Newspaper Page Text
THE PEOPLtS ADVERTISER, i DHVCSTIX) TO 071131 INCTBate Oy BtTMMIT COUJSTTY. JOB WORK HEATLY EXECUTED Vol. xTl COALVILLE, SUMMnpTJNTY, UTAH. MARCH 10, too, No..- ) A WARMING TO THE I BURGLAR AND HOLD-UP Tlin.- . x rlr f thlnjt ill Mr Mtn l t i Hi i i l t ity it il i ii iiln in wniih ci1 (iiocn ni in t in iii i mm ii lr (.iiy Vtlmi't 1 tan m lt nn-Hlnn Miimlnif tilth! ir i rrnM In rttm.' Tin- plan I in.m. I i tlii Ihr ' "I "i' mar h iti m re I lit mtl of run- Inl in ii in bf wail bt m vailnit. l.u.ttiffi. h isn ul thiu'iv. in onl lir Hiion ul whlrh hf tnanlial liijrtliwl Willi hHti-vwilrpllll mv ' nwlr.1 it lo inlnl llii" itriN-i bl iwn Ihe i limit, i I 11 i hi an I i in In a I- I lit! m t i thlt lrpt "hi-nff rt ililr m tn Iihmi n jilom Hi lilt iilmiw whiih Imt hrf n mlriil li lliecinjiilj,llli mi extrimlflii Ml Vi iinrn ( whten hr iua lw rail-1 hi tn v moment lo sill i llifnirnfi in tin lirhrir ul tliplrl iluty . i Willi t r h'iui- f intl n lh tmrir-' lar hi i mi" I il'fl'ii ''' rharctir.M Mfi -li f 0lillt Tln iiaiMarliliii: It on thr all, nn I Urn. toiwh and laltt fl'intnl "III tecfhf no mi-rev Iroiiiollliftt orcitln-nt 5 1 ire hi c written mranne mrnle limn tn complflnl by Coun cllnim Uwllni, llniiTii mi l Chrk, thr lominlt'rr lo uliiiu me linltrr w rn. (mwl.ln ililili lumtry the proioil plantinto rtTrit mil Col Ulir It ne turn! l llrtt cIm ollct? protritlon Hillioot IiIIHoiirI cii'itiitmpuyiTt GRAND OPPORTUNITY FOR THE FARMERS Tim pfot lu III llil I it ol tli lotinty will UiiI?ii one mine opiortunUy In take uiuhe twel mlilni! Imluitty. r rai r went ni m If by a nnmi ol ourtllittnt Willi J it I'iiiiii in Ojilm rrceullt.lnuii-it with the farmer. I till Oilnltr ml to make omtrncit Willi tbviii lur tin- rutin ul tuuiir Iwrlt fur the Ujilen Ititorr II Ihit ill limtrr nun vet a lunllml 1 1 ere it Kill lie tin lirlni!lu mul ( utttim Inl i cir culation iu Ihit niuiity man) iIioumuIi ofilnllar ifli ir Impertinent have ilemonttiatel that Wi it run be inccelnllv prrnluf el lirrr mul thnreu tto' trt)ic bren pule IMied In there milium for the at two Year. At will It wiirmlnml Mr I'initrn liprrrntlini ill" uialKinleil ' buKurCn ol Oitilen, nns in CodIvIIIk an I nrietilwrlnc townt latt year Irvltn: t J in lure the larinrrt to r'Crltr llilt bleu i lug. but be met with very iiiilllTifrviit tnccrrt, anil it mi a hard matter to itel III ui in content to nitVe nnotber at- . tempt, but be bat I roml'eil lo be In ' Wan'hlp, biturtlty,Mtrcb tprak . to tbe t'rople. j tl I'linui rt tin" up outrun for i.. "1.000 titrc mul llimv Hint iu llMIMI II lIOOll HlllIK Milt II JOII lie It. REGULAR SESSION OF COMMISSIONERS The Koaril of Count) Coimnli'Ionrri met in regular tritlon Momlay, anil illd not Krt through until Turt-Uy at lion The fcllonliiKlniiliiMt win tMnmliil lllllt amounting to nrarly 11000 00 were nllnaeil an lordcreil pal I ' W II Bennett ol