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The Logan Republican. [volume] (Logan, Utah) 1902-1924, December 29, 1906, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058246/1906-12-29/ed-1/seq-1/

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Pr w'hWhh
v About Different Local Matters
j i
According to a recent copy of the
Lovelock, Nevada, Tribune, Hen T.
'J - Llojd has made a great gold strike
f near the town of Vernon, In the Seven
II Troughs mining district. The Tri
ll bune says In part:
Hi "Tho claims on which the strike
9 was made adjoin the Molor mine on
m the southeast and not more than half
m a mile from the Falrvlew group. Tho
'X ledge was blind and found only by llrst
m taking a gold pan, mortar and canteen
j of water and a systematic panning up
OT tho gulches, first getting tho lead and
$1 l"cn following It until there were no
f more colors. Then a halt was made
MB and the pick and shovel brought Into
,11 - plav, when, In a few minutes, the ledge,
which has proved so rich was opened
11 up and bids fair to make the 'ucky
ff miners who found It rich, as well as all
1 who may bo lucky enough to get in
H with them by purchasing stock in
flk, their company.
flBwfeSv Two rich gold veins have thus far
IBiFiHr!-" keen CJCP0Scd, one running north and
HJSH' south and the other east and west.
Hj The north and south veins averages
HJ four feet wide at a depth of three feet,
carrying values from $150 to $l"i. Tho
Mj cast and west vein Is from 5 to (1 feet
at a depth of four feet carrying values
J from S.'fOO Into thousands."
H) A company has been organized and
Hj 100.000 shares placed on the market
at 2oc.
New Calendars.
HJ There aro many elegant calendars
Hj put out by business men this ) car.
Hj Resides those already mentioned, the
Hjj following have found their way into
HJ Tins Rhpuiimcan otlice.
HJ The Ilobbs Music Co. presents a con-
HJ pic of calendars a scene in Holland,
Hj the other a riding scene that arc
HJ well done. Roth arc In imitation
frames, the whole forming a very ac
B ceptable presentation to the eye.
jH The Piano Machine Co. puts out
through the Sidney Stevens Imple
HJ ment company a "child study" in
colors that is suggestive and attrac
ts tlvc. A little fellow of from four to
M six years sits on a door step and with
H, wonder regards a bee on an apple at
his side. This is really "cute."
Smith Hros. Lumber company pre
,JR scntsan art calendar fourteen Inches
a In length with an oval scene, the fea-
Mr ture of which Is a spreading apple tree
'h In blossom. The picture Is entitled
m "Applo lllossoms" and Is a beauty.
3 - Campbell & Sons Co. went In for a
j iwh streamer twenty-four Inches In length
J9dHtt faring an art design, "Clarissa," a
'JifA"Wl. lithesome creaturo in green. This is
tor one of tho most attractive calendars
ra of Its kind ever offered the Logan pub-
I f He and, personally, we like tho kind.
f The Co-op Drug Co. Indulges In
1 something truly elegant "Clodla," a
i copy of II Rondel's famous painting
done In colors on a very heavy card
bearing In lithograph engraving tho
t Arm name and address. The Co-op's
, tasto Indicates richness rather than
gaudlness, worth rather than showl-
First National Up-To-Date.
!Tho First National Hank of this
city has Just given fresh evidence of
Its enterprise and up-to-dateness by
adding to Its facilities for serving tho
interests of its pations, the New Hank
Money Order system. The system is
of comparatively recent Introduction
In this country, but Is growing In pub
lic favor and has been adopted by
many banks throughout tho United
States. One of tlw meilts of tho ss
tern Is the cheap method It affords for
transmitting small sums of money
through tho malls, the fees being con
siderable less than thoso charged for
I'ostolllcc and Express orders.
The adoption or the system by the
First National Rank Is In tho nature
of an Innovation In local banking
circles, but it Is safe to say that when
Its merits become generally known It
will be as popular here as In other
places where It has been tried. Tho
olllcersof tho First National will be
glad to show and explain tho advant
ages of the Hank Money Ordpr to any
who may bo interested and will call
on them. '
It's now time to begin to make the
New Year resolutions that you will
bqgln to break the day after.
Whatever the kick, it cannot be de
nied that our cement street crossings
furnish a good bottom for the mud.
Tin: Rkpuiilican wishes one and
all a very happy Now Year and un
limited success throughout the next
twelve months.
