Newspaper Page Text
j Many Persons Have Catarrh of Kidneys, Or Catarrh of Bladder and Don't Know It. President Newhof and War CorrespondontRichardsWero Promptly Cured By Po-ru-na. Mr 11 .l,.if KiUlin , , .ir..l AIUiiij .N IV -i.l. hi M.tnt. Chil. vtritii. "Since my ad anced axe I find that I ha e been frequently troubled tilth A urlnarr ailment. The bladder seemed Irritated, and my phyalclamaldlhatJt na catarrh cauird by a protracted voldnhlch nouMoe dlllkult to oirr- conteon account of my adtamedy ears. j llook I'cnwa, hardly daring to belleie that I n-vuld be helped, but I found to I my relief that I soon began to mend. The Irritation gradually tubtldeil and ' the urinary difficulties pancd an ay. I ha e enjoy ed excellent health now lor the pan Mcxcn month. I enjoy my meal; tleep toundly, and am as veil i I wat lit enty yean vo. git e all pralte to I'eruna." Cll.ehof. Suflcrcd From Catarrh ol Kidneys, Threatened With Nervous Collapse, Cured by Pc-ru-na. ! Mr. I'. II MrltinH, nnu I Strut j I "W., Washington. R C War i rn v isiinleiil, write. l'.vmth MvnarnNpvi 1 1 was imlcml Intuitu in, Miuf mrn , I jxin. lent n( thnNrn "S rU Sun 1 was In j i linrire of n Sun Ill-put. h I ,, .. tlir, u j, ) tlir piiilli Aiuer-Wii w n '1 In i IT,, t, nf the tropical climate iiml Ihoiiirtoii IMmliishovvfil plnlnlv mi iiij nturtit the Mate. I.MM.Itnl. .Icpn wimi In tin Miyo of m.'lnmholln. inn! Inn wint kidney trouble iiiihIi- nm prnctunllv mi Invalid. TIiIa tindcslrnldti condftlou dcpltcthiil".toftrntmi'nt nnnllynlinitluir iiiwpiiH rmiin.wlio j like iiijmK luicl wrvul In the war in " rtuccil me to give n fultlif ill trial li 'l lYrmin. I illil mi. In ii short time tlir J Inwltmln left inn. my hldncja A healthy condition, iiml n complete rum win cITeeU'il 'I cannot Iih) stnuig ly rrcomincd lVriinn In Uiomi MilTcrlng; villi kidney tniulili'. To ilny I am ilili lo work iih linrilns ntuuy tlmo In my lift, nnd.tho examiner for n liiullnc: In , Mirnnrn comjaiiiy iriiiiiiuiicril tiiv mi "A" rik." I In Poor Health Over Four Years. Pc-ru-na Only Rcmcdyol Real Dcnetit. Mr. Julin Nlmmo, 'J II Mpplucott St Toronto, Can., n prominent iiifrihitntof Hint city nml alo h incnilwr ot the Masonta nnlrr, writes! 'I have been In pour health Rcm-rally fnrovcrlnur J rant. When I caught a Imil roM last winter It settled In the Idmldcr nml ttliliit'jB, causing serious trouble. 1 took two greatly advcrtlwd XlldUcy (OlllCllluH without ro"Ing the PnES. C. 0. NEWHOF, Sultered From Cslarrh ol Dladder. di sired n Milts, IVrimi In the nnlv reiiiuly lik tiutiHri'iill) of nn U'lictll to I lie, I hnrr lint had n truer of kidney trouble nor mold In iiiv'mU'Iii " Po-ru-na Contains No Narcotics. Our rvtiMiti why lVriinn Iiiik fouml permanent IN1 In mi mini) limnc in Hint It lontiilns no luircotli' of any kind I'cruna I perfectly harmlcs Itiim lm used any length of tlmn vv Ithimt acquir ing' a drug Inililt Fcrmia i1ih-n not ine tint a tiuiMirnr) result. It l iM-riiian i'iit In ItKi-ir.'tt It Iiiih no Kill i ITrct iikiii the hjKtiin. nml irrndiiHll i'llinlim1.' inlnrrh by rrimiTliiK tlin chum, of iMitarrh Tlirtv nrou imiltltmliMif IiiiiiichwIiiti' 1'. ruiiii Iiuh lici-n usl off nml on fur twenty jruni. Huth