anawered him, but either I aald enmethlng wrong; or be noticed rny revolver aid money bulging nut At any rate, ha bwnme Misplctniip nnd aponc smne word to hla men Two of t'ie lattt r it in fore dismounted and curat to ward mi 1 decided to aril m Hfe di arly, for I anew tt would lie forfeit til if I were 'iptnrrd I pitt'.-l out my revolver in I i the two - i llera approached t . f" two phonal liem Ibith thtrnwn ( I Thin I lire I it the officer, nrlng-n.- I ini to the ainiind, and afterward entitled IV ntnlvtr at four nttaar mn Tin- addler lout tl elr bcaua and Kullnpeil nway and aa they did o I ran Imir mn I had "hot at fall ae nail) f.otn their enddlea badly wound ed The n I Jnmyed on on of Ihcahnrwa with h had remained eloae by and gal loped away for my llf den Ramaon off promoted ma in th rank of uml.t fflrer, Rave me the hurae and aaddle aid a nt ma to the commander It ehlef. who thanked and embraoed me and conferred upon me a decoration The hurao waa a hrown one, vnrte xroomed and shod II had been taught to catch bread like a dog." conelorleH the man, "and all the Japaneae horse aecm to be like mine When It la bnn vr It opena Ita moiuh to beg for stint- 1 llilng " Small Land of Europe BaaBBBBaaaaHawaanaaBawiEaeaBaaBnaBwaMWBwwaasaESBaaaaKaaMaaaBeanaBaBHi What nni ml kIii call an "afttr-dla-ner eoffce alie country la tho princi pality of Ui-chlcnatclii, a tiny land between the Austrian province of Tyrol and the Hhlne. ncrntly describ ed by a writer In Harper' Magaalne. Ila area la alHiut aUty-one square mils u( territory, and Ita population Joe than ten Ihouaand. Attbougli Iirnotleall) a part of Auairla, It haa lii'en more or leaa Independent for nearly three cenlurle, and waa, ao corillng lo h local peaaantry, forgot- ten by lllamarck when be reurganlied llurnpe after the I'ruaalan vara with Kranee and Atiatrla Once Ueclili uateln bad A standing army. In full force, armed nnd equip ped, It marched away to join the Ana Irlnn forcea In the war with Primula, nnd had It nrrlvcd In time might have turned the acnle, for although It ecu rilled of but tlglily tneri with n cap tain nnd n trumpeter. It was a whole army In Itaelf nnd very brave. For tunately, the country waa mountain oui, nnd the rnnila bnd, nnd when tho army arrived at the camp of the Aui trlans the war waa over. That waa Ila last ippiaranre In pub lic. The UeLhtentein ra had grown weary of supporting the nnt roua mill lary burden impoaed upon the princi pality by theai eighty Idle men. and aetit a weighty and reapectful proleet to the prince, who diacontlnued the army. 8o there la now no military service, no national debt, no direct late. The prince la very rich and paya mneh of tho cinenae of bla little country Inatead of tattng It to 'sup port him. He lattice eolna with hla head on them, and atampa of the aame dtalgu That la a pleasure In Itaelf worth auppnrilng a amall country for, and he la the only member of the Aualilati nobility who cnJoa audi dla Unci Ion Ilia little capital Vaduj, la but a modeat city, and tho prlnco vlalt It but seldom, lie wrara au Auatrlan tl tie A well aa that of Liechtenstein, and alia In I lie Auatrlan House) of Ixirda. Hut from Vienna h can coll up bla own country by longdlstanro telephone, nnd It serve him all the purpoaei of u aubiirlian village to which to retire for real from hta du (lei na an Austrian nobleman Coming Time of Joy T!i world It arowlng beltc-r. po tha prart and iroitl.cia my Olnryl cilery1 lliillrlujahl i And pin and Immnmlliy will aoon ba - awapl away - (llwryl lliorl Ilalllajbl , TMaeeHtaaf the mlllMBlum are drawing iwair our tin, - Th earlb la full of lokmt and n hav ena full or alrn, t TImi tiara ai aliing uunbil Into mil f t (lktrrt (llory! iralltlulahl (Tti trwaia and torporalluna will li atern ly lilftltatil