Newspaper Page Text
f ' I J, I Hp THE PEOPLE 5 ADVERTISER DBVOTHP TO 'TUM T3STT jnitBT Q H' BtJMMIT COtT3STTY. .flfl JCtfftf A'frir EXECUTED ' ffi Vol xv COALVILLE, SUMMIT COUNTY, TAU, JULY i6. 1907. N sf' HOME S NEWS j 7" Mm IIiimih Hilmliri U W.ltlnc In IIKHtl Inntxlle ltnhlnnon Ik iUIiIiik In KlllllllH 1'iir real mtntp Iwtrpiiii 1". It. Itheuil. l'nrfelCIHIhunil WAIHIN nt H Jtiirjiiiln M. II. itlnuu Aiiiih Chirk wan wanted ii divorce (Mid Ah In ( lark Ihni Monday. K. .1. While nml wlf. i.f Kama, went In tin- county ent ue-ilnj . MJMMHIt IIA'l.x ami si'MMKU 1HKSS (lOODK Hi.. l,Hder thl week. M. It. Silmnn 'Hip t nlon I'm lilt nml () - I, It It will run uu em-iimlt n in Cimiiilii Jul. Hi), '-eminent for particular I'liiiuil I'unw contiilulnc; inline), niur WiimiUIi mint Owner inn limn nume li. denirlMnif compute AllllTI MeOI1 Mm. Jnim ltnlrt nf Itetiefer iinili rwettt mi iwrutlcni on the tilth. Kim hail ii ho IhiiI thuiiili , hill) tn In) amputated. Slut in pelting nlnntf nli'il.v. Count) Chirk Cnhlerwnod In enr r,lnt linn linnil In n ntliitc ih ttiu ro Milt of inniliiK In tuiitiiet wild the html foot of n horn. 'Id" Initio in thumb Ik hrokeu 'I IiIh l to n.rllf.v that If John lex ter fir Me wlfuimi mix Mjron In thin ntnle nr in tin fulled State uf America, npenk now or forever hold your pi rue Mm. Hetny IleMer. Dr. K. .1. Al nmlor repn i iiiIiik the Aloxiinilcr-lllbtilei I'oiupnn.x. Kf s,.nIlnlK AtUn Mock, "alt Luke Clt., will lie lit tin lonlxlllu lliitnl. Siiturdnx. Jnlj V, unu la i m I J Mr MUnn l.iuiilx n jr f Clnr ,111111 wiinlnCiinlxllh Innt Wtilm. (Ih nhitklnK humln Willi nlil lit lunliituuee He wan hii nhl-tllm r hero nml hit heen away for tin Hint thirty-one ,x cam. Mr. PMiermitl Krumt nml llehn, nfSnlt I,ukewpre here to attend the funeral of Mr. I'lilmlm I " r 1 1 - t who htlv nil lii Monihtx rerltln IiIh experience In tin niilfinuilillt nc cltlnnl recently near tin Ilnt'.prliiR in which li had thru rllw hroken. 'ruin the i IJih In of i live-In of n'k hmt 'litemhix. In tin (Irnno Crei k inliu 11 rtini 1'rlnirle In miitlnid In IiIh Inline xilth n hrnketi leg, lielow the knee, nnd ii umi.Ii uur the e.xo nml it wniiiiil on t lit ktne. IliKlor MnrKiin utltiiiletl the Injurml limn nml lie in Relllnif ulnnif nlcelv A ilnulile weddlnif '"' I'lliw thin mi ell ill the Inline nf lllnhnp l'nttlt, he m rfnrinliiK Hie er innli. 'I lie innlriu'lliiK purlin nrt llnrrj I.. Yolinir, MmiiikIiiii, mijl I.IIIj WdIhIi, CVmhllli'i JimifH K. Welnh of thin ill. nml Klnlf lllrcli of llu Millie 'lliln piin r leiiilern tiinirriitiihitliinn mill hope Hint wlmt trouhle tlitj mm IllUe Will he lltth Ollen 'Hie popiihilloti linn Ini r lined Ihe III Hip piinl two wwk In thin iipIkIi liorhooil. 'Ihellmt wnmit the, Inline of John V. retrnoii. 