Newspaper Page Text
THE DELUGE Dy DAVID GRAHAM PI ULLIRS, Aufltor of "TTtFCOSZWc (aw&C'r axis' ivfi Mass rmxzz enswv? j ' Cll.l'Ti:U Will -( otiHiiuod ' I (nil t lake ttiHl Uk bundle along wllh ine Joe" said I llealdes It ain't Mfi Put It In the bank and . Mini me ii check ' Not on your lift replied lleale; wllh I langh 'Th suckers we trlmmi-d gate check and I turned Vm Intu mall aa icxin as tin- hank opened I wbii t an) Inn apr either Two of Hi" damned encaka conaulted , lawyers a oou a thov mjlx'mt hit ml Irled tu mop ia)iiictit mi their checks. They're threatening proceed Inn. ni in ml lake the dough awa) ' with fun. and I don t want a receipt I "Trimming sucker, eh'' Mill I, not able to decide what to (Id "Tlielr father stole It fmm the nub ile." lie explained "The) re drunken Mile snob, not lit lo have mone) I'm doing a public service by relieving j I hem uf IU If I'd n gut more, I il feel that miieli more" he tented lilt light i cool, sarcaatlc lauatli ' more patrl ' olla" ' ' 1 ran t take II " said I Mini that , In my present condition, to take It would do j near lo betrn)ltig the confidence uf in ull friend "They lost II In n straight game. ' ha hastened to assure mo ' I haven t dad n 'brace' box or crooked wheel for fuur )tra" Title with a obor law and a twinkle In Ills eye 'Hut even If t hail lileil chance to ilo the good work of teaching them lo takn caro of their Mono), jou'il mil refuse mo Up town ami down town, ami ull our tho place, what'a hnelneaa when ton come to look at It sensibly, but trail lute stolen goods' lo im know a limn wliu could Imnnatly enru morit than i ton or twenty tlioiiMml n )ear good clean money by good clean wuik 'Oh, for that manor imr mom a a clean aa nnybod)'a.' aabl I Hut jou know I'm a speculator Joe l linto my downa and llila happen to bo a Rtonny time for me If I iako your mone), I man't I nblo lo ni count for It or own to pa dlt blonds on It for ma) bo n )eur or so ' I "It'a nil right, ol.l man 111 neter' glto It n thought till ou remind mo of It. Vm It aa )otid use jour own I've got to put It behind aoiuebod) a luck li) not jours?" Ho fliilahcxl doing tin the luckagc. thn ho Halted hluiMlf, and wo both looked at It through tho amoke ot our cigars --. x . -" '"It'a JIWl na cosy to deal In IiIk auma as In llltlo. In large malicni aa In small. Isn't It, Joo." said I, "once ono Kids In the way of It?" "Do you remember nni txick thero llio morning," he naked miia Inglj tho Inst mornlnK ou and I not up from tho straw In the stable oer at Jorum Park tho stable they 1st iih alcep In?" "And went out In the dawn to nxiat on the rails and 'spy on the sim-mI trials of old Itovell's horsssr "Kmictly." said Joe and we ImikwJ at onch other and laimheil Us In raxa Ktwh, how chilly It waa that mornliiKl Do J oil remember what we talked about?" "No." said I. thouah I did 'I waa propoalnic to turn a crooked trlik and ou wouhlnl hate It nu persuaded mu to keep Mralnlil, .Malt Vo neer for;ottin It Vimi kept me strnlihl ahowoil me what a fiHiI n man was to load himself down with a petty lart i ii) recoul Von mnile a man of mo. Matt. And then those koo.I looka of juura eaiiKht the 0)0 of Hint bookmaker's fclrl. and ho wive ott a Job nt wrllliiR Hliwt and ou worked mo In with im" So lonu aiio It seeinoil, yet near and real, too, na I sat there conscious or ciory sound and motion, oven of the fantnitlo shapes lakm by our up ourllnK Kiiinke Hon far I waa finm tho ' rail bird ' of those happ no luck years, when a meal meant nulle ua much to mo as doea a million now how far from ull that yet how near too 1'nr wua I not mill fuclim life with tho same taielesa couruxe, fur Ki'ttlnK each elerilu In the ftkKr eicltemnnt of each new day wltt Ha now ileal? We went on In our ri mln licences far a while, then, as Jot had a llttlo work to do, I drifted out Into tho lioune, took a bile of aupper with )ouns Meltllle, hud u little pi nt tho tlEvr, and toward llto In tho clear Juno mornlnK emerged Into tho broad day of tho striila, with the precious bundlo under m arms and a rive hun drcd dollar bill In my waistcoat pocket. 