llenrtcr waiappoln tril Hill anl name warden ol buiniiilt C'untv anl hit Hilary tlnl nt JIJlX) tier month Mr lliinelt will Innke lilt home In Coalvilli. be ImrtloK told hit rnnch at llenelrr 1' II .Nerlr vlllloiied the Hoard ht h llrente at abmructor an I altr ron tideribludlicutilon, be irantela llcrnte (I tl "jlneni anl teerothir ret ileuii oIUUIh) p-iiliionul till burl lur it new ro tat Oakley mid the uiat- ler taken un ler etlvcemrm tu t mie up i ipcoal tuteilUK In Hbout ItfllilHle lb 1-oiiiiH larm wt leaeeil to Heorte n oiuu f f tb mhiii u 1MH lur trie tuui ul IJb UU rur rt .u.iiun il I! .' Slepneiu e, loiitu ile ul lienelw fireelnvi, Wee aivvpletl 1 n uilii mI bowl, ol tii road tnrmrt- UiHt weir )plieil It t A uuitienbulnie applntail lu I niirritor ul Mail! prrcluirl ru utiiiu it ur mtclndiliK the the ireuliiti m pattvil by ttie bownl on Ik-kriiibvr JUtti, rvlutniii lu lmlmi tin t eatureian I ilbercnuiit) orlleeMCKiill y ttirir ull vet lu thr new building t LujlMi Luiuiumtiuner I'H.ketl utnl Hauitl Die ! ul lb" riej utii n lelei Ii ilir wt urduinl plaeeil In the Hillti"t loll'iicttmc lllllm I in turrtur wat iniirucieit I i Inj Om a Hew row I m rriiuit lir Ibe lieine I lliofllirrerlilenltollliit Ue The .urn ol 111) W hpi ru rlalnl to I puieliaw liuwr for Ibe com I boute ICIou nit Tiih inattrrol building n new Jail wn bruiikhl Ui aiid dltcuttrd b) Ibe lfoaril, a I nuiiiillt'e liOlnted con- 1 ltliii ol Luuiuilnionur Ho) I, rhrritl Malr nut Hloruey Ltan lo itlt the IhHh In tevrral ol the nearby rounllrt Willi Ibe view ol mierinlullU the Cutt, etc . ol bull llntc a new one hero wnlch I bally lite Int. tarau Jmialltil ll'tll ' UhiiI apjietlte alwatt reiullt Irom Uulit cl v.ll'iii VII that It tier Inl It a lew linet ol tbamiHtlaln t Slomtlll mil liver Tablelt Tney will liiMnurate I the ttoiiiach, ttrrntthen ibe illnettiou Hinl Rite von an ni iwtll like it woll Tin mi Tallin alto act us H ttelitle laiatlte (or tile by J no lloyilen.Vron CITY COUNCIL HOLDS SHORT SESSION GoTltrouah Reaulivr Kouilneot llutl. a.n-Wo Hill. C mlviileCH) Coiiiiill met in reunlar e turn Mon la), Marib I). MilJurCroll I ret ilinir Itoll call tb inn quorum rvirnt I'rater bv I lliinten Minute trad mul aice ted City iniltlml't reiort iritl and : tetiled lteport o( textnn nail an I accepted. lly moll in I500 whi npproprUtid to mator'a conllnui'iit lund llnder the Ilea lot new butlnett the committee on (lie and waterwntordued to confer with the builnei bouiet the a It Itibllily of hlreln a nltitit atrolmnn tUKsetted by the city itltorno) Jilit Jjrlore the council wat called lo order. Tftu rrnettlan Tinoiplrwrliiis il city I ark wat tint tn ill bandiol committee on city property with power to ait. Memtier of the council dlicuited the the tubjrct olorderluu n ipceUI election lor the purpose ol voiinii bondi to oi tnhlltli ntyttein of watirworki to be mle tprcial order of butlnett