ii I W W L mu S t u tK UTAH D P Felt Mgr 1 Hcndlng and local notices flro cents per lino J each Insertion Display advertising rates made known upon application Subscription rates 12 per year J I Legal and Job printing at lowest living rates J I R RAILROAD TIME CARDS The Union Pacific System TUB THROUGH CAR LINK LOCAL TIME CARD In effect Aug 181805 South Hound North Hound Leavo STATIONS ArrUc 7l5am halt Lake City 435pm 741am Sandy 4o5pm BMSam Ichl Junction 330pm s4Sam American Pork 320pm 882 m Pleasant Grovo 313pm 4 855am Provo 2f pra 914am Spanish Fork 232pm 8S2am Iaynon SMTpm 1033um Ncphl 125pl1 ll16am Arrive t I Jual3 i J I Leave 1245pm I ll35nm Leave f 1 Arrive ISiHOpm I05pm Oasis 925am 53m I I Mllr ra T50pm Leave f ° < f Arrive 515am I 040pm Frisco 4OU m Trains south of Juab run dally except Sunday I Through Pullman Palace Sleepers to Chicago without chango Improved Tour Rt Sleepers Free reclining chair cars Ulcgantday coaches The only Hno operating Dining car service THB BHOIHEST AND FASTEST LINK TO ALL POINTS EAST D E nuilLEY Gen Agent Passenger Dept City Ticket Ofllcc 201 Main St Salt Lake City W E LAWSON Agent Spanish Fork S II II CIAHK t OLIVER W MINK K J KUEtlY ANIJKHSON JOHN W DOAN EHEUHICK u CONDERT Iteeel vcrs K L LOMAX lien Pass and Ticket Agent E DICKINSON Gen Mgr Omaha Nebraska i GREAT SALT LAKE ROUTE 1 I Pullman Sleepers and Buffet Cars on nil Through Trains Time Tublo No 21 In effect March 311895 V m S TWcst Hound Stations East Hound Mixed 11ass I I IMssD I Mixed S E D D S U 6110pm Salt Lake ur > rIm 5j pm 020 pm Piovo 8Siam 3K j > m 015nm 033 pm Sprlnuxillo 8Sinm 340 pm 630 nm 0I2pmSpanlBhIork817nni 320 inn 655 um 656 pm Payson 8Kinin 2 F > pm I 015 am 80 pm KurcUa 642am l00pm I lOBSam 820 pm Mammoth Ojffiam 124 pm l ll25am 830pm Sliver City OilOnm 1230pm LY > F A WADLEIGH Gen Pass ana Ticket Agent r D ODOUGH Ocn Wpr S II liAiicocK Traffic Mgr BaIt Lake City K It HUNT Agent Spanish Fork 13 aRO 7V = N 8 r Hack Lin t Meets Mapleto1 and City > Trains ePAld jSlllORK UTAH 7 SUITS w i r THAT or SUIT J 2 Mado byRAL t QS WM JOHNSON I J1 b 1 5i FOE 1 MONUM NTS l Go to TT l M Mickelson Mfgr J M STULL JaM Kttorncy at Law Two doors south Ir Rorkhlll Hotel ii t SPANISH FORK i UTAH j mO CHEER MONEY D ON IMPROVKD FARMS AT UEASONABL1C RATES 1 SPANISH FORK UTAU i J a J9 COCHRAK l Attorney at Law rANTi UTAH i W DWARD 1VOO1Y8 HACK LINE Meets all trains LEAVE ORDERS AT THE BOYACK IlOOSlE 4 1 + Veterinary Surgeon 1 WILL M AL ANnuLS LEfT Hi MY CARK PROPERLY A1TENDED TO l Edwartl Woods Manager j I LOCAL IUIEVITIES II I A 13 Rockhlll ot this oity tins I opened a miluon ut Lcln A number of new nJrorllionients appear In tltla Issue lliuul cm Tho fall in tomniTiituro the last fow days hits liocn coDhltlcrulilu and frost Is prcdlocd A grand inasqiicrad1 ball will bit Riven at the pavlllton on next Filday ovenliiK b > y the Sirtnlah liork bind IVto Hanson weckcd ono of Will bovackrt cairtiiKiS whllu voiUlngoil an execs snlrisMnnniiy t1j ovcnnia Lust Monda evening n party of young people drove down fj David Hughes place In Morinonvillr where they held onial Hrv Leo was snfferiiDi durlnp tlif > list of the work from a bruised knee received by his horse falllnu upon him while out for a r dc Siventytlirte couples attended the dance given by thn choir at tllo ptlll Ion last Friday evening The net rcoeiptH were over tl7 A llupubllcui prlmiuy I will bu hold In the pavllllon on Monday evening Sub 23rJ to select 23 delegates to tin county convention at Provo Oct 1 Messrs F J Cannon C E Allen IL M Voils and Jai Clilpnian arc ex pected tobo at the navlllion on Out 8tb at 8 p 1110 They will he ac oinpan led by the Pioyo Gco oath Ooo O Robertson had the second llnjjrr of ills right hand