'Cilvu my win to me In n slimlo bill," I said In tho banker, 'and blow )ourelf oft with the change. Joe walked down the street with mo for companionship unit a little air beforo turning In, he said, but I Imaglno a desire to keep his eye on his treasuro a while longer had some thing to do with his taking that early morning itroll We passed seternl or those forlorn flguroi that Imrrj through the slowly awakening streets to bed or to work Finally there onmo by an old, old woman a scrub woman, t gueaa, on her way home from cleaning some office building. Ileal do her waa a thin little boy, bop ping along on a oruloh I slopped them. V Unlit out tour hand said I to (be lni mid be did I laid the live hun dred dollar bill In It Sow abut our Hngera tight over Hint said I. and don i open them till nu get home Then tell )our mother to do what she like wllh II And we left them Kiiplng after na aipchlesa before tlda fairy alorv iiilne true ou mint tie looking ban) for luck today said loe. who understood this transaction where another might, have thought II a alio) and nut tery wise ehartl) 'limy II slop In at the church ami I rat for you and bunt a randle' I hope so.' said I for lod knows I need It " XK A OREATHINO SPELL, l-aiigdnu, after set era 1 years of 'of fort, had got reoognltlnn for textile In Umdon, hut that waa about all He hadn t succeeded In unloading any great amount of It on the Ungllah Ho It was rather because I neglected nothing than liHUe I was hiiptful of "HOW DID OU COMK OUTf HUE ABICUD nAQHItl.T." luaulta that I had made a xdm of telegraphing to Uiiulon news of my pioHMod mil t. The result wns a llllb) tntdlug In textllea otor theio and n slight dotllnc in the price 'I Ida rnct wns Icli Krapliud lo nil tho lltmncliit centers on this aide of the water, nnd n Infoi rod the Impresalon my law) urn aunounremint nnd my own "bear' letter went muklng HUH, thla waa nothing, or next to It What could I hope to uvull ngalnat laingdou'a ngeuta wllh nlmoat unllmlt eil ctplial putting their whole inerg) under tho stock to raise It? In tho same newapnpera that published in) bear attack, In tho same columna nnd under tho samo hendllns wero ottl clal denials from tho textile truat and the figures of ennrmoua Increnao of bualneaa ns proof ponltlvo that the denlala wore honest If tho public had not bc u burned an man; Uiixhi by ' Industrials," If It had not learned by blttor experience that practical!) nono of tho leaders of flnunco and In ditatry wero above l)lng to make or sure a few dollars, If textiles had not been manipulated an often, llrst by Dumont nnd since hla death by bin brother In law and auecosaori this aunte and onlcol Iingdon , my des perate nttack would have been with out effect As It wn Four months before. In tho samo situation, had t seen textiles staggor as thny staggered In the llrst hour of bualnesa on the slock exchange that morning, I'd hate sounded tho charge, clapped spurs to my charger, and horns down upon them Hut I had my new born earning for 'reenecta bllit) " I had ni) new born squeal). Ishneas, which led me to fear risking Hob Corey mid his bank and 111 mousy of my old friend llealey, finally, there ttas Anita the longing for her that made me prefer a narrow and uncertain foothold to tho hold lesp ttnt would Ian I me either In I w.alth and powu or In the bottom I abtxi inuli ad of mnilnui'lg lo sell tex HIi a I covered aa far aa I nlM, ami I lauighl so eagerlt and heav Ih thai more than I jingdon a corps of rockilera I waa responalble for the aioika rail) and atari upward When I -at eagerl) and heat lit I do not lie un that I acted