OCR Interpretation

The Spanish Fork press. [volume] (Spanish Fork, Utah) 1902-current, March 31, 1910, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058245/1910-03-31/ed-1/seq-6/

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fiL MARi or P AGUARiNnr1
CLanCe ii not an element in tie de
sign and mniiftctnre of me
t EI aid buitiftl jewelry The first eiitntiil
I 1 at eipcrience lltn kill lute time and fine
material We Lan ill the essentials and
l ally results lone eitabllintd oar rtiutstlti
uu y
> L
DEETII ii i only 65 mild from JARBIDGE
a ad ti on the main line of both he Southern
Pacific and the Western Pacific Riliroiih
Why Not Own
t C Ci Pfirm TlioiHinmlsntnciM
choice Bfrlcullura
land being brought under cultivation In
IUlard out Beater couples by Irrigation
I Fifty Thousand Acres
In Mlllan county will he ilNpnficd tit un
der Carey Act ruled Ilrnuhii nt Lynn
Utah liynndyl1Ol MorMiiy April 11
nee the Aiwnt nt Ita Main Street Uhnno
Dell Exchange 16 for oxturblon rates
and literature
I CO tnCK J H MAHDr1Ir1xLn
OcnIam Act AMtllciirusB Agt
nniaaaw e
II It costa hundreds ol dollars every year to
I nut when you buy them you can defa mud
they possoss The Quality Wrlta forour
Freo Descriptive Catalog
011KOKS lUe Full
u Mine iiubberTypg Outfits and supplies In stock
t Mall orders receive prompt attention
Why He Returned
Last winter Mrs Clifford l A NofT
who resides In that part of Qratenahl
s till known as Doan street sorted out
her husbands castoff clothing To tho
N Tflrst applicant who catno along sho
l iJiandcd a complete suit of clothes
which she thought had seen enough
service and tho man wont oft rejolc
ting and voluably thanking her
This week ho reappeared at tho Net
tl t home where ho was Immediately roe
Ii ornlzed
Last year madam he said with
a bow you were kind enough to give
t I me a suit of clothes In tho pockoj of
+ the coat I found a dollar bill al 1
I crumpled up and
And you waited all this time to re
< turn It Interrupted Mrs Netf
S No madam replied tho pan
handler with another bow I called
to ask you If you hadnt another coat
4o glvo mo Cleveland News
In Spite of Tommy
1 Home study for Tommy had Just
F begun and ho found It hard to apply
i lInisolf to regular hours At bedtime
one evening his father said Tommy
a Z am not at all pleased with the re
port your mother gives mo of your
conduct today
t No father I knowed you wouldnt l
< Se and I told her so But Bile went
c right ahead an made th report Jest
like a woman aint ItIadlcl
Homo Journal
l His Hospitable Instinct
g A farmer was asked to assist at the
t tfuneral of his neighbors third wife
and as he had attended tho funeral of
y the two others his wife was surprised
when ho declined the Invitation On
being pressed to glvo his reason he
t Bald with some hesitation You see i
f OMlrandy it makes a chap feel a bit
i awkward to be always accepting other
t folks civilities when ho never has
anything of the same sort of his own
to ask them back toLadles Homn
A Userer Rebuked
t Shylock was bargaining for hIs
lOund of flesh
Nothing doIng answered Portia
We ArC on the vegetable wagon
i Not understanding tho terms
i3haJiespcaro wroto up a different ver
sion New York Sun
His System I
41 cant say 1vo novor told a lie
Say the rest of It
But I never tell a man a bigger Ha
Chan I think hell believe Kansas
JClty Journal
a Embarrassing
Lowl wont to tho phrenologist
tast week
SueOhl what did ho tell you
r LowWoll I cant understand He
coughed a little and then gave mo
Ciaolc my money
Just Before the Quarrel
First MotherI dont know wheth
er to enter my baby In tho pretty
children contest or not
Second MotherYes It does seem
bather too bad to take all that trouble
COT nothlnc doesnt It
I r
nSl m sars
Steering Committee Has Practi
cally Agreed Upon Legislation
to Be Carried Out
Rumors Around the Capitol That the
Chief Executive Is Not to Have
All He WantsLeaders Pre
paring for CampaignParty
Factional Trouble
Washington Members of what Is
known as the steering committee of
the senate practically have agreed
I upon what legislation shall be put on
I Its piiBhrm1 In the tipper house at the
resent session Naturally Mr Ald
I rich being tin leader of the Repub
I lican majority In the chief member
I of the steering committee and as
most of the other members are In
sympathy with the Rhode Islanders