ainputalcd last week by D Wlincr The opus tlou was mado nccMsary by a t slight llosb wound received early In the season not beallng properly The effort of any newspippr to build up u town Is I prictically nullified un less it Is bal krd no by the s mell If n stiaunr turns from the ntW3 10111110 of n pauer to its advci Iblo pages and if he fall to find there Ian > advertisement or business ciid 1 lie naturally calves to the con oiuhion that there is either noiliiii to the town or that the publisher ii not apppciated Mrs M r J lYlford of Orind Junction lectured on ten pcrcnco inclW C T U woilc I at tne pavilion last Munda evening She was netnmpanlrd by MIJ Minernf Salt Lake the president of the order in Utah Mis Toifoidis a good speaker and made a number of tolling poInt in her lecture tjhfl out lined it length the nature of tbe work of the Unions and gave testi mony of the results in many paces Slip was greeted by a fair audience After the lecture a Womans Christian Temperance Union WU > UIIMnixed with the following nllleprn President Mrs Carol lilt Pace tat Vloeprusldnnt Mm Jnnc Finch 2nd Vice presilent MM Dr Wai in r Secretary Airs Lee Treastnor sibs Thaxton The Union holds Its first meeting Oct lid Read tho Ad Rend the ad hoatlecl 1 Free Course hy Mail by the Capital Mty CoujmiTCinl I collfgb1 It 1 IB n fiue I tIer Apply for it PURELY PERSONAL John Mirgin wields thin Lirclint Cedar Fort Hun Abel 1 J Evans of Lebl was in town yesterday John Tliorjielrfon returned from Montana Friday Samuel Corn ilby made u 1 ImslnibS trip to Eureka jcstcrday Ldltcr Felt fif Spiingvile was in town scvcrul days tills wtok AlfroJRocj dlros tho studies tho rising cncrition at Clear Cieek I Frank Snow of the Coiiboldatcd Implement compIII of Salt Lake was 1 In ton on business i several diys tin week Miss Lucy Thomas Is teadilnu at Clinton instead of at Clear Oreo as stated in TIIK HJSRAT last week Gco M lloyack and M MiukeUon have been called to tlif Jan pcin mission and will start er sly in No vember Messrs Brl ham and Parley Darner and John Chrlstlauson have KOIIO to 11Ue county to look after the Inter ests of the Deseret God Minn I Milling company Democrat OCualy Oonvcntion For i tho alicvo ocnt ut Pa > son tfipt 18 the Union Pacific will make a rate ofono fare for tho round trip i sulllng date Sept 28 Good returning Sept 2 < J LEGAL IIATTEB3 Tho hearing of Alex Hadqiht was completed lust Friday morning bfore Justice Booth In Provo and the brandy sent to John henry at Sprlngvllle cost hIm el80 A ttay of execution was granted for ton days Justice n oth III passing judgment on taw CUSP stated that It way doubtful whether thu gale of liquor wltliOit a IkeiiBH could be stonptd without luiprlsonuiout but In this case he wOilil Impose only the Hue 11111 if tliu same was not paid defendant would bo committed to jail foi ISO dais with hard labor Republican Oouaty Oonlent ion for the aboVo oVont at Provo Oct 1st 1 the Union Pwill i will make n rutu III ono hiro for thn round trip yuUIn data Oct lbtl hood returning Oct 2 1 = = = I FLASH r The youn people here ne gbint theIr atLentl1I tithe lieely i 0 5aletnR excellent t wiUrtnoon crop 4 This settloulonL was the recipient flf a nlen warm wet rain Wednesday This was so much of n sui pn e to ulllC people that they stayed out in It City Recpulcr Ilnnbea went 10 Salt I Lake Monday on private I detective woik Mr irn u ghes modestj ptevonli his mentioning the result of his Inborn but it Is I hinted that Fturllluvr level opmiiit are not likely to develop nr Fcvural weeks to come It is understood that the visit of the Hon Abel J Evans clial 1 nun of tho Democratic Count Central cummlUee to tills city festal dy hud no politlcil RiRnlflennee lie was