pv -n i'JCT7MBMBhfcilMfailftirTririTiiiniitiiMii
I i
HJ A mnn wants to dom It a woman
HJ loves him; a womui why ho loves
HJ Can you fancy a riebnto on tho Irlnli
HJ land bill developing Into a "vcrltnblo
HJ lovo feast?"
HJ A girl never considers that she has
BJ klBsed n man when sho mado him
k think ho did It.
BJ It Is a wlso man who clnchcB a
HJ i leaso on n peanut stand In Oyster Day
BM for next summer.
HJ '' A Connecticut bishop Is being crltl-
HJ clscd for going llshlng on Sunday.
HB Wo wonder what ho caught.
HJ Hearing that Hetty Orccn had
HJ lHiught an automobile, undo Husscll
HJ ' Sage went and ordered n mausoleum,
HJ Down among tho cannibal Islands
HJ 1 this Idea that fat persons nro tin-
HJ wholesome Is looked upon as arrant
HJ j nonsense.
BJ ' j When Sir Thomas Upton lunched
Bb with President Roosevelt ho lifted a
I cup. Hut as usual ho bad to put It
HI down ngnln.
BK j An cxclmngo snys "No woman ever
BK boabted of being born In n log cabin,"
)" No mnn does cither until he gets Into
1 n browustonc front.
BM, Some enthusiastic people think thst
Bff i if all tho Jiiclits were to raco together
BB tho order would be Reliance I, Const!-
Bl j tution II, Shamrock III.
K ) 'Treacher Shocked at C.lrl's Suit,"
BB fays a hcadllno on a 1'lilladelphla (11?
BJ ' patch. Hut It was a breach of promise
BB , suit, not a bathing suit.
B I : Coffeo is selling at $3.G5 a bag In
BB New York, tho lowest price ever
BB I known. Those who can drink coffee
BB can now dilnk coffeo Itself.
BB In tho Worcester Telegram's list of
BB gifts received by n couple married at
BB Oakdalo wo 11ml: "A horse, Charles
BB Merrill." Saw , clothes , or race?
BM S Tho world's record for making an
BB ; elliptical cloud of dust ono mile
BB around is now 09 .'!-5 seconds. It war
Bfl '; j . mado by an automobllo in Indlanapo-
I il
BB) "
Jordan used to bo a hard road to
B. l travel, but now they uro constructing
BB ' n modern rallnny lino along the coast
BB i and the transit proposition Is dead
H ,casy,
BB ' According to a Trench authority
B Mr. Rockefeller's Income is $50,000,-
BB 000 a year, which, doubtless, Is sev-
BB ' eral dollars In excess of his yearly
BS I outgo.
BB u t Mr. Curtis declares that Chicago Is
BB ! tho healthiest city in tho world, pos-
BB sibly excepting Stockholm, but no
BB city with 4702 lawjers Is a good place
BB to llvo In.
H I The western Judge who has decided
BSj ' that a woman has n right to bcarch
BB, j her husband's pockets, might have
BB ! , ,1 added that she wouldn't givo up the
BB J; practice, anyway.
Bit j The little boy was otnln really In
Bmu I I earnest when ho wanted to know
J I whero tho sun swallowed tho wnter to
x' that it drew up through thoso long,
1 ' ' shining straws.
BBl j I May Irwin has turned over her
BB ll' I S Plays, costumes nnd scenery to her
BBI j younger sister, nnd declares that sho
BB fi J is going to roliro from tho stage. But
BBJ P will tho costumes fit?
Bf J t Doubtless there would be even moio
BB ji namesakes of John Wesley than there
BB aio If parents did not realize tho fact
BB that John Wesley Is n hard name for
BB tho average boy to live up to.
BB ; I King Peter of Servla says ho Is
BB I) i going to Invoke tho help of Ood and
BB i tho people. At tho same time It
BB 1 Isn't likely that ho will overlook the
BB 1 j gentlemen who dealt with Alexander
Fifty homples of milk were Inspect-
m'li, j ed in I)iil8lllo recently, forty-eight
BBC ' )f which were found to bo ndultcrat-
BBii I ed with water. Now what kind of
BBJ I i 6,uff s that to make milk punch
Hi "lth!
