OCR Interpretation

The Logan Republican. [volume] (Logan, Utah) 1902-1924, December 22, 1906, Second Section, Image 11

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058246/1906-12-22/ed-1/seq-11/

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Young Men Come Off Second Dstt r
A Encounter With Porcupine.
f Literally living pitwuslilotm mm
tilled with porcupine nullls from llieli
nnklca u tlielr tliljltM. Knit Hi-nvt'
i, nnd Cullon Junlcii. of Scarhoro. wore
K takei t Portland phyalclan foi
K treatment after a hattlu with twe
K. jjiant "Maine heUBohoKS." which they
Kw ht"' encountered In a wood road while
k foturnlni; from work. Tho physlclar
K jiluckod more than 55 quills from thi
B. legs of each man, hut no serious re
HE suits arc expected, unless blood pols
SB onlng sets In.
MBB As 81n as the two yotuiK farmer
HflE can "l'on tho porcupines, Just be
0ra fro dusk, they picked up clubs am)
K started for tho animals. Tho hctlne
Hw '10R3. as they aro called lioreaboutB
B Jnbbed their ueodle-pointcd quills lute
IH ,h farmer's less. Tho young men
WK responded with a short, but sharr
I attack with their clubs, but the hedge
BI hS8 Proved to have the better weapon
fd anil carried tho day. Although one
I of them wns loft strofbed out on the
Ink Ground, tho other rot eatcd trlum
IB phautly and In good ordor, master ol
MjK ,Uo situation while tho two agricul
Ml turlstB limped homo and out of lmrin'i
Wm, way as speedily as possible. N. V
Be' Remarkable Cure.
H "1 was much alUlcted with sciatica,"
B writes Ed C. Nud, Jowavllle, Sedgwick
H Co., Kan., going about on crutches
Bm and suffering a deal of pain. 1 was In
MrLduccd to try Ballard's Snow Liniment.
BBJpwhlch relieved mc.
VA "I nsed three GOc bottles. Itls the
BW greatest liniment I ever used; have
BB recommended it to a number of per-
BB- sons; all express themselves as being
BB benetltcd by it. I now walk without
BV- crutches, am able to perform a great
BV deal of light labor on the farm."
BY' 25c, 60o and 81. Sold bylllltcr Pros.
BH Drug Co.
BB Found Man Where He Shouldn't Be,
Bj and That Settled It.
BB French nlucials.are said to be par-
B tlcularly strict In their discipline or
B tourists, A lately returned traveler
BB tells several more or less npocryphal
BB Etorles to Illustrate tho stato of af-
BBJ An American lost his footing,
BBj slipped down an embankment and
BB fell Into n small, shallow pond. As
BBj bo scrambled, dripping, up tho cm-
BBj bankment to tho footpath, he was
BB confronted by an arm of tho law.
BB "Your name? Your address?" de-
Bj manded this uncompromising person,
BB notebook hi band.
BB "Out 1 fell," began the astonished
BB Amorlcnn, "I only
Hi Tbo man vaved bis arm.
BV "It Is forbidden to batbo in this
Be vlake," bu said, firmly. "I am not
BBvrro to listen to extenuating clrcutn
wPBBJjVncrB," Youth's Companion.
H Cured Paralysis.
H w. F, liailey, P. O. True, Texas,
Bt writes: "My wife had been suITcring
Bf firo years with paralysis In her arm,
BJ when I was persuaded to use Ballard's
H Snow Liniment, which cured her all
Bj right. I have also used it for old sores,
Bf frostbites and skin eruptions. It does
H the work. Sold by JRiter Bros. Drug Co.
K Alexander Pope Showed It in Dayi
BJ of Old.
Bj What con bo more mlrtb-provoklng
BJ' than tho nalvo simplicity with whlct
BJ a pompous critic, who prides hlmsoll
Bj oa his lynx-eyed acutoncss, will some
BJ tlmos walk Into a trap that has becc
H set for him? Whon Alexandor Pop
Bj waa translating Uomor, ho road, b)
BJ request, several books of tho "Iliad'
B to Lord Halifax whom ho character
B' lies as n literary coxcomb at hli
B houso. During tho reading his lord
V ship Boveral tlmos stopped tho poet
f and Biiggcstod that certain passage!
