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H MINKHS IN THE KLONDIKE. H Quiet, Provident and Anxious to Get H Away as Soon as Possible. H Lack at water Is tho groat drawback H to mining In the Yuknu, Buys Leslie's M Weekly. There Ih Utile rain during H the sutmncr iind the miner must do- B Pn,l "pon the melting snows to swell !thn streams for Ills Hiinnner sluicing. Villages have Hiniing up near tho er9eks and living Ih a Khailo higher ' than In Dawson owing to the extra H freight. Sending noitventr post cards B from these points becomes an expen- H slvo rcmenihrnneo, as tho plain uncol- H orcd ones bcII for $1 r0 a dozen. Tho H picturesque swagger miner of Cripple H Creek, Crccde and Tonopah is not H found hero. The cost of getting "In" H. Is heavy, iiiojcj Is not always easily Hi made, and tho winters nre hlttor cold H ani1 depressing on aeconnt or the long Ht darkness. So the minor saves lilii Hj earnings until hr leaches u more eon- K gencal clime To ho mire, thcie are V ' men on tho c-ceks who drink whiskey ! and tho lr ileit kind of whiskey H iind gambling roes on: yet, on tho 1 whole, tho Klondike miner Is a (Ulet, provident lu.llviilunl, wlio devoutly H hopes that the gold fields ate not B to bo Ills permanent homo. H A man who works for a company H or Individual mine ownor receives from four dollars to six dollars a day H and his board. Many of them do their own cooking and live in cnblns near H tho crooks. Plap-Jneks (pan cakes), H bacon and cotfro nro their chief diet during the winter, and In midsummer It requires a dexterous hand In turn H 3 tho tlap-Jarl:H heforo tho mosquitoes B c can settlo n lite unbaked side. Tho H old-tlinor who has seon tho ice como H and go Is known as a "sour dough," fl . an(1 t,ICRu nion nro tho aristocrats of H the camp. The nowcomor, or tho man B i r who upends his winters outside, In nl- H wnyB known as a "chccchako." If people in the states know how let- H tors from homo are appreciated by tho H rabtn dwellers of the Yukon they H would tend roum messuso every day H I havo seen miners bit In front of their cabins and rend and reread old tat- H I tcred Icttors. At some particular pas- H . sago their faceu would light up with H a stnllo and tho entire letter would H lx gone over again H i Doth Troubled by It. H lnkuliur What became of that H queer patient jou were telling m H about Inst spring? H Dr. Price O, he's got a complaint H now that's giving me a great deal ol B I Inkwlrer Indeed1 What Is It? BBvM Dr. Prlco Wlij. i complalni .iIhjiiI HBVJ tlie amount of my bill. Stray Stories hhhhI ' H The Phenomenal Action HBBVH B I of the Rstey and Newman IManov- H ' I those represented here makes them H equal to all demands, oven unreason- B ; 1 able ones. These Instruments will H' last a life time, but it won't take a H, life time to pay for them on our p.iy- H' .' when-you're-ready plan. Of course HBBJ some cash down to show ou mean H " business. ' Hatris Music Co. 'I t . . il pf&Jw m 1 fl5N t rupe pooii vv-amrt 2i:outM H , E-SYWP of pniNUcsafwiKiwa H mk WiU's ncntisoo; wto ouzS M ' . "Expressions Are Changed" H very rapidly In our operating rooms H I From agony to joy In a brief lime is i "' the experience of those who havo come 8 us for painless cxtractlni;. Should H you desire a tooth drawn, save yourself H ' pain, delay and discomfort by coming ' to us at once. We arc equally cxrcrl- H enced In all kinds of Dental work, and l supply single teeth or full sets of the H very best artlllolal Teeth. Filling and H Iirldcc and Crown work done expedl- K u tlously, painlessly and thoroughly. H J. A. McCausland l j Dentist. HH II I Over Rker's Drug Store. H 1 1 V Bell Phone 259Y. THE NEW COLOSSUS OF ROADS. Scar In New York Globe. Latest Doings in Society Among the Atoms A little money ls n .dangerous thins. Man and His Faults. Every man has his faults, but no man has as many an his wife thinks tiu has. English Land Unfairly Divided. Fully one-third or tho land in Great tlritnln is owned by members of tho houpe of lords. Outuide a Country Cemetery. N'otlce. The only persons burled in '.hl3 cemetery aic those living In tho parlRh. Sourlre. Decorated Arabian Women. Arabian women havo their faces, hands, arms and ankles tattooed with crosses, eresreuts, etc. Sea Songs. Moat groat xots havo written about tho Boa, yet few havo written songs which sailors can sing. Pitiful. Nothing is more pitiful than