OCR Interpretation

The Spanish Fork press. [volume] (Spanish Fork, Utah) 1902-current, August 11, 1910, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058245/1910-08-11/ed-1/seq-2/

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Eliaha Warner Publisher
iI t
Two additional cases of small pox
I were quarantined at Ogden Sunday
I t r c A trout weighing six and a halt
I t pounds drcHBcd was caught tiy C A
Jtass In tho Ogdon river near Hunts
4 1111 t 6 meA
A jury In tho district court of Og
rl i flon Friday afternoon returned a vcr
I aiel of guilty In the case of William
llrown charged with burglar
jl Captain Duncan loss the champion
I u > broadsword fighter of the world of
tl t Glasgow Scotland vvns In Salt Uiko
II tills week seeking a match with tho
Tho Jury In the dive murder case
at Provo after deliberating nine
dt kuura returned u verdict of just
+ f fiablo homicide according to the plea
Dr tho unwritten law
ik 1 t f 1 The Post publishing company of
I t I Provo has filed articles of lncorK > ra
1I i tlon to carry on a general publishing
baftlncES Tho capital stock Is 15000
6t par value 60 cents share I
The lllnghfim volunteer fire depart i
m I s nan Is making extensive preparations
to entertain the state convention of
I Volunteer Firemen which will be held
i to Ulngham August 23 and 24
t h p Thirty employees of the National
1 1 Fireproof company working on tho
Kearns building In Salt hake City
ftUii were put on the Job
1 4 t Is k 1 t t A TJio Scranton mine of Eureka was
declared unfair by tho Miners union
y because the company refused to con
I elder Uie plea for bettor food made by
it2 1I thirtyfive striking minors
i t Throe Austrians were frightfully
mangled and three other severly In
7 f tf ured by a delayed explosion of a shot
al t i l In a cut of the Bingham Garfield rail
tt toad near Salt Luke City Sunday
Salt Luke county now Is assured of
a county hospital along with Its In
Brmary Plans for the hospital havo
a been decided upon by the county com
missioners and work should start
1 lOOn
t 1t
t J W Hayes who obtained 100
from Dr Joyco Ogden by representing
1 himself as n member of tho Masonic
order was sentenced to two years In
4 ° lhe penitentiary by District Judge
1 p Howell of Ogden
I According to Associated Press dls
jtelchou Salt Lake City will bo the
is scene of a notable conference of gov
minors who will discuss plans to re
r a + 4 tain i control of the natural resources
a In their respective states
AM IY + H 3 Graves chief forcstonof tho
lIi a U S forestry bureau was a Salt
j r Lako visitor Sunday Mr Graves la
p t waking a western trip to get person
j1 i k i allY acquainted with the various of
rat y S 11 ficers of tho service and with the peo
I ple using the forests
1SS K t Geo E Riley a clerk and E J
Walsh an actor wore arrested by tho
Ogden police on tho charges of doping
11 I + h and robbing Charles Johnson a lab
fry orerThree
a Three young toughs attacked an i
1 tged lady In Ogdon Sunday night and
+ I k6 tempted to snatch a valuable gold
N watch from her bolt She made such
N w a heroic defense that tho youths wore
tl frightened off making their escape
Mkt r without being apprehended
Shorl George T Judd of Provo took
1 c > 1 1 Brig Peterson and David Greonhalgh
to Santlquln Sunday and loft them
a there Tho yomn men have been In
t t custody for a week on surplclon of
+ j being tho men who shot Moslah Gun
° demon at Santlquln on July 4
Chief Forester Henry S Graves the
successor of Gifford Plnehot arrived
In Ogden Friday morning and spent
e 1I tho day with District Forester A E
s ct Sherman and the other officers of tho
t > tih < Fourth district headquarters Mr
su 3 Graves said that In all the forestry
t districts ho has recently visited he
bus found matter moving along aa I
smoothly as poslble
lr q Tom Thorls of Farnham was hold
wi qt up brutally beaten and robbed of 35
p j late Wednesday night near Mounds
i ryi by Joseph IJarkarlsh and Steven
tj aX I Pavlch of Salt Lake who escaped to
t wards Sunnyslde Deputy Sheriff Bur
l < r r KCS and a posse from hero wero soon
l f on tho trail of the assailants and
tt h early Friday morning succeeded In
j capturing them
It The street car line has been finally
i i + ea t extended from Salt Lake City to
a T Sandy the people of Sandy coebratlni
ti I t the arrival of the first car by a genera
i j u suspension of business and devoting
the day to a general cclcbra Ion
it Wallace U White of Salt Lain
City one of the best kuown attornoyt
ha t In Utah dropped dead In emigration
canon shortly after 12 oclock Wed
l ntsday afternoon Apoplexy or hear
wt 4 p failure Is presumed to have been the
7 t i cause of death Judged by tho circum
Yy stances
