Newspaper Page Text
1 B JOAftsgHDIMD S-R-CR0CIErTT.xa7?yvttdb (Copilluht, ll) lw, by H It Crocklt CHAPTER XXI. Continued. At llil point an officer came swift ly across the psrterro ami stood with uncovered head by the step of the terrace, wait op: lor permission to as cend Tbe prlnco summoned him wllh a movement of 111 hand "What news' he said, "have the jet left tlm Hummer Palace?" "No. my lord" answered the ointrr earnestly, but Johannes Undo oC Hie Princess Margaret' household noa eoine Kith a message that the p'lnftiio ha broken out there, and that tha lAtf I'rlnceaa la the first stricken." "Which I'rlnceaa?1 demanded Ivan, wllh nn Inatant Incision of tone. The I-ady JiMn I'rlnceaa of Court land, your Highness," replied t!io man, without, however. looking nt tho Prince of Muscovj. j "The I.dy Joan," cried the I'rlnco Iul. "she la HIT 8ho haa brought the Iltack Death with her? She If stricken with the plnguo? How for I lunate "that, hi far. I" Ho clnpjet hln hand upon tils brow and abut bis oje as If giving Thank "I see It all now!" ho cried, "This n tho reason the Kornsberg traitors woro so willing to glvo her up. It Is all a plot against my life. I will not go near. Lot tho court phslclans bo sent) Cnuao tho doors of tho Sum mer Palace to be scaled! Sot double . ' guards! l'crinlt nono to pnis cither way, save the doctors onl) I And let them change their clothes and porfumo themselves with tho smoke of sulphur befura they come out!" Ills voice mounted higher and high ' er as bo spoke, and Ivan of Muscovy watched him without speaking, ns with hands thrust out and distended nostrils ha screamed and gesticulated. Prlnco Ivan find never seen n thor ough coward before, and tho breed In tercatcd him. Hut when ho had let tho Prince, run on fur enough to shame .him before his officer, ho rosa quietly and stood In front of him. i "Louis," he said In a low voice, "listen to me this Is but a report. It Is like enough to bo false; It Is cer tain to bo exaggerated. I-et us go at oneo and find out " I'rlnco I.oul threw out his hands with n gesture of despair. "Not I rot I!" ho cried. "You may go It you like. If jou do not voluo your II to. Hut I I do not feel well even now. Yesterday I kissed her hand. Ah, would to Ood that I had notl That Is It. I wondered what ailed mo this morning, do stop tho court phyal I clansl Do not let them go to tho Sum- -U jl mcr Palaco; bring them hero to mo ' ' first. Your arm, officer; I think I will go to my room I am not well." I'rlnco Ivan's counlcnanco grow mot tled and greyish, nnd his teeth showed . In tho sun like n thin lino of dnixllng while Ho grasped (he poltroon by tho wrist with a hand of steel. "Usten," In said- "no moro of this; I will not hide It! Itwlll not wasto my on n time and tho blood ofmy father' soldier for naught. This Is but some woman's trick to delay the marriage 1 know It. llearkm! I fear m Ithcr Illack Death, nor black devil; i I will have the Uid) .Margaret today If I havo to wed her on her deathbed I Now, I cannot enter jour wlfo'a cham ber alone. Yet go I must. If only to i see what all this means, and you shall accompany me Do )ou hear, I'rlnco 1nils? I swear )ou shntl go with me 1, to tho Summer I'olaco, If I have to drag you step by atop!" Ills grasp lay llko a tightening clr clo of Iron about tha wrist of I'rlnco I-ouls; his steady glanco dominated tho weaker man, Ioul drow In his , breath with n choking noise, . "I will." ho gasped: "It I must I will go. Hut tho Death tho Illack I They Camped Dcsld J ffl' lis a buekboard. iii,s,j tfji' i Ncross tho disorttiljj.'is .' 