Newspaper Page Text
HOUSEHOLD FRIEND. WFTHEt; if LUNGS, 2L m ' stomp JIRlDMEYSf LADDER l'truna it a houtehold fritnJ in more I an a million homes. This itumter it incrtating evtry Jay. rtruna hat bteomt a houteholJ word allovtr Iht English speaking world. It it an old trial feint Jy for all ea- U tarrhal Jittaitt oj the heaJ, throat, lungs, stomach, hiJiitt, bladder an J a female organt. Atk Your Draught tor free I'ctunn . Almnnmc tar 1907. ia Woman It Adventurous. ,t In proof of thu assertion mado by IS the German authorities ihnt all I well to well In Morocco, an officer of tho ro ll cent (lerman expedition to l"ci tell r. how, In the heart of Morocco, bo had It met an Kncllsh woman tourlnic alone Is This fearless woman la Mrs. Frances In V Campbell. She Is reported to hnio Is traveled all the way across Morocco w on horseback, with no other escort J thou u few servants. H Keeps Young by Outdoor Eaerclse. to D Although James Ilryco, tho now lu n llrlllth ambassador to this country, ; U Is CS years old, he haa not by any o" l means exhausted his physical oner- ro H rIcs or his fondness for cxerclso In aq II tUo open Ills favorite recreation Is rlo mountain clImblnK, and ho Is prcsl ed H dent of the Kngllsh Alplno club. no H To isow:iav ', 'Ulsl.AXATIVK llllllHllllMn n.T.0.1. lin-f ira m r iun.i m ,.. u u r.n. io rut k. iv H (JUUVKl naturals on awli Ml. . B Ktcry tlmo a man accepts a 10 cent he I El" " co,t ,llm a do"ar h I 51 r. Wlntlaw's Kootlilns; Hjrui.. hn H Tor rhIMr. D UntUnf. euftrtoa lb Kuna, r4urta tn- flamoiallua, allays pain, curea wla4 urila, ate ft bulUe. in I I-ovn your enemies but not John icn I Demijohn. '" B ion 1 "" " ' 7 If RHEUMATISM f the 1 AND K 2 I! NEURALGIA I If lllp: I Her '4 .anKSsina 1 wo ', J SjHfl 4 lclr : 9 a ii JACOBS; 2 1 OIL ltlr ' 4 Y t hn 26 The Proved Remedy J , For Over 30 Year,. i i of Jit Pries 3Sc an J SOe 2. U ?l $0K HHUUUfflE rrei fr- 1 i Positively eurrd'liy I a I(?ADTCDO theso IdUla Pills. her lUAmLlXU They also relievo Dla lorn. Mm l-Ti Ursa from Dyspepsia. Jn- PJPlTTLE dlcratlon and Too Hearty H ) iirn Citing; A perfect rem. I Vtn edylorttzzinoss.Nausea. IB PILLS Drowsiness, Djd Tula ?. m m " tt lmtLt " HrTOSStw TimtTuo. fain In the Bide, an' gCt4jl li-nmin uvea. The? ools Ptwuo Uio Powell purely YeeouUe. ' and jgLlFllL SMALLDOSE. SKALLPRICE. feiDTcnl Crnuins Must Bear HgH I tno Fft-Stmila Sienaturo aiIKLJ REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. I NEWS SUMILARY I A. robber atolo n box containing IC.SOO In cold bullion bound for tho Smi 1'rsnclacu mint from an espresa truck at Ilarstow, Cal Tho Alabama senate has panted the bouse resolution ratling fur as lnes tlkitlon of the methods of the Hooker T Wathlnctnn uliixil stole In 'he homo of the (Mill drill W rmlil), ul Vancouver, I) C oiloileil, wh cklns tno tonms of the liiillillntc and lujutlns; alx children Kn I i:b nhrock ho im f )crmbei St all' mpt. d to iiasasalnale JildKt lliirles S ( ii i im of I lie prnhalt rotirl, of CliUuun. Iihs been ndJmlRed lu me I'rof Molten, rl, dlrwtor f thn li rirnlor at .Mount Veainlus, ri ports Increased HKllullen of this ol nno (iiimldint Kith tho Klnifnton enrthquake The thief of the rural ndmlnlstrii Hon. N limit iu, hh l.lllwl nt Kniii lensk, Itussla, by tt aehiMil boy named Ilorlokoff, n the chlif sas lealni; n concert hall Hmerul huudref famlllm of Torts mouth, Ohio, hale been forced from their houses by tho rlalng river. The school building" were ylrai up to flood sufferers Tho chiefs of the lien M'Hur tribe, with which Italsull winch t refuge, aro negotiating with tho Moroccan au thorities to obtain pardon for them tehes and Italsull Tho boiler of a Philadelphia & IteadluK freight engine exploded lit