views It goes without saying that the
committee Itself comes pretty close to
beIng allpowerful
President Taft has been Informed
of the committees desires In the mat
ter of legislation and It Is said by
those who are close to him that he Is
not altogether satisfied At a recent
meeting of the committee only two
measures were discussed In detail al
though sanction was given to one or
two other measures which will be
taken up for committee study some
what later
It has been said l the chances are
that the senate leaders would make
concessions to the Progressive Re
publicans on the bill providing for
amendments to the Interstate com
merco act It Is now practically as
sured that some of these concessions
will bo made In the hope that they
will bo sufficient to make the Insur
gents ylold and to join the regulars
In putting the bill through with some
thing like unanimity As Is pretty
well known President Taft seems to
think that In harmonious party action
on the chief administration measures
lies the principal hope of Republican
victory at the polls next November
The Democrats In tho senate believe
that the concessions which Mr Ald
rich Is making and will make later to
the Republicans who aro led by Sena
tors Cummins and Clapp will not bo
sufficient to make the middle and far l
westerners come Into the harmony
camp Harmony was secured on the
postal savings bank bill but now It Is
being Intimated that the senate lead
ers expect the house to make such
changes In that bill as will nullify the
effects of the yielding of the leaders
In the upper house
Accused of Playing Politics
In other words the Democrats aro
saying that the Republican leaders In
the senate gave way In some matters
simply to got harmony In their own
ranks believing fully that the house
would take care that the concessions
mado In the senate would not bo ap
parent when the bill finally becomes
a law
It will bo remembered l thdt Senators
Cummins and Clapp In their minority
report on the Interstate commerce
bill took exception to the provision
which puts Into the hands of the at
torney generals force the government
defense of all actions taken on appea
to the Interstate commerce court The
senators In opposition to this provI
sion say that tho attorneys for the
shippers and also law officers working
under the Interstate cqmmerco com
mission ought to represent the gov
ernment before the court because
they are well Informed as to all the
details of the commerce cases from
tho time of their Inception It Is un
derstood that tho leaders will yield I
In this matter to tho Insurgent de
Seeking Public Opinion
Representative William B McKln
ley of Illinois chairman of the Repub
lican congressional committee Is get
ting first hand Information of politi
cal conditions throughout tho coun
try Some time prior to Mr Me
Klnleys departure from Washing I
ton Representative James T Lloyd of
Missouri chairman of tho Democratic
congressional committee went all
through the middle west trying to find
out what he could about the political 1
Before he left Washington some
few days ago Mr McKinley had a long
conference with President TaCt Of
course no ono was allowed to know
just what the president said to tho Re
publican congressional committees
chairman but there are hints that the
president again declared It would be
bad policy to make any discrimina
tions as between Republicans who
are trying to secure reelection to tho
lower house Once on a time it Is
said with Mr McKlnloys sanction
letters were sent out by the Republi
can congressional committee which In
tone and temper were not to the
liking of tho socalled Insurgent Re
publicans This kind of letter wri
ting has been stopped for tho presi
dent would riot sanction It and now
the material that goes out is what may
be called straight Republican doc
Concerning New Tariff Bill
Of course It will bo necessary or at
least so the ruling powers in tho Re I
publican party declare to defend tho
PayneAldrlcb tariff bill on tho stump
during the coming congressional cam
paign The members of the Repubir
can congressional committee hope
however that at least four admlnlstra
Ion measures can be put through
congress at this session with united
party action back of them and then
as tho officials of the committee view
It i tho speakers can go before the
country and say We have carried out
ho promises of tho Republican plat