in que t of sus lenaneo for the Provo Dispatch but n dlshciirtunliiuly In rgo number of the nritcirltled didnt nppnnr to care wliother Unit t sheet lived or not Sumo young hoodlum evidently tot nay at the expense of n window In the IIiruu ollleo Tucnlay evening A tiPie for prat ticil I joking Js i po 5 8irt lv weary crcl one uiid ij I gennil liurincss but Hioso III vrhoin it is a m ana for smashing whdows are fIt candidates for the i 1OIm kdonl De cheap guy vot 11 trow rocks in Shu Trees tHey Is property bmjhnnse an 11 1 gat de biooniln mug shoved often him In de nex1 act Smisliin winders is i a buck nunlher work nn It dont go foe j Mrs Soron ons olaa In luwleno and and physical culture bold their annual meeting at the I meeting homo Thurs diy nfcrnoon and then ndjouincd to the Uellef Society hall for lunch A dele a tlon of young Lid lea waited upon tile editor anrl kindly Invited him lo lucnh Now we arc a very 1 bashful yntlnh man and when tu t fair ores appeared we promptly gut rattled and In our confusion dcrltncd We are very terry I we could not partake and Hope the ladls will mice t tin apology Em tots rarely deehne invl tatlon to hIT < II and if the I Invitation should he kindly extended next year we Iope to have so far conquered our bashfulness as to be iO > to accept the honor Reduced Rites to Denver Colorado Sept W Bud Oct Ut for the annual meeting of tho American 1ub ic 1 N rli CIIL lie ill tia uiuiLiun v b 11 iruiil dates Sept 50 and Oct 1 with final limit of Oct25 Tlclcnts sold by Union Piuhic good to return MI I KG W and connections desired Fare for the round trip g21 NEIGHBORHOOD NOTES Silnmon tho 1 tyearl I rot of Mr find Mr C W Hilms of Springvlll tiled Tlmrhdiy inorninE of list I week of dropsy of till heirt 111 was Jln uu usually bribt boy uu 1 a fuxorlte with hs coinpHiiiunx The fmeIl1 was held at tho lIlt fitmily resldenco Friday at two oclock Mr T C York residing at tlo riiilh once ef J bloet Htl IHJ befero > e t rdoj ul suing n chick a 1 nt till 10111 r of ih house svi IIi a pun d flea ldt K wa ei Htiindlng ou tilt ground Ihilt lire ldy1I 1 hack was turn d n two t > inroil l irraul luiilicr ell Id of her duugher illr fohn Fiz nalJ cmiio out ant Liaoked into tilt nan tipping tho hot hrovpr the little body rrmu tho naval down to tin kiiftf and Maldlng It tutu In front and behind Dr Simmons Wits caIliil who dress c1 the body and hermetically dthe set IiPi portions but the shock utis too gnat I IUd yrsler day the child lent into spasms oLd died Enquiier Mrs Martini plO Jones Thomas of this place illul on That aduy Sep 5h ut the resideico of her duiigher ilia Kniuia Woodhousf The clvcfii eil VMU one of the curly settlers ol Utah and passed I thH ego the privation i Incident to a new ccuntry She move 110 1 L1 I hi in 1111 early they mil has lUui here ever since up to the time tf her doatli She was the mi t tii r of a Ilrgo 1 fnnly and hat a host of friends who oneemid hei very lug lly fur hi I r tuaiy goo I qmiiittus Pin f mil ml services Rae held in the meeting house on Satunny at 10 oclock n 1 m whuro large concourse of leoplu inhered to pay their last rebtiects to the lq1lu led UBhopT II Cutltr presided add tho chOIr furnished this sweet sing iiif Marti a Pane JUeH Thomas horn Feb 23 1808 died Sep l 5 18U rated 87 year 6 mouth 13 days was burn in Simmer CoTennessee and w imuiitd to Daniel Sillwell Thorn in 1820 In 1827 they rnnvrd to Kentucky ilion lt UfWly Bnttted i uirij 1835 she re ef ived the gospel preae led by Wllford I Vo diuff that on Ms OM mis inn he holding the ofllce of priest In 1837 chin and her husb lId moved li Mlshonri at the time of the first per CUtlOIiH and were driven from home Feb 141839 At that time they hud five cl lidren