11 jrirl on the IMIii in l nt the hump of John Mlloui;hh, n Ihix.oii Ihe IT. on tin I is it Klrl nt the home of .Nun Wllili ion the Ittth h irlrl wrh horn to Mr. . Lowliniii nt (Inm ('nek; nml hint hut not I' imt n iflrl whh Uirii lit llie hoineofJ A Anliiinnthi .1)1 li. rrpust'-IItlattotiaMSanir"5; t (I'lllhllnhell MllN IIHh, IIH.) 5 J Capital, 523,000 I Deposit 166,433.97 , We pay A per ccnl interest j on 1 imc Deposits. ' j james ciNOnEf PnitiDNir ALrnco blonouht Viei.rnt I, ADAM PATTCRSON VICI Pltlf THANK PINORCK. CAtHlin 1 I l .5A-StJi.'JfeJfcJfc.'fe . rf r ? " -' - 4 '-'-'-'''' -'isN Big Clearance "N Q1, on Summer Hals and Sum- w J aaie mer Diess Goods, Shirt $ 'h Waisls and Skirls. Full line of Corsel f Covers and Cambric. Juslwhal you wanl yH Margaret R. Salmon, t I. t Refduc'don in Summer Dress Goods jj i Call before bujing clscwlicte. J Call and see our J Ladies' and Children's Oxfords. J J A nice line of Men's Dress Shirts at prices that J J cannot be beat. J A fine display of Fireworks, 2 J Fire Crackers, and Torpodocs, from lc up. J I George W. Young. .1 I flT ALL SUMMER MIL- jj LINERY AT REDUC- 8 ED PRICES. 2 I S MRS. M. E. RHOADES, Milliner g L Of Interest to Water-Users i Nt Ml IK II S lll.pilrl. n I lle lul lln li n. inn tin rollowllIK III I firiiiiillon fmiii Alt) I.MHK, ihikI we pllhllnh tin nmui for lilt) In III lit of ttlller-lll-ern I lion I A llnw.ll ..roden, Jiiilx of tin Siiouil .luillohiL IHnlrlel, him 1 IhIi denlltnilted to t reinp tixiltl lnl) Jiirl-illitlnii to delirinlne nil I Miller-rltditn on the elr river Injntuin III Heenrdiilice with See. j I of ( hiipter IIW of the lv of I llfl, the Clerk of the twoiiil Jlldl , elnl Dlntrlft Court pulillnheil the follow hut liotlep fur thrm innilth heKlnnliiK on the Mlh ilny of Miireli. 'iWiT Notice. In Ml Unlrr Un n( tin W.l.r llllir Kroi or W nlrr Mnim W lleriiH.( HlrliTMltller hlHte Klltflnifntf IbP hutte if I lab illil lie till liny i ( rebrunrr imff HI. mill tie I li rk of tie lllalrtrl Court of Hit hximil Jlellrliil HI. trlil in nml for lie t miiii ot W i Htnl or t'lnh hl Hrlll.ii .Ml in i l mini ferlll Ibi (Kit thnl he IihiI rollipli tail the liailnwrnlilili aurt.y if lie W In r lllwr hatutior Niltrh.mrii tnarethirnlmiltli thl hllhlen Hint niat otllet ml Ireaaea of nil inraolta rurinHHtloiia 101 I HWH Inllima II. lllHleruat WrUr llllir Sratelll or WhIi f rwMrrr aofHrna knuHii tiihlni Sow tberefori III wiriinllnue Willi Sif lion It, eft IwplerHK nflhi aaoll iMHalif UlHll III. NiHIe. la h mli Ktli n llinl nil pernotta ilHtinlnir Iherlwlit tottai mix wHtrr nf alt Witn-r ItherNjratiiiliH'WHtrrHmirre lilll.t llie written atniemenl Willi tin ulerk if th IH.lrlrt Coorl of tie n..ihiI Jiellrlnl IH.trlol In and for th. nniiitjri.f WrUrnml Stul. otftuh no iiemlh. utter Hit Ural pulitlnitliHiof till, niitln nrtlliiK ftirlh r I" 11. I ilm. in tin uav nf .ueli wall r ny DerMili fnlleK