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Hr mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmWHKHM L j zl tye Ifr gott ftejwbJiom. I B; Vo. V Logan, Gaelic (Bounty, Utah, Saturday, December 22, 1906. pj0. 22 tm I What the Children write Santa fm K Some Letters the Boys and Girls Have Dropped to the King of Christmas. hHP ffH By a system of wireless telegraphy rfH '',l1' Hkpuiilican got Into touch with ' iffil tllc I,arllcu,ar Santa Clans located at flfllF H G' nayball's "Toyland," and by ot- H ferlng inducements the brand of which fDIr need not be mentioned here succeeded WB in inducing the Uclndccr King to let fljBf' us have for publication a few of the InlBte many letters little boys and girls have :HI dropped In the big box at his feet. VD Hundreds of boys and Rlrls have vislt- 'IflgBwijKf c( "Toyland" and few have Rone away IgBir without leaving a letter telllnR "dei'r ; ' old Santa" of their wants. J The little people ask for about v r cvcrthitiR under the sun, IIiourIi, ! In truth, Individual requests are very moderate. And the requests are such as would Indicate that the boy and girl of today Is not Rrcatly dlircrent from tho boy and girl of your own : youth. They want sleds, guns, rocking ; horses, candy and such like, though L occasionally one breaks out and asks WlT for a ua,,oon automobile or threshing m machine. These latter arc coming -3t' geniuses, of course but none has yet UStV asked for a mine; older ones are pray- uK Ing for that. One youngster asks for feB a herd of goats "with horns on," and 1JHK of course the indication is that he will fVflii be a great herder, or else an operator flM among the lambs on Wall street. hS Handkerchiefs Needed. 'fK? Inlooklngover tho letters the writer ! IB notcl1 tw0 t,1,nFs of Particular Inter- iJH'1 !St one, tho unlyersal request for &WK handkerchiefs and the other thedis- UK position of the little youngsters to fvjH( think of others, their parents, brothers ftjK and sisters'. Perhaps this last Is but JJljHfc, natural, especially In families where JijMh there is much affection, but what is fK there to explain the demand for hand- jR , kerchiefs? Are the little tots denied MrJ. these necessities, or do they regard a lHC handkerchief as a thing of beauty and ilW ask for it as a luxury rather than a iUF necessity? Then again they ask for tflffi. mittens, and occasionally one wants fjfjP shoes and other wearing apparel. rv$ Many of these arc original, all arc iiaw1 Interesting, and it Is tho hope of This nMB Rkpuiilican that no desire expressed tJBm: will be left uugratllied. The letters flank used for publication are picked at ran- JMi t,om' ,liUnes aro om,ttc(1i anu the mls- ijJDff slves arc used only to give the public Hyjnl a general idea of what the little '54 youngsters ask for when In supreme JrBUfcnt confidence they express their desires. Sor On Mourning Paper. I K "e llttle cncrUD uses licr PaPa's H business stationery and then Incloses I Wmm in a black-bordered envelope tho fol lowing: Dear Santa L'Icase bring me a fur and a inuf. .Icnnlc wants a band ring and panlo not a very big one .lack wants a wagon a fiddle and a rocking hores He sure and papa and mamma somnr tiling won't you Mother and Papa Likes Santa. Logan, Utah, Dec. Ill, 11)00. Dear Santa clans: I arc a boy. My namo is . 1 live In 1st ward. My father's name is . Our house Is a brick house The number of our house Is 23 west nd. South I want a pair of skats please. 1 want a pair of gloves. Mother likes you. My father likes jou to. I want a air guna Wants Sheep and Goats. Logan, Utah, Dec. 13, 11)00. Dearest Santa Claus: 1 wish you would bring us these pres ents Alvln wants a horse and wagon, story book with pictures of Jesus In and a herd of sheep. Your loving Alvln I want a, Horse and wagon, a herd of Hilly goats with horns on. and a story book. Yours Lovingly Harvey. Dear Santa Ulaus: bring me any thing you like. Your loving, Leon. We will hang our stockings on the cupboard. call at 08 West 1st No. St Logan Utah. Ploasu Head Carefully. Logan, Dec. 15. loou. Dear Santa Claus; 1 am a llttle girl seven years old and llvca4i)8westlstSouthSt. Plcaso bring me a big doll with a pretty hat and a dress on It. Please bring me a story book with pioturscs In It. Pleas