Newspaper Page Text
r The OoalvALle Times.'" . ""v J e . , - -- , .. ,r- 0. jH Y THE PEOPLE'S ADVEHTISER. 33JBVOTJM33 TO THB HTTaaaSTaOr hummit OOP-aWTY. pM rV0? NEATLY EfECUl ED o( affHW Vol. XII. COALVILLE, SUMMIT COUJTIY, UTAH. JANUARY 27, 1905. No. -3. y 3By 1 SCHOOL NOTES. ' M II. nntn Ill Hi 11,1 ! . 'tltlb I 1 b.- l .( i'.hiI "!l Mnii ln , A loter-Xing ni --ing I the lewctn-i" il our n dirit sa lirl 1 Il Mlnrdav afternoon rrinripal I. j" A. Atln gave., tl- mi in .nil-. ami Mit MnwlmniMi gavemitta .m Incentives to.'hO'l ir I Ti f Uttr li.jwH in. 14I1I forth t , llteljr diKOMlon bv all bretent. I f l A erv Interesting nxt ?aturdav f. Qnlte i number o( pHplle have been I .' absent thli week brcanreof ilcknm'. . That chldren love go.,d literature In r t.jr Ihe nay ll.i iipll" rrail the nrw hhraiv hook. , Principal J. X .Islln .pent a hall ilay ' last weex in .he I .iter I rant Creek f aehiol. SUMMIT COUNTY SCHOOL FUNDS Attract ol .ppottlonm.ini of Mate Bcbool 1'iinU, Jan. ISlli, 1W. Dlitrlft Aiiionnt. llencfer JHI Coalville UB7.I llnytsvlller 4S7M Vanhlp 17H43 llorkort 510.18 r l'eoa . . W(W V Kniiiat 31181 Upton SSI.7J rri't I'ark 177.IS Marlon 1WI Wontllind 802 IW I'ark Oily .. . IKtlH Oakley ... -whir 1'rauoit SWIM Kclin MKtff Cattle Iteek . .... KU.8.' lOlSti.PH l'oiulHtlon,S7fll. lvr mpitA, mmu. Dulrliti tun In their nnlei No. 1 liu ginning with lleneler mill endli-g with ho. 17, Cattle Rock. An agreeable tnovetntiit nl lite Itan rlh , without any uiipleaianl eUVcl It pro duced by Chamberlain's Hotuacu .toil , l.ivtr falilelt. Kur tale by Jno. Hoyden Itamtt&jHoii. -f, "lletchorl know who Santa Clauslt," tald a bright boy at th National hotel tolay. He hat not yet gotten over Ills Chr'atinat. ".S.mta li my ptpa ami say, papi It talking ol moving to Utah il the Bonnie fires Smnot out ami you liet If we eo thfre I'll Ami oat who (toil In, cau.e Smool's v tulki ttralahl to (iml, tlmr ay, anil I'll lul thn ulil duck to tell me." El. I'lraunt ami Mm. I I'nrnltr T. J. Cbaiubrrr, V.iU Vindicator, l.lli erly, Tea, nrltea Dec.i'o, JWI2 "With pie mire ami untollrltril In jon. I btai tmtliimny to the vureatlte poorr ul Ilallard'a llorehomid Simp. 1 have umhI It for my family nnd tan cheerfully alllrm It It th moil HltvtUe and p'en anleit rrmrdy lor cousin and col.ln I hare ever ned " L'6o, Wc and 1.XJ. Hold by John Itovden A on. A BRIGHAMITE LEASES THECALVILLE TIMES N. J. IVIerton hai leatrd the CinN I title rimei mid il now In edhor Mr Teterron win lurn uml riMrud in Hrl: litiiii ell nliere !.! p.ili-ul ul ri Ide. Ileum fur n niiniKr of jeam inthe eiuplu) of the lliitilmin lluier. He afterward went to Logan and uoikel on t lie LuiMii .Nation. Tor ( )eil p.l't lie hill Iwell connec ted with the O.'Iimi MHinlml. Iteinc thin equipped with experletue in the newptmr hutlntii, Mr. lVtcriin will I nndoubl nuke aiucex of the Timet. ft. Juke, uii hae our conitnuulatibn' I and sold wlthe. Uoxeldir .Ne k liiiparrrrl lllcr.llun ' Mr.ui If in nutrition and in conieinence luta lwllly. When the liver falli to ircrele bile, the blood I ccoinei loaded with bllbui proprrller, the illut-tlou htcomei luipated and the honcla con atipaled. Ilerbihe will rectify thli, it Kivea tone to