Newspaper Page Text
H COALVILLE TIMES H N.J. rr.TrKSON, Edllor nd Mir,i.r iH rittrcd at tha 1-astnnV-a In Cealvllls H Utah May 7, I Ml. Beeend-Claas j Matter H mum ok MiinrniiTHm. H ram l l AOsBtr. B Om Tlr II iHI nit Month 'I iHI -Thru Honttii Jj Mind Coplss Bj UTAH STATIC NKWS fl Diphtheria ha mail" It appearane H In Mown county Several persons Hj he been itrlcken M The governor and hhv alalt will at H tend UK' i losing of the pobllr school at Park t Ity on Way 11 H A freak calf with l perfect H ) nd on ino body la on exhibition In H n show window In Ugrton H The Tram Owners' I'nlm of Halt H 1-nkc haa fawn organised with a mm- H li-i-hlp that contrula about 12ft team. H t'tah la to have a state fair Ihla Hj fall, thi- .lain tiling net for September H an to October &. and the plate Salt j l-ki- t Ity H At Perron llhbup Lyman H llech H w ,klikrtnddugerouly Injured by H n iur' If he recover ho will likely Hj li nn H ii-H Huby Hit' of Kay ut to. illaap. H , ,n,i. .1 uin a love affair, attempted H auulili- by drinking wuod alcohol H HIii- recover H Tin Itoeky Mountain lloll TeJevnon" H company will rotore the free) county H rati which haa heretofore prevailed. H In Sanpete county H John I) Igrneli. an lea man, jH dropped dead from heart trouble, In BaH Halt toike City, aa he wa delivering H lo n cualotnar H Thr forty-eighth iUortim of aeven- H Ilia of Matill ar innkinf preparation jH to uleorale the flfllolh aimlveraary H their exllenr jH Italpli I. Mlllr. of Fayette, who was jH abut In tho baml several daya alnm, jH la rapidly recovering He will loeu two lila finger jH It la estimated that I MM mull are at H work Improving the street of Halt a I.akc ami Dial Hi" work Mill ihinn H will coat JI.1Wi.0Oii J A ami II Imy ami n big malrh start- jH rd n flru at Will Madden', near H npliralm AIhiiiI thirty lima of bay went ti In Hid flame H Tim Abraham Canal company will jH plant Ihla year In Mlllunl enmity 300 acrca lit- npptu orrliunl nml 2.000 H acrti to mall itralit nml liicornu l B Mra Hlliabuth I' Kviidull, a plo H ncir of Ncphl. la iload, ngnl 71 yonra, aaM ..Kim. iiblUlryu.-tutty.nyiataBilMran, rajJBpiJaa-Vj.i'S,-nilv.t-n'aiiTTyYij aaaHF HH (IrorKp llarnca ami Jamoa llowlaml H who worn Jiurt In tho collUlim In Iwiim B to cnitlnM nt Mllfunl, aurciinibwl lo H their ln)urla nl n biwpllal In Hall HHHJ ijikp H llinry McKkhii, n phinwr ronlw H tlonnr of Halt take, n nallvo of Hmt k land ami 70 yunra of n. illail aiiddcn Bl Jy laat wtk from a atrokx of r H&. alyala HimtiiI Utah nml Maho buliiait H men hiiT forimal n coriatralliHi to p H rlxalv UfiW aeru of utinl In llwtvar H tounty Mmi llmr City nml H Mlnvnvlllo H Alfrwl NVlH-kor and I. II I'Md. nt H lllrli county, nrn nrliiiialy Injurml H In n runauny Mr road aiKTorml tlin H unJolnllliK of hla knrv. hIiIIw Nbiikvr H u badly tirnlwM H DlatnnuiU nluod nt fr n III.iHhi to H tr,00 and ilftiwn In raah nro tho B loot TKCumd by ImraUra who blow Hj a tho aafi of John IMyiltw a. Hona, Jmw H i lor nf Hall Uku City H liana Jiirobaon, ! 13, i lirnli- H ably fatally liijutiil uhlW pUylnK ' H ibnut n freight train In Matt Ukol'liy, HH i iiik cautlit llwiwn I ho ilraKhvada fl . t ihii vara himI Internally tiijnrml H (i.nidy. who la coiialdoroil one nf tho H in. i pminlatua aorouauta In the coun H in met with a mlahap In Bait ttkn B i Nk which reaultoil In n broken HHH !"K The tnthiou fallotl to work prop- B ny and h fell a dlitanco of 100 IJflj iimoit I'ark wan ahot and lnatmilly PJPbL iiiihI at Nephl. by Hterllnc Vlckwra. HHHf 'i. yuung men wars boaom frlenda, HHHH 1 1 were hunting together, Hinl the HHHJ . inmlo acrldant waa the reaiilt of ex- HJBhL I n. mo careluaaneaa D I May 10 waa tho ilalo on which