i I THE SPANISH FORK PRESS 9 NO 2 SPANISH FORK UTAH THURSDAY JANUARY Entered Fob 21 1902 as sccondctaM matter Post offlco IVOL V I Jt L L 1 UlI L 25 1900 at Spanish Fork Utah Act of Congress m March a ° ism BARRY HUGHES PAINTER 4 PAPEHIUNGKR ers taken for Wall Paper i 2 blks west Coop SPANISH FORK UTAH K HANSEN DDS UI TO DATE DENTISTRY O ice in Now Bank Building Spanish Fork MUEL CORNABY NOTARY PUBble J Money Loaned Irrigated Tarms low Interest special op tions ot partial i > menu lice at residence one block east of Coop SPANISH OllK UTAH IGKS ienpor and bettor than ever are Ing turned out nt HAND BROS gip d at Benjamin st select whito 050 unon 5 and 550 uniformity in select brick that not be obtained south of Provo I M JEXFLORIST icsh Flowers supplied for all ocea ns Funeral designs kept on hand 111 filled to order Ul kinds of Furniture Repaired sldencc two blocks North of Foundry SPANISH FORK UTAH i elandic Mercantile Go DEALERS IN ENERAL MERCHANDISE k DRY GOODS Three Blocks East of City Square ELLY JAMESON Manager G0 EIRIKSSON ORTRAIT ARTIST Udlo In Mattel building Main street Open ery day from 10 a m till 3pm Workrann i jlp and material guaranteed up to date I j AND OUTDOOR PHOTOGRAPHER I t SPANISH FOUR UTAH R W E WARNER Once sad E ldeacfl JOB tooth of City Sql1aro ak Pork ta R C J KENDALL Office at CRBBR BUILDING lab eaUI answered Epa tah Fork J jHrom Jamo KobertstmiTI Utah IJ j L e B MORGAN t ATTORNEYATLAW x tins Building PROVO Telephone n X L SAXEY ATTORNRY AT LAW Conveyancer and Notary Public Office Over Bank of Spanish Fork punish Fork Utah SEWING MACHINE ROLLER BEARING HIGH GRADE t zI Automitlo Ult by buying thIs reliable honest high grade sew a ing machine STRONGEST GUARANTEE Rational Sewing Machine Co SAN FRANCISCO CAL FACTORV ATBELVIDCRa IU THREE HUNDRED OF 0 F CREW PERISH P s Brazilian Ship Meets With a Terrible Accident Off Rio Janeiro Explosion In the Powder Magazine Sinks the Ship In Three Minute Only One of the Officer Be ing Saved Rio Janeiro Brazil Tho Brazilian turret ship Aquldaban has been sunk at Fort Jacarepagua south of Rio Janeiro as the result of an explosion on board It Is reported that 300 of tier crow perished and that only ono officer was saved Tha Aquldaban was of 4860 tons displacement and G200 horsepower She was built In England in 1886 at a cost of 1726000 She had five tor pedo tubes Her crew numbered 360 officers and men Four rear admirals perished on the Aquldaban which had been used for tho accommodation of a number ol supernumerary officers and men at tached to the flotilla escorting the cruiser Barroso The Barroso had on board the minister of marine and his staff who weN Inspecting sites for a now arsenal The explosion occurred in the powder magazine Tho vessel Bank In three minutes CRIME OF A JILTED LOVER Idaho Man Shoots Four People and Then Ends His Own Life Boise Ida A sensational tragedy occurred here Monday morning Hen ry Neuebaumer the principal in the affair lies dead with a bullet through the head fired by his own hand and four victims of his maniacal desire to kill are In the hospital Three are Ol tie Powell agod 33 jufferlpg from oven buckshot wounds one of which Is l in the right lung Mrs Robert Gray buckshot in the hip ranging Into the abdomen Lafayette Gray aged 21 son of the preceding six buckshot one in the abdomen one In the right temple right arm broken and three fresh wounds Lillian Gray sister of Lafayette 18 yearn of age flesh wound In right arm and right side The three first named are In a serious condition Nouebaumer Is I a Klondyko mining man and is estimated to bo worth any where from 150000 to 600000 Until 1807 ho lived at Caldwell this state pursuing the business of a blacksmith and accumulated consid erable property He was a hard work er and also studious and was highly respected In 1897 ho went to the Klondyko and prospered there He was attached to the Powell girl I daughter of John Powell of Caldwell and furnished the money for her edu < cation She had promised to marry him but it had been put off from time to time In November he came from Alaska to claim her At that time he gave her some 91200 for trousseau The time was set for the wedding but tho night before she loft home with Lafayette Gray coming to Boise and