form in largo measure and wo pledge
ourselves to carry out tho rest of tho
recommendations before tho Sixty
first congress adjourns next March
Chairman Lloyd of tho Democratic
congressional committee says that the
Republicans all through the west
and to some extent through tho east
are disaffected because President
Taft has not carried out In full force
and effect what are known as the
Roosevelt policies Mr Lloyd says that
t ho Republicans who aro disappointed
over what they consider lack of ag
gressiveness on tho part of tho pres
ent president are bound to vote for
Democratic candidates for congress In
order to make their protest against
tho disinclination of the party to go
ahead along progressive lines
Look to Roosevelt
Tho Republican managers In the
coming campaign as has been printed
heretofore may make an attempt to
get Theodore Roosevelt to take tho
stump In support of his party and of
tho Taft management tho progres
sive policies It may be that the mighty
hunter will return to America and In
dorse what Mr Taft has done but
oven If ho does this there aro many
officials In Washington having some
reputation for wisdom who say that
they doubt very much whether Mr
Roosevelt will consent to go on a
speechmaking tour and that ho prob
ably will content himself with sitting
In his study at Oyster Hay or In his
editorial room In New York city there
to put out in written form what ho
thinks about political conditions
Chairman Lloyd of the minority
partys campaign committee says that
ho Is convinced that tho unrest
among tho people will result In
Democratic victory lie refers of
course to tho complaints that have
been made about the high cost of liv
Ing and the feeling evident In somo
places that the high prices are trace
able to the tariff
Republican Faction Troubles
The Republicans In New York have
boon having troubles and while In a
measure they have been settled occa
sionally messenger t from the Empire
state Republican camp are still being
sent over to Washington to confer
with President Taft and with Sena
tors Root and Depew Tho feeling ol
most of the Republicans seems to be
that the party In New York will not
get Into a definite state of peace un
to former President Roosevelt returns
Apparently a great many people ex
pect that as soon as Mr Roosevelt re I
turns to this country ho will have
something definite to say about the
present administration Tho Repub
Means who think that President Taft
has not done his best to forward the
Roosevelt policies aro seemingly con
vlnced that Mr Roosevelt at once will
get out his big stick and use It on tho
administration of the man who during
his presidency was his secretary of
war and his closest friend Other
Republicans believe that tho mighty
hunter on coming back will say kind
ly words for the administration and
will Insist that Mr Taft has been al
right and that the only difficulty Is
that his methods have been misunder
The men who aro thoclosestfrlcndso
Mr Roosevelt men whom ho consult
ed on political matters and who In
fact were members of his oflicla I
household aro of the opinion that the
colonel will keep silent on admluls
ration affairs for n long time after h °
comes back to America and that ho I
will make a close study of tho firs
year of the administration and of Its
outlined policies for tho future before
ho says or writes n word In approva
or disapproval
Sees Work for President
One of Mr Roosevelts close friends
however a man who was nearer to
him In an advisory way during his
term as president than any other man
In the United States Is now an office
holder In New York city Unquestlon
ably this Now York man whose Iden
tlty Is not hard to guess Is partlcu
larly Interested In New York state po
Itlcs Ho foresaw the row which re
cently broke out between tho Repub
llcan factions In the Empire State and
ho caino to the conclusion apparently
for ho Is a good judge of men land
political conditions that affairs In
New York could l bo straightened out
only by some one with a strong ham
and ho had one man In mind who lit
that time was far away In tho jungles
of Africa
The Democrats In Washington are
not at all unhappy over tho troubles
which are besetting tho Republican
In Now York state Tho Democrat
have set It down as a certainty that
they are to carry the next house of
representatives and they say freely
