Newspaper Page Text
BWTTjj " ""TmrTiri"m'1T1p""wMU i iiiiwiiiiiiin m m r - - H Delinquent Notice. H Logan North Field Irritation Com- H pany. Principal place of business, H Logan City, Utah. B Tlioio.iro dcllntiuciit on account of an assessment levied by the board of directors, the amounts set opposite 1 the names of slnreholdors, at follows: H or B Namk. .slum's Am't H Kllzauetli Antliew 4 tt 8,i M Don C. Ucnson 1 H John Hankliead J :i0 H Itobt. A IWry 1 IK H LouUa a. I: m X no H ' Myron W liu'lor fi ! 00 H Chris (i;u IT :o H Km in a K II miscii 1 ii() H Casper ll'iiTiniiii 1 I0 fl Frenerleu I1. Jensen.. . I 1 35 H Mary J Johnson t "0 H Oscar Jensen -1 1 60 Ernsttis.lolinson j :t0 H Lars J. Larson 1 00 H Laura Mlkclscn i .15 H Lyman It. Martlnean... ( 20 M Joseph . Nelson. ... ( 'M H Joseph Qulnney, J r ... t 70 H Ocork'o l). Well i 15 m Jolin F. Smith 4 H Weston Vernon I 115 H And In accordance with law so much H of each parcel of such slock as may be H necessary will be sold on the -1st day H of Decern hi' J. 1!)00, nt 11 o'clock u. m. H at the reildonee of the treasurer, till H '! W. Urd North st rect, Logan, to pay H the dellnip'ontassessment thereon, to- H getlicr with the cost of advertising H ( and expense of sale. H IticiiAUD Yuatks, treasurer. H Notice to Water Users. H' t STATK lCNdlNr.Hlt'h Ol'KlUK, ) H Salt Lakk City, Utah, H r November :, lixm. ) H Notice is hereby given that Fred W. H; Thackwcll, whose postolllce address is H Ogdcn, Utah, has made application in H accordance with the requirements of H chapter 103, Session Laws of Utah, H 1005, to appropriate one (1) cubic foot per second of water fiom a spring In H Cache County, Utah. Said spring is situated at a point which bears north X decrees .'!() minutes west 1"-.") feet 4 distant from the .southeast corner of H section 11, townships north, ratine 2 H I east, Salt Lane base and meridian, I from where It will be conveyed for a H distance of 200 feet and there used B from January 1 to December ill, in elusive, of each year, to conccntra' c H gold, silver, copper and lead at Thack- B T well mlnn in the Paradise Mining DIs- trlct. Tills use will consume about B one half of a cubic foot per second of fl . water and a like amount will bu re- B turned to the natural channel of said K st run m at a point which bears north Hi! " 1'5 decrees west KiSO feet from the Hll southeast corner of section 11, town- B ' ' ship 8 north, range - cast, Salt Lake - base and meridian. This application H '! I Is designated in the State Engineer's H oiliceas No 000 H '" All protests against the granting of B ' .) said application, stating the reasons r therefor, must be made by nllidavit in duplicate and filed In thlsoillcc within thirty (30) days after the completion i of the publication of this notice. f Cai.kii Tanni:k, I, State Kuirlncer. H Date of first publication December H I ,ri, 1000, date of completion of publlca- H tlon January 1, 1007. H. .Stockholders' Meeting. f ! The lecular annual meetlnc of the H stockholders or the First National H bank of Loun, Utah, will be held In B Its banklne rooms on the Hthdayof H I January, 1007, at 4 o'clock p in . for B1 ' f election of directors and the trati.suc , tloa ?! sue h other business as m.iy Im F proper. Allan M. Fi.i'.mino I tt LOKan. I tail, Dec. 8, lOOd. iwaiwjl .mfiii lam mi in WI1M'IWI'1W m LEGAL NOTICES PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICE. Consult County Clerk or the Respective Sign- rrs tor lurther Information. in the District Court, Probate Olvlslon In and lor Cache County, State of Utah. notioi: to uiinniToits. Kstatfof Itlclmril W. OIIiIh, ilfocavil. UntlUorrt will prcsonlclalmi with viiuclicrs totlinliudeili.'iicilalt'iiiresliluin-cof William M. OIIiIm In I'rcnlclunrt.', In tlm county of Oucliciand stau or Utah, on or liufure thi'DNt iliyiif llis'i'inlicr, A. I). IIM). Wk.mam M. (jiiuw, Ki.iiaiiktii Jimu Ailinlnltratiiri or II stale of Kli'lianl W. Illblr.. ilei-faM'd OkoiiiIk 0. llicn. Attornnr fr t.