registering with him as man and wife Neuebnumer returnod to Klondyke coming back to Boise January 17 bu kept well out of sight From a great number of letters left by him It li evident ho had carefully planned the crime Sallogub Will Pacify the Baltic Riga Livonia Tho military operej tlons for tho pacification of tho Baltl provinces arp proceeding actively un der the direction of Governor General Sollogub who is controlling the move > moots of 30000 troops acting In differ ent localities The governor genera estimates that the revolutionists num ber 20000 men In the opinion of the military authorities it will take twc years to crush the guerrilla warfaro All the revolutionists captured art promptly court martlaled and exit I cuted I Ensign Wade Acquitted Washington Ensign Charles T Wade charged with responsibility for the explosion on tho gunboat Benntng ton in San Diego harbor Cal some months ago has been acquitted by tho courtmarUal in his case This ac tion of the court was taken after a re ¬ consideration of the case at the in stance of the secretary of the navy who was not entirely satisfied with the original finding of the court ac quitting the officer of the charges Wade will proceed to his horn and await order WILD PANIC IN CHURCH CAUSED BY CRY OF fIRE Eighteen Colored People Killed and Nearly Two Score Injured In Stampede From Building Philadelphia wild panic follow ing a loud shriek of fire brought death to eighteen colored persons and Injuries to nearly two score ° of others Sunday night In St Pauls Baptist church on the west aide of Eighth street between Poplar street and GIrard avenue The terrible rush to gain the street was of brief duration and that more were not killed In the stampede probably was duo to the fact that tho church was not crowded At the time the disaster occurred not more than SCO persons were on the second floor of the building which with the gallery was capable of ac commodating COO to 700 The fire was a trifling one and was extinguished before the firemen ar rived The smell of smoke added to the panic and despite tho heroic work of the Rev Johnson pastor of the church who tried In vain to allay the Tears of the frightened worshippers I the terrorstricken people made a I desperate rush to leave the church only to be choked up on the narrow stairway Those In tho rear leped over the prostrate forms of those who fell and when the rush was over eighteen Jay dead on the first floor and stairs of the building Death in nearly overy case was due to suffoca tion or trampling FOREIGN CROP REPORT No Definite News Regarding Russian Winter Cereals Washington The foreign crop re port for December shows that over large areas of Europe the prevailing characteristics were unseasonably warm weather and excessively hu rntdlty Crops lightly sown have ger minated finely and ontered on the win ter In strong healthy condition Late 1 sowing of crops In Europe however vas unusually extensive and come Anxiety is felt concerning them In great Britain the winter wheat area hoe been extended The acreage however Is still believed to be dimin ished as compared with last year In France the wheat area la the average In Germany weather conditions were unfavorable and there was no marked improvement In Roumanla the area under wheat IB about 16 per cent abort of last year No important definite news regarding the condition of win ter sown cereals in Russia U reach ing the outside world HOLD MOUNTAIN PASSES Armenians Deal Out Death to Follow ers of Mohamet Elizabeth Trans CaucaslaA cour ier has arrived here from Agdam with dispatches describing the at tempts made by the authorities to get a convoy of provisions to the starving and beleaguered Mohammedans of Shussha Trans Caucasln The convoy set out three times with a strong es cort of troops Mohammedan volun tears and auxiliaries but was Inter rupted by the Armenians holding the mountain passon The whole district around Ogdnm Is harassed by Ar nenl ans and others who are perpetrating horrible atrocities not giving any quarter to the wounded or to women or children The Mohammedan are greatly enraged at the attack made on the celebrated shrine of Karapel rem After a savage conflict Ar menian attackers broke and nod leaving fifty dead or wounded