OCR Interpretation

The Coalville times. [volume] (Coalville, Utah) 1894-1923, November 29, 1907, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058217/1907-11-29/ed-1/seq-7/

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I "Women as Will as men Are Made
miserable by Kidney and
Bladder Trouble.
J Kidncv ttoul le preys np.m the tnlml,
t ditcuutKcniliciKiinibttioii, beautv,
, rwi.i MKr iul cheerful.
t 1 "PJ lies suon disappear
i Tmt'7y,1T when the ludueysare
JlHmr 'S'l oul ' or,'r or "
flfiSSivHj-r1 Ktdnet trouble 1km
AfJyL 11 V 'c,m,e " prevalent
VliA JlWi "'"l '' ' not BWMIII-
I iNSB'P1! 1,m" ' olnia to be
HJj Urtflfe: """ niictru Mtii
-ISar"" xenlc kl Inrvs If the
cliildiiniiati'stonofii n if the urine senilis
the flrh or if vt lieu the child rem ho an
(t hen it Iumi1i lie a le to cutitrul the
pawiirc it i vet flhi teil with bed wet
tWK l-jn I uipon it llircnuwof tlieilirFi
cu tv l ki Iiipv trouble, ami the firil
tep should 1m towards the treatment of
there iniportaiitorit ms ThU unpleasant
trouMe I due to a diseased condition of
the ki lnes ninl hliddcr anil not to a
habit a must people suppose
V omen a wril a men are made micr
able with knlnrv ami hhi Mer trouble,
anil both neeil the Mine ureal remedt
The mi I1 ami the itumciiiale iflrct of
Swnmp-Rnot is vnirealired ltiaaold
by ilriinit In lift- fVTi
cent ami our ''ol'"r t1jKrV&
have a sample tattle --j32s5
bv -mail free aliHt a of bsib-iu.
pamphlet telling all about SwatnvRoot,
IticludiiifT ninin of the thousands of testl
inoniitl letter received from sufferers
cured lit writing J Kilmer &. Co,
ninxhamloti, N lie mite ami mention
(hit paper Don t make am mistake,
but reiiiemlier the name rmnniji-Koot,
H I)r Kilmer a rwni-Koot, anil the mi
ll lreM, HiKKhaiiilou, X ., ou every
1 it tie
I Comedian Made Humor of What Was
M Approaching Tragedy,
M "Willie1" Collier, thn comedian, w
D on Irrepressible member of a barn-
M etormlnK combination which, kiiiio
I ton rar am, illil the "tank" town
I of thu mhlillo west
The compnny hail lcen ilolnc a poor
H business for aeveral weeks when a
I certain town In Illinois waa reached
fl Juit befnro tha curtain went up that
H night. Collier waa standing; at tho cup
1 tain "perii-holc," sizing up tho audi
H cnen,
'How's the house, Willie?' naked
fl onolhcr player
D "Well," nnswered Collier, "thoro are
Q fomo out there Hut," he milled. lm-
8 proMltcly, "wu'ra still In tlio ran-
fl jorlty, ohl boy, still In tha imjorlty!"
H Harper's Weekly,
B Nut Crowing Induitry of the South.
I 'Nut grow Inc. li n comparatively
I now Imluttry In tho south Atlantlo
B ami Oulf states, but It promlaca to do
ll vclcp Into one. of tho most Important
In that tecttnn," said J 7. Held, a
C. iro.roui plantar of.PloiliJa-w "Tho
.inoaLlUiVular.nuL.la tho pocan, and Ita
I "" popularity l probably duo to tho dc
n Tclnpmcnt of systematic mcthoda of
eroding It and cruckluR It with ma
I chlncry operated by steam or electric
E power. This makes poialblo tho mar.
H kellnR of tho moats of tho nut ready
I for use
H "Tho demand Is nlwn much (treat-
fl cr than tho supply and many planters
nro now turnlnR their attention to tho
n nut ralslnR Induitry It Is not un
fl common for a treu to bonr ns hlsh ns
I 200 pounds of nuts In ona Beaton and
I most of theso sell at from CO to 70
cents a ound It does not require
H much flRurluR to shnw that tha pocan
orchards which nbound In sumo sec
ID tlons aro paying Investments"
M His Car to the Ground.