k trt e
p The Utah National Guard Is en
camped at Dale Creek Wyoming
4 t where It wll spend fifteen days In
rt maneuvers and drill tactics Two spe
d m cial trains were required to transport
7 the different companies and their Im
A v Salt Lakes habit of taxing uttjiy In
ti r I dividual or corporation for tho privi
lege of doing business throiimi or ill
Dances directed against the manufac
C turers and other interests has result
t l kt od In an Increase of 5102752 In I
cause tax collections for tho first soy
en months of loin
ltiw 4 I
No Word Passed Between Them
Kansas CityMrs Cora Muena the
milliner of Hume Mo for tho love of
whom Joseph Wendllng accused of the
murder of Alma Kellncr at Louisville
Ky betrayed his whereabouts to the
Loulsvlllo police left Kansas City with
Wcndllng and his captora bound for
Louisville Sunday She will be a wit
ness In the murder case against the
man who painted word pictures for
her of his chateaux In Franco and
wanted to make her Mrs Wcndllng
When tho train bearing Wcndllng
nnd Inspector Carney and Chief LInd
soy of the Loulsvllo police reached
the station hero Mrs Muena and In
spector Doyle and Chief Griffin of the
Kansas City police were there to meet
It It was not her onetime lover that I
the bue eyed widow wanted to see
She was there to consult Inspector
Carney who trailed Wendllng halfway
across tho continent to discuss the dL
vision of tho rewards aggregating
about 6000 offered for the arrest of
tho supposed slayer of the eight year
old niece of Frank Fehr the wealthy
Chicago Prepared to Entertain Knlghta
Templar Conclave
Chicago Chicago stands ready to
receive the five hundred thousand
strangers who will tarry within her
gates during tho thirtyfirst triennial
conclave and encampment of the
Knights Templar of the United States
For years quietly and for weeks
openly tho work of preparation has
gone on Now It Is done and Chicago
Is proud of it as it stands
Probably tho most Interesting fea
ture of tho encampment from the
point of view of the Templars Is the
series of exhibition drills In which tho
different commanderlos will contest
for supremacy In the mastery of the
Templar manual Commanders from
all over tho country have entered the
list and tho winning organization
must bo practically perfect to carry
off tho honors Handsome prizes and
troops valued at thousands of dollars
base been obtained by the drill com
WJU9Q for award to successful con
Cuba Faces Crisis
Havana With tho adjournment of
tho Cuban congress after a session
Blngulary poor in usefulness there
sounds on all sides the note of active
preparation for the political campaign
preceding elections to be held the first
week of November It Is realized that
in theso elections tho young republic
faces the most serious crisis that has
yet confronted It
The situation Is complicated by the
great number of parties with still
others in process ot formation Among
the minor parties now springing into
existence Is that of La Jovcna Cuba
of Young Cubans modeled so its
oaders say after tho Young Turks
and the party of Young Italy
Utah Guard Wins Praise
Camp Ols WyoUtah has far sur
passed all other states of the west In
Us military showing this year and
though the maneuvers have hardly be
gun tho officers and men have made
an excellent record This Is the opin
ion freely expressed by regulars who
have been In camp for a month or
two and who are in the habit of bump
Ing Into militia organizations and siz
ing them up
Stage Held Up
Santa Fe N M Captain Fred For
noff of the mounted police was notified
that tho stage from Mogollon southwestern
western Socorro county to Silver City
was again held up tho driver killed
and 18000 worth of gold bullion
solen Mogollon Is seventy miles
from the nearest railroad and tele
graph station
1hls stage was held up last week
and three women passengers relieved
of 650 Several posses took up the
trail of tho robbers
Militiamen In Conflict
Macon GaTho two companies of
militia which wore sent to Grays sta
tion following reports of rioting In
connection with tho killing of E S
and Morris Kthrldgo In the outbreak
of the EthrldgeMorton feud returned
to Macon Saturday Will Morton who
was engaged In a fist light with Clay
ton Kltchlns a cousin of the dead
men when the shooting occurred was
released from custody Luther Sam
and Tom Morton the other brothers
refuse to discuss tho affair other than
to claim they shot In selfdefense
Typos In Convention
Minneapolis Tho fiftysixth annual
convention of the International Typo
graphical union will open in this city
Monday and contluo six days San
Francisco Salt Lake City and Hous
ton are after next years convention
Mob Threatens Violence
Evergreen AlaA mob Sunday