Dowle Has Not Been Deposed Portland Charles A Hoy older In the Christian Catholic Apostollo Church in Zion who has jurisdiction of tho affairs of tho organization in Oregon has received a telegram from Overseer John G Excel at Zion City denying that John Alexander Dowie had been deposed as director of financial matters in Zion City The telegram follows Absolutely no foundation for state ment In press dispatches that Dr Dowlo boon sot aside In financial I matters f Officials Show No Meroy St Petersburg Dispatches from Lluau and Mltau show that Governor General Sollogub continues to aet with merciless severity against revolu tionists In Courland caught with arras In hand or convicted of participation In incendiaries or murder Twenty two more persons have been tried by drumhead coutrmartlal and shot near Llbau The roopo are now advancing on Frauenburff where the fioeJni rot olutionists have concentrated H BURIED BY AVALANCHE Six Men Meet Death in a Snowslide at the Mining Camp of Alta Awful Avalanche Came Down Upon J the Men as They Were Sleeping v Sweeping Away the Houses and Burying the Victims Beneath Twentyflve Feet of Snow Sandy UtahAfter many hours of frantic toll on tho part of a large bund of Alta miners the bodies of tho six victims who suffered death In tho aw ful snowsllde nt the camp Saturday morning were uncovered and Sunday afternoon brought to Sandy where they Ho In the city hall awaiting fu neral arrangements by friends and relatives Following are the names ages and so far as has bean ascer tained the places of residences of the dead Bennett Albert aged 25 came from Santaquln Utah history un known Claybourne George aged 30 mother resides In Salt Lake Brick son John aged 2C Rlverton Salt Lake county Gray John aged 55 stranger from California Murphy Jerry aged 45 miner Park City Powell William aged 18 Sandy boarding house keeper Powell was In charge of the hoard ing house conducted in the camp by Mrs John Matson of Sandy his mother Gray was a miner employed by the Columbus Consolidated Mining company The remaining victims were strangers who had come to the camp seeking work In the dead of night while all the victims were asleep the avalanche rushed down the mountain side with out a moments warning sweeping away the boarding house referred to and the saloon of Ross Ormburst the adjoining building Gray and Mur phy were sleeping In the saloon the other victims were in their bunks at the boarding house Armburst the proprietor of the sa loon Lee Herrick and John Baker were sleeping in that portion of the saloon which escaped the heaviest portion of the slide and by some freak of chance they escaped death although they were hurled in from three to six feet of snow Armburst who says that when he was awakened he found himself out of his bed and entombed In a drift was the first iu recover himself Although clad in nothing but his night shirt without even a pair of Bocks as protection from the icy drift Armburst probed the snow un til he found Lee and Baker who though buried were still alive and assisted them In digging their way out Then these three brave men with only their night garments to pro tect thorn from the storm which at that hour2 oclock Saturday mom ngwllB raging fiercely worked for hours In an effort to locate the other victims All suffered greatly and Bakers feot wore badly frown Although the slide which came from the Ruster hill on the outn Bide of the canyon had traveled near ly half a mile before finding its vic tim it seemed to spend Its force at the point where the buildings were struck as the avalanche did not go farther across the flat Tho rescuing force began work at 7 oclock and shortly before noon Saturday the last victim had been uncovered the bodies being burled from ten to twentyfivo feet In the hard paoked Snow JURY MAKES REPORT Husband and Wife Charged With Murdering Girl Wray ColoThe second coroners Investigation of the death of Miss rjerrettjo Haast who was found dead on her ranch near here late Sunday night concluded its work and ordered the arrest of G J Van Wyclc and his wife on the charge of complicity In tho murder of the girl Mrs Van Wyck IB a sister of tho dead girl The latter had Insured her Ufo for the benefit of the Van Wycks TUNNELED THROUGH