6 land. At noon V?Jij 0T(t" Ind sundown cauf KffijM1 'rom OJo Alma. v5-' ('Wo had rent' TCrt 'iifswear jou shall go with mo." ' V. t.ho In!llll3 eDoafh! I am alck-truly, Ivan, I am TVory sick!" , u ' "s nm "" ,ala rrtDC0 'n' ,ml' -ai m "XT grimly "But bring his Highness Jn i H i CUD ot wlne' ai ond ,l"ner Alexis hi? "'e Utcoa bit own phjalclan." jfi i" H The officer went out cursing tho B Muscovite ears that bad listened to blarr m 8ucn things, and also high Heaven 1 w for giving such a Prince to bis father- It land' 2 At the Princess' door Prince Ivan JL' tapped gently nnd Inclined his ear to Wlis ' listen. Louis fumbled with his golden m' crucifix, and as the Muscovite turned Ml away hi head he pressed It furtively ' 1 to bis Up. Hver since h aot foot In K 'tie Summer Palace ho bad btsn mut tering the prayers of the Church In a rapid undertone Prince I ouls lo see I'rlnceaa Joant" Ivan answered the low-voiced dial lenge from within The door opened slight!) nnd then more widely. Iran pushed his friend forward nnd the entered, txuls dragging one font, after the other towards the shaded couch by ihlcli knoll (he Princes Margaret Thorn of llornholm. allld and blue lipped, stood beside ber, awajlng n lit tle but still holding half unconscious I), n slher basin. Into which Margsrtt dipped a fine linen cloth, before touch Ing with It the fiiatn flecked lip ot the sufferer Prince Iiati remained a little back, near to where the court ph)slclnns were conferring together In stage whisper As ho passed, u tall gie) skirted, lorg Warded man girt about the middle with a sliver chain, detachd himself from the offlrlal group and approached Prince Ivnn Aftir nn Instinctive cringing movement of homage and salutation, ho bent to tho young man- ear and whispered half a doien words, Prlnco Ivnn nodded very slightly and tho man slolo away ns ho had come No ono In tho room had noticed tho Incident. Meanwhile Iiuls of Courtland, al most as pale ns Thorn herself, his lips blue, his teeth chattering, hi fingers clammy with perspiration, stood oy tho bedsldo clutching tho crucifix. Presently a band was laid upon his arm. Ho started violently at tho touch. "It Is Into a bad case" said Ivnn In his oar. "1-et us get aua, I must apeak with jou at once. Tho physi cians bao given their verdict They can do nothing!" With n gasp of relict Prlnco Loult faced about, and as ho turned he tot tcrcd. "Steady, friend Imis'" snld Prlnco Ivan In his ear and passed Ills arm about his waist. Ho began to fear lest lie should havo frightened his dupe too thoroughly "See how ho loe her!" murmured tho doctors ot healing, still conferring with their head together. "Who would havo believed It possible!" "Nay, ho Is only much afraid." Hold Aloxl tl)e Deacon, tho Muscovlto doc tor; "and small blamo to him, new that the Illack Death haa coma to Courtland In half nn hour wo shall hear tho death rattle!" 'Then there la no need of us stay ing," said moro than ono learned doc tor, nnd they moved softly towards tho door. Hut Ivan had possessed himself ot tho key, nnd ccn as the hand of tho first was on tho latchct bar tho bolt was shot In his face. And tho eye of Alexia the Deacon glowed between tils narrow- red lids llko spark In tinder as ho glanced at tho whitening faces of tbo learned men of Courtland Without tho door Ivan fixed Prlnco I-ouls with his will. "Now," ho said, speaking In low, trenchant lone, "If this bo Indeed tho lllaclt Death (and It Is like It), thcro Is no safety for us hero Wo must get without wnlls In an hour (hero will be such a panic In tho city as has not been for centuries I ofTer jou a way ot escape My Cossacks aland horsed nnd ready without. let us go with tliom. Ilut the Princes Margaret i must como nlso!" "Ilut but but " I,ouls still ob jected, "tho Princes Joan she may die. That will reflect upon my honor If wo all desert her. My sister will contlnuo to attend her. They nro friends. 1 will go with jou . , . Map garet can remain nnd nurse her!" A light llko n spear point glittered momentarily under tbo dark brows ot the Muscovite. "Listen, Prlnco !,oula," ho said, "Your honor Is your honor. Joan of tho 8word Hand and. liar Illack Plagues aro your own nffnlr. Sho la jour wlfo, not mlno, I hnto helped jou to got ber back no moro, Ilut tho Princes Margaret Is my business. I have bought her with n price. And look jou, sir, I will not rldo back to Itucsla empty handed, that avcry petty boyar and standing sort may scarf nt mo sajlng, 'Ho helped tho Prlnco ot Courtland to win his wlfo, but bo could not bring back ono himself.' Tho whole city, tho wholo country from hero (o Moscow know- for what cause I havo so long sojourned In your capi tal. Now, Prlnco Ixmfs, will you havo mo go as your friend or as your ene my?" "Ivan Ivan, you nro my friend. Do not speak to mo sol Who otse Is my friend It you desert mo?" "Then glvo mo your sister!" Tho prlnco cast up his hand with a Ilttlo gosturo ot despair, "Ah," ho sighed, "you do not know Margaret! 