Miss Nettie Blackmorc, Minneapolis,
tells how any young woman may be per
manently cured of monthly pains by taking
Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound.
"Yobno Women i I hail frequent headachc-i of n pctcto nature,
dark sjiota before my eyes, nnd at my mcnxtrual .rlods J nulTcrcil
untold ngnny. A mcmlicr of llm lodge- ndvicd mo to try l.jilln I
I'lnklintu'ri Vcgrtnlda Compound, but I only nconicd good nllconr.il
felt that my cnio was hopclcft!), hut k'.io kept nt mo until I bought a
bottlu mid Mnrtcil tnMng lu I noun hail tho best reason In the world to
changu my oilnlotiof tlm medicine, a., inch day my (faith Improved, and
fluall v ( w oh out In-ly vi'.hput pal-i a . mv wen itm Ulon -rlod-i. I nm met
cratcful." ctt: llLAciiMonr., '.) Central Ave, Minneapolis, Jlinn.
Painful Periods
tiro qiilpliir nntl permanently ovm-nuio by l.)illn H. IMnlslmm'rt
Yciroluhhi Compound. Tho uttoM) letter Is only ono of hundred of
ttioiixiiuilt willed iruo tliHht.itemenl to lie a fuel, rivnstrimlloit
Is n severe strain o-i n woman' lt.illty. If It It painful Mine(liln;r
1 viron-r. Don't ta'.o nnrootlci t- deaden tlm puln. but remoo
tho niti-to perhaps It b cattse-l by Irrctiilnrlly or womb tllsnlnro
incuts, or t'10 d'rloptuc:i' of n tumor. Vliatccr It 1 3, l.jdla
U. I'intilmm'M Vcutnhlo Compound li guaranteed to euro It
It tliom ItnmllilnTntiniit vour pum-i aim it which you would like special
adrlee, wrlto freel to Mrs. I'mUli iiil him will licit jour Irttrr MrletlY
cmiHilfiitlnl. hh em kiirely ln! you. for no ik-ihiii "in Ainerlta run kptiik
(nun n wider expirli-mv In trrnllnir dunlin lit. Mm Intk tiulni-l hundred" of
thniiwuiil ot wninen Inn k to In iltli. Iter mlilm-a I Lynn. MuMk, anil lirr
tdvliu li tree. You nru very fuolmli It you do not i-ceit her hind Invitation.
vgrrsv. Details of Another Case.
JwV'ffe "Diiah Jin. PiNKiu'i : Ignontnco nnd
mi& fNteJPn& cnrek'HSiioHS U tho cause of rnoetof tho bufTcr.
iWiBmR tngtof women. I Iwlhsvo tl "t If wo properly
vKif Si tinueratood tho lav of licnllh v.o Mould nil Lo
V.-. xSS vi'j but ,f "10 ''clt v.oirtn oi.ly knew tl.o
.1 rMti'" Cfti truihnliout Ljdl.t 1 I'lnl.lmm'H VKcti.Io
i ivj "- .717 Compound, they would lo tauil much sufTur-
I fS A 'J h'o nnd would (Hn Ixjcuad.
I J "2" Jr " used it for f.o inonlliM for a local dim-
laJStlX"" culty whhhjittd troubled mo fcrcnns
FORMTtJ Jr nni 'nr V.M1I1 1 had nin-nt hunuruls
lMMtvt''nLrw f 'lollaw In tho 'aln endeavor to tcc-
IffiSW 'Pb&2x&j tUy. My llfo forces were bcirg arrcd
wlxif' AJbffi&Sf md" I m dally loflni; my Mi nitty.
Cin X&r "l.iil.ii I lMiilf hiun'n VcKftablo
v Compound cured mo completely, and
I nm now cnjoylnp the lost of health, nnd ntu mtwt grateful, and only
too pleasc'd tocnilnrsoHiulia greut remedy." JIim Jennie UKuwaiiim,
CUI 11 SU, N. Wimhliigton, 1). a
Mm. lMiildiiiui.wliO'.ondilretilHl.ytiii. Mni.,wlllniiwrrclifr
(ully uuU w Itliout cont all lolturn uddruvd to her by kick woiuulu
tTRMf anTciIRE
CATAItHH 4 all cwtbU 4lf &&
..A.i... Spaclal Offer in Privata Diseases .--".