Jfv mlelit bo improved. I'orploxod urn!
fSb lrrltatod by tho ndvlce, tbo poet with
WS drow with Oartlt, who laughed hoartllj
l.gy at tho Incident, and told him to lcav
Kjtt tho versos Just ns they were to cal'
Hfi on Halifax month later, thank hltr
BBJ for his criticisms, and then read agate
BBJ tho vorscs to him unaltered. Pop
BBJ followed this advlco, saying to Hall
BBJ fax that ho hoped his lordship woulc"
BBJ now find his objections removed
BBJ upon which Halifax, delighted, cried
BBJ out: "Ay. now they aro porfcctlj
BBJ right; nothing could bo better."
BBJ Success.
BBJ what Makes the Heart Weak.
BBJ Two Important causes of heart
BBJ trouble aro undorwork n-d overwork,
BBJ hut chlofly underwork, says Outing.
BBJ Whoro duo to overwork it has beon
BBJ physical, not mental. Tho hearts of
BBJ long-dlstnnco runners and bicyclists
BBJ sometimes bocomo hyportrophlod,
BBJ whllo hearts of children sometimes
BBJ succumb to too arduous play. With
BBJ children, howavor, It Is usually duo to
BBJ a predisposition In that direction from
BBJ their parentB, whoso hearts have been
BBj woakonod by prolonged under exorcise
Bfl rathor than to ovoroxorclso on their
Kg part.
; As tho result of a recent oxamlna-
BBJ' Hon of nearly 10,000 school children In
BBt tho primary grades by ho board of
BSr hoaltb, It was found that CO per cent
W0m woro suffering from physical defects,
SB among which predominated dofoctlve
BB vIbIoh, insufficient nutrition, pulmou-
B ary and hoart aliments a startling
Bj ttnrultloii of otrr boasted civilization.
Why Mltsourl Statesman Was Late
at Cabinet Dinner.
Kx Senator Cockrcll probably is Ihe
only man In Washington who evor
kept President Koosevolt waiting at n
dinner. It wns one of the cabinet
dinners that wore given by tho sec
retary of tho Interior and Mrs. Hitch
cock three yars ago. Tho president
and Mrs. Kuosovelt arrived In duo
time, ns did all tho other guests ex
cept Senator Cockrcll.
After a delay of almost an hour
Mrs. Hitchcock Invited bur guests to
tho dining-room mid dispatched a
messenger to the residence of Sena
tor Cockrcll to niako Inquiries. Great
fear was felt that tho M!asniiran had
started and had fallen by tho way, as
tho day was a cold and wintry one.
Tho fact was, however, that tho sen
ator was sitting quietly at homo when
the messenger got there, clad In bis
dressing gown and slippers and con
Kratulntlng himself that ho could be
Indoors. Ho had put tho date of tbo
dinner In his cnlendar in large nnd
attractive handwriting, but had for
gotten to turn a leaf and was. ac
cordingly, a day behind time. No one
appreciated the Joke moro than did
tho president, nnd the dinner that be
gan In anxiety and apprehension end
ed In (i big laugh nt tho dear old sen
ator. Denver Times.
Before having recourau to drugs bo
causo a child lies awnko see that the
body llnon Is comfortable, the bed free
from knobs, and not too bard. See
that the bod coverings aro sufficient
and not excessive, and that tho child'?
feet nro not cold.
Mako yourself sure that tho pillow
affords ease, and try to mako it as
high as Is compatible with that easo
Let the child retire with hands and
face nulto clean. Study whether the
condition of tho hair causes dlscom
fort by tickling the face or getting In
tho eyes. Ascertain whether any nog
lect of natural functions In responsl
hie, Revise the latest meal; possibly
the child goes to ber hungry, or
thirsty, or too booh after e-atlng, Pos
sibly tho brain Is too excited for sleep
to follow retirement. In such a case
It will be well to mnko tho child study
n rather dry lesson book, or read a
rnther dull story for half an lioui
before retiring.
Tame Denver In Canada.
Iu Manitoba tbo beaver Is protected
by law from either being shot or
trapped, an- he protection results In
Increase. Colonics of tho animals can
now bo fr-. d both on the Ochre and
Ttirtlo rivors, to the cast of Dauphin.
One colony has staged building n
dam on tho Ochre river at tho railway
bridge near the village. So tamo have
the animals 'iccomo that It Is a com
mon thing tor tho residents to visit
tho locality In the evening and watch
tho Industrious animals at work. In
ono or two cases tho work of tho
beaver in damming tho Turtlo rlvor
has proved a loss to farmors in tbo
vicinity by t their land being flooded
and tbo water overflowing it. Tho
matter was laid beforo tho govern
ment In Winnipeg by parties Interest
ed, and permission obtained to opon
tbo dams, but not to nioIeBt the ani
mals. As tho boaver Increases rapid
ly, tho government Is likely to havo
another problem on Its bands to
eolvo beforo a great while.
