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I HER HIGHNESS j The Story of a Christmas Peacemaker U IlvA M. CONSTANT INn V ) JaH Her lllghneaa )MmiMl nir ih llano AB l and ran to him eagerly Vo an, very Imp nir knight ahe j aald reprovingly Oh i wo ibn B honri lat' B "rale i I be offender Your High j neM Ihe young fellow replied with H lepreeatlgg wave of hi arm Mr Mk 'ralo u Mured two bourn and In H ' aseMent aevcral ix-ople were H killed Ho I m fortunali lo be ben ' BH H Ob'" murmnrod lh rhllil MM tint I Irual rour blghteaa In In kihmI MWk h allh" he added with man nnir MM 'wr. nd all rour mral broihi r. and H her majealr the qui H Then ha klaaeil Ihi oiitalrcichcl III MWk Me Aagta-a with great dignity and lalil H I amall package Im one palm ami a Wt handful of brmbnne In Ihe other n. MK, 'hea h MmI Jler lllghneaa a -very MH nterrr rhrlelmae and again ad led hla MWtt wnnemrn ralMlallona for all the roal H " latlvea. j Uer HlghHC owed delightedly anil we vi i am ii n nir ami ami nhi won I an to i nni m ire No Mm I mn iu in ahe rain ml (auae Then the lean rame and he gallured her In bin arma and klaaed I hem away and told her that I ahe muaiu t err "Inre ahe niaili him feel liaillr Ino and he dldn I wlab to go awar feeling badly lli-aldi-a he added eoolhlngly Homebody elee will nine and bring you iirewmta and you ran rail him rour knlghl I won I rierlared a atlflrd amall Tolce from hla ehoulrter Only roil ate our knight Onl) run' After ahe aald Ihla he held her mora IlKhllx than ever and tried not lo .man but he made aurh a failure or hla effort that Ibe rhlld detected the break and myhbed harder m mua come back abe walM "Vou mua protnlae He gritted Ida teetb ami forced town the lump, and then be kltee.1 St IrffESr I ' 1 I 1 ill fen ! V Stroked Her Oelden Hair, j H I and Mieil vory aoflly and whin V I ha I fenateil her eye mi the Hoy B a lUen ln mill bail rea I vera I ilmea fV lie Inacrli Hon To Her lllghneaa fH in tier dunned euhject aim re- j mm ber royal gravity ami lliran two H little i run Bmumt lila neck ami MK lilm H Oh tliutik you very Hindi lr H I aht' abe IIkihhI mhI thank yon HL I for your whl lliea l I hen lw mii henwU on hla kneea k I looked miendlncly at Ibe iltluly L mill Ita hiiIiIiii ln iilbbltHl B I iHiulona In area! iimlent HP I in Kill I lie ineaenll) ln i MM nmjealy at eouil tmluy MK s" ll,r IMahneaa ananereil hi MM lr She abe went fur a r e In Ihe wrk Kvor) iHHly rl lea H h In (he nNermi.ui ibml I bey' H .Ml abe ilii to illuuer at aunt Indeed breathml Ihe kulaht ataml H ii. very rlatilly Mter a lime he ml MK ,K'i llie alienee liitben.-. P "I t iMtcMnw opiireaalte In the l Id Kite nbaerveil that Ibe hniitxina B ' re all none bill he aeemeil loat In JH retrerl an Her lllalmeaa IwgRwl W ii-. iHiribm unl toll lilm nialti Hull MK '"' w,,ri' nil aine HF He fmiibleil In hla Hfket mill all Mjnf aently Imn.leil her mini her Iribule nn I JMMPf iilonleil Mini then lie muliwit an I BL ' I lilm bii be na iiuiiiv istlea K naa Ibe ih-hfi Ml. Vmt ami you will he away a Inna HEa m time? Away In U.iiJ hi mi 1 1'arU HHB: 14" lf In Kiirujier VF h miiintilail KJv tml uoUtly will bring tin pit K allheil llm rhIM Hut Ibtii EHH ) ll I don t hhiiI imiIhhI) to H i n me ieeiitk till you iniii. B The kulht etrokeil ber ilen linlr