In the spring of 1810 they moved to N IIVOU unit went through Ill the lab rs and per secutions encountered by the Siluts In that place working oil the tenipl at that time lu early spring of 184U they were driven from Nau oo and made tho I Journey from the UsslfMcpl river to tl Inter Quarter w er they rvid until 1811 wurni they I movnl to Suit Lke City lu 1833 liny t moved to Lulu and She continued to nsihi tiers until the time of her death L J I i Unit Obituary At Helper on tho nun oh g of Tuesday Sept 10 1503 Mrs Gv bffiulre a daughter 4t SK Lewis Howe of Scao Held l mill a tilt Co of Mr Owen Iloivo t f l I this city departed this llfu after a brief Illiiesj A husband and three uhililren tuo youngest t or whom lya9 Liil nine days = = = = = = = JT old j IrvlrO 1 ierfbn funeral wa fold In till II city < 1 Thmnaa j of last week M iii cityft alro was well huown here aud 1 ft r rv jirtpulur jonnT OO1nn hrr terUl1 h ts of olnractir winning Crll ePnlit lllklulI her a general fwr HP i Ilh pep pto mnont whom her lot wasen1 U la and that ono BO gently HIK cnrliost t should bo csllul III the Clrjit Doiond nhnoRt at the lieglnnlnu of j n active and useful life among the neollo ot the earth lint thin nUWIse I Mat tier In Ihiiven doth nil things for the bffil and tho IPrf awed husbind n I little or ill I will Qi d comfort In the ooiiBPhtiB nc > i that the la with tho chosen ones ol Go r Ira DulTinrid Malden nntro wa M jry Jallo Howe nnd cite wan horn lu tw lie H 23 years ago I She hail lif f n In An orlea eleven yearc and was married to Mr Ilullintrn about seven years since L younger slser who was absent > > in Co orado was ncablo to reach herein tit n fortlio firtiortK = Tils was yw Jlst tints she had teat ii pHr trd from her fbttr dining a life time of 21 year Utah County Toachort1 Association Tho Unit annual mooting of the Utah County Teachers association was held at Castilla Spring Situiday Sept 14 1805 The following organization was effected Vicepresident W S Ilawllngs Secretary Susie H Swotiton CurrepjndliiR secretary Cora Groes beck berkKxecntlvp committee K Cl rlstpn I aetiifRlthngsfb 1 A Itcs btmI l F 4 I J s Taylor PIJWIU DII 1 Rot Imon ie nil Grove 1V 11 Calder wood Am nun Fork G AY Child Leif j S P KgRertfon PuU CUoiistar A Venue Assistant chnrhter It Kolley Org i tgtPlot Qllos Piot Stewart or the University or Utah pp < ko upon tho subject ot hcuoo room ethics I Intellectuality depend ent upon morality Ho wished to ills cuss the Kubjict from an ideal I Htand point to nslst llio teacheiR in workln out their idewlv All prpgroH Is the working out of the d I vino in tile being Sympathy and knowledge are the found atlon of rthical knowlHilgo Tho same sliallowm ss as is rxhlblud In politic and society Is found In education De ception in the chief ton towurd Immor alLy This sunnibibs in edhcatloii was particularly exhibited at the last Terrl tonal fair This sawn condition In brought about tlrou a Tulsa Incentive such its IHlcourd lug desire fiirpo ulai itto have tho num s of uupllB pub > 1 llsi > d in nov lEperpetc Virtue brtngs Its own regard The ultduatu effect of every net is I uua olilable fo true charac tor must bo cotiu tit to wait fur the ol I > w lint inevltttble results anti charaei ter thus produced will be able to resist temptation Morality proceeds from sol outwardly Tho child is a buudle selfishness His sympathy extends first to zuomtiersot 11s ovn f mlly his playmates his conntrjinen his fellow man Thus inaugurate tho era of mil vcsal lirotherbood and pao on earth rood will to man Approbnti m sought for as an end becomes a drniurallziug factor instead of a moral agent ClilU ren may ba spoilol by praisj and ay L pi IUSP Apurouam n is uiorii oniy wneu it