H "IX) )uu expect !eoplo to bellcvo nil
I that you tell them?' ' That la not tho
R Idea," answered tho saitaclnus cam
H palgncr "Tho way to win tho hearts
S of tho icopla Is to tell them what
ffl Ihoy nlrendy billovo."
1 One of ihe
I Essentials
J o( tho happy homes u to-ihy U a at
H fund of infurmutlnn an to tho bt mrtlioiU
H ot pnimutlns hrullh an 1 liapplnoM and
H right Hung and knowledge of tho world'
H bent proilncU
H Product) of actual excellence and
H reawnabla clairni truthfully preentU
PJj and which lito attaineil to worldwide
BJj acceptance through tho npprmul uf the
Well-Informed of tho World, not of hull-
H IJiliI only, but of the many who liavo
H the happy faculty of (electing and obtain-
H Ing the best tho wotld affordi
H Ono ot tho products of that claw, of
HB known component art, nn I.thical
H remedy, appro ed by phyilciam and coin-
H mended by tho Well Informed of tho
pJJ World ai a aluable and w holesomo family
BB laxathc li the well known Syrup of Tigs
PJE and Hlixir of Senna To get ita beneficial
H effects olnays buy the genuine, manu-
PJJ factured by the California I ig Sirup Co ,
PJJ only, and for nolo by alt leading druggiiU.
H dJAX pommel
pjl ' lZXsL 322
, V Thlitrodsmark
iH ( n ondthewonl
bssB lWafl V L lOWERonthe
bssH Si n.C ' fi VA buttons distln-
ssH Cv -I i ) olh hU nl9h
bbssh W V if II ) 'grade slicker from
I ' M thejust at good
PJJJJJ jijw-jj.jlj5v-.yf... trar"1
Tc Trnnn-Mlatlaslppl congrew will
meet In Ban Kmnelaen neat year
Hpeiiher Joseph Cannon wns In n
rnllrOHd wreck at lllsrparck, Ills, last
week but waped Injury
rresldent Castro of Venetueln Is
again In III health nt I Teques, nnd
In cunflned much of the time to his
The Switchmen s union has with
diBwn the demand on tha western
railroads for an Increase of wages
amounting to six cents an hour
Two men were killed and a bulMlnit
blown to atoms when nn explonlon
occurred it the IS I thimors Powder
compttny's plant near l'luole, Cat
Miss Unitm Williams, n mitiK ne
gress, hits ronfesseil that she threw
hi r 2 month" old hide from n Hnntn
Fo train two miles west uf Cueamunga,
The strike nt the Kt lxiuls shoo
workers has been oRlrlally called off
b) tho Joint execulhe bonrd uf the
tndepcnilen Hoot and tihoe Workira
Kuniliio conditions nre threatening
(he Vestirnorrland nnd Veeterbatten
districts of lipland when deluging
rains hn'e had disastrous i fleets un
tho trops
Homer 8 King, president of tho
Clearing House association of Bin
Francisco, rays thul the local financial
situation Is gradually returning to a
healthy condition
Uotirnor (leorgo I HhiMon of Ne
braska declnrea that he wilt use all of
his Inlluince toward securing the lte
pitbllcan national conietitlon for Kan
sas City uext ear
Tho Twelfth Ward bank, of Now
York, one uf the Institution which
suspended pigment during tho ontly
days of thn flnnnclnl crisis, hns r
opined for business
Fhe men wire killed, one fatally
Injured and a number seriously In
Jured by thn explosion of it bollir In
a pinning mill nt tho John U Hopir
lumber mils, Uelrncrlou, Va
llro children wero cremated nnd
their parents nnd two other women
were seriously burned when tho homo
of Thomas W ?uer. near Pleasant
vlllo, Pa, was destrojed by fire
Itussla wiped out the balance of her
Indebtedness to Japan, arising from
the war, last week, tho Hussion em
bassy handing our to the embassy
of Japan a cluck for 2U0:,300
Chancellor Stout has rcndired a de
cision revoking the license of tho
Standard Oil compnu) to do business
In Tinnesnee Illegal discrimination
was allegtd against thn company
Thn Alabama legislature has passed
a bill to prohibit the snlo or giving
away or possession ot liquors In clubs
It prohibits exactly whnt tho tleorgln
law-Kllowa. 'I ho act will become uf
fcctlvo Jan. 1, 1909
Worry over tho financial situation
caused Oscar Nelnoa, a wealthy busi
ness man ot Itockford, Ills to commit
sulcldo by Inhaling Illuminating gas
Ho was formerly n prominent furni
ture manufacturer at Dulutu.
