Newspaper Page Text
The CoALviJbiE Times. '-?""- I . kk. - ' H THE PEOPLE'S ADVERTISER. ' DUVOTJBD TO THM I3STXB3H3EBXS OMMIT COTT3STTY iO0 HW7A" fYfJUl1 EXECUTES M Vol. XV. COALVILLE,' SUMMIT COUNTY, UTAH, JANUARY j5. I9o7. r0 ,,, jfl HOME Hi NEWS K.I Millt lint accepted a potltion n Bingham. Tuesday night the mercury rrglttertd 10 Mow ero. Han't fariiil the U'1 Time Ull at the the Open Hou.e tnnluhi. The ) mini iopte are taking advan tage l tin- ' I tlelghlng. Joieph Allen nm on the lek llitlaH1 we-k, bnt Ital work ajuln. ' Joph Ctaylou wa. an (htden vlillor the latter part u( Ut week . , Caih u1d for all kin It ol fur end bounty warranti uathed. Hoy Wllklm. I The eiliool children it Kuit UonUille, wuuout In bnlmnjoylng teljlirlilo Monday. 1'ouu.t Kl I gUnre. Oarnir ein have imubr idenlll)lngll and paying (or thlt ad. Jaik Walker la spending it ten day. On tlio count, the gneit o( hie Irirnd, Arthur I.Mngiliine. Dive Ileet Jr., returned from Nevada lilt week. Turida) he left tor Hvau- iton In March ol employment. I i Mill Clum Al'en it vltltlng her r- ' enttand will leave lor an extinJrd Hr In Knglaiid the lorepnit ol February. ltltlei niul IrlenJi ol Jot. Itlark gathered at lilt home Tuetday night to Celcbratulhenniilmaary olhli flltleth ,f birthday, High Council meeting will l heM In Coalville, tomorrow at 11 o'clocit n. in. '.' All Ibonicmbeieoltheoounell are re- ' quitted to he promt. i ri jBelcJtylllItatherIttfD'TiiiiieFilr"TKii jBoark1 Iuob?, Mr. Heard, ol the Ou-op, lP loaned tlio clly SI globci, that't the teaion. T.M. Slumlord, wife and family, of Mintpclier, Ida , aro the gu.t ot Mn. M't mother. Petty W right. Mr. Mum lord atten led the wool Kronen conen- tlon and reporti lutviucu tpliudldtlme. " There i talk ol an athletic iwcla- --- tloti Ullij lortned In the ell). A place ofainiueiuent, properly conduct- ed, lijuit the propel thing and e be- llete will reiele the hearty mpport of j tee entire coiniuunltv, J hutumlt -tk Coufereliie will be held ut (.(.iil Hie I'eli 2ml and Sl J bwkol'rUtiliKilimd Auxiliary meet- " ln. will lie hull m 10 . m. on fob. 22 2nd. .til ulliiiera are resetted to he JX preient ill lint meeting. There will li-' a cnamoler hill it the Opera Hume next Mundiy evening. J coitumrr will be up from Ogden. A 15 prite will bo given for the lieit ooMuiue worn b) a hid) and gent Tickett, 80., Ipiclutori 26 Her) body mneil Mr. ami Mrt. W. I.. llatnn ipent the forrp.rl of the seek iu Salt Uikeon builnei. Ilr. II. B. "plague of "alt Mae per 'irmeil an operation on Mil. tt m. Bojernt !alt hut Saturday for a tuiiitr. blie It Mid to be gelling along tiloeh. A dame will Iw iclven it I lie Opera tluUH-on Friday li'sht, trli. l.t. Inrthe beilcflt nl Klder n . Mien, who leaet (or a tuUiloii lo Kurope. KteryUid) tu n out and hue gonl time. Mi luhtrt of the ""Hi quorum ol See eullei will pleaie lake notii-e that their monthly iiio-tlin: will be held Stl. leh. Sat 11 a. in. In the Oinn liiKiui ol tuv Slakii Tabernarle. Joteph '-. Stimuli of thlt city nud Mitt Mau UariiHliitu of Detiter, were married at the littler eit) Uti Momlay Mr. and Ml-, -iilmon arrive.. In thlt city on Wrduvrday where they will make their home (J'llto a number ol our mjitcrlbert are owing in lor the paper during the pait )wir, an I tome for two yean. Now, wn