tht HBH", J )t hlleld arhiwla were to Ploae for the X8mJKV " """ n '"' "" '""'" rn,lnl0tl, CnBCHK mid one week lonmT will bv apant by ??WpjHfcf ''" pedagognoa In toach'ng the young ' (i'iB "l,!l now lo l Tho loaehra arc "ytQW '""'' y "nKu1 prvparlug an enter 'IvTlM taliiiniitit for achool eloalug tajB 1 Sgc l ' '" 'ourteen yeatHild aon of Hobert S Jm ' lb urn it, of Alpine, waa badly burned JU 'i i limn tho face and will probably loae 'ill J tin aliiht of onu tiye by tho eiploalon. tJjl m "f " '" ' H)W(lor' w,tn wot'li ha and in JM. louii' other boya wore playing ViySt WliUa taking a load of truck to bit '";iaffl f'rm wutD "' Uyrum, Jmuea I.. Jen- i8jBF of bia wagon broke and he wa thrown tSrSKk' '" "' wound, breaking bl leg abnve gBJK 'in' ankle. The break la a very bad ng9BjV "'" Hi hone protruded through , thr ilnthlua Kblch ho had ou B CARMEN STRIKE IN SALT LAKE CompIclcT.c iipof Street Car . System, Patrons Beinp Compciled to Walk. Attan-Ft ef Ckiiwii te Operate Ita Car With Non Uai-i. Labor Re tulta In ympal.iltert ; ''Ik era Bombarding Can and Craw With gfl- Silt ijiLe City Thi- ihrniionw! atrlke of employna of the atn-i-t car ayalem of thla pity took place on Hun day morning, after many nwfen-ncoa between the railway oHIclala and tho employe bad failed to adjual the difference, the men demanding ar Increaae In wage The company attempted to run cara with the aaalatance nf mm union men but aoon abandoned thn Idea, large crow da of aympathlacr of tho union matt taking a hand In the controter a). Trnlley rope were cut, egga, do rayed and fmah. were thrown at tho operator of tho car eidlbcta wera hnrleil at the mi n who dnreil to work for the company umb r uch lrenuou rlrcamalanrea, blow were alrui k, and In one Inetencn mi officer- Jimeph Jonea, a apeclal aaent of the llnrti man llnea- waa mobbed by a crowd of trended atrlke aympaihlrera tlnly the timely Interferenie of the police aavetl Jonna who had drawn hla gun, from acoedlngly rough image at the hand of the mob It la aald that the uninn men them iwltea tmik no iari In theae demon alratlona, ayinpalhUera being reapou ll,l. The atrlke haa cauaed much Innite enlenm to realdenla of Halt iJike many oplo Ih-Iiir forceil to walk mile to their uork PCAP.Y WANTS MOIIC FUNDS. Need About JtOOOO far Daah to North Pole. New York Uck of about JOO.Oia) to lliiaiice I lie cipcillllon may invan IIih abuudontnent of the ilaah to the north imle, which Coiiinianiler It K I'oary b.i planned for thla aiimmer The eiptorer. who hua earueil the dlatluc t Ion of hnliiK roach "The Katlheat North." nml who truly mny be anld In llii for Ihu iuri of rotenllng to tho world tho myaterlea of tho xiln llaclf, la ileepty dowuraat nt tho (himI blllty that he may nut bo ablo to try again. TmiwnrVfa7'whlth I waa Inli'lideip I aald Commnmlcr I'oary, and with a conflilcncn that hla work mutt be . lielHS fnim aoniewhere. ho addnl- "Tho inonuy will tnmo; aomchow I feel certain of thai. Hut If I waa only awurisl now. what n relief It would . bo, nml how I could concentrate all my enerKle nn thn detail of tho m pixlllloii Heimmber wo were but 174 nautical mile from the goal ou our laat trip It would Im n pity Indeed If I wo could mil try naalu " TOO HOT A CAMPAIQN. Ante Election Riot In Ouayqull At tended With ratal Rtiulta. (lua)qull the campaign for llm I ningreulnnal elecllou. which hoglna May ft. la rnaultluK almiMt dall) In ti'lllalnu belweeu iarllaau of the koi eminent and the Independent urate A eerlnua light line taken place nt (Julio, where a group of lndoptn dent ntlackeil the AlfnrUt iwtly, or fiillnwera of I'realilent Alfarni. auvi.r nl Kroua Udng killed nud u iiumlwr Injured Tho troop and pullro re