I JTI'i'.lo"0". "Jllrn'iVu Til ikVrrarc'Vw 47m '''i!"' l"l
in m lo hurfc u tu rT Tiien ojK iui.ian uomt. tuuKU-CKLiCrf
"iViu'Vituiiitli1 Kv'w'i'iiV.r ei criir ahii no cenit riuvATic i tturn m iwm
Rn!iTfr ' iANhTi.r "hi wen hk m... iili l mi i... of .,.. u ih,,n.u.l
n.iilrllVa " r r "Willi1" I ' r..ri"Mt. IIII1 II Hlr
HI AVilK I KIJJU Willi lll AMjIICriill HlMdmUliHIM lit fk
r.;,.i,, ..lieA li.i MalJrur Wl.ll l-routel IH4 1M ...1 k r ul f.klf 1.I..-1
I, rioidy"itl llril ! iinruii'.-.grniil n ou. n,..n.. II inonon I ).i II ml.
IKlVwltal .Mll4 ' WKMI"M OK MK .! il.pl n r.mi vl niinm
l.lrillllVrAlKIII.ANII ll.nuurr. !" U. tl. 1 HKA I MIC r Mr .. r ! IMVAKI
Vmi if i!i ii.J k o ifw"wi k.i oir ' n'lJ"' iki u a u4 o-. n'kk'l
i,.. ,V.i,l 1 1 r til f, V "!' I. "I" MA1II -Oil K.mli.il IVI. K KHlln
l"m"lllilluKA I.IIMIII.K Vll WIII.K .M lirtr-l Oil Um la I lliu. for i.m
'l,'v!,rr-;!:.!."".,;AV.vuls,k,:l,l'.r :,,;";"" M"'
cr III! It H 111 ItMUtvn M.lMlJ nl inniki 411. Ill m itll
DflS, SHORES & SHOBES. Exwljwlajsjs. 24B ftW'iA..
Nelden-Judson Drug Co,, Oehetal Agenls. Salt Lake City, Utah.
Eftlt Shanntn Lays Down Rules Worth
Mln i:itlr Sharnnn tin BflpptliM
thlrtoon mles for the man who In
quired bow he cnulri be happr, IhoBHh
married, or. In otlirr nrti, what be
wai to do to Rain and hold the love
o( lila wife Mlaa Shannon' er
rlenre with urhappr marrlacea on
the ttige-U wide, and likely ah
could (ornulatp tent) nilea quite
a well aa thlrtrrn, but ahe slopped
at the odd nu-nber. Here lYty are'
1. lie considerate ot her In small
thlnirs. Rmall thlnga '' P wo
man's life.
1. Itcmember always that ererj
where Ip the animal klnRlom kind end
not ex n n' t ilifprence In b-aln.
3. Ni-rl tiir and let her know It.
Winn n imilir'lnnd bfat lint It ll
tin ro lil) 'I lo gie tl an tn receive.
i I n li-r f) p liefnre, and psrtio
u'nr' atiir mini ire. that she Is
n uto liirml Ihan your tuialncrs.
u mm iiii i rnre tn be supplanted in
tier tl: -.u . i la tiy c. nstnnt miulna ovar
that V 17 lat sllprci through her
hanls j i oir.lsy.
6. I'rforp marrlae klsa her aa
IIiour'i ahe wtro )our wife iflervinril
klas I rr aa though ahe were )hii
C. Nc-icr alulae I er corflilonce. Her
faith In jnu Is capital, which )ou w.ll
have lo Inieat many tlmea.
7. Comrel her respect. Itesrect li
tho mother and Admiration the father
of lore.
8. Take an Intermit In her aRsIrs
you would he hurt It she took no In
tcrest In yours,
9. Devote st leaat rt quarter of th
thought In entertnlnlnR ler during a
lifetime that you would dcioto to en
lertalnlng ler rretty alator halt (in
10. Don't "ng. Men nag as much
as women, and vaccination, tho alow
tcraplrg away of the akin, pains moro
than tho nulck Incision ot thu Bur
geon's knife
It. ItcmcmU r ttnt aho Is the bet
ter hnlf of youraolf, and "to thine own
tclf he true."