The question Is: Will Salt Lake also
want our new postolllce? Then why
not let her wants be known before the
building is located it will bo easier
to consolidate now than later.
Tho next excitement will be tho
legislature of Utah in session. The
rumblings are already heard in tho
Valley of tho Cache rumblings of
the wagons over the good roads Hon.
I). It. Roberts is going to Induce the
noble Lords of X.lon to give us.
What did sho buyjou? A box of
punk cigars with your own money?
Or was it a necktie ou wouldn't wear
to a masquerade ball? Perhaps it was
ono of those safety razors that arc
never safe, or a pockctbook for which
you will have no use now for three
months. Verllv, verily, It Is more
blessed to give than receive.
The usual amount of booze and
tangle-foot of tho "O be joyful" brand
was consumed hero the das pieced
lug Christmas, but there Is no report
of any terrific mix-ups in which ob
streperously cantankerous Individuals
lost any portion of their anatomy by
coming In contact with dcxtrously
wielded carving knives In tho hands
of other cantankerous Individuals of
bibulous tendencies. To all Intents
Christmas In Logan was truly a day
of peace and good will.
Among the other resolutions don't
forget to resolve that you will boost
for Logan the coming vcar as you nor
any other has over boosted before.
And among tho resolutions that are
broken let this bo tho last. If you
can't think something good about this
city and valley, don't think at all
thinking Is hard on some people, any
way. If you can't say anything good
about your homo town, don't talk at
all. It's better to be a clam than a
dub. (MM
fl 16 lbs. Best Rice, $i.oo 10 cans Utah Toma-
1 25 lbs. Oatmeal, . i.oo toes, . . . $1.00
1 20 lbs. Beans, . . i.oo 12 cans best Corn, i.oo
1 50 lbs. Fancy Flour, .75 10 cans June Peas, i.oo
(J 50 lbs. W.W. Flour, i.oo 3 cans Mustard
50 lbs. H. P. Flour, 1. 12, Sardines,. ., .25
I . 40 bars Laundry 6 cans Oil Sardines, .25
Soap, . . .o 3 cans Saponifier
1 30 bars Diamond C Lye, ... .25
I Soap, . . . ioo 3 cans Rex Lye, . .25
1 30 bars Beat 'Em All 10 cans Oysters, . 1.00
1 Soap, . . l 5 cans Oysters, . .50
i 30 bars E. Z. Soap, 1.00 4 packages-Banner
I 12 bars Toilet Soap, .25 Oats, . . . 1.00
ft 3 gallon keg Pickles, .75 4 pkgs. Victor Oats, 1.00
1 6 packages New 9 pkgs. Scotch Oats, 1.00
m Crop Tea, . 1.00 9 packages Quaker
i 3 packages New Oats, . . . 1.00
I Crop Tea, . .50 5 gallons Coal Oil, 1. 10
I 5 packages Tree 3 lbs. loose Starch, .20
I Tea . . . '.0 3 packages Corn
I 5 packages Madja StachU ,' ' ,25 1
I Coffee, . . .o 7 lbs. Sal Soda, . .25 1
t Wk We arc Selling Agents for the Celebrated "Naovoo" I
Bt Brand L.D.S. Garments. A complete stock on hand. 1
ijt 4x ii ii A & &l Vi. ii- i ii ' i .' &! - t ! i. ii ii ai & 'i il. ii
I Everything Goes
A. Entire stock of Men's, Boy,s and 1
$ Children's SLITS AND OVERCOATS ;!:
I J-3to-2 0ff I
ONE-THIRD OFF. Sec our Big f
Bargain Counter for Shirts, Sweaters !
j awl, the like. Come early !
I Morrell Clothing Co 1
The Past Week at Smithfielcl
SMITHKIULD, Dec. 28, 11100 -Gwcn,
tho Infant daughter of Mr. and
Mrs John Hadlleld, of Taylorvllle,
Canada, died last Saturday evening at
7 o'clock after an Illness of a few days,
the causo of death being broncho
pneumonia. Tho babv had been af
lllctcd with whooping cough In Cana
da and tho move to Smlthlleld was
undertaken hoping that the change
would bo beneficial. Exposure to
draughts during the journey brought
on tho attack fiom which she died.