etnroil order and urn-ale,! tho leader Rural Delivery Coite Money. WaahlUKtou - I'iwliuannr tltiuoral Meer haa appmvod the detnlleil ad Jualineiii of aahulea of rural free ile lUery carrier aa aubiiilited by AaaUl ant t'oatmaater tleneral IVgrew The new aehedule which will become ef festive Jul) I in xt, will make n graded Increaae In the cnmpeuaatlon of car tier of from to .ft per cent, baaed upon the number of uilloa tracreod The rnndjuatmrnt adopted will Involve hii aggregate iui'ndliure far rural enlce during the met flecal ear of nearly Jft,ouo.OM To Weleome Kurokl, Healtle. Waah - Lieutenant neneral Arthur Mai-Arlhur, ranking ortlcer ot the United ftlotea army accompanlod by atatf olttcer. haa arrlted here Iron) Han rranclaco ISeneral Mai Arthur U here to Meet ticueral Kurokl, the fani ima Japaneao aoldler, who will arlve here Mil) I Tho r inking general will bo the apeclal repreoMtaile of 1'rcal dent looecvnlt and will accompany Uoneral Kurokl acron the coiittnaut to Jamvatnwu. where he will be the nation' ginwt Havana Clgarmaktrs Out, Havana In ininaoquence of tin lockout In all tho Independent clgai factorlea In llRvana V.ouo clgnrmolwn have Joined the ranka of the 1,00, employua of the Havana Tobacci company who atrurk two montha ago dontandlng that their wage be paid I American Inatead of the Hpanlah gold A committee at the atrlkur llt (riivenior Magoon and told hint the had decided not to hold any nieetln or demoiiatratlona and would Kuarau tea the preei uiiilon of order SIGHS OF AN UPRISING OP HINDOO STUDEHR flrlllth Government Fear Trout From Antl Eurapean Sentiment If Lahore and are Cnllttlng Vol- ' unticrs. i ,ili , pro llrlilah India ItllteH ad twenty i omnia of hall cartridge haw been nerved out lo the looal Vtilnti tcora In ennaequnnco nf algn of mark ed unreal among the Hindoo atndaat element The pnhllcatlrm of Indng .natory artlrlea In thn native nette pra Inciting raie hatred agalga th Kurontisna and demandlat native control of India by hmmm of an elected parliament, hw been followed recently by riot nt lit horn and olaewbcrn In tho l'unjali nu by atbxcka im Kuropean I'roftKWbki al and political agitator are tmw fiu nientlng atrlke on the rsllnwda anl tho government hua concluded thai It la time lo auppreaa the rioting llj forceful Ihoan If neceary. I The authorities are aatlaDed that , determined front will apeedlly wnl thai outward algiia nt dlaaffecllon, epe tally aa Ibey have the unanimous angr port of the great Mohammwlan ixipn lallon, who at numenina mnaa meet Inga liHVe emphatically condemned the antl Rnmpoan movemonl. Decani eveula Iihvd gltun it remarkable In pulae tn eiillatmenl In tho volunteer The recruit Include flvo Judge ot Ibo aupreino court, the director nl public Inaliiirtlon. unlvvralty proft aora, blah government oltltlal aad leading hankor nml merchanta, nit l whom have entered tho ranka of the prlvatea CONDUCTOR A HERO. Fatally Injured In Wreek Ho Fligi Train and Falls Uneonwlous. O'rtlloii. Mo The Imller of 4 freight eiiglnn drawing n cnbooM and runiiliig nt n high rate of pet eiphnleil near here Saturday, wreck lug tho engine and caboose and km Ing ltimlneor I'.iul Lynch, fireman I'tank Appleby and llrakemnn (leorft llrowu, nil of Moberly, Mo, and la luring Conductor l)omrt nml an ua known hrnkeuian Notwllhatmidlng hla Injuries, Con doctor Deaaert roil a nuurler of n in Iff woat of tho weim und llaggeil n awlji ly approaching iHitei-nger train fron KiiimuH City, then fell unconeclnu'i. Ilia warning aavod the paasengor trail from pluiiglng Into tho wreckngr ahead, It U believed ho will ia. aJap'JifT 'I TVITTC IS LIDERAU Former Premier Doea Not Healtato ti Criticise Council of Empire, 8t