n thlni; eoulil not lm km. ullilelf IVruim fonlulntil liny ilnnjnof n nnn-otli' nnturv Say Plainly to Your Grocer . Tlint you -want LTOX COITKH t&xmrn, nnd lio, fi lioing a Rijuaro mnn, will not try to mil joil ony. I Ihlug oluo. You limy not euro for our opinion, but Vliat About the United Judomcnt of Millions of liousolceoporH tvIio linvo usoil LIOK COITIIU iorovor a quarter of a century? Ib thoro nuy atronycr proof of tntrit, ilmn tho icrfrp Conlldcncc ol the People iLVS -nnil cvcrlncrcnsliidjiopulnrlty? MV &&. U0N corFl:E cnrclully sc i Vlw 1 i Icclcrt nt the plnntullon. hlilppcd jfrA 1?' vySe direct lo our various factories, liti Vvir- r. where II MMtlllluIlyronMcilnnd I jfyixvV vtriy55v cnrclully pitched lit hcnlcd pnclc- H Ii CR)wjV" Ml lics unlike loose eollec, which H Wll VSJ iW '" ciPc'1 lo licmii. dusl, In I rliJWAiVJfV fcCClH.clc. UONCOriXErcKChcs I SS'?'' & y"u ns Ilurc ana clccn as when H oiwWw o u lc" ,hc Inclory. Sold only In H a i JJ1' 1 ll. pucltuncH. , Tjiim lictiil on every jiackngo. Savoihuiio IJon-liriiila for v:ilimllo premiums. SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE ' WOOLHOK HI,ICKCO.,ToWo,Ohlo. t TREAT MdCDHE CATARRH ni .11 ..H. Jlt.i.M JvWl'l cK.IUr.kalt.kidifa.'ll.4-.n4 f . Jk' I .... ..o..i Special Offer in Private Diseases --.. CafortntiU (MIimim twtutrrtM from Prl?u I H kt(UrriidkrlMr ' iBM.aietitortgnuiloi Uwo koh ujkjb Ultlnt vrr If t (lbrk tad Ibarittaot wbo tM HilUU a1 Mb lb uBarr for orlb mttrntal. PK MKlrlKI IX) NOT iHK TOO TO VAT TUKM UNK HULLAK UNTIL CXttltO (7NLE TOlf Wlrili TO TUlIItMKt r imn kiiuru Knr tiikt cam ornx avu m cuhk pkivatr wuuimu itr both 0MXK4 PKUUANKNTI.T su4 to I'UUVK lhlr hill, to I til cIim or ktlmtai llirutiiul iuti mcti lfwr th atlHi It fwiulr 10 pr iHt Btmrt oat OulUr Ot ibm b rff, Ipitr rr tbo ft la mill klr or moutr tniiiimf di lb rurobrirvaM. Till I! JlKtT ri.ih or iiRAMNu with thk irruciKii ai.dtnbioljiU yu. 84 ntn wo K drmtodi til 0b In ifho far mw proraU 1H4 foil ot r boir of rklr rt.M iitsor totlabtl illmT . McUiwi jou o&anol Imo jour nunr If joloa l yr I . V Mlna.laalha of m ll4 WKAKMKHriM OV MKM .r. ilnnt tb raiull ut lbln4 or BBn4l It iBTATr ML NO Ira. nbvr a LOCAL TnEATMKNT for um IhIaRI AllLV LLKCS tttoibar mon b mf Mihr rur anilar tb o 4 a4 omIom pita of uattuiaol Mr Ihla iwublo W Mr MMrMANUuUl) Mculntl Wtalutu V(-rU4 lor rfco UUNUHH1IUKA HYl'lIlUM t AUU1M KLK ana hldrM 1roubl Ii lm Umi Ml ror Um uonar ibin anr Iniillulton la lb m arary ti it (tnOdntui wa parar umi mOf baiay aaatrrat. i nuliititu riimloUoo as4 Advlaa a KICK br nail or at lbaorrlfB until. 1IUI 1H MmuilpB) KTaBlU4iftojNuadarialbill1rl9bn Ull DBS, SHORES & SHORES. Jxoert Joeclallsts. 249 SrWftnVBS, RCL-AE3l-E: assavs told 1, Oohland Hllrrr II M cud T4 tiotil iilfrr t pr 1U i'lAca(lol4 llrturunil III hUrfalkiuKbl Ooden flssau Co. 