Tho funeral sprvlces vcro held at tho
tabernacle, Wednesday afternoon at 2
o'clock. A largo cortege of sympathiz
ing friends attended the funeral.
Tho Choir concert held last Satur
day evening was musically a most suc
cessful entertainment but tho attend
ance was not what it should have
been. Tho violin solos by Chas. Har
ris were well rendered as usual and
thoroughly enjoyed. Miss Gates play
ed very acceptably. All tho others
taking part pleased the audience and
desorvo praise for their good work.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hammer return
ed Thursday from Salt Lake city
where they attended the wedding of
their son, II. J. Hammer. Mr. and
Mrs. R.J. Hammer aro honeymooning
at Farmlngton, Utah, the homo of the
bride's parents, and will bo at homo
after February 1st.
Miss Nellie Weeks is homo again
from nursing In Lcwlston.
Tho Poverty Tarty or Old Times
Party was a great success, a large
crowd attending and having a Jolly
good time. Tho lines and admission
fees amounted tosomcthlngovcrKiO,
tovipply on a new bookcase.
Kil Lower, while roller skating
Xraas Eve. fell and biokooneof tho
bones of the left arm and sprained the
wrist severely.
Joseph Watts and wife entertained
Xmas day. A delicious dinner was
served at 0 p.m. All present had a
Jolly good time.
A laigo and enthusiastic crovwl at
tended the Old Folks danco Thursday
evening at Hlllyard's hall. An enjoy
able evening was spent by all.
For Sale. 7-year-old bay driving
marc 11(10 lbs, lino looker and good
traveler. Also black driver and saddle
horse, (1 years old, weight 1000 lbs.
Or. Smith.
Mrs. O. E. llaker left for her homo
In Salt Lake city on Satuiday last
after a two weeks visit with her
mother, Mrs. II T. Peterson.
McCracken Smith, son of Willis
Smith, was 111 last week, suircrlng
from bowel trouble.
"Wm. Head and family are In town
spending tho holidays with relatives
and friends.
Mrs. Sylvester Low Is quite ill again
with kidney trouble.
6i til
8 "Common Sense" j
I Swell Body and
I Portland Cutters. $
Robes, Bells, Etc. I
Tir5as --- -? f
Two Deaths At Richmond I
IUCIIMONI), December 'J8, htOii.
The Grim Itcapor mado a visit to our
toun tho past week and claimed two
souls as victims. Tho llrst was John
Thomassen Jr , tho nlne-earold son
of John and Margaret Thomassen. who
died on the 10th after a short Illness
of quinsy and later of ihcumatlsm.
The fiinei.il service over the little one
was held In tho Scandinavian meeting
house, whero consoling and inspiring
remarks were made.
The second dcatli was that of Mrs
Hlla Hendricks Morrison, wife of An
drew Morrison, who died, after a
mighty struggle through a long and
severe sclgo of consumption, on Decem
ber 22. Mrs. Morrison was born In
Utah, March 10, 1S71, which would
mako her almost .'M years of age. Dur
Ing her llfo she was an active worker
In the ward and mado everyone her
friend Everything possible to allevi
ate her Intcnso sullerlng and check
the progress of tho dread disease was
done, but to no avail. Sho passed
away as noted above, leaving to mourn
their loss a. husband, several small
children, her parents, W. D. and Mary
Jano Hendricks, and many relatives
and friends. Funeral service was held
In the ward meeting house Monday
and Interment was made In tho Rich
mond cemetery.
The Sunday school carnival and fair
hold three days last week was a suc
cess In ecry particular. Tho "shoot
tho shoots," a now thing for Rich
mond, took well. In the guessing con
test, tho ono In which tho nearest
guess to weight of a lump of coal re
ceived a half ton of coal, was well pat
ronized. Mrs Dr. Adamson received
the prize, sho guessing within one-half
pound of tho right weight.
The amusement commltteo of tho
ward Is to bo commended on tho much
needed Improvement which has Just
been completed In tho hall, that of
building a cloak room where the
dancers may get their wearing apparel
checked and know that they will get
their own property at tho close of tho
dance a condition which was not al
ways tho caso heretofore
County Recorder-elect Sarah Merrill
has gono to Logan preparatory to en
tering upon the duties of her new of
lice Monday. Miss Telford, who has
been connected with the recorder's of
lice for soveraj ears and who was de
feated on tho democratic ticket at
the last election, has accepted the
position with tho Utah Condensed
Milk Co mado vacant by Miss Merrill's
leaving for Logan.