at next uicitlnn I tdlourned 1 raer by V. R. Clark CtialiM lou Lliilmrnl I i r llhtllliialltin Chat Drake, n mall rarrlir at Cbap . Ititflle, Conn , tavt ' Clianiberlittn't I'nlii Halm it tbj ihamploii ol all lini menu The pail year I waa troubled i;reat deal with rbeuinnlitm in my thoulder Alier trying literal cuiei the ttorekreper I em recommendnl tbl remedy anl tl lomoletel) nil I'd me ' There It no me of anyone tufferlnr from that painful ailment when Ihit linlmenl 1111 le ol tallied for a tmiill tuui One pllrnllon ivet prompt rellif and It continiud lite for n thort 1 1 mo will proiturn a permnnent cure. 1 oretnln by Jnn HoyilfiiA i-on COALVILLE GO-OP 8&s:8inir.8afirft Beginning Monday Morning and Lasting All Week we Place on Sale 100 pairs JVLen's Ladies' and Children's Shoes Also Men's Hats .f. i Embroideries and Stamped d' Linens at Redviced Prices. COALVILLE CO-DPI ' IM a------ 10CA1S AIID PEBSQMMS, benirMHir led I r -all lake Tiiet lay n buain. Oat. wanli-dal the "immi it Imple inriii.v rurniliite t u War I t'onfrrene wl I he hel I Ht l'eoa next iiinl.iy, Vlairn IS I'lirt booilaid ullhir. ieliniE will 1 held HI Watitiiip m Marth 1 Puiinir raeonler receipt, for luonlli ol 1 ebtnary Hiiionnl tn IHIW The total rervlplt hi I lie clerk t oilier for month ol r'ebrnar) are ..i 4tt tnl tb ImmI villi pla) VMiero? At tbt opera II him t I'itrlik. etc Oat. wanted nt the "umiiiit Imple ment k I iirnitiite(.' teltpluiie wai in tnlleil ill the let! den ol mi ler bnir iVIIde yetterday alirrnoon uit fir illvorra wat filed with county ilerkUtt M hi lay iv WmUlllclle tt i-oru it dlllttle j Attntvr teter Mutton w lu attend acne at iho county roininltiloneri tetiloii the forepart of thlt week, Tl ere will bo a nn-MlngjVilhe tock holder of the Xllililtr?niiaU Cirek trilirntion Co , ou Matclr IB Ero adr. In another column Mitt M It almnn, the popular Mill Im ron Dm lit Mb atrert, returiml rrl la) from a moutli'. ltlt in tOullifrn tlah iiiirrlkelkinio war liiucil Tue ilit In 'sunlit I I. tlriiitmi nKv SA of Oakiit mul I.iuniii I Union iigo Jl of MHriini Hit iHitipknrt lu I o iiuirrliil nt Nlurrlou I lie riRiiliir iiimithlt nut tint; of tlio ttttiitt mmiiIIi iiiliiriiiii of myelitlr tlll hold tliilruH-itlnu In Hit Aiadtmy IliiiIdltiKoii Sittinlii) Murcli IN ut 11 UllotKll in . I) '. Ilnrrliiktoulia. li,tHla25lOO ilble tult uttalmt the lark ltecoiu lor prlnttHK he nlllKei maliilo it, Hnn- tieluiu Hnd lUfamatory Piattei auout plaintiff on the SUib bay ol November 1104 Oat w antod at the fciiinmil Iiuple uicntA turnlturo Co The Summit lUnite & Live Stock Co. del I their annum meeting In the ariademy bslldln; Ilit Tuetilny After the recretary' rriwrt tb company took upah matter of puttlaz tajuon the rangu but that matter liai not If m definitely Killed While twilchiiK it lAiloal of uilulnt propt In Ibo Coalville yard latt Sunday uftemoou, the iiiulhriT wai jolnS to fait that oi u ol Iho car Jumprd the track and rapiiztd. luring up contlder ableoftba truck, Ijrr.klun ilia twitch and tloliiic comlderable itaini;e Waller I ee, Secretary of the I. 0. 