Bfl lly an odd turn of fortune's wheel
BBl ' i 1 Charles Joseph Ilonnparto, a descend-
BBf I ant of roalty, is chosen as special
BBT ' J counsel to prosecute rogues In tho
BBj ' I postal departmont of tho American
BBf' republic.
HE: ' ,
B j "For action," prints tho Phlladol-
Bfll i ' phla Inquirer "read Homer nnd Scott;
BH for Imagination, rend Shakspenro and
BB! t ' Job." Hut whom did Homer and
BB Shakspeuro read? And, alas, whom
BBl shall wo read for originality?
BB ( Among the now novels announced
BR is ono "founded" on tho llfo of Joseph
BBT Chamberlain. Another uses for "back-
BH ground" tho recent doings In Breath-
BBT ltt county, Ky. Is tho novel, as well
H as tho magnzlno, to become a glorified
BBf newspapers?
H If the gulf stroam has shifted half
m a hundred miles or more, It is hluh
H tlmo that tho United States should
H r " rectify tho troublo, and tako meas-
BA ures to bring It buck to the. old chan-
BV nel. Labrador stylo of cllmuu Is
Ht not wanted.
I ftfmm rni.ii.Miiiiii.i,',.K.i,i., 1 "" '"" "' ""'""V
Things Quaint and Curious
Gathered Here and There
Qeorgi A. Jones of Philadelphia Chal
lenges the World.
Gcorgo A. Jones of Philadelphia
challenged tho world to produce his
squal as a whlttlor. The challenge
brought a reply from D. F. Clay of
Fernwood, who offcrod In evldonco a
wonderful dlsplny of his work.
Mr. Clay Is 7G years old and a ma
chinist by trade. In tho Illustrations
given hero nro shown two varieties of
chains, each of which ho cut out of
one piece of wood.
Tho fivo-slded link, or anchor chain,
shown Is of cedar. Tho Idea was
taken by Mr. Clay from a watch chain.
Another soctlon of this chain Is tho
eight-link production referred to abovo,
with a fancy bit forming a pentagon,
the hollowedout lnsldo containing a
double loop knot mado of tho Btlck's
core, extending laterally when pulled.
Tho pentagon, with flvo sides open,
revolve on the core.
A chain made of links, caok con
taining six links, Is of tho twist va
riety and lays flat. Mr. Clay has mado
many articles besides chains, such as
tweezers, plnchors nnd furniture sots,
hut ho has mado a specialty of chains
and believes that In that line ho
stands foremost.
The Power of the Mystic Sea Afreets
All Men.
Throughout all ages, in every clime,
to peoplo of every raco. the forces of
old ocean havo ever appealed with
Irresistible power. Us vast area, Its
solemn grandeur in repose, Its sub
lime spoctaclo when lashed to fury
by tho wind, Its mystic dopths whero
lie tho fleshless human victims of Its
mighty wrath, and whence Issue
strnngo forms and feorsomo noises
all aro potent In their awe-inspiring
effect on tho beholder. Under Its
magic spell ordinary mortals stand in
' 2 r..,.i-
The Grey Man's Path,
respectful Bllenco, for lnck of power
to express their thoughts, which may
bo nono tho less profound becnuso of
Uio lnnblllty to glvo them verbal ut
teranco; but poots with tho'lr meed
of skill havo over tried with well
termed phrnso to tell us of old Nop
tune's moods his smiles and frownt
and vagaries. Even nmong tho com
mon llshor-folk this great Influenco Is
notlccablo In Us effect upon their su
perstitions, The accompanying plcturo Is of a
sccno In the coast "rocks at Falrheatl,
near Ballycastlc. In Ireland. Fhlr
I.clth, or Tho Cray Man's Path, Is a
fissure In tho precipice, and viewed
either from land or sea Ib never to bo
forgotten. It seems as though eoiuo
supernatural powur had caused tho
fearful chnsm that divides the rocky
promontory so Hint it might visit or
summon tho spirits of the deep with
out treading n lond nindo by mortal
hands. In Its nanow part tho passage
Is spanned by part of a large basalt
pillar, suggesting u gigantic bridge.
Farther on tho passago widens, Its
dnrk Bides towor to a greater height,
giving a moro wild and scmbor mag
nlflcenco to tho scene, and nt longth
tho face of tho mighty promontory Is
reached, whero tho northern ocean
rolls It' threatening billows.
