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I L- 4 K Hi) THE PEOPLtS ADVERTISER. I DBVOTaD TO THm INOl y 3f 8U-MM1T OOtTNTT. J0O WORK NEATLY EXECUTES wBkM I Vol. XI. COALVILLE, SUMiy.gj Y, UTAII, DECEMBER ,, 190). No. 49. Wl '' IMPORTANT NOTICE. Dating the past week we liavc scut out a umnber of bill ; for subscription to this paper, mul during the coming week we will deliver the balance to thoe who are owing us. We have some heavy paper bills to pay on the 30th of this mon'li, ami nil who are owing us will be expect ed to make full settlement on or before that date. We will not send two or three bills to you, only one, and nil that are not settled in full bv Dec. 20th will be placed in the hands of an attorney for collection. These bills arc all amall, but many ones make a large sum. We need the money, ami all who arc owing will do a great f.ivor by 1 , making settlement when the bill is presented. I LOCALS AND PERSONALS. J M in Nellie CsrrutU led Tutsdiijr morn ing for Ogilin. Mill Marj Wllllauii went Ui to l'ark City jeitsrdsy on a vlilt. Itlotn. Friday kit, to Mr. nod Sirs. J. V. Lamb, n lino boy. Vlliloltv uicrly. Mils M. 11. Sahron bit )ut In it new line ol church looks. uer ad in till lime. Mr. and Mr. John O'Drlicoll were dow n , from Woodland the first ol the week on ' a visit. I Mill Amy lloyden went clown to fruit I Lake Sunday and spsnt the week ylslt- Inn Mendi. Mill Margaret Faddlei went up to l'aik CityTaeiday to lslt ber tiller, I Mn.A.J.Farrell. ? yT t'AJ''," "Tb?Co-op'i new cellar it rapidly near E Ioe completion, Some more Improre- J menu are to be made soon. When you want a plearant laiatiie Inke Cbamlierlalii'i Stoiuicli and Liver Tabled. For tale by John lloyden it Bon. Leopold Jonrs, wile and family arrled here lait Tburnlay from Cache valley Band spent n week vliltlne relllirei and frlendt. Money to Loan on Ileal Estate. Tcrini eaty. Optional, M)atly ) early or at nmuirlty of note Apply to II. II. Welsh, Morican. All of our merchant! hate n fine ills- plny ol hollilay goals. NooneiiHMliowl ? away for preienti, as thev can jet any- thing tbeyneeil here. ', Attorney Frank Hvnni and wife j returned home Sunday from their trip 4o tlu World'! Fair an.! New York. j They had a delightful time. Mr. and Mn, John IVn.llrton Crlf- j, brateil thlr wooden netlilint; Tuenlay nlifht at tho home uf Mr. and Mn K. ' II. llhead, About lonty Invited ( KUeiti were preient ami the time wae I 1 spent In social chat, tnuilc, cames, etc., ' ami a flno lunch was srned. jr. Klder lamei II. Jndd of Upton, who ,4 hai been dulni: inlmlouary work In thni I : Southern state, for the pait tnenty-Ue, luonthi, returned home lait Friday. He ;' labored In Ohio and Alabama. His I health hat been excellent during hit trip and he had an enjoj able time. I 1 The Coalville Sunday school It prepar- j gj lug aflnemntata entitled "The Story of IN the Snowblrdf," which will be presented I t at the Opera lloiue Niturday evening, j I Ui Dec. SltliCbrlitmaioe. The proceed! 1 I will go to help defray the expemei of the school. Look out lor particular! 