openly oi without I I nrd tti common sense I mean slm pi that I made no attempt to week up no followers In lit- selling earn piilkii I had hrged litem lot n th coin urt I Imnshl aa they sold That dnia not sound well, and It la no bel li i than II Mitimla I shall mx dla pule an) one who tlnda thla action of mine a betrayal of in) client In eato maeir All I shall en) la Hint It waa business, thai In such extreme and dire compulsion aa waa rslne. It I waa -and la right under the code. I the prltale and real Wall street code 1 tun can Imagine the confused mn of transactions In which I was In t olted before the almk exihaugo had been oien long 'I here was the slock we had liecn able to lul) or get op Hona iih at varloua prices, between I he closing of the the pre tloiia day and that morning a opening slink from sll parts of country and in Kngland There tna the atock I had been buying since the oiihuugo opened bii)lng at figure ranging from oiie-elghlh alaite laal nlght'a closing price to fourteen point above It And, on the debit aide, there were oter a period of nearl) two monlha sellings' of block large and small at a hundred dWeient price An Inextricable tangle, )im will ay, one It would Imi luiHislble for a man to pnratel qulckl) and In the franllfl chao of a wild slock exchange day. et the InDuence of the myslirloua alnle of ni) tiertea whlfli I have de scribed nboto, waa so lu.irtelom that, Incndlblo though It seems, the mu luent tho exchunge cloaed, I knew ex nelly where I stood l.lko a mechanical llghliilng calcula tor, my mind thiew up lie fine mo the nit result of thoao selling and bii)lug trunanctlona Textile common closed eighteen iolnts above the closing quotation of the prutloua da), tr l.niiKdon'a brother had not been just a llttlo IndUcrcct, I aliould hate been as hopeless a bankrupt In reputation and In fortune ns ever waa ripped up b) tho bulla or W'ull street Ah It waa, 1 believed that, h) kee Ing a bold front. I might extricate and free myself when the coal roorganlxa Hon was announced The rise of con I stocks would squnro in) di bla and, as I was appartntty untouched by the textile flurry, so fur us ettn Hall, m) nominal partner and chief lieutenant, knew, I need not fear pressure rmm creditors that 1 could not withstand I could not breathe freelj. but I could breathe XX MOST UNLADYLIKE. When I saw 1 waa to have a respite of a month or so, 1 went oter to the National Induatrlnl hank wllh Ilea lu)'s roll, which my tellers had count ed and prepared for deoalt I tin Ished my bualneaa with the receiving teller or tho National Induatrlal, and dropped In on in) friend Lew la, the first vice-president I did not need to pritend coolness nnd confidence, m) nerve weio still In that curious male of tranquil exhilaration, and I felt master of ni)self and or the situation Just as I ttua lentlng, In came 'lorn I.angdon with Ham Kllersly Toms fare wus a laughable exhibit of emliarraasment Ham reall), I felt sorry for him There was no rea son on earth why he shouldn't bo with t mKaftsssssssssssslassBssssssssssssssBssssB tr f It ii -d . t he ' 1 as ir I lWila mi I ini with tb nooi'l OS 11 ) I almniiK ml and Ktllltered f )! i liuuj engerlt diopprd II 'Vl1' ,l"' "'"" h"" '"' lerkid out iVllis if btalarlcal tiimaensi nd lRfll!i a laugh so uait that the SbH ol ii disconcerted hlin DrlnK wtal tb, explanation thai drifted IhTSsxb my mind bnl In fart I thMhl Imle about II mi mil was I ofpfev nuitter fhn )our Hmther reluming? ami t. loai ffl tit next steamer I believe' ln pll d rie went otilt for the reln.l me twth of sea air With an sToii he collected hlmaelf, drew ma told. Hnd aald I owe you an KW: Mr Hlacklofk I went to theleuin r with Mowbray to see hint off, (ol Ik asked me lo tell .ton alatut our lew dividend rate I hough It wa not b 1 1 made public fur some time An)k) he told m to go straight