OCR Interpretation

The Spanish Fork press. [volume] (Spanish Fork, Utah) 1902-current, November 03, 1910, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058245/1910-11-03/ed-1/seq-7/

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want to tell you in j a few words what
r SwampHoot did for me liclicung
testimony may do some other suffering
Sag pcrwn a great deal of good
fering About Fix years ago I was dangerously
in T consulted three doctors oil of whom
pid II I UaJ 1 kidney trouble One of the
Ltors annljzed my urine and reported
iht I had gravel and further said that
h order to regain my health and life an
n aeration would be necessary I did not
II1nt I to bo operated on as I was afraid
that I would not recover Someone told
e of Dr Kimers SwampHoot and said
me it was a reliable medicine for kidney
rouble BO I decided to try it nnd went
tV Mr nose the druggist at 303 Central
Are Minneapolis and bought a bottle
look it noticed results and continued
taking it until I was entirely cured
Having been free from nny kidney
liable for over six years I consider that
I im absolutely cured and know that I I
frimpRoot has the credit I
I never fail to tell my friends about
tour remedy aa I believe it is i the best oi
it kind Your U 0 Ointment is nlso
Teiy good Wo are never without a jar i
in our houseYours
Yours very truly
Minneapolis Mann
I State of Minnesota
County of Henncpm J
Personally appeared before me this 23rd
bj of Sept 1009 Mrs Margaret E
Anderson of the City of Minneapolis ol
the State of Minnesota who subscribed
the above nnd on oath Bays that the same
1 li true in substance and in fact
Notary Public
Commission expires March 20 IOU
I p 5ibrb Co I
Prove What SwampRoot Will Do For You
L Send to Dr Kilmer Co Bingham
ton N Y for a sample bottle It will
convince anyone You will also receive
i booklet of valuable information telling
ifl about the kidneys and bladder When
writing be sure and mention tlih paper
For Bale at nil drug stores Price fifty
I cents and onedollar
Laying the Foundation
I Why are you always so careful to
N uk advice about what you nro going
It to do
r So that If things go wronj I can
d lay I told you so
Ie A good honcst renicd for Rheumatism
n Ncurilpii nnd Soon Throat is i Ilnmlina
it truant Oil Nothing will to quickly drive
tat all pain and inflammation
n Revengo Is better than a greedy
he kind of gratitude
ce Mrs AVInslows Sootnlni Syrup
1T hrchllaren icdhlni mfeiiuthoKimis nducosln
tunmaUunallarsp m cuusnluUcuUc O5ea tLUa
Anaemia Is often temporarily mis
taken for virtue
The more lie tongue flows the less
lIen the head knows
I at
fin te Cured by Lydia E Pink
bamsVegetable Compound
4th Milwaukee Wis 1 Lydia E Pink
1 nc hams Vegetable Compound has made
mo a well woman
IS 8 J I and I would like to
llt tell thewholo world
I 10 I of it I suffered
ttt fromfomale trouble
Usfi and fearful pains in
my back I had tho
cr best doctors and
they all decided
C I that I had a tumor
idp in addition to my
ef t female trouble and
advised an opera
serk tion Lydia E
hnkhama Vegetable Compound mado
pe a well woman and I havo no moro
shei backache I hope I can help others by
e ci I idling them what Lydia Pinkhama
he f Vegetable Compound has done for
alH eMns EiuiAliiar 833 FIrst St1
g I UUvaukeo Wis
r ie The above Is only ono of the thou
t ands of grateful letters which are
Ion Constantly being received by tho
nolh nkliamlledlcino Company of Lynn
enee ass which provo beyond a doubtthat
so Ljdla E Pinkhams Vegetable Coin
ed tl jound made from roots and herbs
ad sle tually does euro these obstinate dis
viole 0Se2 i of women after all other means
nlll avo failed and that every such suf
e ring woman owes it to herself to at
bille pstpivo Lydia E Pinkhams Vegota
laiD ple Compound a trial before submit
only1 t jflg to an operation or giving up
made ope i of recovery
lIIrs Pinklmni of Lynn Mnss
e sUn VItes nIl sick women to write