the itomaih, lier and kldiie)i, itreiijitheiii the upe'lle, rle,u and improei the tompleniou, inlutea new IK" nnd i(or to the whole lyiteui. WUfntniboitle. told h) John )ioden A fton. I Advertise our goods iu TIIU TIMES. CliamlitTlalli' touall ItMiifil) Ab.nul. ly II. mil... The fault ol giving children medicine containing Injurloui luUtanrei.liiome tlmri more dliaitroui than the ditrate from which they are cullerlng. er mother ilioulJ knoa that Chamberlain Cough remedr li perfectly a(e lor clilld ren to take. Il contain! nothing- barn ful aud for couglir, colJt and croup li unimpaired. IVrMle by Jno. lloydcu A Hon. HBB.HIHI LOCALS AKDJERSOHALS. Iluu. Alma Kldrmlgr relume I unday fmiii an I tr.p In ol I Mesiro. WenriUrl .k la'e for niMii-atton in tills Uaiii-a ineiu d.IU-n'nl to phn Heard, cumporvil by Tho. Illttau, and will apMar in our next. Vlntoni thin and family ol Ktamton or vltlllrtK In the rut with relative!. The iakeia at the (take Tabernacle lnt ftlntlay were Kdere A mm. artent, Wind II. Pack and John Walker. Teh'plionn are beliij Imlallnl in the Comity Court lion'. Rtjh county olllier having A ep irate phone. Attotnev lnnnhd of I'aik It In the eity to attend court. Mrt. Arnold and aon Ormn left Sun d ly inoriilng for bait l-ake for a ten da) villi nllti relatUet. Ouiily Attorney i:antretitrned from the I'ark Sunday morniiiit. The prutpeitt rlfclit now are not very iiimiiraglni; for an abundant water fiipnly thin year, but there li yet time for lotanf rnon, if the weather man will nrlv uct dunn to butineM and let ui have It. Countv ynrvej'or It. A. Jonea ol llentfer wan In CoaMlle the fun part of the wk on nuilneir. bee lili a!. In Hill I.mih. I.. II. I'ellt diitrlct maiiiiirer nl the I ilvlllel. Co, nl l'ark Clt) cime iloivn to loi k ader the Im.lii'M nf tliai oompany the fori iart nl the week. It tiava M advertUe In the Timet. J. V. I .urn li ndertled louiid money ; in our lait Imii. The "eutlmeii that lott the uinier ralleiland deruilieil it, aud pit lilt muney baik. Who raja, an ad in the Time doern'i pat. Mlta ('lira eiiuliter went to I'ark City vritenlai to vieit with frlendt. County Superintendent of tchoolt W. M. Hoyden left for the lonthern part ol county Wednentiy tJ villi and imped the echooli In that locality. Indue. I.eli will hold a iliort tenlon ol court here todav. The regular aet ilon cnnvenei in March htrraltrr In tcad nl Kebruarv. The Coalville Urata band tpent a very pleatent evening at the home of Joreph AlleuTueiday evening, practicing lome benutllul new timet. The Mnrgftn Ilrainatli Co, will appear in Coalville the latter part oltlilt month or the forepart of Feb. The company will present "lark O'lllanondt," "The l'lnngr" and "Little Mln Thompton". The company ctinet well rrcomended and thonld be well patronlieJ. J, P. l'eterton.ol I aramie, W)o., who hat been vliltlng relallvit in Coalville nnd tklnll), left lor I'ark Clt) the fore part of the week. I Tor -ale good leoond hand cm) I drill will take 00 for II. Ilenjimln 1 Shaw. Coalville. DomeilloTiaublei. It iiexeepilnnal In tincl a family win re aieno domeiiic ruplii'et m"atl iiiallv, but the can lie leetened by having Dr. Kind's. New I.i( 1'ilU around. Much trouble they tave