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COALVILLE TIMES' N. J. rtTEIUON. Edllr taat Mtntjtr rnterrd at the rottofllee In Coalville I Utah, Mir T, 1114. Beeond-Clasi i Mailer tuimi or unicnirTioif. Srrkl U , On Tar ..........111? nu Wonthe H Three Month 4 Single Cpl .01 UTAH STATIC NKWS A carload of holly from Delaware was received lu Halt l.ake last week nnil was dlsetl of ti locitl denier Hlchflcld (MilliIInK iHKim seems In grow dtll) A new opera Ihhiw lu root $10 000 I now being promoted Tlio Southern Pacific ho ordered conttnicletl rolling thick which will cost In the nlKhlirtil of IG.OoO.WW Hall l-nkn City It In the crip of n coal famine, mid much suffering may rrmill If the weather thould turn coll A number nf Iho ihwk men of Granttvllln got together recently nnil rtpent n dty chopping wood for the poor Tho M moutheold child of John Van Wotrkom, of Ogdeu, foil Into n till) of boiling water and n Mulcted In death A ditermlneil ifforl In being made to tuppive gambling In Ogdun Suvn Inn turn were arrestled otw night last ireck for gambling Mnhnralit preparation are being tnaUn for a Chrlelinne dlnuer to he Clvcn the Salt Ijiko newtlaiya by Samuel New house) The lam iiharii of IIib I'ruvu Cup. rlsge Manufacturing company has been aubecrlbed nnd the compuny will Incorporate at one Tim board of director of IIib Weber club ha IntUltUed a imiteiuent to est cuie the headquarter of the Paolllc Krult Hxprnea for Ogileii William Greening, un employo nt tho City and County building In Halt Ijke, fell fnini a ladder wlillo wash iii(t window nnd fractured III leg i A match between Cyctono 'Iliouip aon hiM Maurice Thompson tin been definitely arranged for Now Year"! y ..- . mj JioJInnuJopoin homo In Ok den. Arthur Hay, formerly of Ogden, solicitor of Internal ruvenue, la bilug considered by tho president for np polnltuent at Assistant Attorue) Uonoral The Tark City union of tho Weatirn Fcdoratlou of Miners tecciilty pur cbaied thv property north of Its pro sunt oltlce, and wilt conunenco tho ercitlon of a hall at unco J W l.)on, a dope fiend and a prisoner nt tho OKden city Jail, com milled suicide by hanging himself with hit hankerchlet nnd u bell tied to tho lion crott bar abovo lilt coll door Johu Kliiholui, a miner, wm nor louily Injured by a cato-lu at the Jup Iter mine, tilt collar bono being fruo tured several rlba iruahed, and ouu leg o badly eruthed thai ainpiilutlou wot necetwiry Wlllnrd lkiitir, wlillo mining coal In whnt la known ua tho Dexter llrolhera mine nt Coalville, wat seriously In jarul It la tinted by Ihoao proauil that about leu hundred jamiid of coal fill upon him Ittibtii Worllon, whu wnt tlio moat severely toulded of the threo young men Injured at thu HUKar factory ut I-ehl ivcentl). waa not an seriously Injured aa ut llrtt rvHirletl, and will be om In it fortnight Hun foul h. Ivet, a prominent real citato man of Ogden. dropped dead lu hla olllcu from an attack of heart (allure Mr hea wnt dlctatlUK let tert at tho time aud (tasted nwa within a few momenta Work oil the telephone lino between I'uiigullch and Mnrjavole la com plettd A brundi Hue It alto beltiK extended aero Piute county from Junction to Kingston, at tho request of the clllen of tho latter place Order llle, Kanu county la now put tlnic the HnlalilnK touchea to lit new water tytttmi and will anon be enjo) ln the convenience of n well con atrucled lp Unu conductlUK the water for cullnar) urKMe Into the houaea At a ineetltiK of Die director of tin Utah IJtilit and railway comiuy, held In Ball lko City, Munnner Jo ph H Wellt, aubtnltled a prellmln ary uttlmalo of the Imprniumeuta nnil uxtenilona on the tyatem for 1907 which Involve un expenditure of 13.S50.00 Willi the death of Conductor A AVerrln, the llrtt wreck mi the Wett em Pacific hai irowl latnl The lu Jured man died Hunday nftemoon after autferinK tntentely for four day from tcald received beneath an uptvt en Bine I're-ddtnt Warren, of the National Voolaruweri' auoclatlon hat Juat la aued a circular tetter, calllne atten Hon to the forty third annual com en tlon whloh ataemblea In Salt lJike on Thunulny January 17 next and con tlnuts for thrio da g fL THE PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL MESSAGE DN PANAMA CANAL Gives Results or His Obser vations While on Tour of Inspection to Congress. THE WORK IS BEING PUSHED Perfection of Sanitary Conditions In Canal Zone Has Taken Much Time. He Found Dut Little Ground for Com plalntt and nefuttt Statementi of Critic Calls Sornt Wrltert "Slan dtrtrt and Llart" Approvet of Type and Route of Canal. Th rnllowlna la tlw ttt if I'rMhlrnt imvI! a pcIm1 mnMH to runareaa un II.