m bay. (llory' Ulir,' llallaluiahl Tbe milllonnlirii ba buated and b work lea by lh day niory1 iflnry' llallujah Tbe erookitl pulltbtana will ba banlabctl frutn in- enrtb i 'ji1 oolnnlu'.l inaathtr round I ha I1ry , furnate henrth Un the kingdom lirr ut brataar lhare la an ritrnal diarih, nteryl (llory! Iluiulujuh' .There'tl tie nn inalilrna -practicing piano lunca neat door . Cilery! Illuryl llallelulaht No bargain euuniina Kid be n In any city alnre, Oloryt Uloryt llallalujahl Plea in Hindoo-English . . Since thu death of Max Mullur, Trot, Krnncln A. March of l.nfnyctto collrgo la unlveraally ndmltted to to tho world' fnremoat llngulat. 1'ruf. March baa un admirable acmo of humor, and tills humor la permitted to meal It often lu hla conversation, and oc , catlonnlly lu hla clear and Rracoful proao, Ono of the illitlnKiilaliod acholnr'a atudenta, now llilug In India, pent to Trot. Mnrch lat week nn amusing specimen of Illndoo-I,nRllsh. It was nn cicerpt from a apeech delivered lu an Indian court by an attorney whose client, n widow, has been as--r U saultrd. 11 ran: "My learned friend, with more wind from n lenpot, thinks to browbeat me from my legs nut this Is rocro gor- , . rllla warfare, I sUnd under tho shoes ' of my client. And only seek to place my bone of contention plainly In your Our wmn-n, blcwa Ihelr precious hearu, will to thetnaaltn ba Inta, Will till lb taablon makara they ean go In Itallyhoo And all will dreaa for comfort as I Mr cilW,'oE)ryUTuil.uJabl TIM raise el maUlmoay will ba tataetl on honest low, Oleryt Olnrvl llallHniahl TImi marrlagt ba only of Ike bread that a made abova. Oloryl Cilery! llallelulaht Prom our vocabulary wilt the wen! Illvnrre, be lorn, And ynulha and mnMa who ileuMo up will p riemnly bo sworn To ne-t biruk l!.' coupling im M Clabrlci trMtip blp horn, aioryl llioryl lutlslujah. How pweel tbe contemplation of ttie thlnga our paaca virw, Oliry' Clin)' II .11. lulnir They i ri ii i h, r it fcitt'W when h' Ircilea alum int. btuf, Oli.r)' tll.,1)1 llulli ij.h And lt u ptrue i ir iirethrcn, from uur tnlnda to doubt. Accept until unioellinicd all the thins- ihry tell annul And play tlmi Ibt y into nater Ul Ibalr nnpty plrep an out ninrrl llor t llallelulaht Jamaa Xlartou Adanta In llanvrr Post. honor's eye. My learned friend vainly runs amuck upon tbn sheet Irons of my oase. Your honor will ho pleasod to obscru that my client Is n widow, n poor chap wllli ono post mortem son. A widow of this country, your honor will bo pleased to observe, la not llko n widow of your honor's country A widow of this country Is not abln to cat more than mm meal n day, or to near clean clothes, or lo look after a man, Ho my poor client had not such pbslc or mind as to bo abla to assault tho lusty complainant Yet tho has been clcprUcd of some of her most taluablo leather the leather of her noso, I am sorry to say, though the witness Is n man of my own feathers, that thero arc In my profession blsck sheep of every completion. Until this witness explains what bss become of my client's noso leather he canaot be bellovcd " John Morley Well Liked Everyone remembers how Mill, Just beforo polling day, and nt A meotlnR mainly composed of worklngmcn, vos " asked whetlmr bo had over anil that tho working classes were given to ly ing! how ho answered straight out, "I did," nnd how tho meeting roso to bis courageous frankness with thundering cheers, writes Sydney Ilrooks In Hap por's Weekly. Mr. Morley has more Umn once been similarly tested Ho was for soma years one of tho mem bers for Newcastle, and Newcastle is a laboring ntid not a mining constit uency, local fiel'ng among tho mln era was hotly In favor of an eight hour day. Mr Morley with equal firm ness was opposed to It. The Labor party accordingly withdrew Its sup