a gl her for advice She has pruldcrt
LS It bl l IthoiisandH to health nUll her
tiOt Wtlco is free
10 ID African littmci TrwIU
beard I by thousands for Christina and New
Jut f In iilfdi A man In nvprv place to take II I
ofl the families in hit locality tfirrHI I Mnnnp
uioi r f I mil 1 Mrli fnimnlitlon Take the real
Ir t III a ce mi write for prospectus now to CHARLES
nr diU R1IJNtJ RS SONS isj CR S Fifth Avenue
w Yot k
die vir Invention Krfe bookie
orwar TE11T Liberal lertui Consultuii MILO
fb II HlISMilNa V CO INKhI Iw4
oie tit ChIrR
irs L Wmhlnition 2 ro liirl > orn
nrd 0
bt t ENTS to tell JAIIVO MAOIUNIfl TW1S1
ugllt i kittling flko It lartlcul tree Him
torC ° iii blmkur Thread Co 1aTf tacuot 111
lbe bao lilTED Ilvohu ag nUto ana allra
the 0 II f llltf
It llvo tot a hi hind imimwlllon
alnsl money XKlUrkB > l > i
01 t varl
Great Many of Settlers Have
Little or No Capital
Arid Country Gradually Settling Up
and PresentTlme Difficulties Will
Be Overcome by Adopting
Modern Methods
Farming conditions tho dry coun
try are far more from being settled as
they should be and it is too true that
many have had only failure or partial
success One reason for discourage
ment and failure i
Is that the great ma
prity settling on the frontier have I
little money to make n start writes
John Robertson In Campbells Sclen
title Farmer Few have anything left
after building a small house on their
claim and buying a few necessities
and then must live somehow for about
two years before getting any returns
from cultivation of tho soil Those
who do not leave the country profit
from the failure of others in that
they can buy their improvements etc
for a small per cent of the actual
worth This is a condition of affaire
In which wo find a survival of the
Many of tho first settlers who re
mained turned their attention to
lock raising letting their stock run
on government land and arc now in
good circumstances They have become
come so accustomed to plenty of land
that they have started to cry A man
cant make a living on 160 acres of
land which accounts for the various
bills for the enactment of a law allowing
lowing C40acro homesteads There
may bo localities where It would add
to tho prosperity of the state to allow
640acre homesteads but for the ma
Jority of the western part of the state
It would be a mistake It Is not more
land that is needed but better farm
lag Many are land poor now
One great drawback is the scarcity
of water and In many localities poor
water Wells are very uncertain and
a poor man cannot afford to pay for
he drilling Still as tlmo goes on
the country will gradually settle up
until all the land Is taken and pres
ent time difficulties will be overcome
by adopting methods that best comply
with natures laws for overcoming the
drawbacks existing In tho various lo
calities In tlmo more will bo pro
duced from 40 acres of land than is
now from 160 acres
It Is hard for the man who comes
from an eastern state to realize that
there are lands here In which there
Is no mosture In the subsoil available
for crops If one digs a hole on such
land oven after one of our wettest
seasons he will come to soil as dry
as though it never had been wet All
we have to depend upon Is tho rain
fall which Is uncertain Many claim
that as the country gets settled and
land Is cultivated tho seasons will
change and wo will get more rain
This hope Is a consolation but per
sonally I have little faith in the the
ory Wo have been experiencing
more favorable years lately but the
dry years will come again so let us
plan to accept conditions as they
have been study the nature of the
country and by adapting ourselves to
conditions overcome the difficulties
From experience I have learned
hero arc four main principles to ob
serve In making a success of dry land
farming namely First deep plowing
second planting home grown seeds
or those adapted to the particular lo
cality third planting farther apart