(liiilnltr.iturs. NOTICK T(J CKKDITOItS. Kstaluot Kdvtln Milton, tlccrascd. C'ri'dlliirs will iinvriil claims with vouchers to the unditrslKnoil at her roildencn at Wi'lln vlllv. Cache raunty, tHali. on or lioforo the, lOlhdayiir Atirll. A, I) 1!H)7 Datmit Hrst tmlillcatliin, Dccpmlicr 5. A. I). I!KV.. C AilO I.I. IK MlTTON.3 Administratrix or the, eM ate of IMwln Mltlon.'drcoasrd. NkiiKKKii, II hit V NnnEKKii, AlUiruojh for said administratrix Poor Farm for Rent. For rent for one year, in whole or In part, the lower county poor farm. Ilids will bo received up to January 7, Ui07 Commissioners lescrvc right to reject an) or all bids. J U. Knowlks, Commissioner. Saylngi of Sidney Smith. On cxuinhilnK Honu- new flowors In the Ranlen, a beautiful girl who was of tlio party exclaimed. "Oil, Mr. Syd ney! this pea will never conio to por fecHon." "Permit mo, then," Bald ho Keiitly taking her lianil and walking toward the plant, "to lend perfection to the pea." The Sunday Mnga7lno. Heart Muttering. Undigested food and gas in the stom ach, located Just below the heart, presses against it and causes heart palpitation. When your heart troub les you in that way take Hcrblno for a few days. You will soon be all right. G0o a bottle. Sold by Kltcr llros. Drug Co. Why Be Pessimistic? Like an Individual, a nation cannot expect to ho healthy or happy which, so to Kpcnk, Is forever feeling Its own inline and looking at Its I on 1,110 In the glass If wo rnnnot niter the rondl thins of modern life, we can at least make tlm host or them, and steadily inline to he higiibrluus on their ae rount. cliaini our fslm!sUc mcdlclno r..;i) nover bo wltsolj. LOCAL MAIL CARD- U$an I'oitofficr. December 1, HO.". ci.o.siNii or jiAii.h. East, west, north and south 7:l'a.m. LMlOpm. North !i:5(a.m. I'reston branch... 7:0f p.m. Paradise way ihOOa.m. Henson and King (except Sunday). 11 () 15. F. I). No. l.Col- ' lege and (Jrcen vllle(exeept Sun day) thlo-a.m. ai:i;ivai, ok IKAII.S. liast, west, north and south 11:00 a.m. 7:o0 pm. East, west & south :t:20p.m. I'reston branch. . Paradise way 1:0 p.m. Hcnson and King (except Suiulav). 10:1 a m. 11. V. I). No. 1, Col lego and Green ville :t:l5p.m. (ieneral delivery and carrier windows open from 12 o'clock noon to 1 p. in. Sundays and holidays The mall which arrives at 7:50 p. in. is worked as soon as received, thereby allowing pations having a lock boxes to get their mail as soon as distributed. I I nFMVEPl0DRAN,lE 1 WBGBANDtWEjIl'P H The Scenic Line B, ;y I To Glen wood Springs, Aspen radvlllo, Pueblo, Colorado Springs ' '; I Denver, Omaha, Kansas Cay, St. Louis, Chicago, and all points H : jj I East. Connecting at Ogden Union Depot with all SouthornPa- H, t S olilcnl )r!,m Suort Lhn traltn f Tlw only Transcontlnou K -1 I I Line passing directly through Salt Lako City ' I m Splendidly Equipped Trains between i . f I h. OGDEN AND DENVER " H i I J Via Threo Separate and Distinct SccnicyKoutcs. H j TSiUllMAN and ORDINARY SLEEPIMCARJ B' j I To Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St Louis and Chicago without 1 H ' change. Free Reclining Chair Cars Personally Conducted Ex- I H 1 curslons. DIKING OARS, Service a la Carto on all through trains. 