don't like In lie continually "dunning" you, I ut we reall) need tliu money. It tlioiild lie paid In aihnnre. Wh would like tu teo all w ho can, do to. Mi. Friday KJward Powell Jr., of I'ptoii, hrouuht down n lot I nl tinibeit on n No 4 Did rtellah'e Common Hene bob, which ncfed him V,i 2fi. Till U tbontht to lit tho lureit lot I of mine timber! ertr unlo.tded here. If 1I, conlddi 'hat eery day we wouldii't mind taking lilm In the bmlneti with in. "Tin King of Tramp", a Yunkee DjoiIIo comedy which conitt to the OoAlvllle Opera llome mi, Jan. dlh, it a comedy (airly alive with inappy ac tion, aTiutlng twltti and tanglei, worth three liotiraol any amuiemtnt neKei'-t ntt,iHllte.Jj.lllitt:p,nT 5 eilaliBPaHHal'bctinierT lifSoKati Ih many tion. It It an enttMiilumect I for ihlldren (rum ilx to tlxty. At a itockholdcra meeting of the l'lrtt National Hank of thlt city held on the 10 h lint., Ibo folio a Id j ullloeri were electfd: Jainei l'ingrce, preildeut; Al frel ltlaniulit, ami Adam I'atlertou, I iKe-prridciiti. Diri-cton, James l'ln itrn; Alfred ll!oniiilt, David Iteei, O B. Uiltou, Adam 1'attenon , Axeil Hlon iiilit, tieorge Carter, II. (.!. Illarkman nnJ,.M. S. Rrnamng, l'nnl I'ingree. caihter. The concert giten ny the siiiuma S'ako Aeulemy I bl Friday night wm er) poorly patron aeil W 1 1 II - It dl I did lint come up to thai exiieutalhiiif of ome, yut euniideriOlo mie it trni broiuhl out. I'here In tout exullent talent here, but lwl' the ue, thir peopU don't appreclam It. Avalu, the e.IiH.lti-n, thoie pruiulnent In rclmjl wotk in thlt ally, were eonpiou mi by I heir ibtenie, Tills thould not he to, Tbeieltn'ln tingle Ihlne, no matter how tmall, that it n Leniflt to our alt), that thunld not he oncournged. Tliul't the wit to bullil np our city. ' , The Only 8iry mi Tho only food la vhlch celeiyfrm an Imp runt pari in nouruhlng quallilea logl; I tt a marked chancier It ans i! u n lshi uinjiuu m. ainieudnl (or wakefulness rheumttltci and WHEAT FLAKE CELERY r in Calory one of In prlnrlpal in,ri- i ii Ii lo reiinlnie ih bnweli. a re- Mill IH aloraiiio In d. Ulity ( m ib mi uiu, til lai . iiir.t easel upon the Hill IH kidncyn It a luud ioi a mouic ai u;';,- I Palaiable-KHMHous-Easy of Digestion and Ready ioEai t Hi Sr Prise tho ereaur uf Dr frlos i. ream Holilnj Powdtr and Delleloui navoiiaz Raineta. M A OMk lok otntalntne 76 oiMlltitt rtlp for mlag Ike FomI milled fret ta any adJioti. 5tS. R 10 CENTS A PACKAGE AS much houhhhmht m Tiwr t tovrs or iw ah Dr U.H Caldrwonl, a ymiiig man who hallt (r.on hrre, waa Tueilay ap piliite.1 count. .li).IHan I r Die com mlitlouert uf att 1 ake Ooniili', to tite-l oeeii K II. Uhitnrv. Tie former hail bien an atilttant to the latter (or the pAttyear. The doctor narrnaly iecape.1 death n week agu lait Tueeilay while httrrylng to attend a patient, lie wai cr&MUig ll.eO. I. I., traikt on Third Uett and lonrth North, when an' en gine ttrmk the r g, numbing It com pletely and throwing the oeeupant to Hie ground llelore the liiiln eooUl lie . 