to innlte mill lltller .nt ti ataleiit. nt of i liilitt to lie l li rk nf natld I l-t it tsmrl wllhlii .! no inoutlia ntlrr tin flrat of Ihla iiotlraaliHll In fort vi r lairnl nml eali innl from lll.r MUvllll uaal rllliil un rltihta tin retofitri ri qulreil tnllo line of wnti r nf mM ebpr Ittvvr Hateoi or W. Mtnr Huurr Hml auHll Ini heel to lull, furfeltml ml too rlnhln to lb tmeof aahl water thnretoforn rlHluteil I T iiff i"ugi'n- ffriarM'tf'rMwwr llfnnfrniliniVrifrc (muri M HIITnrffF I Nniiny uf W In r ami State o( I' tut It Mill he neen from thn iiIhjih Nolko thut the. nliileim ntniiiuiitlnn id tin r In munt lu Illid In thn oflUn of the ( lerk on or hi fore the Stll iIiin of sipltmlHir II" 17 1'iiih I'lnlinnnl wIuhm tun n nml llddrenn Inm liet II tiled In the Mule I'liKlmor with the Chrk of ntiid t'oiirl w III n i'i'lo Ij reirUteretl mull I It Itttt I iiiiililllliliKli Cop, of mild iiutltu, mill ii hhink form on whli h milil niiili un nl In In In iiimlu. Thtm h tier nhoiihl ho leiehed wllliiu u ' fiWlltln mill If IIIIN i hlllllllllt fllll Mi rm hi nllell n lelt. I In nhonlil hiie hi iiiituii nml iiihlreiM. nent to lln Clirkno llnit he may renin ! Ihe lilnnk rorin of ntntemeiit. It In linpi ituui tint win r-u.irn m mil j umloreiHUil thut th bluto hit n- ; niiineil loulrnl of nil tin wnier of llieHlitl. nnfl that thn mxt uiliti in plan n n iiiljiiniin. ut or nil watir- . tltrhta tn the hlale. Iiuh mul eu r, (hilmntit or uner, no innllnr how hi i hilni wan nupilr il or of how limit .ktitmllng, will Ira rer'iulred to etnu Uh hi uliiliii in the mitnner pi. neilbtil li.v the Inwn of luuu In order llml In iimynwlu n pert Iflcilti of I wuter right fut the nainu. I'utllier iiilriiinilri will In Hind km hii lhioiih iIk.d columns from time to lime, hut the matter I'll - t l.ulli mi the only on uf liniiiLiltun liiiMirlniK. nlli Wall. in U no much lm- proud kIiil'i hi Iiiiik alegt) of ly plu hi tliHt lit Unlile to he out u lit 1 1. " Onlir were rueiiml thlkiiiornluti In t'uinlni lot Ned Cnrnmi to run hln t ruin run through to 1'iirk with ' frelKht. then letiirn nml work the. tin Wiinniili inim Auothtir ureii will he put on nlmrth to work Ora ( reek mul Del II h Slide It U nlmi reported thut u wuter tunk will le i r t it it here mul one of the urewn tie tip here. llo j on renllj njn. whut Jim wit'.' Dunn jmir fond liihleKnnd' Do) on I fei 1 lninur) mul wmit iimrey Or do o i hum n liertiy, dull feellnjr nfler inenln nour ntoinxeli heh hlnif, iptu on Hit ntouiHih hud hrvnth, Inill- , Kiwtlotl ami djnpipnln' If no ,11111 hIkiiiIiI take 11 little Koilol nfli r enuli i iiihiiI. Kixlol will iiourUli nml klretlKtheii votir ilifeatlH nrifiimi ami TuniUli the nniiirnl tllireattvt) jiilte for the moimioh It will ninku i 011 well It wilt tmike jour food do j nil gnod 'I urn your fund lulo 1,'und, rkll IiIoihI. Ktiilnl iIIkwIm iilmt joii eit. Sold U. John II o tlen & Son nitupfl I mi f I niitonlllt. Inn frlfci i r. l.