A Very Present Help.
Coal oil, tho now genius of tbo lamp,
Is a fine ally lu tho ttfht with dirt and
grime. Nothing else m easily cleans
a bathtub, without any marring of Its
surface. Rub with a clean, soft cloth
wot In tho oil, going quickly over tho
whole, and follow with anothor cloth
wrung out of whlto soap suds roon
forced with a lump of washing soad.
Tins of any sort may bo mado and
kept bright by tho name treatment.
For cooking vossols, no matter how
grimy, tho only scrubbing Is tho "sov
crelgnest" thing yet devised. It Is tho
samo with windows and window sash;
In caso of tho glass It Is only neces
sary to follow tho oil scrub with a dry,
soft cloth, rubbing until tho glass
shows clear. For mirrors, after wiping
off tho oil thus, polish with a clean
cloth and a llttlo dry whiting. Dust
paint woll beforo touching It with oil,
then rub It over quickly, and follow
with a dry rub. Country Life In America.
Needless Formality.
"Aro you a wltnoss In this caso?"
"Go 'long, Jcdgo you knows I Is."
"Did you see tho prisoner steal tho
"My, my, Jcdgo don't you know 1
seo him?"
"Well, what Unto 03 it?"
"Jcdgo, you knows cz woll ez I does,
dat hit wuz watorrallllon tlmo!"
"Hut what tlmo was It by tho
"Lawd ho'p you, Jcdgo! how could
dey bo a clock tn do middle or a
watcrmllllon patch, half a roilo ftim
a houso what novnr had a clock In It
Eenco do day do fust shlnglo wus nail
ed on? How somo or you whito folko
ovor gits tor bo Jcdgo Is mo' dan I kin
understand" Atlantn Constitution.
Had to Hear It First.
"Mrs. Skandoll vas tolling me i
story to-day about that odious Mrs.
Galloy," began Mrs. JlEley.
"Seo hero I" Interrupted her hus
band, "I thought you hated gossip." ,
"Why or so I do, hut of course,!
can't -hato It thoroughly until I know
exactly what It Is."
Gave Up Life In Attempt to Stop
Runaway Team.
Near Plttsford a dog was killed In
a determined nnd intelligent effort to
stop a runaway team. Conrad Hoo
nick, a farmer, left his team standing
near a railroad track. Two llttlo
boys woro in the wagon. Tho horses
were frightened by a passing train
and ran away with the lads, One of
tho boys was thrown out and severely
Injured. The other remained In tho
wngou, and whllo the spoed of tho
frightened team Increased every sec
ond ho made frantic efforts to reach
the lines nnd stop them.
As tho horses passed Frank Tons
ley's place tho latter's dog, which car
ried tbo mall and did many llttlo
tasks about the farm and had almost
human Intelligence, ran out. and
seeing the predicament of tho boy,
attempted to catch hold of the dang
ling lines. Llko n human being tho
animal, without a sound, .ranged him
self Into line to seize tho telns. und,
In his unxlety to do bo, was struck by
tho wheel and Instantly killed. Tbo
boy managed to get hold of one rein,
nryl with It ho turned the horses and
stopped them. Warren Mirror.
Facts Small Out Diverting.
Tho Saturday Review never wearies
of jibes at America, at American mil
Honnlres and canned shoes. Its bnilm
never refuse to inu'lit epithets for its
not nt all smooth nnd flattering. Al1
ovll practices originate In America
as the Rovlow sees tho world. Is food
ndulteratcd In any country? If the.
Importation Itsolf Is not from America
the Idea is. Tho Cosmopolitan Is led
to wonder, then. If tho Saturday Ro
view noted In nnothor London print
by dally Issue, a conversation heard
In tho London slums and of this im
Social Worker, visiting home, te
young woman What do you work atl
"Young Woman I works In a Jam
"What do you do there?"
" 'I makes tho seeds.' .
" Make the Weds? What do yot
"I makes the seeds out or wood
Tho public don't like Jam without
seeds." Boston Transcript.
Thatched Roofs In England.
"Tho thatched roof, which makes
tho English cottago picturesque. It
doomed," Bald an architect. "For
somo years it has been going gradu
ally. Soon It will bo altogether a thing
of tho past. Flrn Insurance Is the
causo of the thatched roof's dlsap
pcarancc. No company will insuro n
cottago or Its contents If the roof 1?
thatched. They who wnnt Insurance
must substltuto for tho roof of thatch
a tiled ono. As long us thu English
cottager remains very poor so that
his houso and furniture are not worth
insuring bo kcops a thatched roof aver
his head. As soon as ho begins to
prosper and lays in household goods
of value ho tnkes out u fire policy and
away then goes bis thatched roof."