'W-taTSffrMS" NEW PENSION LAWS SSS AiiiJIO.NATHW III! llllllll), Ul FBt, " Umblusluu, II. C. "S!KSi"i2r Thompson's Eye Water p IUs.1 lWn HrroB. Tmim Ooui via J Jr:ii;.flrti5EBal 5 SEEDS POULTRY SUPPLIES Pllll ILLUSTnATID OATALOOUK THE LEE PIONEER SEED CO. DENVm, COLOHAOO SEEDS lo4MKrU I'ay Un yo but rorltj HraJa juu gal ll.e Lral. Ills rwUlof fre VOGELER SEED CO. Sf-V.t W N.U Salt Lako No 10,1905 INAUGURAL ADDRESS OF PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT Short Speech Dellvorcd by Chief Executive Aftei Titklnn the Otilh of Office-Our Duties ns n NaiIoii to the World tvnd to Ourfolvs. trier lakli k iln nth of oftlc d'I Inx thu InniiRiirnllon certnMil nt anhlmtlon Man h I. PrUInt Koote elt drlltertil the rollovclnic fpMli: My Fellow minpni No KMiplo on i-artli have more raua (o lie thankful than oura, nml this l nalil revfn'ntly, In no "flrlt of boaaifiilm-iiii la our own KrOnKtli. hut llh to th Ohor ot Owxl who haa IiU-kmiI u with the condlllona whlrli lm nahleil u to Hdili'ii- m, larp a moaaiiro of woll lielnK ami of haiipliipaa To ua at a if0lu It haa liocii Krnntpil to lay Iho 'oundatlona of our nittlonnl life In a new rmitlmMit V ar the Velra of Iho hki' ami )il r hae hail to pa) fpw of flu iwrnilllra which In old cHinlrk'H an- cxacteil hy tho dead hand of a bone rltllltatlon. We hue not In. n ohlluM lo flKlit for nut rl'rnct aRalnm nil) alien raMi nnu lit our ll(o haa railed for tho MRor nnd tff.irt without which the trnnlicr nn.l Imr.Mor ilrlupa wither awn) I'll '. r w enndlttona It would I' our on fault If we failed: nnd 'In' -in ii-- whlrh we hare had In the insi n .-iiri.iii. which wecrm II i mil inlitii. i ho fntiiro will hrlns. (.Lould mum In ua no fi'i'lhiK of nln (.lur) liul ruilicr n deep nnd nbldlng renlltntlon of nil which llfo haa of fired im a full acknowledgment of the renponllillll) whlrh la oura; and n ncd di termination to rhow that under a free ameniment n mlRhty people can Ihrlio heat, alike na re enrda the Ihlnaa of Iho body and the Iking of tho aoul Much haa been (riven to na, and much will rightfully be expected from na Wo hao dnttea to othera nnd dutlca to ouraoHea. nnd wo ran ahlrk neither Wo hnio hemmo n nxent na tion, forced by the fact of Ita Rreat neaa Into relatlnna with tho other na tion of the earth i and wo mint be have aa beaeema n people with audi reaponalhllltlea Toward nil other ration large and amatl, our attttudo J"ao,i , mart.r of lla national lift ! -ii i , aceomt anted by a llkt rotta ii i hi. problem whlrh arc bef r. oery nation that rine, ' arJain. 1'owit Invariably nirani Iw'a i,. Hunt? and danger Our foiahth,,, meed certain nerlla which c ate nuiiniwii We now face oil er Krlli ih,. tpry patvne of whiihj It Impoailbki that the) alioul tore m, ,,. nfp ta N,t, com,,!, x i nnd lotrn-r and tho tremendous cl.a wniiiaht by ihe eMraonltnarv I ItidWrlal ili'ielonmenla of the lat haltMitun in felt In eer) fiber of out orlal and pnlltlinl being Ncwr befiw bim n ifipj (,, iaal and fur nililrtl ,n , ,.r,nent aa that of ad mltibUrlna He affalra of n continent undf tho , rn , R democratic re puMlt The condlllona which have told Itr our maricloua material well belli which hate dot eloped to a ter) hlh ttgr... our energ), aelf reliance nnd lMltitiat Inltlatlte hale alao lnoiilat lb. rare and antet) Inaepar nble fren the accumulation of great wtalth la In liiKtrtal rentera Upon tin. aatreo of our etperlment much dpcsdi: nm on1) na regarda our own vrdfn,lmi in. regarda the welfare ot man Wad ir w fall the cauae of free aelf-wrtron ( 1 1 throughout the world will