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I 'I 1 THE PEOPLES ADVERTISER DHVOTJID TO THH INTStn'B OF HTTMMIT COTTNTY JOB WORK NEATLY EXECUTED- H n " IH Vol. XV. COALVILLE, SUMMIT COUNT?, UJAH. NOVEMBER a, 190;. No. 15. I HOME H NEWSiJ: Fur nr WIN I i:il HATS mill COA'I.SkiMii M. It -(iiIiiiou'h. Tin- n-KiilHP IHirh CiiimicII inivt lliK "HI I"' livlil Ihtmoii Nov. HO. Mr. Jnmw tunc rnlnrncd from n lflt In .Suit Irfikc llif fiircmrt .of lllCHwk. Auxiliary mill I'rlvMlioml inet. lii(,'M wilt lie In-Ill at Wiuixlilp nil Die. 14. Ill7. I.i)r Mlk iTf'w olmwl lict(cn Crofi'n itiuro 11111I th butclu-r hlmp. I'ln 1-r it't.irn In Mrn. Cluirlutto llnjitiiill. Mr TIhh. WrlKlit if Wnlirntrli ViK.titil li-r iiiuthor, .Mr. Jmncn Htiinwi, mill other ntlntUi"), ilurliiK till! Wrek. I'rmik i:111iB Ik IT-rln fur itlt noiiiii i-liuli'i- (iUvvh of furnlturo in nviilil Iinlii4 to in. no mitiin. II" can ln hvi'ii lit th County Court HllllKU. Tliu Stlliunit Slnku Suuilny .School Itonril im rc-nrRAitlreli lint Siitur tiny with John K. l'elllt 11 Hiip-rln-tonilcnt, duo. Ij. llolmoii, llrnt nHlnt ant mill W. II. MniinliiK. wcnnil nuilitmit. V. I. Hiuihcii mill u-oo-clntiii worn riOi'imi-il Olcnrlnt; iiiim Crtllli'uti'it an- n Kiol iih tlic ciihIi at nil utori In thin 1' city. Axcll llloniitlKt vntiio up frni'i K(li'ii Siiturilny i'TviiIiik with hln Jpocki'tH full of llii-iii. mill they were 1 put In circulation here on hint Mon day hy tho I'lmt Nntlonul Hunk. ii (Into Mm IthouiliK' foroiirluil. ' lHintlHtd. MU- Mny llrnnch h-ft for nll Suit Irfike Jtwti'Nhiy tiiornliiK. V 1I0 only irnixl lirlntliiir. Cnn we tin j mir; I'rliox itn rlht. Prhnthooilmiil Auxlhiry inii'tliijin win. held In lli,vtllh lnt femur ilny. tlcoriti' llwiril, who In niriiiK 011 thf Krnnil Jury In Milt l.nkc, Ullul hlx fmnlly hen- limt biindiiy. Jnhn Clark ciiiiik In tho nlllcc one ilny liict wnk to how iih n Duo plit' of taxidermy. Mr. Chirk l liilte mi urtlnt In that Huh. 'I he V. I,, mill V. M. M. I. Aim vhitlollt of tl Ih oily will K'le nil ell lerlalnnieiii ut the Tiilicrtini'lo on Dec. It. All excellent proKrmil linn hiM'll nrrallKed mill Home of tho lient tuli'lit of thi- city will Ira heard. A hiiiiiII adlilUlnu will li charged. The proctriU will K" to meet tllucx pcliae of HpuikiTH that will he liroiiKht here during thu winter. (ten. V. Wilde of O.tlley. who Under" enl himpllnl lit Salt Lake Mime weckunK". U Kl tlliKiihuiK nicely and In exiicled will come to Cnahllle totnorron, where lu will Ktny wllhri lathen for Mime lime. We. wUh here In make ill correction It win den. W.. ami not Jim pli II. Wilde, that went mi .iter the operation a xtuti il In Uicm cnluiuiih hinue time njco. In r. 111 till. r to nliitlifx iml h-li-iiil Mr C . ( nlllo xtHtfn Hint m the I Iih ihi of till moiitli, al InckMiinllle. Chi. IiIh w ire prwnt ml htm Willi two liiiliy lmju. Mrw I'nllN mill the twin are lining 11I0..I,. Ward E. Pack Dies at Vernal Wnnl i:. I'nck. ohlent Min of John I'ni'k mill Jiilhi In I'nck. Imm nl WntiTtottii, N. V.. April 17, IHJIt. illcil ut Wriuil. I'tnh. Xo. HI. 11117. 