or only about twothirds as much seed
to the acre as on wet land fourth I
thorough cultivation
In hard soils a 12Inch plow Is large
enough for a team weighing from
1200 and 1400 pounds each It is a
good Idea to use a plow with an extra
heavy beam say a 14Inch plow beam
In a 12Inch plow We cannot all afford
ford big horses nor even enough of
small ones in some cases so where a
man has only one team of bronchos
weighing say 1000 pounds each and
maybe a 14 or 1C inch plow ho can
not loosen the soil very deep and will
et results accordingly
Good seed is of great importance
If possible got seeds of some one in
tho locality who is making a success
and has varieties which arc adapted
observe this rule especially In seed
OpenFront Houses
A few years ago the openfront poul
tryhouse was practically unknown
Tho tendency at that time was to con
struct housps that were very tight and
ventilated by the opening of windows
and In many Instances by means of
flues and cupolas This type of house
as a rule was more or less damp and
It did not take many years for pro
gressive men to realize that damp
houses meant cold houses and an
abundance of disease
The result has been n gradual In
crease in the amount of fresh air in
the house and loss attention given to
warmth until today we have what Is
known as tho open or cloth front
house One can still fInd however
many types of poultryhouses but tho
openfront house Is fast becoming the
standard for every climate
Unprofitable Marketing
There Is perhaps nothing marketed
as poorly as poultry If alive they
are shipped 1 In little crowded coops as
thick as they can bo squeezed in If
dressedwell from what can be ob
served on market days ones appetite
for chicken would not be enhanced
There Is no reason why dressed fowls
cannot bo put on tho market In more
Inviting condition
Great Advantage of Method Over
Grandfathers It That Farmer
Gets Crop at Start
fly E It PARSONS In Dry Farming
Congress nulletln
The popular way Is to plow sod
about three Inches deep pack It solid
skim over it with a slanted harrow
then next season backsot it and play
shuttlecock with tho chunks for sev
eral years until they gradually wear
out This may bo easy work nnd good
fun but It Is not farming The aver
age yield on land prepared in thin
manner is usually about onethird or
less of a fair crop
Tho other way Is to fIrst disc your
sod on a wet day then plow It under
at least eight Inches and then tear it
all to pieces with disc and harrow
always discing first Sod can bo made
Into almost as fine a seed bed as old
land nnd should raise more to the
acre not less I
Tho art In handling sod la to plow It
under wet Old land can be plowed
dry in the fall and allowed to fill up
with moisture but not sod for once
tho chunks become dry they aro fIt
only to build cabins with Sod when
wet on tho surface Is full of nil the
bacteria of rot and decay and as soon
as It Is plowed under commences to
ferment and If It Is turned under
eight Inches and properly mulched
with disc and harrow no drouth ordi
nary or extraordinary can stop it
But If sod becomes dry the bacteria
are dead your yeast Is gone and it Is
very hard to wet It up sufficiently to I
start the process again This is why
a man will say I plowed my sod I
deep but it stayed with mo for years
He lot It dry out
If this plan is followed the chunks
will be found the next season to be
reduced to mere ashes The great ad
vantage of this method over grand
fathers way Is that you obtain n good
crop at the start perhaps tho best
that ever comes oft tho land in ques
tion and the difference in cost Is
hardly more than JlGO an acre
A man between Denver and Chey
enne this year put In 60 acres of oats
the old way and they grow exactly
six inches high This Is one example
He represents hundreds
At Cheyenne they moved Dr Cooke
onto the top of tho mesa In June last
year with nothing to work on but