Tho Influence of tho -nighty forces
of old ocean Is notice jdc In all tho
beliefs regarding tho spirit world In
dulged In by theso llshor-folk who
think thut tho "Orey Man" of tho
North tea stalks forth silently and
alono up his appropriate path to wit
ness some mighty convulsions of nature.
Appropriate Device For Department of
Commerce and Labor.
President Itoosovclt and Secretary
Cortclyou havo appiovod the design
for a seal of offlco for tho now depart
ment of commerco and labor submitted
The Department Seal,
by Tiffany & Co., nnd orders havo been
given to cut tho die.
This is said 'to bo tho first devlco
adopted for any of tho government de
partments which is nbsolutoly correct
In all heraldic details, and nt tho samo
tlmo having full significance In tho
varlod duties and purposes of tho de
partment. Tho ship Is adopted as tho
symbol of commerce, and tho anvil
nnd hammer typify Industry nnd labor.
Tho crest is tho eaglo of tho American
arms and denotes tho national scopo
of the department.
"The Cruel Plant."
Our picture illustrates a curious
Canadian climber upon which there
has been bestowed the name of tho
"Cruel Plant," because of tho way In
which It treats certain buttcrflios. It
is an autumnal bloomer, and tho In
sects, attracted by Its perfume, hover
round nnd push their probosces into
its corolla, on honey-slpplng intent.
Hut the act Is fatal, for tho poor flics
get gripped tightly by a pair of re
markable vegctablo plncors In tho
heart of tho flower, and held until
death terminates tho Btrugglo.
Mouse Cause of Train Wreck.
A mouso recently wrecked a train.
It was walking along a rail, looking
at the moon one evening, whon an owl
saw It. Tho mouso Immediately gave
chase, and tho mouse retreated grace
fully Into tho Jaws of a switch. Tho
owl got wedged In tho Jaws of tho
switch and prevented Its being closed,
so that n freight trnln was derailed.
Unfortunately, tho papers failed to
say whethor or not tho mouso escaped.
Such Were Those Used by Fierce 13th
Century Fighters.
In tho old feudal days In England
strength nnd skill counted for every
thing in tho constant struggles for su
premacy. In thoso strenuous times
tho human being who was physically
weak, or who counted on a weapon
In any sense Inferior to others for his
defense, was Indeed most unfortunnU.
Tho student of contemporaneous his
tory can scarcely repress a shudder
of horror, especially If ho bo at all
Imaginative, whon reading an nccount
of a battlo fought In that bloody ago.
Thoso florco hand-to-hand conflicts
whon skulls were split with masstvo
battlo ax, or the no less deadly clay
more, and men frantically clutched at
each other's throats, each seeking to
first deliver the final dagger thrust
wero among tho most terrible on rec
ord; nnd when wo reflect that in near
ly every instance they wero Incited
by causes of a most trivial nature, we
The Seaton Sword. ;
should bo thankful that ours 4s a mora
enlightened age.
Tho weapon shown In our picture
known ns the Seaton sword is a re
markably fine and unusually large
specimen of tho old Scottish two
handed variety which Is a valuod
heirloom of tho Seatons of Carlston.
The blade Is forty-nine Inches in
longth; tho total length of the weapon
is flvo feet nine Inches, and it wolis
soven nnd one-half pounds.
Calmly reasoning from this charac
teristic heirloom wo detect in it just
such hardy, skllless, overbearing
power a3 history Informs ub was the
character of tho medieval baron be
foro the rlso of tho burgher cIbsb re
adjusted tho social balance.
Pine Tree Bread.
Pino tree bread Is being eaten by
Flnlanders, and Is almost tho only food
that can be obtained by them just
now. It Is made of the bark of pine
trees, and looks like brown sandstone.
It Is almost as hard as stouc, and no
ono would suspect that It could bo
eaten. Its only redeeming feature Is
that It lasts for years In as "palatablo"
a condition as when fresh.
Cost of Army and Navy.
Tho pay of tho army Is $37,000,000 a
year; tho quartermaster's department
uses $32,000,000; guns cost $11,000,
000; the expenditures on rivers, har
bors and forts, $10,000,000; tho pay of
the navy Is $15,000,000; tha cost of
now vcssols $20,000,000.