- Mihjwl nt Hie I'aruma ranaV To the RtimIi and llmiM nt llfnntn llvr In tlw month nf NmnnUr I vlallxl lh UlFlllilH of Panama MolliK t.vr Hie Canal Zon will. n,nallrrall .ale and alan vlallxl the Hllaa nf Panalna anil Ckn whhh are mil In Iha tnn or uiulrr Iha I nllwl Hlalra flat hut aa li. wlrirll the 1'nllr.l malm Kuvainlnenl through Ha atfnla eirlan control Tor certain naullarr liurpoawa I rhoae the mrmlh of Novemlr for frit vlalt lairlljr betaue It la the ruloewl month of Ihe year Iha month In whhh tha work aora forward at Hie areataal .llaaitrantaa ami rma nt Hi two month cli iha niwlteal dwfiarlinnl of Ihe I- Canal enmiiehr round moat unh ' IVHuwIna Iha IntrnduMlon a inea aa Ilia preahlarit Rlvva a reaunta or Ida iroarmn durlna; Iha ilaya Iw waa on Iha lalhmua, and then my At Ihe nularl I with lo wr Irlhula to Hie amount of work iloita by the rrn h i anal roinitany iindvr vary dim full i In iirnatantea Many of the l.ull.l lna Iher put up were m-alknt and are allll In uae thouah iMturally, Iha iHMIaea ara now Keltlna out of rewlr and are heina uaeil aa dwelllnaa only until other houaea ran t tiilllt anil much of Iha work they ill. I in Hi l uUl.ra rill, and aolne of Hie ..rk llii-y did In ilia Jjlria haa been of dlreil and real beneril Thla rounlrr haa never made a Imlter Invratineni than Iha IkiOnuu wliirh It Iwld tr Iha Ftenrh ro.nialiy for work and liellennenla. lurliallti aarieiUlly Ihe Panalna railroad An lnpe Hon on the arouml nt the hl-lKht of Hie rainy aeaaon aervr.1 to ron Vlnre ma of Ihe wlalom of conaraaa III rrfiwlna to adoit alltirr n hlahleval or e.UveUamaL TlHtte mjua lu lie a univereal aareeinenl aTfevnTr "II people competent In juilaa Iliat Iho Panama route. Hia one actually ehoaen, la much auperlor lo ImiIIi the Nhiaraiua and liarlen roulea. Preliminary Work Dtlno Done. The wlnloni of Hie ranill inanaaement haa tieen ahoan In nulhln mora rlearly than in the war In whirl, the foumU llona of the work have leen lalili In have tlelited to the natural liuaillrnie of III Infurinnl outaldera ami tieaiin all klntla of etperllnenta In work rlor lo a Ihorouah aanllallon of Hie lethiitua ami to a fairly Mttifartory worklna out of Ihe irolilem of aeiilna and keeping n aumrlenl lalair amply wuuld lm dleaalroua The varloua reltlnlnary meaaurea had to lw taken Ural and Hieaa could mil li taken ni ui lo allow ua lo liealn the real work uf ronelrm Hon prior In January I of the preaenl year. It then iMHalne nereaeary In hate ilia In of Ihe i anal iln Ideil mid Ihe only delay haa leu Ihe nereaaary delay unlit the Mill day of June. Iha dale when Ihe lomtraaa denmirly and wlaely aeltlMl thai we almult have an letel anal llunieillately after lhal Ihe work tartan In hunt rurneat and haa 1-een ronllnueil with Inrreaalnx vltor eter time and II will continue an In irotreaa In Ihe future H hvu iha con Irarta are lei Iha miullllona will l amh aa lo Inaura a conatantly incrMtliiK amount of perfnrmame Buccetiful Sanitation. The llrat areal roklrin In t eolved, Upon the aoliitlon or whli h the aurt eaa of Iha real of Ihe work ilrinll aaa Hie iroblem nf aanllallon Thla nna from lie oulaet under Ihe dlriHllon of llr U I' llnraaa who la lo l made n full inemlair uf Ihe rnllllHtaeloll II inual la. reiiiuilareil lhal hla work waa nut mere aanltallon aa Hie lauil la uuileratiHhl In our iHdlliary inunUlpal work Ihrouth out Ihe lone and In Ihe Inn ill lea of Panama and ( olon In nil I II Inn lu Hie aaullatlon work priiper lie haa had lo do all Ihe work that Ihe Marina hoepltal ervl.-o doea aa relanla Hie nation lhal Ihe health drlmtlmeiit olttiera do In Ihi arioua alalaa anil illlea and lhat Col arlnif did In New luik when l.n rleaneil Ha alrefla the reaulta hate Ivan aitouhdln The lalhuiua had been a bwurtl for deaillr unhealthfiilu.aa Now, after Iwn ara of our omipailuu I tha londlltona aa reaanla aliklteaa and the death rate rontiare ravorahty ttllh reaaonahly healthy Imallllea In the ' 1nlta.l afalea K., lal .are haa been davuleil lo uitnlinltlna the rlak due to Ihe praarnie of thoa apei lea of moaiiulloea wblih liata been found lo .rouaale malarial and yellow fetera In all Ho aelttemenla the Utile leutiorary towna er clllea couipoaeil of Ihe whit ami lil.u k Mill 1. 1) ea uhlih iri. up here and there In the Irouli Juuale ua Iha heeita of the work illt iale Hie uttuoat tare la eiartlaatl lu keep Hie londlltona heallhi Rtarywliere ma to I aeen Ihe ilrniiiaae dltchaa whhh In remotlinf tlie watei liave remote.) Hie breeding tdaiea of the tiHMaiultiiea while Hie whole Jungle la 'ut away for a i unalilerahle auaee erouiul Hi habllallona lima ilealrnylug Ihe I lata In which Hi mnauultiMHi lake ahel tar Theae draluuae diirhe and ilrlnaa are In evidence In etery aeltlenienl and, Imether Willi the Invarlalde ireaenr of uioaiiullil atreeua around Ihe .laaaaa and of moeoulto diMira In the huuaaa not to apamk uf Ihe larelul rumlgatlon thai haa mine on In all Inreiled liouae. il.iulnlraa eiraaln Ihe evtraonllnary abaenie of moanulloaa Aa n uialtar of fail hut u. elnal mosquito and thl not or tin lUllgvroua aneilea waa aeen .l.y an) litainoer of our tialt during m three daya on the lalhuiua Kiiual can l taken by tha lnaaa.tura ur Hie lieatth de liarlinent lu aatur olnllne In Ihe Iioum and proper hygienic condition of evry kind I lnutted Wiwven 3M and 10 walrr-rlola both Hi uae uaeil hy the Willie employ and Hma UMI by the colored lburra lu almoal etery tea 1 found III condition iwrfert In but one caa did I And them really tied In thla raa. affeillug a aeltlinnt of unmar