by their treat work in slnmiuh and I.tver rionblet, Thev not .mil relieve tnn, hut cure I6c, at John ltu Jl'ii i Son Drug Flore. Wat Made to Climb Mountain. Almott a cnturj haa paaaed ilnce the flrtl wtiii.nn ascended Mont lllanc Mnrln I'anulln waa her name, I and the did not And the aicent ver) pleasant and It.ileei wna drained up the tecnml half aualnit htr will It I waa In vain that ho ln on the mow and ail.eil to be throw n down n preel pice. "They kelied hold of me," iava hei record, 'they draKKid me. tlie wrtl me thev parried ni r- . I,,. ., .-...., A lUtrii) .Niillin slate of Utah, Count) of Summit, City ol Coalville, 1 have in my poitmlon the following detiribed eitrav aiilinali, which, If not 0 aimed and taken awa), will be told at public auction to the hlgheitcaih bidder at Coalville, from the City Kttray I'ound, Main Btriet, and 2nd North, the nth day of Feb. A. I) 1K3, at the hour 01 I p. in Deicrlptlon of Anliuil Out red cow and Ci I , branded on right lib 4, on right hip 21 combined on Mi rib diamond, cut oil' right ear, bole in letl ear. Said ettrayt were taken up b) me on IbelCth day of January. 1W5, from a public itrerl in tald City of Coalilllo, Robert Wilktr, Cli) 1'cut.d Kittr. KIoUiibIiiM Ptlir.iitirB Kiv llliiwut victory i lh war with lapau weul a ullnimerimt latl , Mundav when the fittt thou wtrw liml tntn the rank tf the tirixiiin workmen at M. l'eteratourg. HumU with '' fully 'urniU urileat home, with dltti n atone In their Aiuilei in Manehiria, the can m lunger believe a aiuie.-lul 'lit 0 line ol the con li n't p ..tlble. Tiie event! of "undav marked Ihe la-- . lnnin(if the end ol the war with Japan. I It it rather earlv to predict a dow u fallolthe ltc.ruinoirdtna.iy; but If the revoloibn tpraadt. at It btdt lair to do, then it may be poiitble that ltuttia will fall. The people ol lluttla have tntfered long and patient Iv. Thev have endured t)rtiiny that no other pep' undtr heaven woakl hive endured, beeaute eiidur.ince ol l)ranny bat beon breil and twvien Into thtn lor rentiirlet. lulu the tlowworklng Intellect, of the woikltigmeii win priltldpaieil In the eohrilcitol iindav. at lait hai been In ttilleJ into their luiude that they liml a right to expect taiuethliig from Ihe l'.in prior Did the r.niieror appear to hear Ihelr tldeof iheitory? No. Initead he or dered hit toldlen to tire on an I kill the worklnguien who had come to him for advice Hut to hear their pleajlngt, he wai told, would be an overthrowing of illieipllue, that would give the work. Ingmrn courage toencreaw their demand that, having n llilrtl of (Kiwer, their ap elite would neter be tatlifled. Yet hut theCtar received them, the demon triitiuti thattMCUrred In st. l'etertburg Siinda), would never have taken place, aid no inch ihedding ol Innocent blood would have takeu place. Kvery dog hai lili da) and It loom ai II the Caar't day la nearly over. Snakes' Eyea Never Closed. Snake, ma) allium be aahl to have Klata e)ea Inatmuch at their eye never cmie They are without llda, nnd each la covered with a tranapar cnt acale, much reacmbllng glaia. When the reptile iliedi ltu outer ikln the e)e tcalea come off with tho reat nf the trnntpa-ent envelope out of which the make