Newspaper Page Text
A Most Valuablo Agout. Ttor j.rlne employed In Dr. l'leie ttedlcltie greatly enhanee tli medicinal jiroBertloi U'ita It eitrart from native EMlclnal rout and l.U- In Milutlnn ranch Nttu r than alcohol would. It ak-n mww.1 medicinal prvperUc o( IU own, Wing a valuable demulcent, nntrltlT, knt.-.ptl and aniKcriiMiit. Ii add notlr t.. thneflieary nf Hip lilac k cherry bark III. lr-.t. Hidden m HUim ror t a ! I fjiiea-n'a nail, contained In (..liliu Mnlual IHniiry"tii ntiiln ei,r.iiii. r bine ring rough, hronihlal, throat jii.M'ii giilTi.liomi. for all of which thtee ui'iid are recommended by etaud ard medical authorltlea. In all aMa where then' la a watting away of ficah. ha of pi'tllo, with weak itoeiach, a In the early Ukw of d omi.llnn, there ran li mi doubt that gly cerine aria a liiali.. nulrltlve ami aid" the 11..1.I. ii s. hI root Mono root. Queen root awl lllark therrtuark In tTnmolln(illeelli.n ami l.iilldlna: tii the and atr. utrtli. tuMMIIng: Hie rough and t.rlngliig aiwul a hnalthy rondltlnn of tlm whole tyatem Of murw It mutt tiot lie cimctrd to work mlrarliw. It will Ml nire i "lUutnl'lUin ereit In It earlier ttagea It will euro very warre, 'wU I Bate, liang-in, chronic cotia-ha bronchial and larrnr al tn.nt.lee, aiel chronic euro throat ''Ii hnrei,eaa In ariiteeooghl It Knot ..effective It la In the lingering La ng-on mug ha, or throw of loin eta ml I ng, even when acromiianleil liy heeding from lung that II haa Tf.m-l IU mint Biurt. Ina rarer r- prof rli.ln Kllinw.l M Irate. Mil Me.1 (..luge lii.uu... r of gly cerine. MihHtlallMrTeaanetrellefilDHrpre Ili.l.lm a l manlll "I llei iraille of linlofen in anluilon It la uni i.f Ibe baat reeniifertuml pnalit, laof lbeirr.tillliieln It a. ui.n itif.dh-.! dlwnleled Uhm I Ml... .prelailr If i in ie la ulrrraiiim or ca tarrhal faalrilla (catarrhal Inflariimalrotj of alpmarhi, It I. a mol m Irni preparation tllinrllH' IH nlHre l.,anyia.if Piroato m (tearllajnil end aii-aaalie gaaUla (.li.mailil B (VJaWi MeJIctl Iitaioterr'Mirlrhea and M purine ibe raWI rutuir iJnfrv B irupilona.acrofuloHaellliMraamloliluira. H end".Il B. V, IVrrc. l( llnrlahhN Y B, for dee I..1H1I lelllu all at.m Hie nallre H raadl'lnal nnta ewniaawmf ilila wouuoiful B utallcla. Thaw W ho alcohol lu Ik Allmit)-iil-l.ut I I EVANS & EVANS t SALT LAKE Ctrl, Tflttlmmo-1iMl.Ni'. I; 111 WHIK'. FRANK EVANS COALVILLE, UTAH. H Olllc at Nt-w County Court lloiiae I Offlfo M'Imhih No. tSrltif. H lteatilulKaM'lioiin Nn.A. H Aiiatriiflrr I El5WARD"H.RHEAb I.I Abtlracler cl Tltlra for Uuiniult County Ill Real Estite, Insurance a Farm Loans. Hjtl Olllco at HiHliIuiire, Coalville, lllali- HHE l'lionr, No, 36-I. IjE I'll) alrlim mill Mirisciin M , 0. W. FRENCH, M m III J l'hjilclau anil Hurgran, 119 I 0FF10KAT ItKSlDr.NCIC HXA Coalrllla. H Sfllcaliouri IromS to l. in. m A!i wliocanilioiiMobanrvattciekoan H aa nearaa poaiibl. H Hurt oj or V -R,. Ji.. CTOITSS, H Qrttlite ot tW !nlruiit.Hin 0vrrr- V jslf d Mtuul, ttfruiuu, I'. H COTJNTYSURVEYOR. H Molar Putlio and Comtyancar, H JIKNKr'KII, UTAH H Frank Rippon, B C0NRACT1NG CARPENTER. H CAN rUKMnll I'l VN1- H AM tl'tCinCAUONN