8ho I not In my gift, or you should havo had her long ago! Oh, these troubles, these troubles! When will they be at nn end?" They aro at an end now," said Prince Ivan consolingly. "Call jour alster out ot tbo chamber on n pre text In ten minutes wo shall bo at tbo cathedral gates, In another ten tho and I can bo wedded according to jour Human custom. In halt an hour we shall nil bo outside the walls, If jou fear tbo Infection jou need not como near her. I will do all that Is neoeesary. And what moro natural? Wo will bo gono before tho panic breaks jou to one of your hill castles If jou do not wish to come wllh us to Moscow." "And tho Princess Joan?" faltered I the coward. "She I In good hands.- snlil the prince truthfully for once "I pledge you my word of honor she Is J P danger Call jour sIMi r' - & Uvea as he spoke he tapped HjJW" turned the ky In the lock sad was perml, "Now!" lo itc 1'ilnie of flasw Und "Tell the Plnei ii Margjret I "JJf apeak with her' said I'rtnc ""UK 'Tor n moment onl ' ' he added ' Ing Ihkt nihirwlsi she mltHi not, cnnie There was a stir In the sick rbanK Ixi 'ml then quick steps were) V eorrjng lightly across the Hoof. TIM fe "f the princess appeared at t"a dou "Well?" ahe said haughtily to Mr brother. Prtiieo Ivan she did mat for h had stepped back Into lb of the corridor Iuls lieckdaed sister without "I must speak a word with yo,- lB said. "I would not bae these fellows hear Me!" 8he etepped out untMprct' Ingly. Instantly the door was closed behind tier A dark figure slid be tween Prince Ivan turned the sr and laid bis hand upon her arm. "Ilclpt" she cried, slruggllng; !W me! Ptr doit's grace, let me go!" Ilut from behind eame four eoseecki of tho Prince retinue who half carried, half forced her along toward the galea at which the Muscovite horsea stood ready saddled And as Margaret wa carried down the Pi sago tho alarmed servitors ilood wJMfl wfllw if f if r m Jmskb '"' "Hetpl" she cried, struggling, nloof from her crlos, seeing that Prlnro Louis himself was with her. ot sho cried out unceasingly Is her anger and fear, "To mo, men of Court land! Tbo cossacks carry mo off I will not got O, nod, that Conrad wero hero! I will not bo sllcntt Murlco, savo mol" Ilut tbo pcoplo only shrugged their shoulders even when they seird as did tbo guards and tbo geutihien In waiting, tho underlings ac (no tcry porters at tho pulaco gatig Kor they snld, "They aro strange folk, these Courtland princes nnd prlccessc ot ours, with their marriage tod giving In marriage They can wither wed nor bod llko other pcoplo, tint must be taken by forco. Well, happily It I no business of ours!" Then at tho stair foot tlm sank down by the sundial, almost fainting with the sudden alarm and (ear. crying for tho last time nnd jet mere pierc ingly, "Maurice! Mnurlce! Como to me, Maurlco!" Then above them la tbo pulaco there began a mighty clamor, tbo nolio ot blows stricken nnd tho roar of man) voices Dtit Ivan of Muscovy was neither to be hurried nor flurried Impusslvo nnd ettormln ed, ho swung himself Into (he saddle Ills blnck charger changed his feet to lako his weight and loosed about to welcoino him for ho, too know his master. "QIvo tho princess to me" be com manded. "Now assist Prince l-ouls Into his saddle To (bo cathedral, all of jou!" (To bo continued ) Miking Theology and Poker. "Kcw persons except clerks behind tho counter know to what oxtrot dis count Is given to tho families of clergy men, firemen nnd pollcemm," said a floor manager In an uptown slorc, "There Is no doubt wo are often Ira X)sed tuion In this way, but there seems to bo no way to prevent It. "It Is hard to question a soman's veracity whon sho (ells you she Is tho' wife, sister or daughter, as the easo may ho, of tho Ilcv. Mr Wank of Klat bush, or that her husband Is a fire man. Wo must lako htr word for It. Tho oddest caso of (hat kind I ever saw happened last week. A joung woman came around to purchase some articles for a camping outfit; said she and her mother and sisters were going to spend tbo summer In tho Adiron dack. "Among her rufclinses were elx packages of playing cards at tarty cents a pack and two boxes of poker chips, " 'And now,' she said, as she reach od for her purso. 