E ' Twl ina taly ffB I dun I think " he aabl nlovil) ihat kV u coming back K Tb eblld hjokail um with wlileeyiH K NevarT" abe denwmlvil wumloi JV ly H NeTer" rR' Vevar an nwrvf" n No dear" BK Mar lllhnM reganled lilm wlih K- yallflaalhHi BP Nuver- (.hhiuV back? AM 1 wuu t her aaalii and pill h-r iIowh ihi the ' limine and amlled at her reHtaurlngl) It la an far away nur lllthiieaa he .lea.el One rati I moo twrk In a ilar you kmiH leiinne" No miiriHMictl her blahneai. uu rertalnh ud then be went on wlih ile eelvlna aayetj "Ibere la an much In do there mt I t alwaya vtanleil tn Ko nail) ami truly and are all the Ibluia theit n.l my plana are all mile II hiiiiII tiw( iota nf imuuy lo (balm them ou Hon) III I hum me ill eVKDlblliK Mnilll jmi dear? Hut aume day - l.Hun lb. rbll I Some ilu la er) far ubeail our lllahmaa Ile em lo Ibe vtlmluw ami looked up ibe aveuue a loni llm. mi I .1 iwn Ihe uveum a bin llm. an. I Hi. n up Ibe aw mm again lln lllaluieaa ami drooped on her llirone ami (tared at Mm on of wet iye la h. curulr ' I llwaiia. hi wan furl) Inx Ihe fl irei In lh avmui Intently he dbln I hear I her an he upoki binder la nhe eomln No .bar h annaireil finally j Ihi rhlld alaheil I aueaa ehe wmt truly lo Ibe nark then i p aald Ibe man beleeti hit leeth Ile began tn walk up and down ran l.lly Mir lllghneaa looked from him , lo the flour In great perpletlly llm I ahould like to bava aaaa her I lierore I ulled he nbeerrwl pree enlly In a atrange alralned voire Her lllghneaa glonnil up tuirkly and litperl She tbongbi you wara eomln you know Then aba. . thought rou wereni coralti Rraml by ahe thought again yott rote were eomln He leaned forward with a Jerk and atood tanaely over hi r Yea yea Dottle and j Then ahe looked out or the window awhile and aakl you weren I eomln J I waa delayed In the arrliletil " be haalened tn a ( I Her lllghneaa rlapHMl her band. , I- I aald you were eomln ahe erled Irlumphanlly Cnuae eniia rim pmmleeil lo bring me aomelblng In.lay ou waa goln lo keep yoni pmntlae waati t yon Hi aelaiHl Ihe rliubliy ban la lender lr 111 fore f! I Inten led to" be aald In a aolimn voire I knew It Her lllghneaa ihlrieil I knew It rauae you wmitln t go away an I not keep ynnr word 1 lold ber thai Maybe If y.m bail rninlnetl I In bring ber a ( btlaimaa niiiii thing aht wool I have bell. twl Iihi tbnt you ' waa rotnln I Hbe klaaeil - me nu nwful lot -and -aaM abe wbibeil oil would rome llapeil I be amall iidie Id whuM and atarrd al her then In iimheil airoaa Ihe room towar I bei and plrkeil Her lllghneaa tit In Ida arma and klaaeil her mam tim and alroked her hair and it. i n lid etrlieiily to know what abi fit Hir lllghneaa mnili iimrimod I il hit head on hla ahoublpr and i i again Hbi klamnl im Iota nf Hmea mid il I abi wlaheil you would iiiim. Tin ii win ii ou illdnl ahe pit rime water on In r fare and dreaaed an I wi nt out n I ahe dldn I aay any mine cept win n I told her you waa eomln to b Inn me aometblng and bow nlee on Imik lo. lay air knight' Hi Imirlaniied both her lian.U lln on -go on' be entreated ao fmrlahlf Ihat the blue ). omneil wl le What tnoie ill I abe any dear at Hbe only aal I you waa wlllu una) liHlay ami wIuihi ynti.l nHt(r ,t(, ber ii ail I n lint you watile.1 In aeo lln foil you went ill In i you? I almuil