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-J jTTL I ATTHE-gs ! WASATCH MINE, !' Our coal 5s the best there is for steam, and domestic purposes : : : t J AT THE MINE THE PRICES nTTT .Hflnfti LUMP , , , STOVE , , , I Patronize a Homo Industry. $ ! ..WEBER COAL CO.. ! i Subscribe Now FOR T1IB i COALVILLE TIMES j)jV And get all the loot tad V tfe county news a) i ONLY S1.50 A YEAR A BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM in the COUNTY $ X . Our OiUce l Veil Equipped a) to do All Klndi ol -4 I JOB WORK ! W ! ttod tin give you food service ea short notice. Prices A A Juit Right, , vTHE- 5 I Coalville Times 1 GR.ASS CR.EEK COAL 1 GR.ASS CR.EEK MINES 1 9) ( (9 ) ) We have the very best Coal there Is ( g on the market for domestic or 5g ( steam purposes. ) ( e) ) ( (o e) WELL SCREENED DOMESTIC 2 LUMP AND STOYE MIXED... (e o) ) (i (e e) ) There Is no shoveling or waiting, as (? we have a j g SPECIAL CHUTE FOR LOADING ' (o TEAMS.. ) I GRASS CREEK COAL CO. I (9 (a HOME OF TljE PRESIDENT -ft HHhH t urE3BaaalHnwjfl9aBflnbl I S I ,nnsBJsnj I H ) . ! j t J J 4 II T Looking cot from a window of the Navy department building showing White Home with Eseeutve office In the fc eground MAINE HAS A UTOPIA COMMUNITY OF TEMPERANCE ADVOCATES THRIVES Vice Unheard of In Benedict li Without Jail, Poorhouie, Free from Debt and Has Cain on Hand lluaton llim-dlcta In Maine lathe llniiinn IhIImiMc- I'lupla and the drimn of the C r 1' come, true. It It tnbloldid Hume Ituli Irish Cathollca si tiled In It Jhdr deermdanta, mini) Americana run it Onl) Calh ullca lli there now, and protinbl) only Catholic l mw He (here It 1 crlmele JalHon ioorhouloM, free fioni drlit and Ideall) adminic le red An n runiiniially Hem dicta In inoro Idml IliHii Mount Uloph or Iln con Now Atlantis T lioujili 40 mile, from nn) either tun and 100 mile from a railroad, JlraeJIctn baa electric light sertlce it munlolintl water auiiplir, anvcral linn bulldlnea, anil nil tlio rnnVtnkncini of a thor uuUily modern lt llonwllcln la not only free frnm debt, lint liax u aurplua In tlio Irma iir Moriiner thero la not a poor fainll) In tin plum and theie nmcr has been nn oiciinlon for the oatab lltlunent of any of Die usual Instlln llona for the liivirl) atrlekin or jn-nro bnuknra Whin Frnwlcl. alarlid hl nilon) he tiurthaaiMl morn than 12 000 ncrin of firtlle limber lamia couiprlalnK the wiatiru half of a tnwnililp In Arixielook count) Thr Ik hexan tu build up ii n Ideal community of kmpernnco realdt nta TIioiikIi man) of the )onnKr gener utlon han rimib to cltlwi for work Iwivlni: their thlini on farnia, the ren aua of 1900 ahonwl that the colony numbered HK0 Mrona 1ST LENDS TO EAST TARMER8 OF PRAIRIES SEND WALL STREET FUNDS Tlllrra of the Soil, with All Mort gagea Gone, Furnish Money for Stock Operatlona and Duy Machinery. Oman i Nib Tho day nun arrleil Hln n tin farmer In tlio neat la lend Hir iiiomy in I la banker In tho can I'liim u atute of almoul ruin ten yeaia ami aud a ri buffoil auppllcant at Hit! fii t of Iln Uall alni't brokira lie baa Uiome a financial iir. from whom thoav Minn brokera urn beKklDK mom ) llo haa paid hi mortKaxca I in tirowd his farma nrecteil bullillima and put thouminda of dullura Into tint latent machinery lie lias laid up u aurplua of Kiallli nnd the bunk a um atnckcil up with hla eallh nvtn ua lila Krnnarli-n nrn inirMowluK The aloti of N'lhruaka nlone noflit ly In oi wiek ixnt to euateru cltlea I7 000 0U0 orj cent of It on abort time lonna, anil lull ndid to itilleve ihe flnitiulal Htrlm.1 nry tin m Thn ili.nand for mom) b) Niw York and other raatnrn tlnanelnl nn tera haa Ixen thn larkeat In our lila tor),' Bald tho cashier of ono of the large Omaha banka Our bank linn narrlid a l,rrat amount nf ouatiin abort tlmn loana, known