roterabiirg Count Wilts, tin former premier. In n characteristic speech In Ihu council ot JCtnplrvl dealt with tho iiietlon of tho etat ulo In regard In expi rl aaalatltiK com inlllce In the Doiinm lie took mi ud vnuceil stand, to a certain uitenl bid ding for Liberal aupport, criticised the arnlyla of the council ot Um pire mid aald It waa unworthy ot be ing called I lie upper house. "Whal aort of nn Institution Is our asked Count Wilte. "Drifting nlmlesal). avohlliig II work, nfrnld to iissert Its will or proclaim It exist elice Ijt us follow thn Dounm'a ox ample mid lake part In tho coiiulr)' busluiHs oihi-rwlse wo will bo swept nwny as a useless piece ot stnto nioch aiilsm" Ciiiini Wit le's action Is hall wllh uppioval li) the Liberal proa DINGER HERMANN NOT GUILTY Is Acquitted ef Charge of Destroying Records. Washington -Dinger Hermann, for raor congri-sumnn from Oregon, and former lomnilsiloner of tho general land offli e was Rciiulited of the charge of deal rot Ing pulill, record, by H verdict of the Jur ul 12 II) o'clock Saturday The trial had progressed for twelve week and tin- Jury dellb crated Iwmlyoni- hour.-. Mr Her maim expressed thanks to eaih Jury man. aa did hla coiinm I DOCTORS BAFFLED. Mysterious Disease Spreading Death Through Msxlcan Mining Camps. HI I'aao, Texas A mysterlnu ill scaaii which bafflo medical skill I reportid lo Ihi spreaillug among tho Inhabitants of aonn of tho mining camp In llurnngo Mexico It I aald that a large number of caaoe have proved ratal. Word haa been received ilnco ot the death of Antonio Alvndes, (Jarcla and Alfonso llrassnrl. both prominent mine operator of iorreon Tornado In Texas, Fort Worth, Texas On town Is deatroyed, extensive damage done tn -traperty and cros at other points and lgbt Uvea are known to have been oat a a reault of a storm which wa unoral over fits state Saturday night ml at aome points assumed the pro--ortlona of a tornado. The village of InttimlnK was practical!) vl(ieil out mil live nuin hlttes The dead In 'ude W Alexander, a voung child tamed Wllklnann, two nut end lit to girl EfflSiUAiED 300 YEARS ACO Event Celebrated at James town by Opening of the Tercentenary Exposition Land and Water Display and Addresi by President Roosevelt, Who Pre vents Panic by Appealing to Oallantry of West Virginians. Norfolk, Vn President Roosevelt, the diplomatic, naval and military rup- nsentullte of foreign uailnn and Ihu coventor ot n score of state parti clpateil on 1'rlday In the opening xer tlsee of the Jamestown Tercentenary exposition Tho nxlllon Is far from complete hut this wa not allowed to Interfin III any way with the celo brat Ion of the 300th annlvenuiry nt the first llrlilah settlement In Airier ilea From tho tiring ot a aunrlM saluto of .100 gun by the United Htstes army, through the plclurniiie review of the Inlernatlonnl lleet ot war veanels anchored In llamploii ' Heads, through tlm cereiuonlmi of ded I lest Ion. at whlclnthe president siko, ! ind down to n lain Inmr nt night w lion thi chief executive went aboard the knval yacht Hylpli In apend the night the day waa imwdoil with notable In tldcnls. Kntnblo among the dti)'s events taa tho action of the president In Ha mming command of the situation In front of the crowded grniiil aluml from which he eke when n mnlc lelsoil the (urging timing of upcctn bra. I'resaeil against tho guard aipi- by thoiieaiiila of eager iMtrtama (to safety of those who had the tuori kvorable olllon was endangered I fresldent ItiHisevett had Just I Htm In tntluceil by Harry HI fleorgo Tucker kvad of tho exiHwItlon coinMiiy, when tie disorder and unrest In the crowd . Itacheil It height nud tho tlvll guard k front ot the grand fteemed