bring me some candy and nuts, and a doll gocart for my doll. Good-b fron Logan Utah Dec. 1-1, 1U0G Dear Santa Claus 1 thought 1 would write to you and ask you to bring me air gun and watch and train, well this Is all this year from Sonta Cloaus Dear Slalgh automobile Skates nuts candy oranges bananas pea nuts wallnuts almonest tigs this is all 1 want this year. 275 Logan Utah And so it goes, each youngster tell ing of things that would make his heart glad. Other good letters would be reproduced but for the lack of space. if S FRANK R. JACKSON f Ealeeafe Wit LOGAN 1 REGULAR MEALS I M SHORTORDERS I 'JBj Cleanliness and Promptness is Our Motto H Hf Call Once and You Will jjj KB Ej Come Again JK3rt B S5H5a5?a5H5HSajra5H5H5HSa5E5n5E5HSH5ESH5E5H5a5g5rl E GEORGE A. HANSEN'S CONFEC TIONERY THE "REAL THING." Speaking of boworsof biauty, there never was one In Logan that surpassed the Geo. A. Hansen confectionery as It now appears In all Its holiday gor gcousness, and never vet has there been in stock or on display tho variety and superior quality of candles, fruits and nuts that Is lo be found there. The Hansen establishment Is thor oughly up-lo-date in all appointments, the service Is attentive and courteous and the stock Is In thorough accord with the other perfections Just at pressnt there Is a special offering of fancy boxed candles, the most superb assortment ever offered in Logan. These range In sl.e from one-half pound up to live pounds. In boxes as fancy or as daintily beautiful as any taste might demand. There Is also a special Christmas price of 40 cents a pound, and this may be the last opportunity to buy good candies at the price, as- material In the candy lino has advanced to such an extent that all 40-ccnt candies will cost M cents after January 5, luo" The public will make no mistake In giving the Geo. A. Hansen confection ery Its candy, nut and fruit trade. The best quality for the least money, and the greatest quantity . Remember, Its Hansen's you want. a Many Marriages in December Total Number for the Year Falls Short of the Bumper Record for 1905. Since the llrt of December there have been a large number of marriage licenses issued, but not enough to even up the year's record with that of last. Up to Christmas last vcar about 375 licenses had been Issued, but this year there have only been about . "HO. Few licenses are ever Issued after Christmas The list from December 1st until this as follows: Clarence Corbrldge, Preston 20 FloienceGollghtly, Preston 22 Willard Wet'ierbec,Marysvllle 20 Myrtle Durney, Marysvllle 18 Thomas Goodey.Clarkston 22 Martha S. Ilarson, Clarkston 10 Theo Chambers J r.,Smlthlleld 22 Addle Watson, Smlthtield II) Henry How en.Colllnston 25 Eugene Johnson, Dowey vllle 25 Wilford Jenkins, Newton 22 Lucy Grhlln.Newton 20 Hyrum W. Smith, Rlverdalc 27 Chrlstene Larson, Mink Creek ... .25 Thomas Tarbct, King 25 Kster Johnson, Smlthlleld 18 Geo. W. Fuhrlman, Providence . . .27 Mary Louisa Schoenhals,ProvIdence,22 Wm. II. Siocks, Lewiston 21 Maud Williamson, Wellsvllle 21 Geo. S. Richmond. Paradise 22 Kstella Thomas, Paradise 25 Wm.Sorenson, Hyrum T..21 Florence James, Paradise II) Jos. M. Peacock, Drlggs 21 Erma Ilockstrasscr, I laden 18 Krwln Williams, Grace 22 Myrtle Poulsen, Grace 10 David W. Jones, Wellsvllle. 31 Violate Parkinson, Wellsvllle 21 Granvlllo Snow. 'Fielding 23 Ethel Montlo, Fielding 18 Edgar Munk, Ilcnnlngton ...24 Francis Wright, Bennington 20 Jas. A. Hind, Smlthtield 27 Any Colcman.Smlthlleld 22 Wm. P. Shumway, Clarkston 25 Louise Hobbs, Preston 21 J. If. Uozlance, Uexburg 33 Nellie K. Fogg, llexburg 21 Henjamin Carlisle, Logan 27 Helen Grocsbeck Login 10 Nephl Larsen, Logan 21 Kate McKenney, Logan 20 John B. Koucchc, Mlllvllle 40 Delilah Graham, Mlllvllle 20 W. E. Cowley, Logan ID Chrlstene Moffat, Logan 17 Thomas W. Cammack, Logan 23 Ada Johnson, Logan -. . . .20 Bartholomew T. Genta, Boise 24 Lydla Bodrero, Logan 21 I)!s. Smith, Kavsvllle 2(1 Paulino Harris, Hydo Park 21 Joseph Gunnel, Wellsvllle 22 Alice Bedford, Mt Sterling 10 Hyrum Miles, Paradise 32 Mary Bishop, Paradlso 27 John Gyllenskog, Smlthtield 25 Laura Chrlstcnscn, Smlthlleld 22 Charles Vogcl, Providence 21 Annie Gessei, Providence 25 Thomas Perkcs, Hyde Park 22 Uhoclo Jorgcuscn, Hyde