12. lie generous, not lavtah. Whn
ahe la your wife the la jour puttier.
Never comrel Iter tn ask for morey,
A woman feels de enilence as much as
a man would.
13 I hne deleted aa much atten
tion to the n'lbjecl ot winning tho wo
man you have won as lo wlnnlrg 'In
worran you haven't. It Is more Im
prrtant to keep tt-e love of jour wife
than to creite love In tho object ol
your atlenllnra Kternal vigilance It
tho price of o ernal affection. Never
sty to yourae'f "I've caught the car.'
You may fall off.
Queer Trlcka Reaorted To to Maks tht
Drain Active.
"Kcnlmore Cooler couldn't wrllo tin
lcaa ho had gun drops lo chow,'' said
a librarian, "lie bougtt gum drops In
Ion-pound snd Iwenly-pourd lots', Ai
aomo men are the slaves ot toutccu,
wlno or opium, so t-oor Cooper wot
tho gum drop'a ainvo. Without It hi
couldn't wrllo n lire.
"Chateauhrljiul dlctatot hla worki
In hU haru feet. Kleganlly attlref
down to tho anklca, ho padded aoftl)
up and down tto floor. Ida thin whltt
extremities very coniplcuoua on tin
dark ruga.
"Gluck could orly composo tn tin
open air, When tl o spirit of composl
tlon took hold of him ho dragged till
piano out upon tho lawn, and then, li
rain or ahlnr. In anow or hall. In An
gnat or Decemher. the maitor eiolvt
hla beautiful harmonies.
"HoMuet worked with a hot cloth
bound round hla head, lliltic In f
mork'a hood, Oaullrr In a acarlct cloat
and Milton In a brown robe. Lore"
Derby when ho wrnto alo brandlcH
chcrrlca. Tlyrnn, writing, alo trumej
"This collection rf facta," concluded"
the llbnrlan, "roea to proo that mei
of genius, like the rest - us, are sill)
la some things."
Jack's Advlcs to His Friend.
Why. Trm, Itimi'M a iramin; and me)
very wlnit
That tl-y wlthrs can prorer arl
Still Ml In thr mil. that each part
ilimi mn)il Pmt.
W'hll hnno" "hell ruMe thy hfhavlori
Whllf nl !; and liiaily. Ilia atnl
of thy mind
Arn alevif'li t.iae'd hy Ih) r"utv
While lo klri wife awl filend, thou
arl rxmrtnt ami kind.
And I'-nu drltet up tht orrowa ol
Hut may all thy tteklta, rrown Mtten,
-?hl!.'r",, "!f ,P)"j!'Mr I"1 her:
Thy ll-"i'rt all pllnltrM. no lor to
Urol' thy eompaii, and aliatttr'J thy
Whrn t-o"k In Hit wlnda are lha aalla
nf Ihv hcnil.
And it-nu'tl ralx to thlnt honor and
Whrn ' .-i klnr wife and friend thou
wnvtdat lHv ilrparl .
And ihni mixk'at ut ih sorron-a of
mmmm Charles Dlbdlru
Cna Difference.
"I'd llko tn krow what's tho differ.
enro between a guesser nnd a fore
caster" said Mrs. Wonder, punllng
her mind over the ante election fig
ure In one of tl o parera
"A gupHcr." explained Mr. IVnnder,
"almr'r lumps Ms figures, and Is
' ellrcr rlnht or wrong at once: whlla
a fnrrenaier nrranaea his figures In a
tn'ile of at-illatlea nnil makes you won
der how en enrlh he could be any
thing excel t right."
Leap Year Cplscrfe.
Fred Mlaa Klderlelgh haa prooosed
1 three tlmea within the past six weeka,
but I can't make up my mind lo aeeept
Joe Has she got money.
Krod Aliout KO.oou, j iiDderatand.
Joe Well, you are taking desperate
cbancea, old man. Suppose she should
stop proposing?
Corfu Nat at First Appreciated.