'please coraputo tho usual discount for ministers. My father Is the Iter Mr D.isb of BL Clrclo'a.' "I thought sho was Imposing on us, and I mado an Invesllgatloa Much to my surprise, I found sho was speak ing tbo truth." New York Press Returned Home to Die. Twenty-alx jear ago Joseph Slscy disappeared from hi home In Eliot, Me. Ills 'whcreelout remained a mystery until two weeks ago, wben bo suddenly presented himself In tbo town He staled frankly that a' dad come home to die, and did so within n week after hi arrival He bad been In the west mont nf ihe time loc leaving r i TREASON CRV IS RAISED AMONG WOOUGROWERSj Premlnent Sheepmen Chsroed Wllh Hiving Been Sllensed by Govern ment Agents With Premises of Special Privileges, Salt lake City A sensation was fprung on tbe delegates to Ihe tort) third annual cunvenUou ot the N'stlonat Wnolgrtiw era' association In session In this ctt) last week, that ma develop Into the uiiit atari Hag charge thai have ever bwn mail agalnat Influential member ot n n& tlonal livestock organisation lu this country It Is charged that halt n dosen of the most Inlluentlal western sheepmen who until recent!), wero hitler In tbelr denunciations of forest rnserve regulation and proixmed federal con trol ot western grnslng lands, havo been silenced by the government agent with promises nf special graa lag privilege for their stock during tho coming year SHEEP MEN DONT LIKE IT. Olfford Plnchot Presents President (loosevelt's Ultlmstum Regsrdlng Forest Reserves. Salt I-akn City One thousand sheep men representing Ihe Immense sheep Induslrj of tho western slates. In convention assembled, locked horns wllh the I'nllod States govern ment In tho person of (lllford Plnchot. chief forestir of tho UnlUd State do parlment of agriculture, who la hero at the head of twenty-five govcromi nt forest reserve agent, over tho propo sition advanced by President Roose velt In hi lasl im-mago lo congress, of the national government nmumlng control of the four hundred million acrea of grnslug land In tlm wol That message, as road by Mr. Pln chot at the convention, Is as follow: That In (be judgment of Ihe presl dent, government runt nil of tlm pub lic range Is eventually i inning, nnd coming soon Thai It I right that It should come Thai the presldinl belluve It Is for tho best Interest of the public do main. Including the livestock men, and thai It should iiiiiiii soon That as government control of tho publlo rnngu la ono nf the Hied pollcle of his ndmlnlslrallon, he would bo glad to gtt the advice of this nssocla lion ond ot Ilia American Uvestock association oa to tho farm It should lako for the best Interests of ull concerned. SHORES OF HARtJOR 8INKINQ. People of Kingston Fssr Wrecked t Town Will Slip Into Ses. New Yotk The Vhore of llm har bor of Kingston are sinking and Ih.iro la lorror let (he city slip Into tho lea, according lo a dlsrutch received by n largo jnercaiillle lumen hern from Port All Prince, HnjU llm bed of llm heritor Is said to bo sink Ing and the water In many place I now 100 feet deep Kvery wharf not destrojed by llro I wild to have sunk Into tho sen, or to havo been rendered worthies. London Professor Says There Is a State of Unrest In Esrth. tendon Thill thoro 1 u giimral atnto of unrest III the earth, of which tho Jomnlcn disturbance waa only ono Instance, Is tho bolltf of l'rofe"r llelar. tho fomoti seslnmloglst snd astronomer of tho iJilbach observatory, Ills Innlrium nt registered tlm Jnmal can dlsturhuiico, but glvo uther proof of tcrrmtlal phenomena lu tho shape of shocks elsewhere, hailstorm