Park 10 Thomas John, West Portage 28 Phlllls Standley.West Portage 25 Frank Wood, Blackfoot 27 Martha Brown, Blackfoot 10 Heuben Lowe, Franklin 20 Annie Durant, Franklin 20 Robert Hardy, Fielding 27 Alice Hess, Fielding 21 Oscar Seamons, Perry 27 Mary Shaffer, Preston 21 Thomas Grltlln, Newton 22 Mattlo Jenkins, Newton 10 O. A. Monspn, Whitney 24 Jane Swanston, Whitney 24 Joseph A. Green, Wood ru If 20 Edna Evans, Pleasant View 20 Fred Coburn, Weston 20 Mary Hulctt, Weston 24 S. P Oeem. Plain City 35 Ida Green, Elwood ;i:j E. T. Hawkins, Samaria 23 Rachel Grllllths, Malad 21 Warren Elmer Hall, Garland 27 Mary Ollvo Hawkes, Elwood 21 Robert Williams, .Montpeller 23 Edith Martin, Montpeller 20 Royal Edwards, Idaho Falls 10 Alice Empey, Idaho Falls 10 Guy Pyle. Opal, Wyoming 20 Matilda Thompson, Logan ..21 Good Firm. There arc lumber II mis and saw mills and then other lumber mills and saw mills, the difference being so great there is little comparlon. One class gets along by shaving and skimping at every turn, by selling Inferior lumber at llrst-class prices, and by close pcntir lousness. The other class makes a perfect success by a liberal generosity, by treating the public right In all dealings. In the latter class may be placed the Skanchy lumber firm of this city. Mr. A. L. Skanchy, the founder, Is one of the most popular lumbermen in northern Utah, and the present favorable standing of the busi ness test I lies to this fact. Mr. Skanchy is a practical builder, a fact that gives him a great advan tage, as he Is thus able to assist cus tomers to make the best and most serviceable selection of material for any given Job. And being of Scandi navian nativity he can converse with this class of people to their best ad vantage. During the years of its existence tho Skanchy firm has enjoyed a good busi ness and has a good business today. Everything the builder and contractor needs Is carried In stock, at right prices and prompt service is always given. See Skanchy before finally placing your order for any building material. South Main street, Logan. Program. The following program in honor of Joseph fcmlth's Birthday will bo given under the auspices of the First ward Primary Association In the First ward hall Sunday, December 23, at 2 p. m. All aro Invited. Song -"Joseph Smith's Hist prayer" Prayer. Song "Jesus Bids Us Shine." Christinas Exercise 1st grade. Violin Solo-Patience Thatcher. Christmas Bells 3rd grade. Christmas Cradlo song B. Cutler. Memory Gem and song 2nd grade. Recitation Ada Mltlon, 3rd grade. Address Sister Lucy Kimball. Piano Solo James B. Llnford. Address Melvin J. Ballard. Closing Hymn. Prayer. Spelling Reform at Yale. William Ileobo, professor of mathe matics in tho collopo, approves and says: "Au an uxamplo of spoiling that needs reform this from an acidemia man applying fur u cbango lu ttu elec tive courso Is nppllcablo! " 'The course Is bo hard that I cannot duo It justlcn, and I auk pormlttlon to omit It.' "Vale Alumni Weekly. The City Council Gets Wrathy I A Telluride Advertisement Inspires the I Light Committee to Caustic Reply. I It begins to look like the old Tellu-ride- City scrap Is about to break out again. In an advertisement some time ago theTcllurldc made some ref erence to tho city plant, and In the past two weeks has been running an advertisement which is decinid offen sive by the city oillcials. As a result there's blood on the moon. Tho cltv oillcials say they desire "Teace on Karth Good Will to Men," but they also believe that It's more blessed to i.ive than lo receive and as a conse quence they hand tho Telluride people tho following in an open letter To tiik Puiimc: The following slur aimed at the city and signed by the Telluride I'owcr company, has been running in tho lo cal papers. "Patrons of the City light plant who have been unable to secure 100 volt lamps from us may now bo sup plied by calling at our olllco These lamps will greatly Improve the service which you aro now receiving from the City Municipal plant." Wc, tho members of the City Elect ric Light Committer, hereby resent tho above as being unprovoked, un businesslike, iingentlcmanly and In tended to work Injury to the city plant. Itlssurprising to those acouainted with the manager of tho