hard dry adobe sod tho worst kind of
sod to work that exists anywhere from
Edmonton to Mexico Ho had that
sod plowed eight Inches nnd properly I
fined down and when ho went to In
spect his crops in July they looked as
good as any Irrlgatted crops about
Greeley And this without any rain
since May 1
Deeper plowing Is what wo need on
the dry farms Many a man who is
plowing six and seven inches and Just
uunnglng to live could be putting
away 1000 a year by dropping his
plow down three or four Inches
Necessity for Salt
Cows like salt and It is absolutely
essential for their health and wellbe
ing Especially must they have it
regularly during the heavy milking
period If no salt is given during this
period somo cows will entirely break
down In health and cease to give milk
When cows are fed salt regularly
they have a better appetite for feed
and water and the more feed and wa
ter n cow cnn consume and utilize
tho more milk she will give A dairy
cow that does not consume largo quan
tities of water is as a rule not profit
able Place tho salt In small boxes
about tho stables and yards where tho
cows can lick it at will
Tho best egg stimulant Is a good
variety of healthful food
Begin fighting the mites and lice
before they get a start
A clumsy hen seldom makes a good
Bread crumbs are splendid feed for
the young chick
Tho science of rearing healthy
chicks has to be learned chiefly by
It is well to know how to cure poul I
try diseases but It is moro profitable
to know how to prevent them
Too much soft food Induces disease
Feed a light warm bulky mash In
the early morning and feed grain the
middle of the afternoon and at night
Now Is a good tithe to spade up
tho runs The fowls will like tho
worms and the ground will bo much
As an appetizer and an exercise
scatter millet seed in litter on tho pen
floor and let tho youngsters hustlo
for it
A knot hole in the side of a house
where the hens roost is moro danger
ous than If you loft a window open
Never giver your chicks sloppy food
but make It so that It will crumblo
when thrown on tho feed board
Fowls half fed are never In good
condition for mariset or laying eggs
and honce rarely prove profitable
When the cockerels are three or
four months old they should bo kept
separate from the pullets Both lots
will thrive bettor and grow faster for
tho separation
Hawks and crows which took somo
straying young poults especially tho
former are such vermin destroyers
that they are not unmitigated pests
If ono is shot and hung up In plain
sight it seems to frighten tho others
away and total destruction Is not
necessary nor probably desirable
Poultry houses that are too close
and too warm are worse than those
that are supposed to bo too cold A
fow years ago the ogg recordbreak
ing hen roosted all winter on the top
of a coal abed
rrd 702 24aZVJ12e
ltr po4ff CAN
PR l co4cr2214rv4v7i
Why the Doy Gave Thanks
Alan had played the entire day with
little brother without an impatient
word After saying his customary
prayer that night his mother suggest
ed that ho add I thank God I was
not impatient with little brother to
day This ho did with much fer
vency after which ho remarked that
there were some other things ho
would like to thank God for and forth
with ho closed his eyes and said
I thank God I offered my candy to
mother before taking any myself
I thank God I offered my candy
to little brother before taking any my
And I thank God there was some
left Llpplncotts
In tho middle of the night of March
30th I woke up with a burning itch in
my two hands and I felt as if I could
pull them apart In the morning the
itching had gone to my chest and dur
ing that day it spread all over my
body I was red and raw from the top
of my head to the soles of my feet and
I was in continual agony from the
Itching I could neither lie down nor
sit up I happened to see about Cull
curn Remedies and I thought I would
give them a trial I took a good bath
