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I The CoalvilJe Times. """"" " H THE PEOPLtS ADVERTISER. EmvoTEn TO TH32 rtfTTaiRiaTa oEIMIT oountt. J0B WORK HEATU EXECUTES BP 1 Vol. XV. COALVILLE, SUMMIT COUNTY, UTAH, tf AflOARY n, 1907. Ro. 3. I I HOME S NEWSf Mr C M Juliann It nut again alter H ink'i illnnr I H tonnd Watch. Owner can hae It M by irjTlni! tame ami ajlru lor nit Hj Will K0U)tntri It itlt laid up lijr nn H attm ol tuuicular rlicutnatltin H Sin l.njnli Allen rrurkcd MomW) , H iroui Neplil,Klirluihetia brail ttlnu H, ,, btr arenti. I H Margaret K. Salmoo la back to the H toruajaiu, faUe hai been quilt lick H the ptit lew Waattu Too or three lurnltneil, 11 r 1 thre uulurniibcli rouun. lmimdlate- H I; l.uve oiJ t tlilt offltv. I l.ton and Oladyi Calderaood euter- H UlLeJ about twenty Hill friendi at lutlr bout WednmJay alternuon. H Tho Kockport and Wtnitilp correfj H pooJenCB w at received Wo Iat lor pub H lleatlon One day earlier, ideata' ' H Mirxarut It. Saluivu li having a blf ia on all tier atock. I'lliee greatly duced Mail wake room for new Mock,' H The City Council met lait Monday H and alter palling tbe Mill, adjourned to H acxt Tueiday evening H David Reel, tbe bis rancher ot Cattle B Kock, waa in Cualvilleon butlheit ttie B forepart ol tbe week, Me underitand PBVJ tail he bai pnrcbated a large tract el H land In Hick county. PBVJ Quite a number ol our inbicriberi are owing ui lor tbe paper during- tlio pait BBVJ year, anJ tome lor two yean. Now, we B don't like to be continually "dunning" PBVH yoa, bat we really need the moaey. It BBVJI tbouM bo paid to advance. We would PBpJI like to eee all wbo can, do to. aeraerJL , -. klate llniiinerr Tanner line about comp'.Hed bit tnney ol tbe Weber rlter, in accordance with tbe act ol tbvj Ul lesltlature, ami tkp tame will be Hied with 1 lie county derk In the very neir Inline. Thit mrvey will Iw oil g rat alue In that it will da much todo aav mh thp toliiiiilnnimlllliratioii re inrdmg ibe r'ght to the alem ol I hi' rim. Alter the Aline nl tbe mrvi-y tt c clerk will imblltli notice calling un all who claim water under tbe Wiber river to prctent tbelr clalnit to blta within ilatr da, alter which the dii trlct court will appoint lelereei to pan I upon there clalmt and partition the j water. Utah State Joarnal. Wr are I unable to learn II the abote relert to the watera ol tbe Weber In tbli comity, but will try and keep oar readera potted on the matter. 1 The luneral tenicei over tbe rrmalna lolWlllard lllnt.KhowaikillrilatKly, (not Tonopali ai tlated In eur latt lue) Nevada, wat held in the titako houre Uit Sunday allernoon at 2 oclock, There wit a large attendance ol lympathlzeri (or the bereaved In their Ion, Klder Ttioi, Cop'ey nai the (Irit tpeaker. lie pild a beautiful tribute to the bonetly and Interrlly ol the drceued. Klder Alma Kldredge laid had known the lie ceaied from boyhood lie wai a good brother and dutiful ion, and be could truly tay bo wai a good man and en titled to a glorioui reward. The ward choir rendered aweet motlc. Elder C, J. Jtnien delivered the optalnc prayer, and Elder John Roblmon prooounced the benediction. Tbn remalni were In terred In the city cemetery lie wai bom la Klrkhamgate, Yorkthlre, Hol land, Aog :Otb, IBT1, belog U yttri, 4 montbtand edayieUat the tine ol ieatb. He came with bla parenti to Coalville In 1878. I BANQUET1 OH and Hew County Officials Have Royal Feast. ' Otic of tile must elaborate mid successful banquet ever ncn I ill tliis cit was tciidctcil tlic outgoing and incoming officers t and their wives Moui'ay even ling, the cosy home of I.. K, lildrctlge on Main stteet beiug 'the place of gathering. The banquet was given at the in stance of the new officers. At 9 o'clock about forty persons sat down to the tables. County 1 Clerk Calderwood acted as toast 'master, and toasts were given by nearly nil present, mauyi happy thoughts and good will ' being expressed for the new and old officers. The menu con sistcd ot nil the delicacies of the season. ' Commissioners Proceedings. The county officials who were elected to office in this county on Nov. 6th last, Monday for-! mally took charge of their re spective offices ami started upon a new administration. The re tiring board of county commis sioners wound up their business by 13 o'clock, cleaning up all bills and other matter that could be disposed of and left every thing slick and clean for the. new board, && then adjourned sine die. f The new board then met and organized byylectmg Cotnniiv sioner Win . Archibald as chair man lor the cOMting two jeurs. Mr. Archibald is the holdover commUsioucr? hu selection a H agood one in view of the fact tluU lie has had two cars' experience m handling the business of the count) while the new commissioners arc en tire strangers to the work. Itefoic retiring from office, County Attorney Kvans read n lengthy communication tt eat ing on a communication recent ly received from the Attorney general in relation to county officers residing at the county 'seat, which was printed in our J last issue. Sheriff Oeorge Kvans sent in &S& the name of John Callis, as hi j .;!' choice for deputy sheriff, and wts 1 .U believe he couldn't have made e?i ' Xrk better choice. The appointment- j' '$ was confirmed. JfflSy County Clerk Cnldcrw ood ncx. r 2 A sent in the name of C, K. Jonts Cj' as his deputy. Charles has bent , ryi .an excellent deputy, and vvc ate t ?V j Continued on page . WmS Space Reserved For I i I Summit Implement ' h Furniture I ' W. I.. HANSEN, Manager. H I .. J V H H taaMMaaiaBMHaaalalaVaaVaiaaMiMHa H WILL GIVE ITS f I I I Regular JtxxixeLl Siale r I I On Mens' and Boys' SUITS, ' j J I OVERCOATS and PANTS. - ' I The Goods Offered on Sale will be Reduced from 1-3 to 1-2 in Price. I Sale Commences Tuesday Morning Jan. lSth-Dont Misi It 1 I H I We will also clean up about 50 pairs of Womens' and Children's Shoes at half j W I j I price Also Odds and Ends in Great Variety k jgl m H 1 Womens' and Misses Coats and Womens' Skirts at Prices which will make ' 9p JT H I ! you buy if you can use them. m m H irSHHIHHaHaHHaHHaHaHaHaWHMaWaHHattaHa a9HaaVaaaalaMMalaVaaflalaVBaHaiBHaWIHalaMaHBaVaHaHaHMaVaaHHaHaMPBHaa