County Directory.
H. A. IlENDUIOKS, Chairman of
County CommisifjoerB.
J. C. Kuowles Commissioner.
W. II. Darley Commisisoner.
T. II. Smith Slierifi.
J. N. Larsen Clerk.
W. C. Parkinson Treasurer.
Rebecca Eamcs Recorder.
Karl C. Schaub Surveyor.
J. C. Walters Attorney.
Joe. J. Richardson Assessor.
J. Ij. McCarrey County Super
liltendeut! of Schools.
W. B. Furkinson County Phy
sician. Niels R. Broby Fruit Tree In
spector. Chas. II. Wilson Fish and
Game Commissioner.
Precinct Justices of the Peace
of Cache County.
Justice of Peace Geo. W
Constable William C. Hub
bard. Benson.
Justice of Peace h. F. Rouudy
Constable J. E. Barney.
Justice of Peace- -James B.
Constable Isaiah Thompson.
Justice of Peace C. R. Jepp
sen. Constable Walter A. Jensen.
Justice of Peace E. S. Larsen.
Constable F. R. Titensor.
Justice of Peace Niels A.Mad
sen. Constable Willard Nyman.
Justice of Peace Albert Kirby
Hydo Park.
Constable F. 0. Woolf.
Justice of Peace James L.
Conotable Robert B, McFar-lane.
Justice of Peace Toliinns X.
Constable George I. Fames.
Justice of Pence Peter E. Van
Orden, Jr.
Constable Joseph V. Leavitt.
Justice of Peace Martiu Olsen
Constable Frederick T.
Mt. Sterling.
Justice of Peace David Hend
ry. Conslnble Daniel Lloyd.
Justice of Peace- Loreznn C.
Constable Franklin T. Griflln.
Cons.tnble H. W. James.
Justice of Peace W. J. Willis.
Justice of Pence Ernest Hal
Justice of Peace Lorenzo E.
Constable Horace K. Ham
mond. Richmond.
Justice of Peace A. L. Harris.
Constable William F. Smith.
- -''uS!5bwJ(bbWbWbWbWj
Justice of Pence - William H
Douglass. M
Constable Walter Fisher. ':
Trenton. BB
Justice of Pence Charles G. BB
Constable Alviu McCombs. M
Wollsvilic. H
Justice of Ponce It. Rasmus- M
Constable Clinrlcs II. Brad- H
Wheeler. H
Justice of Peace James M". H
Anderson. BB
Constable William Hybce. BV
Cache Valley
Livery Co....
Livery Feed and Transfer Stable.
Hus Meets all Trains.
Commercial . Trado o Solicited
Stables rear of Eagle Hotel
Entrance 1st North Street.
Hell oflico phono f8; Intl. oflicc
phone 11. Hell res, phone BH.
Robert Whitmer
Tin and Locksmith.
Hoofing" and Butterlnrr a specialty.
Work done on short notice.
52 West First North.
John A. Sneddon
Over 1st National Hank.
Estateh I'rolmttM)
Central Law Practice
Jos. Wilson & Son
Brass and Iron Founders.
MMaolilnlsts, machinery repairing of all
kind donos wo positively manufacluro the
best and clii'aiHHt Hwlvul fur Lay derrick
ever placed on tbo niarkot.
William Bowen
Uvtry and Feed Stables.
Livery and baciraee promptly attended
io connections mado wltU all trains corn
trade solicited. KIrst West street.
Locan, Utah
Peterson & Sons.
The Painters.
Oold slims, window lotterlnif. card almn.
pictorial slims, painted bulletins, wall dis
plays. General palnttnir of all kinds In up-to-date,
manner. Alllwork iruarantecd. Bbop
South Main street
J. Z. StewartJJr.
Estau-s probated, collections, fractal law
practice. Logan Utah
Nebeker, Hart& Nebeker
Suite a and 6 commercial block
Logan. Utah
'Phone TO. p o box M
Logan Elevator
Isaac Jorerueru Prop.
Dealer In all kinds of grain and soedoi car
shipments a specialty. 106 K 2nd south
phone liii
James T. Hammond
Attorney and Attorney-at-Uw.
Rooms 315-310 McCornlck 111k:,
Salt Lako City, Utah.