1 jH 1 for rates, folders, free Illustrated booklets, etc., inquire of your 1 H 1 nearest ticket agent, specifying the Rio Grande I H .... route, or address . I 1 I. C. BENTON, G PAD, Salt Lake Ctty I FAMCU3 OLD 7RE& 80ME NOTABLE LANDMARKS O: THE COb.iRV. Under Their Gprcadhig Branches American History Has Been Made Old Elm at Cambridge Still Standing. The Elm treo i . ...ladclplila. under which William Penn niado hln famous treaty with lii'tilbro of Imiharlans. Tlio Charter Onk at Ilnrtford, which preserved the written guarantee of tlm liberties of the t iilony of Coniu-c-tlcut. Tlm liuga rreireh Apple tree, near Fort Wayne. Ind., where l.lttlu Turtle, the' great Mlmiil chief, gathered his warriors. The Elm tieo at Cambridge, In the shade of wl.l, h Washington llrst took command or tlio continental army, on u hot Hiimnier'H day. Tho Tulip treo on King's mountain battlefield, In South Carolina. on which ten bloodthirsty torles wore hanged at one time The tall Pine tree at Fort Edward, N. Y., under which the beautiful Jane McCrcn way plain. The magnificent tllack Wnlnuttreo near Havorntraw, cm tho Hudson, nt which Gen. Wayne mustered his forces at midnight, preparatory to his gallant and successful nttack on Stony Point. Tho sranil Magnolia tieo near Charleston, S. C, under which Gen. Lincoln held a council of war previ ous to surrendering tho city. The great Pecan treo nt Villein's plantation, below New Orleans, un der which a portion of the remains of Gen. Pnckciiham was burled. The Pear trees planted, respective ly, by Gov ICndlcott or Massachu setts, and Gov. Stuyvesant of New York, more than 200 years ago. Tlio Frenchman's Oak, or Kmancl .pattern Oak, Hampton Institute, Hamp ton, Va., under wlileh tho slaves of this region first beard rad President Lincoln's emancipation proclamation. The Eliot Oak, of Newton, Mass., under which tho apostle, John Kllot, taught tlio Indians Christianity. The old Liberty Elm of lloston, planted and dedicated by n school muster to the Independence of tho colonies, and the rallying point for patriots bofoie, during und nftor tho revolutionary war Tho Ilurgoyne Elm at Albany, N. Y., planted the day Ilurgoyne was brought tbero u prisoner. The Asli and Tulip trees planted at Mount Vernon by Washington. Sequoia Paltti Alto, Cal. Tlio lofty Cypress trer In tho Dis mal swamp, under which Washington reposed one night In his young man hood. The Gary tree, planted by Allco and Phocbo Cary In 1S32, a largo anil beautiful Syeanioro seen from tho Homllton turnpike between College Hill and Mount Pleasant. Hamilton comity, Ohio. Coughing Spell Caused Death. "Harry Duckwell, aged IK years, choked to death early yesterday morn ing at his home; In the presence of his wife and child. Hocontractcd asllght cold a few days ago and paid but little attention to It. Yesterday morning he was seized with a lit of couching which continued for some time. Ills wife sent for a physician, but before he could arrive another coughing spell came on and Duckwell died from suf focation." St. Louis Globe-Democrat, Dec. 1, 100J Ballard's llorehound Syrup would have saved him. i5c, Win and $1. Sold by Riter Rios. Drug Co. Talk It Over with Your Wife. There ant thousands at famlllen homeless or living In poverty and wretchedness to-duy, who could have been living In comfort, hi ood homes, If the husbands bad confided thalr business affairs to their wives, says Success. Women are very much bettor Judgos of human nature than men. They can detect ra-scallt). deception and insin cerity moio quickly. I know business nioJi who would never think of employing a manager or superintendent, or a man for any other Important ixisUion, or It choos ing a partner, without managing In some way to have tholr wives moot tho man and gel a chance to estlmato him, to read