thout to Ui swept from their post The president Jumped upon the tnbb illicit had been pin ceil In Ibo speak I er'a balcony, and crlisl out to the met tf tho stato ot VIrglnln-to live up lo Qelr tradition ot gallantry and ne pushing mid crowding which vis threatening the live of the wo neu and children In the assemblage sj0 cro'wd heedml ll" - emsLUnf wainlnB Apparently obvlou lo tho unusual position ho occupied on tho top of a somewhat ahaky tablo, President Itmisavclt made hi speech Tho Im promtu and unsteady platform did not Inturfere In the slightest degree wllh tho characteristic vigor or his d livery. I Newspaper Men Are Darred. Washington Hecrctnr) Iieb ht tnnounoed tlmt hereoflei uewpai.,i men will not be allowed to congrr rato In the While House groundi after nightfall, or to go to the doni ol the While Hone In "arch of Infor mat Ion. Heeretary Ieb later evplalneil that ulille newiwr men would mt mllleil to go lo the Whllo lloiisn Iikii and nsk miestlon at night tin) will not be permitted to loiter iiniund ti seek Interview wllh Hie victor In lido. The object of the rule Is to ill Mitrngo Interference wiin inu vvnii. llousw visitor nt night Insurance Man In Trouble. New York. William A llrewer former president of tho Washington I Ifo Inaurance compaii). who U under Indictment ou charges of iwrjury and making of false ollltlol statements conearnlug hi tompuii affair ten tatlveiy offereil to plead guilt) to the latter oharge. It was understood the plea wo offered with the Una, that only a flue would bo Imposed Assist ant District Attorney Noll said hi) would uupo" B '1,,n " "10 l,l,a1') beoauM) prUnm seiilencu was tie surveil ami should lie Imposed Nobody to Sit on the Lid In Washing ton. Woahlnglon For the ftrt time In many yor H'0' president and his en tire official fiimll) were on Frld.i) bs,-nt from the national .apltnl A nutnlier of the cabinet meiiih-rs ac co.noanletl H presldi nt to ilv Jniuoa town ojiBflasllon, Secrelar) Wllaon ha ifftH to Fittaburg. Secrelar) Hunt to I'llnUm, N. Y . Hecretar) Taft to Now Vorw and IUwton. and Attorney (iennrat llonaparte to 1 lost on. Judge and Olstrlct Attorney at Outs. Sail Pmnclaco Superior Judge HebUanl of thi clt), who was de imunoatl by Aaalatant District Attor ney Franet J. llcney In nit address to the aUlden'e l Stanford unlver ally, appear' before Police Judge Welter Friday morning and awore to a complaint asking for lleney's arrest on tun ground of criminal libel lleuey la quoted n aaylug that llebbard had been repealpill) characlerlxed aa c. disgrace to the legal profession MARVIN BOY BELIEVED TO HAVE BEEN SLAIN Oeekhand Has Deen Taken Into Cut tudy and Charged With the Mur der, Upon a Slight Clue, Dover Del Frank II Ilutler, a dock hand upon the steamer John P Wil ton, was taken Irito custody Wednes day, charged with the murder of Hor ace N. Marvin, the four-year-old son of Dr, Marvin, the ly who myster iously disappeared March I. The the ory of the detective reatmnilble for the arrest Is that the boy was mur dered or accidentally killed nml that Ilutler knew something nbout the case Ilutler denies knowledge nt tho dis appearance of the child and reiterate that the lioy was silting nn top ot n haystack upon the Marvin farm when he and two other men, who were mov ing tho effect of the former owner of the land, left the place A man named Caldwell, who was working with Ilutler tho day the child dlsapKsrei. says Ilutler was ordered to 'i to the barn and load up wheat screenings In bags Thi he did and when Caldwell later entered the barn l.o found that Ilutler had loaded thrvo baga upon the wagon and n fourth waa lying on Die llonr of tho barn Caldwell iui)n ho lifted thi bag Into