tk to Ita fnunrtatlona: nnd lhretr our renponalbtllly la homy, lo ourfchra to the world na It la to day, (14 to tho generallona jet un born Tkere la no Rood roaann why wo aMld fetr Ihe future bill thoro l ctery renaon why we al.ould fare It t-erloimly. neither htdlnK from nunehea tho gravity nt tho proUemt licforo na nor fearing tr approach theae prohlema with tin unhenillH, unfllnchlnK purpoto tc aolvo them aright Yet. after all though Ihe prohlcmi nro new, tbougli Ihe tnaka act before ua dlflrr from the tnnka act before our fntbera who founded nnd pre erved thu republic, tho aplrlt In which Ibeae taaka muat bo undcrtak PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT. Inaugurated March 4, 1905. must bo ono of cordial nnd alncere friendship, Wo mutt ahow not on!) In our worda but In our deeds that c aro earnestly desirous of aecur Inc their good will by uctlim townrd Item In a spirit of Jimt nnd generous recognition of nil their rights Hut Juatlco nnd generosity In n nntlon, ns In an Individual, count most when shown not hy Iho weak but by the strong Whllo oer careful to refrain from wronglnc others, wo must bo no less Insistent that wo aro not wronged oursches Wo wish peace; Int wo wish tho peaco of Jmtlce, tho penco of rlghteomneas. Wo wlh It liccaunn wo think It la right nnd not lx-cnuso wo aro afraid No wiak nation that acts manfully nnd Justly ehonhl our havo causo to fear ua, and no strong power should over be nhlo to single us out as n subjoct for Insolent ag cresslon Our relations with tho other pow ers of tho world aro Important; but nt III more Important aro our relations among ourselves Buch growth In wealth. In population mid In power! aa this nation has seen during tho rcn Thinks "Den Hur" Great Dook. A)ad A Ohaziril, an Kg)pllun, en gaged In tho work of tho medical de partment of the Unlterslt) of Cincin nati, has applied to the publishers of "lien Ilur for permission to translate the work Into Arabic Mr. (Ihnsull hat translated n number of works, In eluding Hpcncer's "History of I'hlloa oi hy ' It Is his opinion that there Is need for Just such n hook as "Hen Hur" which he doirrlhos ns "one of the most Instruct o nnd Interesting boo'.s ot this ago," In tho Kgypttan h"rh of whle.h ho Is a mrmber i en and these problems faced, If our duty Is to be well done, remains csscn tlally unchanged. Wo know that self government Is dlfllcult. Wo know that no people needs such high traits ol character aa that peoplo which seeks to govern Its nffalra nrlght through tho freel) expressed will of tho frec min who composo It. Hut wo havo at th that we shall not proio faleo to the memories of tho men of tho mighty post They did their work, they left us tho splendid herltago wo now enjo) Wo In our turn hao an arsured confidence that wo shall bo able to leave this herltago unwaeted nnd inlnrged to our children nnd our children's 'hlldren. To do so wo muat show not merely n great crises, but in thu everyday affairs of life tho uunlltles of practical Intelllgince, of fourage of hardihood and endurance, nnd above all t It o power of devotion to a loft) Ideal, which made great tho nen who founded this republic In the di.) a of Washington, which made gieat the men who preserved this republic In the da) of Abraham Mn coin. . ,,. 