ttlpa. Thli glany eye reals la ao tnunh that It afleo tually protect! tho truo eye from tbt twlga, iharp gran and other obitrue tlona which the make encountera In Ita travel!, yet It la transparent enough to allow tho moit perfect virion Tliui, If the snake haa not a glats eye. It may, at any rate, bo said to wear glanea ammaah TriiuliU. nail Coli.llpalliin "Chamberlaln't Stomach and Liver lablrta are the bctt thing for itomach troubles and ronitlpatlon I have ever told," saye J. It. Cullmsn, a druggist ol I'ottervllle, Mich They are eaiy to to take aud alwa)i kite latirfaction. I tell my cuitomert to try Ihem and it not tatiilactory toromu back and get their money, but have never had a com plaint." Vol tale bv Jno llo) den A feon Your return card printed on loo envelopes for 7 cents at THIS TIM KS office. Stra)ed or driven otr I tie iow range lienrmy plate latl tpring; three )rarling hrilert braudeil J I. on led Mioulder. uy prrton glting Inforina tlou thai will leal to recovery of tnid iiiiil'ml. will li amply rewnrdeil, Ixroy Mill llii)itvllle, fluli. 2t Will give Me to lh tint pvrty thai bring, orteudi to tills oHlce a eoiiion taken from a packuje of Scutch O.itt, thevellow lettir "T." Curr. I.i i,, A.II.Cnninaiihlcago.wrltviMHtchl.'OS ' Having been irniiblnl with Lumbago at dltrerent timet nnd tried one phvtl t Ian after another, then dlirurtnl u'nit munis aud liiiaineutt, gate It up alto .ethtr. '-o I tried once more, and gut I .i luitle id Ilallard'a anuw Liniment, gavemu alinoit luiiant rt I Iff. I can oliceifully rrtoniintu I il, and will add my namo to your Hit ol former tuf ferert." 25.'. 6Ue and 1 1 . Sold b) John Hoyden & sou. Subscribe tor THIS TI.MKS. Sieved from li-rilblo Dr&trt, Tin- famll) nl Mrt M. L HiHldlt ol Ilargerton, Tenn,, taw her dying and I were powerleti to tave her. The moil tkilllul ph)ilciiins and etery remeily uied, failed, while conteinptluu wai tlowly but iure) taking her life. In this terrible hour Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption turned despair intoj'iy. The lint bottle brought Inl ine. lisle relief and its continued use completely cured her. It's the moil certain cure In the world for all throat and lung troubles, (iutranleed Botllei 60c and 11.00. Trial Ilotlles Fre at J John Hoyden A gun Drug Store. We cau do your job -vorl:. POLfGAM Y! " POLYGAMY!! "' i il . itf. r i m il. I lit I i i aES frig BOYS. HERE'S fe P YOUR CHANCE K i , i Iim of naine. teprctcminir ftltv-fivc of IHE WORl. W s CHOICEST V.IHfl ) OS,i, . ,v, 0) inainiigrabU ngc. Cuuhillv twxl pruudlv claitut tlicin all. SlB Thi C(i .IWA who will, wtiltin tvtentv daya, BKIXG OXR OF THIS Hfl XfitMR .is his hnppy btide nnd a correct list of the remaining fifty-four, will be eu- IfllB titlefW,- or CHARGE to the following liRAVTIFL'l. 1'KESliXTS now on dis- W playitour l.CSIXHSS PARLORS: I ' One very choice Large Parlor Lamp I One pretty Center Table of the latest style i One dainty piece of Rattenberg I 1 Suit liuiiiii k fin in iiiii: i:iiiiii;!ii!, W L.HANSEN, Manager. i p-r.iiiLi limn I lllllilil II I""'" i ' IIMIIIIIIIIIIIHII1IIII.II..III1IIH.I I n I I J I ITTTTSM CASH BARGAIN STORE, Coalville, Utah. x Amevn -woiild thlnlt It foollsli