Knowledge o( the taste and vslns
tl O) If), ipread but slowly, to that
It vrae n-1 until Ihe middle nf the att
teeWi r ntury that It leached Con
stntlnni .- Here It Incited the bit
ter bun my if the jrrjis. An ix
eeealvo nx n inuo)d upon coffee
heal.", iintwlih.tin Ing which thry
Mtu-Mi, I snd etunded. After the
lapse nf another hundred )ara cof
fee riih"d On at rtrltaln, where It
was tririiiuer-ii by one I'dwsrdt. a
Brhbli nerehsnl long resident In
Tiffcei Ihe firm ruttee house In
I of d' 'i was n i-n d by hla flreek if rv
Mt, I'-i.riii nnaale. In 1C3. and Ihe
lattO1' Hon nf Ihe beverage Into Kng
latf ii i with the same oprosltlun m
la the Last.
t ' TliA
Every woman knovvg how
to brew tea her own way
and she likes to have her
own way.
Pewer of Llcht.
The (xtrmrdlnary iiaiifltllni
power nf IHat reee-nly reeelied a
enrhni" lllu trjtlon In Ihe silver mine
at t.aiir'um A mine hid been aban
doned 0"0 years, an I the aped of
soma pnpplra was found beneath Ihe
sllg l a aperies which had dlasp
pesred tut twenty centu'le. Thealag
Lclsg remeved. In a short litre tho
entlt space wai covernl with lha
mott ifr'pui ahnw of pnprles After
their twenty centuries' real they hid
bloomed aa vlcoiously as crcr wl.h
nit air pe -'-r
Do you think it worth
while, to serve pootl tea at
your table?
What Hena Wouldn't Cat.
A city woman who had drc ded that
aha would kien aorur hena ui a prof
llabto i.mutement during her long
summers In Ihe country asked the
farmer of whom she bought Idem
what they could rat. The man looked
at her la silent atcai-ni'tit n moment
before be replied. "It would take me
the rest o' my days to tell )e what
they mn rat." be aald, at Intl. "but
It won't take long to tell yo what they
can't. Veil amid feeding of 'em with
salt flab and cobblestones and I guest
you wrnn't h" - " '-' "
Little Uaa In Worry In 3.
Learn to take thlnga aa lliey a'O
marked on tl.e calendar of yuur Ills.
Itcmcmbcr It la not to morruw that )ou
will Hie, but It la to-day that you uio
living, Tho affairs of yoiterday ate
ss dead aa Julius Caesar, tho affairs ot
to-morrow sre mysteries which only
to-morrow mil unfold Next week will
be rrAy much llko this ono, so let vs
out anticipate too much.
Mrs. Wlnilovr'a FMtnttilnn' flynin
f errktM.ra ttkta, Mrua Ifca rani, reitr" rn
atrnk .)wim, tiUj llfc, turf a lii I t.rfk,, CtiiMikt,
Ltia Human Victims of Tigers.
Indian tic or a aeem to to losing
their Insto for human lleab. Con
Idersbly fewor human victims are re
ported. In the district of Chinda.
Ilsttsngcbad, nnd Kiypur tho fgurea
bars fallen from 1V0. tho atorsge of
preilous years, to fifty nine. On Ihe
other hand, the number of cattle de
voured had lncreaac.1 from t.ICu lo I,.
03, Of the human vlctlma 89 per
cent were natives and II por csnt
a r.rvttASTKi t ttiiit: run t-ii.cs.
II..II1 IIII.J. Illradlai or l-r inula) -i I -nf
r,lH at I rtlaaj M awr If l-AOl OIX rUk. t
ItlU U tar J U U ll dtt. ton.
Oil Little Uied In nustla.
rfotwlthstsndtng the large prrxlno
tlon ot petroleum In nuasla tho un tf
lllumloatlrgoll In the country la vmall.
It hit been limited by a tax on re
fined oil, Itccently thu llaku renntn
hsvs petitioned the government tl
abollih tbla tax on refined oil for homi
comimrtlon and to subetltule lor It a
tax ca all crude oil produced.
There is good and bad
tea; there is good and bad
tea cookery.
Which have I?
How He Cct tho f.tcon.