M ForAIIC'latteiiof llulhling. H .Volnry I'lilillc. K C. R. Jones, H NOTARY PUBLIC !" llmlilvut Amnl WO'. Flremm's Fond Insurance ompany, COUNTY lEWSi By Our Special Corrtsfon-Unts HOYTSVILLE. Witball a merry i and a happy Nw Yaar. The tchoel It prenarlng to ki an en eulailalnHirnt In the near future. Mn.JolinI.anan nliohvl paralyllc llroke aoina lime ago, ia ttlll very alck. Hick Illich met with a palnlul accl Uiil while notklng at I'ortlanil. A wheal weUliloKT" lb. lalliaK n '''" leg. Ila ram home yulcrdajr. John Paigent got hull Hie other day by a piece ol timber falling on till thnn Mer. Mir. Ilcber IJrovn Lae been tuv tlik, but It better at thla writing. 0. II. Wett la building a new grancry ami Ire hear, by the aide ot the ttorr. 0 II. la alaayi Imprurliif - Mn. Mann la still on the lick III!. It begins to look ai Ihpugb Cbrlalinaa waa going to pRM wlthaut an- ninuii ment lor the clilldrtn, at e baio not heard olany Jtl. Iloylavllleliaimall town ol about aerenly lamlllct hat a inbdrrn icbonl linute, a grade.1 acliool with three teaehera and IDR atndenti enrolled; one aiiiuicmcnt ball, meeting home, Kellet aorlety hnuee, a genera! meicbnndlre aline, a marblo workt.a neamery, poet nrnre, aaw mill awl three 'phonee In town. Sow, what we need, and want, la the elretilo llghla thiougli heie, a raitioad twitch don n the creamery lane and a Hailing loom lor pttaengerf. Wakmipt l.el't eeo what can do to Improve I he on. There ta room (or Improvement THAT' II! ! ! Cough YonitelllntoA fit ol tpairni and I hen wonder why yoii don't get well. II you will only try a bottle ol Ilallmd'a lloiehoiind tyrupvnur rough "III I a IhliiKolthu (Mat. It It a "0lllv" euro fur Coiighr, tnlliH'iirti, llronchltlt ami all Pulmonary .lltcatet. Unu bottlo will convlnro ou at your drugglil, "he, 60c J I. Bold by John Hoyden A Son. ROCKPORT. Uockporl, Dec. 18. lira. 1'aniile llor tin vlalted her daiiliteft, lire. U11U Hiakrrot Manan, Ida.i and Mr. Nellie 1UII 11, at I'aik Clty.lutt week. Wm. HaynoUt ot l'ark City, it vltlt Ing lilt ton Theron, ot thla place. Kdmund btaaer ol Menan, Idaho. CuUvlta I lie HurKcoii A complication ot (emale troublet Willi catarrh ot Itio ttoinacli and bowelt badreduciHl Mrr.Thot, K Auatiu, ot Uatcnvorlh, Ind., to audi a deplorable condition, tlm'. her doctor adilied an lral!in. but her hllilMiid feailng Utul ri'tullt, Hiitpoiied tlilt lu try Kiel trie llllliTti and to the amatement ol all who knew her, thlt medicine com pletely cured her, Oiuraiteed cute for tmpl.l liver, kldnev diseiiae.bllloutnear, liiindlce, clilllt and teer. generul di blllly, iiervouiueii and blond poisoning, Heat tonic made. I'rlce tAs at John II lydrn ft Son ding ttnre. Try it. Ilcillrliu- MARY ANN B. CLARK, . ill tin Mim'lii.ihi'i l llio Aurut liir summit I I'liiiiil) lor Jim Send mi' )imr order I cm fill tlii'in fur vim iVkthille, - - t'titli ' Pineries !S I Specialties in tho lino of I Imported China Novelties anil Various Kinds of Toys at PBoples' Meieaniilu ob AI.MA 15I.DK15HOK, Mr. j tB aj aaMaaaaaiMrjaaMaaawaaMiaaaaaaaaaaMaMaMMaaaBaaMaaaMaaaaaaaMMaMaauaaBnl Baiting Fowler Absolutely Pure DI8TIN0TIVELY A CREAM OF TARTAR DAKIHC POWDER Royal does not contain an atom of phosphatic add (which is the product of bones digested In sulphuric acid) or of alum (which is one-third sulphuric odd) substances adopted Cor other bolting powders because of their cheapness. 