tho wagon himself and found It heavy, alt hough Ilutler bad Mild It wa Riled with cork, This ling, Cnlduoll say, dla npiienred Acting upon the theory that this bag contained the body of the child, the detective decided to charge Ilutler with murder FRISCO CARMEN MAKE DEMANDS Want $3 For Eight Hour day, Dut Man ager Say Nay. Han Francisco -A i-nmmlllm from tho Carmen's union presented to President Calhoun of United ltullroada Wednesday afternoon a formal de mand for n now minimi contract giv ing conductor and motnrmen n Hat wngn of (3 fur an eight hour day nud tlmo nnd a, one-hulf for overtime The demand will lie unequivocally refused, according to n Joint slnlo incut made by President Calhoun nnd (Icnenil Manager Mullaly, who said In substance: "Tho United Railroad absolutely decline, to pay It platform men $3 for an eight-hour day Thl Is posltlvo and final. Tho company ha gnnu thn limit In tho matter ot wage- It will go no further." GIRL TAKES REVENGE. Klils Man Who Jilted Her on the Eve of Hla Wedding. Oil City. Pa. Thnddeu Btovcns Itoss, nf this city, waa shot Ihreo time nnd Instantly killed Wednedny by Mia Hollo rltrnup Tho woman then shut herself through, tho heart Tho tragedy occurred In tho nfllco of Dr. Oeorgo W Mngeo. whllo tho phy sician waa at lunch llotli victims were member of prominent families Itn was tn have been married Wed nesdny night to Miss Drulselhi 8 imp sell, of Ihla city. There were nn wit ness tn tho shooting Tho murderess and aulchlo wa u former sweet heart nf thn dead man. and tho girl killed him because ho had Jilted Iter TAKE PRESIDENT TO TASK. Labor Unions to Make Protest Against His Moyer-Haywood Communica tion. Milwaukee, Wis A movoinenl, nn llonal In scope, to sot nshlo n Mn)er Haywood Peltlbono day early In May, ou which day every union In tho coun try la to protest ngnlnst the nctlnn of President Roosevelt In culling Mo)cr nnd Haywood undesirable cltliens, has been launched In Milwaukee. The plan contemplates that the President Vhall be taken lo task also for his c "leunlcallon tn llnnorn Incksnu, of Chicago, In which ho reiterated hi criticism PEACE AT LAST. Troublo Octween Salvador and , Nic aragua Has Deen Settled. Han Salvador. A treaty of peace lmtweeu Salvador and Nicaragua wa signed Wednesday night by minister representing each countrj. nt Ant pah. The term of tho treaty are honorahla to lioth countrle The condition propoaod by Salvador wero adopted, and the demands made by President 7elna of Nicaragua for re partition for Salvador' part In the re cent wiir between Nicaragua and Hon duras, and that there bo a free In terchange of commodities between Nicaragua and Salvador, were ro jected DIES FOR SCIENCE. Expert In Use of X-Ray Contracted Cancer In His Work. Chicago Wolfram C Fiichs. an ex pert In the use of the X-ray. Is deid ot cancer, which he contracted three year ago through coming In contact with the X ray apparatus Since Dr i Vnch become affected with cancer he j has submitted to u number of opera tlons, several of his linger having been amptilatod. The operations were unsuccessful and tho disease steadily spread to different parts of his body until ho became, helpless I . . DACGER FOR THE HEIR TOJHRONE Anarchist, Heavily Armed, is Found Lying in Wait for I Prince Albert. I Three Other Men Found In the Vi cinity And Placed Under Arrest, Having Admitted That They Were French Anarchists. Ilrusfcls An anarchist, armed with a dagger, n loaded revolver nnd nlhei weaimns. waa arrested ou Thursday In a church where Prince Albert of He- Blum, nephew of King Leopold nml heir presumptive to tho throne, was about to visit. One of tho attendant of thn- I church accidentally discovered thn J man