1 M later. ' t H "I waa much aflllcted with sciatica," writes IMC. Jfod, lowallle. Setlgwick H Co., Kan., 'Koingabuai on crulchtsand H suffering a deal ol pain. I wat InduieJ H to try Ilallord'i Snow Liniment, which H relieteJ me. I tiled three Mi bottles. Hj I til the iireateil liniment 1 ever ueed; H hate recommended It to a number of VB persons, all expre.s themiehetas being H bnefltea liy II. I now walk without , H crutchei, able to perform a grrat deal of 1 H light labur oil the farm." 2frc, Wo ,rl Wl. , IB bold b) John tlovdeu A Son, I H Subscribe ior THE TIMES. ' I Ttierhildrerandafev, (fiends surprised Mn. 1'. Slmliter lait Monday night, iti being her Mtb birthday, (lamea were playel alter wnleh alt partook of hointeou tapper. The evening wai , apent eajoyably, ami all wltlml Mn. Emitter many happy return! of the day. I The county commissioners were In I session Tueidiy Wednesday and Thais day wreMlIng with roml mtfrvlwr'! re poit. allowini: bill! and tranMCting j lonlliie lmlne. Theywlllgoto Ml .Like toil ny to putchaie some furnltute I for the new building. Memberiof the2lliqiioritni of Seven tlei will deie take notice that the next regular monthly meeting of their quorum, will be held In the Academy biilMlnir, Coalville.on Saturday, Dec. I ITth, at It o'clock. All membert are earneitly reiuei!el to 1 preieut. At the meeting of Summit Ixk(c No. SO, K. of l' held Monday night, the following officer were elected for the ensuring lixmonthit Hay llrlm, C.O.i John Callli, V. 0. . J. L. lloyden; Prelate ; W. M. I!o)den, K. It. .; 1 E. Eldteilge, M. U.i 0. W. French, M. F.i Hen Illrch, M A , O. W. French, M. W.i Ilirl F.ld .redge, I. C.i Walter Calderwood, O. (I. The conference ol the Sunday ithool of Coalville ward lM lait Sunday morn ing, nai a grand iiirccii. The program arranged wai carried out In every partic ular and the exe'clici were very Inter eiting. Elder Wllllnm A. Morton, member of the Deierel Sunday School Union Hoard, wai preient and took part In the exerciser. The Slake Superln tendency and aldi were alto In attend ance and took an actlvo part. 0. A. Snow A Co. I'atent Lawrertof Watnlngton, D. C have lent ui a Handy Veit Pocket Diary Memorandum and Account Hook for !P06. It lontalni calendar! for 1006 and 1WM, a ceniut of cltletand ttatef, common builnem lawa rourt deiltioni In patent catel and other valuable Information, It It tuch a book ai etery man ncedt all the time. C. A. Snow A Co will lend It to any addreti on receipt of actual poitage, two centi. Thlt pocket diary would coit eltewbere from 10 to 5 centi and !i Indlipeniable to tb(te nhc know Lot to uie i. Tho dlitrlct ichool leacheri of the county met In an Inititute here lait Saturday and" two Interesting triitoni wire held. Prof, William M. Stewart of tho Unlverilty wat preient and dlicuneil Important tubjectr. In the evening Prof. Stewart gave an llluitrated lecture on education at tho Opera Home, which wai very Interesting. At the builnen leiilnn the following officers wero elect 1 fur the tomlr.g" year. President, Supt. 0. A. Illocher, Park City; vlie preildent, Mrs. Jesilo L, Hedges, Park Glty;cretarr, Principal J. A. Aitin, Cotlvillr; treaimer, Principal Carl Allltou, llenefer, executive committee, F, L. Petenon, Park City s E. 8. Uenten, I'pton, and IMttli Stetenr, Marlon. The Improvement Era for December lint hand, with a varied and In ewry reipect excellent Hit of contents. The I frentlplece If n picture of the Mli-lon I home in Chicago. "The Letter from Mr" It a iketeh bv Nephl Anderion. i"Th Value of a Soul," is he theme of n thonjhtfnl ontrihution by Henry W. Xeilntt. In the series f article! on the 1 World '1 Fair