1 aoiil tAMM MaCia t al vtart. , vlaiteil hit piema, Win. II. hlaker, hit week. Mr and Mr. Win Htembridge wat viillliig relalitea In l'ark City lait week. J. I'.. Malln and wlhi ot l'rk City 1 were the gtirtlt n( reUtivet and Irlendt during the week. Win. II. Miikar and wife lme gone tu .Ion to Bieiid the holiday. Itepilnt. .Sow Herald, "There la at leaat one euVi'nal, rale, mid reliable Coiuh .ire Ir. Slump' that wn rey fiinl at anliahle, een lor tho youngeat child. Tor yeiHi, I'r. bhoop bitterly npHiiid Hit life nl ophiiet or narcotics in medicine, oiler lug 1" I' l'op In liny one finding opium, Chloroform, or ..huh mioiniua or narcotic Ingre dient In lr. Mioop'a Cough Cure. And the rhtlleiige I av i't uminawered. Hero It one liiaiiiitnriiirlug phytleian who welcomed with miirli tatittactlou, the new tiovernmi'iit 1'iiru Food and Urnir l.i. The public can now protect ltn.ll at nil tlmei, by liiilttlug on liav I11K llr. Hlueip', when a iMtigli remedy It neeiled." bold by .'ohn Itoyden A ftin. KAMAS. Kamar, Her. 17 Aunt Ituth l'nck, an aged and well icipecled rcildcnt ol Ihb place, (ell down a flight ot ttnlrt lilt Tuerday bmlilng her head and iliould eiiulte Ihiuly, At the lime, tlm all iiniKiiiH'ioua tor uter nn honr but noil Ing htIoiib it-aiilifd and the it nt rapidly recovering. The Kamai Druuiatlo Co,, tl now working upon a play which wilt prob ably be put on duilng the holUaji. The play "Jemiuu" ll a purely Ntjic one and all w ho tee It will turely be re paid. County Commltiioner John lltjt while riding t Kamai lait uoJir evt'iiliig on imMirtant I uaineta mm near falling hi-adloug into a crick, lilt horae tlipped on the I riilge an I fell Into the water (nil length John, vir; fortunately, had Juil rciuoird hit del from the tliriupr, and riraped lit ducking hlmtell. I'earl uud Kll.i Tack KturneJ liomi Irnm the rrtcrxatlnn a lew dayt tgn, A m.ik hall gum line lait Frl d.iv night. A huge iroad xniptfliot and all Im.l a gr.. 1 1 n... .ilih.mgli can p.tratnely lew mimked ltubl. I'm kol Una pldie broke kii ankle a thort Mine ago It it tboorbt lie will be unable to me hit leg tar a month, rartlcultrt uot known. llcrt Pmllh and l.'U Uiakcrl mj l l.nld Van Wugiier mid Celeite Tiek are to be married in the Salt mt Temple neit Wednenlay, Ikjc lib, Hold couplet are on tke hllltopi ot Jollitlcatlon. The gblt are both bljblr tli night ol In ka r .v.jjdi, j, In in -rtll I tke u I l m M'tgotar! hone lain Milan i Cttatrli ol the noae an. I throat iq,u lead )ou to at lean ait ui for a fl(r trial box ot llr. hi. , i. lt0,r), n, .Nothing to turely prnea mrrit ti 1 K,j j, actual teet and Dr. M..p, to pro , thla, enrneaily deilreatlml m m ,,, 1 1 male that teal. I'l, ireanij. j I White healing Imlin. imiihet IhtUroti j I and noitrllt, and .,uhklv purifc,, 9Ul lliirleierlih breuh I ,! aD, otM1. j John Hot den .V Sm. (.ruud June. . ,, j,, J iliuuicier. on