na cominer clal iiaiier for aaveral monlba and I understand other national anil navliiK" banka art) doing tho aurno thing Ihe demand locvntly howevor, has been grtator than oer beforo 'Tho Jcioalta In Omaha and otlwr Kcbraikan tanks are 30 per cent I i llenedlila roi Ha charier an a town l v"( i he hnllli IjiIiik beKlonnl In honor 1 1 Ha founili r Tin utartat place h lit re an) liquor (la bi Imiuihl la lloulloii 4 lilllm aa Ihinilall the wimkIs lo the east aid the neaieat ilnl of railway con litetloa la llnnaiir, more than 100 latlri iu ihe aoiilh NEW RECORD IN JUNE DRIDE8 Om Every Thirteen Minutes for the Month In Chicago. Chicago Whllo )ou read these Tda aliip and think' Lhlrnxo haa 1N0 June bride lixlajl Thn line bu haa liein Korklnc otertlmo and hut broken all rccorda Tbrre thousand three hundrid June bildea' Thai means 110 hrlilia n day orotic eier) IX mluulis! Iljmcn Cu Id U Co ri x)it Hie tnAll i.rt.turfiil. Inttnlh hlnM llm firm Mil stabllheil Jki tear thurn rte 0,103 June Wide In 105. JJ)07. 1004. tho record wua S"C8 Marriage License Clerk Balmonsan, Ihe man uho has opened tho door of w edited happtneaa to hundrcda and hundreds of thousands of Chlcaitoan and other, preachiMl n little la) nor iium tlie nlher dny for Juno brldea IIkmii are tho Hilnta on which ho laid alreae 1 Ln )our huabiiiid always X. llo hla cohiimnlon hi frti ml his chuiu 2 Never, tieter lie iisplcloua or naaslni; 4 Mtudy hit taste and l.ho him what lio like 6 (let up and cook hla broakfaal for hi m C Mnkn hi home aa ntlractho for aim a im pan allraclhe aa the j lub or the aaloon I larger than n er ago nnd inniiey I neier wna mi pliiitlful The woat la I lartleuarl) fortunate tu have llils caali at this time when loans In the fast are demanding good premiums and thl condition In largely Indlcallwt j of llm pioaxiiy of N'ibruskn agrlcut ' tiirnl lulereat leaiilllng from bountl fill croiw Tho Nibruakn fatmer are buying I mom macliliiirj building material j and live slock Hiau for many year They liMi had several good oiop In aiictiwilon nnd they are all on easy alreet' The aale of their prixliicU haa brought much money to tho alule and this lia gone imwll) Into Imuil bunk, which euri) thnlr taali Iwl aiKea In Omaha niilloual banka Coin IMkratholy few murigagea are held Die iiioiie) made by tho farmer ha piled up In Ihe bank until It Im camu neceuaiy to eek sliorHlme loan In thn eaat Ijiatern borrower lia not been alon In uk for llnH loana liowiter and eight of the larguat Omalia tnatliiiliona iilve dull) (notations on eaalnru e initios Moat of Iheso loan ale placid Miroukh Now nrk nnd HcmIiiii flnau ciul Insllliillniis which act a brnk era" S2 Gotham Murdtra In Month Niw ork I'iiui luiHiIieil and iiIiio()m Ight ileatha weio reHirlwl in tlie loimiira othee In June oenril lux to Hit) inoiilhl) iiiort of I'hlif Clerk Jacob I' llauach 13C wero dm to vlolinct or accident the lemulnliii; 202 being auddin dealha due In nat Ural caiiaea Of Ihe deaths by vlo linen or HotldHiit fix were homlilde and IS weie aulddea Thirty nine bodle weie found HiiHllug In the river. HUleeii iwrnoii were killed by earrliige or wagon. It by the at I wrt railway and three b) autoiBo-MM RARE OLD VOLUME UNIQUE COPY OF THE KORAN OWNED IN KANSAS CITY. All Hand Work and Must Represent Labor el Many Years Proof Thl Mtrro Art Was One of High (trade. V rare old bnnk I owned b) Prod erlck t tlutler of 1224 Harrison ireei aa the Kanaa City Btar He round II In a deserted bamboo l in In flulu Island while he waa iih the Fourteenth United MtNIr aviiiM in thi I'lilllpplnea in IM)l Iml lnn o nrd by a Mont Mohain ii priest i book la a cop) of thn Koran made wholly by band Kven ufer la hand made The hind 1 1 f thick stiff caribou bide Kach l sewed with cord made from i llliera and la of