lma an" he erled fer ' eiilly Hut did aim aay ntiythlnx imireT I If ymt gtre me anulber " Ile Ihrual Ihe entire box of bonboni Into her banda IHd aba" biiihmanded "I'lmar ' Ml me Ikillle No ahe dl.ln t aay aiiylhln nmtt I cauae raiiMi He walteil lniiMlli.ily (Hilar ahe imia iryln I giieaa She nalli wanlwl urn to eome you I know IHdn i bi hoi laird I wlah aht hal' he gr.wnM h told mi II. i lllghneaa wbla I lieml iMiflli ah. i,. , limt ,f i you dldn I ruin, you wen ton wiri a big brim Vml I hi ii ah jumiwl m I and aald yon dldn I low her and I aald )nu hived mm I Mii i ynU gaknl Ihe rhlld arrloualy An you goln tn rry What niaki-e y,(r ,, pin ki r an Vu I you n burryln right anj" Mia hi aald er ainll) kl.ln I lie upturned Imiulrliig Ihcb Hut I in i nly going to auntie a m ibe,, t , romliig tank to ae our lllgbmaa again Ibeibllil hUal.Hi, i,i IiirI) I hen oil II all iiniii bark logi Hi. wuu I you-you and In r maj. aty Hi atimped and klaatHl her .nimn Vml lln ll In alialghtetinl M hH run hilKbl ami amlled huppllt and i rli J aal I in mlat Viiiii HuhniMH !-(, V Th hWy 'hildrtn re SnMQ !j- -7- "i'M 8preidlno l brnche 5ffiKlp3 - lilil L j " C0",, '0", ,he 'or, JyCTM : f V r3H " lwy bloomino at W?ij3V 1 alarm at n. sU&Z '-a ALONE AT CHRISTMASTIME By S. IIAUING-GOULD I- there- ran tl .eh. man mon mly than one ,.t,ri,i frln , fai "itrr who baa In . n mi ,,f hla home n I for JO yen ra an I rimea hark - . . "'"''" " deal hla old rlamla dlaperaul an I the old neat M iwueil to other neeupanta Vml k" nl '"nellin.a be more emphaalied ian b. ii 1 1, r ,,,, , , ron,M W(h atrial ii u i-"",1 "" "', '"million when I re E... L1" ""''' ' rmmry With a Bioked tor the fir. .Igb. f dr , , Re.M'Tl '""rVi""1"' '"' ll a lad liprilly B"fi aonu .0 ti ira ago R! il'l" " 7'"" "' '' ,n" I hal no "' VI, bran lMgnn lo fill inriny inia n-Hlne when I rrarbe.1 the urn ir) i,Hn near wnlrh I bad been burn mil a In re I had lleet ed I k il ten I our,. ,,r rhlldhood No on kii m. n ,he ehunhyanl I lall a i. ml nn tin gravia wbtrc la I nr nil fuhir an I mother I looKM at nr home It had been ro bull ml wn oceupietl by itrangora "You Are Very Oood I el through tho Ullage The llllle m bail fieah namia over them Tlwwja rertnr who ba.1 h.tpilie.1 m rp-l The till athool una rlle Tif mif e;it rhurrli ha I been renn vd The village Inn waa In ne lliwla The oil t'hrtitmae nga mi lar No froat no anna no Irlrlea otlr ali.Ue and a drlullng rain I returned from nn to (he ill le In deep di tirenahm I aould hut lo Ihe ruonia I ha I taken In a haw. In the loan an I apend my drtatnaa Ke a lib ni pip, d giaaa -akin with not een an nil dog to Ik) at my feet an I look up with apeak lajeyea Into my fan nn I aMitpmhlio h ma In my Hulltitit I would pnaa tat availing Ufnre tin tire Imiklng lata Ilia ii nab not building raatlea aawng them Inn wmrblug thi tuni bnag domi nf oil rottagia nil farina oM rgmlMlaeenrea Into ;ih I hud dune w II In the utlier Ian I Mat hail returned nun rli-h man b il with a romiMtemi It had lie n mi wlrb n nniiilil to ml lie In th. illlui,. , U , Imia in ,, . ,, n, hnixh - i i ih. , a Utile land ' tn 1 1 ih ,i,i ,i, ratlt, t)lp aanu inji. i,k k ,, ,h, Mm acenta Iwell th. aatm people ro-make a home In the aatne plare llut now-- t ,,,,1,1 , ftp.. Aa I walked bark to my lodging! Ihrough