him. They Invito the man whom tho aru considering for an Important position to their home for dinner, or to spend a Sunday, beforo dochllug They want tho advantage of that marvelous feminine instinct which goes so directly 'and unerringly to Its mark. I liavo known of hoveral Instances where a wife had cautioned her hus band against having anything to do with a man with whom ho was think ing of going into businoss, but tho husband Ignored the wife's opinion as silly and disregarded liar advice to his groat sorrow later, as the man turned out enrtly as tho wlfo had predicted. Stuck Up for Her Sex. A schoolgirl In n Massachusetts town had often been made to acknow ledge tho superiority of her brothers. One day her mother remarked upon tho apparent utter lack of Intelligence In a hen "You can't tench u hen anything,'' Mio said. "They liavo ruined moro of tho garden than n drove of cnttlo would. You in teach a cat, a i(og or pig somotb ag, but n hen nover!" "H'ra!" oxclalmod tho child Indignantly, "I think thoy know I' Just as inuru a a rnnstora!" jJ.m7 l ' I1"1 ! I I l' 'I ' ' MH ""' " '., , Fine Art Notes from Paree Distinction and Difference. "I uln' got no uso fob avarice," Bald Undo lOhon. "but it sbn' Is safer fob n man to hold on to money foolish dan it is to spend it foolish." Has Densest Population. Bombay claims the greatest density of population In tho world, nnd Its claim Is only disputed by Agra, also hi India. Bombay has 7(10 persons pe. nere In certain nreas. The Long-Suffering. "1 am going to learn to play on a horn." "Gee! You must have a wonderful belief In the patience of your neigh bors." Houston Post. The Joy of Doing Something. Consider how, even In tlio meanest sort of labor, tho whole soul of n man is composed Into n kind of real har mony tho Instant he sets himself to work. Carlyle. Style Taken from Indians. The Iloiitel do Monvll stylo of hair dressing is not original with the French portrait painter. The lllack foot Indian chief ahvajs wears his hnlr with o lock over his brow. Amateur Milkmaid. "O, James!" exclaimed Mrs. Slttle, "do let's movo to the country und kcop cows, so we can have nice fresh beef ten every morning!" Cleveland Loader. Mushrooms Grown on Sandy Soil. Many believe that mushrooms nro only to bo found on low, moist lands, while they hnvn been gathered on tho sandy hillsides of Long Island with good resultB as to quantity and llavor. Kln-'i Human Steed. Tho king "f Obbo travels on the bark or one ot IiIb faithful slaves nnd wl)"n ho reo-hes n stieam ho remains In his seat viillo his human steed walks through ho water. Immeii"-i Force In Frost. No one has yet been able to con struct n vpbjuI which can resist the forco of freeing wauv. Twenty pound steel hhclls hae boen rent an If thoy were glass, Use Denatured Alcohol. Denatured alcohol U used In a bat factory ot Manchester, Knglnnd. Tho manufacturers use tho spirit, recover It, and restlll tho product In their own factory, and use It over again until it is usod up. Enjoyment. "What do ou most enjoy about automobillng?" "The sense of relief," answered Mr. Cumrox, "when I get to tho end of a. trip and find that nobody has been burt." Mark of Man's Superiority. God, that all-powerful creator of na tuio and architect of the world, has Impressed man with no character so proper to distinguish hhn from other an 1 nulls as by tho power of speech. Qiilntllllau. Encouraging Him. "Ilenlly;' said Mr. Tlmnild, "I've nover dreamed ot kissing n girl against her will. I never " "How fortunate!"" exclaimed Miss Patience. "Dreams go by contraries, you know." Concrete Used In Pantheon. In these days of Increasing uso of concroto for building