England at tho present tlmo Is al
most tho only country of Europe whero
anarchists aro allowed to consplro at,
case. Franco, on tho other hand, keeps
a numerous secrot police corps, tho
only duty of which 1b to closely watch
tho compagnons," particularly thoso
who aro foreigners.
How many anarchists havo left
Franco for tho United States, where
thoy aro well received, It would bo
Sr (ff) wrR fca vfJ A
161 Wldg.
Tattoo Marks Used by Anarchists.
hard to tell. At all ovents, It Is not
an ahsoluto Impossibility to ascertain
who they aro and to detormlno If thoy
aio desirable In tho United States
while they aro not In Franco, When
tney change their names, us thoy often
do In landing In Now York or olso
whore, their identity can not bo easily
dlsclo-ed from a description (It doos
not matter how accurate) Inserted In
a decree of expulsion; furthermore,
tho "Bertlllonago" would not bo prac
ticable. Thero is, howotor, tho tattooing,
which Is qulto common among anar
chists, particularly those of Italian
nationality. Tattoo marks aro very
hard to eradicate, and oven If tho skin
Is removed to prevent Identification
trace of tho wound remains. The tat
too marks hero reproduced bolong to
anarchists of vnrlous nationalities, tho
majority being Italians. Thoy would
bo recognized at a glnnco. They nro
peculiar In two respects; first, thoy
aro vory far from being artl.Mc; fur
thermoie, most of thorn nro emblemat
ic of work. Ic this respect it may bo
Btatod that experts In criminology
have noticed that as a rulo anarchists
aro good workers, thrifty and seldom
nddlcted to dissipation.
Oregon Short Line R. R.
No. 11. Daily. No. 15. Dallr. Mixed
Pocttcllo, 2:15 p.m 2:40. m.
Salt Like. 5:4ip. ra. 12:30 "
Olden. 7:15 " 3:10 "
CachoJct, 8:55 " 5:30 "
Mundon, 0:13 " 6:00 "
Loean. "9:30 " 8:25 "
Bmlthfleld, 9:18 " 7:00 "
lltchmond, 9:59 " 7:42 "
Franklin 10:18 " 8:15 "
Preaton, 10:35 p.m..... ."...9:10 a. rn.
No. 12. Pally. No. 18. Dally, Mixed.
Preston, 7:10 a. ra 9:15 a.m.
Kranklln. 7:27 " , "
Ulclimond. 7:2 10:06 "
Smltlitleld, 7:5 " 10:35 "
Logan, 8:15 " 11:40 a.m.
Menclon, 8:38 " 12:05 "
Cache Jet. 8:55 " 12:50 "
Oirden, 10:30 a. m. 7:00 p. m
Salt Lake, 12:01p.m. 8:10 "
I'ocatcllo. 3:50 "
For tickets to or from all points East. West.
North or South, call on
W. W. Woodsidb,
TAKE & & &
The Oregon '
Short Line! . .
- r
For all North Pacific Cop' InUr
Portland, Seattle.
Spokane, Tacoma
New Double Daily Train;
D. S. SPENCER, A. G. P. A T. A.
City Livery and Feed Stable
"Stage from Logan to Rear Lake Valley will commenco
JUNE 1st, good horses luiu suitable stages.
Best of care given to animals Commercial men and other persons desir
ing livery will receive careful attention. PRICES REASONABLE.
Wagon and Carriage Repairing
of the ver,y best kind
done on Short Notice. Satisfaction Guaranteed. REASONABLE M
CHARGES always. Adjoining John Lundbcrg's blacksmith shop and jfl
Jaeobsen the horu-diocr, South Main Street. iTon't fall lo call on mo H
when needing wotk In In my line. You will bu tioatod squarely.
John P. handhetg
AH work Guaranteed, and done on Short, Notice. You can't afford 1
! to pass by when prices and quality of work are considered. Expensive Hi
I Improvements have been added to the business, and 1 am therefore H
prepared to do all kinds of work In GENERAL ULACKSMITH1NG ffl
ZEPH THOMAS, Proprietor. B
ui'-to-datk iioTKr,. f 95 North Main Street. -'SSI
HIXLAIUIKHAJII'MCKOOMS. 3 iNorui iviuin oireei. MB