that with a Democratic victory next
fall another Democratic victory In tho
fall two years hence Is certain to fol
low It Is virtually a necessity that
tho party which elects a president
shall carry New York state
Tho Republicans have troubles also
In Ohio and In Indiana In these two
states they have not taken on as sharp
and virulent a form as has tho quarrel
In New York
Tho Republicans when tnlttec
about tho difficulties which they seem
to have fallen into retort that his
shows that the
tory Republicans quar
rel as they may always get together
In time to save tho day and then they
ask tho Democrats who do tho twit
ting whether or not this can be said
as truthfully of the party that Is now
In tho minority The
ewer that their party troubles aro all
behind them GEORGE CLINTON
Woman of Business Turn of
Makes Money for Both Grocer
and Herself
Milking Jellies preserves and canned
goods is one of the standard l occupa
tlons for women of the preseat day
but one woman has made so business
lIke and profitable an arrangement
with regard to her source of supply of
fruits that she deserves mention
among those who have developed an
original Idea Elio arranged with her
grocer to take all his fruit which was
not sold during the day to make It up
Into i canned goods preserves or cor
dials and to place It with him for sale
She proved to him that her goods
were first class In every particular
and ho was glad to add them to his
stock Ho also found that he had an
added advantage In the perfect fresh
ness of all his fruits which were
offered to customers Every grocer
reckons upon a certain amount of loss
from perishable goods of this nature
since It Is Impossible for him to esti
mate exactly how many boxes of ber
ries or how many dozen pineapples
he can sell Under such an arrange
ment this loss was eliminated
There are mrny women who could
put up fruit successfully who have
not seen how they could secure the
supply they needed while living In the
city Perhaps this womans method
may help to solve their problem
Some Matters of Moment That Are
Worth Retaining In the
Coffee may bo served either from
the kitchen or from an urn placed on
the table In front of tho hostess
Cheese Is passed on a separate
plate not placed upon the pie plates
by the hostess Cheese sticks are
served with salad and sometimes with
afterdinner coffee
Never wash giltbanded or gold dec
orated china with a strong acid soap
It will eat off tho gold l It remains
uninjured If a pure white soap Is used
The shining sideboard has disap
peared This article Is now built In
the dining room It has a low mirror
back of tho lowest shelf and lead
glass doors In small diamond shapes I
The woodwork Is white
A nice supper dish Is ono of potted
beef and mashed sweet potatoes thor
oughly mixed together molded In the
form of croquettes and fried In butter I
The mixture should bo seasoned with
salt and and the I
pepper mashed sweet
potatoes entirely free from lumps Use
about ome third potted beef to two
thirds sweet potato Fry the cro
quettes until a rich brown and take
care that they do not burn
Gliding Picture Frames
Tho method of gilding a picture
frame Is as follows Tho plain wooden
molding Is first given a coat of oil
paint and from four to ten coats of
fine whiting mixed with fine glue are
put on each In Its turn being
smoothed with fine sandpaper This
done a coat of goldslzo is given to
those parts which are not to bo
burnished but those which are re
celvo only a coating of clear animal
size The gold leaf Is then laid on
and l burnished where desired In
stead of real gold leaf Dutch metal I
which Is simply copper beaten like
goldleaf is sometimes used as Is also
tho socalled fold paint which Is fine
ly powdered brass or similar aUoy
mixed with size
Bean Omelet
Tho beans must be soaked for at
least eight hours In slightly salted wa
ter Doll one cupful of beans In fresh
water until perfectly tender drain and
then mash them In half a teacupful
of milk When this Is done rub them
through a sieve or Rue colander then
add two heaping tablespoonfuls of fine
bread crumbs one tablespoonfti
chopped parsley four well beaten
eggs one tablespoonful of melted but
ter or olive oil salt
pepper and a
grate of nutmeg
Mix the whole thoroughly and pour
Into a well buttered l pudding dish
Uako threequarters of an hour In a
moderate oven and serve with brown