John Henry ilaedhr. tho avtrnn
owe:, whote favorite ttudy was Ihe
moon, having learned that Fran
Wllle. 'he wife of the etito councilor,
owned n wonderful model ot hla pel
luminary, apent year a trying tn gain
poatssalon f IL As her tutban was
living he 'could not marry the uwner
of Ihe model, so ho married her
daughter and at tho death of hla
mother In law the oovctod moon be
came hla.
It Wculd Aroute Her Gutplclont.
A roan should ha very careful not
to hug his wife as It he thought she
,, tomeucdy elie's. New York
Tell your frionds if you
like it; if not, tell your
Veer !"" rHant yaar laawty U yea aoa'l
Tho Pilltleal Shirker.
"I hi,M sari Uncle mien, "to aeo
a man IhtaWn' b' do hl wh-M
dBty as a UwpMir an' a patriot when
he puw eejnpnllB Uaago on bla coat
latel."-Wliblniton Btsr.
Scientific Invettleatlen of Thest In .
the Mtneip Hills.
"ftrelaeo'osy" la selentlfle cava
hnntlng. There li a society for thru
pnrroae with aradmivrtera In Parlt
whlth rec nlly Iniem.iitid the eaves
In the Vendlp hlila In England Theae
raves are of vast extent, perforating
two msMfi of llr.e-tene, l)lng on
either aide nf a core of old red rand
Irne, firming the r"nter of the Men
dlra. Some are "wallt htilea," ate
sorbins rivers, othrr stslartlto rav
erna. Ore, called Wookey "jile, marks
Ihe emergence, In Ihe form nt th
river Axe, of two streams "awal
InweJ" sim miles away. One nt
thcap awallrls Is fOn feel deep. An
other cive. called Kwlldon's hole, la
draped with w-e'ths and festoons ft
,-ure wtiite siiiariue iaihih 1 air,
nn the northern aide of Ihe h lit. It
tho mnt n'liMilfY'nt atvlaellte evv
em In nrpit 1'rltaln. while aillnlig
Wikey hole annther enamher hat
U"t l.cn (nnil with 1.M0 n ilietlto
rendanla, nil of daxrllrg wllli-nras
The fai'-mis airing which gives Its
name tn 1'ie tnwn nf Wells Is believe 1
In enrre thrtu-,i hidden paverns frura
the higher I arts nf Hip Mendiis.
Orlcln cf "Pint Judy Pint" en Rhodt
Island Chcre.
Point Judith. Itbodn Inland, ll
known to the nitliea ot that neigh.,
borboml as "Pint Judy pint." Onc-i '
upon n time, Ihe rlrry goes, an old
sea carttln nf Nanturkrt nr there,
annul", took hla wife with him U-rn n
voyage atnng tho cont and, being
en eloped In'a fog, lip made her look
out. After awhile the woman fined
out, "land!" "Whsr awayT' bellowed
her lord. "Why, right over there. Just
Ihe other side of sll thine ropes." she
aniwrred, excitedly. "T'rlher ride o'
SliloMlcks!" roared the eaplnln.
"Can't you tell mo In straight talk.
wliar nniyf Now ll happened that
the captain's wife was tinarnitalntrd
with nautical terms and wt lie ahe
could do many useful things ahe could
no more have limed Ihe compass than
lie ennld have flown. 80 the cnptnln
minted 'to her: "Pint. Judy" Pint'"
Then J111I) "plnted" and Hie alnre ahe
hnd dlsenverpil and Ind'cateil waseier
afterward known n Pint JuJy pint
Do you inako it right
Do you make it right
Do you make it right
" Do you make it right
a ..), ptrtata af SrMIHaaft " Ta It a
kMikrfli lit la Hka rlal Taa.
The little resting slots of men
That creep along Tlmo'i wall,
Like sliadowa In tho noonday glare
Are kindest after atl.
When wearied by the morn of toll,
Ilurneil with ntnblllcn'a flame.
Tie aweet to seek the humble spot
Where someone breathes your
JMllli l.tvlngaton Smith In Good
Mother Crav'iSwttt "vyyjert for CMHrsn,
KiuceMful.y uaol by .vloilierOniy.Duns
la tnoC'hlldreu Honistn Niw Vork. cure
OmalliutkHi, FerM-ralnteM, ItAlKlanstia,
li-xthlug D.mnlsrt, inefuaml roirulatetris
lkiareltanj Iknlruv Wonnt )verniulte
tnuniilalt At all llninta, -JBo Soipla
Uttli Addrvtt K. h OlmtlaJ. UIUiy.fl i.