rle.1 whit lnploa I round I hem tail laid Indeed liui the building wr all Inherlteil from Hi Premh .uiupany and were Wing ueel lauiorarll while other bulldlnga were lit the lourac of lonalrui tlon and right near Ihe ilefntlt water eloaet a new and exiellenl itoaet with a kieal awer ptie waa lu priaiaa of ion alructlon and nearly hulalieil Neterlhu lea; thla did not amua tha fait that Hi liad cnndlHon had Ihh.ii allowed lo pre vail leiuporary anoniiuoilalliina eten If only am n aa aoldlera uae when laniiteU In lh Held, ahnuld llate lieen protlihal Order lu Hit effei I wer laaua.1 I ai und Hi report of fir flora on the In eldent 1 waa atrutk howetar by lit. fart that lu ihla hietaiu aa In almuat every other win re a n.niplalnl wav uiadi which ro'l I. I m any Juallllcalli u Khatcicr II ipicir 1 Hat alei fold ul j h L n I I i neat Ilia m .1 I romplalneil of ml lhat th trouble wa I mainly I ie in Ho eatremo ilimrulty ami oft i ii i"ll illt v of provkllng In ever) pla. e fio- (hi. onatant Intreaea In the numl.! of einplotea fjenerally Ihe pro tlalnn la inailr lo advance hut It I not ! K.ealtle lhal thla ahnuld alwaya ha the I iaOf when II la not there ensue a ' period ur ilit ilorlh wnd h the con.ll , llona ar uiaallefur lory, unlit a remedy an lo pntiilcl but I never found a aae wl er1 H retncly waa not being I prevlilcl to MfHllly aa aM.albte y Improvemtntt In Cities. I Ihe aaiillillun work In Iha rltlea of I I'nuimi ii. I ..ilon haa been Jnal aa linpi.rlanl n. In Ihe tone llaelf and In I many reap la much more dlnVult be- auee It wa- ueteaaary to deal with lh. lr. nil . Hating imputation which naturally had .nt aympalhr Willi !' revolnllonary . hahae Ihe value i,f whl. h Ihey wen for a long lime not able In ec. elt. In Colon Ihe popula tion .nnalNle lug. ly of colored lalior ra who hut log ome over from the I ".ret I ii.ll.. I, work on the canal I 1. 1 a int.. n Hi. work and either take to Hie l.r.i.h . r II. Idle In I'olon llaelr. Ihua peopling- olon Willi Ihe leaal de alruhfi among Ihe Itnlmrted latairera for Ihe .....! and aleaily men of cnurae conllnue at Ihe work Tel aatnnlah Ing provr. as Iota made In tmth cllles In Pamaina te per icnt of lh alrrela I l.n I an In he Mled lit all are already paved with un enrellrnt brick pavement laid in heavy .on. rate a few or the alr.ela I.. Ing aim In proceaa i.f ratvlng The acw.r and water services In Ihe Hy are ..I ihe moat modem hy gienic type som. of lh. service hav ing Juat I.e. n ...mpleted In Colon the .nndlllona are iieeullar and It la as Colon lhat moat of Iha very hltl.r .omplalnt has been mode i'olon la luilli on a low coral laland cutereil al mure or leaa ehaltnw .If I tha with tigelable an emulation or mold whhh affords ailetenance ami tringih to manv varleilea of low lying Iroplral plaula llu half nf lh aurfa.r of Ihe laland la i nvereil with water al high M.I. Ihe aterage height of Ihe land b. lug IH feet aliova Inw The alight unilulallona furnlah ahallow naiurul reeervoira or frvah water breeiling place for every varie ty nf moaitulio and the ground tends In l.e loweal in Ihe ml. I. He When Ihe luwn waa originally built mi attempt waa made lu nil Ihe luw gruund ilther In 'he strerla or on the building sites ao lhat Ihe entire surface waa prac tically e iii.g.nlre when I he oilag mire became inilaisaable certain nf the strerla were .ruilelv Imbruvrd lit till ing espeHallr l.n.1 mud hnlee wllh anfl rock or other material lii Hepteiaber Itei a ayalrm.lli elTort waa brglin lo rormillnle a general Ian rnr lh prnp er aanitalioh or the .tty In Pebruary laat letnlMirury r. Her meaeiir ware taken while in July the proaecutlun of the work waa b. gun In good earneat The reaulla are ilready vlalble In the , aewerlng draining gutlerlng nnd Mt Inff of the alrrela rtome fnur monllM will be n.iulrr.l before Ihe work of awrrage and air. .1 Improvement will be completed but the tirogre already made la very marked Irltrhea have been dug through the town .onnctlug lh nll wut.r un both aide and Inlo theae the ponila whlrh hate acrved as breeding plui ea fur the mua.iittoea are drained I hi . .III. hea have nnawered their piirtiai. fur they are prnliably Ihe I I, let .niiai of the aatonlahlng diminution of moaiiulloea More dltehea of Ihe kind are l.-lng nnatrii.t.d. Unjuet Criticism. Care an I forethought have leen eier tlae.1 by the i omiolaaloii and nothlnj haa reflr. leil more i mill uiain II -m I han their refuanl ilther to go ahead tmefAet or lo lie ilrlerrl ly the fear of . rill, lam from not going ahead fuat nough It la .uiloua lo mile ihe fait that many v,f the moat set ere .rltha of the i.immlaalon irltlclae them for l reclaelt opMalte ran Bona oom lomplalnlng bitterly that the work la not Hi a mora inlvum ed inndl Hun wlill Hie nlheta complain lhat II ha lieen rtial..! with ant ti Itaata that then bas.lieen Uuiutniltt preiarallon ror tit I hygiene and d.lfifWt or in employee Aa a matter uf fait neither rrltleiam la' Juat It woul I hate !cen Impnaalt I to gn qultker Ilian Ihe comtnlaalon haa gone for aurti iUlkueaa would hate meant Inatinirlent prriiarullon Of IU i