-n U . f. lor, Mr. 1 , N. H 0 x.ifp of mnli, , tiniiiiw ninth en hen 'Ilia In iif Mr llnntinh HUI retlMn 1 li sUmln nfler noon llie !,, fintl, Mnrftil 1 l, sni,,,,,,, MM, j,M,.p, j. lVtylfir. I, , 1 r of n,, I he form er iimi r I 1 ,,f th urn 11 J excel lent Wl K f tli ihienwil hirst) torlMg tl 11 .1 1 It. miirilnn It lit hmt raw ii). 1 1 1, . lhltlfk I .I,,',., lilllounliennor ouiihIik , ,, ,,H1Kh r. Mi led In DeWlltJI 1 1 1 ru U. rm Snmll pill, uijl II ,1 plll-,ri.mpi m,d plPiiiMinlln , 1 l,t, .M , John Ito.wUlll s Mm Mhii Vnn It (lark hnnlHtn niik tin pnnt wii k in Impnn Iiik '1 Iip l"wi nt -fourth imnnecl otf Tery iitli tl In re Mnnj went to nelirh-1 Imrliiu town num. up the innoim ntnninalo tlh. while nlhen. hied tin DIM hen to tin t ly pnrk. I'lneiilianre for the Kidney nml lllmttlor 'I In y hrlnR qnlek n lief to I oNPknolie, rheiiinnllniii, luinliwiro. ' tired Morn out fullnir 'I hex pro.1 iluee iiHlitrnl niMlon of tin kldnijn I III flllerlllK WHnte inntter out of the IiIihmI Hii dnm inntiuttit ft til ! Mom n runiletl If l'ln. uh iti . n.ii 'nnllnfnilorx n, , J ,, x,, I A, "on Mr 1 It. Ilnnenek nnU mother, I "$Mf ' ' Mr Aluootl, of l'rk City, are the I KA t Kiutala of lira T. I.. Ih-erh. jpBfjf,'-. flit n nan ' ( Ur. Shotip'a I "llenlth ( offee" at our klor. l j ' real totfee dlniiirh your ntnmnPh, 4-i"i 1 your In nrt or jmir kldneyn, then 28vlv try 1 hln clu, r Cnrtee ItnltnUtm. l)r. 3'ltdE, Hluip ha phxely nmlrheil Old.lnrn 'kaaara ami Mnehn CotTie In llarnr nml H tante. ,m I It Ini.ti t n nlnRle grain of fl CoITii In It Mr HhoupV Healtli ( olTei linilatloii In itinde frnin pllm Baaaaal toanl. ti tiraln or tireal with Malt, iB Nut it Made In n minute No H ti llminwalt 011 will urel like It s,,U ,j Joint llnulun iSin. W gaag iipMim4Kuiia,iiu,i' t-jaHiiSiir H I Calderwood BroSo I I I FOR CHOICE MEATS I HONEST DEALINGS I I ' RIGHT PRICES ' We want your Beef, Mutton I Porks and Veal, and all , k J I the fine Chickens you can " I M l 11 raise. lH j we WarWTour trade, WeuhatmieyMrWSKIimmK 7 ilW I j duels and guarantee satisfaction in every ' 1 mm- jH I ! particular. "B n i j d I ' Calderwood Bros. Meat Co. j I Tiiii ITtiitiaWfWTPiTrTWIBtTrTiiBffiBTi H 4 I (b m To ihe Fishermen 4iS VjS of Summit County p ' ifk The Coalville Co-op has Urge stock of m. B I . HIP BOOTS I ' f on hand in the u el II. now n Apsley Brand H 21 Prices Ranging from 0 M $4.00 to $8.00 per pair gj A,iu The pleasure of a Da)'s Fishing is not Coin. roH t,1" plele without n pair of these Boots u 9l ' Remember We are Headquarters ' mn for Flies, Reels, Fly Poles, elc. , ... Wv, I Coalville Co-op ' ; Ike would like someone yr fm lo bring in a ?k W )7 W couple of M aHHMBttBWBBaMMaBBHMi mi in ii 1 1 JaBBUm