Walter Woltman, leader of tho Chi
cago llecord Herald polar expedition,
who la returning from bis first attempt
to reach tha north pole by balloon, ar
rived In Now 'iork last week from
Cherbourg on the steamer Majestic
The court ot appeals has decided
that tho net passed at tho last sosslon
of tho Nun York legislature proildlng
for n recount of tho totes cast at thu
mayoralty election In New York City,
In November, 1905, Is unconstllu
Over 1,000 delegates wcro present
at Muskogee, Oklahoma, on tha 19th,
when David It Francis, former gov
ernor uf Missouri, eullid tho eigh
teenth nnual mietlng of tha Trans
Mississippi Commercial congress, to
'I'reo loio will bo the ulllmato
fate of tho United States, If tho pros
i nt system of divorce is continued "
This was thu prophecy olcul boforo
the Twentieth Century club In Chicago
last weik by Mrs Margaret Deland ot
llefoiv leaving Windsor cnstlo for
Hlghelirf castle, Kaiser Wllhelm, It Is
slated, left mi less n sum than 110,000
to be divided as tips among tha sor
auts nt thu castle On his previous
tllp to Windsor, In 1898, It was said
.'.600 was left
A dispatch rccelted from 8antlago,
Chill, says Hint tho Ilrltlsh steamer
Hazel Ilranch, bound to Kngland from
Antofognsta, with re full cargo, has
been totally wrecked In tho straits of
Magellan Nothing was said regard
Ing the fata of tho crow
Montague Now ton and Joseph D
Fisher, tho two Americana who wore
convicted In Ionilon, charged with
conspiracy t'i client mid defraud, havo
hei n sentenced to twenty months' Im
prlsonmcnt at hard labor and to ono
mouths' Imprisonment respectively
' In consi)uence of thu cancellation
of large orders for cigars from Now
ork Chicago nnd other cites, to
sillier with tho shortage ot the Cuban
tobacco crop, ovei 1 000 clgarmnkers
weru laid off last week by Mimu of
tho large cigar factories ot Tampa,
I In
In full view nt 300 workmen nt thu
American Car company plant, Krnsst
Ilraslel, u discharged employee, shot
Foreman William Rchrauak t'J death
at St I.mils, and then, with tits buolc
iiKntnst n wall and his revolver level
d defied arrest until he was onr
pow orud
Mrs William T Hedges killed Iwr
self and her two suns, William ed
eleven, and Duller T , aged six, by as
phyxiation, nt her home In Newton
vllle, Mass , some time during the
night All the cracks In the doors and
windows had been plugged and the
gas was turned on
How Young Lawyer Carried Comfort
to Convicted Client
An amusing story Is told by Har
pers Weekly at the expense of a
prominent llaltlmore lawyer who, like
most yoiiiig attorneys got his first
enso by assignment from the bench
Ills client had been Indicted for mur
der, and his conlctton was n fore
gone conclusion ns his guilt was un
questionable The result of thn trial waa n sen
tenco tn lie hanged, but the man
rondo an appeal to the governor for n
pardon and was anxiously awaiting n
rely thereto when his lawyer visited
him In his celt
' I got good news for jou very
good news' the joung law)er sold,
grasping the tnnn'R hand
"IHd Ihe govirnor Is It n pardon?'
the inun exclaimed Jojnualy
"Well no The fact Is the governor
refuse to Interfere Hut an undo of
jours has died mid left you fiOO, and
jou will lta the satisfaction of know
ing that jour lawyer got paid, you
know," was thu comforting explanation.