llrldgeport, Pa, und flo trainmen ere killed A irllmi of lliii boiler as hurled K,U yards. Tho second lava tlow from tho Mil rano of Milium Urn on tho Island of Hawaii Is non only two miles from the sea und Is halt a mllo wldo It Is ni(ilng at thu rate of thirty feet an hour A dispatch has been received nt HamburK announcing that tho Lucie Wuermnnn had lieeu wrecked neat Ixjme, tho chief port of Ucrinan Togo land. Her pasaengnrs and mall nero sated. Oliver Dyer, who Is said to halo Introduced atcuoEruphr Into this coun try and nwih the first short hnnd re IKirtcr In thu United Blntos Mnata, died In lliwton on tho Htl), aged 83 joars. Mrs. J. 0, llnlmnn, mother of Kvyln Nesblt Thaw, denies a report that slio was going to HuroiK) to mold testify jns at tho trial of Harry K. Thaw. 8ho refused to say whether sho would ap pear at tho trial Thn need of n merchant marlno as x means to tho greater commercial development of thu United Btatcs was iirged by Becrttury of tho Treasury haw, In an address to lluriard stu dents on 'T.iolutlnn of Hclfdovcrn DICIIU Prom tho eruption of Muunnloa, Hn wall, lam Is flowing down tho western aldo nt lha rato of aeien miles nu liour und In three atroama. One itream bus crosmil tho goieriimenl and ranched the sea, thirty miles from Its source Tho public gardens In Odeaau on tho 17fli were the aceno of a trlpple exc "Ullon Three Terrornw nero hanged In a row uftur having bi-en condemned to death for tho robbery of n ahop Thilr trial took place beforo a drum head (ourt-martliil Tho Amorlinn Hheet and Tin Plate, "ompany of Pittsburg, announces an advance of two per tent In wages to ill hot mill tonnage in pi") us In tin mills. It Is said that sheet tin mill men will rccelio an ndinnco of .' per cent about MukIi 1. United mules Benatnr J. V Ilalhty addressed tho Texas house of repro tntatltoH on the 17th on Imitation of that body Henator llalloy's speech was nu Impassioned denial of anything Improper In his relations with the Waters Pierce Oil company King IMwnril has headed the in in lion house Kingston relitf fund with a subscription of K'.OOO, tho corpora Hon of Iondon Immediately adding n similar amount, tho principal the iters are organising spiclal porfor mances In bihalf of tho fund President Hooseielt has written a letter to Chairman Posa uf thu Naval Affairs committee, urging that an ni prorrlallon should bo mado at once tor two first class battleships of tho maximum sire and speed and with pilmnry butteries all of 12 khiih Iteiorla from Zelwan tReloiiau) south of Melllln wheru thu Moroccan pretender has Ills camp. Indicate Hint his followers, since tho appear mice of i:i auebas and the Sultan's troops at 'lauglir, are growing luku warm, und that the rebellion will soon lx eudeil. The suit of tho state of Illinois against the Illinois Central railroad for the collection of seieral million dollars which the statu alleges has been withheld from the stale's share uf the groas earnings of thn railroad was fll'd In the slut supreme court lust week Addressing Hie senate nu tin tlriiH umllle affray Henator CarmnrV innoutiuod that In heirtlly supporK I (he pri'Hldiiut lu his notion lu ill huiKlng the iihuo soldiers The action uf the leglslalmo In his state taking the sama position met his pa. sonal views 8URELY WINS THE PALM. Ona) Mean Man Who Outdoes Sama Others. ! Many stories have been told of mean men, such as he who used a ' wart for a collar button and he whose birthday gift to his son consisted In washing the windows so that the lad might watch tho cars go by. This roan, however, seems to have won tho palm Thare waa an extremely mean man i In New Hampshire, who was the pro prletor of a hotel lly his direction I rules were sted In