purposes. It Is recalled! Umt tho Pantheon, In Home about 2.000 years old, Is covered by a dome ovor 142 feot In dlnnietor which Is cast In concrot In ono solid mnss. Broad Classification. "What kind of an automobllo do you prefer?" "I know of only two kinds," an swered Mr. Cumrox; "those Uiat aro running and those that aro out ot repair." Slow. Just to prove how slow the world Is to learn, It 1b only necossary to clto tho fact that rich men contlnuo to dlo thinking they can shut out both their heirs and tho lawyers fiom participa tion In their fortunes. Victim of a Confidence Game. Uncle Josh, fresh from Upcreek, had been Inspecting tho family lco box. "Henry," ho said, "you told mo you was glttln artificial ico. Tho feller that soils It to you Is foolln' you. I'vo looked at It, and totched It, and If It ain't real Ice, by gum, I novor saw anv!" The Patient Strutjgle. Pntlonco and struggle An earnest Uk-o of what wo havo now nnd all tho time, nn earnest dls intent until we conio to what we ought to bo Aro not these whut wo need? What, In tholr rich union, wo could not got, oxcopt In Juai such a llfo as tills with Its delayod completions? Phillips Brooks. Darbarous Paris Vater. Wo aro for from bla.-lng tho pro focturo of t'. Loluu 7- warning us that It la dat.,.rous to di nk tho water that It supplies us without boiling It. Tho systom, In spite of tho millions wustod, Is absolutely barbarous. Vhon It does not rain wo have no water, iwid whon tt doos rain tho iwater Is pot drinkable From L'Kclalr of Parle. Negative Advantage at Least. There Is this In favor of the automo bile, says Mack Cretcher. It doesn't get Its toll over the line or shed Its hair In pour faco on n windy day. Kansas City Journal. His Last Act a Mean One. Before committing suclde Dr. Hen thaler, a prominent medical man In Budapest, tore up a number of bank notes und set lire- to his library of 10,000 books Longest Span of Wire. The longest spun of wire In the world Is UBcd for a telegraph In In dia over tho river Ulstuah. It Is moro than G,000 feet, and 1b stretched between two hills. 1,200 feet high m Driver Paid for Fun. A motor car driver In London tho other day charged and scattered like chaff u whole troop of the Life Guards, but paid eight dollars the next day In the police court for his victory. Seer's Mistake. A Washington seer predicted not long ago that the earth would bo destroyed during tho present week. Now ho has lost his reputation. The wise seer always pi edicts the de struction of tho earth at least n mil lion years In tho future. The Mark of the Strong. The tendency to persevcro, to per sist In splto of hindrance, discour agements nnd Impossibilities It Is this that in all things distinguishes tho strong soul from the weak. Thomas Carlyle. The Situation. "Queer situation In Cuba, Just now.' "Wlinl'H queer about It?" "If the United States government decides to annex It. then Its own gov ernment will be forced to nn exit, too." V'here, Indeed! A New Jersey high school principal who was accused of tin:' ing und kiss ing his pretty girl pupils has resigned to "accept a moro congenial position." Hut where rould he II ml n moro con genial position than that? Chicago1 Journal. Ports on the Great Lakes. Klve cities In tho United States which have upwards of 250,000 Inhabi tants nre ports of the great lakes. Tbero jro only live above that limit on tile Atlantic coast, from tho Bay of Fundy to the Florida strait. Life's Struggles and Victories. And this Is life temptation, trial, struggle, contllct, possibly victory tho strenuous llfef You cannot cow ardly give P up. And you need all the help you enn havo; and tho only adequate help Is