Telluride Co.'s business In Logan to see such under-handed methods resorted to. True, there Is a competitive war on between the lighting systems here but would our merchants advise patrons of another llrm to adopt, means of In Jurlng a competitor's business' To use 100 volt lamps, or 32 candle power lamps, without the Knowledge of the electrician, tends to draw Irreguarly on transformers to the Injury of other patrons being served from tho sarao source; hence an Interference with the service of others. This causes dissat isfaction. It is this dissatisfaction that tho Telluride company is seeking to establish. It Is unwise to trade in any way with those who have a hidden motive in trade relations. This ought to be a warning to pa trons of both systems to trade and give patronage where their Interests He. People cannot Justify themselves in patronl.lng those who seek the de struction or Injury of a publicly owned business. If the Telluride company should win out in this tight, those In sympathy with them would also win out to the extent of scoing them pre vail over the city, but they would lose out to the extent that they and their property arc concerned In a hun dred thousand dollar enterprise. Re member, the PEOPLE have to meet the bonds, not the Telluride company. tM Help the latter to win out and when ' they have lixed the price of lights for M you at tlfty instead of ten cents, and M are giving you the laugh you can tax M yourselves on the side to pay off this H As to the service the City plant Is M giving wc wish to say that compared H with that In other cities it is good, H and compared with what Logan got before tho city plant was Installed, It M is excellent. It Is granted that on H some ends of lines It has been dllllcult M to keep tho system properly balanced H while so many lights were being taken M on. If necessary, however, wc can H give names of patrons of the Telluride M company who have some serious com- H plaints lo oiler. Besides, tho latter M company is giving a much better light H just now than Is pleasing to them- H selves, and all for a purpose. During H the entire time of competition wo H have studiously refrained from doing H anything that was unfair or undlgnl- H (led to the Telluride company. H When it is desirable for the city to H employ the Telluride manager to con- H duct its affairs, proper notice will bo H served, but until that time wc will H attend to the lamp service of our own H system. ' H E. W. IIoiiinson, H G. W. LlNIKJUIBT, H William Evans, H John Johnson. H Electric Light Committee. H St. John's Church. fl On Sunday the services will lo M Morning Prayer at eleven o'clock and Evening Prayer at seven-thirty. Tho M Sunday School meets at ten o'clock. H The public Is cordially Invited. H The children's Christmas eve ser- M vice with carols and Christmas tree M will be hold on Monday at four-thirty M lu tho afternoon. Parents and friends M will bo welcome. M On Christmas day there will be a M celebration of the Holy Communion M at eleven o'clock, to which all are In- M Presbyterian Church. M Theie will bo a Christmas service M at the Presbyterian church on Sunday M morning at 11 o'clock, and usual ap- M poliitmcnts in the evening. The Sun- M day School Is held at 12:15, and Young M People's meeting at 0:45 p. m. A 11 are ; welcome. H All Dread Ridicule. H Almost any man can bo calm In H tho face of denunciation, but few can H stand to be laughed at. -H f3l5BSa5H5H5ESH5H5a5H5H5H5E5H5fH5a5H5HrB5H5H5HSa5H5HifJ H $50.00 1 I 1 UNCLAIMED I p Wc lime repeatedly ott'ered reward of $50 lor K H H any stove wc cannot repair. Although wc have re- K H K paired thousands ot stoves and sold ton after ton of S H (n castings we have not been called upon to make good ffl M Jjj this reward. jj M uj Of course we would he glad to sell you a new jjj M H stove hut it you want your old one repaired wc can re- K H p pair it. Wc have more stove castings and other ma-' a 3 tcrlals for repairing stoves than all other concerns1 in ffi M Gj Northern Utah combined. H) H Cj Don't put it otf until too late; have your repairing n M n done no w. K M Eve ton 1 - I j & Sons, The Stove Men. " . H Agency COLE'S HOT BLAST STOVES. CJ - ;H Bl572HH57i5a5a5H5HSBiira5g5?.5735H5Hrg5gSH5E5H5H5arS5Hjf3) H 4m