with tho Cutlcura Soap and used tho
Cutlcurn Ointment I put it on from
my head down to my feet and then
went to bed On tho first of April I
felt like a new man The itching was
almost gone I continued with tho
Cutlcura Soap and Cutlcura Ointment
and during that day tho itching com
pletely left me Frank Gridley 325
East 43rd Street New York City Apr
27 1909 Cutlcura Remedies are sold
throughout tho worla Iotter Drug
Chem Corp Solo Props Boston Mass
lovemaking and Practice
Tho only way to become nn expert
at lovemaking Is to practice This
was the information handed out to a
handful of hearers by the Hindu phil
osopher Sakharam Ganesh Pandit in
a lecture on The Science of Love
Love is a divine discontent said
tho philosopher and If you want to
arouse love In others It can bo done
only by giving them love How to
develop the emotion of lovo In another
Is the great question of today tho art
of making love It needs a great deal
of study and a great deal of prac
FRANK J CHENEY makes oath that he la l senior
partner of the arm of r J CIIESEY t Co doIng
business In the City ot Toledo County and mate
pforesalil and that said firm will pay the turn of
rate of CATAHRII that cannot be cured by tbe non of
Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence
this 6th day of December A U ISSD
Halls Catarrh Cure la I taken Internally and act
directly upon the blood anti mucous surfaces of Ito
lyatem bend for testimonials free
r J CIICNUY < fc CO Toledo 0
Fold by all DruttHtB The
Take HalVe Family 1llb for constipation
His Defense
It was shortly after midnight and
tho colonel had caught Uastus red
Well Uastus you old rascal you
said ho Ive caught you at last What
are ypu doing In my henhouse
Why Marse lllil said the old man
11 done heerd such a cacklln In dls
ytiro coop flat II thought mebbo do
ole hen done gone lay an alg an 11
wanted ter git It fo you breakfas
while It was fresh sun Harpers
Some folks hover feel saintly until
they have a chance to syndicate their
w V j
Not Easy
Pat was a married mana vory
much married man Ho had married
no tower than four times nnd all his
wives were still In tho fore Accord
Ing to Puts own account before the
court where ho was tried for bigamy
and found guilty his experiences wero
not altogether satisfactory The Judge
In passing sentence expressed his
wonder that tho prisoner could bo
such n hardened villain as to delude
BO many women
Yor honor said Pat apologetical
ly I was only tryln to get a good
ono an Its not nlsyl Llpplncotts
A catalogue of vices never led any
one Into virtue
We sweep away all doctors charges We put ho best medical talent
within everybodys reach We encourage everyone who ails or thinks
he ails to find out exactly what his state of health is You can get our
remedies here at your drug store or not at all as you prefer there is
positively no charge for examination Professor Munyon has prepared
specifics for nearly every disease which aro sent prepaid on receipt of
price and sold by nil druggists
Send today for a copy of our medical examination blank and Guide
to Health which wo will mail you promptly and if you will answer nil
the questions returning blank to us our doctors will carefully diagnose
your case and advise you fully without a penny charge
Address Ifunyons Doctors Munyons Laboratories C3d JqlTerson
Streets Philadelphia Pa
If l 11
Dont Persecute
your Bowels
cot on etibrtlct I ant mnivm TW MI tnftl
hanh tmneeeMr7 TIT flKw
prdptrlaU Ad
gmtiy en rI L c
dimile Wi sn1 cIITTLE
1OOIhrdlical IITTLE
membtan t4 I 0
rI jboweUydWTilM I IffllVER I
Cm Cu
SlcklItaltcU aaj IaJlf rtlM ul1 DiMo laow
Small Pill Small Doa Small Price
Genuine mutlLur Signaturo oh
w i f
CASTORIA tot iqi
i For Infants and Children
Ii 0 =
io The Kind You Have tt
k tfiffThT Always Bought
A5j6cfabc Preparation brAs Ii r
similating iheFoodandRcgula Bears the
ling the Stomachs nnd Bowls of
iN Signature 11