1 1 Ik pnretil Joined the Church mill inoiHil to I'nr Wwt when ho w 11 chlhl; they were lctlinnf theinnh hliiKKiit 1'nr Wt'Htmul mmiiltiiNnti oo. III., with the MlllllH. When the piiiiurri. wore chiton. IiIh father wo one of thiwM' lie ennm wimiI, Ihiia Iiik IiIh fmuil mill Ward, who wiih then II .M'lim old, nt Wlntr tjuiirtirn. 'I he family uime tn Knit Lake In the fnlliiviliiK year mill net Ill d In thuSewiilciiilli ward. Ill ISVI Wnnl Tuck wn called nil n inUnlon to tho t-nnilwlcli UIiiiiiIk with 1'ref. Smllh mill othern who iniulo up the Hvcoiiilcouipiiii of mlwilontirli'H tn reach iIiihh IiIiiiiiIii. Mr. Pack re mained In the UIiiiiiIk until the ml Hlonnrlcii wi rn recalled hy l'renlilent Vouii)' lu ls7. In lsno he performed n .M'nrH' iiiIf- hIoii lit ill iiicrn etiiti'H with lilt j father and iiiotlier. Ilielr work liclnu 111110111; frlcnilKiinil relalhi'f. Cpnti returning Ihc famll.v look ItK rwil dene, up nt Kiiiiiiik III Smiitiilt county. I'lah. where tho family home linn heeli hIiico IociiIimI. WIiiiII I tho Summit Hlake wan oranli;i'd Mr. l'aek wan elioMMi focoiiil collli- hlfir , .r . ( luiT, n p, .llloii Jd-lill null tin-re-orKnnlxHtioii of, k -'.k. li, n I,,- n. oriliiiinil W f i'i. Hut:, 1'rlei.ln Ifiii.iuie II m 1-. .pi. mix tlllftl two 1110. Jl)ln ,, 1.1 ih. NrtiiilHlch Inlninli., Kwiilnin o.r the iiiIbkIoih hi hoth . ni - In l7il mnl IWI. Jh n'.v 10 Id. 1 hurcli hut to tin prli..' mi, Wnnl i:. I'nck a fwlth-1 Ill r nil Hi neled In the ciihc llM 1 . . eltonn. prolmle lulfe , frin i-i-mi: 1..1 inlM-r f the li-rrl-1 wHk lil.lniiin nml nt In tw tiler-1 Hbini which linked for Mll .h., (if ld iiiotlier'n fiilllllj j fh4 I i.illn r nml two hlotern Minlle JflBi. h wnn the father of -a child-1 Lllof whom are IUIiir. Forty' H'jnd hlhlreti mirxhw him, alo. I Tin funeral wnn held In Vernal, Mdw iln . Xo . !l. I Ueiiiorlnl w nice will Ih. hold at Kiwm next suiidny at I p. 111. fJUtn AKlien l.ewln underwent mi CpeMlon III Hull Uiko Jontcrdny for iminl trnuhle. j Mklu ntnet In front of John Itoh. 1 111 n han hoeli put In IIiih nliape llVnl wiek hy "treet Sllpen lir Alltnod The' Krnvel taken from l!ifi, W. M. Cu.. property mid I'll LEn tlu ntn 1 1 lum now made one of toe lient graded piece of ntreel ill lll(lty. Tn lolnt lenrhem' luntltiile hi Id ntfl iirk ( Ity lnl I'rlilny mid Sntur WUC lie hent oerlield III the county. Allwiltwnleacln rnfrnlll Ihlncountl niiitjminy from Wamtch, were In attijilnnec 'I he proKrmn tin print fd IJ" w. ikn airn wan cnrrlod out lllilfilpt. llojileii fcelii well repaid for M 1 florin. An Innlltiilo Incliiil Ini; Wnnntch. MurKiiu ami Sunnnll muni Ion nmy lie reality next nprlni?. 