Richmond now has a skating rink
where, during this week, several 'nun
dred enjoyed tho sport of roller skat
ing Tho owners of tho new rink,
which Is In J. I Shepard's store, aro
Fred Ralncy and Frank Hendricks.
They have had an exceptional good
business since, starting mid so far arc
well pleased with their new venture.
"Tho Prlscllla Club" held their Mist
grand gathering for this winter at J
W. Merrill's Thursday night. Tho
house was artistically decorated in
Japanese fashion, while the guests
wore Japanese suits. A most delici
ous luncheon or supper was served and
an enjoyable time was had by all those
Notices posted up call for bids to
carry the mall to and from tho post
otllcc to trains which carry mail.
Chas. Hamp, the present carrier, has
resigned that he may better attend to
his livery business. Hlank forms can
be had at the postotllac by those wish
ing to bid.
While chopping wood Christmas H
m Tiling William Merrill chopped .H
his thumb completly oil Just below tho H
Joint Dr. Adamson dressed tho In- H
Jnrcd digit and Mr. Merrill went home H
thinking of the very unfortunate- H
Xmas present ho had mado himself. ' H
During the past week two births . H
wero reported to the registrar, thoy ' H
being a boy to Mllo and Ktlto Andrews M
and a girl to Frank and Illrdle Covey. . H
Clara Ilalr entertained "Tho Mid- '
night Club" and some of her friends JjH
Thursday night in a successful and M
pleasing manner. M
The little child of C. .. Harris still H
continues very ill. A few days ago an M
operation on the little ono was found M
necessary. H
Several visitors from different parts
of tho country aro hero spending tho H
holldajs with their relatives and M
friends. H
Messrs. RadclllI and Lockhan, of tho M
Utah Condensed milk factory, camo H
Into town Wednesday evening. H
John E. Anderson and Henry Stod- B
left Friday morning for Dccth, No- H
"Tho Missouri Girl" played hero B
last Saturday night to a full house. H
Weilsvillc Items. H
WELLS VI LLE, December 2il, 100H. H
Christmas passed away very quietly In !
our city There was very little excite- H
ment and little or no drunkenness.
Most families gathered together and
ate, their Christmas dinner, many com-
lug from afar to enjoy themselves with H
relatives and friends. On Christmas
eve some of the young people went H
around serenading, while others went HH
to the pavilion, whore over one him-
dred tickets were sold, and enjoyed
themselves In tho danco until the " wto
sma' hours."
On Christmas night both old and HH
young enjoyed themselves in the danco !
at tho pavilion, over ono hundred and
lifty tickets being sold. Many others
who did not danco enjoyed themselves
with friends as spectators.
Andrew M. Spencc Is hrro from
Carduou, Canada, visiting his aged
mother, and brothers and sisters.
Allen Lclshman and wlfo and his HH
brother Thomas, and Jerry Leavctt ,HH
aic hero visiting their many friends .
and relatives
On account of the heavy rains tho HH
roads are almost Impassable, yet wo HH
can start out on root, and beat tho HH
train Just two hours. That Is tho HH
kind or train service we have so far. HH
Some of our citizens went to got tho HH
train lo go to the Stake conference at HH
llyruiu, thinking to get there for tho HH
llrst session at 10 a. m., but behold HH
they did not get thcro until about :t HH
o'clock p m. HH
St. John's Church. jffMj
Tho usual services will be hold at HjH
St. John'son Sunday. Morning prayer HjH
at 11 o'clock and evening prayer at
7:30. The Sundayschool at lOo'clock. HjH
The public Is always welcomo at these HH
services. Rov. W. S. Dull, arch deacon HHJ
of Salt Lake, will bo the preacher at HjH
these services. HJ
7 Solid Man I
' J ' Jhh3hht i'fi "v'v hVhVJ
,;S O lTdPeO RLE H
Wants to feel safe when he sits or lies clown doesn't H
want to take any chances on landing on the floor with jBfl
a broken back and a broken commandment. We H
carry a line of Chairs Sofas and Bedsteads that would Vfl
snstaiu three men if they would get on. It's partly jH
in the material, more in the making. This line is
right in both respects. jHjVJ
Lundstrom 1
Furniture and Gar pet Go, jVMf

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