thu man who fails because ho Is nfrald ho will not be able to stand prosporlty. Sign of Studious Nature. Eyebrows running straight across tho forehead, providing they aro fair ly wide apart, show tho student. Female Barbers In Auttrln. In Austrian cities thoro Is a special examination for female barbers, who iro yearly growing more numerous Worry of Little Things. The little things of f0 aro what cause us Uio most trouble. It Is oaslor to dodge an elophant than a microbe. English Trains Running Faster. The number of flfty-six-mllo-an-hour runs on IJnsllsh railways Increased from twenty-two in 1004 to forty-flvo last year. Three Difficult Feats. The throo things most dlfflcult are to keep a secret, to forgot an Injury and to mako good use of labor. Chllo Woman's Hour of Trial. Among the great trials that a woman has to undergo, says a wrltor, is to have a new bonnet In tho houso on a rainy day Sad Time That Comes to All, When a woman finds that sho can no longer wear a sailor hat, sho gota her first liikllng that sho Is growing old, says a writer. Reason for Dressing for Dinner. Tho bracing effect of n change of clothes Is well known. Tho changing of clothes may even thus favorably ef fect nutrition. Lancet. Writer Mourns Lost Grace. Our present methods of training girls aro unsuccessful, declares a writer. Oraco Is a lost quantity among modern women. It's Hard to Escape. When you aro llttlo you havo meas les and when you grow up you havo enemies. Thoy'iu nil In tho course of a lifetime Life's Delicate Balance. Tho groat doublo daugor of taking life too easily and taking It too hard, now dllllcult It Is to baluncu that. Robert Louis Stevenson. The "Moral" Aopect. When a man claims ho won a "moral" victory It means ho has had tho stuffing licked out of hlm.To peka Capital. The Oyster's Strength. The oyster is one of tho strongest of creatures, und tho forco required to open It Ih more than 1,300 times Its own weight. Good Enough for Average Man. No man knows what tho future has In storo for him, and some of us don't caro much, so long as sho Is passably good looking and has plenty of money. Good Cause for Enthusiasm. "This is tho loveliost spot in tho world," lomnikcd tho pokor player as he drow an aco to his other three. People Without Ideas of Art. Tho Klbalans, natives of Formosa, are probably tho only race In tho world to whom drawings or pictures convey no Idea whatsoever. Emmense Grasshopper. The lurgest Insect In tho world Is probably a grasshopper found In tho Karoo desert. In South Africa. It has l ten-Inch spread of wing. Good Advice. Don't condemn lying t(, strongly until you hao assurod yourself in all truth thnt you never willingly forced a weakling to that refuge John A. Howland. Greek Custom Traced to Turks. Tho custom that prevails In Greece of carrying a body to tho gravo In a 'coffin which ullows the face to be vlBlblo Is said to havo originated when tho Turks dominated the land. Stopped by Moist Air. A bullet which wus fired by a chargo sufficient to glvo It an Initial velocity of 1,700 feet a second in dry weather would travel at no moro than 1,300 feet through moisture. More Appropriate. Cherry brnndy Is tho namo of tho now color which Is to bo tho rage during the winter A fashion writer describes It as "u rich roso pink." Should not this read. "A rich noso pink'' Manchester Chronicle. Uncle Allen. "I suppose there is such a person as tho foolklllor," mused Undo Allen Sparks, "hut he has either retired from business or he's hopolessly be hind on his orders." Wisdom of Uncle Eben. "Do man dat's alius talkln' 'bout hlsso'f," Bald Uncle Kben, "Is general ly handicapped right at do start by cboosln' a mos' unlnterestln' subject." Good In All Things. Tho farmeis of Somersetshire, Eng land, say that thanks to tho dust raised by motor cars thoro is a ie markablu freedom from blight In their orchards this year Batch of Old Letters Found. About 170 old lottors havo been dis covered in a post box In tho county courthouse of Belfast, Ireland. Some of them had lain there since 1S96. Poor Cotton Production. Only SC5 bales of cotton woro raised for tho season of 1005 0 In tho Ger man territory In Africa, comprising nn area nearly as largo as tho entlro American cotton belt Overworked. In tho city of Newark tho othor Louis Cnpragangakostouh's applied for n peddler's HcciibO and got It Now Is tho time for the Newark license clerk to