Face and Neck Covered with Inflamed
Skin Doctora No Avail Cured
by Cutlcura Remedies,
"My lbj 'a fare and neck w ere cov
ered with Itching skin similar to ecze
ma, and alio suffered terribly for over
njesr I took hi r to a number of doc
tors, nnd also to different colleges, to
nn mull Then Cullcura llemedlcs
were n-commiiided to live by Mis 0 .
I did not use It nt first, ns I had tried
so many other rimedles without any
favorable results At last I tried Cutl
cum Soap Cullcitm Ointment and
Cutlcura Ilesnliint Pills, and to my
surprise noticed an liuprottment.
After using thiee lines of the Cutl
cura Ointment, together with the Soap
nnd Pills, I am pleased to say sho Is
altogether a different child and tho
picture of henltth Mrs A. C Urestlln,
171 N. Lincoln Be, Chicago, III., OcL
10 and 30, 1906."
Personal Experience Counted In Her
Indorsement of Ntw Pastor.
A Philadelphia congregation was
railed upon not long ago to choose a
pastor Tho last threo minister had
been persona non grata with most ot
tho parishioners, nnd beforo selecting
another tho congregation did somo
pretty hard thinking. There was one
woman of oxpcrlcnco whoso olco car
ried particular wtlght. Preacher after
preacher was Invited to tha pulpit fur1
a trial sermon, nnd nil. In tha final
analysis, wore rejected by tho famalo
arbiter. At last thcro catna along a
possible Incumbent who met with her
'Tha reason 1 am sura ho will gtvo
satisfaction," sho said, ' Is because, ha
has tha right kind of a wlfo for a
minister Sho ntlows him to rant
around all he wants at homo and
doesn t ease back 1 found out a long
whllo ago shortly after I was mar
ried myself, In fact that n man who
hasn't that privilege nt homo works
oft his spleen elsowhere, A minister
vents It on his congregation That
was why wo couldn't stand tho last
preacher This ono will bo all right.
We won't hear a peep out of him"
And upon that unlqua recommenda
tion tho cnngregntlon really did glvo
tha man n call According to last ac
counts both he and tho congregation
wero doing welt Tha wlfo has not
been heard from, "
Ingenious, Out Unavailing.
Wilton, tho flvo-) curold son of
I.nclinye, the actor, has Inherited tho
brilliant mind for which his father Is
distln gulshul
Not long ago Mr and Mrs Lnckayo I
who spent (ho summer nt Shelter
Island Heights, wuru Invited to nttind
n card party and tho joung son was
anxious to accompany them
His mother Insisted that ho should
remain, nt homo with Mary, his gov
erness, but Wilton persisted nnd ns n
final argument ho said
"Mamrim, I think Mary Is n Chris
tlan Scientist, nnd I might be taken
sick In the night"
Tho argument was not effecthc.
The Woman Feared?
What a comfort to find It la not "tho
nwful thing' feared, but only chronic
Indlgeatlon, which propir food can re
Hove A woman In Ohio says'
I was troubled for jenrs with Indl
gestton nnd chronic constipation At
times I would have such a gnawing
In my stomach that I actually fearcJ
I had a I dislike to write or avon :
think of whnt 1 feared !
"Seeing nn account of Ornpe Nuts
I decided to try It After a short tlmo
I was satisfied the trouble, was not
the awful thing I feared but was still '
bad enough However I was relieved
of a bad case of dyspepsia by chant,
Ing from Improper food to (IrnpoA'ulK
'Since that time my bowels havo I
been as regular as n clock I line also
noticed before I began to eat Grape i
Nuts that I was becoming forgetful of
where I put little things nbout tho
house which was ery annoying I
' Hut since the dlgeatlvo organs have
became strong from eating Grape- I
Nuts, my memory la good and my i
mind as clear as when I was young
and I am thankful" Namo given by
Postum Co llattlo Creek, Mich Head
the llttlo booklet, ' Tho Itoad to Well
rllle," In packages "There a reason "
Yun m core No Grudge Against
h posed Father In Law,
Tbttt young fellow had grit was
evident m the fact that his bust
neu.lv nothing had In a tew )eara i
IjtpmS ring In a fairish Income Ho .
ijjJt' I) Is tnlnd to get married Tho I
giil-tj ugh thu daughter of n
peoiI-eS country resident acircd
with Mi hut the father did not see
thiol" b the same light
W ktt nil ' he yelled anirrll)
"You nt to marry my daughter!