threatened to lynch Albert Johnson
and John Manuel negroes in Jail here
on the charge of being Implicated In
the killing of Jesse Baldwin an aged
farmer at Wilcox station on July 7
I i
J I t r re s J
jl i
tI r
a c l
Copyrlghl lAll I
Political Adviser of Taft Has Difficult
Task to Perform
Washington Postmaster General
Hitchcock has the faculty of keeping
his own counsel as highly developed
as any man In public life toda
It Is strange therefore that he re
fuses to discuss his homecoming trip
to Beverly beyond the statement that
he will probably see the president
The political observers here are not
however as silent as Mr Hitchcock
regarding the proposed visit In fact
It Is stated confidently that the post
master general who Is chairman of the
Republican national committee and
politician ln chief of the administration
has been called to Beverly to consult
with tho president as to tho ways and
means of straightening out the kinks
in which the party has gotten Hiou ai
the western and middle states pj
Just how Mr Hitchcock will go to
work to get Insurgents and standpat
tars together is an Interesting ques
tion It Is the best belief here that It
will be imposslbe Both sides have
now reached pretty nearly the point
where they would rather see the Dem
ocrats win than the other faction and
as astuto a politician as Mr Hitch
cock Is acknowledged to be It is feared
the task is beyond him I
Choctaw Chief Points Out How Tribes
men Have Been Pillaged by
McAlester OklaThat a new era of
wholesalo legislation by congress has
dawned for tho Indians as a result of
the congressional Investigation Into
the McMurray contracts is the beset
genera among senators congressmen
and other government officials assem
bled here
The story told on the stand by Green
McCuitaln chief of 18000 Choctaw In
dians and a venerable lighter of pio
neer days made a deep Impression
McCurtaln related how his tribe year
after year had waited for the govern
ment to sail their lands and how at
last the Indians becoming discouraged
had become the prey of attorneys
whose promises were more glowing
than thoso of the government
It cost his tribe In the last ten
years McCurtaln said 300000 In at
torneys fees besides a share In the
750000 fee paid to the McMurray
firm several years ago In citizenship
cases Involving the Choctaws and
Popular Employee of the Telegram
Killed by Engine
Killed almost instantly by being
struck by a switch engine of the Salt
Lake Route at the Intersection of
Eighth West and South Temple
streets Saturday afternoon at 445
oclock the body of Horatio Newton
19 years of age of 119 North First
West street was taken to tho under
taking parlors of ODonnell Co
Newton was employed as a clerk by
the Telegram
Difficult to Get Jury
Chicago Although the examina
tion of 200 vcnlremen for a Jury in
the second trial of Lee ONell
Browne charging him with purchas
ing votes Thursday another venire of
100 men was ordered drawn
Texas May Go Dry
Dallas Tex Ofllclal figures tabu
lated Saturday show the prohibition
submission proposition In the general
preliminary elections on July 24 had
a majority of nearly 40000 votes
Donation to Strikers
Columbus OThe Second regi
ment Ohio National Guard will give
the striking street car employes of
Columbus a money donation Tho of
ficers and men are now taking tho
matter up at their various homo sta
tions and within n short time a con
tribution will bo sent here Colonel
E S Bryant was at tho state house
and said the Second rcflment Intended
to try to outdo the Sixth regiment
sodlfors and the Toledo militiamen
who Friday gavo the strikers 500 in
Iowas Progressive Republlcas Under
Cummins and Dolllver Control
Tariff Law Branded Failure
Des Moines Republican Iowa
wrote herself vigorously progressive
at a convention which was in an up
roar most of the time
Senators Cummins and Dolllver and
the Insurgent delegation at Washing
ton were enthusiastically endorsed
Tho now tariff law was branded as a
failure in the light of the party pledge
of 1908 President Taft received the
most tepid of lukewarm indorsements
A sop to harmony was Hung out in
the Indorsement of the administration
of Governor Carroll An attempt to
use the steamroller to make the
state central committee overwhelm
ingly progressive was called off pre
sumably at the hint of Senator Cum
mins Senator Cummins was tempor
ary chairman Senator Dolllver per
manent chairman
Tho progressive majority ranged
close to 300 on every question The
resolutions committee was progres
sive 6 to 5
What may have been an attempt to
stampede the delegates In favor of
the stalwart Republicans was made
when a Second district delegate for
mer Congressman Ellsworth Romln