port and ran a candidate, against him. Mr. Morley remulned unshakable; his convictions had been bonostly formed after an Immensity of firsthand Inves tigation, and lo them he would ttnnd, win or lose lie won; It was a nar row victory, but still a victory; and when a few weeks later Mr Morley accepted office and 1y the Kngllsh custom had to fneo his constituents again ha fought the election out onoe more on the name principled, abating nothing, compromising on nothing, and was rewarded this time by a do olslve triumph "Honest John" wat tho nickname with which tbe Newcas tie worklngmen paid tribute to till constancy and courage. This cold austere, sell contained man, with, noni of the accomplishments that lie tilth men asked of their leaders, nocused ol being a doctrinaire, known to bo I philosopher, et waa able, through thi Influence of an upright and unswerv Ing character, to reach and dominate the affections of the populace. National League News. Trcaaiirtr Krt d Know It a of the Haw Tort.!. ! ma p-iiln at'milnn to foot bnjl. During Ihf past woidi Pellet ey. monr nnd Sehlol atgnc d Cincinnati COsV Iract a. I'mMitn i Itnrrv i iiiiam la takta a mn-h lit t-di-d r-M at Old Point Oon fort Va Outfit Ider Harry MrCormiok of DM rliatis ia playing with Hit' Blceltvi r ..I ball team McTSraw Mill chcrlnhca a bat b ipi tl while third bant man of tbe cbaov pit n Hnltlmorea. Problem John T. Rash of tbe Nerf ork club will spend tbo winter hi I i.wcr California rin Hi Nulls club haa rinsed with the ftallaa Toaa, rlub for, Ila park fur spring training Jack I'mnln pays ho would like to rt turn to the New York elub which last fall traded him to llronl.lyn. Jim Kt'lley la looking for a first baae man aa he would like to manage the) ClmlnnMil loam from the bench tiiUfli Ider Jack (lllhert of the PlttaV burga baa Joint tl the mam Manager Hank linmaey la taking 'o Cuba Oscar .lores of tbo nronktyna haa rlrni-d lo (Inlsh the acnann with UA Angvlra In the Pacific Coast league Shtiuld Charley Nichols purchase tbe Kanana City rlub It would mil In terfere with hla managrrnvnt of iht 9t IjmiIp team. Panny Shay haa asked for hla r lease from the St. 1iula Cnrdluala. II.. fears consumption, which carried on hla ulster, and wants lo play In California. (lrothc. the Chlrugcm' new tw trier, la a hotel clerk by profession. Inci dentally ho haa gained iho reputation of being tho lilggem eater In Ibe Na tional league. American League Notes. Mullln. McAllister. Carey, Carr and Iluelon will spend the winter In I)o IrolL Jlgga IVmohuo claims ibat Injury to ritehar Owen coat tho White Sox tbo American fisg. J' ' l in 'celilcd as to ' i u Ibninn team tralfl n' "'ii M i ..f tbt- ! l i ,n, , ',i, , anM,,,,, , , (lllp Us' ii- it am lt Ni ilrttuna ,n 1JW 'it wl.l r.i tin re II peat J- b I" ' i it ',, i , vrth. Amrrl tf rt" lilt of linilnllitiin toilliK I" t" a iiim i ln.n by iho fact fMt I a c linnet and I jtvt- are fcolu. not mlpM'd a garni In ihree Ml"n American Association Affaire. Its ii ii Ctynier of Columbita aura IMI Pri-ddeM Pryeo la the heal mm M I i r worked for In baseball ill ii. -.1-. Wcikina Minneapolis loam jBiyt t .mill hall but drew big efAwit nt home We felt sure Wat khv '' I make Minneapolis pay lTn I ire Khni will handle an In 11 CM i in tin National league nest year Iff ha He nioughlln determination ajtd n .1 l alHiut half the Irnitli 'Jllcbtr Martin of tho Tub doa la itsyllt' ! ofr again Catcher Yea gtsr of c..hiini,ii a Martin t ilnmsl sJUilitablf iIi.iI'b the way hi puis II. Herhtrt llmbh and Howard Murphy, jntflicttiiiiv Pino itturm crack short atop and lb Ider, have been drafted by M. J Kelley for Toledo's Itfis team - Illlly Keitly, wbn pitched aneh g'reat Ml fur ihe Uiulsrllle elub during Ibe but alt weeka Of tho aeaaon Jual etoaed, haa received