WW It only a fi years alneo you
wet ellng for me"
Tbaft true' Interrupted the young
man, 'lit l dnnt Intend to let that
atasd Is the way The language you
then We! was certainly a trifle aay
Wae-tlsti I but then oti were under
the In nee of disappointment Afti r
alb 1 St t. now, a rerj laid golfer may
rftttctwy good father In law Any
dow. fn ruing to give you u chance."
One of Many '
An Atchison woman started nut to
buy her fall bat llrst she Waited
the opening and looked and looked
Then lie took a friend and went
around t the millinery stores and '
"tried en asntn, sajlng, of course,
thst her hair looked perfectl) ter-.
rlfcla.' Then she went home and'
tlioucht and thought and finally, '
went btik to the store and 'tried
on" oe more and thought, nnd
thought ami then boiinlit a bat which
Is so itntisqua and hideous thnt her
rdstlrw and frhnda blush with
shams tii rj lime thoy see her wear
It, an! stranger stare at her, wonder
Ing wist kind of courage It lake In
wear ich a looking hat Hut sho
did tin best she could Atchison
(Kan ) Olobe.
,'t jn Workers of Great Drltiln.
n nt Great llrltalu nre well rep
roienttd In the professions nnd trades
and noent 4 500000 earn their own
living Theie are 121000 who teach
10000 us bookkeepers, oier 3 000 are
printers and nearly 600 act ns editors
and conpllers, 1,300 nre ingaged In i
pliotoirriphy civil service clerks num-1
ber newly J 100, 3 SOO are engaged In '
medical work and nursing nnd 310
women aro blacksmiths ,
Dcwnreot Ointment for Cntarrh
that Contain Mercury,
M mtretiu' It mrvlf dMlrvy lb $ta m ot tmttl
M4 tenp.Tir Strum lb !, is itlw lirn
tnurtnf r ISrongb lbs ntncvut mr,4. Sura
srlkkt isicM stiff r Imi UMd fieri I , b rT o
u(anr-iiLi rt.iii-iMi ib dm uf
vlllStlitei Iwd tots rm.1 tim ctn p-MUitr d
P.Turrvtsttan lUllsesurrSi UN n muImiiui,4
f rJ (Vsrco. Twi4d o vusuiRff tn, uir
arr,n4S tth.n tilerst If setts directly ?
1st tw4 ulffumi, tarlM t.f lbs tn 1b
bujll llel lilwrti Cwrs b ir timi ri ILs
P'ofjlcf II lilabalUrbsilrkitriii-ItlBTiltila,
blibjr J Ibtwrftlo. TMIiaCblaM IIM.
LSIIfPniSiiUl. I rl, TSe br brills.
las rural sniir i nu rr cjU.atieo.
.Had to Havo Her Tobacco.
Ojvif the Inmates of Towcester
workhouse, a woman aged St years,
hai applied to tho board of guardians
form allowance of tobacco Sho said
shibaj smoked 71 jears and missed
her pipe so much since entering tho
home sho could not digest her food
Thl board decided to comply with her
reqoMl London Olobo.
Important to Mothora.
Enmlim carefully every bottle of
t'ASTOIHA a safe and sure, remedy tor
lnfuta and children, and see that It
In Use For Over HO Years.
TBI Kind You Havo Always lloughL
Better Than Gifts of Fortune.
The gifts of fortuno nro often taken
away as speedily ns they came, but
slrcnrtli of tnlnd nnd personal nobility
aro pMSessloni which survlva the ex
ternal circumstances of llfo nnd lift
It Idu) grander pianos Ilallburton.