the hosleli) for bidding almost every conceivable priv ilege to those not pilosis of the place There was alwolulely no chance for tho casual loafer to get newspapers, pen, Ink, stationery, v,lc There were not eicn trie seats In the olllie One day, relate the Success Maga line, he chancel to observe a chronic loafer gating at the old clock that I hung on the wall The next diy a i sign waa placed otcr the dock It I read- "Ihla clock Is for the use of the guests of tho hotel only " , AWFUL EFFECT OF ECZEMA. Covered with Yellow Sores Grew j Worse Parents Discouraged Cu- tlcura Drove Sorea Away, "Our little girl, onn year and a halt old, waa taken with eeiemn or that was what tho doctor called It I Wo called in the family doctor, and ' ho gavn somo tablets and said alio , would bo all right In n few days, Tho ccxema grew .worao and wo j called In doctor No 2 Ho said sho i was teething, as soon as tho teeth ' wcro through sho would ho all right I Hut sho still grew- worse. Doctor No. 3 said It waa ccxemn. lly this tlmo sho wns nothing but n yellow, greenish sore. Well, ho said ho could help her, so wo let til m try It about ' a week. Ono morning wo discovered i a Ilttlo yellow plmplo on ono of her oyes. Of course wo 'plioned for doctor No. 3, Ho ramo oicr and ' looked her oicr, and said that he could not do anything mora for her, that wo had butter takn her to somo rye specialist, slnro It wns I an ulcer. Bo wo went to Oswego to I doctor No. 4, and ho said tho eye- sight was gone, but that ho could help It. Wo thought wo would try i doctor No. C. Well, Ihnt proied tho same, only ho charged J10 moro than doctor No. 4 Wo wcro nenrly dls- ' couraged 1 saw ono of tho Cull- ! cura ndicrtlscments In tho paper and thought wo would try tho Cutlcura Treatment, so I wc'nt and purchased a act of Cutlcura ltemedlcs, which cost mo $1. and In llirco days our daughter, who had been sick about eight months, allowed great Improve ment, and In ono week all aores had disappeared. Of course It could not rcstoro tho eyesight, but It wo had used Cutlcura In tlmo 1 am confident that It would hnro aaved (ho eyo Wo think thoro la no remedy so good for any skin trouble or Impurity of the blood as Cutlcura. Mr. and Mrs. Trunk Abbott, It. F. I). No 9, Kulton, Os wego Co, N. Y, August 17, 1506" Developing the Sudan. There Is talk In England of the pro posed development of tho natural re sources of tho Budan through scien tific exploration. Immonso forests lino tho banks of tho Hluo Nile along Its upper reaches, extending to tho Abyssinian frontier. Tho ebony treo Is met with along that river and also near tho Sobat. Along tho Whlto Nllo tho India rubber creeper, a laluablo source of rubber, abounds. 1 here are large forests In tho llalir c! Chain! proline e and gold haa been mined In somo of tho mountains. Search will bo modo for fuel. Then They Went Off. "It strikes mil that you aro loaded," said tho pistol to tho double-barrel shotguu, ' Oh, not qulto," rejoined tho latter "I'm only half shot" When upon they both exploded with laughter. Chicago Dally News ' riTNUI rAW-' " 'lYFt Wr ,1. I most twice as moth anr ti,Pt ,! tnj cost you the MB "v per packlgf If you want l" "' a man act silly hunt up one who la Jeslou- rii.iciJi:D,N'ro i ihts. rASOWNTMIWTt"'""!!" ,, There la no cure for the Indigestion caused by being eomprthwi (o eat your I own words Oarfield Tea l ' i"dr wl,, Is Ousrsntml uf?,'? """ roed anil lima" Uwl sW1 " taki-n Io r suUto the I,her. KkJijay) "iMnaeb and haurli, and to purify la Wd A poor man's chances for teaching tho ago of three-aeorc and ten aro far better than rlfeli man's because the doctora waste lets on htm j lloiv'h This? I w .or i). iiasawi Im. sm rr r i At or una K ""' i carta tj iuiii I r.J t.vriio,Toia.. o We th nJrtMii t" ' J ii tt.fft, osii'io simrr(Mtir hm urtMo i ol ki.SM" "" Uwii Ml SoiorUII; blo w eony oul tr misi . n Hr hi. SIM. WltM'l Xl1.M.l. WS I...1. I)uu ToloM o ourrh Car l um .r,i. dlrertlr ysii6 ufmmmi " ' .