0. F lolno olllili place, lUlmt tlmt some time ilurlnitr-uiulnv niitlit llilttn broke lulu bit retidininaiid Hole (3500 be loimlln: to the Indue, No clue liai yet been fouud that would lead to Ibe I lenlit) of the robbert, and it I doubt ful if they will ever be captup-d. 1.x Count) CKtk 1 II Nttle) lint ol tiled up mi ubntracl olllco In the Mnlck rtaliltnti Thl la n nctt tn triprlno mill ttu lio uimr nailers will iiuiaiilt .Mr Ntiliy In fori iiiakitiR u il tutuu iuriliiiia, mid iiHtltiiln If the title la () K tberib) HtiliK )oil ion eldirnblu worn mul oxtiitu law aiiitn If )nu tfiluk )our title I not him TiimUuciiu publle of Coalvillt will Into III itiiiuiit it iIoIiil iroul at well ,l kflllnu tlielr lloney'a rth hi Ihe dimolo lieititrn III the Oiieia lloiM4nii 17 t) tlin t'ultlllii il'att Hani The Ulu llakrt Ihit mean to ill it lie (ftlelr ol leu member' Mr J ifili Iliirlier, who wutilijuietl in Hie i (lUattlrtK rcinet about tlx tteekt auo I teiyuie tlioul I buy a ticket eten if illlj nun t Htleiitnttlit) will klitia tint It it for a iiooilcauie Donifogt the I' a and pluie I 'Hit Ltiiniiliolltr of thf turrinct on IImiimIii) MiiuIiH ptottil tin ii ll CHlillll Ot JllllllH 1'lllk'ltl' ol OkiIiii Alllttl lloililiillnt, Vllllil l.ldrrilHi (uorKi Cirlir, WIIIUiu Cuter Illiiiiiliiilnt ami (norko Hi ml to or I KJ'llZl) tlml IrhbNlltlillllllllllkofCoal llle wltliiJo W0uiiltnl Mr V'nwifi will U lint in h diit or tttoiiuki finiil iiriiiiiL'tiiientii Work on tin I link btiilillni! will In loiiiiiitiicdl elinrtlt ' mid ttill lolliilliiilliiiilioiittiiHeik ftolii tl o titiio of Miiltlni; work on It I Nolltl. I To the ttocklioldcri of the lllle, C Imlk Cm k Irrigation Compan) The rektilar auunl ttotkboltUrt mreilmr Ir the ur run ol elrctliii; a boar I ol dim-1 mra and for tucli oilier btitlmii i may I pioierlt tome before the meeting, will b held on Mfniluy, March 13, UOo , Cerllllratet of Hook will be ready for delltrry to ttorkholiler at taid meeting V (ull attendance either In enon or I by i roxy nhoulil bo repretented T J Lw' e(y fitfvitlliiK tlorliilll). ' a tu tliow itmtilnz morloliu Ir" ipt-endlcltlt and peritnnltlt To i revtutaiid cure tbeie awful illteaiei, mere l Jutt one reliable remedy, Dr Kins' New I I'e I'llli M Mannery of 14 Cuitoni Home 1'Jacc. ChlesiO, tay 'They hate no etjual lor Contllpatlon and Ulllouineii, "Soc at John Hoyden A Bon drug-glit. 1 i SOMETHING NEW IN , Plows i Harrows J; Come and See Us Before I jVIalving a Purchase. iSiiiiiiil Hint & Imiiii'i; Coiiiiipii!, W. L.HANSEN, Manager. t owMiiaMaianaBaMaiaaaannBnMaaaaBaaMaaswaMiiaaanaiiaaaaaiaaaaw 9 TrrZ "" """i' ' i-CTriiiajmjHTii-iTiiliiinmi I'l. mnfiiilrimmnmiii..iiiim . p, teH BAR6AIM