nnd rock fall Lgelslature Asks for Investigation of Senstor Dslley, Austin, Tox Tho lowef house. In tho Toxaa legislature adopted tho Ken nody eubstltule to the Ihmcnn reso lutlon looking lo nn Investigation of Senator Dalley and hi connection and association wjth tbo Water Plerco Oil company. Tho resolution was adopted by a voto of C5 to K, nnd Is claimed aa a victory by tlm friend of Senator llulloy Provision Is mado for u committee to Investlgato any charge Ihut may bo made ogslnst llalley. Dattls of Featherweights. Lo Angeles Abo Atlcl knocked out Harry llaker, of San Francisco In the Ighth round Krldsy nlgbt, re taining (ho fenlherw eight champion ship. Ihe champion was In great form and outclassed hi man from start to tlnlsh Tho fight was a fast ono, but Altel was too strong from ovory atandpolnt for tho San Francis co boy Attul used every blow In the fistic category; hi footwork w light nlng fast, although Raker's ducking nnd covering up saved him for the few rounds the light lasted Young Dyer Acquitted. St, Louis David P Dyer, Jr, son ot thu United SUlo dlstrlot attorney, and a teller In thn local sub treasury, wttB Friday night aoqultted by n Jury In tho United Stati dlstrlot court on a chargo of having embessled lOl.WO of gbvernnmnl funds The Jury wa nut flo hour and the verdict wna received with ohecr. the courtroom being ueurb filled with friend of Ihu Dyer family and federal emploje. Dyer's defi mi was thai hi lunik showed n hIioi in In hiul no knowl edge of how in ' rtii. nicurrod MINES AND MINING It la claimed that some very rich ore I being gotten out In thu In Hal district of Utah Fears of slides at Alia are being en (attained, though It I not hello v ml that the snow has drifted enough yet to enuen any great damage The mnnagfinenl ot thn Utah mine nl fish Spring I slowly bill surely penetrnllng the working of tne prop erty, which i rwently wero gulled by n fierce lire It Is intimated thai no less than MSS men arn emiilojed In the min ing Industry In thi Coeur d'Aleno dis trict of Idaho The lowest wage paid to any mine employe la t J M wr day. Director of the Amalgamated Cop per comimny on llm 17lh di-claroil the regular quirterly dividend of Hi per cent nnd nn extra dividend ot It ot 1 per cent. This I unchanged from the. Insl previous dividend Splendid prngresa I being regis tered upon Ihe concentrating plant destined lo handle Ihe resource of the Utah Apwi and Hie lied Wing properties, the foundation being In and tho Umber well up. It I ex pected that tha framo worn win no completed within tho coming two weeks. William Stephenson, chief chemist of tho Welmor Copiivr eompsnj, whoso mine nre near Kaufman on lllrch creek, was lu conference wllh some of tha leading cltlsens of Idaho Kails laat week on matters pertaining to tho possibility of Ihe erection by his company ot u smelter ul or near Idaho Falls Aa an evidence that llm recent flro at tlm Utah Mine company's property In the Fish springs! dlstrh. Deep Creek, bos not Interfered with pro duction, the management announced Inst week that It had Just pulled down i check from Ihe smelting company for I5.107.5J. (ho proceeila from ono carload of ore Ou tbe Old Chunk property lu (ho Atlanta district of tdnlio, an exten sion ot (ho great lead on whlih Ihu Petit Is located, u rich strike has been made ThU I tho property that was being workeal b) Mr. Hpauldlug when ho was caught nd killed In n inowallde Thu property I now bond ed by W. S llrown Tho Dark Horse mlno In Idaho, on the tilt Ida near the Montana Una, Is proving sensations! It shows IS feet of bornlto that carries CO per cent ot copper. Tlm stock of tho cam pan) has risen lo u high price, nnd some men who took (heir pay In stock havo been inada comfortably rich by Ihulr tiivestmmils. Tho stockholders or the Nlplsslng company, inncniWed In tho vast, did Samuel Newhouse, of Sail Idko, tha distinguished honor of selecting him as tho executive bead of the compauy, and lato Wednesday Mr. Newhouao re ceived official announcement of tho fact Hint ho la n director nnd presi dent of this famous mining