( m. T.llIw, '' rm ri cisu rf Usilo. KM h ". P"l. i ii.ii'. f on?ri i i foo-iif.iio. Llfs of Horses and Dogs. I Tho statement bas been made that horses average fiom 10 to 30 yeats of life, and dogs from 12 to It years A French encyclopedist credits the horso with 30 to 40 years, the dng with 20 to 24. There la a aufflctont range of uncertainly In theso figures to causo ' doubt whether detailed study bas been ' mado ot tho subject. Thoroughly (tellable. If oicr thero wns a rellablo nnd safe remedy It la that old ami famous por ous plaster Allcocks It las been In I uso for sixty yours, and Is as popular to-day as ever, and wo doubt it thero is a civilized community on tho faco ot tho globo whero this wonderful imln reliever cannot bo found In tho solec Hon ot tho Ingredients mid In their manufacture tho greatest raro Is taken to keep each platter up to tho highest standard ot excellence, and so puro nnd elmplo aro the Ingredients that oven a child can use them. Allcock'a arc the original and gen ulno porous planers and aro sold by Druggists all orer tho world. Japanese Hot Uatns. In Japan hot baths aro used at a temperature of 101 degress. Fahren heit, Immediately they leave this thu bathers plunge Into perfectly cold water. A European doctor who has spent many yeara In Toklo declares that, after a Uth ot this heat and tho subsequent douche, he used to feci warm all day la the coldest winter weather, whlVs In summer tho bath had tho exactly contrary effect, and waa most cooling and refreshing. r-r - - Wainrttfon a Shingle State, Tho slite of Washington produced 10.(00,004,000 shingles lu 1900 fiscal year, or (IM per rent of tho total nut put of the United States Washington has 4fJ9 Dills, with a dally output of 47,910,000, or 18 tier cent mora than In 100S la no other other stnto does thn yearly output approxlmato 1.000,-000.000. 1 ,,S,.".,1. Thompson's Eye Water vToivilFsuFFEr "ft irPAfeQyv VpA Many i omen sot'er In ntlcnco nnd III l AVyJySity Vi drift nlongfn)intailtoiion,o,l(nHiv- II &r- rf tt '"If Wl'" ,1"lt ,,,e3r ou3'it to have MiSSf Vt '""nl 'Halo nMdbtancc, I III I OaSSp u3l III "mv many women do jou Itnoiv III v' &! 11 "liouro nrfctlly well nnd atrong? Ill ?v 1 III 'Jhecaiisomnj beeaslly trnccilto 111 'i r J III fco,"i' fiml'ilno derangement ivlilcli ' j I HI iwailffMa Itself In dcprcsalon of y I I III spirits, reluctance to go any whero V Iswr i Ill r do niij thlnir, backache, drngglnu; y Wr$Oy 1 feiiMitlons, llalulcmyi ucrvouaucu, ImxC-- lpyiLr (f "'"' "Ireplesaniix. fllyVX. 5sS'r'-i Ihefosyiuptoinsarehiitwanilngs H VeKZSvSv-JvyVT)) that thero Is danger ahead, and uu- H Vg-i Icwi lieeded, a life of Mitfcrlnu; or n M MISsTllLlp' rinrinpiSrieii M-rlous oerntloii Is the Inevitable Miss JULlfc. FLORENCE WALSH msult, 1 ho biot remedy for nil licko 6) luptums Is Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound 1 mado from natlvo roots und liorlw No other medicine in the country lins received such ii Idespreud nnd iiiniialilli d ndoraement oothcr uicdl clnei lins such u reeord of cures of feiiiulu Ills i .,?!"? 