Forcemeat Fritters
Rub three tablespoonfuls of butter
Into a half pound of fine bread crumbs
add one tablespoonful of onion julco
half a teaspoonful of finely powdered
herbs and seasoning of salt
and grate of nutmeg Stir In one ta
blespoonful of flour two well beaten
eggs and a quarter of a pint of cream
Shape Into balls and fry In smoking
hot fat till a golden brown color Gar
nlsh with slices of hard cooked egg
red currant Jolly and servo with
brown sauce
Chicken a la Hamilton
Especially adapted for chafingdish
use Melt ode half tumblerful of cur
rant jolly In a blazer add ono cupful
of thick cream and two tablespoonfuls
of sherry then season with salt
and l
cayenne Stir In onefourth of a tea
spoonful of arrowroot diluted with
one tablespoonful of
milk and
stir until the sauce thickens Add
slices of chicken
and cook until the
chicken Is thoroughly heated Worn
ans Home Companion
Breakfast Puffs
Mix onehalf cupful of milk and one
half cupful of water and add grad
ually while stirring constantly to ono
cupful of pastry flour once sifted
Deal using a Dover eggbeater until
very light Turn Into hissinghot but
tered Iron gem pans and bake 30 to
35 minutes In hot oven
Steen tho kidneys do their duty tho
blood Is filtered clear of uric acid and
other waste Weak
kidneys do not fil
J 1N7Frrnrc ter oft all the bad
mnlasioo matter This Is tho
1l cause of rheumatic
pains backache and
urinary disorders
c + Doans Kidney Pills
0 curo weak kidneys
Rev Abram
Vd u Weaver Goorgo
town Tex former
editor Baptist Her
ald says At a
t Baptist conference
fl at Jackson Tex I
fell from a platform
r and hurt my back
I was soon over the
Injury but the kid
neys were badly dis
ordered passages painful and often
bloody Doans Kidney Pills cured
this trouble completely
Remember the name Doans Sold
by all dealers FosterMllburn Co
Buffalo N Y 50 cents a box
I Unpublished Utterances
Herein Is set down a hitherto un I
published utterance of Emerson There
Is no doubt of Its authenticity An
a booclcly boodely boodely boo dood
ely doodely doo It was his favorite
way of addressing babies Carlyle in
variably addressed babies thus
Kookey kooltey hookey Iwo kookey
cookcy koo Occasionally he varied
that with Keekey keekoy keekey
bee keekey keekey keel Shake
speares conversation with babIes was
this Too rosey Too rosey Sir
Brands Bacons was simply Klklk
David Hume said Doo It Charles
Dickens used to say hmo talnt 00
yaph a Hty bit Sir Isaac Newton
used to say Howdydoogums
George Eliot used to say Cunnin1
sin DurlllePuclc
An Absolute Necessity
Wlfey You told me the other day
we must avoid all luxuries and con
Rue ourselves to absolute necessities
Hubby Thats so my dear
WlfeyWell last night you came
home In a cab
Hubby Yes but that was an abso
lute necessity
Hows This
Ve otter One Hundred Dalian Reward for any
cue ot Catarrh that cannot be cured by IIUT
Catarrb Cure
We the undersigned have known F J Cheney
for the boat Ii years and believe him perfectly hon
orable In all business transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligations made by his arm
holeaale DnirelHU Toledo O
Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally acting
directly upon the blood and mucous surface of the
system Testimonials sent free Price 79 cenu per
bottle Sold by all Uruecliti
Tate Halls Family rills for constipation
Futile Dissension
So you and your husband are al
ways quarreling said the family
Yes answered the young woman
What do you quarrel about
I forget the subject of tho first
quarrel But we have been quarreling
ever since over who was to blame
for it
An Ungentlemanly Reply I
Once you called me the light of I
your existence
Yes I know It That was before I
had any Idea you were going to be
come the dead weight of It
Pettits Eye Salve First Sold In 1807
100 year8 ago sales increin yearly wonder
ful remedy cured millions IIlIIk eves All
dniggistH or Howard liros Buffalo X Y
Light to Banish Sorrow
Sorrow dwells longest where the
aim is shut out Florida TimesUnion
Mrs AVInnlimH Soothing Syrup
For e Idldleii tort hi ntr H > ftrnuthi > uniH rilIc sin
UdmmAliunnlWys eurea wllltJ colic el a 1lIe
Give truth a square deal and It will
not IIP flushed to earth I
Somewhat DMpp0lnl
Mo was a doctor and
walling for hla first patient was psUetgl
he If the mountain win Thou
to Mohammed l Mohammed tte