other hand to refuse in do anylhliu un t III every puealhle future rnntlugrnur hat been met would have caused wholy mi warranted delay The right cniese la follow waa aaaitly the courae whlih haa lieen futlowcd hvcry rruaunsble rrrpars Hon was mads In adtanie the lifalrrur conditions In eatwi lal In-lng mad as nearly irrfeit as poaalble while tn tat other hand there hna loen no tlisid re fusal tn push forward Hi work Uinue of Inability tn iinllitpale etery ! emergen, y for of course many ilrfrda can unly be shown by the worklna of tie system In nilual nraill.e Inaainuili aa ao many laith nf Hi whh and lolorrd emtloyra have brought HhbT families Willi thrill a. Iiik la hate laB ealabllalicl the a luail srrtlce lolng u. drr Mr 01 minor cr Ihe while iu while Amerl. an taaiheis are eiuptoyet for Iha loloreil puplla there ar ulan auaa while Alnerlian l.ailora on Xpana learhcr ami one .olore.1 Amerl. an teaca er moat of Hiem le-lug colored tcarhere from Jamalia llarlal.lna and HI l.arav The arti.Hilro.,.na wrre gnoil and It waa it pltaaaul thing tn aa Hie pride tint the teacher were taking In their work tad their pupil Car of Employes. Neat In linarlame to tha problem ef aanllallon and Indeed now of cjual In portan. e la the problem of securing sad taring fur the mw hanlca lulaircra sad other run Intra wlui mtliall doth, walk on Hie . anol ami Ihr railroad Thla treat task Iota Is. ii unitrr the control ur Mr Jatkeim Hinllli and on the wlu.le lata laHin well iliiue M pieeent III. re tro some iliiai white rniiuv. a and aame llll . i.lun.l euipl.iyea on the lalhmua I went ot.r the illrfrrenl liana whaivi Hit din, relit kluda of elul Intra aeic wolklug! I think I aaw re Iraentalltea of etert tvt luh ut ihelr wmk nnd In their tonne ami I iithtersed with oruh ably a miil'Ii i.r huudrr.1 nf Ihini nil tokl rhtMtliig lh. to at random fnun etery claaa ami liu lu Hug lima, wlm .ami. etloHlally to lerlnlu grinamea olmoat Invarlablt . klireaa.1 far greater lontent ami aullaf ii tlon with lhr roll I dlllona II ti .11.1 timer who i ailed lu make mini lulul Nrorlt I f III. While riu Intra hud I com., from Ihe I ulled Italia Nu ntan I ,au are lh e oung vtgoroua men euergelbiillt ilolng ihelr .Hilt tilth., ul thrill i.r pilile lu Ihrin aa Vimil.aua. They r. it.H.nt on itm atrrag. a high Wee llniibtliaa to . nnsirai the aagea I luild I hi ill III arrm high but ua a mat- I !r.r. '.''.' "' V'f '!"' ""1 '""i.uint I whli h I i iml hail any real ttuela umung i Ihi .oitilulnla iiiudo to tue iih n the lathmiia a tbil owing In H. i-.ullar ' surrouuillngs lhr .ost of litmg ,n.i l illalam. fn.m lhr wag. a nssw , reall nut ia hiah aa thr eh mill he In faLt almuat ,t.r man I ni si t., fajti j Ilial he ought to he miulou uaj llionr) it tliw howrtrr whl I tin-aver- CnlleVl""il Hea' iVilwhU likew l.e'"l, 'k! na reganla lilmaali 1 um-'inl lit n, nf I Ihe wag. a l.ill.l an Ihitl Hi. i.i.ui can I Judge in. nuitt.i for llaelf b,i", ",ZJ I toiifrr on Hi.- aulij. i ttllh en aenlallte lalair in. n lure In n i- i iid rlUlea ua t.,11 ,. gning ,.,., , , "sTr, I glatena Hi. i umiiaiulllr , u" l iS , lh amir ami ul V. ur , , hS. tHinimum. ir mt timllnt. i . ,. Vgn I tiHIIIIllltiaa .1 lhr Iwn h . . T Chinese and Other Labor i Of tin I una or .'Siuui i , ,rir imploy.d mi tin .nu , ,v .Seed tare Hiutnlitida I him l , v , rlallt work f nan I hi YiSt Iho did iwk. a. w.ll ,. , vfitl Indian lllmrera Tint k. . ,, I , tffij and no .11. nil r la . ti rn ,, I tarllh thrin Hi any way a..m. lun,, . .fcir- tra an alao rntployi I in , .JiVlnn wllh Hie .trilling tr u iBn , ,, J. petted wllh labor aa l i ,, Li ia al pr..ri.l in lh. lull ,l nut! Th I not ao far provtd iin.ti ,1,1 .1 gigi tu ordinary labor, ie r. n ,, ititi I Mlnlra The Amerl in, ,a .JUira I on the lalhmua un tl hui i, lCa tl aklllrd m.ihanlia of i i,V . laJn- I llnnrd prrtlilllalt Hi 4. n IrTla I hi lua made in an ur lui ," i ,i- p. i tally to pro un , i , . ' lr,o. hr.auar of H,, trry n.f,', ,' ,rJ!T. 1 alllta Ihul but. mm, ,,, '. ' ' JZ.. Hutment an I then i i i l tie in. leaaetl aa far aa ,. ,..i , . I mil prated pnaaltd. i H , ie" them In auiihlim Ilk. i , jmia nrrded foi Ihe work .11.1 l ' . ia. nt app.araneia we shall i u , nn to rl), for lh. orilu, ,,,. JBJtl u irk narll, . "o Wic-. bo untl,.r i, i, , 1,1" III. T"" j A merle) H wnrklnaman In Ihe I'nllrd AtateSAaa no concern whatever In Ihe 'turatMti aa lo whether the rougli work on IMJalhmii whl. h la tierformed I.r aliens fci any event Ie done by allena rr.irn toe country wllh a hla. k ak'n or OB allena from another country wllh I yellow- akin Our bualneaa la to .III lhr canal aa eltlilentlv and aa call kit as poaalble rnvkled alwas lhal rIHIng la .lone lhal la Inhuman, to an la borer a ami n.ilhlng lhal In lerrsr with the wsaes of or low. rs the aanilar.l of living of our own wnrkim Hating lu vlrw this pnn ljde t have arranged lo try aevcrnl Ihoejand t hlneee lalairrra rbla la tie alraV no'rl be. auae we muat Iry In tlllfl "' what lalMirtra are moat em , ii,t ami filrlhermore became we IfSil' mil Irate oiirarlvra at lhr typ of foreign Ulier ' preselit