hidden In a confessional 1nx, I locked the door and called tho illre. I Ijtter three other anarchist, similarly armed, woto arrested In tho rear ot the church Thn three admlttod they wero lrenrh anarchl! The nutborl- i tie nro convinced that the prlsonere Intendeil to asaaaalnato tho prime Prince Albert I the son of the lato Count of linndnr. brother of King j Iipold On October I laat, Prlnco , Albert waa officially declared tlm suc cessor of King l.eiHil, a sovereign of tho Congo Independent state, nnd on November 1.1 of the mine )ear ho was sworn In a u member of tho Del glan Kennte HAUNTED TOR' A YEAR. f Terror Drove Slayer of Denver Auc- li tloneer to Confess. Ilutle Monl. Itiunteil night by the thought nf the man whom ho hail murdered, nit I II hi mind could not stand the strain, and by the fear ho was going Insane, John Hhlro has con teased to tho murder nf Morris Chap lin, a wealthy nui tloneer nf Denver, In 190(1 Shire ) ho snw Chaplin ox lit Lilt n large roll of bills during n name of cards, and ho followed hltr. with the avowed purposo of killing and robbing him Making his way Into tho Chiplln home, bhlro ua) ho waa discovered ' by Chaplin' Utile daughter, who alarmed her father, nnd as Chiplln advanced wllh a stool tn hla hand to hit him, ho flrisl, hilling tho auction eer almost Inataly flhlru several day- , ago presented himself at tho county I' Jail, asking to bo lacked up, saying ho U was laboring under thn doluslnn that 1 a mob of union men waa following I him, HI Ire declare tho thud nf tin. Q falling body ot Chaplin still oounda In I, hla oar. FOUL ATTACK ON HERDER8. Men Dound Hand and Foot and Left I on Prairie. Montroae, Colo Whllo on their way to the sheep ranio In this coun ty with n largo herd from Frisco, Utah, three herder, drover Cornell, Pfter Hwnnson and Al Hwnnton. wern set upon h sevoti masked men Weil ncday night nt White Water, Colo, flfly-llvo mllea west nf here. Peter Swanmii was shot and mortally wounded and his companions hound hand and foot and left . elpto on tho prairie New of the shooting linn stirred the cattleuu u and sheep own er of this sect I u tn a high pitch ol Indignation nnd diligent aenrch for I the pcrtiotrator of tho on Ira go Is be ing prosecuted FOUGHT TOR HIS LIFE. Alabama Murderer Very Much Averse to Dclng Hanged. Oultorsvllle. Ala Hob Watt, a oung while man. wa hanged In the jail yard hero under tragic circum stance He had become iosesi,ed ot n knife and retletod In the end It wns nwi'Htai) tn throw atmnonlit Into hi cell before he could be overcome He wns dragged in the scaffold by force, couihlng violently nud moan Ing pltootisl). Watt murdered Pent Winkle, an old confedornta eoldlar, for tio lwnsloti mone) ' lury Couldn't Agree. Islington. Ky After twenty four hours' deliberation the Jury In thi" case of Hill llrllton, rhirged wllh tho assassination of Town Marshall Jns. I A Cockrlll, rejiorted a hopeless disa greement and wore discharged Thn Jury stood eight for acquittal and four 1 for conviction The trhl haa been , under way for more than two woeka. I This was one ot the Ilreathltt county feud case In which Senator llargls, Ju Iko Margin and other wore charged wllh participation False to His Vows. Oil City. Pa That Ml Holla Stroupe, the llradford. Pa , dreg maker, who shot and MUM Thaddeui 8. Itoss, contemplated the deed, was shown by paper found ou hor person. On ot these I a will bequeathing all her property to her sisters, tho other a written statement that I to had I promised to marry her next June, and that the first Indication she had that ho did not Intend to do so was n newspaper notice ot the lieuanc of n marriage llrcno lo 'Itosn ami Miss Samnsell of Oil ( Uy