oppeari this month a brli-f 1 ikelch of the "Filiidnoa at the Pair." Tlifli lliTe li a ilnry by Henry Nleol Adanuon: a jMper on 1 "Pniiing ol the Oift ol Tongnei," by Dr. lames X. Allen; "A Cuban Fun eral,' Dr. Joseph M. Tanner; "A Short Way with Iteorganlnsrn," by I I'redrlc Cllft. M.D.; and quite at few pieces ol poetry. On "The Editor's Ta ble," we find "Chriitraai Thought!," I by President Joieph V. Smith. "Events of the Month" are dlicuiied by Joieph T. Smith, Jr. The Era li the official organ ol the Voung Men's Mutual Im provement associations, and it li edited with cam and excellent Judgment. .Niillrc. Uimetl xtstM Un.l Offirt. Mil UkP I'llr, Ulah OCI..UT illh, 101 To wl,om It iuf tuiicrii Nultiw Is Itenrbr alvirn that lb Plate of Utah li. ItUillnltiUorflr a lltl So 310 ol laliJiH. larclwl by tlm mH ctalo lor ll.f MUbllllilUMit ol Irriuaiint watvr rvrrulri lur lrrlsatlDrtnir Hvt uulr i-rrtlon 12 o( thp Ait it Couurcaa l.rinr.l.liiW, l Tilt Inllniilns traeisera bm.1. 1 iu miJ lui arv in um ntblp eouulutus Ullllilal rlallfll lf rvcolt XU fW',au.IES Hi, kc ;:' TJ.N.r. l nif ) ol W lid, to far li ralatta to mIi Iracta hv 0. rl IIt nUllTlaloDl. baa btwn colt lUluulf mlvil In tills onim lor luictluu j auy I4TI4U littoreiM. auil lj ihe ubUi gi u r rally Wlllilu thr iihi ualr dan fullowlDll.iUM ul tbu bullce, uulr iMitaniasiiuil luirucilona ul NotaiuUr J7, in. Id 1. It, vk roieaiaur mill la aaalnal ihe claim ttt Ibv iute In any of Ui Inula urMiUllrlkloua brlubfori ilaerlbil, 0.1 thu sriHllnl tbal Ui aw la mi.r TalnaM for oiliirtal thau fur asrienituml imriiC'Ma. will bv nKvheil anil uolail fur rtiairl to lb iftntfai , Uuiil OHIO al WaahliuUio, l. I . rallulrHilo tiulrat ur cunlal within h llnic ctfld will t ooualilare.1 l lilteltut vvblfuw otthuuli- mineral cbattr of lb aald tracla, anl tb tsilou ibrf Men otlierw li f r froia ob i Hatful will las nwiniasuHad for a.oraJ. QtVIUlX A.SMITH, Mir. 10-jTl33 ANOTIICK. I1VHCLAR.V People's Mercrwntll Compcvnv Slnio AsnlnUtokert InlobJ R.obbers. Ilurglari brute into 'he itore of People's Mercantile company between 11 and 12 o'clock Monday night ami secured about 110 worth ul merchandise, romiillng of shoes, underclothes, poekct knives, etc., and abuut ti Iti mull change which wat left in the cash drawer. It it thought there wai two men who did the work. They gained entrance through aback window. The cash drawer was taken from the ssfe and carried by the men down to where they left the track, where It wnt fiund by the section men. After securing their boodle the burglars walked down the railroad track about n mile and t hen trotted ner the river and walked down the opposite tide till they came to the lite of the proposed reservoir when they recrustcd and walk el into Eibo, There they bought tickets to Ogdeu and went down on the 2 IS paiienger train. The conductor said that two suspicious characters got oil the train just before it pulled inlo the Ogdsn depot, and so far no trace of the men has been found. The ollUers are still on the search. This Is the sevond time this store hat been broken Into In the past two months, and it seemi that tne lough element ol the country knowi pretty well the con ditions that exist here. A rrlulilcncri llurac. Ilunnlng like mad down the itreet dumping the occupant!, or a hundred other accidents, are every day occur rences. It tehoovesevcryboily tohavea reliable Salvo handy and there's none as Ilurklen's Arnica Salve. Hums, Cuts, Sores, Ecieraa and Piles, diiappesr quickly under Us soothing effect. 