. 1TTS. St Vitus Dance an 1 all Nervous
Diatom permanently euied y l)r Mine
(IreataVcrvo Kestorer bend ji.r riee KIOO
trul tottle and treatise llr It II Kline,
IA , HI Areh 8t , l'luUdilpbU, l'a
The thrifty housewlfo never attains
lerfcctloD, for sha Is aluajs minding
m a Tff..l,,,l"v'' euredby I
CARTER., 'I-"-ti.tio im..
riirPl I a. nil -Hearty
ft! IVER f " lrl ,r"
PILLS. " lr-i "I J
tPliW I , ,,,,, 1 1 pn.
Tiier n tliu a . n. i , ru rnatis. '
nin-rnr? ! Genuine Must Bear
JM, , Fao-SlmlloSignaluro
jfe. !
ColM mo rtJM4i brighter and hilar colon thou li i
anj auaiiaiUiit iipouig spaiU Wnls 191 bss teol
Overwhelming Proof that Lydia E. Pinkham's Bml
Vegetable Compound Succueds. Spll
One of Ihe greatest Irlumphs of
I.mIIr K rinkbams 'egetablo Com
pound Is the conquering of woman
dread enemy Tumor
Tha growth of a turner I so In
tlllnim that frequently It presenm
Is wholly unsuspected until It 1 will
Ho called "wandering pains' may
come from It early stage or the
prisenre of danger may be made
manifest by eacesalve monthly erl
ihIs areompnnleil by unusual ln from
the abdomen through the groin and
It you hare mysterious tns, If
then nre Indications of Inflammation
or displacements, secure a bottle of
l.ydht E ltnkhama Vegetable Coin
IKHiiid. made from native niut and
herbs right away anil bnsrln Ita use
The fnllowlni letter should eon
tinea every Buffering woman ot It
lrtue, and that It actually does
conquer tumors
Mrs May 1'rj nt gig W Oolfax
Ave, South lUnil. Ind, writes'
Dear Mr. I'lnkham
'I take great pleasure. In writ
Ing tn thank )nu for what I.ydlu K
rink ham egetahle Compound haa
done for me I also took the IIIinhI
Purifier tu alternalo doaea with the
Compound our nmllelne removed n
cyal tumor of four year' growth
which three nf the beat physicians
declared 1 had The, had said that
only an otierallnn could help me I am
ver thankful that I followed a friend a
advice and took your medicine It haa
made me a strong nnd well woman
nnd I shall recommend It as long as
1 live"
Mrs I" Y Haye of 2fi Ituggle 8L,
Iloston, Mass, write
1 have lioen under different doctors' fl '
treatment for a long time without SLA1
relief They told me I had a fibroid BwV
tumor, my abdomen was swollen nnd UK! if
I suffered with ureal pain I wrote UV&
to jou for advlri, yon replied and 1 Evf
followed your dlrecllona larefully and iHwi
to-dsy I am a well woman I .yd In H. )H?