11 the doet r bad tie dragged a I half blotk m Her in? erial bruliM, hut t-eaplng with hit life alnmi mlrahf loaily. That the rmrtrt l wai net killed It tnrprltlot, ai the oarrltg.! wai 'giotind lo email bill. A Swoli hman n how name wai Itbttler Had a maiden giraffe he oalrrl"SIei" When the raid "Ohtfc mine, iW in) meet Valentine!" lie Jutt ihinned np I er long nick and kltttd her. -i:ilii I'trktr llutltr In Feb Delineator MISSIONARY APPOINTMENTS. rolIoAlngnte theiultalonarv appoint menu for unJy, Jan. Sf . Franilr ti 1'eaiM.i. Woodland John K. Mmoii. llo)litille-Jai. II. lthead. Coahillr-Cicorge Hinlth. ItockiKTl-blUiM Pack. Ilenefer Uoberl Walker. analilp lohn C Patketl. Peoa runt Saraent. rpton Wni. Carrath. Jlatt CoaUllle Marriun Finder. Keho-E II Hlietu.. CMkly-(l. K. Wilklm. Orattl reidi Win. Itnuell Kaiiiat Win It. Suillb. Parle) 't l'ark A l'art Cl'y Jededltli Woodaid. Croup can puolttvoly Ui tlopprd In ?0 mlnutet. N'o omltlng nothing to tlck en or dltutir .your ehluj. A JfMfSU VMb(7iC onpenre, doe th work and. (lore It quickly. Dr. Shnop'a Croup Cure It for Croup alone, renietnner Itdcea not claim toiurendoieii ailmentt. It'a fur Crnup, that'a alt. Sold by John Hoyden A. Son. Iluu lo I) till AVKIi Ihu Itiitclicr It It quite at true that wltdoiu it inout) at that tlmo ii money,aud neter to true at when dealing with the but i her To know how loom h piece o! Ieef ihtt will toil ouir W centt hnt w lieu cooled aright will be ai ilelicluut null u iiourlnhlng a one whloh rnilaO rnl meant money to the hinnwwife. I Man) iiiiuaeniveK, lioeeier,do not etm i know one cut from another except at the buieher UuhIi i', Along thiiee hnen a terlee In ihe New I len Hoinn i' Alag mine It uhlig liiloriualiuii. Mitt ,Kliibetli VV, MoriUon, the welbknonii wllir on dvl tople, tiiikt of "l'he , lliu I Quaiter uf lleef" In the February number, ihunirg, hv rilagrniiit where eaili u it llet end following the geueial treatment of the tubjeel by u number of goml reiuat, m Ii a pit loatl and jheefiteaL loll,, Tlio future Humbert will tike up ih! ami IhiiiIi III the lame w a) , Olea. up thu complexion, olcanio the ! llti r and tone up the t)ttem. You can ihetlduthlt by ndotoortwocf DeWilt'i Mttle Karly Udert. Safe, reliable Utile pill with a reputation. Ihep that everylxxlr kuowi. Jtecomuiendod by John Ui)deii A Sou. Thoro wa a joung fellow auiod Allen Tyne Who proKiiel tu the lou-ly Mlti llallanl) n, Whin me lady lull "Vi,' Ileeihl,'Weligutt, Mlia Uillantyiie't Alien Pyne't ValfntU." i Carolyn H ell. in l b. Dllnelor, j When the coll wlndt dry and traek i the kii a lux ofaalveoan wee much dltomfort. In buying talve look for the name on the box: to avoid pn) Iml tajom, and b mre joti net the original DeH Iti't Uitch Maul Salve. Bold by J no. Hoyden & Bon. I flYic C Sweet to Eat L,UA"ltJ O ACsaJyBtntlLaMtive. Ml Sp&ce Reserved Foj,fCk --w. tenit. Implement h hnim Zh : t V. L. HANSHN, Mnnascr. J l- ... .... , t m EHRftORDINARY OFFER II ' -A Ii? to get as many paid-in-advance sub- 'X'Sak "J2 fscribers, and to make it an object, we '"iHj3r$MI ., f jgpth papers, - JSSWK THE COALVILLE TIMES 8 I lM'GEL'8 MAGAZINE, $1.75 I I for a whole year. Remember, you must I you must pay in advance. This offer n i will-not last long, so hurry up, ,, 9 i . M COALVILLE COOP ; Mi I Mill liMIMM,,mrM, ,f- 'mi j Will close its stock of JfC $$mgt "ECHO" BRAND ". rtim I Canned Preserved Fruits at , VJH I or $2.25 per dozen " " ; rj Those goods arc tho best that can bo purchased. ' "fp Regular pries was 30 cents per can. . 'J 11 " t ..cqIlville co-op,. '