to yiMi-ii,l I frankly I forgot It Then, with ih,. winning, candid Ungdoii mnl. h added IngenuousI) ' Ihn besln. nil- In the world -)el the one noM) tir accepts' 'N m iiogr necessary,' ssld I wllh the linni gIHMl nature "I ve no jier wina) Ii I. real In textile My house deellin i uiumlssloii old). )ou know nes?r a margins for in) self I in a titk, nid broker, not a gambler Monitor uiir customer were alarmed by tap ii a of the big Increase, nnd Insisted on bringing sull lo stop It. Hut fm olng to urge them now to let IU mailer drop" Tm trltl to look natural, and as he lean apt pupil of hi brothers, be RUCOMcd falrlt well Ilia glance, UowtStr vouidni fix aieadlly on my gase.biit iinlml round and niund It, like I hai at an electric light l"o tell )ten the truth, said ho, "I m ex IremsV m rvous ns lo what my br4lr wilt say and do to mo, when1 ten him I hoiw mi harm oarae to Mm ihrough ni) forgetful n hm' "Ne In Iho world," I Bsstired him. Thsn I turned on Ham "What arn oti Jalng down town to-dnr?" said I "Ait you on your way lo see mo?" "Oh I was Juat calling on Tom," ha repllei rather haughtily Tim Meltllle himself came In, brusblw bak his white tufted burn side lad ll king hi lip and blink ing lilleii . looking for nil tho world like a (st at lis toilet Oh! sir Hlarklork' ' he exclaimed, with nrrlng cordlalll) and 1 knew he hndtuard of the big deposit I was maklri t'ome Into my olllce on )our n) OM nothing sieclal only be cause fa alwa) a pleasure to talk wllh t I sai thai his effusive friendliness conllrisfel Tom I.ngdoti'a fear that I had MH'd from Id brother a toll. I He stiinri aullenl) nt tho carptt until I he cniuAt me Itaiklng nt him with I twInkllDf eye Ho inado n tnllant cITort ion turn my smllo and succeed oil In tvtallug his (aco Into a knot Hint atfsicd to hurl him ns much as It anvgxl-iuu -, HflT, good by, Tom," said I ' (llto my teganfa to your brother when ho lama, and till him Ids going away waa a mlatuko. A man can't alTord to las' Ida Important huslnesa to un der grapper " Thla with it face free fron an) augKcstloii of Intending a shot st him Then to Hum See ou IcviJghi old man," and I went away, leaving Lewis looking from one to Iho olhsr as II he felt that there was d)n-ninlH- about, but couldn t locate it I atoisMd with Meltllle i talk coal for a la mllliile at n ease, and tho hint mail on earth lo be uscled of hiuiflng Ii) the crook of ono linger I root the eilge of tho precipice I rang the Kllersl) bell at half imiit nine that evening The butler faced me Willi o)e not down, a Ihey should hate been, but on mine, and rull of servile Insolence to which li'l had lawn prompted b) what he had otirhesrd In the family Not nt homo, sir.' he said, though I had not silken 1 sa preoccupied ami not expecting thai atatemvnt, neither had I skill, nor desire to ticqulio skill. In loading fauiH) barometers In the race of serv lima 8o, I wua for brushing hi1 him ami entering wliero I felt I had as muili tight ua In my own places 11 but d the way ' Heg iinrdon, air Mr Klleraly In I ai k led me to aa no one was lit hot III I hulled, hut only like nn oncoming bun ut the prick of an arrow What doea this mean" I ex claimed waving him uslde At that Inst tut Anita apared from the littla rim pilon room a tew feet away Oh ctimo In'" she said cordially, I was oximkiIiik )ou Hiirroughs, please tnko Mr lllacklock hat ' I fallowed her Into the reception room thinking the butler had mado aoine sort or mistake How did )ou come out'' alio asked oagerly, facing me Vou look youi natural self not tired or worried so It must havo been not so bad as you reared ' U our f i lend Langdou hadn't all Plied ,awny,l might not look and find so oomfortntilo auld I Ills brollier blundered, and there waa no one In cheokmato my moves ttho seemed nearer to me, more In sym pathy wllh me than ever beforo I can't loll )ou how glad I am'" I 1st eyea were wide aad bright, as from some great excitement, and her color wus high Once my attention waa on It, I knew Inatantly that only some extraordinary upbeat al In that ho isahold could have produced tho fever that was biasing In her Nsvor had 1 en her lu any audi mood ai this. What it It?" I asked What has luxppwHHir , 'Tv h Continued ) ' I J HAWLEY SAYS HAYWOOD'S GUILT HAS BEEN PROVEN Declares That the Stale H Telly Corroborated the Story Told by Orchard and Appeals to Jury Isr Cenvlstlen ol the i Ltstr Leader. I Brine Idaho Janie II llawley. leading counsel for the state of Idaho, presenting the first of the ar-! gumeitta in the Jury In the ease against William I) I la) wood (poke for nearl) eight himra dlalrlbuted' over three sessions of cotirl Kven when tne allernoon session Balunlay had extended (ar lieyond the clisto-' mary time limit, every el In the court room wa occupied and re raalned ao until the laat word was spoken None llalencd more attentively to the argument than I la) wood, the de fendant, and none allowed leu eiwt Hen from time to time lie look oopt oil note In a email IhkiK and fre quent!) made ailggesllolla to mie or other of his counsel Ihirlng hla addreaa Saturday, Mr llawley used an almost cmiveraallonal tone Step b) step he followed Or chard along the rtmd the great crim inal had selected after he left the Coeur d'Alene. slopping at the Vln dlcator mine and Hten al the Inde pendence del lu count sixteen dead In Denter om more wa added to the list and I he anabsla of leatlmon) III coniraillcllon of Orrhsr I stor) con cludeil fmiuentl) with the rienuiicla thill uf wlne after wllne aa will fill perlurettt or gullly of unintentional Mr llawle)'a peroral lou was Im presslve There was Ho attempt at any Might of oralor), hut only a strong note of deep alncerll) and great ear ileal neaa when he pleaded for an honeat Judgment from honest men or Idaho W'e will be t barged." he aald "with making war nn this Western Federation ol Minora, hut I ask for )nur honeat Judgment I do not seek to hang the calm of Innocent men to my lielt I am her to hunt down I he guilty" Mr Hawle) aald he did not charge that a majority or eten that man) of the Western Pederatloti of Minora were crimluals, but that the evil deed of the olllcera and of the scum of the organisation had brought dla credit on the rank and Die The time hail Indeed come, he aald when right thinking men should rise and make war tiMHi the evil influence that were the curse of all labor orgnnlsa tlons t n liilmt bIhiu llin Ufirltl Im ni eluded, that here in Idaho we are n law alibiing ami n Hod fearing iieople, who will deal out oven handed Justice to the criminal nccmed or the highest crime aa to the trump charged with some H)tty breach ol the law Mr Hawle) declared that Hie state ini tits made l) Orchard hsd been our tlioraliMlratiilMl"-llme,ttiet-.l of the Western Federation or Miners wire brought to Iho bar of Justice nnd shown (hut there Is ,i higher law In this laud than their own desires. "It I time for us," he continued, ''to show them thai hero In Idaho we nre u law abiding, u Uod rearing peo ple who Intend to do our duty low aril the leaders of the Western Federation of Mluer or some lowly tramp with some minor offense We bellete )'iu men of Hie Jur) are Impressed wllh a drill desire to do your dtit) as ton see II All that the proaicutlon naka la your host Judgment, )our honest Judgment 'In the argument on the other side we will hear much or capital waging war on labor unlona Nothing could lie more untrue In this caae All that has been spent In this Inqulr) has come from the corfers of the state of Idaho A lo laUir union no mani has a higher regard than I have for them and no man believes mora strongl) than I do lhat laboring mini should baud themselves together to secure shorter hours