threw offnra from Wi'nlern eliiba to play nest year Heldy haa recovered hla speed and of fvrUveneaa Ooluabua bad the moat piitHrotir aeaaon In Ila blalory llila year, play lag to several crowds that numbered more than 10 000 people, and getting Mow 1,000 on only ono or two occa snias Managtr Wnlklna of the Minneapo lis team ha begun bla campaign nfltti new players He baa securetl In mill tlon to John House, thu .Mnrsballtown outfit Ider, four other players, J. W. Monro of Ilopklnsvllle and A, I- Ctm pin of l'oughkcepele liatu been pur chiued, B. Chcstwootl has signed n PMm illllllll" Outfielder New York National League Club. Connlo Mack la making a play fur Third llasvmnti Coughlln of Detroit and Catsldy of Wuthlnston. l.ajolo aaautueM tho Cleveland team management on Hoc L This Is tbe prosent Cleveland club's first experi ment with playur management. Managor Armour, late of Cleveland, now of Iktrnlt, last week mined his I.oiiim linld lares and penatea to De troll, whoro he has roscrvad a very nlco bousu Umpire Krunk Dwycr la ono of the pollco cimtnlssloncrs of donevn, N. Y., In which city ho conducts a big coal yard la Detroit Dwycr bad a cigar storn Harney Dreyfusa Is quoted as saying that ' had Tom Walker been secured by tho llostnn Americans last yoar Cy Young would hao boon tent to tbe Now York Americans " Captain Jimmy Collins will return to Ilotton again In about two weeks to maho arrangements for Iho south ern trip noil spring It looks like Now Orleans for tbo training. Jack fhonlirii nnd his wife have tat tled donn on tho farm ut Conway, Mass, for tho winter That aeslsk'n coat will como In handy up among those Ilorksklro Hills when tho snow falls. Tho Detroit club lias taken no action regarding Sunday baseball fur neit season. No grounds frnvo beeu In spected and thu matter has beon only Informally discussed at base ball headquarters autl In tbo presence of outsiders. A dispatch from llutler announced that Itubo Waddell was trying to get Ms father's content to play football. This la probably tho Drat tlmo on rec ord that rtubo was ever known to tux permission to do, anything. rontract nnd lirneat Krlck has nooepl ed Minneapolis' terms. Western Wlnnowlngt. It Is settled that HI Joseph Is to ro main In tbo Western leaguu another year. Tho Omaha club, Iho Western league peunant winners, cleared ISO.OftO on tho season. Jnko Topllu, an old Western league second batomnn, la at presvnt em ployed by MeAneny llrolhers In Cbarlcstutvn, Mints. James Manning, once Iho baseball man In Kansas City, Is In Colorado, wbero ho Is placing ngonclos for till new oxploslvc. Charles Jonos of tho Bt. Paul club Is hunting In Minnesota with Chnrlei Kcrguron, tho pitcher. Jonos will win ter at his homo In Denver, Manager Jimmy Ityan of Iho Colo rado Springs team says It la oslnlnv to let n batter stand up anil let good hA'is go by for strikes In thesn days when tho pitcher has such nn advantage over the man at tho pinto It Is reported from Omaha that a good nucleus fur a tentn next year bas already been secured I'n Iluurke Ii trylcg to fill thu vacancies made Drown. Welch and Howard who go to tho hlg leagues next year I.lebhart who was farmed to Rock Island, la with tbn foam. Ho made a good rec ord this your. Otto C Kioto, the Denver scortlng editor, met Oeorgo Toucan In Chicago during tho lata meeting of magnates of the American Association, where ho madn an offer In buy tho Denver fran chise In tbo Western. Mr. Tcboan valued the franchlto At 115,000, which tho prospective purchaser considered was far too muck. ' j i ' I" BggeHge! Football Results Nov. 9 I Chicago f , . Teaaa, 0 I Mtct- fan ii C ' Mlnn-actt, t8 L vr nc 0 Illinois. 