the ,tn,, and by the market Place folk wen hmrylng Ih all dlree lona oni. win, l.unrhea of holly In their handa a girl or two with a aprlg r tnlatletm ililv hid In her muff a man whei ling r hrlattnaa trie on a barrow butcher. ') earning Jo,,u fur the morn,. , dlnne l,n ptl , lliiga ami mini, plea wire displayed Hi the ronfitl men ahnpa Tim rnemiat t halrdreaaer the aeela man the drapi r had atitffeil their ln ,da with toy. io)a Iny, who k o"? ' 'r,h " ""I" chlM ha filleil ,,ery heart with thought of Hie little onea and dealre to make Chrlalmaa a ,la v r Joy t them , hal no tin) om , of my own no llllle nlerca an I in pbeaa no amall cmialna for whom to pmvbli anything I waa nl me-ulierl) .Iranian I, alone Va I piirauiKl my va I aaw a trail illm girl Malkliig hefou m.i with i bnakit mi ber arm and I nollud that tin boitom hn I rome mil in I that Mil iiintinla fell on ibe pay. mint or Ihla ah. i waa unaware I aloimeil ml Plckul up a llllle vionllr lamb lit n it annietblng wrapiieil In paper Hun a aller malib lNi breaking nit of Ita enuring (latin ring them together I ran afler I e girl nn I alnnrml her I- xtuae me aald I Vre you a fimale Hop o my Thumb dropping oline whereby your Iraek my be nnwn I allowed her whnl 1 had colfectrl -.In inlninl ami thanked me Then i uiognhuil hir .a the daughter of in Inn llaily nti tiiuat alluw me aald I to He il) linn Ikerrhbf rnuml Ihi bnaket in I to Tarry It tor you I bollevr hat wi go the anme way Vnil are iry good ahe replied We iirr ahum to hair a Chrlalmaa iei for the chlltnn Ihla oienlna nn I I bno been ma dug aomo Irllllng piliclmaea iia preaeuta for my brolhera in I alatera and for papa nn I mamma ihn mini not be fnrgutten " There so the can Ilea' f ox irlnlmed aa a calarart or red yrllun .mil green taper abot mil of ibe bia kel Vn I I here a an urmiat anil ahr aa on of theae fruit Niiino. rnrlh tn I fell an I rolled away lulu th. guttir I We were furred to atiaip mil nil , lert the arettntl wax llgbia mil then to tie my largo linn Ikirrbkf 1 about the liaakel What n fortunnto llilng aid I that I hne gol a goo I aim I ktrrhlef III plan nf one n' tbi mlai rnble Illllo raga tint loairtbt nonahija That la becmiai I illng to nkl diatom mid win ii I waa a boy mi mother nl waya gave me annn thing like a illah rl.ilh In til) tinrki I Thin e piiK-eednl on our way and whan we went Into the bouae ahe re elveil Ihe baaket fmm nm an I ngalu ihankel me Vmt mutt not rimoe he knchlef till all la unpacked I mil ir tin re will b anollur dla hnrgi it tin mull ma and th. n the till In ii will a,, mt you hate pro I b I f r tin m ' THE TRUE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT rW"J" "" Shall i nt be dining out to-mor row uaknl the girl . I oh nn' I have hone to dine with 1 know no one here Vnl Ihla evening you be tolng anywhere" I oh no I have nowhere whlth er to go So e tiarted and I aarendeil to my loom I made up the fire and aat lown and reread the newapaper There waa milch In It about the ap- II I roachlng fenat 1 bad the llliiatrale.1 Pipera They had laaueil ( hrlalmaa auppletnenta with plrlurea of happy family gathering! of Old Father Uirlatmaa of walla and enrol alnger I might pirhapa hear the walla ind ulngera I aboukl certainly hear the I hrlitmaa hella Thai would bo all I bad