Ck.tidrvIm.ost orlmlnrvl If 1 he dollbcrcvtcly tKrcvv n copper lo ptcoo Into tK rlvor, I ii "1 To w sustem I, hoKro ws25o, SOo and. $I.OO Into tKo InsaiSiIerivor 0l,-, m T CREDIT time and again without a thought of the ruinous waste iu buying ' "J under this wroug system. How easy to save when you get the lowest cash price. Ho a- hard when you pay the always high credit price. j Description nnd pticcs below tell economy's story Heed it, profit by it, if you wish lo ini- A prove your condition I Just Received another 25" doz. Received this week another ' Bleached and Unbleached lot 0f Ladies', Misses' & Boy.-' j TURKISH TOWELS Woo, and CashmQrQ Hosiery. I , Tby more with us at following pilcei ,.,, , . ' l,ft.&,, u"l',Mc,'r,IT,"kl,,' 2oc Exceptional Value, perpair , . , 20, 25, 30c ' Xti good weight UnbteachnITurklih 25C "" 1 -iHUr'Si u-'wr4e,.M-1 Tort,,h .35c I Wo 3f6 Gfliryiuo Uib ! j Will good weight HleachwITurklih Towels 25C AT T ' L all! S weight n.e'.;he.iT.,,kl.h Towel. 5qc j A 11 6 ll 0 T Llll6 Iiaaunk Toaelt. knotted fringe, jk r ttir AlDC 1 """Crushed" Velvets Of JTlEH'S SUfl I Ihe 1. teat thing nut In Velvett-all tho ' QPQIlllPQQ .QflllPQ H j ,.r1ri.irl,i,,lt.g.-a.oiMe..,.r; J q5 UUQ I UOD UllUUO I --ll.attlKftainlsl W-Owrprkf, Td tf !.-"- V I I H I T-T..,irll-r.ffliipf; Ifull calf uppers, duiilile soles of best Oak Leatlur riiniiinjr clear to the heel N'o ftl Udns White lleinitltciied-flne q dcaiua to riji An hoBest, durable shoe, e- J 'W ..,,,. 1 celled bv no maker at honest profit price. 0 9 Ijelle. I.liini I imibrolderel lomer Fifs ' .M C j ASK TO SEE THE ANCHOR LINE M l.i..'.l,ieMie,rlwn.l..elnH-rtioi. 7 rll., AllChofi., , ,., $2 40 M 'sa- -.,,wi,"fi"B ioc nu;:;c,,rpi,,, $i.95j42.o5 rm I 1 lie.' lire riiibrnMerwl. Mll 15C Yimth't Anchor np 10 2' f 1 Q , P, fc I Q ,-, I JOttl. J5c, SHe, 0o. end Z. I per ulr q5l.OU,(X Cpl.UO Mj JMi'.lu,ke Ited.teolor.Slnch Qq I Mm,., An,,,or ,,,.,, 0I t.f rt,0 ,- jM MtV.'llluean,. White, fait'eoior, inch SC''.VT' 7s, B ,m,l, s-0 Men Quaker Calf, no belter thoet at CJJQ 1 -. I vd Me.,'. Ilelli.tltChed. white, Slim If) 811(1 15C JW) ' """1 """''"" ''rlr P.IU g each tKJ UUU tsJy-' Men's Model Pine llrettor Dame Hhoo W liiKid nualuv (iarier Web Cp ' at fl-xihle at ny turned shoe sold at (PO'7P flH lrinl Wand will wear lonif.r. Our prlte ip. O H Heilillkllartir Web fin ' Utni's Finn Krett Sllpper-cbeap at dll i-v SI K lervnrd .. .. i-tO. Oiirprhe spl.VJU H IE 'line l.acet, list, gooil aliallty 5C IValher IJitsrt, goo.1 tile lieu i1'.'101 . -rn'd1 llaiidletl Up Holder Kk) M I Miiaj In et, betl n.ualil 311(1 IOC Clothes I'lht. 01I0. lor llio M I """"o . , Mexican liber long handled Citriet Stteer nrp M nent'i lanen Collars. an tiyle, 4-plJ'i l1"1' JOC1 -Irgular prneRO.-we tell them, each C,OL. to many told ni 200 for ,.,.., Mroni: Tin Table t-poons 1 trn Cent', fine Scarfi iRr, SOr, 5f, Ifle p ,,0MU . . lOt MM Oeni'i l'reildenl .-u'peiiilen. per pair Ciood I'latci Table hpooiit, f5Cr H I tent's gonilSninenders " . 'Arl. let of lx ... OvJU H 1 Lent, 1.11-wooIfeweaiert, great value 95C ' Good Plate.) Table r.,ons QQ B "" , I letoftix OOv. H Uoi't Ml-wool Swealert, great value, each Tflij M ! Cash Bargain Store, Coalville. 1