convinces the child of the harmonious action of Itself with others aud with tlm right Sympathy must bo recipro cal Disapprobation to bi moral must be saturnteil vith sympathy IB inuii Osteii for the express purpose of proJnci ILK reform and especially lu it effective when coupled with liuo approbation Cnstalizul truths ennuel be trans planted from the adult innil to the child mind unless conditions are created to make such pofsiblf Moral comluct 13 tile adjustment of nets to 11 o highest ends and must prcduco uBjmpatuy that cars lea a coiibeinubiiefl ofioifict action Dr Mncor addrvtbPd tin teachers at the ofttruoon Bfcclnn on the Developi inviit of Our Public School Sjbtciu SjctuiiH grmv they art not nuilothpy are the result ot HI VII OJ IUI ns that IIHVH modillcdatil rroiuoted the Bane His I preprly nnderoti > d only lu the light of history The plonctm I entered lu povi erly with n oiire for ndvancf went and Ilttiuiiwli RtrngKlhiK anti Imperfect the first efforts mado wore to receivi educn tioual advancement This was the per iod of heeplup tcheol Out of tliitchtidtlc I condition d veln pfd a school jttfin Ttnuhtra jomnitiiced to uiiiko their mark chief among which may be nuiilionrd Dr John H ark at Draper Front titers professional tooch frs add nthiTH deiived ideas until a normal school or class merRed lulu ex istence hlf which was 1 formed asrhrni law niiilfiwu Unit cimu our t public FChool ajfltfrn which system Is thr I sanctuary of tin public institutions of I Im rouritry This njntein is not iCBting menu olllcldls anti laus hut upon the I olllclency of the tenuiicr The teacher u I tho kepir of the smictunrj tyMii the perform nco of whore duties ppi di the vro rfF8tho huildlnRH apparatus and iippliaiiCs befog ccjulinalf Hence the teacher muvt be n lire tiMclur for living lull lies progress Toeohinfr con sists in the Fci nci1 find lIt i of coitvolnj knowledge and ol forming hubltn And in order to receive the boat resin shc what YOU would have year pupils Lies como Out of the schuolroun a ultloii aii808 lienco the vet petultv of the gipn cnmtnonjiolih depends upon Iho tpnchl r The greatest and ultimate aim of all education Is to make the pupil p rfrct ns the Father is perfect tit d gal steps In education musi Us token lu > low of this aim The schoolroom b < lug a sanctuary PPIBJUD gtievance0 > troubles political t difT renccp deuiiinuiuloiiHl influence or strife in any form must not lio per mlttnl to enter rite God of the unl vase has retftbllslifd the goal to which all are directed The teachers sacred duty IB to lead as Jesus of Nozirpth led the way Jnflrel lufluenco must be kept oir of the school for Infidelity Is the foiwimptlon cf the ol1lall conQdence is I lost nil ton ntiny dlsturted all prog re is hniixreil fhll hrnsKhohl or Gd it our dtoi hall Althouch wo imy not mach this exulted pert lot FIII I nn > KCtton Hiici 1 b r LMilntnl hy II iui 1 t 1I1I1 w Y Unit te t iiaiiiiuri coarse t ug U < I y the polar star In tilt oiptli g Prof Stewart aIdrefspd 1 a large audunce at the rtvlnl n In this city on the subject of education glh P 1 very Interesting and most uiBtriivive Ucturf Did You Read It1 ThP Cuiltfil Ciiy Coinmprclal poMttre hntl a oiird In tl 11 It paper offering InHruc unit teuton number of person Old You read II 1 = WLE Ej X dfc SONS 1 j DKALKllS IN LaiMBER LATH SASH DOORS ETC Miuiulaciurcn of tlo boat broom crt tho market All kinds of Farm Produce handled in its Season SPANISH FORK UTAH I JitU b q aid1l 3 r9 DFILEIS 1t I u uu L lTJMBER LA TS SHINGLES l MOULU1KG3 KTO 1 SPANISH FullK UTAU E V J FOR lOB PRINTING CALL AT THE HERALD OFFICE a y r j nqr rt PJ Wm T James DEALER IN FRESH BREAD n 1pnS9 CAKES Main Strict SPANISH FORK UTAH EXCURSION Special Rates