1", WWi. ' W SOthSt NewYork City wrIte:-Hr0 din I. Plnkhnins egutuUo Compound him Ken of InriUinnMo Milue in restorlnir iny lieulth. I sutrered from funalo lllne "blcli caiikid dreadful lioadachis, dlrxlnew, and dull pains In mi Uk. but jour medlclno hoon brought alwul a elmiigeln my general condition, tmllt inu up and inndu mo K-rfi ctly well.' ! lijdln II. PinkliuiiiH Vcjri table Compound enrcs IV malo Complaints, sdeh ns llncliuche, Palling mid Dlsplucementa, Influiiiiii Hum and Ulcera tion, nnd orgnnlo illaeaaeh. It is IniiilunliK In pn purine for child-birth and during- tho Chunrro of Life Hcurcs Nervous Prustrutlon Headacho, Ucncrul Debility, nud Invigorates tho whole ayalcm. Mrs. Plnklinin's Standing Invitation to Women ! Women MtfTcrlntr from any form of fenialo iiialeiio-arolnvltod to ' InrltoMrn Pliihhuin nt Linn ,V - II, rio1' lee Is f j; iftSIP;lTh8 Kind You Have I 3? I Always Bought I ASvffctaLlc reparation (or As 9 O flQ slnillnlln(!ilicFtxxlniitlllci'iiJa SI , ff H UniJllieSloiivtcitSuivJlJovivlstir R QtirS tll8 ff t H i. rr'7- e. i Signature Aw m nessiiiklllclConl.iliisiiclllsrr m, np ff. . wy mM Ujrituti,Moniiinr norMuuTal & 01 JVi If S Nor 'N.vjic otic. 1 MiVlir' I tvnriMtrm7iimxvi t' H lrtU SrrJ- . i 1 If 1 B k-uuu. l 4 MA l UB --i-" l u t fSi In, WL pZZL.. ) 1 (V ft A " 'f luSr I m ll JV1 bS5lJ I M J. IIqd ApcifccllIcmnlyrorConsllp,i U (V UOD (lun.SmirSloovicli.DiaiTlnca fi I ItVT Wornui,( eiimiKwiw.rcxtnsh- X I Rr T fl... HfSSIUulLOHSOKSLEEl'. J f Ul UVul TacSimik) Siljnnlure of f, .. gggoS. j Thirty Years raEBsail n AOTflDlfa TC IT4 tMNT. Mtw TV, BBttmmMMWmmWttmjMWmmBzmmmmmWmWmammMm LinimeivtS For CougK Cold. Croup, JMt H SoreTliroatsSiiffNeck A mA i Rheumatism and yAfl Neuralgia I 7 C&X PrTco 25c 50o 6 1.00 ,,rxt' J "Sloan's Book on Horses x, gc. . ttm ' Cottle. Hogs G Poultry BBB-B I Address Dr. Eorl S.Sloan 'mKmffP' 615 Albany Sh Boson.Moss.MWJ'W'jVP I lF Work Shoesf 0 i t JO? V" "" t,'l ttftti ss Iks weailoi o,ssllljS'itt RjCtjT M? ' ")W ' abaej (or all uhb sad In all llndi of Lift RJvSjjljxj, """' "'' ' selected and Masoned leather, M lEx c&i. ,l"lr "' ',,f '" "" w"k ,l")" 'or '"nBCn :M Wtftfljmfy Kur Miners, Pi secretin, iBBbcroen, Methaalcs, snd jj WF are tmlll on honor and wear like Iron, Get them from hF!HA VT'l your dealer, but be sure the Msycr trsde-mstk appears f'likSrHyA NO MORI5 MUSTARD PLASTERS TO BLISTER. , TltL lEMIFiU AND MODERN rx LRNAL CC'JNI EH IKKITAIIT 1 CAPISICUM VASELINE EXTHACT OP TUP. CAVnNNE PEPPER PLANT A OUtCK, SURE SAFB AND ALWAYS RFADY CURB FOR PAIN -PRICE ISe-IH COLUPSIHIK TUBES Al AIL DICUGCI3TS AND DEALER8, OR BY HAIL ON HE EiT OK IS' III ro'TAOK STAMPS DON'T WAIT TILL Tllb PAIN CUML5 I1LLI' A TUllli HANDY. A aubslltut (or and superior to musisrd or any other piaster, and will not ( I blister lh n oat deilcals skin Tno pain allaving and curative quallllea ol ' Iho article are vonderlul It will slup iho toolla.ho al once, and relievo lieadioho and SclatU a. Wo recommend II as tho test and safest external counter inluiit known also as an external remedy for pains In tho chest ) and stomach and all Rheumslu, Neuralgic and Couly oomplalnta. Atrial ', will provs whit we claim lor it, anj It will be found Io bo Invaluable In tho , household and lor children. Once uxd no family will b without II, Many people say ' II Is the boat ol all your preparations " Accept no preparation ol vasallna unless Iho same carries our label ss otherwlao It Is not genuine. SEND YOUH ADDHPSS ANI WE WILL MAIL OUK VASH LINb PAMPHLET WHICH WILL IN1EHLST YOU. CHESOBROUGH MFG. CO. 17 STATE STREET NEW YORK CITY HOWARD E. BUnTOII,A80aYMtroA,ND Hm-Iii i rl . I,uid M ' ltl II Uixl SU ., . . . ,, i i II I , K, I, ... Hllo.Co'lo. II, I rr.'i'u C4iiiuiluij,irsriu P' 51innrWilL. HQ MONEY 11 -3 NONE PUD A CENT TltL CUrtEO-w. Iun.1,1, ,h, ,"?.. oJl.ll.-e.-l .r-illClNon. Til f fit fJCn kV M BMS mBm DBS. THOHHTOH & HWOj'Jftlj.tyy.'a ?S:K '"" fc Lt' tj"'JL READERS ajgis-BT ttMniJrtl4j-Jlri , Itt columnt thouM InrtH upon h4vlnir wtmt ti cy a lor rtjJUaVlng ll kuMi luitt ut imiVaUlont, W N U., Batt Lxks City No. 4, 1907 i