to tho mountain must h
ns patiealsT
not seek mo out I must IU
them out Ho strolled needs Itlk 1
cheap market and presently the
man buy six nice cucumbers sax 1
a chancol said he and l follow
home Patiently ho waited for fop
long and lonely hours and f01l
night tho front door quickly ItJ4
and tho man dashed down the open
He seized him by the arm and step
earnestly Do you want a dOClort
No replied the
g hl
Want more cucumbers
Make the Liver
Do its Duty
Nine times in ten when the liter ia rg61
stomach and bowel are tight te
gently but firmly com
pel a lazy liver to
do itJ duty t I CARTE
slipntion aF IVER
Incliijei a PILIt
Headache and Distress after Eaunt
Small Pill Small Dose Small Prig
GENUINE must bear signature
4f Cured by Electropodesl
New rlectrtc Treatment Mrtll lasolM wwi V
ln Me shots Body becomes magnet nmtj 1MI
roanectlaz wires Potitl cure lor Rhtumilln I
Neuralgia Ilackache Kidney and tlret com1
tlalatl Only 5ICO pi1 Guarantee ilgtcd > vn II
each laic II tlectropwlet fill to cure monnre 1
turned II not at your DrugBittt fend HI La t
We wal tee that you ue supplied
247 Loa AoKelea St Lot Ancelet Cd
in the dumps
from overeating drinking
bad liver and constipation
many a one but theres a way 0
Cascarets relieve and cur
quickly Take one tonight is
feel ever so much better in t
Cascarets lOc boxweeks treat
ment All drursrlsu Illctest seller
in the world million boxes a month
Opportunity Ot to a Become ufoiime Indepen
AVANTKD Lire representatives In every
numUy In America furnlRh desired Informix
No Agency Uo canrassInK Just a little tint
hnilniiUf4d outside regular work securrs Intent
IrotnShnrlni 1lan Inonoot I flret four great It
Irlisof the Nation that will soon pay f ill
Dividend cnntlnously No urn stmliiht legit
f bcTre nd ht tr L
opportunity I ever before offered the people I TL
appears hut once Mend self addressed stamps
volojmand lOcpntntacoTercotof toll inforos
Forwent IM 01 mil out Syndicate tin
232 Moiiuilnock IIldR ban Iruucuco
lnnfltlpntlon xllen ilai 1
Htninnrli Truulilr
> nvi w > Trcl
rWKNJ < Disorders and Post
Trade Mark In WiirmM 34 hours Tlioyllrrak ACallUninlsti ti
Dont accept Sam le mall < l VKKK AddrM
anysubitllute A SP OLMSTED LoRoyt
Cleanses and buutlflcs thi h
Promotes a laiurlant frrovlh
Never Fall to Restore Of
Hair to Us Youthful CoM
Cure > icilp dlMiKi ft halr fJ1f
Oc and tlSo at ntwga I
lrlrf > OOO lulIlfIri I I > > IinU nil rliMu < ni
hflllrIZl MIvrrVitih Mmliic ultlinatmIn
CVIMMI J 1st Hill i HUM USt Itltb ell
> nnr Ideas GI pruNe N1
PATEf T lj
MIlc THICK LeiabllsSdN
111uad4Anao aIHhlgtoe
Pass Along
The Good Word
That Dr Pierces Golden Medical
Discovery is today and has for over
40 years been the standard Bloodpuri
fyer Stomach Strengthens and Liver
Invigorator sold by druggists Its not
a secret nostrum but a medicine of
known composition a medicine so
good that the best physicans prescribe A
it knowing that its ingredients which f
are printed on its outside wrappers and
attested under oath are the best known
to medical science for the diseases for
which it is advised
The great success of Dr Pierces
Golden Medical Discovery in curing weak stomachs wasted bodies
weak lungs and obstinate and lingering coughs is based on the rec
ognition of the fundamental truth that Golden Medical Discov
ery supplies Nature with bodybuilding tissuerepairing muscle
making materials in condensed and concentrated form With this
help Nature supplies the necessary strength to the stomach to diRest
gest food build up the body and thereby throw off lingering ob
stinate coughs The Discovery reestablishes the digestive and
nutritive organs in sound health purifies and enriches the blood
and nourishes the nervesin short establishes sound vigorous health
If nbly your better dealer offers sometliinf just as good it is prob
FOR IHMit pays better But you ore thinking
of J the CVrrnot hs greater profit so Uicrca nothing jut
us good for
you Say to
Dr Pierces Common Sense Medical Adviser In Plain English or Medicine i
Simplified 1008 paces over 700 illustrations Edition
newly revised upto date EdilWfi
paperbound sent for 21 one cent Cloth
bound TI stamps to cover cost of mailing only
stamps Address Dr U V pierce Buffalo N y
C is the turningpoint to economy
in wear and tear of wagons W
a box Everydealer every ere

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