and higher I wngea Hut the Western Federation or Miners, under Hie leadership ofj Crullers Coming Home from Csvltel May Stop at Japanese Ports. Waahlngliuii The armored i nils en West Virginia, Colorado, PennsyP t aula and Maryland of Admiral Day ton a Pacific Meet, are expected to start from L'avlle fur the United 8tnlea in ten da)a ol two weeka 'Ihey may slop en mule at Japanese jairts this It was staled at tho naty department today, Is optional with the nlllcer lu (onimund II la extremely unlikely, low ever. In tluw of the fuel that the teela ale lo come home b) way u( Honolulu Italian Mob Dent on Vtngence, New Orleans, I.a A city Jail was laid on Friday ns a i)ace of refuge lor Ml and Mrs Moutelone, Kalians, released mi habeas corpus proceedings Friday afternoon after several weeks' imprisonment us suspicious persons lu the Ijimans case Several hundred augr) Italians aitiTounded the Munte Inne house, nnd a guard of twenty live police failed to quiet the rrowd Tho Moutelone were finally put In a patrol wagun and taken to a nearby police mat Ion Elected Despite Protests. Kansas City ProtoUIng against hla own election nnd demanding the re election or J C Hwllt of Kansas Clt) Thomas II McPhersnn ol Omaha, was elei ted president or the National Uve sioi a exchauge on Fliday as th mil mlnailoit of a campaign wuiih wa waged against Mr Swift's re-sleoHon as tbe uutgiowlh of the lata contest between the livestock men and th packers over the iost mortem examln atiou rule Mr. Swltt and Mr. Mc pherson ware the only man plaoad In iiiomluatlou. M wr ll.i anoii and P'ttlbnne, can 1LLL1 i. rlaxai wllh uii) of the labor JaLLH uiiiinlratloiia that we know of and 'liaHH whli h will Ih- r. fi rred to h) counsel gaLLH for tin labor organisations that mm laLaLH know an not In criminal hands and sgagfl are mu i rliulmil In Intent and par. t MgagaH lane Ni liher are th rank and AM iHKiafl of the Weatern Federal Ion of Miner, aHaKan hnt the organisation haa fallen Into taLB alnlaler hnnda flBLB Holae, Idaho- Tbe Held fur arlW- Hn mem iHith from the pnmonitlon aatl HEkv-V' ilefenae of William II llgywoo.1 hi &&' been limited hy Indge Wood, who la fSn J a derision handed down on rrlday r- I Ki y v moved from conslderatloo of Ih Jnrjr jAi r t all evidence bearing on the alhtfal fJ, ! conspiracy h) mine owners and ollicra LA ' i' against the Western Feilemllrm of Ki. ' Miner Judge Vo-d decided lhat Mm HP ' defense of Haywood bad mad no lf Br'''' gal connection of the Mine Owners VKlr' aaaoclatlon the Clllrena' Alllaiics of JfV ' CnloraOo and the IMnkeHon detaclltrei K! agency as la) Ing a fonndatloii for Hue brPi(i evidence intnaliiced by the defensn JHsfv" f to show that the charge agalnat Hay- JEn$ woo.1 and hla riedefemlanla la the tmt- wEt? , come of a conaplraiy to eatermtnate StwyA the federation 'ALan(KM Immediately following the announos- rafltflBsl men I of this decision nrgument cum iB9B metieed Judge llawley, lending conn- 9MsB ael for the atcle. Hikn tor two iHHtm uIkIH land fifteen minute of the aUernoett aLBflaV seaalon the morning semlon having gaLBH been ndjoutneil to enable the Jttdga to aiiH Iprepaie his derision gaaaM ICvery neat In the courtneim was oo bILbB cupleil Outside lb liicbtsiire rt IBfl rved for altnrneya and newr gaiH men, were many iwrsens pttimlnenl In H publli and prltale life and a sprinkling jH of women in sumioer ctMlumM adiltal H color lo the audltortum stc. (lover- H nor Prank Hooding exOoternor Mnr- H itsoti a number of the officers of lb state ailmlnlstrailou. Captain Jama H Mcl'arlaiid Julian P. Hleuneliherg, a H son of the murdered ex-governor, aad H a large galherlng of member of the H bar or Idaho and adjoining state wr H pteieut Hnywooil nl behind six of H his counsel Ills wife. In her Invalid H chair, waa placed on hla right and his H eldest daughler sat Ixslde her