ger hoisted a portrait of the presi
dent amid standpat cheers But the
other side answered with silence or
with jeers Later another delegate
among the progressives exposed a pic
ture of Colonel Roosevelt occasioning
a demonstration The Taft portrait
was again hoisted and the two like
nesses held so as to confront each
other The demonstration Interrupted
a roll call for some minutes
The standpat delegates went down
in defeat with their colors riveted to
the mast They fought In every com
mittee where a fight was possible In
sisted on roll calls and battled every
Inch for their principles
Roosevelts name was cheered
standing Cummins who spoke as
temporaly chairman Ignored Laceys
cry hut It was some time before he
could resume A number of socalled
regulars did not stay to hear the ad
dress out
Former ongressman Lacey sound
ed the keynote In a speech In which
he declared that It was Important
that Iowa should go Republican next
election but asserted amid applause
that was more Important thot the Re
publican party should go Republican
Alleged Indulgence by Mrs Longworth
Is Stirring up Trouble
New YorkThe question as to
whether Mrs Alice Longworth and
Miss Eleanor Scars should smoke
cigarettes IB rapidly becoming a national
tional one
The Christian Endeavor I societies
have taken the matter up and In all
sections of the countiy solutions I
are being adopted urging Mrs Long I
worth and Miss Sears to stop the use
of cigarettes The National Anti Cig
arette league has even gone the
lenggth of appointing ti committee to
wait on Mrsfl Longworth and Implore
her In the Interest of the welfare of
the oung girls of the country to
eschew the delights of the Coffin
nail i
Girl Saw Lover Kill Father
Denton IIIIn the presence of I
Edith Newton a 16 > earolil village
beauty her father James Newton
and her sweetheart Singleton Isom
fought a fatal pistol duel on Monday
resulting In Newtons death
Scientist Dead I
Washington Julius Ulke scientist I
a member of Prof Simon New combs I
party which went to Africa In 1882 toI I
observe tho transit of Venus died at
his home here Monday night
Accidentally Kills Wife
Seattle Wash Florence Stroble
years old was shot and killed at the
home here of her former husband
Charles Lyts Lyts says the suuonnc
was accidental and the police after
Investigating his story decided not to
arrest him
Never Attempted to Bribe
Muskogee Okla With Senator
Thomas P Gore reasserting his
charges that he had been offered n
bribe of 25000 or 50000 to Influence
his action In congress and with JaUo
L Hamon accused by the senator of
having offered the bribe denying ho
the Investigation
had ever done any such thing
vestigation of the Oklahoma Indian
land deals by a committee of tho
house of representatives today sim
mered down to a mass of denials
For four hours former chairman of
the Oklahoma Republican state com
mittee made a continuous series of
denials as to his alleged relation with
what are known as the McMurray con
tracts by which according to Sonar
tor Gore 3000000 or 10 per cent of I
30000000 to be realized from tho
sale of Indian lands to a New York
syndicate was to be diverted from
the Indians In tho shape of attor
neys fees
Interrogating the witness Congress
man E W Saunders a member of the
committee said
Now Mr Hamon you have denied
the testimony of all the witnesses who
have preceded you You have brand
ed the assertions of the senator his
brother his clerk and the congress
man as absolutely false It would ap
pear from your denials that a con
spiracy had been entered Into grossly
to misrepresent you How do you ac
count for that
Thats beyond my power to under
stand replied Hamon I neer had
one pennys worth of Interest In the
McMurray contracts and never offered
a bribe to anyone
It Is barely possible that I did see
Senator Goro on May 6 last when he
says the offer of a bribe was made I
saw him frequently but at this time I
believe he took me uplnto the library
of th senate and closed the door Ho
wanted to talk over with me his com
ing campalg nand see how 1 could
help him out financially Although I
am a Republican and he a Democrat
I was In the habit of helping him
Bottom Seems to Have Dropped Out
Notwithstanding Boosting Efforts
of Manufacturers
New York Indications point to the
bottom having fallen out of the auto
mobile buslnes Tho manufacturers
It Is reported In trade circles are
making strenuous efforts to keep up
a show of continued prosperity but
It Is also said that they are not sell
Ing their product but are storing ma
chines throughout the country at their
various agencies to prevent the pub
lic realizing the true conditions of
the market
Several large concerns are laying
off men and giving all sorts of rea