an even all i ning tleteruen and skill In apln i 1 1 In one place there I a llttl I of smooth bamboo t wilted In l iin il to hrlnn It I lata! whan alack in d from uw Aa for age that can in i he denied In anyone on seeing In ingia rile leaves at the begin ulna and end are frayed and worn and Hi paiHi throughout la jellnw with a. ' tin moat wondei fill thing about the I k i that mry character It being wihi. ii In Arable waa made wltb a i ill i en or flat reed Kach page la " iil nn both aldea with c lowly v Ills it iharactera that apix'ar to Ii i li ud when viewed from a llltlt ill i in Around the writing I a mar am of an Inch or ail nnd In thla mar alii are alugle diaracters display let i.ia or chararlera and spmya oflhi) flower done In color IMspcrscd ilnoiigh tin writing Bt Irregular Inter ibI are little ilrcles drawn with a lompaaa Hie center H turn of the needle being plain In n majority of the circles. The clrclea nro filled with dlffeunt color and aro appropriately punctuation murks Two pngea In particular always til cite wonder and mlmlrnllon They ilone of all otlurs show the height Hint Mom art hnd reached at the time the book w a made Thesi agc wire eteeuteil with h ieu or reeil na the othetn were eci pt that tlie writer brought h liruah and gold leaf Into pl Tho mnrgltinl dialgn depart radlrnll) from the rest of the liook and Iln writer made n dialgn distinct l orlmtal It look like Ihe border of n llokarn or Damarcii rug It I almost Impossible to dc sir I he the j(jtoniiFrwiiiffid The Hand Illumined Koran man) little palnataklng curtea and , i in ly rues that he put In these two pngi the color of which I still! bright nnd clear notwithstanding thi ago of It When the hook wna found It wna taken to llndjl Hum prime mlnlatir of the sultan of Hiilu and he said of It I hi book I a Koran wrlllen by a Moro in Arabic many years ago There are nowaday no people In I tiles Islam) can write audi a liook I myself can write It, It wont I tnkn me hIhiiiI three monlhs I knnw thn Koran hy heart ami could write out (jf rn) mini ory although II la Arable It mint! hate taken Hint writer morn than n year lo llnlab Ihe work We Mi iron lent liute n Koran in Hie Morn Ian gunge We road II In Arable and tlie pileala or hadjla tell ua what It ineuiia In our language ' Routed by Snapping Turtles la John ralletaim a huckster, waa dilvlng Into town from Darlington thla morning he tame upon a drove of U or 10 snapping turtles iruaalng the load aa a Heart r Kails iiinnsnind en I of the I'ltlabuig let(h Think lug a few of them would meet with lead) sale he attempted In tatili them whereupon Ihe turtle allowed light and hissing angrily, made for him Willi niilaireauhiil head and una I plug la a IMIteraou hiialll) got bulk Into his wagon mined hla horse and heal a retreat lie auy ln(it of the turtle e I were a laigi aa ii waahtuli lie droie Into town by another mule Half of Snake Fought. ( hiiieli llarkloy hnd H terrible bat lie witli a moiiatiir snake a f i w ilaya ago auy a a IliirtndshiirK K) ills patch lie heard a noae upstair mid wem to InveallKato and found a anake iuiIih) on lh Iml He Hied tit It with hi shotgun and (ill It In two 1Mb part with tin lnad about thiee feel long made battle and tried lo bile and roll Uliilllnl Darkle) a leg He had in light It out with pan of the iiiaki and he wi)B in neterdld Hater kink ng bul finally dlepatthed that tart of tlie reptile Tho eiillre anake umasureil nine feet nine Intlie In length, und hud a horn or some hard lulu lancet, tlne-e Incbliug lour, un Ihe end of It tall . ,: M I 8PARR0W NEST OF MONEY. H Oreenbatka Worth tt Recovered 4bbbb! from Eavea Houie H I William Mcdralh of llellevllle, N.J, M I walked Into his bedroom never I daya 4H ago and saw a aparrow My from Ihe H I top of a clolhes