4HMMVlVlVlkUl-4lMSlllllMMllV.lnlU44--'-lMVlVlVl4 U--44UU,il4l44Vliail44Ale'i4ktkikVliVltaVlVlnI4 ; I tf ivst naational Banfo 1 1 We are ,ocal aBenlsj lhe3?ti 1 I (Kutnlillnlieit Mny loth, imn.) , &, y t prl-'-' ...-w-Y-WJ-vj'Tll """1" n ,--. .cw,fn,.525o--- ---t j Laundry I i Wc pay 4 per cent interest on Time S r c 1. 1 1 . Deposits. Wc solicit your twtronagc. S g ot 5aU Lak& ; j J Will Gather and Deliver Once a Week j K JAMISPINOUCE, P-MIONtT ALFRED DLONOUIBT Viei Put Walt IOf Ul, ' & ADAM PATTERSON Vict Pull rRANK PINOREE OlHiIK T J' ' i f 5j BULLOCK BROTHERS fer.lllKKKr,'r,l',,l'lll '"'.'.''.'"."-.'.'..''..'.-''. ? , Big Sale in Hats J Next Week... ' I B Great Reduction I For Cash, Clearing House -mk Script or Checks. j H Street and School Hats at your own fl price-must go to make room for Holi- M clay . goods. H Remember- still have a good line of ' H Ladies' and Children's Coats. Also IH a New Line of Waists and Shirts. jrfl Margaret R. Salmon. I How Much, I Please? "' I I irWanl a choice cul of prime roast beef or t. k l want or a nice, delicious steak? 'ilara, fl sausage, bacon, or chops, may be your .; I preference. Whatever it is, we have it j and al right prices. I I fl f Calderwood Bros. Meat Company I 4jf W I '. f i he Fast Week it ff , Are You I " I ' We Have Received if (Mj Re&d t I ijk 4 fiy f rirm7T 1. ifi withstand ihc stretch of cold & AV a 1 : l- (mil in (& wSslu h&l I weather thai is coming? i. , W A big line ol alanlids and Quills W "W M b Our winter line of Silk Shawls and Fascinators. . J,r i If you aren't, let us be the "provid- h n , . 1 r a j us 77.7; ci EmmtwxL-' ers" we can supply you with gar- Our winter slock of Mens, IVomens and Chddrens Shoes Mw menls thal wil1 p you comfort- I The largest slock of Mens Black Suits ever shown here m" i a'e ln ie coesl k'n" f weather. Our winter line of Hals, Gloves and Underwear. ' Mgj ' j Garments thai are all ihe latest I jsxm styles, nobbiest patterns, perfeel fit- I 11 TT ir 7r m I WtM i $ l lln8' workmanship unexcelled, and H Lall and nt yourselr and lamily up with ''rtf" ' priced "just righi." D II I our renowned (Ball Band) Arties JTO , Call and see for yourself. a 1 and Sandals I V ,:EZM Ranging in price from $10 to $30. t I w srr:.c.T:v:v - . Sl 1 il Coalville v.o-op Coalville lo-op I VK'2ii&4Sitii&&&&& i&&&&&gi&4Li:4i S......-i &&&&&&&&L:iiBk H v? ;5T:?:'?:- t::::::: ??c?:??rJ: fli H