m.n, u, . .nitta that Ihrv 9 muat bfroiiiitiiiK in l.l...o(Jtf j e - ,T""' '"' lv ' "" I cleautethe i)i!.i,. Unlet .ltl, n i l'ill OOvet giie. rlld by JoU L. ) den . Son'j dtgg ilorc. ""' "f Jtr. " 1 Ii I J 1 1 n I I onie ancl select your H Ohriiimas Skirtu i Wmb I Ready-Made.. I Also Dress Goods and Waistings. Goods all New and clean at 5 per cent discount for cash. Pictures to H . .. give lor Christmas Presents. The most beautiful pictures ever brought to the city at the price. H SANTA CLAUS IN ABUNDANCE H Margaret Salmon. I .MARION. Marlon, Dec. 18.-1 he Infant ol Mr. anJ Mrt. llrnett J. Mitchell hat been quite III (or the pait week, but it now improving. i;i.jr J. A. Woolitenhulme, who hat lieen on a mleilon in Tezna (or the paat twenty inontht, teturneil home lait week. Ilelcnki well nnii M) he en Jued hit work in tho minion field ery much. He wat reteaiedou account ol tlielllnennl lilt wife. Mrt. II. W. Amlertoii It on tho lick lilt thla week. Ed lorciiiii haa movnl to Kamai (or the "Inter. Mr. and Mr. 1'. II. Tclerion in ado n Imtlr.cM tilp to I'nrk City today. Ulihap lUnlel Lambert and coun Nllurt ot Kama have been liltlng the Hints In Marlon tho pait nejtk. Hdliday Itatea Tiikctt on tale Dec. M.21,22, 21,!6,3l, and Jan. 1. 1.0 cill; on Union l'acfflc and 0. S. I.. Ity., nit S centt per mile In each direction la round trip ticket! only. C. I. J'fiaead'in. .. Louu l'lclil For twunty ycart V I. Itawir,o( Dellf, Tenn , (ought natal catarrh. lie writet. "The twelling and torcneti Inilde me note wai learlul, till I began applying Bucklcn'a Arulca 6alvo to the tore tur (ace; thlt canted the torenett and tattling to dliapptar, neter to return." licit talva In ezlttence. 25c at John llojilenA Sonidriifglitt, M1SSIONAKY AI'I'OINTMCNTS. Following are themiiilonary appoint utnta (or Bunjjy, Dec. 30: coin. Urtireartou deo K. Wilkin run. John K. Lviiioii Lambert l'ack taiik nrr A aiili.y'h paiik. Jai. ll.Hhead Tho. I Allen gAbTCOALVIllk. Geo. Smith Ci. W. Young t nos. eilat M. l'ack It. V. Maxwell COALVlltK. Robert Walker M. W. Taylor WOOlll.AND. Jobn C. I'Aikett Win. Anderton KCIIO. Auiai Sargent V. II. Wilton w kMiur W'm. Archibald ISImoud Ken OHM l'ill I K Vui. Catrutb Thouui Heard iiKitrgn. Marlon Trailer 1'. . Marchmil. rnANCit. E. II. Rhtid John Aitin norsioiiT. William lluiiell I.eonldai Fiiher IIOtTSVILlK. W. It. Smltb Chm. II. Weit OAKLKY. jMtdlab Wood ard J. J. Benton. ' Xtnv Cure tiir i:illcia J 11 Waterman ot Wnteiimvn ilii". ltunil tree dellM'O.w rite. "IU daugli eratlllcted for yealt wilh emlepay.wat inredby Dr. King' New Life I'lllt She hat not had an attack (or over two year." I'm' u0ll' cl6""" nH li,c 'giving tonlo l,l1' on """' 25t al J l"1 lio)donii5u'lrul.'",ort'' a'l'honneliaie been lutlalled during The week In tho borne ol Waller Cald frwoodandL.i:. llldredge. Some few leuki ago C. R.Jone alto hud an In- giruuient put In. Cure fur Hre Nlpi'lei. Kli toon a the child It done mining Sfply Cllamblln', Salve. Wipe It ort" SK, Wt cloth before allowing fli child ' uur' 5Uny traln', jfLnlhUwith the bwt remit. WT "t r Ux" l'or ' bf 5ofen Boyden A Son. f siirHoouQH rllieSfllVBfnK ttSK!!!SK3!)