Crcat Drltaln'a Shame.
If tin paupen In Oteat llrllaln were
irranged In a procesalon, four abreaiL
It It computed that tho procesalon
would be ueirly 100 inllea In length.
nrl imm) Mtaljirrli.rt wmMIiimm wiiIM,
k"MMt t kwiw. hwMkMt. k V . far tn u,4 bwtut.
Diet for Rheumatism.
The following good advice Is found
In tho lK-alth psgn of Msxwclt's Talis
man "Kat tola of celery and plen
ty of orangei and applea Knt Tery
ilttlo meat augar. butter, white flour
ff rr-ti bread, never) and very Utile
crevm and, of crnrae, no pork, or
pie. or any aurli aluff as that. Damp
ness will not Invjo an attack nf
rheumatism, tinliss one's blond Is
overloaded with uric arid Itheutnatlo
people Bhoiild be opr-clally careful to
rheur atl atarchy foods (bread, pota-'-'
" v ry thnrnushlr"
"SfiLm! Thompson's Eye Water
When Answering Advertisements
Kindly Mention Tnia Paper
a O-i Vouslillirun. TaU"UiJ. CM J1
IU,rmeM.mllpliMri"tlt"illeallrrnr-d. WBI
IJlfliWtkt)fN 1 tHifeiii llfHtetly. S3M
Oiiiteiili-ine,conitort,afelJ,pwlart M
rleiiinuiliil by the traveling nblio 1 11 no 1 Hj
nipiiltt'iitniy uml the rfei-neat infellectl Hl
iniiiaiuiitly 111 vtnik mi tlu-aa irnblrmi 3aW
are liuikiiig wmiderful pMcnraa In the MUG
piHiaitwelliiiii'f llm uteniin-tilp nml Ihe WXi
liaimtnttvp. 1,11m re-nlla nre NWght Id Cull
liieilleliiia nnd Dr. Wllllnlli.' lMllk l'llll Mm
fur Pnlo lVoplo mo aslnnlshiiiit Ihe vrnrld BH
liv tlm Irinmtili tin rare winning In the USB
miml rum of olniliuito iiinlmllea, eneh at W&k
rlifiiiiiiiltMT,, Willi sptd tln-y Pombliie flu
eoiiveuluuct., turfei t snfi ly and thwij. BN
lies. BB
Hernia freali mvif nf their ermeen BH
tmtul vlrlui-i: Mrs. Xnrgnrrt Qaiila, H
nfNi li.) Ilalein. 1 niiit.llurllllgtnli, SJ
Inviii, It nn liniiiairi ma ii-ntt-.ii woman, HH
wliii nil-ml Imo nml luilf yeara ngo wU
(mud lieimlf In danger of lualiig tret ftflj
ptwvr t.i vtmk nltogiiliir. Hhewiyai MB
"1 gut ilii-iiinntUiii Mblth nuvdo mj flH
klierat Hint ellarut tery ktitfHtid tufnL 99
1 Invil tl .fltc till jr In miklug my nrma and fll
I could lu.illy l.ft my feet over my Um
liirlei. I imglii lulmve gone tobml,
lint 1 oniiMii'l nffiid In ilo that, an) HI
forn d In) M-tf to v.m k III kpltn nf tho pnlo IH
iiinlMlffiinai. Afnr miff) itug fur alaml H
1 kit uiDiillis, I was told nlamt Dr. Wll- HI
Ikiint' l'liilt lMIt fur I'lilti l'eople by a
fill ml, vtlio auld alio liml lieeu cured by fll
them. On iHriidviev, I lHiuglitnnoliui IHl
and In two uika nfirr I Ugnu to um flj
lliein I vvns will nnd 1 lmvolind no need flj
to Ura llit 111 now dr nenrly two years. fl
Dr. Wlllliiuia' rink 1'lltn nro n gorxl nnil- Bl
lilnontid If 1 ivir liavo ilmuiimtlain fl
ngnlii I vtlll pit n lmx light away. ) fl
linvn (old liiiiuy f ieinls vvliut tlioy did fl