46 Ohio Statt, 0 Northwestern, (7 . . . . Oshkoth, 0 Wisconsin, J Bttelt, 0 Purdue 34 Indiana Medlca, 6 Nebraska, T Iowa, Knea, CO Bradley, 0 Kansas, 12 Notre Dame, 0 Harvard, 0 Dartmouth, 0 I Yale, n ... Brown, 0 ' Princeton, 12 West Paint, i Columbia, 10 Stsvt ns, 0 Penna., tt Lafayette, 0 CernH, M Lahlah, t Colgats. . . William. 0 Dlcklnaen, 44 Lebanon V 0 Case Bcheol, 21 Ohio Madlea. 0 Oberlln, 12 ... Western Reserve, 0 Howdoln, 22 Malm, 1 Amherst, 40 . . . . Holy Croat, I Wasltyan, 2t Vermont, 0 Union, 11 Trinity, 0 Titfta, n prlngfleld. 0 Bates. 23 . . . ., Colby 0 Csrllsle. n Ureinut. 0 California, 11 Nevada. 0 Wittenberg, tt Miami. 0 Duller. 21 Karlhem, I Augustan, 2s ... Cornell Collet, Washington, 11 Missouri, II Denver, It Colaratss, I Ohio Wealeyan, 14 Marietta, Hanover, it . . Loulevllle M, l 0 Shattuek, 17 ... Stat Normal. 0 Georgetown, 16 .... Chaepcll II, 0 Wonderful "King Kelly." Ten teara aw Thuraday, Michael J. Kallytdled in Ik-wlon, Maaa. A decade has not iinidiict'd the equal of 'King Kelly " (Ireal bam runnera, great I catchent, great batlrra, great "Inalde ' player, tricky play em. emergency playcra. great coaches have come, but In no on man haa there been core blned the qualities of grtatneaa on lh ball Mil that lielongrd In the, king pin of the diamond the Incomparable Mike Kelly, No mail haa earned tho great national popularity among apoit lover that Kelly attained There are several time aa many Iwtelmll en lhuelta I onlay aa there worn In Kelly'a time, and loeul baseball Idols exlet In many cities. Ibnttmi bas Col Una nnd Cy Young. Niw York haa MalhewHin. Mtdlnnlty and Cheabrn, Hainut'i Hurling la a new amateur bllllardlat who. It Is Haaerled, ean de fant any profeaalonal luail or billiard player In the world. Sornti liU of bla dcdleney of atrnk may be gained Irom n recent record run when he made 00 iNiliite in nn open table nurae. thu two object balls lining exactly two and lliu-dghtlis Chicago luia Jones and Kllug Clevo land bas tbn greatest of prevent play er In mere playing ability, UJole. but none of theae player approachis Kelly In tho degrco of opiilarlly at tained on ball field outsldo of hla own city Kelly was nverywheru a drawing card, a "murk" for tho fans. 'Hie aorlous clMottwa of tho game cheered lilm Iho sarcastic brlnds In the bleachers Joahtel him, merely to hoar his wltly replies, and everybody liked to wni him play hall. Collins, Young, Jone nnd other have made warm friends, who admire those men for their quiet oarnustlie and devo tion to tho tunes of tho team, and for their skill, but thuy lack the vi vacity and during josscsacd by "Kal.' They have no witty nalllo In stock with which to reply to Iho bleacher (tea. Jnn ami Chc.bro and Kllug have proved resourceful during tho thick of a game when 0 quick Idea bus tuined lb lido of victory, but none of them is moro o than was Kelly, who criglnaud many of the fine polt in iho professions! game that ore now A part of tho regular play. Kelly, too, waa a good follow off tho diamond, and popul" ll ,h8 'J' man agers nnd magnates He waa gener ous and a spendthrift He had a great weakness that waa more or less an countable for bis early death. hU ovcroonvhlal habits but even In this respect h served baseball a good turn, for hi oxamplo In thi partleu lar bocamo n wurnlng to other bril liant ball pln)cr, and drinking amonc prnfiitionnN of the diamond has day dm..! to a minimum jaaBBI r Ore th Champion, VIimI lie On of New York city HH we n tin- title of pcad champion of the Hull world by tlefealtna Jerome II Keogb HHu or HuiTalo N by a eon- e.f ItS to tBSw lit', In the final game of the play-on 3R of Ihe Ihret cornt md lie for flrt 3DBDf! place. WBgtf The game wn. .m. ft the beat ea wK& 1 during Ihf Da Onr wall BBL I by cMilmrtinu K...h m tbe final WstBT J framew wtnniii- i it 16 and II ball HirT I to Kenrhe I . " un I a Prcvloiia in Hh I the lat loin