sons for so doing except the state
ment that they are overstocked Two
or three of the largest factories re
cently closed entirely I ostensibly for
the purpose of taking Inventory but
the workmen were not given any def
inite time at which to again report for
work and It is not expected that
these factories will again be In oper
ation this year
A wellknown automobile agent of
this city said yesterday that all cars
would undoubtedly be selling at from
25 per cent to 50 per cent less than
present list prices within lie next
two or three months He added
The trouble with the automobile
business Is that the farmers and peo
pie of the smaller cities and towns
have not taken as kindly to the Idea
as was anticipated The farmers find
that the cost of
keeping them In re
pair and operation Is more than the
cost of keeping horses to perform the
same work and while there was for
a time a tendency among the farmers
to Invest In the machines the defand
for cars Irom this class of buyers has
practically stopped and I venture to
say we will not again sell to the farm
ore to any extent until prices are
terially reduced
Streets Patrolled by Troops
San Sebastionl Finm
ram daYbrcalt the
streets were patro led by cavalry In
fantry and gendarmes while heavy
bodies of troops were held in readiness
In the barracks at Mframar palace
the gravest Incident occurcd Sunday
evening when groups of clericals as
bcmbled shouting Death to Spain
Long live the POliO
Thousands of IndUnnnt
iiihhed towards thcnianlfestanb
only the personal Intervention nf and the
governor at the head of a platoon of
police prevented an attack Nearly
150 arrests were made
I Holdups Confession
Boise Tho self confessed member
of the holdup gang of the Oregon
Sho t Line train
near Ogden will In
all probability ho
dismissed In
a few
days as the Investigations
of Detec
are proving his statements
Inaccurate Bull Rogers tho crimi
nal told the tale
that the four hold
ups Including
escaped down
the track on bicycles after
the train and hid the
bicycles In
old an
Ice house
going Into
the city on foot
Jewelry ValUes
Not one person
In a hun
knows Jewelry nn
dont IndIcate value H
deal must bo A
to to
cloy Forty elglltyesrs oro apdu
bllity stand behind a
chase made here
rIIlq i
Correspondeuee InOlIed
Before sending your boy
to a boarding school invest
Catloeu Sent
Fre on Appilp
Rev oJ oJ Cui nan
Pnliapl t
Drunkenn j
Opium DisJ
ne n b I M nUjdtr M ilckuii IH
prifiltlr as in At r ewe Mon THE
5TITUTE 334 W Seath Temple Sttt s
on easy ttrmi3 cull
and 1 per wick f
e The Talking Maclj
128 Stile Street SAL
Write for catalogues and literature tt
and prlntlnr Man nnkrs given pronuj
Bait Lake Photo Supply Co Sill I
School all rte
keeping hhoril
Tji > ewrltlii
tuft lAka City 11 West tInt SouliI
Write for lullinlormn UnD to 11C 1AV
line Rubber Type Outfits and luppiitil
Mall orders receive prompt tittiil
James A Patten has a t
In Chicago said a New York
I dined with him thero one aJ
After dinner I admired i
statue in the drawing room
Splendid statue that
What Is It made out oftr
I made it out of cotton
Paten New Yory Tribune 1
John did you take the no
Yes but I dont think lie <
Why so Johnr
Because he Is blind fir
wur In the room he asked
where my hat wur and It wd
hoad all the UmelIousete
To Clarify Butter
Melt two or three ounces
IH a saucepan heat It until Ij I
thickly carefully remove all f
and let It stand for a fef j
Pour off the clear oily or clar
keeping back all the scdlmej
And Then He Got I
Beginner wrathfullyI 1
Im tired of your laugblts t
game If I hear any
from you Ill crack your
CaddleAII right but n t
dont know whats the rub
do It with Exchange
Too Ambitious M
Alfred Vanderbilt In >
coaching coat and a white
with his colors In red
nations In his buttonhole
down to Brighton one flee I
said a Chicagoan
talked o
Mr Vanderbllt
about horses lIe Is a I j 3
witty young man Aprop °
way In horse breeding you
I riflco speed to stronftn 0 i
to speed he told me a WHo
could net
Ho said we
cake and have It We
arrange things as a
Sunday school desired t
Minnie said this t
teacher which would you
beautiful or good
I think she said I
beautiful and repent
The Witching He J
Claire Jack told me b
see you the worst Jlosslb1 II p I
wlnit did y
EthylAnd e
him to et
ClalroI told t
breakfast some a
Life d
Not Interrupting i
At the piano Mrs Bato t
Edith and Edward
of tin old
the Intricacies k
ody when she became
the twins wero adding
from an I
stopped playing >
Children she elclaJ 1
are not allowed to Join J1 I
with Edith and Edward
Vo werent the tai
In slightly resentful lone
singing something quite I
Youths Companion +

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