(nr 1110 mid 1 nm ;1nd In lmvo everybody UM
know." Hi
Thla la vnlunblo ucwa to nil who anf- jH
fir fniin tlii'iiiiinllmn. Tlieao iillla have fl
nUi ctinil klublnirii rnaes ot loooinotoa UM
ntnxln,litlliiliiTilyH, Bt.Vltnt-ilancs. pesjj
aclntlen, iiuimilgin, uervons limd-wlie, mU
rmldlnlloii nf llm limit nnd all forms 0 flj
Venlni-M In ninle nr feninle. flj
They nm sold by nil drnggtats, ot fl
will l nut dlntly from tho Dr. Wll- fl
lhilus Mialleluo ()., hk lieiieclaily, N.Y., B
nil rereliit nf tlm jirliii, fifty centa )ier H
laix: lx Unea for ci ilullnrn anil i half. UU
Look fur thu full iinnio on every box. UM
Clg Hairpin ractery. UM
The greatest of tho world'a mano- H
(aclnrlm of halrplna Is al I'alnswlrk. Ut
a vlllaco In the Stroud valley, at the Urn
I Ml of the Cotawolda. There are lo mm
toner Han three hundred pcraona am Pfl
ployed In turning out tbee trifles ot Ifl
tto boudulr, and hundreds ot auto- HJ
matlc machines aro In constant opera. MM
tlon transforming miles of wire Into
loci of Cnlilicd pln-Lomlon En- M
glnoer. H
You like good tea, and H
you like the eflect of it. I
Whose? I
Whose? I
Yaar rrartr rrltraa y tar aitatf 11 JM 4mf
BktkMilklatf'tllMt. H
World's Mott Deautlful Thlnga. HJ
The three mott beautiful tblcgs to MM
the world are rotes, .white bultsrClts HJ
and a woman'a heart. flj
We Americans think we H
are smart; out tea is too h
much for us. H
We arc the worst of buy- H
crs of it; so they say. HJ
Year ari"r rtltrta yiwr aHMity If yaaaaaf H
Uhtaiblllla-alii-at H
Lard Mayor'e Bpeclal Menu flj
Not long ago the lord mayor ot Loa flj
den, when aympthy for him wai aw flj
preaaed on the number of dlnncri h M
waa expected to cat publicly la bit flj
year of ofTce, explained that he had I MM
special menu, and ate onty courasi the H
Ingrcdlonts of which were known U flj
Moique for London, H
Tho 2.000 Mobamuiedana rrtldent la
I ondon aro prcrar.ng to erect a mag HJ
nlhccct moar,ue. HJ
DA.A.A.at.AXA.A.A.A.A.A.A.JLA.A.al.A.A.A.A.A.A.A. I
! Penetration is tho cardinal virtuo of S
St. Jacobs Oil I
-aj In the tieatmant of 9
i Rheumatism f U
j ll ponelralaa lo tho l of lortuto aa no oiher eiletnal remedy L H
j haa Ivan known to da ai4 tl.OLWik.t csiluy to cures. L H
1 I'ncs 2&c. snd 60c. L H
- oouaHT at toe MnKsr pmoes ur -- ' U
Rowe, Morris, Summerhays Company 1
waits port pAnriojuAta - salt lake pity, utah
iirt.t vbi.i: aknayh.
Haul I .llUuldaaaailttr ..list
Ia4 1 Oi'il k "r iiliatr US
m.i-iuiii Mah. kai mn. i auaer ATTakTi-l-la.
Ooia Htu.it. and lllali i Hu ikl. natal
I.D liat Halllua iViiii-lniai. nJ I'llaa I.I.U
UtdtnA.MI CUMArialii)i latataf. Oa
fatUat KtU-ie.ai7l"Hlr Mod dlna for tnnlrua
kuvklat "liiia Mu.lotgtaa.- Wiauarlul, Srwlital,
tiiltnuMa. Vll,roonlOu..ltl0Aa.,lt.Uiaj.
W. N. U Salt Lake-No. 40, IOOV