llnkham Vegetable C'omtxrund m IsMtVl
lulled the tumor and strengthened my MK
whole ayatem ' W6K
Mr 8 J llatber, ot BcotL N Y, Hf"
w rite W!a
Dear Mr lMnkham iEvi
"teinellme ago 1 wrote yen for saaaaB
aihlee about a tumor which tho doc- aH
tor thought would havo to be removed ntaaaH
Instead I took l.ydln H. I'lnkham ll
Vi Retard Compound and to-day am a naaaH
well won an saHE
Mr M M Punk, VandergTlft, Pa, lsB
writes Hi
Hear Mr llnkham H
'I had a tumor and I.ydla IL Dnk rstaH
ham's egetahle Compnuiid ramoved IbbbbbbI
It for me after two doetor bad given !H
me up was sick four year before I IH
liegan (o take tho Oitnpound I now raBBBaai
reeiimniond l.ydln II I'lnkham' Vegrt IH
able Compound far and near " IH
8ik.1i teatlmony a obnvo Is ron
tlnclng evidence that l.ydln K. IMnk gH
ham a Vegetable Comiund stands H
without n er as n remeily for Tumor H
Growths well a other distressing H
Ills of women, ami such symptoms n H
Mcsrlngilinwi Hensnllmis, Dlsplice- H
ments Irregtilarltle and llnckarhe, H
etc Women should remember that It H
I Iodh K llnkham's Vegetable. Com M
laiund that Is curing so many women H
llnn'l forget to Insist upon It when H
some druggist asks Jim to accept H
something else which ho calls Just H
as good " H
npAnpoQ ot thi pseor JlS-ft.?"!! .Tn '.Tir'nf fiib'caT.'t !"J: "i; iH
ItLyjilllUa .MllolMfSr, li l"f. rt r i." .-.irilTlSf h!IV3S gH
lhngsJrailialin I ir.-i A I h t.i.Vri.r atrup riibn bVsih
columns shmM Inuu Ul-jn U,m " '",W V.'.V ,,,,,- f1 ' u aBBBBai
HA srusis.MMmt " - '--!,,,k ""' l' . H
MPay High Pilcei for Toilet Articles H
hfn j a rn hwkatlwm toflrMir with
ftrtn)U im Ihfi b.l htMtn Ut itrlfDe mn ll tH
jBasMWfrpf,,""'j,,r' j ll i"i j. t"'" J hi isiUMhaanttlilntf imi to In lhtltn,
1 r" ' " T ir I lllloil.t.l;e.a.iBllollr,r.llala.nloasrHla- gtH
111 m ton rul .n.lUniilr.nfh MHIMUL LaA.1 IVbH
Ills, Colo. lul.f.ocelsrbvDauHaiioiunia.iX H
WN. U, Salt Lake City, No74b7i07. H
s2&? You save money . - -c-. S .H
and avoid failures in yourtw M
M baking if you use H
'"ifi S3 Ounces for 23 Cents K H
Ami-MVL ? Hcre ,3 truc economy. You cannot MK
f-5l.l " cycry "nw or ave your p n
Mot food dainty, tasty and whole- K M
ilijpT somc ,f you W ls or Jj
fejgPl accept a substitute
aTff3"!! Capsicum-Vaseline. "i
A subsdluta (or and juprlor to mustard or sny other plaster, snd will not HI
tllstsr Ilia most dellLSte smn Thepsln-allsylng and curative quilllkt of the H9
artlcla sro wonderful It will s op tho toothache at once snd relievo Head- fM
ach and Sciatica We recommend It as the best snd ssfsteaternlcountr. HI
Irritant known a so as an eiternal remedy for pains In tho chest snd stomach HI
snd all Rhsumallo, Neuralgic snd Gouty complaint. A trial will prove what Hsi
we i claim for II snd ll wllliw found to Co Invaluable In Ihe household and for Hal
children Once used no family will be without It, Many people say "11 Is QCT
the beat of sll your preparations " Accept no preparation of vssellno unleu BSm
tho same carries our label aa otherwise it la not fenulne, MB
Send your ddr... and w. will mail ou- Vaseline Dooklel desorlblna I Hal
our preparations which will Inl.r.al you sBcM
17 siai. si. CHESCBROUGH MFG. CO. NswYorkcn, 9H
S3.00 &S3.50 SHOES ,5?Jo'i7io Mk Wt
-''' UoLut daom net mmka at moll MIL. WXL gtsm
SawnftI I?"-'' Mm"'t. .j ioasi JmWLKe. ciitiA DM
imoiw (I Ithin miy olhmr miautuQturar. ilHCf'VI DD
if lli .1 w il,rr ,1 i.il ,f il, i".kr" a lalosii' "r RfbMtfJnr
iiljl j uli I ll V I " glua'amnttialaTaS ',, JJf .Ml MM
Nil Nuli.llliiln. .li i I III iWlV iflMlkn III .!r ( rui I Ir T u. att! HI
tUrsot lo hwlurr, HIiom Mill olot Lara kr walL flHJ lis. W-t-DouaUl. IlriKkloo. Mul. jLM

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