FLOOR Bold Attempt Made to Rob a Kansa Bank Topeka KanA bold attempt to rob the vaults and safes of the Mer chants National bank of Topeka was discovered Sunday The robbers had commenced work In the basement and tunneled through eleven foot of solid rock to the floor of tho vaults effect Ing an entrance They had attempted to wreck the safes sum time Satur day night but their efforts bad failed r linYMlUW1MUWWIL11W11WlAAILUAwhjAi4U1111UW1i111UWWllllUll ° CITY DRUG STORE ONO J BANKS Prop PURE WAND AND s 1111 s DRUGS MEDICINES I t PRBSCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED BY EXPERIENCED PHARMACISTS i mnmfTtnYrmnT1Jnmmmmmmnmmnmnmmnmmnmmmn b n i UTAH On i Greatest Insurance Agency W H RAV Phone 60S cia S Academy ATe PROVO UTAH I Independent Insurance Agency I FIre Life Accident Health and Plata Glass INSURANCE I WRITE US POR RATES In the Lead Twenty Years JQX Lumber Company I LUMBER I AXD Building Material Bailed Hay 8b Product COMPLETE LINE OF SHERWINWILLIAMS I PAINTS SPANISH FORK MEAT COMFY DEALERS IN FRESH AND CORED MEATS FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR i HIDES AND PEIaTS LORENZO THOMAS FAhHIOHABLK I Tai1or On block north of Bank I Ipanlsh fork Utah J tJ RIO GRANDE W SLzr r TIME TABLE Arrive sad dcpartura et train from Depell 4ali No 7For SprlncTllleProvoSaU Lake and eU point earn and west5O6 a n No 29For HprlntTllI ProTOSalt Lakn and al potnU east and w6U3Cpln No IFor eureka Mammoth ana 811 vllr City 10pm No 23 For Eureka Mammoth and Sit YorCUjr llam Connections made In Offdon Union depot vUh y all trains of Southern Pacific and Orul1 abort n Line OFFERS CHOICE OF gfc FAST THROUGH TRAmS DilLY B AND THHEE DISTINCT SCENIC HOUTll f Putman Palace and ordinary Sleeping can tf Penrer Omaha Kannan City St Louis ID < < Chicago without chance Free Reclining Cbalr Care PersMkUr 1e iu ducted Excursions a perfect n 11111OiIr set viceFor For rates folder eC1lnqulre of CLAUD nhoWN Ticket Agra or writ L A BENTON 0 A IVO Salt Lake CtW I l B H BROWN Livr Sffl AWDSteble Hack Meet all Tfaih a mOD No IK BptaUfc Fork J Spanish Fork CoOperative A Institution J Dealers la r General Merchandise Flour Grain r and Produce nnfaotnrari of Harness Boots e and Shoes i JOHN r 3E8 Sttpt S8aatab Irk Utah RIDER AGENTS WANTED j No Money Requires c until you reecho and approve of your bicycle A any me on Ten Days Free Trial Finest guaranteed m 4 3 > St 1905 Models 3U O 1 > f4 with Coaster Brakes and Puncturoloss Tiros I 19O3 19O4 Modola J7 4 1 V Best Makes < 7 its pB IIii I i Any make or model you want at onethird usual I price Choice of any standard tires and beat equipment on all our bicycles Strongest guarantee s Wo SHIP ON APPROVAL O O D to any h one without a cent deposit and allow 10 DAYS F R E E T R I A L before purchase Is binding Q STAB 500 Sonond Hand Wheats Q I 4n 3 8 Zlykos taken In trade by our Chicago retail stores tSO 10 9O C1UU1 V 8j I makes and model good as new T Jl 1 DO HOT BUY a bicycle until you have written for our FAOTORY UU Hill Dili PRIDES AND FREE TRIAL OFFER Tlret 1 equlpmint sundries and iportlnir good of all kinds at half regular price In our 1 big free Sundry Catalogue Contains a world of useful Information write for It III J l PUNCTUREPROOF 4 76 Ij floffular gtrloo 8GO per pair To Introduce J 7 K J WQ will Soil I ° di SOU LSiu < CCKS YonaSampIo KS8 Pair for Only OUT WONT THE LET AIR HO SORE TROUBLE from PUNCTURES Result of 16 years experience In tiro making EASY RIDING STRONG h No aangor from THORNS OAOTUS DURABLE SELF HEALING PIllS NAILS TACKS or GLASS Serious punctures like Intentional knife cuts can be FULLY COVERED PATENTS vulcanized like any other tire BEWARE OF IMITATIONS Send for Catalogue T showing all kinds and mikes of urea lit t200 per pair and up ftlap OouUrBra lulltup Wheels and Ulciclei Sundries at Half the usual ttrlotm Hotic the thick rubber tread A and puncture strips D and D This Urn will outlMt any other mako Soft Elastic and Eurllldlcf i we Trill ship C 0 D ON ftPPROVAUl AND EXAMINATION mIll out a ant tJolil 4 We will allow a firth dltoouni of 6ft thereby paklocr the prlca fi50 per pair it Ton send tall ob with order Tiros to be returned at our expense It not aatuf actorr on examination W of MEAD CYCLE CO Dept e JX CHICAGO ILL a