Jesus Christ. Henry C. King. Why Is Gossip. Some people fall Into the very real crime of talking about their neighbors, not so much out of tholr badness ot heart, us out of their anxiety to avoid tho merely conventional crime of not saying anything when thoy aro In com pany. Puck. Campaign Material. "What 1 want to give the people," exclaimed tho orator. "Ih u speeclt that contnhi3 facts and figures." "You nro wrong," nnswored Senator Sorghum. "Human nature is tho, samo In politics as everywhere rise. If you wat to gel 'em really Inter ested, give 'em gossip." Why He. Wanted Her. "Stop!" commanded Miss Nuroa, with a disdainful sniff. "Tho idea ot your proposing to a lady In my sta tion of life. You ought to know better!" "Well!" replied Mr. Hunter, "1 do know better, but not richer." Looking Forward. "Have you any watches with wator proof casos?" aBked tho young man. "No," replied tho Jewolor. "What Ib your object In wanting a wntor proof watch?" "Oh, 1 may havo occasion to soak It ocaslonnlly," unswerod tho young man. Tri' Aim in Living. Not tho making of a lino cnicor, but the slmplo eialng of God'3 will. Is tho ono true aim in living. Thus only can wo achlovo ral suoccss. It wo do this though wo f.i'l In tho earthly raco we shall not tn". In God's sight. Rev. J. R. Miller. D.D. In Dreamland. 'A French barrister, whoso client had tho mlsfrrtuno to bo found guilty, appealed on tho ground that during tho trial a Juryman was asleep. Tho court of Cassation has held that tho Juryman, ho' asleep, was technical ly not present during tho hearing, and Iiub quashod tho verdict and ordorod n now trial, First Canaries In Europe. Tho flrBt hint that can ho found In Europe of tho forbears of our canaries who "dlscourso swcot n uslc" to us winter nnd summer nllko. Is In Spain, whero wo aro told that In 1478 somo specimens woro brought by Henry, tho navigator, on IiIb return from one I of his voyacos, durlrg which ho landed at the Canary Islands i 3 Eastern Excursions via the COLOUAIIO MlDbANU RAILWAY A on November flotli and December 18th. ' , One fare plus two dollars from Utah j M points to Chicago, Minneapolis, Kan- M sas City, Omaha, Denver and Inter- mediate points. Limit sixty days. V Stopovers. For further Information write L. II. Harding, general agent, Salt Lake Olty, Utah. 9 WHEN GOING EAST fi WHY NOT ENJOY M YOURSELF? M You will if you travel ow the Illinois Cen- 9 HalR.R. 1 IT COSTS NO MORE. 9 The best of service between Omaha, Chi cao, Minneapolis, and St. Paul, as well as between Chicago, ' St. Louis, Memphis, New Orleans and all Southern and South eastern points. For full Information or literature call on or write . . . J, A, Foley, Com, Apt, 75 W. 2nd S Salt Lake City. The Only Double-Track Railway between B? ') the Missouri River anJ Chicago. k The I Overland Limited The Most Luxurious Train In the World Compartment and, drawing-room sleeping cars, observation cars, din ing cars, buffet-smoking and library cars, with barber, bath and' Book lovers Library; entire train electric lighted, through to Chicago without change. Direct connection for St. Paul and Minneapolis Ticket, reservations, and full In formAtlon can ba obtained from C. A. Walker, General Atent, Chicago & North-Western Ry. m 206 South Main Street, Nvm Salt Lake City, Utah. q I THROUGH SERVICE M I ST. LOUIS 1 AND THK EAST VIA Missouri Pacific Railway THROUGn SCENIC COLORADO FERTILE KANSAS AND MISSOURI Pullman Sleeping' Cars, Observation DlnlnrfCars Elcctrlo Lights Elcutrlo Fans I Reclining Chair Cars (scats frco) Up-to-date Day Coaches. For Hortlis, Tlckots, IFouldors, etc., address H. C. TOWNSEND, C" Qen'l Passenger and TIckocARt. &' 8T, LOUIS i