closet out throngh an f open window I I here was a green jrisc ol rpr In H the bird bill and Mcdralh at anew H I i bought of a roll or money ha had IB left In the clnaet He found thai many aHH I of the bills hsd lieen aliippod flom flpffi 1 the roll MKW I lie decided lo wateh and see l( the Fw hlnl came hack rh) wlatlow wna left fti I open and the oilier dy McQralb taw Hr'J ' I a iigrrow fly Into iho room He ?T tt I waited a few minute and It cam out ijjft again and went to a hou about x iKm' I block away flying In tbe eave jBbHc I Mcdralh nlitalned a ladder and got IficVTr'' liermlaalon from the occupant erf fh TaFiVr I house lo climb up to the eavea, nntt JH Iff, waa rewanleil bv finding a nst mads BHsVt of greenback and alra There ware flHhi Vt II and It bill there, aggregatlnff rftSr, about lis but In pieces 1sK!V MKIrath la now trying lo plana I bo ssKw- hllls together N Y World. Ku'l ION OF SDRVITUD8. 'HBj ,M I In Persia women are held fn little H esteem und It ha hewn aald with some truth that to wear her dres I to bo H a slave FESTIVAL OF THE WCLL8. H Custom of Unknown Origin Observed H Each Year In England. H The annual cualom of decorating H thn wills of Iho vlllago of Tlsalngton, H In the heart of the MMik of Derby H shire which for crnltirle lia liken H place nn Ascension day was duly ob- H Man) lsllor Jolmd with tlio vll . H lager In Hie thanksgiving sen loo held 1 IH Iu tho church Time u pioccsslon 1 tH was formed, and each of the five dec V f' orated wills waa visited, nsalma ami I 'sananaBBawi Aacenalonllde hymns being aung i iB UtHKtUHeviip((ttnigsotsatkM (' BanBaaaaaal wells a wooilin airiie3uiii,co,cjcd with V'BBaBaBBaal n layer of clu) linirl.rFri "plaftd and " H flower hail Uen wrought Into ai H ipilslle mosaic, with scriptural pas VBBnaal aage Interwovin H The origin of the celebration la In M volt imI In obaciirlly lut tho unlnfer ruptcil continuity nf the observance M In iixent yenr may bo dun to thn clr- M cumatance Hint during a terrible M dniilkht In Derhyahlre Hie riaaliigtou M wells did not full laindou HtnudariL H Dachshund Proved Innocence H A black and tan dachshund gavn ntldeneo In a law court In New York H recently llo hclnnga lo Mrs Knnny III nulng Winnie neighbor vomplaln Jt that he howl all night long In sup. H Hirt of their ceinleulloii they aihlblted H Ihotographa or Ihe dog with hla M mouth wldeoien taken from window H overlooking the llennlng liack yard One witness awore thai the dog B liarkeel J.1I lime In town mlnutva, B mi Hie Judge uggeteil culling the H dog Iu he ttnnie leisurely wnlkeil to HH the withe chair and e limbed Into BH Hie Kill yuwnlng laslly ami lilliikliu; BVJ In the Biinllglit Tho court ushers BVJ llekeled him In the rib rubbid III BBl head teiiighly pluclieil lilm unit rn.n BB pullid hla enta He MppesaiPl) imst BB well brel that not nei much a u whim. BB Mr una heard Tho Judge said Hint M ihe nelgliljors had evlilcnily bean dls- BBJ lurbeel b another dog H HOWOIROS FLY. H I riu long fr.ibei of a bird wins Haafl an liihtenid to Iln lame It la this JBkI wlili Ii glti a tin wing the atringlh and HM am fan wlnrewlth to beat Hie air bHI Robin's Strange Nesting Place JBrV At Hie (town ( rteklood Kug 'Vw. laud tin publle house al which nil tho TOpJ molor oiuulbiwe riom the Klephant 'J5a ami t'aatle and Mttorla and I lie horse jWRcI biiaem ft out ( baring ("roes lo Crinkle. nlatltn wood slop a iiibln built Iu u gas lamp Him Hie ileal lug plate la within tlltt HjLli reach of anyone standing on tho aanWn mound t one comer of the lamp u BHu very email lace of the glass I uwaaw broken and through Ike hole tto iiBtt lolilu gained aiesa to IU new boine sBI V fuiull) of four young robins has jaVJI been lea i ed and can lie scan ll tho BM corner of Hi lamp (aVfll !BBJ iflBB