5,nf . ' ",rler Now. , . ... Practical age' re marked a West PhlUdelphlan "For year 1 ve iiotlewj U gn nf ,, who adnnlsea t0 do practical hoio shoelng Now. , woodland Avenue barber han hlmtelr down as a pracil cal hair i liter Ngpoloou always shaved litniMilr ( ajWWI ,h0ught It proved lilm elih,,. oversusplclous or ocwardlyi but perhj,, u w bl,u tliote who wleWod lb rasnr were not practical In thos.. a,,. Tll0 ,1 c( the praillral toiilipuir , ,ct ,0 ar, pear'-rhiUdeinbi, nril Woman 's Kidney Troubles I LydlB. E. PlnKham's Vegetable Compound Is Eape- H ctally Successful In Curing This Fatal jfl Disease. H fife, firs. J U.Lang and )lrs. S. Frake H Of all (he iliwaiw known, w Ith nhli'h woini 11 nre alllirted kldnev ills 1 chmi Is the imwt fatal In fait, iinlfxa carlv and corn-it trratmi nt Is Hpplli'd, the wear) put lent M Idoin snrvltea J llelng- fully imare of this Mrs link j ham arl) In lierearrer gneeshiit Ive study to the sub'Pt, nml In pro : during her Kreat rem. dv for woman a . Ills -l,)dliv I! I'lnkhama Veirelable Compound waarnteful lo see that It coutaluril the itirreet eoiiiblunllnii of lierlni vvhli'li vvns sure to eontrol that , fiitnl illwnw. woman a kldnev tmublra , Ihe V;etiibli Couiioiinil acta In bar- 1 iiiiiuy with the lnvva that govrrn the rutin' frinale svsteiu, and while there are many mi called remedies for kidney tniuhlc. l.ydla 1'. l'liikbam'a Vcge tnblii Coiii.iiinil Is the only one rape dally pri'irareil fur wniiien, and thou sniidsbnvo In ill cured of scrloiia kidney di rnngeincnta by It Ih-raiigi'menta of the feminine orgnna (pilckl) nfTrcl the kldncjs, nnd wlu-ii n wouinti has suih svmptoms im ilu or wilgbt in the loins, biieliiiehe. louring dun 11 pnlli" urine tiKi fretii'nt M-anty or hlgUcol ore.1. pnMluelni; sciibllng or burning', or drpmlt like brick dust In It; 1111 uiunl thirst a llliiit of haudsaiid fret, swelling; under Iho eyca or sharp palna In the bark running down the Inside of her groin, she may be sure her kid ncja are anYctcd nml should Iokc 110 time In roiiibntlnc the disease with l.ydla I! I'lnkbama Vegetable Com pound, the vvouisiia remedy for no ma n'a Ills Ihe following letters show how marreloutl) successful It Is, Ltdla L. I'lnVlum't Veictablc Compound Mrs Nimurl Frake, of l'ro-ipect fH 'luiim S .1 uriiis tiM h-srMni I'll Wham - . . ., aaaK l.miiiollluiiil t.niemmshferwhst I.T.IIa B I Inkhaiiis trip table (iisih.llHadH itiim- w lani I nm i 1.1 yi I ha I if B ,n,l lf vi ai- lth Mhal (he dirtofmlM LaaaH il.lne) imitile ant emsMUiin nf tlnwumb HBJ II Im. Ii a. lint lnM.(ullr all lie. IIiim. sn.1 1 nillrml i wild that I. arliis-hiwn reeling I nuH lianlly walk si r.MtlHinHit. I ! et any Uilrr nu! to stun dnilnrtiin -) llli my iJioI.