organ! ration. A well-defined report la lu circula tion In (ioldlleld that u gigantic mer ger of mining Interests, Including the Daisy, Triangle and (Heal Ilend, Is In process of formiitlon The Interested parties refusu to discus thu minor William J llrower, who control tlm rnungie, admit Hint an eastern syu dlrato la seeking thst property. Manager drum Hnjder stale that condition nro gradually Improving l the Nevada Falrvluw company's proporty Orea ranging nil tho way from f IS to over $100 per ton In all ver and gold have been coming from tho No. 4 tunnel, und the uvcrngu o! between throo ami four feet of oro lu tho fucu I better than M u ton X largu body of sulphldo oro was recently oncountored on the 400-foot love! of tho Oiborii mlno at Horsoshnu Ilond Thl discovery mado at this dopth, which Is about 200 feet below tho bed of thu payeltu river, nnd about 1.000 feet deeper than the deepcsl mlnea of Pearl (which aro on the samo belt), speaks volumes for the tuturo permanency of this cump A ktrlko of high gradu oro I reported in tho Moonlight mine, ten mile oast of Pocatello, Idaho It wa encoun lered In (ho lower crosscut tunnel, which ha opened u bodj of tho best oro yet found In thl property It Is said Uio now oro body Is n continua tion at depth ot that opened In thu oppor workings. I eight fiwt wide and of tho blghost grade yet found In tho Moonlight Idaho county, Idaho, la on tbe verge of tho greatest mining exploitation In It history Tho Ooodenough group of mines on Hear creok, In tho Mar shall Lako district. Is tho sceno of the excitement Ore richer than that of Goldflold, Novada, Is being brought to tha surface One chunk of oro weighing 75 pound Is shot through and through with gold, and estimated to yield 2,000 Activity In Utah Consolidated Block tho past fow dsj Is duo to the fact partly that It Is now earning nt the rate of $13 er share. The now smoltor, tunnel and tramway nre ex pected to cost, altogether, lo than 11,000,000. From flftj-two sample of ore, tak en from more thnn twenty openlnga In the Yorlngton-MHlaehlte Copper company's property nl Yerlngton, by (lenernl Manager Onvnt Snyder, nn average of 7 01 per cml copper waa obtained. WITH UTAH'S. LAW-MAKERS. H The usury hill Introduced by Jensen fH make It unlawful to take more than jl It per rem aalsl House bill No. 1, by Jensen, makes HaHo! late upon real estate a lien upon aksaM property after January I ot each year flan House bill No 4, by Dean, author- HHra Ilea board nf commissioner to em- JHfiJ' ploy agent to exterminate pernl ' f , :lmi weeds tjr i Wesley K WhIUm I tho oldest lTVvi memlier In point of scrvlco In the si" senate. Mr. Wnlton I the senator '" - , from ltleh count j t ,'," ltoldnsou, of lllngham, bat Intro- l','' diiceil n hilt nproprtallng t7,K to 4) ,. .afnyette Cidenler for Injuria re- I'JlCJf , eel red In discharge of hi duty n an t officer ., The senate passed the first bill of ft ' , thu session on Ihe 16th, It being Sen Vt ate Hill No 1, making nn appropriation JB , of IS5.000 for the contingent expense Sw't ' of the session SyQ Tho Democratic member of tho V"i?'ttij house showed their mettle by naming ISSEv a. list of nominee for practically all flktsHS tho nlllces Tho Democrat of tho iHtsB house number 8 LSIBR Frederick Husband Is the hold-over laWsssn senator from Summit county, and for RHH the Issl twenty ymr n resident of 9sBSbH Park City Senator Hnsband Is n n i laE live Utahn, having been born In Pro sisHI vo In 9M Senator Smith baa Introduced a bill jLEJLfl providing for thn revision, annotation aasai and printing of tha law of Uth, isl and creating a compilation commission lH apiHilmineiits ot commissions nnd rE making nn aproprlatlnn therefor tH Seakcr Joseph nnnotinred at the opening of tho housn suasion nn Tues- 1 day nf Inst week, that each member 1 would bo expected to bo In his scat H promptly nt roll call, aa promptness H would be ono of tbo rule of tho 1 Upon motion of Mr Marks, Demo- H crntto member of thn last bouso who H nre member ot tho present body H wero allowed first chulco of scats, H and Republican memlier ot