done with my paper! I aat before the fire In a brown altidy ind my aplrlta aank loaer and ever low J"r ' ""railed the old Chrlatmaaea 1 had iiwnt at hnnu with my parent! I remembered how I had looked Into my atorklngv on the morning to it If Old l-ather ( hrlalmaa had vlaltaH me In the night and had lelt there aonu preaenla for the Hon! Hoy Vlaa' No Father Chrlalmaa woull vlalt me now vil that waa of the paat-the ntinily ami Irrvvornbly II did not Unlit nn tanltea I cm I rea I no mom I neeilail nn light for my thought! Ihei were loo it irk to Ik Illumined Ihua Va I atood thu. mualug hearil i tap nt my Hour and abonled Come In' Thi re i netted delay and I called again torn. In I hen th il,r niened ami I tmx anme llllle hea, la milaldi with golden curl mi I rtuahed tbeeka and a child a voire aald llwiu Vlr What a-ymir tiime will you com, to our tree ilimn atnlra I' I' Va 1 InaliHind Ihe child Mil I'lwaae Vnnli told u lo aak yon" Vml Iben I aaw the tall girl whom I hn I aaalate I draw bark Into tho lark behlnl them Vloat certilnly I will ai you are an kind aa to Invite me o I deafen led and there were my laullord and Ian I la ly radiant with haiiplneaa and I ho five children danced beron me and aald "He ome la It nut nlro' llehlnd pre onlly enli red Vnnle anmewhat ahy ly and preti a ling ahe ha I come from tho kltihii, I naa wltm-i nf ibe delight of tho lltltn nnia uier th Ir proa mta tho Ax ifflf? hwMim I Saw tho Tall Girl wo illy lamb a amall cart a cannon, t doll the ruin r mi r n pair of warm Mockliin of Vnnli a kiiltlliig lha motlur over a abaul nlao of her wnrli nnil I atool iuiIIIuk nn 1 happy, win ii up apnmg on. of the tlilllrrn mil pliickcl from tin tree the illtor mntch box Thla ail I tho child Ii for Mr. U hat hla name Slater Annlo sild it wn for lilm I jh inn nl more than I can aay. i immo ha I Iichiii thinking of me, hough I una only a lodaer I Iok bin lr' till the father. limn a aininger In the country and aurh n time aa Ihla there mint ba i Htimiftcra nu mint really aup till in and dine alw with in to- irnm I can pioniln you a good i liiinrr for It la of Vntilea making VII was changed I waa a atranger ml tiny look me In I waa lonely ind thiy made of mo a ftlcnl riir!tmn dai 10 10 p in I roturtiod In my room ttpataln, 1 na lo up the tiro anil aented myjclf I heforo II 1 had apont n ery plcaiant ! lay nn I a pleaaant otenlng before I but I 111 not now feel ao dlsrour- I JKi I o hop. b a Th it wna a nlco R I family vcr) frlmlly ind conallerate 1 Vol I btgun to build In Ihn (Iro I H u longer nw oily riilm I aan na I urre a pbnannt home ilio out ol 1 ho roila nnil a pleialng face looked I il c me out of them vi ry much like 1 bai of vnnlt Vhl If the old homo I n gone might I not b ill I onu that H i uld bo now I need n i longer live I n tho paat but lo lit to the futttrt, an t iot thrlitma. pleae Ool 1 would I not lo alone that la if Annie but I I rannot tay will eminent to put an end to my lontllnoaa an I help In I bull ling up it future Of Intereit to Stockholder! I Jaiar I heai that Santa Clatw run I Uen up hla yearly mnti U Juniiu e v on don t tell rue! I Jaapur e He bai inel a I rtgnlar ultion on the Salstrla Com Hilttaaa tf varloiw uii coioratIiiin, Town To loa ' n i iiiiliiiirfauiii iwinilBgiaMilMBBMgM'BBaaMaaaaaaaaaaW