!!S!.MI)SSStMa!!SK::;jj H I A Nice Line of Christmas j I Goods Just In. i tit LaH M. E. Rhoades Milliner. I HOLIDflYGOODST I Wc will have the finest line of Candies, Dolls, Picture and H Story books, Games ol nil kinds, Table croquet set, child- M rcn ami Ladies hand purses, Doll carts, Uxprcss carts, H Sleds of all kinds, Cut Glass, Ladies and Mens silk iiiulT- 'H lcrs, Hatulkcrcliivfcs. Sonicthing new in waist pieces. H Ami many other uscfttll presents. jH Geo. W. Young, I Souvenir postal cards for sale at this office. .NOTICE. State ot Utah, County ot Kummit, In the IVoa precinct ot tild county. I lime in my ioMoiilnn the following deK-rllied animal which, II not claimed mid taken away, will be told at public auitleu, to the hlgheat cath bid der at my corral In l'eoa precinct on the 21th day ol Hoc. 1PO0, at tho hour ot 11 o'clock ii. m Jul roan con with tome whltu ejote ; crop oir each car: blotch brand on left thigh ; icar or brand gl on right hip. Bald animal it held hy me to tecure tho payment ot ISOOiUmagea done by tald nnlmal on 'lie premlaet ol 1'uley 1 1'. Wnlker on the liih ol Imo., lydo. I H. H WllltlllT. i l'miiiiUeeper l'eoa preciml. Constipation I Jlalijl iwrel arplrl. wllh Mint rnrl. UUtm rH aU-wlirat l.rmil will Iuik lh lama ulect IH ha turaunitoutjMIr hal a Trf,ubl. imM, to H rrll.'U.rivrjjillmwilknownlonian, It fhrilrlani IH no 1 1 1 nn.f SaliiM a war to h.-allh Anil Uut It H tt-ikiiwlr true with niani io innlrilrn aafl ,' J:1". ' "" ""'" ,ri" "' ' lilomia-Oia. H ram FagriKU-orf, rt a mct cic. llcnt alj to thu H rnJ liul.eumbliinl win Egrrt an Rrnna. 811c. aH f,riVL'i'U"V W tftrantriTun :. Ihfi 1 aaiiia Ukm lrk Ii glcn lu irealcl poulble H TaUrt. nUUiiti, Ii now n.l. at ua aH Hr fliniip tUirainrlM, iroin ihli Inarnuoui anil aH initimiiu.nKriiilii liaiir.ciuiionitu H I; lui tmiiniFii ... euunarli. lu.l lirtvih. H ll ft (ll""'lrl,un. itc-.l' Inutvl cromit and H ho unitiint alter T.ti areei. H rrt nrcl bm.I Uiu an put up In tutllul H llilii'irroplir.l nrul li at 6 crnu and a cvnu H For aotrMhlnt raw, nice, aconomlral and tal eflwtlra, try a hoi of "" M Lax-ets I JOHN BOYDEN & SON. HELP For Your Throat I WKIto Pino Bsa.lssx.ri-v a rtliaMc hi-lp for yuur throat. If you frequently (jrow hoar&e, White Pine will prevent the vocal clior-Js from being so stneitlvc. If you .ire troubled with tick- H Unpin the thrott and have to "hem" frequently, White Pine will relieve you Ifjou lui.- a cimuh fnsli or old-White Pine will H cure It. It frees the throat of phlegm and SOOTHES THE THROAT H White Pine is not disaarooable u take. CliiKlren don't have to be coaxed to take it. Two sizes--2;c and 50c. John Boyden & Sons, Druggists. I I A - 10,000 I Tr BELdLo Telephones in Stilt Lake I 18,000 Bell Telephones in Utah. I qc rCr '-N' itah. Montana, idaiio H OD,UUU ami WVO.MIN'5. Ol n (CC " " Hi aiiihi nv u:ib Company Asr itrliV-VJW UeClNMlTlOhh i:.(.r ai Aw: Quite a Circulation! Took a k0011 Many ) tars and cost a good deal 0J vieney to to build this up. 1905 added more telephones than any previous year, IT LOOKS F.l'EX BETTER FOR 1906! Rocky Mountain Bell Telephone Company