tho last : house second choice, tho remaining H member to have choice by lot H J. V. Tollon, tha Democratic leader H of tho homo, discussing tho gover- HB ngr' message, said ho found many per H tlnent suggestlona In IL Tho gover- H nor, be thought, bad mado bis message H of loo great length and had IncofporKt- H od lu It much unnecessary matter H Nurserymen want (he legislature to- M enact n bill making It necessary for tH trco growers to secure license beforo H they can sell their ware In tho state H It Is believed such n bill would groat bbb1 ly benefit Iho nursery Industry of tho i H stnto, especially It n clauso wero In 'H sirted making a stnto Inspection ob- bbb1 llgatory for all nurseries isi Nolthcr tho houeo nor tho seniUo 4LH woro In session to exceed thirty mln ji'b! utc on tho lCth Tho adoption of the jtLal report of tho rule ot committee and SBBai tho first reading of n bill establishing uLa! a stato Insuranco department, .and 'V'taLa! providing; fur thu appointment of tu .u H Insurance commissioner, consumed PH most of thu time of the senate H Tho tlmn fur Introducing bill ha H been limited to tbo first thirty days bbbb1 )f thn session. Heretofore bills could ftksa! be Introduced up to tbo last day. mak. tsaBBl Ing tho work nl thn closo of the ses. -tKsal lion exceedingly hurried. Tbo only aLal way In which a bill can now bo Intro- H Jured after tbo thlrly-day limit explroa H I upon recommendation of a com H Secrolary of Slate Tlngcy ha sent Ibb! Ui Ihe senate a communication accom H panled by three reiwrts mado by tha 1 commission upKlnted by tho last leg H Islaturo to Investigate and report up -H on tho queallon of the proposed mor lM ger of the Agricultural rollego with H tho University of Utah Three report (JibbibH wero made, ono majority and two tnln- si orlty ri'iHirts. H It I said (hat Heprecntatlvo Kuch H Irr, of Ogden, will at an early dato In H troduco n measure that will roqulro nH that when a complaint of malfeasance H ir mlsfessanco In office, or other tH chargo ot a criminal naturo shall bo H brought ngalnst any ofllclal ot the H itatu, before It ahall bo considered by H a court, shall bo slgnid by at least H twenty tltltens LLLi For tho avowed purposo ot bringing H about an cqualliatlon of tbo tax as H Bcssmcnts In this stato and for tho H purposo of compelling tho owner ot IH tho great mining and smelting corpor ,H aliens In Utah to bear their Just bup H Jen of tbo expense of maintaining tha H government of tho state, n Joint rev H nnuo commltteo will bo apiiolnted by H thu senate nnd house of tho present H legislature. jH Itepresentatlvo Orvll Tliornpson, ot m Millard county who hna served In two H legislatures prior to this, aaya bo will tal probably have few bills to offer during skB tho present session. Mr. Thompson KsH waa n member of tbo first legislature, MM! but went down With othar Itopubllcnn 1253 In tbo Ilryan landslide which swept tEBMi Utah In 18311, Ha wa a mombor ot IBS tho last house and was re-elected to LbbH tho present assembly. HB A bill la said to bo In tho process of BSR preparation by a member of tho legls- WtfW laluro providing that Bhurlffa who aro rtV mado defendnnta In civil aulta rising -t,M ' jut of the pcrformanco ot their duty UP shall bo Indemnified for their attor- S ' ' ney's fee by tho state. Tho bill will M bo favored by all sheriff In tbo stato 9 who novo In tho past been compelled lo pay for their defenso, regardless of fS whether they win or ioso tho suits Jjm ', filed against them cS Tho discovery has been mado that , j9 tho senate la not to havo a reading ,, jm , clerk thla session. Tha rotund volo Tf of Thodoslus Hotkln has tieen removed 5 to Mauritius where It U doing duty t fur Undo Sam lu a consular position, f. ' and Theodoilus ha no successor ft ' there. Senate bill No 3, by Smith, Is nn act for tho regulation of the prv (tee of medicine and surgery tc stato of Utah, nnd for the appr J4- uf a board ot medical examtuu.' m fiaaat tha matter of said regulation, and pro- ' , H vldlng for the repoal ot title It. Ite- ' jl vlaod Statutes ot Utah, 1893. H !