nt K,iigh hid a euro- aBaflf i maiidinu b n.i .m.i ui out- lime only BBBBBr I riviulretl linn I ,,ll, In win lb Cham- HR Pic nahlp lb hi rnteht-d Iwlc. how- BBBwr Ittrr Rik.naHi t'niian an opportunttr saBBrK ! in cut in nnd than the (able each Hfi i time lb- lima high rnn waa tl anct bbbVE j that of KMah waa Set H Fought Old John L. IgH tlitvrgt- IttaKe. wbn la lh flara of nBBBBT Jem Mat ti ami Jo Una waa regarded RaaaU aa eaae of the eleverewt .tutor anewig BBBBbI the Kngllth boavy-widglii, died .at Bi. UBBBM llanalaa hoapllal In Newark, Ni J, HlBH CV-i .11 HBI lark ItiHiKn a brother nf flHM-gt DBBBBH ftiughl I wo boura with Jno (toaa in IkfaTaTaTj England befuret Ida necemila tbraw. np ILbbbbI Iht ami- i hla conlottl taking place) H In lllrmlnghani. In Ihe aaaiiy nan aa H thai In which Hayer met Heel He. . H ilvctrge HtHikt- ramo lei Ametrlen H alMMit twenty Ave year ago, and .one) H of hla oarly con lent a here) waa oetajnat John I., ttulllvan la ImjsIcw. Thla was V In June, Idau Mullivan kiioebml Ituoku taBBBal i nut In tbe aecoad round, lb fight Jak ng plactt tan nionlha after Hulllvau had bclttl Uut Allhotuth Ida hutllo H with Hulllvau wa nt sbtHt duretbiii. H KiMike guvu tbe lloaliin treitig lary ' n LH hard tuat. Itoohc rondueled a phyateal eiilturn Inatllulv In Newark for a ntnubor of H year lie was t years nf ng H Tod Sloan May Hide Again. LH There I a c Italic thai Teal Hloan, H one of Ihe beat iblera that over at H Bilrldo of a tnurenigbbfud In Amwlcit jH and Knglutid, will , rccelwi n llevnso H next tprlng from the Ifiiiellth Jockey rlub plewarda. Several Inriuenlhl LTAH ys"".!.!! BBBBBI luiKit v. yX!'" BBBBM inoli aiwit. no run uie cue nan u twoen the other without separating the two object Imlls or missing to count on both. In the ordinary straight rail game Mr. llurrlng clicked off 2JKi0 pnlnl, H carrying the lull! twloe around tbo In- H ble At the balk lino anolior nurse It M la no trouble for htm to run 1.00O H imlntR. mid In Iho ttellchtn nnd H-klllful H eenlerof tnble nurae with Iho two on- M Ject lialla "fr ecu" nnd Iho cue twill LfH always free, he ran of 500 Milnta In M ten inlnulet jf T. tiurnng i auoue iiuiy yenra tit. bbjjsjbjj age, about six loot two Inch In H hnlght, and weighs 220 iiounds. He M wns lairn In lliirllngton, N. J., and I H a gradual of Prlnooliiu. H turfmen of tills ecumtry nnd of (Ireat -H llrllalu will make a poraonat nupllca- B lion lo Iho turf authorillm abrnud In H order Hint Hloan may bo reinstated H This more I the rtwult of the great H scarcity of good Jockey nt preaent, H With big flulda In nearly every event H during mi nf(emoon,the demnml for ffH rle era of skill fir oxeciaila ibe aupply. jH Wanta to Meet Terry Again. H liddlu llanlou la after Terry Mcdov- H am for n return match. Hlneo hla do- BBJia fiat at thu band of "Trrlbl" Terry BJaH thu little Cnllfornlun hrf been think- JaaaCi Ing iloeply. and ha Dually decided aaaK that Ico cream and oak are bad to HbbH train on He wa fat th night hu SHI met Terry and think that If given BtM u secoud ohano when lu first clasn iLbk trim bo wilt be able to cup thu long; BH c nd nf Ilia money and hla lost laurel. l9tH He ba started training now In au- HR tlcipatlon of u return match, and If ha - -tWIrV falls will take on aome olliur good boy Wei of hi weight In Philadelphia. H7a! Oldfleld Break necord. sWlV Harney Oldfleld broke the automo- BRi' bile record for twenty mile at Den- UC ver, Colo , Nor. 5, making the distance. Mhl lu 18 16 J 8 Tbo previous record wmt M 12 01. JPkt Twelvo world's records in all wero BLut' broken by Oldfleld those for two nnd Iji' three miles and those from edeven t KKt twenty mlloa, Inclusive He rulleU to) MtaK break th oa mile record of 0,62 i 5, HEl held by JOtrl Klter. hl beat mile bev WB Ing OlM. yaH