The Lincoln Hotel
Mrs. Hanks, Propr
Commercial trado solicited Center street
Loiran. I' O llox 410 'Phone to
U. O. M. &;B. Co.
Lumber Dealers.
tVKloorlnr, cotllnfr, rustic, lath, doors.
tash, rnouhllncs, locks, lilnt-cs. nails, bolts.
builders hardware and paints! Oeo Cole, Mirr
Phono to P O box Utt
James C. Walters
Onion Illock 7S North Main Street
H. A. Pedersen & Co.
Tried, True and Reliable.
Office over First National Hank. Logan, Ut
Postotllce llox 163. Phono 183 X
Correspondence In any Language answered
Utah Mortgage Loan
Tithing Office corner, login, Utah
has plenty of MONKY AT
ALL TIMKS for...'
at lowest rates. No Commis
sions charged
Albert A. Law
Room 11 Conn house. LoKan, Utah.
O.W. Lindquist
Undertaker it Etnbalmer.
'phomrofllc' l7r
phono residence 38k
John Bench
Dry Goods
(irocerles. and Notion'
SK south nialu
Palace Meat Market.
Rust & Reading, Props.
Prlmo'.brtf, Mutton. Pork, Veal, etc. etc
"tasTJamo and Poultry In season,
K West Cfiiter street.
Real estate, loans, Insurance
Wo loan money on most favorable, terms,
sell farms and city property and write In
surance In Utah and Idaho.
J. Z. Stewart, Manager.
Plans, and Specifications furnish on
short notice. P. O. ltox 410. OfUce S3
North First East stlcet.
Phono Independent 178a
John Thomas
Merchant Tailor.
aarLoadlng tailor of northern Utah; call
at Ills new storo No. 70 west 1st north
A Hue linn of Pall and Winter samples ot
Huttings for Inspection.
Logan Utah
A. Swinyard
General Blaclumlthlnjt
lluggy and carriage work
51S WwtCenter street.
Odell Photo Studio
Family Groups a Specialty.
IVPortralUi enlarged tn crayon. India
Ink, pastel and water colors Main and
center streets, Logan, Utah
Joseph Tarbet
The Plumber.
tVOrdors executed, satisfaction guaran
teed on short notice 140 N Main street, Lo
gan. Utah
Logan Steam Laundry
46 West 1st North.
Klrsl-clasti efficient work dono on shorl
otlcei family washes a specialty! satisfac
tion guaranteed. Phone lilt
Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Olllce al
Room 3 First Nutlonal Hank Building, Ilrlg
ham City, Utah, TclcphonoSI, Lock llox "F.
Upbolsterlug, Stalr-buIldlng.
All kinds of woodwork repairing
dono on short notice. South or Cache
Valley Implement house, east sldo of
Main street.
W V. S L K Y J A C Q D K S H
Barber Shop
and Bath Rooms I
Wo employ none but Kxpcrlcuccd H
Harbors, thus ensuring the H
Best of Service. H
Everything clean and Up-to-date. H
We solicit your patronage and H
will do our best to H
please you. H
Try our Whipped Cream, Clioco- H
lates, Hon lions, Ice Cream. H
Ices, and Sherbets. Made thu year LH
'round. Our cream is Pasteurized M
before freezing. M
All our candles aro made from M
Cache Valley Sugar. H
Produce fresh From the Farm. M
Fresh Cabbage, Onions, Potatoes and ,H
Apples for sale at wholesale prices. ,l
Some of mv own ruslnu. Free deliv- H
Sales room cor. South Main and
Second South Sts. Intl. Phono 2S3D. H
Hrlni; all scrap iron, mutal, bottles H
rags and rubbers, hides and bees wax, M
for which wo will pay tho highest H
cash price lnd phone .'(.n. Hell phone H
146 South Main St.
John Stewart H
Chemist and Assayer. H
Alt kinds of chemical analyses made. H
Ores, Minerals, Coal, Coke, Cement H
Water, Soli, Ktc. H
21 Easts. Temple, Salt Lake City H
Phono 22:lx. P.O. llox 1182. H
Affleck Machine H
Shop. H
Go to Alllcck's Machino Shop and H
Foundry for Iron ana Ilrass Castings M
and all kinds of machine repairs, ir0 H
E. 1st South St, Opposlto Central M
mills. Wm. Afllcck, Prop. M
Windsor Hotel M
Centrally located. South of Ken- H
yon Hotel, Main street. H
European plan. Rates reason- H
able. Stato trade solicited. 'H
Kates 00 cents and up. H
Cache People in m
SalUake City
Will flud first-class lodging- 'pH
apartments at 263 South Main, '.H
east of the Palace hotel. The .H
house is conducted by Mrs. B
Abigail VanNoy, formerly of Hj
Richmond, who will be glad M
to meet her old acquaintances D
of the north.
i i

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