STORE, Coalville, Utah. ilFULL VALUE ., J and the Most Exacting Economy Realized in THIS 12 WEEK'S SPECIALS QUOTED BELOW. Everything Ztftmthe STOCK. AT QUE AT SAVING over predLstor iJk prices. Such Prices as are Only Possible When ' " ' GOODS ARE BOUGHT AND SOLD FOR CASH. limited stock of choice, ne, ' LEAN PURSE MAGNATES IN GLASS light pttcrns in stinJard per- ,,.. cales-Reguhr 15c yd. quAlity AND QUEENSWARE. -ur Pricc ,0C yd Dluc Decorated fine semi-porcclaine WII1TE GOODS Just reccitcd Diut'cr I'latei and Cups and est caes in figiires, stripes and Stnccrj, Plates, tt of 6, only . 75c plain will go about one-half Cups and Siticers, set of 6, u pieces .75c credit store prices. fHge fine llecoratct, c,,,na 0ltmen, White sateen striped hwn Our sur- JJishcs, set of 6 . . 70 and Soc prise to ou, price . 7ctl Good size Ghss, gold decorated oal Colored I.cno, pink, blue, red. Our I'rttit Dislits . nccach surprise to ou, price 7ac )d The latest coloring in in Glassware Opil ,,.. ,-. , .., DccorattdPcarl Udged beauties, nccr sent Phin Demety. Our surprise to ou here Wore. We could Ktt double these Pnce .tocjet J)nccb if we nsU(, for U ConsjstJllK of India Linen. Our surprise to )ou L Fruit Howls, Gobkts, Koclty Nnt price 7 and 10c d ami Hon Hon Holder;., , Pnccii loe, iavc and 15c each ,c Uwn 7 9' y Another lot of those choice Table Tumblers 10 Yard PtUrns in Sprint; Suitiuu Kccoited. To nee thtni is to bti. Ultgant good, 35 and (oc ptr Plom clear nlaso fur . 35c yard qualit) Our price.... 25c yd Fancy I'.uaincled, 0 for 25c Call and ue ,hc Ncu, I s j rucvol. V.'J"!. 3C I'xauliful Designs in Lnglisli ami Genua A NEW THING J Ttrcluon nd Valancemus Prices l.mer Rope tnaiiilln tissue dusters, assortu! colors, I ,. ; ' ' erj llulT) and scrMcablc Sells I '""' ter most places at 2 sc Our jirtce 15c each I CORSET SPECIAL shovel bargains Ladies large sizes 31 to 3O. fo "' l'c l'a or handle Artnosidt ab loimtial, I nglish satttu 5 I) Handle Square point, hollow back hook with satin strips ind gores, nctir steel, black finish 50c each breaks on the suli A superior and elegant j0jj inndlc, round point, black fitting corset, cuinot In. duplicated m flinsli . 50c each credit stores under fa-out minimum D nndle Scoop wtbtcrll ,,,,,, profit price ?' 15 :,i ins. wide 500 each A good hue of Corsets regular sizes Japanned Pane) Painted Covered price 35 -IS. 5c 7S ind 85c pair slop Pails, 111 cieilu Mores 75c and 85, our price . 45c each ???7l.9 l-Ntra ea msed bottom Tin Water IIIUUUIVU Huckets 10 qt. 40c, 12 qt. 45c Silk TalTcta Wish Ribbons, popular Lnrge S7C jlcavy tm lre(uj u,JcrSi colors, No 2 c N'o 4, 5c, No 7, perfortted coters, not 125 as 7c; No 9 ioc No 12 iscd elsewhere but from us at 05c each Satin Gros Grain good qualu No. 4, yy,. Tooth picks 1500 iu package sceach No. 7, ioc No y, 13'jC, No 12, 15c Clothes pins, 5 doz for 10c I Cash Bargain Store, Coalville