Ihe great bulk uf lh unskilled Islair on the lalhmua la dona bt Weal India llcgrnea chlrny from Jamai h llarlM.ln and the other Hngll.n eeaalona line of Ihe aw ernora of II; lamia In .llleatlnu liaa shown an unfrlrdly dlamalllnn In our work aad haa thrown nlwlarlra In Ihe way if our gelling Iha lalxir nrednl. ao.iwi . I sh'V nn.lea.rahla In give any . uianli-ra the lm rrssion howevrr lit foimlril list Ihey are Indlaprnsa ble ana an .lirlate t-rma lo in Th. ri India laborera are fairly, hut nnlv fault aallafailory Horn of Ihe mm tin trrr well Indeed, the bet lar claaa wh i are tn be fnund nn fore men skilled merhanka aa puller men are g .! men and many of Ihe nrrllna't I lHb..rra are, al-n fnl lint Hi .uaaiids of Ihnae who are hmiigtii "ter uiuler eonirnrt tal our espenen go off Into tha jungle In live or loaf Nriiiind Colon or work so latd- aa In lee a aerloua diminution of lh am ml "f labor performed on Fri day sn I Halurday of each week I lull..' I many nf these Jamaica latfnrr- ua In the ciindlllnna of their work ami what If any i haugea they wlehnl I re. rtvrd many .ntnptnlnta from litem but aa rrgarda m.iet of theae i .mplalllta Ihey themaelvra roll Irrtlctrd another In all case where the complaint waa as to Ihelr treatment by any Indltldiial It prnted on riamlnullnn thai this Indfvldilnl wsa a Weal India man nf color either a pulkemuti it storekeeper or an assistant alurekeeper Doilhltrsa there muat be many complaints ngalnat Amerl. ana liut thoae to whom I spoke did mil I aitien to make any such com Halnl tn me Work of Construction, 'lhr work is iimt going on with a rig ir and m. I. n. y pleaaani to wil ne. Tin thru big problrrna of the as na I sre lhr l-i llnca dams the llalun Jim. and lhr rulrbrn rut rhe Culi bra .ul muni I,, made anyhow, hut tf roura. .hangea aa In Ihe dama or tt Irani aa lo the Imka adjacent lu the dama may allll occur Tho lal itaca ibima otr. r no tatrllcular prob lem, the biillom material being m. toad Hist lh. re la a pra. II. al i.rlaln ly ant nnnly aa to what can In tchlrtrd but na lo Ihe lime or ai hlrti hient Th. ilalun dam ulT. ra the must serious pmhl.ui whhh we tiate In solve and tel llm ablest men on the lalhraua I.. II. tr that Una prnld. Ill la i.rlaln ur nlung Ihe lima proiaiaiil ilthuugli of iniirae II ne- j-.-. in Hi. loll . nrrgy and in Irlllgmir and althoilHli roually of cnurae there will l.e num.. little rink In inline, linn Willi Hie work The rlrk arisen from tin fail thai aomr uf th. mat. rial urar lhr I... mini la nut .. good an ...ul, I lie dralr.d If the huge rartli dam now uilleioplatrd la thrown arrnan from unr r, ,..11,111 to lh. olhrr wr will ban what la lirai llcully u I iw broad mountain rldg. brttlnd whl h will rlae lb. inland Inkr Thla iirtiti lal mouuialu will protiuhly sliuw I page thai la will have gr. al. r restraining .apnclly than Ihe ntrrage natural muunlaln range Thr einrt In- silly of lhr liK'kn ut lids .In m us hI the other dslns Is now being lle larmlned In April Heal Hecrelsry 5?'l. with three of Ihe ablrat rnglll ers nf the country- Meesrh Nolde, dtearns and till ley will the Isthmus and Ihe Hire engineers will make Ihe mini nnd ronrluslte riaml natlona ua lo Ihe exart site for each lock Meanwhile the work Is going nhrad without a break The Culebrn cut ihas not nfTer surtt great rlaks lhal la th damage llabt i.i occur from .M.aal.nial land sliiat will nut represent what mn lot culte.1 miijor tits asters. The work will nierrlr tail for In tcltlgrnre t-rreet. run. e ami esrcullte .aintclty It la howrtrr the work uihiii which moat lalair will ttnte In be riie dams will la- lompnsnl nf tha earth taken out of the . ut an I tery faotsll ly the bull ling nf ihe ha ks and dams will lake eten longer than the cutting In Plllebra Itself In Culebra Cut Th main work Is now being don In Ihe Culehrn illt It was striking and tmpreaalve tn arc the huge aleain ahotela In full play thu dumping trains carrying away the rink ami enrlli Ihey dlslo.lgc.1 The Implements of rrtmh esoavatlng machinery whli It ortru stnnd a little way from Ihe line of work though of ex .client mnstru. Hon look Ilka the verltst toys when ioniiurnl with Hies new steam ehntrls, Just as Hie French dump ing care sciu like toy tars when com ivarcd wllh the long trains of huge cars, dumped by steam tlows whhh are now In use. This rrprrsrnts the enormous adtance that has lu-en made In inachln ery during Iha past uiiarlcr of a cen lory No doubt n iiuiiii.r of n century henco this new mai hlurry uf whlrh tie are new an proud, will similarly srem out of date but It Is i.rlalnly aertlng Its purpose well now the oil rrcmh cars Ud to lie entirely We still Imve In use n few of ihe mora modern, but not nioai minlirti mra width hod but II jutila of earth riiey can bo cm lloyed on i-rtalii lluea wllh ehutp curvra Hill Ihe rnrnl mra hull from ft In yarda uplnr and Inalvad of the old clumsy inrlliiats of uiiliMitlng tllein a aleauii plow la drawn from end In and uf the whule teallbuled train Ihua I in inenaeli eronumlslng lalair In Hie rnlnt the aicnn .un do tun Illlle lu dlrl bu t work aliudilt lu