I Promotes DigcstionCliccrful I w
tt ness and Rest Contains neither cf
OpiumMorphinc nor Mineral
ti Raipt HOld DrSANV lmff GR
Ij flrneha sJ
It AtuJ
Lt ti II em rlMtlJM Sit oI i In I
i 4e4t1Jr
mibryrttn itfVI
I Apcrfect Remedy for Conslip D Use
lion Sour StomachDiarrhoea
I ness and LOSS OP SLEEP For Over
fAc Simile Signature of >
w Thirty Years
Guaranteed under the Fd and
Exact Copy 01 Wrapper ntaO AUONY a TOCk Ofly
IIf i
W L OoualB tSOO 3SO and 4OOmhoaa
ara positively tho best made and moat pop
ular stioam top tho arlco In America and aro
the moat economical chaos top you to buy 17
Do you realize thnt my horn Inivo been tho gtamlnrd far over
3O yearn that I make mill anti moro fellOO 8iaO nnd WIOO i
altocs than any other mnniifnctiirer In tho US and that IWI ri7iL
LAIC Foil 1I01lA It I OUAKANTJIMVSIIIIS to imhi theIr w eo4 I l Ic
Khapo look uiiil lit licttarnml witur longer than any other SloO OkL
SJ0 or SIOO kluies vnu cnn liny Quality vonntM It liiw
mailo IIV shoes TUB Il < AI > iitH Or TilII Oltln
You will 100 pleated wholly nti buy my Html hcenllMO of tho J
lit I peurumo ami uhen It coities tlmo for YU In pit r tr L f rt w lm
cOrnea nnothnr pair yon will lio more than phmnril 1 > uciui o wCrmrUUvfo Doug a
the hick olin wore ci wtll and gave von no iiinrh comfort > Slue Vo
OAllTICtAI I hone KPiuune I iTiilioui w 1 DoiiuisiT Fi rr M > eiir > epirf tne
VW mum mid price iaiiipei on lliMxmoin I Artt NU SU EJS I I 1 UTE
11 lOur dealer tunOt ui > plr jrii ii ltli W I Iionnliu bUii write lor iicIi order OMaloi
W L JIUUULAS 140 Mimrk Hired Jtruckton Mo
The Rajro Lamp II a high grade lamp sold at a low price
Thorn are lamps that cost morn but there IN no better lamp miulo at any
price ConHructrtl of eollil beset nickel platedracily tcptclrnn I an
ornament to any room In aiiv houso lbiro y anothlnit known to the art
THE of JinupnmklDg t hat can add to the Talon or the HA YO Lump as n light
STEADY giving device YT dealer everywhere If not at Tours wrlto tor
I WHITE descriptive circular to the rarest agency of the
OllV For Pink Eye Epizootic
DISTEMPER 5 h Ipp I njiJCiiirer
6 Culnrrhul Fever
Sure cure and poll tin preventive mitterliowhorMuat RUT stage are Infected
S eipohett Liquid R veil on the tunguei tact on the Wood ani Ulaudflt extwls tlifc
a KlMBOuiKernii from the bod7 CurnlUGtemprr In hog and Rherp an CbolralD
ultrx forirratiielUnKllveitoclc trNI lr Our la Irlppo arooiiK human txiliiin
ml ialin kidney rrmn < ly Me and II a tx > ttli tA and ifo a rioxrn Cut thlvouU
K sep It show to r voiirilruirgUtvrlin wIll get It toryou free Booklet Utcupcr
r attics and Cures > 8IeetaI Agents vafliei
c SPOHN MEDICAL CO Ii Bactorloloixlata Chemists and GOSHEN IND U S A
Keeps the spindle bright and
MICA free from grit Try a box
Sold by dealers everywhere
Continental IncoriKirutuil Oil Co
SI have been using Cascarets for In
somnia with which I have been afflicted
for twenty years and I can say that Cas
carets nave given me more relief Ulan any
other remedy I have ever tried I shall
certainly recommend them to my friends
03 being all that they are represented
Thoa Gillard Elgin 111
Pleasant Palatable Potent Taste Good
Do Good Never SlcUenlWeakea or Gripe
lOc 25c SOc Never sold < la bulk The con
ulno tablet stamped C C C Guaranteed to
euro or your tuon y back Ds
AOOA 1 0 ioilTho Uokl and Mitvec IiW
tluli lJ r and Cojwr bIOO
Gold and HUm reltnod und bought V rioU fur
Inn mailing works IXIIIKM ASSAY CO
lOUO Cuurt lice Deliver Colorado
your Ideal Gtpago book and
PATEJi advice Ill HB Buabllilird ISO
Ii 1IaruU Ork iyubtttuaI1I
WNU Salt Lake City No 451010
Color more ooodi brighter ind Inter colon Ihin say other die One lOc picktge colon all fibers They die In cold water belttr than mi other die
t u can die any garment without ripping apart Write heirs bookletHow to Ojo Bleach and Mil Colon MOftKOE DRUG CO Quincy Illinois

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