-Ikh nn.1 lake I.T.llo K. I'luV IJBH ism Vrcetat.Ri lVmnlNin.l sn.1 1 am tlMiik- Bpj Fid to My It Ims rntlrny cutr.1 m. I ilu all BBBJ iiiv own wik, hsve 110 rn.r liarkarlrt au.l BBBJ II the Im.I rniit.nn have dkpirrl BJB I caiiiii.l .rsw yiHir iiwlli Ini moush sih! BBpJ w.sil.1 suit he sll x omen sulTrrllig wlUi k klney jBB trouble to try It BJB Mrs J Lang, nf Ota Third Ave- H inc New York, writes I H Hear Mrs I'lnkham ,. ,,, LmM I bsvs l-n a grral sultrrer with ktlner Iniil.l- JtyUrkaihol all the Mm and 1 BBS an dh.iircnl 1 kranl lht l.y.ll R. BBS I'lhkliaill rgrUble Coillaaltl.l wikiH cur BBB kldiieyillmiv, alHlllrgsn M take Itl an-l It BBS IJlanirnlllle nhrlirTrryllillurHaeliad fallnl I have reiisnnmsleil It to luU 1 mpl and BBB tliey all prsli It very klglJy BKBJ Mrs. rlnttliuiu's) Htiinillii;; In- H dilution. H Women suffering- from kidney jH trouble or snv form of female weak BBB lira are Invltrd to promptly coiiimunl BBB rata with Mrs l'lnUlism. at I. villi. Bl Mats Out of the great volume nf e Bl perlencn which she lias to draw from, BJJ It Is more than likely, she haa the very Bl knowledge that will help yonr case BBB Her adtlca Is free and always help- BBB ful H I 0 Womtn's Ecffltdj for Womao'i 111. BJ IW. L. DOUGLASlTi I SS?i & S3.22 SHOES. fL j9l E unTTiit riv arum mum ir t ritirr CaHBlaMaMlV Ba! BoTiwtir W, L.D?li $90snl3(Kt!i9Mliteaiithiy nt LmHfrffirTWBlBl Bal utter, hold their abape, sad wr laer tbea othtr niakoi. KTS-WuIliBB H WiJOUGLAS S4COSHCESCANKOTHEE0UAUEDATANrPnCE. BuaJSwiw34S I'v.ri hi mi i 1 ri.i kh i i.i, mi r u i tit nit mtr Br?TOTr!rfffiPN I " W.L.OOUCLAS, PROCKTON, MASSACHUSETTS laLairrllWnBBV M HALL'S CANKER AND DIPHTHERIA REMEDY 1 I roii vms mouth. vnnOAT, .HPVCn FAII 5. eoaat.s sv siLDSuaaisT B STOMACH AND OOWSLS..,, IILV Ull IrllUO" AHO SBNSnAL aTOPIS BBI Helden-Judson Drug Co., General Agents. Sail Lake City, Ulah. H Working Sumatra's Coal Mines llatenalve run I mines nro now be Ing worked '' ' ' ' Sumatra VERY FEW. IF AMY, CIOARS SOLD AT 8 CENTS. COST AS MUCHTOMANUFACT. URE, OR COST THE DEALER AS MUCH AS "CREHO IF THE DEALER TRIES TO SELL YOU SOME OTHER ASK YOURSELF WHY? BEST BY TEST "I rv tried til linds of wairrprooT clothing and hive r-rvtr found Anything At arty price to compare with your Fith DrAnd for pfotedton from atl kindi of wAihcr ' (TKt nsma and acUrm of iha Vtftut tf ihH tnnolnaitd IcMrr pvar U U4 tajioii riataian I A J TOWCR CO n.S.mofit.r, hw usa 0VVEJ?S TOWEg CANADIAN ld&6$& CO IIMITED i?m alr H .(.( IVt IVrl.' C'l( WANTED Foar SilMiini in ihis m.j adl lulas imltcrr. Vi psprtMHl aa4 4,riiM Hi.- wli iraal liaariiuant I as ..IS aMalillalied ,nninarrlal S u.a ol e-.lkt Soaa. la) alaadtne Hlasla Ilea Salarr M-MJ par Uaj Cald waralr wilt, aipi-ataa a4va. ail dlrr. I Irurn aadnarlrra H r.a anS buaar fural.tird lian Dait..arr Wr lurnl.h aiarrllilair I' irpiaa eat VJJf.,. O. E. HLCW, SCrtai, 012 Menon Uullding, cmceao, III, tlcttor Overall can't KVJ bo inn do than tho H "MOUNTAINEER" brand, mada by Z. O. HVJ M. I. and for nolo by H all rollobla utoroe, AVJ IH National OatsA H a 1(1 Yuuacit!eVts4l record Is 1X0. Ill 9Af TT For 10c nnd Ibis notice fl II ijk i ' wr mall roufraslou of fans a U Hflj H 7m tbouaanaaor ottiararada. JitiaW IRfl I fl )0HNA.l7tfllCtDCO;yfJjl "Ml SEVEN LEADERS I narra-ll'lrn'"illillora lllark Vllnaicaa Ilnude L I. land Itf I, llnff Oriniiiiotia llrwim UatMlrii, WuimUalHirii Walla (V)anil um AlfinUa BB luiM-ra, Vttt Ml.irli vVinaua oailhabaav. BB Alau luatilNiluia and Uruotlar. tblrk luod ! VOGELER SEED CO. SiY. Hiii When Aniwerlna Advei tlaements H Klrdly Mention Thla Paper. H