link and lu Hi. ginilnl rh. ir welo stune & ul wmk ilmliig the tlinr I wns un Ihe Isthmus nnd Hi. Ir Ireiiu n.lnua laiwer and erlt. lint t w.r. muai liuprea alve. New Records for Excavation. As as th. Uh nf tunal was de , l.lnl Ihla work lu guii In goial earneat The rainy will shortly l- over and I then theie will lie uu Immrnae Increase In lit amount taken out but eten during lh laat Ihra-e moiiiha In the rainy sea aoMt, steady I rogrt ss Is shown by the figures III Minisl HSlao ruble yards in Uaptember ?! i.i . jurds nnil lu October. tubli yards lu Oa tuber new retorils ttrre tstatllahetl for the of allot. la n. well aa for the ttinnage haul of indltldiial loco mallvee. I lioa lo are Ihe growth uf it heulth) spirit of emulation lunwrrn the Hnerent .linvrl and I.K.imollta crewa juai uth it snlrlt ua has ur.mii on our (allll Bhlpa lielweril Ihe .lln"rrrnt gun .retva In matlira nf nurkanianahln Pasllig Ihroiikh Ihe ml the itmuunt of new work r l-e seen ut a glama In one place tha ellllr. al Ie of a hill hud l-rni taken out rurally bt a tons of dyawmlt. whlih iiii eiilmlwl at one blast At another lh... I ttna glten it preallenllal aalulr of .1 . Iuarkea of dyiia inlt On the top nu h if th. i idebra .III the irlanl la not in tthk aa II will lie. all told Hi. .ti II I it Hit point haa now be. i et nk t . n f.oi la low tslial It original!) was II will huti lo h wink alaiut li feet farther Through out Ilea rut Hie drilling I lasting .lint r I InV and hauling ar. gnlug nn wllh cam slaniiy lu. reaalna energy the huge shovels being preset.! up as If they were mountain hott liters lulu thu moat un iWely looking idea ea where Ihey eat their way Inlo th hlllaldea Critics and Doubting Thomases. it It not only natural but Inevitable that I wmk aa glganll. ua thla whlih liw imderlaken on the Islhmu, ahould arouse etery sjietles of hosllllly and trlllclam The .ondUlons are so new aittl tai trying ami Ihe work so tuat that ,, Xvoulil le aluadutrly out of the quea lion lhat mlalakea ahould nut lie made i Km taw III cm ut 1 nloneeeii illltleultlva will aria Prom lime lit lime seemingly well-setlle.1 P'na will hate lo b. .naniaetl At preaenl i,itai men ar n uSlStl tin in lask After awhll. th number will be doubled In such a mill iiiude It I Inevitable that ther should laa tier and there a a.oundrel Very manr uf Ihe ltonrer leea of laborers lark he mental detloniriil lo llutr. I lllrni ..l.ea against rllhn Iha ras ullly uf Hi. is or llrr wi f lit tnd II la not sail e I i I m uu lo dstlse a plan by w hi, it u,e in imanaMy be prole, led In a pt. e whlih haa heeil for egea a U .iiihrallhfulrir and with -.., laige a nngrrgallon or slrangern auddri ly out down and set til hard work there will now ami then I a outbreak, of dlsesse There will n .w ami Ihen be shortinmlnga In admtnlatri. lion there will be nnlooked for a i denta lo delar the exiatallon of the ml or Ihe building of the dama and lorka Raili amh Im blent will be intlrel) nal oral and eten though sertmle no one of them will mean mole titan a llttlr extra dela) or trouble let eai h when dlacoveted by senaatlon mongera and re talle.1 to timid r.itk or Utile faith will aerve aa an ei uae for the I rllrf that the whole wnrk la being badly managed Kxprrlments will innllnually be trle.1 In houalnar In hygiene In atreel rrlollrlng In dredalng and In digging earth ami rock Nuw and then an exoeilment will l-e a failure and among Ihoae who hiar of it a rrrtaln irnportlon or doubting Thomaara will al ome believe lhal lh whole work la a failure Iloobtlesa here and there some minor run.allty will lis unrotrrni but aa to Ihla 1 hate lo ssy that after the moat fatlnstaklng Impilry I hate been iinabl to Dnd a alngle repill able lerson who had no imnli aa heard uf any eertoua a. notations affecting the honesty of the rnmmtaelon i r of any reeponelble (.rarer under II 1 a( pend a letter dealing with Ihe most arrloue charge thai of the ownerahlp of Iota In Colon the charge waa not ndvanceil by a reputable man and la utterly baae. leaa II la not loo mu.h In nay that the whule ntmoel here of the conimlaalou hreathea honeaty aa It hrenthea rtnrleniy and energy Aline all Ihe work haa been kept absolutely rlrar of politics I hate never heard ev. n a suggestion of apolla politics In i-iinnri Hon with II I have intiatlgatrd rv. ry complaint hrutlght lit me for whl. Ii Ihere seemed In be nny aha, loir of fnutidallun In two or three tasea all uf which I hate Indicated In Iha inurse nf this message t came In Ihe conclusion that Ihere was fniin.lallnn for the com plaint and Hint ihe methods of the omnilsalon In Ihe rcape.t complained of could be bettrrrd In thr olhrr In stanrea the rmnplalnta proved abso lutely banelena sate In Iwn or three Innlancea whrre they referred lo mla lakea which the louimlaalon had al ready found out and . nrreeieal blenders tnd Llbelert. 