mother. H Haywood' half sister and stepfather H occupied seats close to the deltas) H group H Opening Address by Mr. Hawley. JM Mr llawley, who tins been III for H seternl days as the teaiill of the strain H of the long trial, coiumetiroil hla ad- H dross In a volte aluiMl Inaudible to anyone except the Jur) He apol i H glaeil for I hla, however, explaining thai lie hail feared ha would he uinlib owing lo 111 health, tu dallrnr a pio- H longed addreaa Mr. llawley I tho Nrntor of the llolae liar He Is a mm uf Impivjalve presence and aggreaalto iM-edi Warming to his subject Fliday .gagafl Bflentoon, his tolce after tho opening ( afH tatement, In which he explained Hist ' , H he hsd nono of tho grace of word I that constitute an orator" was at limes' 1'tsLLLfl eloquently Impassioned, but withal a I jH plain analysis of the evidence lln 1 lH characterlseil tho case as the "mo!, . . 'H t, i' "K tsBLal the United Hlstes, ndrgeiMliifcJi.ry j 1 VbLLH lo a serious iiisldtrallonf'imj,iJflli,iil " "" ggafl siKinalblllly placed upon them Hla de- VH nunclatlnn of Iho defendant and hit 'LeH co-consplralors as the "worst hsnd of H criminal that eter Infested nn) u-r 1 of this country," was forceful and hi H eulogy of exHovernur Bleunsnbcrg H eloquent In the extreme Mr. llawley 1 descrllied Orchard's tary a truihful 1 not onl) betau of the manmr In H which II wa told, but becaipa' it hn 1 H lieen corroUiraii d In ev'ery linportanO' H detail Then when he found rtou H for the roiifeaalou In the consclem e oi H the criminal vtlrreil by meinorb a of B a happy boyliisNl lu n vlnuoun home, H there waa a waver of emotion in the H pleader a voice and mon than a ma- H plclon of tear among his audleiioa 1 Counael for the defense rwtedly H Inlarriipted Mr Hawley with proUsU H and objection, but the only teemed H to allr him lo gnaler efTort (luce lH or twice he turned to Olarasiea Dar- H mv and faced him with a roar of anger 1 and auiilher lime he said "It due not 1 He In the mouth of coiiumI to tlnd ex- 1 cuse for these aw lul crime" H Government Ownership Not an Issue. H Unriiln, Neb In u statement made by William I Hryuti under the head- H Ing. ' (loveniment Ownership Not ait H Issue ' Mr llrysn said "(luterit- H inent ownership I not nn Immediate H bane A large majority of the people aVkel still hoHi for effective regulation. gflsaW While lhy ao hope they will not con H alder ownership Willie many Dsmo- H crata IM-Ileve, and Mr llrynu la one FjH or them, lhat public ownership of H railroads Is Iho ultimate solution ot ftB the problem, still many who believe H that the public will finally lit seirde- l fenso lie driven lo ownership" KH Wagon Went Over Cliff, BHi Twin Fall. Ida A pleasure patty B consisting of three women and four g men, en route from Twin Fall to the tflgfl l.lllle Hmoky country for an outing, isfl met with mi unfortunate nccldent on -99u the south grado al llluu lkea Three uHh or the four horse hitched to the eJjHQ vehicle were killed and tho rig HV smaaheal to silvers, hut nono of the flgH liariy was Injured The wagon ami BM liorse went oter the cllrf, railing KH) flHS feet The women were walking at Wttfi ibe time and the men Jumped In time MBlM to save their live WB; Pawned the State Herjalla, Vf&Jr Dublin Uensatlonal runuies are 'iW?c iitrrent here In legard lo lb theft jlulrvr from Dublin Castle a few week ago Man r a isirtlon of tho statu regailta HfV tutued at 1160000 Uinta are now Dmi being thrown out Ibai the gents may aWJUsJ oon he discovered ' without any ex- JBjB plauallnu a to where tbey have been JsVfis or who returned l bom It I laid Uiey BjB hate been deposlteil as leolirlty for BH a loan, and the name of the alleged, BB deBoellor la freely laoiitltmed In prl- ( vale, with hints of a tragic aocUl and '! 6iiil polttlctJ icandal, Sb! 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