2Scat John lloyden A Bon Drug Store. MISSIONARY APPOINTMENTS. The following home minlonnry appoint menti have been made by the Stake preildency for next Sunday, Dec. lltb: Woodland -W. H. llranch, M. W. Taylor. Peoa Levi Penrton, T. L. Allen. Franclt John K. Lemon, U. r V.'. Young. t'4 Parley's Park and Park Oltyr-)r'iat d. nheidrwirinriTcV. r- Oakley William Hodson, John Booth. Iloikport Georne Smith, KJ Itees. HoytivlUe-Sllai M. Pack, J. IC. Lemon, Jr. Wnnihlp Itobert Walker, Henry Hint. Eait Coalvllle-r. II. Wrlghl.Thomas Copley. Upton John Paikett, It. A. Jones. Itockport William Anblbald, W. J. Wright. Ileneler-Wllllam Carruth, 0. II. Wist. Coalville Marlon Frailer, Enoch Drown. Grass Creek Amos Sargent, Irwin Crittenden. Kamai-Oiur Wllklns, A. It. March-ant. Stake quorum, prlvithoo.1 and aux iliary meetings at Park City Saturday Dec. 17tb. right Will lie Hitler. Those who will r,litln closing theli ears against the continual recommeda Hon ol Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, will bavea long and hit ler fight with their troubles, If not end ed earlier by fatal termination. Head whatT It. Heallof Ueall, Miss, has to lay: "Last fall my wife had every symp tom of conrumpllon. She touk Dr. King's New Discovery lifter everything elte bad tailed. Improvement came at once and four bottlei entirely enred ber. .Guaranteed by Jehu Hoyden A Son Druggiite. Price 50c, and 11.00. Trial bottles free. Vt antt.l- Qiikklr. w rMni to reprsarut Ions eatabllRhiM whuitMle l,ue anionic retail mvn b. aula ana acrnta Local Irrrluirr of lew ooiiu. tlm llsalarrautrxneaau.) lahl wwkljr KiiiMuicurr a'lraui-f.1 lomislMloii extra rerinanut rnnaaeufbt lluilntai ttutttlul l'll-VloiliIrllllC Iiol eaarlitlal, tut low Mlf a!4rrMt mreloi Ad.lrvM, KcrtamTEH MM TrixtliKT. ido Utarboru t., Coliatu Ul'tOlllllllll IllllllllH'lll, A sure sign ofopproachlng revolt and serious trouble In your system Is ner vouiness sleeplessness, or stomach up sets. Electric Hitters will quickly dls meiiber the troublesome causes. It never falls to tone the stomach, regulate the Kidneys and Dowels, stimulate the Liver, and clarify the blood. Itun do n syitemt benefit particularly and all the usual attending aches vanlili and under it searching and thorough eUVct iveneis. Electric Hitters is onlj-50o, and that is returned If it don't give perfect satis faction. Guaranteed by .film lloyden & Son Druggists. Your return card printed on too envelopes for 75 ceuts at THE TIMES office. I J,v fetter than has Been i; I J Is what we can say about our Line of K? j! PtlRNITLTRE . m Jutt received a now lino ol LHBH :' H Combination Book Cases, Buffets, B li China Closets & Side Boards. H fcr iH p.) IH I It is natural for us to lead because we have lH I THE RIGHT GOODS. H SUMMIT IMPLEMENT 60. H J W. L. HANSEN, Manager. H "pH BARGAlTsfORErCoalYille, Utah. I if Is it not indisputably TRUE, that premature Rrcy hair, worry, anxiety, privation and H ACTUAL LOSS is suffered and endured in a greater or lest degree by thoc who RUN IN DEBT H frt or wholly for their necessities? With many the "Worm I the bud" lies in their conceit, H ly credit is good, and with honorable intent, that nearly always magnifies the actual value of H fork yet