8n much for hnnrsl crltl. lam Thrre rcmalna an Immense amount of aa n-tkleaa alander its haa rter been 1 ub lllahed Where the slanderers are of rorelgn origin 1 have no concern wllh them Where Ihey are Americans I reel for Ihrui the heartiest contempt nnd Indignation brcaus. In n spirit of ttunlun dlshunesly and malice Ihey are Irving In Inl.rfen with and banner Ihe exr. iillou of the greatest work of th. kind ever all. milled and are seeking tn bring In naught the ef furla or Iha Ir .ounlryni.n In put tn Ihe credit nf Am. rlcit one of the giant feats uf the ages file outrageous accusalluna nf Ihese slanderer con stitute a gross libel upon a laidy of public aervanta whn fnr trained Intel ligence expert nbllliy high charac ter and iletutlnn tn duty, have never been excelled anywhere Thrre la nut I a man aiming Ihuse dire, ling the work uu Ihe lalhmua who has obtained hla pnaltliin on nny other totals Ihan mrrlt alone and not line whu hna used his i ptteltlnu ill uttt wav fur hla uwn per annal or i-etunlary adtantage Plan to Dulld by Contract. fler most careful i.insl.trratlon we hate dr. bird In I.I nut must nf thr , tvnrk tit enntrart If we tan come to aallafactnry Irrina with the contract or The whole work I nf a kind sotted In Ihe on ullar genlua of our piople, and our piople hate devel oped the type of ronlrnrlnr best nlled I.i grapple tilth It II Is nf cnurae mu.h lieiter tn dn tho work In large part by .nnlrmt than to du It all by the ujuterumrnt pruvlded It Is fHis allde mi Ihe line bund tn aecure to Ihe conlructor n siitllcirnt remnurrutlon to make It worth while fnr respon sible contractors nf the best kind to undertake the wnrk, and provided nn the other hand It onn bo dnne nn terma which will not give nn excessive prom In the aoniruriur nt the expense of Ihe gnternment After much enn slderntlnn the plan already promul gate.! by the a.rrrtary of war was adopted This plan In Ua essential features waa drafted after careful and thorough study nnd consideration by Ihe chief engineer Mr Hlevms who. while In Ihe employment of Mr Hill, tha president nf the Ureal North ern railroad had persnnal experience nf this rry type nf contract Mr Hlrvrns then submitted tte plan In ihe chairman of the commission Mr Khonts who went carefully over II with Mr lingers the legal ndtlser of Ihe commission In see that all Irgi.l tid coplra nf Ihr plan In both Beere tnry Tafl and myself Hecretary raft submitted t tn annie of Ihe beat to, in sel nt the New Virk bar nnd after wards I went oter It very carefully with Mr Tafl and Mr Hhunts and wr laid Ihe plan In Ha general fenturrs before Mr Hoot My cuncluelnn Is thai it e.imhln.a the maximum nf nd vantnge with the minimum of disad vantage I ndcr It a premium will be put upon the speedy and economical construction nf the canal and a p. n ally Imposrd on delay and waste The plnn as promulgated Is tentatlte, doubtless it will have to be rhangrd In some respects before we can tnina In a sallsfarlnry agreement with re siutiislble cnnlrnetnrs perhaps eten after the bids hate been re iltrd nnd nf cnurae II Is puaalbln that tte call not cotne In n agreement In whk !i case the gntrrnmenl will dn the wnrk llaelf Meanwhile the work nn Ihe lalhinua la prngr.salnsT altndlly nnd without nny let up Single Commissioner Detlred. A aeven-hrnded rnmmlaalon Is nf course a iliimsy ixctullte Instrument We shniild hate Iml nne cnmmleelon er Willi an. Ii heads of d. parlments un. I oilier ottlrera under him aa we may llml nnrsairt We ahnuld be xtiressl) lurmlllrd In rtnpluy Ihe engine, rs In tin. uiunlry as con sulting rngln. crs I ai.nuitiaut this paprr wllh n map showing BUhatunllulli what the canal will be tike will II it la nnlehed When thi (uihru illt hae been made nnd th. dama built lit they are I, Milt aa at line, nt there will then be nt luith lh. Paiilli and Atlnnllc tnda of Iha iaii.ll two great froeh water lukia couneiied by a linw.l channel running al thr bnitnin of a ratine nrrnaa Ihe lw. kbnne nf Ihe Wratrrn llrmlephere Thuae heat Informed he llete Ihul the work will be completed In uboill right years bill II la neter aafe In prupheev about eurti n wnrk aa Ihla especially In the tropics Confident of Ultimate 8uccett. Of the success of the enterprise 1 am as well cnntlnced ns nne can be of nn) enterprise that la human It la n alupendnlia wnrk upon whl h our fellow countrymen are engaged down there on the lathmua nnd while we ahnuld hold them In n alrlrt accnunla Idllty for the way In which Ihey per form II we ahould recognise with frank generosity the eplo nature of the tnsk upon which they are .ngaged and Ha world-wide Importance They are doing aomelhlnir which will re .l.m.l Immeasurably tn Ihe credit nf Vmirlca which will beuellt all the ..hi mid which will last fnr ag.a tn mmr t mler Mr rlhnnla no I Mr Htm na and Ur (liirtrua this work has start. .1 with et.rt om. n of goud for tune Tho an I Ihelr worlht nee... lal-a from ihe highest to the Inweet are Milled lo the aame .mill Hull ttia woolil alto In Jh! jiicWrd mrn if a . tlclnrlnua armv fnr Ihi. ..,. I of peace will In Ha great and far rea. h log effect nl ... I ea .wn-a lie t rrv greatrat coniiueala whether of peace or of war whhh hate eter lo-en wnii by any of 111. protlea nf mankind A ha line Is tn lie given tn eterv merl .aii elllsen whn fnr n snecfled time haa taken