Via UNION PACIFIO Railway To Salt Lukt City for the First Grand Annual Klstudilfoil 011 nU1 4 null UIP SixtyFi4iii Sniil Annual Conf TPiice of tho Church of Jesus Christ of hitter day Salute Oct 4 5 j and 01893 FKOII Inil 3 2D Nephl 3 CO Mona 2 00 Siiunquln 2 S Pavfon e 2 35 Jtiijuuln 2 2 SPANISH FORK 22 SlrllI t viiI le 2 10 Provo 1 00 SRLIm DATES From Pleat lloClche Junction Echo luitii Eureka TermlniiH I Intuuupihato points Oc 1st to Oth and from all other points Oct t 1H to Oil Inclusive TlcketH Bold at O den and Plyon and kit pointR Inlprrop lute will be cood returning ulltl 1 Oat J2h Ali tik t > < will bo honored for continuous passage only EIS1 EDDFOD AND CONFERENCE BATES Via Rio Grande Western Railway For tho rand Welsh Elstedufod at Salt Lake City Oct 3rd and 4th and the Annual Conference L D S and Wonuna Conference L D S at bil Lake City Oct 4th Dth and Dili Inclu sive tho following rnten arc authorized to Salt Lako City and return FROMLehl Lehl l 2i ArutliUrtll 1oik 133 1 Jet VI 1 fO Proo 1 UO SprliiBvllJe 210 I 8PAXSII FORK 2 25 Bjujam u 2 2 j Pal sun 2 15 t Sahirquin 2 B5 Grshiii 2 76 Tickets will bo sold on tin 1 l tile A i In k d iteF From Ogden Mluglmm Spriu vlle Silver City and IWlIIUt II all pilutP rom Get in 1 to fith I nclmlVlj tleketa IIwlted to Oct 1511195 i1eel F B11S4 I Course by Mail al1i11 t + If n EtE with the I I CAPITAL CITY I COUMBIJCIAL COLLIDE t To Advertise Our College W Wo will give a thorough course or In pti struction In double and single entry hookkeening and commercial Arlth a I Ifj i motto by mill Frio o Chirji to t limit Ptt ed number ot persons This course 14 will bo completed In 40 lesions No j flu charKO for diplomas Addicss i CAPITAL pOMMEUCIAL LiOLLEOE Ifi V O Drawer U Topeka Kan i x arnBf AMUEL COUNABY S Notary Public MONEY LOKNDED ON Improved Farms AGENT LONDON FIRE IKSUKAKOV COMPANY Ollco at rcbidMiJO onu Hk cast of CoopS Spanish Fork Ut h THE Denver Rio Grants Railway Scenic Lino of the WorlJ I The only tine miming two through tt Trains dally to LE DY1LLE ASPKN PUEBLO COLORADO SPRINGS md DUKVI Train No 2 leans Ojilen 700 a PL Silt Lika 805 it in arrive lit Puebit 018 t n m Culnnuo Spring 7161 a it > Daily r 1030 ui Train No 4 leaves Ogden 035 p p > Bill Lake 74H p in arrive tit Paul 527 p in Colorado Springs 053 p n Ujnver U23 p m Connections made at Fnelli Colorsi I Springs and Denver with all lines ecf Elegant Day Coaches Cluir Cars 1111 d Pullman Sloepnrs ou all traliiH Ttl I > r the D II G nod have a coin f omuls till nnd enjoy the Quest ceuery ou tin cci Uncut r Shortest line to Cripple Greet Colt radoa Greatest Gold Camp A SlUHII 3 SKi HOOPER Tramo Mgr It1 i T A Denver Colorado B F XEVIN3 General Agent Salt LxVo City Utah H M CU3HING T P A Salt Lake City Utah e CAVEATSTRAOEMARl < s I COPYRIGHTS CAN I ObJAIN A PATENT f Par r liN N answer ct CO and nbo no LAY bonett a had nearly opinion fifty writ jamr tool experience In tbo patent butinesa CommuHo tloiu itrlctlr confidential A Handbook of J u formation concerning Patents and bow to ow talc them lent free Also I a catalogue of mechan test and clentlflo Looks ont tree Patant taken through Munn A Co recetrn thus notice tho < leI tI II tI 00 Aliiorlrnn and tliua are bronchi widely beroratho public with out cost to tbe inventor Tbli splendid ps papa iMuod wccliT cloeactly llluatrato1 bas br far tbn largest circulation of any sclcntltla work In tto fi re8 ggte hJ world 83 aiear Bamplj copies sent freo Building IZdltlon monthly f 1W year him cppes U > cents Kverr number contains beau fltifSpI ieer mb t tliul plates In colon and photographs of nc > f homes with rlxni enabling uUMcr to show ibtr tea If slir end tocura contract Address M Htln CO Nltw YOIUI 3U UuOABWA