apply for nn Incrcaso of salary. To Wash China. If china Is decorated with gold It eh never bo washed with soap, as ... ban a dulling effect and after a tlmo causes tho gilt to rub of!. Hot water does no harm. 1 MDFFI) Leading Hotel KLLUofOgdcnGity Is a model of convenience. The hotel olllcc, 70 x 30 feet, Is the most spacious and comfortable In the West. Two elevators, no climbing stairs, Hc-furnishcd throughout. Rooms large, light and clean, Steam heated I nPATinil Thri-nblnck-ipastof Union LUWUIUn. i)L,,,; city Hall Park oir tKwlte on UiowiHl; (Irand Oiorii llnusii adlolnlnir on tin- tenth: Utabna Park Tlic alru across tliusircut nortli Tim electric slroet railways from all parts of tlio city confer at Its doors EUROPEAN PLAN. fiu and upwards, Kxcellint Cafe la ('ounce tlon. Tlio lMst valuo for tliu raoiu-y In tho Matoor Utah Why not come to the Hotel replete with every comfort when It costs no more money? Reed Motel Co., Props. Hard to Find A belter place to buy or sell Second Hand or new Furni ture You can't Und A Better Place in Logan Than the Logan Second Hand Store 24 W. 1st Street North. Upholstering done on short est notice, and guaranteed to be better than elsewhere In town. Call and see our Christmas Toys. N. I. Johnson, Proprietor. We have the Only Cold Tire Setter In Lo,an and it will Set your tire while you wait And we guarantee that the tires set on this maohlnc will stay tight longer than they will set the old way. Remember, we do all kinds of repair work and wo assure you our charges are reasonable. Hy experience we have found tho Sweet Rubber Tire the best and cheapest. Emit E. Nielsen LOO AN, U'JAH $6.00 Per Cord paid for Red Pine Wood Will receive any amount. M. & L. COAL and WOOD CO. E. J. MERRILL Osteopath. Headquarters at Richmond, Utah. , 1 i I Holiday Announcement . THE HOLIDAY DEPARTMENT of '' Wilkinson & Son is now ready for inspection. We have a larger and more varied assortment of Holiday Goods than we have ever carried before, Books, I Holiday Stationery, Glass and China Ware, I Gifts of all kinds, a bewildering variety of I Toys a veritable Toyland. Come and see I , us before our best is sold. I We can accommodate those customers I who wish to select now by holding any goods until Christmas on payment of a small 1 deposit. ,LT 1 WILKINSON & SON. I Please note that J. W. Wilkinson will dis continue Bookbinding after March 3 J, J 907 I Free Free jfc "T"rO EVERY PERSON who pays a year's ' ifa J back subscription, or a year's subscription ?fr in advance to The Rkpuiiijcan before V jj December 25, we will give absolutely free their !?T , choice of a full year's subscription to FARM g ; AND FIRESIDE, or ROCKY MOUNTAIN g 4& , FARMING, or a copy of the world-famous & & PRESIDENTIAL COOKBOOK. The only 3 condition is that you must accept this offer be- tj? fore December 25 th. I' Farm and Fireside Presidential Cook-Book jpi is Amenca's greatest twice- m 'fflen.."?!!!?. if j V a-moulli Farm and iamlly slon, and contains about 200 TLttaL 4js Journal. U4 to 30 large pages pages The book retails at ; $g.'n '" i& every Issue, with nearly two 1 0()' A- i r,0Hn.uddeLtruSr RockyMounfainFarming TjT thing In It for every member treats on subjects particular- X V of the family, and all the farm ly adapted to agriculture In V" Sand rural topics are ably dls- this Intcr-mountaln region, lb- u , the ilndlngs of the ablest pro- X .1 CUSSC(1' fessors In the West. V - - i 4$ You must pay your subscription sooner or later, jjt- tjl so why not pay it now, and get your choice of these j splendid premiums? Send or bring your money today, w 9 9 $$$$ : th?tmothepSL.seU0S ylffiftWffl I : don't even know about the MffiKS' 8 ' J flne things wo have for J I : ehristmas MaSSSSi : : Presents. Q-?a' rt S You know we have Glasses &5?j) '',? '&!$& S Jill of all ktnds-tnatwc examine 'Np SS,faS' 2 " the eyes, and make and fit juZj&ww. &( & I m Classes for old nnd voting. -.v 9 J Opera, L'teltl Glasses, Reading Glasses and Telescopes ' make tine presents. They aro useful, pretty and cheap. I THE JOHNSON JEWELRY CO. 5 I 49 North Main Street. ; i : ,..................,...............: i ! WE HAVE MOVED ! into our new quarters iu the Andrews block, 2 north of the old stand. j ! Christmas Sale is Now On ! Come and see our goods, whether you buy or not We defy competition. We go for S trade, and do not wait for it to come to us. I HOBBS MUSIC COMPANY I !