port In Ibis work fnr par ticipation tn It will hereafter he held to reflect honor umn the man par ticipating Just as It reflects honor upon it soldier to have belonged to a mighty , army In a great war for rightvoua- 1 neas Our felluw countrymen un the Isthmus are working fnr our Interest and for the national rrnonn In thr aame spirit and with thr aamr rlll Urncy that the men or tin army and navy work in time of war It be hootee ua In our turn to da all w can In hold up their handa nod tn ltd them In .tut wit tn I lug thiir l great work In n Ii Mini n it rn lu alon UP tlliiirv nu. -i n i Th. W l it II I i li, POSSIBILITY OF WAR WITH JAPS Germans Think Uncle Sam Would Have Hard Contest Against Obstacles. German Think Japs Will Take Philip pine liljndi and That United Statei Will be Forced Into War Upon Sea and Land With Drown Men. Merlin AnmnR Gcrmnn mllllnry nnd natal tiRlcera thu poaelblllty of a connict between tlio United Stale ami Japan lint been quite frctly dlt cussed nnd Ihe prufpaslunal view tak en twin lu ho that Japan would tflko tho Pllilllppltii' Itilund nnd place, upon tho United Stale lliu necetalty of conducting ncroat the I'aoinc pro longed tea nnd land campaigns, which would call for Immense cxpi dlllona BKjilnst natural nhstnclmi It wat known here In Juno Unit the Urlllah J admiralty linil contildcred theoretical- I ly tho possibility nf war bututcn Ja- I pan nnd the Unltid States na likely I to occur within Utility rhe ytara, nnd tome of the llrilah tint til men nre ro porlid to i' expreaaid tho belief that tlio (ontt'st would occur within five year In mi) disc, It In certain thnt aetcral Kuriipeatt foreign officer. I aro nt presint inakliii; lniii!rles ru- m sardlng Ihe temper of the Jnpnncto t people and the pn. rnment of Japan. HADIT OF EXTRAVAGANCE. Jutllce Drewer Lilts a Warning Voice to People of America. Now York " We are busy denounc ing trusts, but the mott danttoroun of them all la Hie trust In the future to pny iklilB." rinld Jiittlro Dn Id J. Ilrower of the Supreme court of tho United State Sunday nt a met ling - of tho People' Forum of New Ho R chclle R "Our great expulsion nnd rapid 0 growth In population and ruaourcca aro tleMlopIng a hnhlt of cxtrava 91 gance Wo hato been mott unwisely M" discounting thu future II "Wo nro trembling on Iho verge of 13 wondroiit -.iclnl nnd political changes. M Thoso iiinat liiiiortnnt, muat profound- ly liiiulvInK tho aoclal, buslntsa nnd I political life of tho it public, dt not 'It spring from railroad rates and ro- bales. Inspection of packing houses, I thu coal trust or tho Standard Oil cvimpany Par more profound and J tltnl Is the building up In Ihla nntlon J of n universal boil) of honest. In telligent, pilrlutlc cltlinthlp In our J success I nthls direction lies tho prom- Ito and the prophecy of the future" . : WILL PLACE DLAME. i Governor of Washington Will Invcttl- i gate Coal Shortage V Seattle Owing to tho (nnllnued , scarcity of conl tliroiigliout this state. Governor Albert I! Mend lias npiolnl ed a commltleo of special officers to lnestlgato the shortage. placo tho blame and linoke tho sltito laws, If nccestary, to bring relief Tlio per sonnel of tho commltleo It as follows II A Falrcblld, chairman of the rail way commission, J S laiwrenco and J S McMillan, inenibi ra ol tttu rail way commission, John I) Atklntun, nttnriu) gineral, Divld Hotting, mill lug Inspector, C V llubbird, labor cumnilsiiloiier, John Arrnsmllli grain Inspiilur; Orion llnmlltun, adjutant general of Washington national guaiil. Ikrhcrt Huntley, hiirllctiltiirnl runitnlstluner and P. A. Clark, oil In-speclor Interttato Commerce Commission Atked to Send Expert to Porto Rico. Wnslilngloti tlmerimr Wlnthrop of Porto Illco had n confennce with nieiubtrt of the Interstate commerce on Snliiulay regaidlng railway nff.ilm on Ihn Island llaloa and otner fea Hires of the s)tom nru ltusallsfac- , tor), and It la charged that (hero nro discriminations of nrlous kinds pro valllug The governnunt Is anxious , that tho Inlerstuto cominirco commis sion send nu expert to the Island to i study tho situation Took Immunity Bath, Phoiiiix Arli When various local corporations were Indicted n fow weeks ugo, charged wllh tolatlng tho antitrust laws, personal Indictments ' wore returned against II W Ilydii and II P Dcnitiml lumber men The) tutored plum ikilmlng Immunity by riawiii of thu testlmnii) git in the krnud Jiir) The ilnlms woro suttiilncd ( on Snturda) b) Chltf ItiBtlre Kent nnd tho tHfeinlaiilB were dltclinrKid j The lorpunttlnii cuses come up J ami , nr) 1 , Killed by New Relatives. '' Culpepper, Vn William K Hy m walirs, a prominent cltlten of thla d ton nty at a fox huntei and breeder lo of crack hounds and horsot, w,ts lit- W1 ernll) shot to piece- Sntitriln) night Jc by James und Phillip Strotlier. who Iho at Itoiherwood, three mill a from j,r this place Mr H)W titer secureil a :l, inarrlago llrtnsu Saturday morning tri I and was ninnletl to Mis Viola Stro ' thers daiiithlcr nf the late Colonel ti,( John It Strnthert, und sitter uf tho ouug men v io later MHi d him I