to be done to satisfy this credit obligation, they sail in and buy liberally what they H necg as well as what they want and don't particularly need. Going their way with n light heart, H .often forgcttiug that HOPE and GOOD RHSOLUTION falas bow often these arc but castlks in H (TDXAiu, instead of advance guards to worthy achievement) arc but the initiative and stimulas to sll itanctual work to be done. IH pft The way out of this iniaim.ii condition into the JSUN BATIIED CLEARING IS SHOWN- H "yfflWPtliutHiyH'Hcffi 3JJOES Gents Black Fleeced Lined Winter Oversliirts. H Yen would coBiIdcrlbems birjilo it 90 cli. yn l M That suit in Style, Quality and Price. Just Oar pries SUOUCl H received fiom the makers the following specials Oenh Plain BueFanneOr$rshirts 77 H m LiAuiua l-inc suuiis: at a special low price ' ' " uo" xVfl Lot 1, A Ladies Fine Dongola Patent Tip Shoe, GeMs HeatJ BD6 Flannel OferShlrtS flRn 9, 01 Oilfi lH ail solid, you cannot tell it tt oca Colored corded front aOb & i)l uull M from a $2 Shoe. Our price, 4)1. nJ pr . BH Lot 2, Ladies Fine Dongola Patent Tip, fair Mens Heavy Groy Wool HoSO, 20 C a pr H stitched, extra wide. $4 Q A Mens Heavy Grey Wool lloio, lone, nf- M A very low price for such a shoc.vP 1 .W pr g ribMtoJt 4Qrct ,,, 0u'pprk9e 25c pr H Lot 3i JKwlartnyii t! S" a jjy $r 20c & 2SG or In this fine Dongola. Only ?'-00 ,,r 9 mero and Lamb B Wool, HUU a DUuJJl jH Lot ., Ladies Ilox Calf StrcctShoc, sightly and 2ft Infants All Wool HoSO. 10 ClS pair. H scrvicnble. S2.00 value. cW en A Jt , , .,..,, SH 0r price V!)U ,,r . ''VffcL?i2SK,MAr' I ?C pr Lot 5, Ladies Fine Dongola, soft k ,1 top, very S j"" J?! Hn "ql.lSronly ' 20C pr dressy. Same quality sells rty OC A fe ' ' r tm eliewhere for $2.50. Our price SlOJ pr g mt Agate ButtODS, 12 dOZ. for 6 CtS. M Good Yalne In Child's Dongola Shoes. While Pearl AgaleBoltons, 12 dot, for 10 els. - M Patent Tip, sizes 4 to 8, only 70 cts a pr tl Shelf Oil Clotll. H 1" " 8 to u4, only. 95 cts a pr JX M ,U I liirlrlj r Sluu'. In Slot It Tor Men, it Per yard, 7'.c, fH Viniirii mul llillilrcii. By the piece, 24 yds, pr yd, G',o H jnst received four lots in g IlRPBrlal T8MB SyNP R gf fiSp-SS! j LADIES CORSETS, g. Quar(Si 15c. half gal, 25c; gal, 50c H Great Value in a Corded Corset, Satin Pii'ish, r , -Rj sls 2 1 to 25, only 35 cts a pair Only ten pieces left of our special offering lE 75GcentCvaluIhi Got!11"': 506 pr M iM l0F QUlltSl ll WJI1 Stl11 fll W rir. Nasseu's Corsets Will not break at sides. 18 yds fOl the $1.00 W Genuine Done. Sizes 22 to 26 kp r-p ' . WEPiZ 0,1,y VL U We have just received n nice lot of mSi Model Form. Satin Finish. Genuine Bone. JT T...l.,.. P.. si.. lll!.l.. B9l' Drab. Sizes, 22 to 28, only SO cts a pair JeWelFy IOF 1116 HOllflayS. ' K mn rP'M Wten ,0U J" "e ,0ll", " lbt '"r Elegant Bracelet 20 cents a pair. ' W , Shirt Waist Sets in Pearl anil Gold Plate. 5c to 23c set. S& O versnirt Special. M bm wi(h Cm1 Md d 5ce( wm We arc overstocked on n nice light striped, llirl'k ,1 Iklfll vl Willi vlflllP M Idf l."ip iml 91 fl satin effect, fast colored shirt, collar attached, Mlm m mm' Hl """ MUlle' oc' lUC' ldC m -,JC iM regular 75 cent value. Will sell the same (JeillS Initial anil StOnC Set Scarf I'illS, 5c, KlC, IOC, 20c JHj Shirt for 45c; 2 for 85c; 3 for SI. 25 Baby's Cuff Fins ami Rings, 2c, 5c, 10c, 25c 9 Cash Bargain Store, Coalville. m